BS 5276-4-1977
BS 5276-4-1977
BS 5276-4-1977
Specification for
UDC 621.772.4:621.642:66.023
BS 5276-4:1977
Cooperating organizations
The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
preparation of this British Standard:
Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Terms and symbols 1
4 Shapes 1
5 Dimensions 1
6 Internal pressure rating of basic unpierced vessels 2
7 Other requirements 2
Appendix A Relationship between inside crown radius R and
inside knuckle radius r 11
Figure 1 — Terms and symbols for basic unpierced vessels 3
Table 1 — Volumes, diameters and aspect ratios of standard vessels 4
Table 2 — Lengths of vessels 6
Table 3 — Vessel thicknesses and pressure coefficients 8
Table 4 — Dimensions of domed ends 10
Publications referred to Inside back cover
© BSI 03-2000 i
BS 5276-4:1977
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Pressure
Vessel Standards Committee to cover the dimensions of pressure vessel details.
It has been arranged in Parts as follows:
— Part 1: Davits for branch covers;
— Part 2: Saddle supports for horizontal cylindrical pressure vessels (in course
of preparation);
— Part 3: Dimensional tolerances for pressure vessels (currently Draft for
Development DD 42);
— Part 4: Standardized pressure vessels.
This Part replaces BS 3161 and is confined to unfired cylindrical pressure vessels
for horizontal and vertical use in the chemical and allied industries. Only one of
the shapes of domed ends previously shown in BS 1966 is specified; this is the
torispherical 2 : 1 radius/height ratio in terms of the inner profile (domed ends
with 6 % and 10 % knuckle radii are not currently included).
It is intended that the module system adopted for the shell cylinder lengths will
lead to economies in the manufacture of carbon steel and carbon manganese steel
vessels by reducing the number of plate sizes used and minimizing the equipment
required for fabrication.
This Part covers dimensions and pressure ratings for basic unpierced vessels
thereby providing an aid to selection of standardized vessels and is intended for
use in conjunction with BS 5500 “Unfired fusion welded pressure vessels”.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
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BS 5276-4:1977
1 Scope
This Part of this British Standard specifies requirements for cylindrical vessels with torispherical domed
ends. The lengths and thicknesses of the shell cylinders are based on standard carbon and carbon
manganese steel plates. Permissible internal pressures for the domed ends and shell cylinders, not taking
account of openings, can be calculated using the dimensions and pressure coefficients stated in this
standard together with the relevant stress values obtained from BS 5500.
The overall design of vessels, their fabrication and testing shall be in accordance with BS 5500.
For vessels that are outside the range of sizes covered, it is recommended that shell cylinder lengths should
be derived using the modular method described in 5.2.1.
2 References
The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.
4 Shapes
4.1 Standard diameters and lengths of shell cylinders shall be as shown in Table 1 and Table 2 together
with the nominal volumes contained within the vessels and their aspect ratios (length : diameter). Table 1
facilitates the selection of a standardized vessel for a required capacity, diameter and aspect ratio.
4.2 Domed ends shall be torispherical as defined in Table 4 in terms of inner profile.
5 Dimensions
5.1 General. Linear dimensions are specified in millimetres, volumes in cubic metres.
Diameters of vessels are based on metric inside diameters and, in order to enable manufacturers to utilize
existing “inch size” forming tools for the domed ends, a variation of ± 12 mm is permissible on diameters
up to and including 1 300 mm. This is a temporary measure and manufacturers are strongly recommended
to adopt nominal sizes when re-tooling.
5.2 Shell cylinders
5.2.1 Modular lengths. A standardized range of modular lengths shall be as given in Table 1 and Table 2.
These lengths are based on the use of a single standard width of plate, purchased 2 500 mm wide. Shell
cylinder lengths are built up in modular form using full plate widths where possible and fractions of these
where necessary. Allowance is made for edge preparation, resulting in fabrication strakes of 2 480 mm (full
plate), 1 860 mm (# plate), 1 235 mm (" plate) and 610 mm (! plate). The use of alternative widths to
achieve the overall shell cylinder lengths is not, however, precluded.
5.2.2 Thicknesses. Shell cylinder thicknesses ecyl, which include 1.5 mm corrosion allowance, associated
with each diameter shall be as given in Table 3.
5.3 Domed ends
5.3.1 Profile. The dimensions of the inner profile shall be as given in Table 4.
It is permissible to use any values of crown and knuckle radii between the stated limits provided that the
head height is as specified. Appropriate values may be selected using Appendix A. For practical purposes
the profiles headed “ellipsoidal” are indistinguishable from ellipsoids of vessel radius/height ratio 2 : 1,
which are also acceptable.
In the manufacture of domed ends where advantage is taken of the permissible variation of ± 12 mm on
the nominal diameter (see 5.1) the inside crown radius shall be between 0.75Di and 0.95Di, the inside
knuckle radius shall be between 0.125Di and 0.1805Di and the inside height shall be not less than 0.25Di
where Di is equal to the inside diameter, as manufactured, of the end concerned.
5.3.2 Lengths of straight flanges. The straight flanges shall be 50 mm long for vessels up to and
including 1 700 mm diameter and 65 mm long for vessels above 1 700 mm diameter.
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BS 5276-4:1977
5.3.3 Thicknesses. Minimum thicknesses eend, which include 1.5 mm corrosion allowance, associated with
each diameter shall be as given in Table 3. These have been calculated to match the corresponding
thickness ecyl of the shell cylinder on the basis of equivalent strength. It is the responsibility of the
manufacturer to select a suitable plate thickness to ensure that, after forming, the thickness shall at no
point in the profile be less than eend and that the thickness of the straight flange when prepared for welding
shall be not less than the thickness ecyl of the shell cylinder.
5.4 Dimensional tolerances. These shall be in accordance with BS 5500 except that the tolerance on the
circumference ( of BS 5500:1976) shall be increased by ± 38 mm for diameters up to and
including 1 300 mm (see 5.1).
General dimensional tolerances for completed vessels shall be in accordance with DD 42.
Enter Table 3 at the appropriate diameter and find a value of k equal to or greater than the calculated
Read off ecyl and eend for the thicknesses of the shell cylinder and the domed end respectively.
6.2 Derivation of pressure coefficient k (see Table 3). Coefficients are based on calculations to
BS 5500:1976 as follows:
Shell cylinders, a)
Unpierced ends,
The calculations include a corrosion allowance of 1.5 mm. In the case of vessels up to and
including 1 300 mm diameter calculations are made for diameters inclusive of tolerance and variation
(see 5.1).
7 Other requirements
Irrespective of the category of vessel, if the ends are made from more than one plate, the welds within each
end shall be completely radiographed or examined ultrasonically before the end is formed. After forming,
the knuckle region of these welds shall be examined by radiography or ultrasonic means.
The following information shall be supplied by the vessel fabricator when ordering ends.
a) Inside diameter.
b) Minimum thickness (eend).
c) End preparation of the straight flange and the associated shell cylinder thickness (ecyl).
d) The material specified in accordance with the appropriate British Standard.
e) Any heat treatment requirements.
f) Any further inspection requirements.
g) Surface finish, if necessary.
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BS 5276-4:1977
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Table 1 — Volumes, diameters and aspect ratios of standard vessels
BS 5276-4:1977
Di Modular plate length
m3 ! " # 1 1! 1" 1# 2 2! 2" 3 3" 4 4" 5 5" 6 6" 7 7" 8
600a 0.26 0.43 0.61 0.78 0.96
650 0.31 0.51 0.72 0.93 1.13 1.34
700 0.36 0.6 0.84 1.08 1.32 1.56
750a 0.42 0.7 0.97 1.25 1.52 1.79
800 0.49 0.8 1.12 1.43 1.73 2.05 2.36
850 0.56 0.91 1.27 1.62 1.97 2.32 2.68
900a 0.64 1.04 1.43 1.83 2.22 2.61 3.01 3.41
950 0.72 1.17 1.61 2.05 2.48 2.92 3.37 3.81
1 000a 0.81 1.3 1.79 2.28 2.76 3.25 3.74 4.23 Nominal volume of vessel m3
1 050 0.91 1.45 1.99 2.53 3.06 3.6 4.14 4.68 5.21
1 100 1.61 2.2 2.79 3.37 3.97 4.56 5.15 5.73
1<2 1 150a 1.77 2.42 3.07 3.7 4.35 5 5.64 6.28 6.93
1 200 1.95 2.66 3.36 4.05 4.76 5.46 6.16 6.85 7.56
1 250 2.14 2.9 3.66 4.41 5.18 5.95 6.71 7.46 8.22
2<3 1 300a 2.33 3.16 3.99 4.79 5.62 6.45 7.28 8.09 8.92 10.6
1 400 2.76 3.72 4.67 5.61 6.57 7.54 8.49 9.43 10.4 12.3
1 500a 3.22 4.32 5.42 6.5 7.6 8.71 9.8 10.9 12 14.2 16.4
1 600 3.73 4.99 6.23 7.46 8.72 9.97 11.2 12.4 13.7 16.2 18.7
1 700 4.28 5.7 7.11 8.49 9.91 11.3 12.7 14.1 15.5 18.4 21.2
1 800a 4.96 6.55 8.13 9.68 11.3 12.9 14.4 16 17.6 20.8 23.9 27.1
1 900 7.39 9.15 10.9 12.7 14.4 16.2 17.9 19.7 23.2 26.7 30.2
5 < 10 2 000a 8.29 10.2 12.2 14.1 16.1 18 19.9 21.9 25.8 29.7 33.6
2 100 9.26 11.4 13.5 15.7 17.8 20 22.1 24.3 28.6 32.9 37.2 41.4
2 200 10.3 12.6 15 17.3 19.7 22.1 24.4 26.8 31.5 36.2 40.9 45.6
10 < 15
2 300a 11.4 13.9 16.5 19.1 21.7 24.3 26.8 29.4 34.6 39.7 44.9 50 55.2
2 400 15.3 18.1 20.9 23.7 26.6 29.3 32.1 37.8 43.4 49 54.6 60.2
2 500 16.8 19.8 22.9 25.9 29 32 35 41.1 47.2 53.3 59.4 65.5
15 < 25 2 600a 18.3 21.6 24.9 28.2 31.5 34.7 38.1 44.7 51.2 57.8 64.4 71 77.6
2 700 20 23.5 27 30.6 34.2 37.7 41.2 48.4 55.4 62.6 69.6 76.8 83.8
2 800 21.7 25.4 29.3 33.1 36.9 40.7 44.5 52.2 59.8 67.5 75.1 82.8 90.4 98
2 900 27.5 31.6 35.7 39.8 43.9 48 56.2 64.4 72.6 80.8 89 97.1 105
3 000a 29.6 34.1 38.5 42.9 47.2 51.6 60.4 69.1 77.9 86.7 95.5 104 113 122
3 100 31.9 36.6 41.3 46 50.6 55.3 64.7 74.1 83.5 92.8 102 111 121 130
24 < 40
3 200 34.3 39.3 44.3 49.3 54.2 59.2 69.2 79.2 89.2 99.1 109 119 129 139
3 300 36.7 42.1 47.4 52.7 57.9 63.3 73.9 84.5 95.1 106 116 127 138 148 159
3 400 39.3 44.9 50.6 56.2 61.8 67.5 78.8 90 101 112 124 135 146 158 169
3 500 47.9 53.9 59.9 65.8 71.8 83.8 95.7 108 120 131 143 155 167 179 191
3 600a 51 57.4 63.7 69.9 76.3 89 102 114 127 139 152 165 177 190 203
40 < 60
3 700 54.3 61 67.7 74.2 80.9 94.3 108 121 134 148 161 174 188 201 214
3 800 57.6 64.7 71.7 78.6 85.7 99.9 114 128 142 156 170 184 198 212 226 240
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3 900 61.1 68.5 75.9 83.2 90.7 106 120 135 150 165 180 194 209 224 239 254
W 60
4 000a 64.6 72.5 80.3 88 95.8 111 127 143 158 174 189 205 220 236 252 267
Aspect ratio <2:1 2:1<3:1 3:1<4:1 4:1<5:1
Shown in light type Shown in light type
Preferred rationalized diameters
BS 5276-4:1977
In calculating volumes of vessels “ellipsoidal” values from Table 4 are used for inside crown radii and
inside knuckle radii of domed ends.
© BSI 03-2000 5
Table 2 — Lengths of vessels
BS 5276-4:1977
Internal length of vessel Li, mm
plate ! " # 1 1! 1" 1# 2 2! 2" 3 3" 4 4" 5 5" 6 6" 7 7" 8
Di Lc 610 1 235 1 860 2 480 3 090 3 715 4 340 4 960 5 570 6 195 7 440 8 675 9 920 11 155 12 400 13 635 14 880 16 115 17 360 18 595 19 840
mm Lt 710 1 335 1 960 2 580 3 190 3 815 4 440 5 060 5 670 6 295 7 540 8 775 10 020 11 255 12 500 13 735 14 980 16 215 17 460 18 695 19 940
600 1 010 1 635 2 260 2 880 3 490
650 1 035 1 660 2 285 2 905 3 515 4 140
700 1 060 1 685 2 310 2 930 3 540 4 165
750 1 085 1 710 2 335 2 955 3 565 4 190
800 1 110 1 735 2 360 2 980 3 590 4 215 4 840
850 1 135 1 760 2 385 3 005 3 615 4 240 4 865
900 1 160 1 785 2 410 3 030 3 640 4 265 4 890 5 510
950 1 185 1 810 2 435 3 055 3 665 4 290 4 915 5 535
1 000 1 210 1 835 2 460 3 080 3 690 4 315 4 940 5 560
1 050 1 235 1 860 2 485 3 105 3 715 4 340 4 965 5 685 6 195
1 100 1 885 2 510 3 130 3 740 4 365 4 990 5 610 6 220
1 150 1 910 2 535 3 155 3 765 4 390 5 015 5 635 6 245 6 870
1 200 1 935 2 560 3 180 3 790 4 415 5 040 5 660 6 270 6 895
1 250 1 960 2 585 3 205 3 815 4 440 5 065 5 685 6 295 6 920
1 300 1 985 2 610 3 230 3 840 4 465 5 090 5 710 6 320 6 945 8 190
1 400 2 035 2 660 3 280 3 890 4 515 5 140 5 760 6 370 6 995 8 240
1 500 2 085 2 710 3 330 3 940 4 565 5 190 5 810 6 420 7 045 8 290 9 525
1 600 2 135 2 760 3 380 3 990 4 615 5 240 5 860 6 470 7 095 8 340 9 575
1 700 2 185 2 810 3 430 4 040 4 665 5 290 5 910 6 520 7 145 8 390 9 625
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Table 2 — Lengths of vessels
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BS 5276-4:1977
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
600a 450 480 570 75 88 103 150
650 488 520 617 82 95 117 163
700 525 560 665 88 102 126 175
750a 563 600 712 94 110 135 188
800 600 640 760 100 117 144 200
850 638 680 807 107 124 153 213
900 675 720 855 113 131 162 225
950 713 760 902 119 139 171 238
1 000a 750 800 950 125 146 180 250
1 050 788 840 997 132 153 189 263
1 100 825 880 1 045 138 161 198 275
1 150a 863 920 1 092 144 168 207 288
1 200 900 960 1 140 150 175 216 300
1 250 938 1 000 1 187 157 183 225 313
1 300a 975 1 040 1 235 163 190 234 325
1 400 1 050 1 120 1 330 175 204 252 350
1 500 1 125 1 200 1 425 188 219 270 375
1 600 1 200 1 280 1 520 200 234 288 400
1 700 1 275 1 360 1 615 213 248 306 425
1 800a 1 350 1 440 1 710 225 263 324 450
1 900 1 425 1 520 1 805 238 277 342 475
2 000a 1 500 1 600 1 900 250 292 361 500
2 100 1 575 1 680 1 995 263 307 379 525
2 200 1 650 1 760 2 090 275 321 397 550
2 300a 1 725 1 840 2 185 288 336 415 575
2 400 1 800 1 920 2 280 300 350 433 600
2 500 1 875 2 000 2 375 313 365 451 625
2 600a 1 950 2 080 2 470 325 380 469 650
2 700 2 025 2 160 2 565 338 394 487 675
2 800 2 100 2 240 2 660 350 409 505 700
2 900 2 175 2 320 2 755 363 423 523 725
3 000 2 250 2 400 2 850 375 438 541 750
3 100 2 325 2 480 2 945 388 453 559 775
3 200 2 400 2 560 3 040 400 467 577 800
3 300 2 475 2 640 3 135 413 482 595 825
3 400 2 550 2 720 3 230 425 496 613 850
3 500 2 625 2 800 3 325 438 511 631 875
3 600a 2 700 2 880 3 420 450 526 649 900
3 700 2 775 2 960 3 515 463 540 667 925
3 800 2 850 3 040 3 610 475 555 685 950
3 900 2 925 3 120 3 705 488 569 703 975
4 000 3 000 3 200 3 800 500 584 722 1 000
NOTE 1 The manufacturer is free to select any values of R and r with in the range given to produce the specific depth of head hi.
NOTE 2 The “ellipsoidal” values of R and r are the particular combinations of radii which produce the nearest approximation to a
semi-ellipsoidal shape.
NOTE 3 For inside diameters 600 mm to 1 300 mm inclusive, a permissible variation of ± 12 mm is applicable with corresponding
variation of inside crown radius, inside knuckle radius, and head height (see 5.3.1).
a Preferred rationalized diameters
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BS 5276-4:1977
Graph for determining the appropriate values of R and r to give hi/Di = 0.25
If Di = 1 600 r can be between 200 and 288
say r = 270 therefore r/Di = 0.1688
From graph R/Di = 0.883
Thus, R = 1 413
The equation for this curve is: hi = R – R – -------i × R + -------i – 2 r
2 2
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BS 5276-4:1977
Publications referred to
© BSI 03-2000
BS 5276-4:
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