Ma. Elaine P. Trinidad Professor Reynald Trinidad Beed Written Work # 2
Ma. Elaine P. Trinidad Professor Reynald Trinidad Beed Written Work # 2
Ma. Elaine P. Trinidad Professor Reynald Trinidad Beed Written Work # 2
1. Explain how each philosophy of the self impacts your self understanding. (150 words)
In Socrates the meaning of his philosophical perspective in my own meaning is you need to reflect
first he believes that every man is dualistic, the body and soul. Socrates was the first thinker to focus
on the full power of reason on the human self: who we are , who we should be and who will become
we can only achieve by soul searching the purpose of his philosophical perspective is to give a
wisdom in every part we experience in life.
Plato was the student of Socrates he address that we have mind and soul it similar to Socrates but he
explain the there is a three part of soul, rational soul, spirited soul and appetitive soul, these three
elements of ourselves are in dynamic relationship with one another, sometimes in conflict. As a
human we have a capability to think and this the rational soul when conflict occurs rational soul has
the responsibility of our Reason to sort think out and exert to control, restoring a harmoniously
relationship among the three elements of ourselves. The third one was
Aristotle he is the student of Plato basically his philosophical perspectives is the same with Socrates
we have body and soul but he believes that body and soul is not separate without the body the soul
cannot exist , Aristotle has three kind of soul too, the vegetative, the sentient and rational if we
notice again the rational soul is include too because it what makes us human it include the intellect
that make man know and understand things.
The fourth one is St. Augustine he integrated the ideas of Plato in Christianity he believed humankind
is created the image and likeness of God that means you can achieve your knowledge of yourself if
you know God .
Rene Descartes in his philosophical perspective that there are two dimensions of human self the self
as a thinking entity and the self as physical body basically he trying to say is that when we think it
has already proof that there is self.
John Locke he believes that the human mind at birth is tabula rasa or blank slate it means its like a
paper we are born without knowing anything as we experienced in life it can filled with knowledge
and we become self aware.
David Hume his philosophical perspective is there is no self that means self is simply a bundle or
collection of different perceptions , which succeed each other with an inconceivable in a perpetual
flux and movement.
Immanuel Khant his philosophical perspective The self is an organizing principle that makes a
unified and intelligible experience possible. Actually, from Kant’s standpoint, it’s our self that makes
experiencing an intelligible world possible because it’s the self that is responsible for synthesizing the
discreet data of sense
experience into a meaningful whole.
Sigmund Freud in his philosophical perspective he introduce the construction of the self and
personality which the id is a child like a pleasure seeking, ego works on the reality principle that
control the id and it can delay the pleasure and super ego the conscience, the moral principle and the
judge of conduct.
Gilbert Ryle the point of view of him is the self the way we behave it means we act ourselves into
action, we act therefore I am, in short the self is the same as bodily behavior.
Paul Churchland is a modern-day philosopher who studies the brain. He believe that the self is the
brain Churchland holds to materialism, the belief that nothing but matter exists. Adding to this, the
physical brain is where we get our sense of self.
Maurice Merleu-Ponty his philosophical perspective is the self is embodied subjectivity which means
all knowledge of ourselves and our world is based on subjective experience.
The first philosophical perspective I relate to is John Locke because it's true we are exactly blank
paper without knowing anything at first. We are born into this world without knowledge and as we
grow we continually learn through our parents and all who are around us. The second one is St.
Augustine because I believe in God. Knowing God is something you can assure that there is guidance
from up above when we always pray and worship to him. The third one is Sigmund Freud his
psychoanalytic theory is kind of how we behave and how we control ourselves in some situation or
happening in our life. The fourth one is Maurice
Merleu-Ponty is true too that all knowledge we learn is through experience and we know more
ourselves because of that we are able to think seriously and never repeat again because we learn a
lesson based on our experience.
My philosophy in life is there are no failures — just results, keep stretching and
challenging yourself and you are here to make good things happen.
Life is there are no failures — just results again our experience is the best teacher through
good and bad we stored it in our life because of that we learn and be aware on how we can deal
when it happens again. Keep stretching and challenging yourself I love to explore and learn new
things. This one is about courage since it requires you to step outside your comfort zone. You
know that a world of life-changing opportunities exists outside it. You are here to make good
things happen. This is the part where we know that we are here with a purpose and everything
happened for a reason because if you believe and never give up on yourself good things will make
it happen to you at the right time.
4. Explain the importance of having a philosophy of the self? (150 words)
The importance of philosophy to self is provocative, enlightening, and meaningful. It helps us
understand that things are not always what they seem, it helps us learn about ourselves and the world,
and it teaches us how to grapple intelligently with fundamental questions, such as: Who am I?, How
should I live?, Should I do what society tells me to do?, What is truth?, Does my life have meaning?,
What is the nature of mind, language, and thought? It can gives you the guidelines and boundaries that
keep you on track,” — Self awareness is important because when we have a better understanding of
ourselves, we are able to experience ourselves as unique and separate individuals.
5. What are your characteristics that can contribute to your happiness and success? (150
I believe to myself. This is one of the single most important traits for realizing success in anything.
Believing in yourself doesn’t mean you’re perfect or without flaws, but rather, that you know your worth
and believe in your capability. Acceptance this world is filled with all kinds of different people.
Different shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, personalities, orientations, and passions. In order to find
happiness, you need to be accepting of all people. You can’t have happiness without peace and you can’t
have peace without removing hatred. Humility in this world is big, scary, and unpredictable, no matter
how big and bad you become. It’s important to stay humble and remember that we’re all just a small
flicker in the scope of things. This will make it easy to remember what is most important and to
prioritize those things. Integrity being a good, polite, considerate person isn’t just about being that way
around others, it’s about being that way deep down, even when no one is watching.
When you live this way, it gives you a sense of comfort and confirmation of your self-worth.
Patience, success isn’t going to come when you want it– in fact, most things typically don’t. So, you
need patience. Be like Edwin C. Barnes and decide in your mind that, no matter how long it takes, you
will realize your primary goals in life. Then, get to work. Passion is critical to both happiness and
success. In fact, it can hit two birds with one stone by being the focus of your professional success,
making a living doing what you love. However, regardless, you need to follow your passion as that will
give your life a sense of meaning and, without it, I’d argue you can never truly realize any measure of
success. Gratitude as you climb your custom-made ladder of success ever higher, it’s important to
remain grateful for what you have. In fact, Gary V has said it’s his ability to remember all the things he’s
grateful for that has helped make him so successful. Basically all of this trait can contribute a positive
mindset it can change your perspective in life, or the way of life you see and always willing to keep