Challenges Encountered by The Private School Teachers

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A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of Libon Private High School, Inc.

Libon, Albay

A Researcher

Submitted in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Course Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion



MARCH, 2021



Implementation of modular distance learning aim to continue the education of the

students through this Covid-19 crisis. Since education is no longer held within the

school, parents serve as partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as

home facilitators. Their primary role in modular learning is to establish a connection and

guide the child. (Bernardo, 2020).One of the benefits of using modules for instruction is

the acquisition of better self-study or learning skills among students. There are several

advantages to a modular presentation is that it allows for better evaluation and more

focused revision and improvement.

Due to the pandemic brought about by the Covid-19, Face to face classes are

prohibited until there is vaccine becomes available. Today’s teachers will embrace and

master the technology that would establish connection and interaction at a different

level toward a rich learning environment. Online distance learning. Features theteachers

as facilitators, engaging learner active participation through the use of various

technologies accessed through the internet while geographically remote from each

other during instruction. The Philippines is in the process of adopting to the new normal

form of education at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active

involvement of other stakeholders are driving force for its success. For the continuity of
education and for every school to still attain its mission and vision to provide quality


Since Covid-19 still here the implementation of the modular distance learning modality

is the effective to continue the teachers to provide a quality education to the students.

The challenges to the teachers is that they have lack of time for planning and lot of

paper works. The main challenges that emerged were lack of school funding in the

production and delivery of modules. The study will be conducted at Libon Private High

School with all the teachers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global issue and had a major impact to the

private school teachers. The health problem does not affect our economy but also the

delivery of the quality education. The teachers are not exempted with the stress and

workloads in response with the preparation on home schooling. As a result, this study

can help the administrators to know the challenges of teachers which may have a

significant influence to their implementation of modular distance learning modality and

use this data to help them improved their education.

Research Objectives/Questions

The main purpose if this study is to determine the Challenges Encountered by the

Private School Teachers in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality

during Crisis Situation. Specifically, this study has the following objectives:

1. To discover challenges encountered by the private school teachers in terms of:

1.1 Learning Outcomes of the Students

1.2 Teaching strategy

2. To evaluate the implementation of modular distance learning modality during crisis

situation in terms of:

2.1 Material creation and distribution

2.2 Student performances

3. To determine the relation of challenges of private school teachers with the

Implementation of modular distance learning modality.

Null Hypothesis

The following null hypothesis is formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.

H01. There is no significant on the relationship of the challenges of private school

teachers to the implementation of modular distance learning modality during crisis


Review of Related Literature

This section contains readings and literature from different sources like websites,

articles, thesis and dissertations related to the study. It starts with the definitions and

determinants of challenges of private school teachers. The independent variable is the

implementation of modular distance learning modality during crisis situation. The

discussion goes further to include other studies related to these variables as well as

their indicators.

Researchers vary in the indicators that use in measuring challenges encountered by the

private school teachers. However, in this study, challenges encountered indicators

include time management, and lack of planning. On the other hand, the assessment of

the implementation of modular distance learning includes the evaluation of the following

indicators: distribution of module and learning of the students.

Challenges Encountered by the Private School Teachers


Learning outcomes of the student is the first indicator of the challenges that private

teacher encounters. Learning outcomes is the very pertinent indicator since it will be the

basis of the success on modular distance learning. On the study about the effectiveness

of modular approach in teaching, modular approach is a unique way of teaching, only

that, teachers should have the proper and enough training for the success on the

delivery of lessons to the student. They should also be aware of the settings or the

environment of the Modular distance learning.

According to Howard et, al (2012), faculty members and the school itself must be willing

to change their teaching methods and their reward expectations. Schools must

transform the structures and way of teaching in order to maximize the learning

outcomes for the students. In summary, the teachers and school will be forced to rethink

their foundations and shift their paradigms.

Teaching Strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson(s) which include structure desired

learner behaviour in terms of goals of instructions and an outline of planned tactics

necessary to implement the strategy. This is also an indicator on the challenges that the

teachers encounter. A finding on a study shows that teaching strategy is one of the

challenges because of the new generation of strategy and students demand that
emerged. It showed that teachers should be enrolled in a program at a younger age so

that the teaching strategy of the new generation will be adapted easily. They also

recommend that there should be some workshops in order for the teacher to familiarize

the strategies for the learners and explore the use of alternative instructional

technologies (Sikwebele and Mungoo, 2020).

Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Modality

To maintain the education of students in a midst of the pandemic, government

implemented the Modular distance learning. Modular Distance Learning is a learning

strategy that restricts the student on going to school to lessen the risk of infection to the

virus. As of today, as the cases increases we do not have the assurance to return on

the traditional learning method. With this implementation of the Modular Distance

Learning should be evaluated to make sure that students and teachers maximize their

learning and teaching performance, respectively.

The first indicator on the implementation is Material Creation and Distribution.

Materials of Modular distance learning modality are a very pertinent matter since it will

be the learning environment for the students. On the paper of Gujjar and Malik(2017),

distance education is an institutional concept of education around self-directed learning

by means of correspondence courses with an integrated element of communication

technology and facilitated with tutorial sessions, seminars etc. to meet the need for

enlargement of teaching force, improved professional standards and modernization of

teaching methods, distance learning system provides alternative ways of gaining

established qualifications. The content of such courses cannot depart from the normal;

the difference of learning experience arises from the presentation of the course
materials and from the situation of students and, therefore, different pedagogic skills are

required. This study shows that materials that will be distributed and created should be

easy to understand for the students, since distance learning is a self-directed learning

and materials are the guide for the learning of the students.

Educational content on the Internet is rapidly increasing. Educational institutions and

businesses are placing more course material online to supplement classroom and

business training situations (Janicki & Liege, 2014). Internet is the new way of

distributing the materials for the students. For now it is the fastest way for the students

to access the material.

Academic performance is the second indicator. Students performance is the standing

on their class. Academic Performance is the measurement of student

achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials

typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and

results from standardized tests. The technology-centric flexible learning course provided

an effective learning environment for students. Academic performance within individual

assessment items indicate there are the effectiveness of the distance learning is not for

every student since there are differences on learning ability of every students (Bryan et,

al. 2013).

Joksimović et, al. (2015)  imply the need for the development of the institutional and

program-level strategies for learning and teaching that would promote effective

pedagogical approaches to designing and guiding interactions in online and distance

learning settings to increase the academic performance of the students. This shows that
development should be made in improving the learning and teaching strategies since

distance learning is new to the students and teachers.

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