Latihan Soal Dan Pembahasan

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Latihan dan pembahasan Soal Test TOEFL.

1. (A) He finished the problem at 6. (A) He is always
last. underappreciated.
(B) He hardly worked on the
math. (B) She is thankful for what he
(C) It was hard for him to did.
assign the math. (C) He has made no apparent
(D) The problem was very effort.
(D) She feels little appreciation
2. (A) He didn’t fail by much. for his efforts.
(B) He completely failed the 7. (A) Getting dressed.
(B) Making sald.
(C) He had a really high grade
(C) Shopping for groceries.
(D) His grade was low but
passing. (D) Washing clothes.

3. (A) The laundry is getting done. 8. (A) She convinced Jack to go.

(B) They are close the cleaners. (B) She will not be able to go to
the restaurant.
(C) The woman should close
the machine. (C) Jack has convinced her to
go to a restaurant.
(D) Postponing their visit to a
later date. (D) Jack is not going.

4. (A) Leaving on Tuesday 9. (A) Descend the stairs and go in

the second door.
(B) Cutting
(B) Step around the building
(C) Changing the day of their and enter through the first
departure. door.
(D) Postponing their visit to a (C) Go through the first door
leter date. and go down the steps.
5. (A) The landlord has raised the (D) Go down the hall and enter
rent. the doorway.
(B) The landlord has received a 10. (A) She can see him very
letter with some bad news. clearly.
(C) The landlord will not (B) He speaks loudly.
increase the rent.
(C) He’s very soft-spoken.
(D) The landlord will not rent
them an apartment (D) She didn’t speak to him.

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
11. (A) She would like the man to
repeat himself.
14. (A) He fascinated the guests.
(B) The last exam was not very
hard. (B) The speaker’s ideas
intrigued him.
(C) She agrees with the man
about the exam. (C) Giving speeches is
(D) The man has repeated
himself several times. (D) He was a guest of the

12. (A) It has probably not been

arranged. 15. (A) It is quite humid this week.

(B) It is ready for the (B) The humidity will last

conference. through the week.

(C) It needs a set of chairs. (C) It is drier now.

(D) It needs to be emptied. (D) It was better just last week.

16. (A) She was extremely
13. (A) She’ll be able to stay up
until the last moment. (B) She couldn’t understand the
(B) She’s been running for
some time. (C) She did not understand the
(C) She’s not sure when the last
exam is. (D) She missed class due to
(D) She’s really exhausted.


31. (A) To write his paper.

(B) To help him decide on a topic.
(C) To teach him about history.
(D) To discuss history with him.
32. (A) At the beginning of the semester.
(B) Before the start of the semester.
(C) Near the end of the semester.
(D) One week after the semester is finished.

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
33. (A) The topic’s too general
(B) He isn’t interested in technology.
(C) He doesn’t have enough time.
(D) Technology has nothing to do with American history.
34. (A) A month
(B) The semester
(C) Seven days
(D) A day oe two

39. (A) A professional dancer.
(B) A student in the dance department
(C) The head of the dance department
(D) A choreographer
40. (A) Which dance degree to take
(B) Whether or not to major in dance
(C) whether to be a professional dancer or choreographer
(D) whether to specialize in dance therapy or dance history
41. (A) Physical therapy
(B) Dance history
(C) Choreography
(D) Dance administration
42. (A) They are both intended for professional dancers
(B) They involve mostly the same courses
(C) They do not need to be selected until later
(D) They are both four-year programs

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
1. In the late 1880s, Hull House … (A) Does it escape
United State’s first welfare state. (B) Its escape
(A) To become the (C) It escapes
(B) Became the (D) Escapes it
(C) Becoming one the 7. … manipulate with their feet as
(D) It became the well as with their hands, it is
2. … with the largest alphabet is difficult for them to stand upright.
Cambodian, with 74 letters (A) Apes can, however,
(A) In the language (B) Apes are able to
(B) The language is (C) Despite the ability of apes
(C) The language (D) Although apes can
(D) About the language 8. Approximately 500 varieties of
3. … given to the various type of insectivorous plants, which trap
microscopic plants and animals animals with their sustenance … in
found in water. the world.
(A) Named plankton (A) And their existence
(B) The name of plankton (B) Exist
(C) Plankton’s name (C) They exist
(D) Plankton is the name (D) That exist
4. Charles Babbage (1792-1871) drew 9. Ozone is formed when ultraviolet
up the first plans for a radiation from the Sun …
programmable digital computer in molecules into highly reactive
1834, but… was never completed. oxygen atoms.
(A) His invention (A) Oxygen breaks up
(B) He invented (B) Oxygen is broken up
(C) To invent him (C) Breaks up oxygen
(D) For him to invent (D) To break up oxygen
5. …, one of the oldest forms of 10. The surrealistic movement in art in
written communication was used as the 1920s and 1930s … is pictured
early as 3000 B. C. in the unconscious and often
(A) Cuneiform writing incorporated dreamlike images.
(B) In cuneiform writing (A) To emphasize it
(C) Cuneiform writing was (B) An emphasis on it
(D) When cuneiform writing (C) Emphasize what
6. As a protection device, an octopus (D) An emphasis what
eject black or purple ink to cloud
the water when…

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
1. The price of silver rose to $50.05 per troy ounce in January 1980 and then fell to
$10.80 two month later.
2. Most polar seals retreat to open water during the winter, but a few types have learn
to survive on and under the ice all year around.
3. More than half of all stars is in binary or multiple-star systems.
4. The harpsichord is the most complex and most large of all the plucked keyboard

5. United States forces won the city of Los Angeles in 1847 during the Mexican War
and gain all of California in the same year.
6. During fermentation, complex carbohydrates are converted to another chemicals by
the action of enzymes produced by molds, yeasts, or bacteria.
7. The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of flat desserts, craters,
volcanoes, and mountainous.
8. Hardwood comes from broad-leaved deciduous trees, those that lose theirs leaves in

9. The Washington quarter was first minting by the U.S. government in 1932 on the
200 anniversary of George Washington’s birth.

10. W. Somerset Maugham’s best-known novel, Of Human Bondage, is a partially
fictionalized account of a unhappy youth.

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
The final battle of the War of 1812 was the Battle of New Orleans. This battle gave a
clear demonstration of the need for effective communication during wartime; it also showed
the disastrous results that can come to pass when communication is inadequate.

The War of 1812 was fought between Great Britain and the very young country of the
United States only a relatively few years after the United States had won its independence
from Britain. The United States had declared war against Britain in June of 1812, mostly
because of interference with U.S. shipping by the British and because of the shanghaiing of
U.S. sailors for enforced service on British vessels. The war lasted for a little more than two
years, when a peace treaty was signed at Ghent, in Belgium, on the 24th of December, 1814.

Unfortunately, the news that the Treaty of Ghent had been signed and that the war
was officially over was not communicated in a timely manner over the wide distance to
where the war was being contested. Negotiations for the treaty and the actual signing of the
treaty took place in Europe, and news of the treaty had to be carried across the Atlantic to the
war front by ship. A totally unnecessary loss of life was incurred as a result of the amount of
time that it took to inform the combatants of the traty.

Early in January 1815, some two weeks after the peace treaty had been signed, British
troops in the southern part of the United States were unaware that the war had officially
ended. Over 5,000 British troops attacked U.S. troops. During the ensuing battle, known
as the Battle of New Orleans, the British suffered the huge number of casualties, around
2,000, and the Americans lost 71, all in a battle fought only because news of the peace treaty
that had already been signed in Ghent had not yet reached the battlefield.

1. The main idea of this passage is that

(A) The War of Independence was unnecessary
(B) The War of 1812 was unnecessary
(C) The Treaty of Ghent was unnecessary
(D) The Battle of New Orleans was unnecessary
2. The pronoun “it” in line 2 refers to
(A) Battle
(B) Demonstration
(C) Communication
(D) Wartime
3. The expression “come to pass” in line 3 could best be replaced by
(A) Happen
(B) Overthrow
(C) Self-destruct
(D) Circumvent
4. According to the passage, when did the United States win its independence from
(A) Shortly before of the War of 1812
(B) During the War of 1812

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
(C) Just after the War of 1812
(D) Long after the War of 1812
5. According to the passage, some U.S. sailors were
(A) Taken forcibly to Shanghai
(B) Made to go to Ghent
(C) Forced to work on British ship
(D) Responsible for causing the War of 1812
6. It is NOT stated in the passage that Ghent was
(A) Where negotiations took place
(B) The site of the final battle
(C) Where the treaty was signed
(D) Far from the battlefield
7. The word “contested” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
(A) Played
(B) Fought
(C) Discussed
(D) Examined
8. It can be determined from the passage that, of the following dates, the Battle of New
Orlens was most probably fought
(A) On December 10, 1814
(B) On December 24, 1814
(C) On January 1, 1815
(D) On January 8, 1815
9. Where in the passage does the author indicate when the War of 1812 officially ended?
(A) Lines 1-3
(B) Lines 4-5
(C) Lines 8-9
(D) Lines 10-12
10. Which paragraph describes the battle that took place after the signing of the treaty?
(A) The first paragraph
(B) The second paragraph
(C) The third paragraph
(D) The last paragraph

Pembahasan soal TOEFL
Pembahasan soal TOEFL

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