Advocacy Script
Advocacy Script
Advocacy Script
We only have One Earth. It was once a beautiful place to live. Its peaceful and its beauty is
beguiling. Everything was so clear, the forest is full of vast of greeneries that provide food and shelter to
us, the animals living freely, the water and sky was clear and blue. That land was clean and the soil of the
earth is full of green. Indeed, the earth is a beautiful place to live
But we couldn’t day in this modern age, our environment change. Resources run rampant as the
demands and innovation of resources evolve for industrial revolutions. We couldn’t deny that keeping up
in the demands of the population damage our environment. To the deforestation of forest, to make way
for houses, and resources that needs trees, to our land that is now slowly being polluted caused by
improper throwing of trash, especially the accumulated waste of every industries and economy, and the
oceans that is now in subject to illegal fishing that destroys and pollute the homes of the sea creatures. To
our very atmosphere that we breathe who now becoming polluted by carbon waste created by our
automobiles, factories, and the emission of carbon dioxide by consuming too much livestock farming.
Overall, we over hoard this resources given to sustain us, which, in turn, will have a drastic and long
lasting effect to the future generation which might lead to the destruction of humanity. Earth indeed
provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.
And now, it is time to make a change to our current ways of living. Let us understand the prudence
and frugality of the environment and what we should do in order protect, preserve, and promote our
environment. Let us adhere to the 3 r’s, to reuse, reduce, and recycle, and to have a sustainable way of
living. Let us start to ourselves and influence others to make a change, be a unified collective action of a
whole will make a bigger impact in the bigger schemes of things. Let us learn to see the importance of
having to conserve what we consume and use, be as it water, or the resources we use in our everyday life.
Such as planting trees more and not abusing the use those resources. It should be a cycle where we give
back what we take to the environment. Let us not be consumed by greed since this is for the survival of
own world. The world that we live and step on today, and the one who cater us to survive. Everyone has
the power to make a change. If it’s not us, then who? If not now, then when? To save nature is to save us.
It’s never too late, the path of a new beginning starts within you.
We are the consumers, so we also are the caretakers! We are the reason, so we are only the