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Shadowrun Shadow Spells PDF Download

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Wordman’s Shadowrun Sheets v3.1.

Here can be found my most recent character sheets for Shadowrun Third Edition. I have composed a number of character sheets over the years.
My most recent sheets have been updated to take into account Shadowrun Third Edition and a number of requests. While I stopped maintaining
these sheets at Third Edition, Jhaiisiin has taken up the gauntlet and maintains them for Fourth Edition on his own site. You can download his
versions there, or here or here. There are also some other Fourth Edition sheets out there (1, 2).
Over the years, here's what some people have said of these sheets:
"A modern classic" "One of the best online SR resources" "I've never seen any other sheets this complete" "The best on the net" "They kick more
ass than I can think of at the moment"
The sheets come in a single PDF file, and require Adobe Acrobat 3.0 or better. There are eight different front sheets and eighteen different backs.
Each back is customized for a different type of character. The current types are: cybered magician, magician, houngan, conjurer, mage/decker,
decker/physad, rigger, rigger/decker, samurai, mercenary, gadgeteer, physical adept, physical mage and otaku. The front sheets differ in the
relative amount of space given for weapons vs. contacts vs. skills. The intent is to mix one front sheet with one back for a single, full sheet. There
are also a number of extra sheets containing a page full of a given kind of record (e.g. vehicle, condition monitor, etc.).
Here is a segment of the main front sheet:
Here is an enlargement (250%) of the condition monitor for the sheets:
These sheets are free and may be copied and distributed provided: a) no profit is made by their distribution and b) they remain unaltered.
The main location for these files are from my Thor ftp server. Unfortunately this server tends to be down a lot, so I'm looking for other hosts. If you
want to host the sheets, let me know so I can add a link here. If you have trouble downloading from Thor, it is probably down. Please try again
Also, some browsers automatically load the sheets for display using a plug-in. If this happens to you and you want to save the sheets as files, you
can usually right click or control-click on the link to get a menu from which you can choose "Save Link As. ".
Download from DivNull (version 3.1) Download from a mirror in France (version 3.1) Download from DV8's site (version 3.1) Download from
DivNull (version 3.0) Download from DivNull (version 2.3) Download from DivNull (version 2.2) Download InDesign CS3 sources for these
sheets (version 3.1)
The current list of sheets in version 3.1 is:
Page One -- This cover page. Page Two -- A standard front sheet. Page Three -- As page two, but with less space for skills and more space for
weapons and contacts. Page Four -- As page two, but with more space for weapons and less space for contacts and skills. Page Five -- As page
two, but with more space for contacts and less space for weapons and skills. Page Six -- As page two, but with more spaces for edges and flaws,
and less space for gear. Page Seven -- As page four, but replacing the gear section with space for martial arts maneuvers. Page Eight -- As page
two, but adding a space for spells.
Page Nine -- Mage sheet Page Ten -- Real Mage (no cyber, more spells) Page Eleven -- No spell mage (for use w/the front with spells) Page
Twelve -- Houngan sheet Page Thirteen -- Conjurer sheet Page Fourteen -- Mage/Decker sheet Page Fifteen -- Decker/Physical Adept sheet
Page Sixteen -- Decker sheet Page Seventeen -- Rigger sheet Page Eighteen -- Rigger (alternate) sheet Page Nineteen -- Rigger/Decker sheet
Page Twenty -- Samurai sheet Page Twenty-one -- Samurai (alternate) sheet Page Twenty-two -- Mercenary sheet Page Twenty-three --
Gadgeteer sheet Page Twenty-four -- Physical Adept sheet Page Twenty-five -- Physical Mage sheet Page Twenty-six -- Otaku sheet.
Page Twenty-seven -- Vehicle records Page Twenty-eight -- Bigger vehicle records Page Twenty-nine -- Condition monitors Page Thirty --
Weapon records Page Thirty-one -- NPC records Page Thirty-two -- Gear Page Thirty-three -- Finance Page Thirty-four -- History, drawing &
notes Page Thirty-five -- Ally/Free Page Thirty-six -- Cyberdeck Page Thirty-seven -- Frame/Agent Page Thirty-eight -- Sprite/Daemon Page
Thirty-nine -- Grid/Host Page Forty -- Storage device.
Version 3.1 (September 6, 2000):
Fronts: Added Athletics section (by request) Fronts: Changed Magic Pool to Spell Pool Fronts: Added sheet with Maneuvers (by request) Fronts:
Added sheet with spells (by request) Backs: Added no-spell mage back (for use with spell front) Backs: Gave more room for foci, less for spirits
(by request) Backs: Changed cyberdecks to match rules in Matrix Backs: Changed Otaku to match rules in Matrix Backs: Added alternate rigger
sheet, with one big vehicle (by request) Extras: Added sheet for history, notes and sketch (by request) Extras: Added Ally/Free Spirit sheet (by
request) Extras: Added Cyberdeck sheet Extras: Added Frame/Agent sheet Extras: Added Sprite/Daemon sheet Extras: Added Grid/Host sheet.
Version 3.0 (December 15, 1998):
Reworked all fronts, reducing size of contact information and increasing skill and gear spaces (by lots of requests). Added balanced front Added
extra gear, edges & flaws front (by request) Added houngan sheet (by request) Added conjurer sheet (by request) Added decker/phys ad sheet
(by request) Added detailed vehicle sheet Added gear sheet (by request) Added finances sheet (by request) Fronts: general redesign. Fronts:
Defined space for allergy in edges & flaws section Fronts: Added concealibility and rating columns to most gear sections (by request) Backs:
Changed physical adept magical information space (by request) Backs: Added gear section to physical adept back Extras: Added missing
Charisma rating to NPC sheet Extras: Corrected spelling of "Skills" on NPC sheet.
Version 2.3 (June 14, 1998):
Backs: Added signal control monitors to remote control decks (by request) Fronts: Gave extra armor space to More Weapons sheet (by request)
Fronts: Added mode column to weapons list (by request) Fronts: Added Natural Reach space to bottom of weapons list (by request) Fronts:
Added Natural Recoil Mod space to bottom of weapons list (by request) Backs: Corrected spelling of "Initiation" (by request) Added alternate
samurai sheet (by request) Added vehicle sheet Added condition monitor sheet Added weapon sheet Added NPC sheet Changed damage
monitor of vehicle record on all sheets.
Version 2.2 (April 10, 1998): Added physical magician and rigger/decker (both by request). some minor edits.
Version 2.1 (February 9, 1998): Adapted to Rigger 2 and Virtual Realities 2.0.
Version 2.0 (long ago): Updated to Shadowrun: Second edition and made PDF.
Shadowrun Returns Free Download.
Shadowrun Returns Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Shadowrun Returns – The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy
world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman….
Game Overview.
Developer: Harebrained Schemes.
Publisher: Paradox Interactive.
Release Date: 25 Jul, 2013.
Genre: RPG, Turn-Based, Sci-fi, Strategy, Adventure.
MAN MEETS MAGIC & MACHINE. The year is 2054. Magic has returned to the world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend.
Technology merges with flesh and consciousness. Elves, trolls, orks and dwarves walk among us, while ruthless corporations bleed the world dry.
You are a shadowrunner – a mercenary living on the fringes of society, in the shadows of massive corporate arcologies, surviving day-by-day on
skill and instinct alone. When the powerful or the desperate need a job done, you get it done… by any means necessary.
In the urban sprawl of the Seattle metroplex, the search for a mysterious killer sets you on a trail that leads from the darkest slums to the city’s
most powerful megacorps. You will need to tread carefully, enlist the aid of other runners, and master powerful forces of technology and magic in
order to emerge from the shadows of Seattle unscathed.
Shadowrun Summer Spectacular arrives!
Switch to the new and exciting Sixth World rules set from any previous edition, or use it as your first taste of Shadowrun action. If you’re already
playing Shadowrun, Sixth World, you can use this Spectacular to fill out your collection. The Sixth World Core Rulebook will be put on sale at
$40 for the entire month of July, and the Summer Spectacular code (provided below) will give you an additional 25% off this and other great Sixth
World products. The full list included in the summer sale:
Sixth World Core Rulebook Sixth World Limited Edition Sixth World Executive Edition Sixth World Beginner Box GameMaster’s Screen World
of Shadows Anthology Firing Squad (Combat Rulebook) Gun Rack (Weapons Deck)“Sledge” Limited Edition Statue Secrets of Power Trilogy
Street Wyrd (Magic Rulebook) Mobile Grimoire (Spell Deck)Dice & Edge Tokens Cutting Black 30 Nights Power Plays Rogues’ Gallery (NPC
Deck) Prime Runner Miniatures No Future The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia Sixth World Tarot (Arcanist Edition) Collapsing Now Slip Streams
High Rollers (Corp Dice)
We’ve never run a sale this good, and likely will not do so again. Here is the code you can use at checkout to get your additional 25% discount:
This Spectacular focuses on physical books. All products are offered on a “while supplies last” basis. If the physical book has sold out, or does
sell out, only then will the PDF version be included in the Spectacular. For a product like the World of Shadows anthology, which has no regular
physical edition, only the PDF version is offered in the Spectacular. Discount codes may not be used in conjunction with any other special codes
on the Catalyst Game Labs store.
Recent Purchases Some of you may have made a recent purchase on the Catalyst Game Labs store. We are sorry we couldn’t announce the
Spectacular any sooner. To help you out, we will be sending a $10 Gift Code to anyone who has purchased a Shadowrun physical book in the
past 30 days. (This gift code may not be used in conjunction with the Summer Spectacular discount code.)
Magic is possibly the key difference between the Fifth World and the Sixth World. The return of magic to the world was called the Awakening,
and those who were affected directly by magic are called the Awakened. The Awakening is generally believed to have occurred in the year 2011.
"Magician" generally refers to a magically active practitioner of any Magical Tradition.
Glossary [ ]
Jargon [ ]
Band-Aid – n. Shadowrunning magician who specializes in patching up teammates with healing spells.
Burnout – n. Magician or adept who has lost all or part of her magical ability (for example, due to too much cyberware).
Christmas Tree – n. A magician who relies heavily on foci and thus lights up on the astral plane.
Floaters – n. Watcher spirits.
Ghost – n. An astral form.
Gode (m.)/Gydje (f.) – n. A magician who follows the Norse tradition.
Groggy – n. or adj. Derogatory term for an aspected magician (from “half Awakened”).
Hitmage – n. Magical assassin.
Houngan (m.)/Mambo (f.) – n. A magician who follows the tradition of Voodoo.
Kannushi/Miko (f.) – n. A magician who follows the tradition of Shinto.
Koradji – n. A shaman that follows the Aboriginal tradition.
Manatech – n. or adj. Technology that interacts with magic.
Mundane – n. or adj. A person who does not possess magical ability; the state of being non-magical.
Nahualli – n. A magician who follows the Aztec tradition.
Ping – v. To detect a target with magic.
Poindexter – n. Derogatory term for a hermetic magician.
Shoes – n. The body left behind when a magician astrally projects (“I left my shoes in the car”).
Sleeper – n. or adj. Mundane.
Spellworm – n. Magician.
Theurgist – n. A magician who follows the Christian tradition.
Wage mage – n. Magician employed by a corporation. The expression is also used as an insult for a magician with no real talent or potential.
Wizzer Gang – n. Gang consisting of (usually young) magicians.
Wizpunk – n. Musical genre popular with young magicians; it employs illusions and astral components to heighten the experience.
Good news, Shadowrun players, especially those of you playing Fifth Edition! We have all sorts of new things available now to make playing with
the new rules faster, easier, and altogether more fun, and there are a number of ways for you to get a hold of them. Take a look at the wealth of
options below, and make sure you check out the free wallpapers we just put out. What free wallpapers? Read on!
Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen.
Every shadowrunner knows the value of good information. The right fact, the perfect piece of data, can be the difference between success and
failure on a run, between life and death. And in the right hands, information can be more than valuable—it can be powerful.
The Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen provides a collection of useful tables from Shadowrun, Fifth Edition for ease of reference in game play. With
range tables, action lists, combat modifiers, social modifiers, and more, this is a critical game aid to make your Shadowrun games faster and more
fun. And to provide that all-important secrecy so that the players don’t know what you’re up to.
This screen is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition .
You can download a zip file of a plethora of different sizes of wallpapers:
Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen Wallpapers (Free From BattleShop)
Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen Wallpapers (Free From DriveThruRPG)
Or you can find the wallpapers here.
(Photo of the Shadowrun Gamemaster Screen , with its packaging wrap.)
Shadowrun Gear Cards, Series 1.
The right gun, the right vehicle, or the right piece of equipment can be the difference between life and death. Shadowrun Gear Card s provides
quick reference to 54 different pieces of gear. Containing game stats and illustrations of guns, vehicles, drones, and more, these cards will help
keep the game moving and make sure characters have what they need to come out on top.
Shadowrun Gear Cards Print Preorder & PDF Combo (Buy From BattleShop)
Shadowrun Gear Cards PDF and/or POD (Buy From DriveThruRPG)
Shadowrun Spell Cards, Series 1.
Everyone in the Sixth World wants to geek the mage first. Your job is to make sure that won’t happen by being faster, deadlier, and more
powerful than they are. Shadowrun Spell Cards make spell casting faster and easier, with easy-to-reference game statistics for 54 different spells.
Grab a pack and use it to call down a whole hellstorm of mana when you need it most!
Shadowrun Spell Cards Print Preorder & PDF Combo (Buy From BattleShop)

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