Sons of Confederate Veterans: Application For Membership
Sons of Confederate Veterans: Application For Membership
Sons of Confederate Veterans: Application For Membership
Type or Print Clearly in Black Ink Only to Avoid Mistakes. Unlegbile or incomplete applications
Contact a Recruiter will be returned to the camp, delaying processing. Make sure to check applicable boxes if re-
instatement, cadet turning 12, or supplemental certificate.
Initial Dues are $40.00 which includes a $5.00 recording fee; local and state dues are additional. Go to to find a local Camp.
Submit your application directly to the local Camp you wish to join or to: SCV, P.O. Box 59, Columbia TN 38402-0059 if there is no Camp in your area. Attach a
copy of the ancestor's war service record or an approved pension for him or his widow. Also include a simple genealogy family tree linking the applicant to the
Confederate Soldier. If accepted, I do hereby promise strict compliance to the Constitution and rules of the organization.
re- instatement only______ check if applicable Cadet member having attained the age of 12______ Supplemental Certificate_____
City/County (Print Clearly) State
(Check One)
My Confederate Ancestor was: Paroled, Surrendered, Released on Oath, Discharged, Killed, or died
On and is buried in
Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY Occupation Mobile Phone OTHER Phone email address
Current Member's Name ( Print ) AND SCV ID# (IMPORTANT!!) Camp Name and Number
Report on Application
This application has been examined, and from the information which the camp committee has been able to procure, is approved
Date approved for Membership by Camp Membership #______________ Put into SF initals_________ Date Received at GHQ