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GMPC Enables Energy Transmission Over Interconnected SAPP Grid

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GMPC Enables Energy Transmission over

Interconnected SAPP Grid
Pieter V. Goosen, Peter Riedel, John W. Strauss

away. The main ac and dc loads are each dedicated to a

Abstract—The Grid Master Power Controller (GMPC) busbar. The HVDC bus is defined as the “DC bus”, whereas
controls the generation at the Cahora Bassa hydro power the Bindura ac line feeding Zimbabwe is normally
station in Mozambique and its dispatch through parallel ac
connected to the “AC bus”. The low power local ac loads
and dc interconnections. The bulk dc power flows directly to
South Africa while ac power is delivered to Zimbabwe that is (not shown in Fig. 1), i.e. two 220 kV lines to Tete in
also interconnected with the South African ac grid. This paper Mozambique and system auxiliaries may be connected to
describes the GMPC functions in its various control modes either busbar. The GMPC is prepared for future braking
that are required for the system configurations. resistors. The 2 x 960 MW bipolar HVDC system is rated
It features adaptive gain and offset compensation for precision for 1800 A and ±533 kV. Each pole consists of four six-
open-loop control of the HVDC and the turbines; robust pulse bridges each rated for 133.3 kV and 240 MW.
control strategies for non-responsive generation or Bus
transmission; fast GPS-based angle measurement for damping Closed
control; robust automatic control-mode-selection independent
of remote signalling; controls for proposed braking resistors; Line
and smooth and safe control transfers between the GMPC and Closed
its emergency standby controller (EC). Bindura Line 262 km

The success of the GMPC is evident from the fact that the Bindura
“Angle Control mode” in which the high power HVDC system ZESA DC Lines 1414 km
operates parallel with the weak ac interconnection, has become Insukamini
the unreserved and preferred choice ever since its TCBR /
commissioning in October 1999. Closed

Matimba Apollo

Index Terms--Cahora Bassa HVDC, Grid Master Power ESKOM

Controller - GMPC, Parallel AC/DC operation, AC/DC
Fig. 1. Coupled Operation in Angle Mode (ZESA-Eskom link closed as
Interconnection, Braking Resistors, Frequency control, Angle shown) or in ZESA Mode (ZESA-Eskom link open)
control. The commercial operation of the final stage of the
1920 MW Cahora Bassa HVDC scheme for delivering
power to South Africa originally commenced in June 1979

S ECTION I provides an overview of the power system

components and the GMPC. Section II discusses
operating configurations and related control modes. Section
(see table 1). However dc line sabotage completely halted
operation in 1984 [1]. Renewed commercial exploitation
commenced in December 1997 but with the change that
III deals with the functions and features of the GMPC. It 500 MW at 330 kV ac had in the meantime been dedicated
also details the challenging conditions related to operating a to Zimbabwe via the new Bindura line. Due to the fact that
high power dc system in parallel with a weak ac Zimbabwe had in the meantime also been connected to the
interconnection both connected to a non ideal and isolated South African grid a weak ac link in parallel to the
hydro power station. Section IV summarises the advantages powerful HVDC system had been created. The original
of the Angle Control mode with Section V illustrating the MPC (Master Power Controller) that had been designed for
GMPC’s performance with the aid of recorded responses to “islanded” HVDC operation had consequently to be
typical faults initiated during final acceptance testing. replaced by the new GMPC.
The five 480 MVA generators (Fig. 1) at Cahora Bassa The HVDC system was restarted in the original island
feed into the dual 220 kV busbar substation in Songo 6 km mode with an allocation of three of the five generators. The
other two generators (one for security) were dedicated to
P. V. Goosen is with Eskom, RSA (e-mail: [email protected]). the then still isolated ac load. In October 1999 the ac, dc
Dr.-Ing. P. Riedel is with Siemens AG, PTDH176, Erlangen, Germany and power station system was finally re-commissioned for
(e-mail: [email protected]).
J. W. Strauss is with Siemens AG, PTDH177 Erlangen, Germany (e-
full commercial operation and with all the functions of the
mail: [email protected]). new GMPC activated. This created freedom for optimum

exploitation of the ac and dc systems and their shared characteristics provide fast but course frequency control
generation in all possible configurations. whereas the integral portion provides the exact, but slow
TABLE I 50 Hz control. A high gain “Disturbance Controller” (see
KEY DATES OF CAHORA BASSA SCHEME also section III.B) takes over from the slow integral
May 1972 Diversion tunnel through the North Bank completed
controller during large disturbances and ensures that the
Dec 1974 Filling of the Cahora Bassa lake commenced
Sept 1976 Rotation of the first generator set integral controller is primed with the best initial value at its
June 1979 Commercial operation with 1920 MW HVDC to Eskom reactivation after a disturbance.
June 1980 Interruption of commercial exploitation
June 1992 Contract 500 MW for Zimbabwe B. Coupled Operation in ZESA Control Mode
Dec 1997 Start of ac power delivery to Zimbabwe In the ZESA mode (Fig. 1 with ZESA-Eskom link open)
May 1998 Pre-commissioning of HVDC in isolated mode
Aug 1998 Restart of HVDC commercial operation to RSA
the GMPC supplies constant power to the Northern Power
Oct 1999 Final acceptance tests of GMPC for all control modes Pool and there is no ac coupling with the large Eskom
system some 1000-km away. Because the pool frequency is
Reference [2] summarises the GMPC control features for controlled by the connected utilities (totaling approx.
parallel ac/dc operation. These functions were initially 2000 MW), the GMPC’s integral frequency controller is
tested per TNA and later also with supplementary digital disabled and its proportional controller’s gain is
simulations before completing the GMPC’s commissioning significantly reduced. Due to its non-linear gain, the latter
in 1999 [3]. Although the basic controls established during controller effectively has a dead-band of ±100 mHz in this
the design stage and TNA testing remained unchanged, mode. This control strategy is necessary because the
modifications and enhancements were introduced during the contractual constant-power requirement for Bindura
digital simulations. These include eliminating dependence becomes incompatible with the GMPC exercising frequency
on remotely detected ac inter-connector statuses; control utilising Cahora Bassa’s generation. Operating
eliminating the special interconnection procedure for Bindura at the full power rating of its 220/330 kV coupling
closing the Matimba line (section III.G); enhancing transformer leaves no upward control margin for under-
damping of HCB-ZESA oscillations with the derivative of frequency support of the ZESA system. Thus to avoid
the measured Bindura line power (section III.D); overloading the Bindura link (as would happen if the
introducing the “ZESA control mode” (ZESA-Eskom link HVDC were ordered to release load for countering under-
open) (section II); implementing the turbine, HVDC and frequency) it becomes essential to disable the GMPC’s
busbar reference/actual (R/A) correction and supervision; exact (integral) frequency control and also to weaken its
enhancing the Bindura overload protection (section III.B,E) proportional frequency control. The remaining weak
and the simplification of the ZESA “transient power proportional frequency control outside the “dead band” then
reduction” functions. only provides “last resort” control for severe under-
Fig. 2 provides an overview of the GMPC function frequency that may cause splitting of the ac and dc systems.
packages with the relevant inputs and outputs. The main
C. Coupled Operation in Angle Control Mode
inputs via the operator interface are the ac and dc power
orders (PorderDC and PorderZi) as well as the power In Angle mode (Fig. 1) the GMPC stabilises the parallel
limitations for the individual turbines (PLimT1..5). The ac system by modulating HVDC power as a function of the
turbine power orders (PrefT1..5) and the base power order derivative of the Cahora-Bassa / Apollo voltage angle and
for the HVDC poles (Pdc1,2) are calculated in the GMPC the derivative of the Bindura power. The HVDC is
function groups for ‘Turbine and HVDC Power Order essentially operated in a constant power mode.
Calculation’. The power orders that are finally send to the
HVDC control (PrefDC1,2) include the modulation III. TASKS AND FEATURES OF GMPC
components which are derived in the function groups for
A. Power Order Co-ordination and Limitation
‘HVDC Power Modulation and Balance Controls’.
The GMPC co-ordinates generation with combined
II. OPERATION AND CONTROL MODES HVDC and Bindura power orders. It prescribes the orders
for the HVDC, the Bindura line and each turbine under its
A. Isolated Operation control. Note that contrary to the controlled flows on the
In this mode the HVDC system is isolated from the Bindura line and the HVDC, those on the Tete lines are
Bindura line by having the bus-coupler in Fig. 1 open. The determined solely by the connected passive loads. The
GMPC controls the turbines on the ac bus to provide GMPC gives precedence to ac loads and therefore HVDC
constant power to ZESA. On the dc bus the GMPC load is sacrificed until all ac loads, including that set for
maintains exact power balance at 50 Hz by modulating the Bindura by the operator, have been satisfied by the
HVDC output around its base power order depending on generation. This means that when an “AC” generator trips,
the frequency error. Proportional-integral control is used for its contribution to the ac load is immediately subtracted
this “Frequency mode” of operation. Proportional from HVDC order.

Power Grid Master Power Controller (GMPC) Power House (Songo)

(Songo) Load and Turbine Rate
Equipment PT*1..5 PT1..5 Water Head PrefT1..5
Generation of Change Opening = F (PrefT1..5)
on Bus 1 / 2 Turbine & & Ref / Act
Switchyard Allocation to Limitation
HVDC Correction Pre-Control
(Songo) Busbar 1 & 2 Pg1..5
Power Curve
Order Power
Operator PLimT1..5 Calculation Pdc*1, 2 System PSS On / Off
HVDC (Turbine)
Interface Stabilisers PSS System
Follow-up Control
On / Off
PorderZi Pdc1, 2
GMPC Valve Controls (Songo - Rectifier)
Workstation ZESA Power P_Balance
AC/DC Power
Demand Balance P_WHest PrefDC1, 2
Control Control P/U
I_LimP1, 2 (DC current limits)
HVDC Power
Valve U_Pole1, 2 (DC actual voltages) PPdc1, 2 Distribution
Transient U_Pole1, U_Pole2,
Controls and
Power P_CCloss I_Pole1 I_Pole2
(Songo) I_Pole1, 2 (DC actual currents) Transient
Correction Isolate Command
GMPC Dynamic Trip Command: Switchyard
Switchyard Freq_So Modulation P_Mod
Measurement Isolation (Bus-Coupler or (Songo)
(Songo) Closed Loop
(Songo) AngleSoAp Control ZESA Breaker)

Control Mode Selection: Power Deficit
Freq_Ap Angle_Ap 1) Freq_Mode Braking
GMPC Measurement 2) Zesa_Mode Resistor PrefBrake
Switchyard 3) Angle_Mode Control
panel situated in
Apollo (Inverter)

AngleSoAp Voltage angle between Songo and Apollo Pg1..5 Actual power values of Generator 1 to 5 PPdc1, 2 DC possible power values of Pole 1 & 2
Angle_Ap Voltage angle from Apollo (time stamped) PLimT1..5 Operator power limits for Turbines 1 to 5 PrefDC1, 2 Power reference for Pole 1 & 2
Freq_Ap Actual frequency from Apollo (Inverter) P_Mod Closed-loop-control modulation PrefT1..5 Power reference for Turbines 1 to 5
Freq_So Actual frequency in Songo (Rectifier) P_Mod_Br Modulation ref. to Braking Resistors PrefSoZi Power reference to ZESA
P_Balance Power balance modulation PorderDC Operator DC power order PT1..5 Ramped Tubine power orders
P_CCloss Modulation for loss of current control PorderZi Operator power order to ZESA P_WHest Modulation for Turbine Water Hammer
Pdc1, 2 Base power order values for Pole 1 & 2 effect (estimated)

Fig. 2. Software Overview with Main Inputs and Outputs of GMPC

The GMPC limits HVDC and turbine orders to the II.A). When the filters nevertheless do trip on frequency
maximum available generation capacity and the Possible excursions, the GMPC orders a busbar voltage reduction
Power of the HVDC. The latter limit is derived from any from the generator exciters to reduce the harmonic peaks.
HVDC current limitations and the total dc voltage. The When system stability demands fast turbine ramping to
HVDC capability may be further reduced by loss of current match generation to a stepped HVDC reduction, ALL
control in the rectifier or for the purpose of avoiding turbines under GMPC control, even those operating against
persistent or intermittent over-modulation into the transient operator-set limits for cavitation control will initially be
loading range. Additional power limits may be applied in forced to participate in the ramping. This function is
order to avoid overloading the Bindura line or to prevent especially important when a tripping of a remote inverter
damage resulting from inappropriate open-loop responses bridge tripping is only detectable as a sudden dc voltage
from the any of HVDC poles or the turbines. It is reduction (see section VI.C). The turbines have two
particularly important to guard against offset, gain and significant cavitation zones that restrict continuous
limitation errors in the open-loop turbine control operation. The 50-150 MW range must be passed rapidly
subsystems (also human error) that may create high while 30 minutes operation is permitted between 150 and
reference/actual power errors. 300 MW provided that compressed air is available for the
alleviation of cavitation.
B. Power Balance between Generation and Load
Due to the relative power ratings, the HVDC’s power
Maintaining good steady state and dynamic load and step for avoiding intermittent current operation during
generation balance is always important. The coupled mode blocking/de-blocking of a pole may constitute a problem for
however requires the best and fastest power balance to the loading of the Bindura line. The GMPC provides a
stabilise the Bindura power. In the “isolated mode” exact specially smoothed PP0 function (Possible Power to zero)
open-loop power balance improves frequency control. for one or both poles for this purpose. This convenient
Songo’s single-tuned ac filters are intolerant to operator function rapidly ramps away the power of the
significant frequency deviations. Without ac filtering outgoing pole and utilises the transient 125% loading
passive ac loads on the dc busbar must be tripped for capacity of the remaining pole to compensate the final 20%
protection against HVDC induced harmonic peak voltages. step at pole blocking. On a pole rating of 960 MW this
The GMPC’s high-gain ‘Disturbance Frequency Controller’ would amount to a 192 MW step on the steady 500 MW
is designed to help prevent ac filter tripping (see section

export to Bindura if not carefully controlled. Depending on Turbine Ramped Turbine Power Reference
the initial load, no turbine ramping may be required to take [MW] Turbine Actual Power with Francis turbine
hammer action effect
a pole out of operation. It may even be possible to
accommodate the final power step without transiently Initial Reference
overloading the remaining pole. A similarly function (PP0
Release) controls pole de-blocking.
Balancing the power generation and load is complicated
Final Reference
by the non-ideal and time-delayed response of the turbines.
t1 t2 t3 Time [s]
Steady-state power of a Francis turbine depends primarily
on the gate opening and the water head. It is also influenced Fig. 4. Water Hammer Effect during Power Ramping
by unit’s position in the hydraulic circuit. The combined Despite the efforts to compensate for these variable
maximum turbine power varies by some 200 MW characteristics, disturbing open-loop control errors
depending on the max/min reservoir levels (Fig. 3). especially in the turbine controls remain inevitable. In the
However, despite this each turbine’s control has a fixed steady-state, these errors are therefore detected and
linearising curve. Component drift in this old discrete translated into gain, offset and limit corrections. These R/A
electronic technology circuit and the associated analogue controllers must also account for the ever-active governors
communication with the power station makes each turbine’s that add frequency-dependent compensation to the GMPC’s
control response prone to individualised gain and offset orders. If possible, the R/A controllers ensure slow but
errors. This results in unequal power sharing with the same exact execution of individual steady state orders. For the dc
GMPC power orders or worst, unexpected “run-away” into turbines, these controllers provide offset correction below
overload when offset drifts gets amplified by the close-loop 100 MW. Above 100 MW, the offset errors drive the
gain that depends on the machine’s opening. turbines’ very slow gain compensations.
Each busbar also has a R/A controller ensuring that its
89.5m group of turbines executes the total busbar order within a
Power Output / 1pu=418MW

103.5m small error margin. These proportional controllers act
113.5m directly on their associated turbine R/A controllers.
127m Although a busbar’s R/A controller detects the same
transient power errors, while its underlying turbine R/A
0.6 (Turb.
Control) controllers settle, its main purpose is to counter persistent
0.4 errors resulting from a turbine running into an unannounced
0.2 limit. In effect, the busbar controllers compensate the power
0 error (initially absorbed by the HVDC) by raising power on
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 the “healthy” turbines of the particular busbar.
Gate Opening / 1pu=423mm

Fig. 3. Turbine Power depending on Gate Opening and Water Level

While a busbar R/A controller is adapting, the associated
Turbine power may also vary due to human interference turbine gain controllers are stopped to prevent them from
or plant restrictions that are not announced to the GMPC. absorbing the temporary offset error as gain errors. Since
These factors make it possible to order power above a the busbar R/A controllers act in the proportional mode, the
machine’s declared capability and forcing it against this corrections are as fast as the turbine R/A controllers would
hidden limit when the GMPC strives to reach the higher allow (some tens of seconds) while the turbine gain
operator-set limit. Consequently, with matched open-loop controllers operate in the 1000 seconds domain.
parallel power orders to the turbines and the HVDC only C. Protection of AC System against DC Disturbances
the HVDC would respond thus raising the load without
The relative high impedance of the ac link from Cahora
matching generation. This tends to cause transient
Bassa to Eskom makes it susceptible to power oscillations.
frequency deviations or reduced power on the Bindura line.
Disadvantages for coupled operation derive from the impact
In addition to the above open-loop response errors,
of large dc power disturbances on the weak ac system.
dynamic turbine power is also affected by the “water
These relatively frequent events result mainly from
hammer” phenomenon as shown in Fig. 4. A range of
converter bridge tripping (sixteen in scheme), inverter
special smoothing functions influence power order changes
commutation faults induced by dips in Eskom’s extensive
to mitigate this behaviour. They act under all conditions to
ac system and dc line faults. The latter are primarily due to
adapt power orders and ramp rates to minimise water
seasonal fires along the total 2828-km of monopolar dc
hammer effects while controlling for optimum stability and
lines. Because the ratings of the Cahora Bassa machines,
for protecting the hydraulic system against pressure surges.
bridges and HVDC poles are disproportionately large to the
Particularly during fast turbine ramping the HVDC
spare ac transmission capability from Cahora Bassa through
power needs to be modulated with calculated compensation
ZESA to Eskom, a relatively normal event on the HVDC
to negate the disturbing effect of water hammer power.
could constitute a major incident for ZESA. In coupled

operation, rejected dc load always attempts to escape braking resistors can no longer affect the stability of the
through ZESA to Eskom. Without timely GMPC action, disconnected ac network and the burden to stabilise the ac
such sustained flow has the potential of collapsing the network reverts to the generator Power System Stabilisers.
ZESA system with under voltage and overload. The GMPC activates the PSS systems of ac generators
The spare and transient overload capacity of the healthy loaded above 100 MW when it splits the ac and dc busbars.
HVDC pole buffers power rejections of the other pole and
E. Overload Protection for Bindura
thus protects the system stability. It attempts to absorb
excess power until the turbines have adapted. With Because the turbine governors remain active even during
insufficient overload capability the GMPC would rely GMPC control, the 220/330 kV Bindura coupling
firstly on the proposed braking resistors and only secondly transformer may be overloaded when the governors
on the busbar splitting criteria. However in the absence of increase power in response to ZESA under frequency. The
braking resistors protection depends on the ac/dc busbar GMPC is designed to maintain the Bindura power order and
isolation criteria. Most important of these criteria are the with its ac turbine R/A control, normally allows only short-
maximum angle and two excess energy criteria. The energy term deviations. Additional control is therefore required to
level for bus splitting depends on whether one or both poles prevent Bindura overloading. If Bindura operates separately
are affected and also on HVDC loading and bridge from the HVDC its possible power is derived from the
configuration. The more stringent energy criterion applies maximum possible ac generation (operator-set limits), less
for a bipolar current reduction event as typically triggered the measured uncontrolled ac load (Tete and auxiliaries). If
by inverter commutation failures. Splitting is also triggered Bindura is coupled to the HVDC with an order greater than
if the HVDC system fails to follow one of its pole orders 300 MW, Bindura’s maximum possible power is
(typically due to transient telecommunication failure during determined from its order plus 50 MW margin. A maximum
dynamic current control at the inverter). Since coupled limit of 550 MW is imposed and whenever these limits are
busbar operation can only be safely maintained if the exceeded the turbines are ramped down at 0.5 MW/s. The
GMPC has full control of the HVDC it is essential to end maximum possible ramp rate of 22 MW/s is reserved for
this mode as soon as such a problem arises. After ac/dc special occasions. That is when a Bindura-Dema line trips
separation the GMPC controls will deal with the or a permanent remote ZESA fault is detected.
misbehaviour in the more robust frequency control mode by If the bus coupler carries power from the ac to the dc
shifting load between poles and forcing a power reduction busbar when it is tripped, all the ac busbar generation
by reducing the nominal dc Possible Power. The bus- would be forced down the Bindura line. Under these
coupler is the default split point but the common busbar conditions the GMPC trips excess generation on the ac bus
mode would require tripping of the Bindura line for to avoid overload tripping of the link.
splitting. F. Fast Angle Measurement
D. Stabilisation of Interconnection after DC Disturbances An essential pre-condition for the Angle control mode is
During dc disturbances a portion of the excess energy having an intact measurement system as well as fast and
surges through the ac system and stimulates oscillations in reliable communication from Apollo to Songo. Part of the
the parallel ac networks. The energy absorbed by the ac GMPC’s angle and frequency measurement equipment,
network depends on magnitude of the power surge through including a GPS clock for telegram synchronisation, is
the bus coupler and determines the increase in angle situated in Apollo. Relying on the fixed transmission delay
between Songo and Apollo. Not only does the loss of dc of the telecommunication system, GPS-clocked angle
power import at Apollo cause the Eskom frequency to slow information is transferred by dual power line carrier
down, but excess power on the Songo busbar also systems (PLC) operating over the HVDC lines and their
accelerates the Cahora Bassa machines. Both effects earth wires. During transient PLC failures, the GMPC
contribute to the angle increase. The ac system oscillations reverts for 1 second to an angle estimate before it splits the
are damped by HVDC power modulation ordered by the ac/dc systems. This GPS-based angle measurement for ac
combined actions of Angle and ZESA Power controllers system control and damping is the first known application.
(section V.A). Since the HVDC recovers in about 100 ms G. Automatic Control Mode Changes
after commutation faults, it is well able to provide some The GMPC promotes bus coupler (BC) synchronisation
effective modulation power after its recovery. The angle by creating slow slipping between the ac systems. Its
can therefore typically be controlled below the split limit at automatic selection of control mode is essential for realising
125 degrees. With proposed braking resistors to transiently robust and safe controls for parallel ac/dc operation. This
help absorb rejected dc load, system security would be GMPC control mode selection is based solely on the
further improved. The energy surge to stimulate oscillations evaluation of the rate-of-change of angle and is thus
would be reduced and extra modulation power over and independent of status signals from the remote links.
above that transmitted by the HVDC would be available. The GMPC automatically changes from “Frequency” to
After splitting the ac and dc systems, the HVDC and

“ZESA” mode for the following two cases: D. Enhanced System Performance after Interruption of
• If the BC is synchronised without the GMPC’s ZESA-Eskom Link
interconnection procedure, Although the ZESA-Eskom power flow is not monitored
• If the BC is in the closed position with the Bindura by the GMPC, its actions indirectly depend on the direction
line disconnected and the Bindura line breaker is of the pre-fault power flow on that link. Violating the
closed (local or remote synchronisation with ZESA). positive maximum angle limit is indicative that ZESA had
On the other hand, if during ZESA mode the GMPC been exporting power to Eskom at the time of its tripping.
detects that the HCB/ZESA network has become Splitting the systems by interrupting the BC flow would
synchronised with Eskom, i.e. an ac path exists in parallel therefore be beneficial for ZESA’s stability and the GMPC
to the dc link, the GMPC will automatically change over to trips the BC and reverts to the Frequency control mode.
the required Angle control mode. On the other hand if ZESA were importing power from
When in Angle mode and one of the isolation criteria is Eskom, the angle would typically violate its maximum
violated, the GMPC opens the split point (usually the bus- negative value. In this case the conditions for ZESA would
coupler) and reverts to the Frequency control mode. be worsened if the power transfer through the BC would
When in Angle mode, the GMPC will change over to also be interrupted. The GMPC therefore rather keeps the
ZESA mode (keeping the bus-coupler closed) for the BC closed and changes from Angle to ZESA control mode.
following conditions:
E. Protection of ZESA following the Loss of Bindura-
• GMPC detects that the HCB/ZESA system has
Dema or Dema-Warren Line
become asynchronous with Eskom, e.g. after opening
of the remote Matimba line (Eskom-ZESA link). The loss of one of these lines with a strong influence on
the transfer impedance during isolated mode would most
• Violation of negative angle limit (section IV.D)
likely also bring about the tripping of the Songo-Bindura
• After tripping the Bindura-Dema line (section IV.E)
line to cause a total blackout of Bindura and Dema.
In Angle mode, however, there is a good chance of
maintaining the small remaining Bindura/Dema load.
A. Full Exploitation of All Generators (see section I) Therefore if the Bindura power suddenly drops from pre-
fault value above 350 MW to below 220 MW while the
B. Security for remnant AC Load at Bindura (ZESA) HVDC has 100 MW continuous spare capacity the GMPC
against Generator Trip switches to Frequency mode without opening the BC to
In coupled mode the impact of a generator trip on the ac split the systems. This would be done despite the fact that
system is much less than in isolated mode because HVDC the maximum angle had been violated. With the BC
power would instantaneously be sacrificed to maintain the remaining closed, the surplus ac generation can be partly
ac flow. Furthermore the standby ac generator (normally diverted into transient HVDC overload. As a consequence,
operating with low power to avoid cavitation) would be tripping of the ac generators and the Bindura and Tete lines
available for generation reserve to both busbars. (assumed to be on the ac busbar) may be averted. The
In isolated mode, the security of Bindura and other ac dynamic overload capability of the HVDC beyond the
loads requires two generators on the ac busbar. This leaves 100 MW spare capacity combined with the ramping of ALL
at most three for the dc side. Also after tripping the loaded turbines contributes to the GMPC’s efforts to protect the
ac generator, the ac system will experience a transient remaining Bindura and Tete loads.
generation loss while the standby unit ramps to full power
F. Enhanced Transient Stability for Bindura Single-Phase
in less than 20 seconds. To achieve this favourable response
or Remote Faults
from the standby machine the GMPC resets all operator-
imposed limits whenever a generator with more than The HVDC power modulation is used to assist the ac
100 MW trips. The same resetting is applied for the dc system stability during the clearing of single-line-to-ground
generators operating in whatever mode. faults on Bindura as well as remote ZESA faults. With a
Tripping the BC is treated as a generator trip event on pre-fault flow of less than 200 MW, single-phase fault
both busbars and all turbine limits are reset to 400 MW. clearing affects only a part of the line’s ac load transfer
capacity. The GMPC compensates for this loss by rapidly
C. Free and Quick Transfer of Equipment increasing the HVDC’s (or braking resistor) orders by an
In coupled mode the GMPC permits free and quick appropriate amount (30% of the Bindura order) for the
transfer of equipment (particularly generators, Tete lines duration of the fault clearing as indicated to the GMPC by
and Auxiliaries) between busbars. In particular this obviates the line protection. The power increase on the HVDC is
the need for an HVDC shutdown for swapping the only however limited by its nominal capacity. In Frequency
station auxiliary supply between busbars. mode a three-phase trip of Songo-Bindura line represents a
total load rejection for the ac generators and the loss of the
Tete lines if were connected to the ac bus.

Fig. 5. Test 9.0/2, 30.Sept.1999, 00:14, DC Line Fault in Angle Control (without Isolation of Bus-Coupler)

Fig. 6. Test 9.0/3, 30.Sept.1999, 00:21, DC Line Fault in Angle Control (with Isolation of Bus-Coupler)

Measured variables (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6): Pmatimba Power of ZESA-Eskom Link Angle CB-AP Voltage angle Songo-Apollo
df BB1 Frequency “DC bus” Songo Pact Pole 1 DC power of pole 1 PZesa Power of Bindura line
df BB2 Frequency “AC bus” Songo Pact Pole 1 DC power of pole 2 Calc.UBind.dev. Calculated Bindura voltage

excess energy resulting from dc faults, can escape through

G. Prevention of Generator Over-Frequency for Bindura
the ac network to Eskom. Sometimes this energy release
Line Trips
might avoid over frequency tripping of the ac filters.
In the coupled mode, the ac busbar over frequency
resulting from a Bindura trip can be countered more I. Damping of Parallel AC System
effectively by ramping down all available turbines and also Parallel ac/dc operation offers superior damping of low
by utilising the maximum capacity of the HVDC. frequency ac system oscillations that occur after faults or
switching in ZESA or Eskom. This is especially important
H. Enhanced Stability for the DC Bus
when Bindura operates at high power near the stability
Even if the BC has to be opened, the dc bus transiently limits and while ZESA exports power to Eskom.
benefits from coupled operation because many MJ of its

both the ac and dc systems are well protected from

V. MEASURED RESPONSES TO DC LINE FAULTS disturbances in the other. The main isolation criteria are the
maximum angles and two energy criteria. Violations of the
A. DC Line Fault in Angle Control without Isolation positive or negative angle thresholds trigger different
The HVDC operates in Angle Control Mode in bipolar GMPC control actions for the purpose of maximising
operation with 2 bridges in pole 1 and 3 bridges in pole 2 at benefits to the ZESA ac system while also offering best
1200 MW (100% loading). The bus-coupler is closed. Two protection to the large Cahora Bassa machines. The energy
ac filters and generators 1, 3, 4 and 5 are connected to the criteria have been carefully optimised to the HVDC loading
dc bus, S1. On the ac bus, S2, generator 2 (409 MW) is and configuration in order to minimise splitting of the ac
feeding Bindura (411 MW), Tete 1 (4 MW), Tete 2 and dc systems even in the absence of braking resistors.
(21 MW) and the Auxiliaries (8 MW). The BC power is Since its commissioning in Oct 1999 the GMPC has
34 MW from the dc to the ac side. A 160 ms Idref=0 preferentially been used (without any modifications!) in its
command is issued for pole 1 (2 bridges) to simulate a dc Angle Control Mode, thus efficiently and reliably providing
line 1 fault. The energy surge of 95 MJ through the BC its benefits as described.
remains below the 110 MJ limit and no splitting is required.
The GMPC overloads the unaffected pole (Fig. 5). The less VII. REFERENCES
than 5% calculated voltage drop at Bindura validates the [1] “25 aniversário da Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa, A nossa energia
non-splitting result. The oscillations of the angle, Matimba abraςa Moςambique," ISBN 972-95054-9-7, Lisboa, Abril de 2000.
and ZESA powers are well damped after the dc line fault. [2] W. Bayer, K. Habur, D. Povh, D.A. Jacobson, J.M.G. Guedes, D.
Marshall, “Control Measures to Ensure Dynamic Stability of the
B. DC Line Fault in Angle Control with Isolation Cahora Bassa Scheme and the Parallel HVAC System”, IEE AC and
DC Power Transmission Conference, 29 April – 3 May, 1996
Starting with the same pre-fault conditions as above, a [3] P. Riedel, J.W Strauss, P.V. Goosen, "Simulation and
160 ms Idref=0 command for pole 2 (3 bridges) simulates a Commissioning of the Grid Master Power Controller (GMPC) for
the Cahora Bassa HVDC," Cigré’s International Conference on
dc line 2 fault. The energy surge through the BC exceeds
Power Systems, Wuhan, China Sept. 3-5, 2001. P. Riedel, J.W
the 110 MJ isolation limit and the systems are split. The Strauss, P.V. Goosen, "Simulation and Commissioning of the Grid
GMPC correctly overloads the unaffected pole (Fig. 6). Master Power Controller (GMPC) for the Cahora Bassa HVDC,"
Isolating the ac system from the dc comes early enough to Cigré’s International Conference on Power Systems, Wuhan, China
Sept. 3-5, 2001.
prevent the Bindura voltage dropping below 7.5%. After
“clearing” the dc line fault, the ac system is damped by the VIII. BIOGRAPHIES
PSS of the ac generator, which was enabled by the GMPC.
Pieter V. Goosen was born in Brakpan, South
VI. CONCLUSION Africa on October 3, 1947. He obtained the degrees
Although optimum exploitation of all machines was the B.Sc Eng.(Elec.) and B.Sc Eng.(Hons).(Elec) in
1970 and 1972 from the University of Pretoria.
main reason for coupled ac/dc operation, this configuration Since joining Eskom in 1970 and has been closely
also offers other important advantages for the involved with the Cahora Bassa HVDC scheme. He
interconnected ac system. These are enhanced dynamic has extensive experience with Transformers,
Capacitors and SVC’s and was Cigré SC12 member
stability, transient HVDC support for Bindura single-phase and Special Reporter. From 1997 to 1999 he was
faults, better protection for ZESA against tripping of seconded to Siemens for the GMPC development. Now he focuses on the
Cahora Bassa generators, tripping of Bindura-Dema or Life Cycle Management of the HVDC scheme and power transformers.
Dema-Warren lines and enhanced ac system performance Dr.-Ing. Peter Riedel was born in Herten /
following the interruption of ZESA-Eskom link. Due to the Recklinghausen, Germany, on July 20, 1962. He
very weak ac system interconnection; the narrow frequency received his Dipl.-Ing. degree and PhD in
Electrical Engineering from University of
band for the ac filters; the dependency of turbine output on Hannover in 1989 and 1994, respectively.
fixed governor pre-control characteristic; the water level Afterwards he worked as a consultant for
and water hammer effects, a new specialised power FICHTNER in the area of AC and HVDC power
systems before he joined SIEMENS AG in
controller (GMPC) became essential for the successful Germany in 1997. Currently his main activities
realisation of the parallel ac/dc operation. comprise basic design and system studies for
Notable features of the GMPC are: robust design with HVDC systems.
minimised external status information, inclusion of controls John W. Strauss was born in Johannesburg,
for future braking resistors, adaptive reference/actual South Africa, on May 10, 1968. He received his
B.-Ing. degree in Electronic Engineering from the
control and supervision of HVDC and turbines to make it
University of Pretoria in 1994 and registered as a
robust for all conceivable plant faults, fast GPS based angle Professional engineer in May 2000. His previous
measurement, and automatic control-mode-selection-logic. experience includes automisation and drives
Even without the proposed 720 MW braking resistors the control for the Steel, Paper and Gold Mining
industries. Presently his main activities comprises
GMPC is capable, through application of various isolation engineering and commissioning of HVDC
criteria, to realise safe parallel ac/dc operation in which transmission systems.

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