Test Simple Present en
Test Simple Present en
Test Simple Present en
8) ___________I correct?
3) Mr. Black ___________e-mails in the a) Are
evenings. b) Be
a) write c) Am
b) writes d) Is
c) writs is
1) Which verb forms are used in the Simple 4) Which sentences/questions are in the
Present? Simple Present?
a) Infinitiv a) He's 15.
b) Infinitiv + -ed b) Do you speak Spanish?
c) Infinitiv + -ing c) I'm in room 201.
d) Infinitiv + s d) She didn't help her mother.
e) have + Infinitiv + -ed e) She doesn't like milk.
f) We are reading a book.
2) Which verb forms are correct? g) She drives a car.
a) she are
b) she has 5) What are typical signal words for the
c) she hase Simple Present?
d) she is a) always
e) she plays b) at the moment
f) she plaies c) every day
d) now
3) Which verb forms are correct? e) often
a) he flies f) sometimes
b) he flys g) yesterday
c) he lives
d) he livees 6) Which verbs/auxiliaries can be negated
e) he workes by adding >not<?
f) he works a) am
b) read
c) can
d) is
e) play
f) are
g) speak