The document describes a dense phase pneumatic conveying system that transports fly ash from various ash hoppers of two 70 TPH AFBC boilers and two 10 TPH WHR boilers to storage silos. The system includes 17 conveying systems made up of single and multi-vessel arrangements to transport ash from hoppers to a 200 cubic meter bed ash silo and 800 and 50 cubic meter fly ash silos. The ash hoppers are equipped with fluidization, cooling, and level detection to ensure proper functioning of the conveying systems.
The document describes a dense phase pneumatic conveying system that transports fly ash from various ash hoppers of two 70 TPH AFBC boilers and two 10 TPH WHR boilers to storage silos. The system includes 17 conveying systems made up of single and multi-vessel arrangements to transport ash from hoppers to a 200 cubic meter bed ash silo and 800 and 50 cubic meter fly ash silos. The ash hoppers are equipped with fluidization, cooling, and level detection to ensure proper functioning of the conveying systems.
The document describes a dense phase pneumatic conveying system that transports fly ash from various ash hoppers of two 70 TPH AFBC boilers and two 10 TPH WHR boilers to storage silos. The system includes 17 conveying systems made up of single and multi-vessel arrangements to transport ash from hoppers to a 200 cubic meter bed ash silo and 800 and 50 cubic meter fly ash silos. The ash hoppers are equipped with fluidization, cooling, and level detection to ensure proper functioning of the conveying systems.
The document describes a dense phase pneumatic conveying system that transports fly ash from various ash hoppers of two 70 TPH AFBC boilers and two 10 TPH WHR boilers to storage silos. The system includes 17 conveying systems made up of single and multi-vessel arrangements to transport ash from hoppers to a 200 cubic meter bed ash silo and 800 and 50 cubic meter fly ash silos. The ash hoppers are equipped with fluidization, cooling, and level detection to ensure proper functioning of the conveying systems.
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STORAGE SILO AND SILO DISPOSAL SYSTEM 1.0 Brief System Description : 1.1 Fly Ash gets collected in various Ash Hoppers, whic h inc ludes Four Nos. Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hopper, One No. Bank Hopper, One No. APH Hopper and One No. Eco. Hopper, Four Nos. ESP 1st, 2nd , 3rd & 4th for each AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2. One No. Radiant Hopper, Two Nos. Super Heater Hopper, Two Nos. Evaporator Hoppers, Two Nos. Economiser Hopper, Two Nos. ESP 1st & 2nd Field Hoppers for WHR Boiler # 1 & 2. 1.2 The Bed ash collected in the Ash hoppers of AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 are conveyed to One No. Bed Ash Storage Silo of c apac ity 200 M3 through Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System. The Fly ash in the ash hoppers are c onveyed to One No. Fly Ash Silo of c apac ity 800 M3 and 50 M3 through Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System. The Fly Ash & Bed Ash Storage Silo are provided with Silo Extraction System. 1.3 For P & I Diagram of Ash Handling System please refer Drg. No. MPPL-2291 / 001 and other related drawings. 1.4 There are Six Nos. Single Vessel Conveying Systems c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel c omplete with ac c essories and Loc al Pneumatic Panel for One No Bank Hopper and One No ESP 1st Field Hopper eac h for AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 and Radiant Hopper eac h for WHR Boiler # 1 & 2 (System-II, IV, VII, IX,,XI & XV). There are Four nos. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Three Nos. Slave Vessels c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline i.e. Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hoppers (System – I, VI, XIII & XVII). There are Two nos. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Two Nos. Slave Vessels c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline i.e. ESP 2 nd ,3rd & 4th Field Hoppers each for AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 (System – V, X). There are Six Nos. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One Nos. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline i.e. APH Hopper and Economiser Hopper of each for AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 and Super Heater Hopper # 1 & 2 each for WHR Boiler # 1 & 2(System – III,VIII,XII,XVI). The Vessel Arrangement is as follows : 70 TPH AFBC BOILER # 1 a) System – I : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Three Nos. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hopper # 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7 & 8 for AFBC Boiler # 1 . b) System – II : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for Bank Hopper complete with accessories and Local Pneumatic Panel AFBC Boiler # 1 . c) System – III : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete MECGALE Page 3 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for APH Hopper and Ec onomiser for AFBC Boiler for AFBC Boiler # 1 . d) System – IV : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for ESP 1st Field Hopper c omplete with ac c essories and Loc al Pneumatic Panel for AFBC Boiler # 1 . e) System – V : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Two Nos. Slave Vessel connected through common conveying line complete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for ESP 2nd ,3rd & 4th Field Hopper for AFBC Boiler # 1. 70 TPH AFBC BOILER # 2 f) System – VI : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Three Nos. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hopper # 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7 & 8 for AFBC Boiler # 2 . g) System – VII : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for Bank Hopper complete with accessories and Local Pneumatic Panel AFBC Boiler # 2 . h) System – VIII : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for APH Hopper and Ec onomiser for AFBC Boiler. i) System – IX : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for ESP 1st Field Hopper c omplete with ac c essories and Loc al Pneumatic Panel for AFBC Boiler # 2 . j) System – X : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Two Nos. Slave Vessel connected through common conveying line complete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for ESP 2nd ,3rd & 4th Field Hopper for AFBC Boiler # 2. 10 TPH WHR BOILER # 1 : k) System – XI : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for Radiant Hopper c omplete with ac c essories and Loc al Pneumatic Panel for WHR Boiler # 1 . l) System – XII : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Super-Heater Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 1. m) System – XIII : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Three Nos. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Evaporator Hopper # 1 & 2 and Economiser Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 1. n) System – XIV : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete MECGALE Page 4 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for ESP 1st & 2nd Field Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 1. 10 TPH WHR BOILER # 2 : o) System – XV : One No. Independent Single Vessel Conveying System c onsisting of Dense Phase Vessel for Radiant Hopper c omplete with ac c essories and Loc al Pneumatic Panel for WHR Boiler # 2. p) System – XVI : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Super-Heater Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 2. q) System – XVII : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & Three Nos. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for Evaporator Hopper # 1 & 2 and Economiser Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 2. r) System – XVIII : One No. Multivessel Conveying System c onsisting of One No. Master Vessel & One No. Slave Vessel c onnec ted through c ommon conveyoingline c omplete with ac c essories & Loc al Pneumatic Panel for ESP 1st & 2nd Field Hopper # 1 & 2 for WHR Boiler # 2. 1.5 Bed Ash from Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hopper # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 gets c onveyed to a 200 M3 c apac ity Bed Ash Silo through their respec tive conveyoingpipes. The Bed Ash is disc harged into the storage silo through Terminal End Boxes and the conveyoingair is c leaned through a Reverse Pulse Jet Bag Filter and is then disc harged into the atmosphere. 1.6 Fly Ash from Bank Hopper, Air Pre-Heater Hopper, Ec onomiser Hopper ,ESP 1 st ,2nd ,3rd & 4th field Hopper from eac h AFBC Boiler # 1& 2 gets c onveyed to a 800 M 3 c apac ity Silo through their respec tive conveyoingpipes. The Ash is disc harged into the Fly Ash storage silo (AFBC) through Terminal End Boxes and the conveyoingair is c leaned through a Reverse Pulse Jet Bag Filter and is then discharged into the atmosphere. 1.7 Fly Ash from Radiant Hopper, Super-Heater Hopper, Evaporator Hopper # 1 & 2, Ec onomiser Hopper # 1 & 2, & ESP 1st & 2nd Field Hopper from each WHR Boiler # 1& 2 gets c onveyed to a 50 M3 c apac ity Silo(WHR) through their respec tive c onveying pipes. The Ash is disc harged into the Fly Ash storage silo (WHR) through Terminal End Boxes and the conveyoingair is c leaned through a Reverse Pulse Jet Bag Filter and is then discharged into the atmosphere. 1.8 The conveyoingsystems are provided with Adopter c um Downc omer Pipes, Expansion Joints & Knife Gate Valves for maintenance isolation. 1.9 Each ESP 1st ,2nd ,3rd & 4th Field Hopper of AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 is provided with Fluidising Arrangement. The Fluidising Pads are activated through compressed air for conveying as & when required for free flow of material in the downstream conveyoingvessel. The Fluidising Pads are ac tivated through c ompressed air for conveyoingas & when required. 1.10 Eac h Radiant Hopper, Super-Heater Hopper, Evaporator Hopper # 1 &2, Ec onomiser Hopper # 1 & 2, & ESP 1st & 2nd Field Hopper of WHR Boiler # 1& 2 is provided with Fluidising Arrangement. The Fluidising Pads are ac tivated through c ompressed air for conveyoingas & when required for free flow of material in the downstream c onveying MECGALE Page 5 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 vessel. The Fluidising Pads are ac tivated through c ompressed air for conveyoingas & when required. 1.11 All the surge Hoppers below Bed Ash Cooler Outlet Hoppers – I ,II , III ,IV,V,VI,VII & VIII ,Bank Hopper, APH Hopper ,Ec onomiser Hopper of AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 are provided with Water-c ooled Surge Hoppers & Inlet Valves with Water-c ooled Top Plates and Water-Cooled Dome. 1.12 All the surge Hoppers below Radiant Hopper, Super-Heater Hopper, Evaporator Hopper # 1 &2, Ec onomiser Hopper # 1 & 2 of WHR Boiler # 1 & 2 are provided with Water-c ooled Surge Hoppers & Inlet Valves with Water-cooled Top Plates and Water- Cooled Dome. 1.13 The Surge Hopper are provided with Level Switc h for interloc king with the Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System. All the ESP Hoppers are also provided with Level Switc h (Exc ept ESP 4th Field Hopper of sys.- V & X of AFBC Boiler # 1 & 2 ,ESP 2nd Field Hopper of sys.- XIV & XVIII of WHR Boiler # 1 & 2). 1.14 Each Fly Ash Storage Silo is provided with Silo Extrac tion System for Fly Ash Disposal from Silo into open trucks. The Storage Silo is also provided with Bag Filter for discharge of clean conveying air in the atmosphere and Gravity Flap Type Pressure Relief Valve. 1.15 Similarly Bed Ash Storage Silo is also provided with Silo Extrac tion System for Bed Ash Disposal from Silo into open truc ks. The Storage Silo is also provided with Bag Filter for disc harge of c lean c conveying air in the atmosphere and Gravity Flap Type Pressure Relief Valve. 1.16 Each Silo Extrac tion System of AFBC Boiler and WHR Boiler is c ontrolled through a Silo Extraction Local Control Panel ,which is described elsewhere in this document. 1.17 Each Storage Silo is provided with High Level Switc h and in c ase the ash stored in the Silo reac hes high level then Pneumatic Conveying of Fly ash from downstream conveying systems are stopped. 1.18 The Fly Storage Silo of AFBC and WHR Boiler are provided with Fluidising Arrangement for free flow of material in the downstream equipment. The Fluidising Pads are ac tivated through c ompressed air for conveyoin gas & when required. Each Storage Silo is also provided with Bag Filter for disc harge of c lean conveyoing air in the atmosphere and Pressure Relief Valve. 1.19 1 No. Air Rec eiver eac h for AFBC and WHR Boiler are loc ated near the c onveying systems is provided to meet the air surges for the dense phase pneumatic conveying system. 1.20 Compressed air as required for proper operation of instruments is provided separately. 2.0 Point / Mode of Plant Control : 2.1 The Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System of Fly Ash from Ash Hoppers to Fly Ash Storage Silo is centrally controlled through PLC Based Control cum MIMIC Panel. 2.2 Eac h Conveying Vessel is provided with a Loc al Elec tro Pneumatic Panel whic h houses the Pressure Switc hes, Pressure Gauges, Solenoid Valves, Selec tor Switc hes, Push Buttons, Indication lamps … etc. MECGALE Page 6 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 2.3 The normal operation of the Plant is through PLC Panel. However some c ontrols & indic ations are provided in Loc al Pneumatic Panel attac hed to the Conveying Vessels namely System Start/Stop Selec tor Switc h, Line Purge Push Button, Probe Override Push Button & System ON Indication. 2.4 The PLC Panel is provided with System Start/Stop Selec tion, Probe/ Timer Mode Selec tion, Line Purge Selec tion and Probe Override Selec tion for eac h c onveying system. 2.5 The Start/Stop Selec tor Switc h in Loc al Pneumatic Panel & PLC Panel are wired in series suc h that both the Selec tor Switc h should be ON to make the system operational. Onc e both the Selec tor Switc h are in ON position then only the System c an start. In c ase of Multivessel Conveying System, only the Master Vessel is provided with the above facility. 2.6 The Loc al Pneumatic Panel & PLC Panel are provided with Probe Override Push Button whic h are wired in parallel suc h that when either of the two Push Button is momentarily pressed , Probe Override operation takes plac e i.e. one c omplete conveyoingc yc le takes plac e irrespec tive of availability of material to c onvey. In c ase of Multivessel Conveying System, only the Master Vessel is provided with the above facility. 2.7 The Loc al Pneumatic Panel & PLC Panel are provided with Line Purge Push Button whic h are wired in parallel suc h that when either of the two Push Button is momentarily pressed, Line Purge operation takes plac e i.e. one conveyoing cyc le takes plac e without opening of the Inlet Valve. In c ase of Multivessel Conveying System, only the Master Vessel is provided with the above facility. 2.8 The Conveying Systems has dual operability either through Level Probe or through Auto Timer. All the Ash Hoppers are provided with Level Switc hes and a Probe / Timer Mode Selector Switch is provided in the PLC Panel for selection of Operating Mode. In Probe mode of operation, availability of material is sensed by the Level Probes fitted in the Hoppers whic h initiates the conveyoingc yc le. In Timer mode of operation, the system goes on continuous cycles after a preset time interval even if there is little or no material to convey. 2.9 Each Silo top is fac ilitated with Reverse Pulse Jet Bag Filter & Silo High Level Switc h whic h are interloc ked with upstream conveyoingsystems. The Reverse Pulse Jet Bag Filter is provided with an ON/OFF selection in the PLC Panel. 2.10 Each Four Nos. Vessels of system – I & VI are suc h interloc ked between themselves that only one of the Four Vessels will c onvey at a time i.e. eac h of the Four Vessels operates like Single Vessel System. 2.11 The Conveying Systems below the Radiant Hopper of System - XI and Super Heater Hopper # 1 & 2 of System – XII are suc h interloc ked that only one out of the two systems will be in operation at a time i.e. when one system is running, the other system shall remain dormant.. Similarly Conveying Systems below the Radiant Hopper of System - XV and Super Heater Hopper of System – XVI are suc h interloc ked that only one out of the two systems will be in operation at a time i.e. when one system is running, the other system shall remain dormant. 2.12 The In-c irc uit / Bypass selec tor switc h fac ility is provided for Multivessel Conveying Systems only. The purpose of the In-c irc uit / Bypass selec tor switc h is to c ut-off / c ut -in MECGALE Page 7 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 the required vessel from the conveyoingsystem without disturbing the whole system. Generally, after a long shutdown period, this selec tor switc h fac ilitates the field operator to take the vessels one by one in the conveying line. 3.0 Controls & Indication Facilities : 3.1 Pneumatic Panel attached to each Master Vessel of Multivessel System - 12 Nos. : - 1 No. Pressure Indicator for Inlet Valve Seal Pressure - 1 No. Pressure Indicator for Vessel Pressure - 1 No. System ON / OFF Selector Switch - 1 No. In-Circuit / By-Pass Selector Switch - 1 No. Probe Override Push Button - 1 No. Line Purge Push Button - 1 No. System ON Indication 3.2 Pneumatic Panel attached to each Slave Vessel of Multivessel System - 22 Nos. : - 1 No. Pressure Indicator for Inlet Valve Seal Pressure - 1 No. In-circuit / By-Pass Selector Switch (Black) 3.3 Pneumatic Panel attached to each Single Vessel Conveying System - 6 Nos. : - One No. Pressure Indicator for Inlet Valve Seal Pressure - One No. Pressure Indicator for Vessel Pressure - One No. System ON / OFF Selector Switch - One No. Probe Override Push Button - One No. Line Purge Push Button - One No. System ON Indication 3.4 Bed Ash Silo Extraction Local Control Panel - 1 No. (AFBC Boiler) : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder START Push Button ( Green ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder STOP Push Button ( Red ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Run Indication ( Red ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Tripped Indication ( Amber ) - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button ( Green ) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button ( Red ) - One No. Ash Conditioner Run Indication ( Red ) - One No. Ash Conditioner Tripped Indication ( Amber ) 3.5 Fly Ash Silo Extraction Local Control Panel - 1 No. (AFBC Boiler) : i) Dry Ash Extraction System (Discharged into Closed Tankers) consists of : - One No. Pressure Indicator for Instrument Air Pressure - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 / 2 Selector Switch (Black) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 ON Indication (Red) MECGALE Page 8 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) - One No. Silo Extraction Knife Gate Valve Open/Close Selector Sw (Black) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) - One No. 3 Position Selec tor Switc h for Telesc opic Chute Pendent Control / OFF / Ready For Discharge Selector Switch (Black) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan START Push Button (Green) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan ON Indication (Red) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan Fault Tripped (Amber) - One No. Tanker Filled Indication (Red) Telescopic Chute Pendent Control - 1 No. : - One No. DOWN Push Button - One No. UP Push Button - One No. Emergency STOP Push Button with Lock - One No. Control ON Indication - One No. Tanker Filled Indication (Red) ii] Moist Ash Extraction System (Discharged into Open Trucks) consists of : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button (Green) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner ON Indication (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) 3.6 Fly Ash Silo Extraction Local Control Panel - 1 No. (WHR Boiler) : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder START Push Button ( Green ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder STOP Push Button ( Red ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Run Indication ( Red ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Tripped Indication ( Amber ) - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button ( Green ) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button ( Red ) - One No. Ash Conditioner Run Indication ( Red ) - One No. Ash Conditioner Tripped Indication ( Amber ) 3.7 PLC Based System Control Panel : There are two Nos. PLC Based control cum Mimic Panel each for AFBC & WHR Boiler Each PLC Panel is provided with Push Buttons, Selector Switches, Indication Lamps etc. duly mounted on acrylic sheet MIMIC and the software is accordingly programmed for control & monitoring purpose. MECGALE Page 9 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 The following controls can be carried out from the PLC Panel : a) There are Six Nos. Multivessel Conveying System (AFBC)and controls of one of the same is detailed below : - Conveying System On/Off Selection - Conveying System Probe/Timer Mode Selection - Conveying System Probe Override Selection - Conveying System Line Purge Selection b) There are Six Nos. Multivessel Conveying System (WHR) and controls of one of the same is detailed below : - Conveying System On/Off Selection - Conveying System Probe/Timer Mode Selection - Conveying System Probe Override Selection - Conveying System Line Purge Selection c) There are Four Nos. Independent Single Vessel (AFBC) Conveying Systems and Controls of one of the same is detailed below : - Conveying System On/Off Selection - Conveying System Probe/Timer Mode Selection - Conveying System Probe Override Selection - Conveying System Line Purge Selection d) There are Four Nos. Independent Single Vessel (WHR) Conveying Systems and Controls of one of the same is detailed below : - Conveying System On/Off Selection - Conveying System Probe/Timer Mode Selection - Conveying System Probe Override Selection - Conveying System Line Purge Selection e) Common controls for all the Conveying Systems (AFBC Boiler) : - One No. Bed Ash Silo Bag Filter On/Off Selector Switch - One No. Fly Ash Silo Bag Filter On/Off Selector Switch - One No. Counter / Register Mode Selector Switch - One No. Fault Accept Push Button - One No. Lamp Test Push Button f) Common controls for all the Conveying Systems (WHR Boiler) : - One No. Fly Ash Silo Bag Filter On/Off Selector Switch - One No. Counter / Register Mode Selector Switch - One No. Fault Accept Push Button - One No. Lamp Test Push Button 3.8 The following Indications are provided : a) For Master Vessel of Multivessel Conveying System(AFBC) – 6 Nos. : - One No. System ON MECGALE Page 10 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - One No. Cycle ON - One No. Master Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Conveying ON – Blinks in case of Line Block (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) b) For Master Vessel of Multivessel Conveying System(WHR) – 6 Nos. : - One No. System ON - One No. Cycle ON - One No. Master Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Conveying ON – Blinks in case of Line Block (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) c) For Slave Vessel of Multivessel Conveying System(AFBC) – 12 Nos. : - One No. Slave Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) )(Except ESP 4th Field Hopper of Sys. - V & VI). d) For Slave Vessel of Multivessel Conveying System(AFBC) – 10 Nos. : - One No. Slave Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) )(Except ESP 2nd Field Hopper of Sys. - XIV , XVIII). e) For Single Vessel Conveying System(AFBC) – 4 Nos. : - One No. System ON - One No. Cycle ON - One No. Conveying Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Conveying ON – Blinks in case of Line Block (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) f) For Single Vessel Conveying System(WHR) – 2 Nos. : - One No. System ON - One No. Cycle ON - One No. Conveying Vessel Inlet Valve Closed & Sealed – Blinks in c ase of Seal Fault (Delayed Signal) - One No. Conveying ON – Blinks in case of Line Block (Delayed Signal) - One No. Hopper Level Permissive – Blinks in c ase of Hopper Not Clearing (Delayed Signal) MECGALE Page 11 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 g) Common Display for all the Conveying Systems (AFBC Boiler) : - One No. Bed Ash Silo Bag filter ON - One No. Fly Ash Silo Bag filter ON - One No. Bed Ash Silo Level High (Blinking) - One No. Fly Ash Silo Level High (Blinking) - One No. Conveying Air Receiver Pressure OK (Fault - Blink) - One No. 110 / 240 V AC Control Supply Healthy - One No. 24 V DC Control Supply Healthy h) Common Display for all the Conveying Systems (WHR Boiler) : - One No. Fly Ash Silo Bag filter ON - One No. Fly Ash Silo Level High (Blinking) - One No. Conveying Air Receiver Pressure OK (Fault - Blink) - One No. 110 / 240 V AC Control Supply Healthy - One No. 24 V DC Control Supply Healthy 4.0 Operating Sequence and Interlocks for Conveying Systems : 4.1 For each Independent Single Vessel Conveying System(AFBC & WHR Boiler): Normally the Inlet Valve is Closed & its Seal is Inflated. Prior to start of Conveying cycle the following Preconditions should be established : - Bag Filter ON - Silo Level Not High - Air Receiver Pressure OK - Inlet Valve is Closed & Sealed - Conveying Vessel Pressure Low - Both the ON/OFF Selec tor Switc h (PLC & Loc al Pneumatic Panel of Conveying Vessel) are in ON Mode - Line Purging not under progress - Probe Override not under progress Now, the Conveying system will address to the Operating Mode Selec tion for Level Probe / Timer Mode. Level Probe Mode of Operation : In c ase of Level Probe mode of Operation onc e all the above c onditions are established then the Conveying system will remain dormant till the Level Switc h fitted in the Hopper is c overed. Onc e the Level Switc h is c overed then the Inlet Valve will open to admit material in the conveyoingvessel. After a set time gap (Feed Time) the Inlet Valve will c lose and its seal will get inflated and in turn will admit air into the conveyoingvessel for conveyoingof material to the destination Storage Silo. Onc e one batc h of material is c onveyed then the System will remain dormant till the Level Switc h is again c overed. In c ase of sustained Level signal the system will go on Cycling one after the other with a short break in between (Reset Time). Timer Mode of Operation : MECGALE Page 12 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 In c ase of Timer Mode of Operation, the conveyoingsystem will go on c yc ling after the preset time gap between two c onsec utive c yc les (Cyc le Gap Time) irrespec tive of availability of material in Feed Hopper subjec t to fulfillment of the prec onditions. The balance conveying cycle remains as it is. 4.2 For each Multivessel Conveying System (AFBC & WHR Boiler) : Normally the Inlet Valves of all the conveyoingvessels c onnec ted to the Multivessel conveying system are Closed & their respective Seals are Inflated. Prior to start of Conveying cycle the following Preconditions should be established : - Bag Filter ON - Silo Level Not High - Air Receiver Pressure OK - All the Inlet Valves connected to the system Closed & Sealed - Master Conveying Vessel Pressure Low - Both the ON/OFF Selec tor Switc h (PLC & Loc al Pneumatic Panel of Master Conveying Vessel) are in ON Mode - Line Purging not under progress - Probe Override not under progress Now the Conveying system will address to the operating mode Selec tion for Level Probe / Timer Mode. Level Probe Mode of Operation : In c ase of Level Probe mode of Operation onc e all the above c onditions are established then the Conveying system will remain dormant till any of the Level Probes fitted in the Hopper for that particular system is covered. Once any of the Level Probe is c overed then the Inlet Valves of all the conveyoingvessels for that partic ular system will open to admit Fly Ash in conveyoingvessels. After a set time gap (Feed Time) the Inlet Valves will c lose and their respec tive seals get inflated and in turn admits air into the conveyoingvessels for conveyoingof Fly Ash to Storage silo. Onc e one batc h of material is c onveyed then the System will remain dormant till the Level Probe is again c overed. In c ase of sustained high level signal the system will go on c yc ling one after the other with a short break in between (Reset Time). Timer Mode of Operation: In c ase of Timer mode of operation, normally the conveyoingsystem will go on c yc ling after the set time gap (Cyc le Gap Time) between two c onsec utive c yc les. The balance conveying cycle remains as it is. 5.0 Conveying Cycle : 5.1 For each Single Vessel Conveying System : Every starting c yc le should be a purge c yc le .At the start of the Cyc le, the Inlet Valve shall open for a Preset Time (Feed Time). After the set time gap (Feed Time) elapses, the Inlet Valve will c lose and its Seal will be inflated. Onc e the Valve c losing & Seal inflation is ensured through Pneumatic Limit Switc h and Seal Pressure Switc h MECGALE Page 13 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 respectively, the Conveying Air Valve shall open & will pressurise the Conveying Vessel thus conveying the material to the silo. Onc e the material is c onveyed to Storage Silo, Line Pressure will drop down to near atmospheric and shall be sensed by Vessel Low Pressure Switc h and will c lose the Conveying Air Valve subjec t to c ondition of Minimum Conveying Time as set is c ompleted. The System will remain dormant for few sec onds as set by the Reset Timer and will be then again ready for next Cycle. During progress of a Cyc le if the Silo Level bec omes High or the Bag Filter is put OFF or any of the START/STOP Selec tor Switc h is selec ted for STOP then the Conveying Cyc le under progress shall be c ompleted and next c yc le will be inhabited till all c onditions are established once again. Prior to start of a Cycle the seal pressure of inlet valve shall be checked and in case of low seal pressure, the system will be under hold till the c ondition is established. During progress of a c yc le the seal pressure of conveyoingvessel shall be c hec ked onc e the inlet valve is c losed and if seal pressure is OK then the conveyoingair will be permitted into the conveyoingvessel and in c ase of low seal pressure, the system will be under hold till the c ondition is established. During further progress of the c yc le if the seal pressure fails, the system will c omplete the c yc le under progress and subsequent cycle will be blocked. Prior to start of a Cyc le the Air Rec eiver Pressure is c hec ked for OK and in c ase of Low Pressure the Conveying Cyc le will be under hold till the c ondition is established. Onc e the Inlet Valves are Closed the Air Rec eiver Pressure is rec hec ked for OK and in c ase of Low Pressure the Conveying Cyc le will be under hold till the c ondition is established. During Conveying, if the Pressure falls below the Set Pressure then the System will c omplete the Cyc le under progress and subsequent Cyc le will be blocked. 5.2 For each Multivessel Conveying System : Every starting c yc le should be a purge c yc le. At the start of the c yc le, all the Inlet Valves of that partic ular system shall open for a preset time (Inlet Valve Open Time).On elapse of the set time gap, the Inlet Valves will c lose and their respec tive seals will be inflated. Onc e all the Valves Closing & Seal Inflation is ensured through Pneumatic Limit Switc hes and Seal Pressure Switc hes respec tively, the Conveying Air Valve shall open and will pressurise the Conveying Vessels thus conveyoingthe material to Storage Silo. The system will remain dormant for few seconds as set by the Reset Timer and will be then again ready for next cycle. During progress of a c yc le if the Silo level bec omes High or the Bag Filter is put Off or any of the Start/Stop Selec tor Switc h is selec ted for Stop then the conveyoingc yc le under progress shall be c ompleted and next c yc le will be inhibited till all c onditions are established once again. Prior to start of a Cyc le the seal pressure of all inlet valves shall be c hec ked and in c ase of low seal pressure for any of the inlet valves, the system will be under hold till the c ondition is established. During progress of a c yc le the seal pressure of all inlet valves shall be c hec ked onc e the inlet valves are c losed and if all the seal pressures are OK then the conveyoingair will be permitted into the conveyoingvessels and in c ase of low seal pressure for any of the inlet valves, the system will be under hold till MECGALE Page 14 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 the c ondition is established. During further progress of the c yc le if the seal pressure fails, the system will c omplete the c yc le under progress and subsequent c yc le will be blocked. Prior to start of a Cyc le the Air Rec eiver Pressure is c hec ked for OK and in c ase of Low Pressure the Conveying Cyc le will be under hold till the c ondition is established. After c losing of Valves, the Air Rec eiver Pressure is rec hec ked for OK and in c ase of Low Pressure the Conveying Cycle will be under hold till the condition is established. During further progress of the Cycle if the Pressure falls below the Set Pressure then the System will complete the Cycle under progress and subsequent Cycle will be blocked. 6.0 Probe Override & Line Purge : With momentary c ommand through Probe Override Spring Return Push Button provided in Pneumatic Panel or through PLC Panel the Conveying Vessel will take up one c omplete conveyoingc yc le irrespec tive of Selec ted Mode of Operation and availability of material for conveyoingsubjec t to all the prec onditions as detailed earlier are established. With momentary c ommand through Line Purge Spring Return Push Button provided in Pneumatic Panel and PLC Panel the Conveying System will take up one c omplete c yc le. However the Inlet Valves opening c ommand will be bloc ked (i.e. material will not be admitted into the conveyoingvessel) subjec t to all the prec onditions as detailed earlier are established. Both the above c ommands will be effec tive when the conveyoingvessel is dormant (i.e. conveyoingc yc le is not under progress) and in c ase c ommand is given when the conveying cycle is under progress then they will be non-functional. Probe Override is normally used to evacuate the Feed Hopper. Line purge is to be used before shutting of the conveyoingvessel/ vessels to c lear off the conveyoingvessel/ vessels and/ or pipe line from the sedimented partic les. This operation may have to be repeated few times to c lear the line. It is better to c hec k the functioning of the system during starting of the system after long shutdown or after maintenance by giving line purge command. 7.0 Bed Ash Silo Extraction System (AFBC Boiler): The Storage Silo is provided with Ash Extrac tion System for Ash Disposal from Silo into Open Truc ks. The Silo Extrac tion System is c ontrolled through a Loc al Push Button Station and are detailed below : Bed Ash Silo Extraction Local control Panel : One No. Silo Extrac tion Loc al c ontrol Panel is provided for the Starting & Stopping of the RVF & Ash Conditioner. This Loc al c ontrol Panel ismounted at suitable loc ation on operating platform of silo above the truc k level. The RVF & Ash Conditioner will always be operated from the Local control Panel. Bed Ash Silo Bag Filter Unit : One No. Bag Filter Unit is provided on top of Silo. Bag Filter Unit is fitted with a Sequential Timer Control Unit for automatic purging of filter bags. This Bag Filter Unit is supposed to be ON prior to the operation that Ash conveyoingfrom Ash hoppers is in progress. One No. Start/Stop selec tor switc h is provided in the PLC Panel for switc hing MECGALE Page 15 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 ON/OFF of the Bag Filter Unit as when required. If the Bag Filter Unit is not already ON, System Start/Stop Selec tion/Selec tor Switc h will be inoperative. However, during progress of a c yc le, if the Bag Filter Unit is stopped , the c urrent c yc le under progress will be c ompleted and further c yc le will be inhibited. System will wait in the same position for the Bag Filter Unit to start. Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve : One No. Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve is provided below the Ash Extrac tion outlet. This Knife Gate Valve is opened & c losed manually as per requirement after starting the downstream Rotary Vane Feeder. Rotary Vane Feeder : One no. Rotary Vane Feeder is provided in Silo Extrac tion System below Knife Gate Valve. Rotary Vane Feeder is c oupled with a geared motor and the rotor shall normally be running at a reduc ed speed. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extraction Local Control Panel for Rotary Vane Feeder : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder START Push Button (Green) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) The Rotary Vane Feeder is operated through its Start & Stop Push Buttons subjec t to c ondition that the downstream Ash Conditioner is ON i.e. Starting & Running interlocked with the Ash Conditioner. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner : One No. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner is plac ed downstream to the Rotary Vane Feeder and is the first drive to be started manually through its Start & Stop Push Buttons. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel for the Ash Conditioner : - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button (Green) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner ON Indication (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) The Ash Conditioner is the first drive to be started manually through its Start & Stop Push Buttons. Ash System Operation & Controls : During Starting : - Start Ash Conditioner - Start Rotary Vane Feeder - Open Knife Gate Valve - Open / Close Water Line Valve as per requirement MECGALE Page 16 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - In case flow of Ash is erratic, open Fluidising Air Valve. During Truck Transfer : Stop Rotary Vane Feeder / Close Knife Gate Valve Once Truck Transfer is complete : - Start Rotary Vane Feeder / Open Knife Gate Valve During Stopping : Please follow reverse of Starting Sequence - Close Knife Gate Valve - After few Seconds, Stop Rotary Vane Feeder - After few Seconds, Stop Ash Conditioner - Close Water Line Valve at a suitable time to avoid draining of water from Ash Conditioner. - Close Fluidising Air Valve, if open. 8.0 Fly Ash Silo Extraction System (AFBC Boiler) : The Storage Silo is provided with i) Dry Ash Extrac tion System & ii) Moist Ash Extrac tion System for Ash Disposal from Silo into Open Truc ks / Closed Tankers. For this purpose, the Storage Silo is provided with Two Nos. Outlet point. Both the Silo Extrac tion System is controlled through a Local Control Panel and are detailed below : Silo Extraction Local Control Panel : One No. Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel is provided for the Silo Extrac tion System. This panel is mounted at suitable loc ation on operating platform of silo above the truck level. Both the Silo Extraction systems will always be operated from Silo Extraction Loc al Control Panel. Nec essary c ontrols & status indic ations are provided on the Silo Extraction Local Control Panel. Silo Bag Filter Unit : One No. Bag Filter Unit is provided on top of Silo. Bag Filter Unit is fitted with a Sequential Timer Control Unit for automatic purging of filter bags. This Bag Filter Unit is supposed to be ON prior to the operation that Ash conveyoingfrom Ash hoppers is in progress. One No. Start/Stop selec tor switc h is provided in the PLC Panel for switc hing ON/OFF of the Bag Filter Unit as when required. If the Bag Filter Unit is not already ON, System Start/Stop Selec tion/Selec tor Switc h will be inoperative. However, during progress of a c yc le, if the Bag Filter Unit is stopped , the c urrent c yc le under progress MECGALE Page 17 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 will be c ompleted and further c yc le will be inhibited. System will wait in the same position for the Bag Filter Unit to start. Silo Fluidising Blowers : Two Nos. Silo Fluidising Blowers (1W + 1S) are provided for Silo Fluidising. Any One of the Blowers will be in operation at a time under normal c ondition. Control of these two Blowers is c ompletely manual. The blower c ould be Started/ Stopped whenever desired when Silo Extrac tion System is selec ted for operation. Onc e started, blower always has to be stopped manually. Following c ontrols/ indic ations are provided on Silo Extraction Local Control Panel for these blowers : - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 / 2 Selector Switch (Black) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 1 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Silo Fluidising Blower # 2 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) i) Dry Ash Fly Ash Extraction System : Pneumatic Cylinder Operated Knife Gate Valve : One No. Pneumatic Cylinder Operated Knife Gate Valve is provided below the Dry Ash Extrac tion outlet. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Local Control Panel for Knife Gate Valve : - One No. Silo Extraction Knife Gate Valve Open/Close Selector Sw (Black) Rotary Vane Feeder : One no. Rotary Vane Feeder is provided in Dry Ash Extrac tion System below Knife Gate Valve. Rotary Vane Feeder is c oupled with a geared motor and the rotor shall normally be running at a reduc ed speed. Following c ontrols/ indic ations are provided on Silo Extraction Local Control Panel for Rotary Vane Feeder : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 START Push Button ( Green ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 STOP Push Button ( Red ) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 1 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) Telescopic Chute : One No. Telesc opic Chute is provided below RVF. This Telesc opic c hute is fitted with a reversible geared motor rotating at reduc ed speed. The bottom of the Telesc opic Chute rests on the top of the tanker. One No. Pendent Control is provided for raising & lowering the Telescopic Chute and is provided with following controls / indications : - One No. DOWN Push Button - One No. UP Push Button - One No. Level High / Tanker Filled Indication - One No. Emergency STOP Push Button with Lock - One No. Control ON Indication MECGALE Page 18 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel for Telescopic Chute: - One No. 3 Position Selec tor Switc h for Telesc opic Chute Pendent Control / OFF / Ready For Discharge Selection ( Black ) NOTE : Onc e ‘Pendent Control’ is selec ted, the Telesc opic Chute c an be raised / lowered on the tanker opening. Onc e ‘Ready for Disc harge’ is selec ted, then only i) the Bag Filter Unit of Telesc opic Chute will start automatic ally, and ii) Dust Extrac tion Fan, iii) RVF & iv) Plate Valve c an be started sequentially from the Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel. Lowering / Raising of Telescopic Chute : Lowering / Raising operation of the Telesc opic Chute is done from the Pendent Control by selecting ‘Pendent Control’ Mode from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel. Telescopic Chute can be connected to the opening of receiving tanker with the help of “DOWN POSITION” , “UP POSITION” push buttons & “EMERGENCY STOP” push button with Lock. Once the truck is put in position and the system is ready, “DOWN POSITION” PB is pressed. Now spout starts lowering down. As soon as the spout touches the top of the truc k and gets properly c onnec ted to the opening, the rope goes slac k and the slack cable limit switch will stop the motor. If the operator wants to readjust the fitment of spout on the opening of the truc k, he can do the same using these up/down and stop buttons. Telescopic Chute Bag Filter Unit with Integral Dust Extraction Fan : To avoid any ash pollution, 1 no bag filter unit with fan is fitted with Telesc opic Chute. Bag filter unit is also fitted with a timer c ontrol unit for automatic purging of filter bags. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel for Dust Extraction Fan : - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan START Push Button (Green) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan ON Indication (Red) - One No. Telescopic Chute Dust Extraction Fan Fault Tripped (Amber) Dry Fly Ash Extraction System Operation & Controls : The silo extrac tion system will be operated from Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel. Before starting the system, operator should ensure that the following prec ondition is satisfied : - Silo Bag Filter ON - Unloading spout is fitted onto the tanker after selec tion of ‘Pendent Control’ Mode Onc e Unloading spout is fitted to the tanker, the ‘Ready to Disc harge’ Mode is to be selec ted and Telesc opic Chute Bag Filter is started automatic ally. The system is then started in the following sequence from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel : MECGALE Page 19 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - Dust Extrac tion Fan is started by pressing STARTPush Button from Silo Extrac tion Local Control Panel - RVF is started by pressing START PB from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel - Pneumatic Cylinder Operated Knife Gate Valve is opened by pressing OPEN from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel Now the ash unloading is in progress When Tanker level probe gets c overed, indic ation c omes on the Silo Extrac tion Local Control Panel & Pendent Control - Pneumatic Cylinder Operated Knife Gate Valve shall close immediately Thus the unloading operation is complete. After few sec onds, ‘Pendent Control’ Mode should be selec ted from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel and the following operations are completed : - Dust Extraction Fan & RVF will stop - After 10 seconds, Telescopic Chute Bag Filter will be stopped - After 5 seconds, Telescopic Chute can be lifted up Note : The Dust Extraction Fan & Rotary Vane Feeder can be stopped manually from the Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel also using their respec tive STOP Push Button after c losing of Knife Gate Valve. For raising of Telesc opic Chute, the ‘Pendent Control’ mode must be selected from Silo Extraction Local Control Panel. ii) Moist fly Ash Extraction System : Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve : One No. Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve is provided below the Moist Ash Extrac tion outlet. This Knife Gate Valve is opened & c losed manually as per requirement after starting the downstream Rotary Vane Feeder. Rotary Vane Feeder : One no. Rotary Vane Feeder is provided in Silo Extrac tion System below Knife Gate Valve. Rotary Vane Feeder is c oupled with a geared motor and the rotor shall normally be running at a reduc ed speed. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extraction Local Control Panel for Rotary Vane Feeder : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 START Push Button (Green) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder # 2 Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) The Rotary Vane Feeder is operated through its Start & Stop Push Buttons subjec t to c ondition that the downstream Ash Conditioner is ON i.e. Starting & Running interlocked with the Ash Conditioner. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner : One No. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner is plac ed downstream to the Knife Gate Valve and is the first drive to be started manually through its Start & Stop Push Buttons. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel for the Ash Conditioner : MECGALE Page 20 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button (Green) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner ON Indication (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) Moist Fly Ash Extraction System Operation & Controls : During Starting : - Start Ash Conditioner - Start Rotary Vane Feeder - Open Knife Gate Valve - Open / Close Water Line Valve as per requirement - In case flow of Ash is erratic, open Fluidising Air Valve. During Truck Transfer : - Stop Rotary Vane Feeder / Close Knife Gate Valve Once Truck Transfer is complete : - Start Rotary Vane Feeder / Open Knife Gate Valve During Stopping : Please follow reverse of Starting Sequence - Close Knife Gate Valve - After few Seconds, Stop Rotary Vane Feeder - After few Seconds, Stop Ash Conditioner - Close Water Line Valve at a suitable time to avoid draining of water from Ash Conditioner. - Close Fluidising Air Valve, if open. 9.0 Fly Ash Silo Extraction System (WHR Boiler): The Storage Silo is provided with Ash Extrac tion System for Ash Disposal from Silo into Open Truc ks. The Silo Extrac tion System is c ontrolled through a Loc al Push Button Station and are detailed below : Fly Ash Silo Extraction Local control Panel : One No. Silo Extrac tion Loc al c ontrol Panel is provided for the Starting & Stopping of the RVF & Ash Conditioner. This Loc al c ontrol Panel ismounted at suitable loc ation on operating platform of silo above the truc k level. The RVF & Ash Conditioner will always be operated from the Local control Panel. MECGALE Page 21 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 Fly Ash Silo Bag Filter Unit : One No. Bag Filter Unit is provided on top of Silo. Bag Filter Unit is fitted with a Sequential Timer Control Unit for automatic purging of filter bags. This Bag Filter Unit is supposed to be ON prior to the operation that Ash conveyoingfrom Ash hoppers is in progress. One No. Start/Stop selec tor switc h is provided in the PLC Panel for switc hing ON/OFF of the Bag Filter Unit as when required. If the Bag Filter Unit is not already ON, System Start/Stop Selec tion/Selec tor Switc h will be inoperative. However, during progress of a c yc le, if the Bag Filter Unit is stopped , the c urrent c yc le under progress will be c ompleted and further c yc le will be inhibited. System will wait in the same position for the Bag Filter Unit to start. Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve : One No. Manually Operated Knife Gate Valve is provided below the Ash Extrac tion outlet. This Knife Gate Valve is opened & c losed manually as per requirement after starting the downstream Rotary Vane Feeder. Rotary Vane Feeder : One no. Rotary Vane Feeder is provided in Silo Extrac tion System below Knife Gate Valve. Rotary Vane Feeder is c oupled with a geared motor and the rotor shall normally be running at a reduc ed speed. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extraction Local Control Panel for Rotary Vane Feeder : - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder START Push Button (Green) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder ON Indication (Red) - One No. Rotary Vane Feeder Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) The Rotary Vane Feeder is operated through its Start & Stop Push Buttons subjec t to c ondition that the downstream Ash Conditioner is ON i.e. Starting & Running interlocked with the Ash Conditioner. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner : One No. Twin Shaft Ash Conditioner is plac ed downstream to the Rotary Vane Feeder and is the first drive to be started manually through its Start & Stop Push Buttons. Following c ontrols / indic ations are provided on Silo Extrac tion Loc al Control Panel for the Ash Conditioner : - One No. Ash Conditioner START Push Button (Green) - One No. Ash Conditioner STOP Push Button (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner ON Indication (Red) - One No. Ash Conditioner Fault Tripped Indication (Amber) The Ash Conditioner is the first drive to be started manually through its Start & Stop Push Buttons. Ash System Operation & Controls : During Starting : MECGALE Page 22 of 22 CONTROL WRITE-UP DPPAHS FOR 2X70 TPH AFBC & 2X10 TPH WHR BOILER MPPL-2291 - Start Ash Conditioner - Start Rotary Vane Feeder - Open Knife Gate Valve - Open / Close Water Line Valve as per requirement - In case flow of Ash is erratic, open Fluidising Air Valve. During Truck Transfer : Stop Rotary Vane Feeder / Close Knife Gate Valve Once Truck Transfer is complete : - Start Rotary Vane Feeder / Open Knife Gate Valve During Stopping : Please follow reverse of Starting Sequence - Close Knife Gate Valve - After few Seconds, Stop Rotary Vane Feeder - After few Seconds, Stop Ash Conditioner - Close Water Line Valve at a suitable time to avoid draining of water from Ash Conditioner. - Close Fluidising Air Valve, if open.