Amylum and Citrus Aurantium L Peeling Utilizing in

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Amylum and Citrus aurantium L. peeling: Utilizing into homemade paper

Preprint · August 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27465.39523

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1 author:

Maria Lovi Sabanal Tatel

Philippine Normal University


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Science Investigatory Project – Applied Group Category

Amylum and Citrus aurantium

L. peeling: Utilizing into
homemade paper
I. Introduction

Background of the study

Wood makes up about 90% of the conventional raw material

used for pulp and paper production (tutus, 2015). This issue
become a crucial that’s why different paper making industry
provides solution to limit the destruction of the environment.
In his study, Mohanty et. al. (2005) found out that the citrus
trees such as Orange, Dalandaman, lemon and others could be use
in soda cooking method which is helpful in producing homemade
paper. Paper is a sheet interlaced fibers, usually cellulose
fibers from plants that are formed by pulping the fibers and
causing them to felt to form solid surface. It is a necessity in
modern civilization and the development of machinery for its
high-speed production has been largely responsible for the
increase in literacy and raising educational levels of people
throughout the worl(Redmond, 2007).

In the Philippines, we have Citrus aurantium or locally

known as dalanda. The Citrus aurantium is a small, erect tree
with smooth, greenish white shoots with spinescent thorns.
Leaves are oblong to subelliptic, 10 centimeters long by about 4
centimeters wide. Petiole is narrowly winged. Flowers are white,
bisexual, solitary or few clustered, smooth, and growing from
the uppermost leaf axils. Fruit is nearly spherical, 5 to 9
centimeters in diameter, and mamillate or not, the skin is
orange red and tight; partitioned inside with yellowish juice
sacks. Taste is usually sweet, occasionally sour (Deriquito,

In the phytochemical of Wise (1962) it shows Citrus

aurantium have the following composition Citric acid, 0.29%;
volatile oil-citral, 4%, geraniol, 12%, d-camphene, d-limonene,
d-linalool, anthranilic acid methyl ester 0.3%, linalyl acetate
6.35%; indol; stachydrine (alkaloid); hesperidin; fatty oil;
carotene; pectin, 6%; vitamins A, B, and C; enzymes; sugar. The
rind of the fruit yields a volatile oil, isomeric with oil of
turpentine, gum-resin, fixed oil, which consists of a terpene,
dextro-rotatory limonene, three glucosides-herperidin,
isoherperidin, aurantiamarin (a bitter crystalline principle), -
tannin, and ash, 4 to 5 %. It also contains umbelliferone an
antifungal property found in the Citrus aurantium skin.
From the experiment it also shows that the essential oil yielded
26 different chemicals. The major constituents were Linalool,
(29.99%), Bergamot (14.94%), Farnesol (9.86%) and D-Limonene

In addition, Citrus aurantium has various cellulosic raw

materials in paper production. However, the wood raw material is
the most important of Citrus aurantium (Sharpe et al., 2006). In
addition, Amylum could serve as emulsifier in the mixture of
citrus aurantium to extract the pulp use in paper making.
Improvement works on performance and resistance properties were
made by to improve the quality of homemade paper pulp.

Statement of the Problem:

1) What are the characteristics of Amylum, Citrus aurantium
peeling paper in terms of optical properties:
a) color
b) texture
c) odor
2) What are the value of Amylum and Citrus aurantium peeling
paper in terms of the following paper standards:
a) tear strength
b) porosity
c) combustibility

Statement of the Preposition:

1) The characteristics of Amylum and Citrus aurantium peeling
is 85 % close to the commercial brand available in the
2) The homemade paper has an acceptable value for tear
strength, porosity, and combustibility standard.

Scope and Delimitations of the study:

This study is limited to the use of Amylum and Citrus
aurantium peelings in the production of paper with different
proportion of Citrus aurantium.

II. Methodology
A. Materials

A1) Equipment needed:

Amylum ½ cup
Water 1000 liters
water 70 mL
Citrus aurantium or Dalandan 145 grams
used paper 20 grams
Food processors or blender
Measuring cup and spoon
8.5 cm x 11cm (short bondpaper) Silk screen
Weighting scale

A2) Testing the homemade paper

A2. 1) Tear strength of Paper

metal mass ball (2 grams)
A2. 2) Porosity test
1 liter of water
A2. 3) Combustion Test
ligther or matches

B. Procedure

1) Prepare the material

2) Tear the used paper into smaller pieces
3) Measure ½ cup of Amylum and dissolved on 1000 Liters of
4) In a blender mix the 145 grams of Citrus aurantium peel, the
20 grams use paper and 70 mL of water. The material and water
mix should have the consistency of a thick soup.
5) Set the mixture directly over a 4x4 silk screen. It makes
clean up a lot faster as well!
6) Once the silkscreen is set and level over the sink, place the
mixture on top. Make sure the silkscreen is set as straight and
parallel to the basin.
7) Press your sponge down with gentle force. You will hear the
water draining from the mixture as you apply force.
8) Make sure you spot-press the sponge and don't drag it across
the mesh. Dragging the sponge will pull the mixture through the
9) Testing and recording the acceptability of the paper.

C. Testing Procedure

I. Optical Properties
1) Prepare the materials same with above but have the different
Set up
Set Up A: The homemade paper
Set up B: Increasing the use paper (40 grams of use paper) and
decreasing the Citrus aurantium peel (85 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set up C: Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of use paper) and
increasing the Citrus aurantium peel (300 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Setup D: Commercial Paper

II. Tear strength of paper

1) Measure 8.5cm x 11.00 cm of homemade paper.
2) Weight the homemade paper.
3) Hold the paper on both side and at the middle place a
Styrofoam and observe.
4) Place the 5 grams weight metal and observe if the paper will
5) Repeat the procedure by adding another 5 grams until the
paper will reach its tearing point. Do this on Set up A up to
Set up D.
Tear strength and its calculation
Tear factor is calculated as tear strength per unit basis
weight and expressed as:

𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑙

Tearing strength=
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟

(Formula adopted from the study of Go Elmendorf & Trouser (2010) study at JIET University

III. Porosity Test

1) Record the mass of the homemade paper.
2) In a basin pour the 1000mL of water and place the homemade
3) Record the mass and time of the swell and sag paper.
3) Record your observation using the formula below. Do this on
Set up A up to Set up D.

IV. Combustion Test

1) Get 8.5 cm x 11 cm homemade paper.
2) Fire the paper and record the minutes it will totally burned.
Do this on Set up A up to Set up D.
III. Result and Discussion
The following data answer the statement of the problem on which
following result was based on the test conducted for the made
homemade paper.

1) What are the characteristics of Amylum, Citrus aurantium

peeling paper in terms of:
a) color
b) texture
c) odor
d) tear strength
e) porosity

Table 1. 1 Optical Properties of the homemade paper (Color)

Set Up Color
Set Up A ( homemade paper) Light gray (similar to
commercial brand card board
paper in the market)
Set Up B
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams of
use paper) and decreasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (85 grams of Citrus Blueish gray in color
aurantium peel) )
Set Up C
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of
use paper) and increasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (300 grams of Citrus Greenish in color
aurantium peel) )
Set Up D White in color
( Commercial Paper)

On table 1.1, is shows the optical properties of the

homemade paper it shows that the homemade paper is almost
similar with the commercial brand in terms of the different
optical properties. From the table it shows that set Up B shows
that the product made is blueish in color since there are more
paper than the citrus aurantium. While set up C is greenish in
color compare to sept up A and set Up since it has more citrus
aurantium. From the study of Seyyedalipour et al, (2014) color
is related to perception and therefore measured or specified in
terms of color space. A commonly used system is the CIE L,a,b
system. This is based on the idea of color opposites. L -
measure of luminance and varies from 100 for perfect white to 0
for perfect black, a - redness to greenness and, b - yellowness
to blueness.

Table 1.2: Seyyedalipour et al, (2014) Color Scheme Standard for

Homemade paper (color scheme standard for homemade paper: Int. Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 1( Version 3),
January 2014, pp.115-122)
Set Up Color scheme standard
Set Up A ( homemade paper) “L”

Set Up B b
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams of
use paper) and decreasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (85 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel) )
Set Up C a
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of
use paper) and increasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (300 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel) )
L - measure of luminance and varies from 100 for perfect
white to 0 for perfect black.
a - redness to greenness.
b - yellowness to blueness.

Table 2 shows the color scheme standard for the following

set Up. The scheme of perception color for set Up A it have a
“L” standard and set up B has “b” standard and set up C has “a”
standard. It only shows that the equal volume of use paper,
amylum and Citrus aurantium peel have an acceptable value from
the commercial brand available in the market.

Table 1. 3 Optical Properties of the homemade paper (Texture)

Set Up Texture
Smooth with some Citrus aurantium
Set Up A ( homemade paper)

Set Up B
(Increasing the use paper
(40 grams of use paper) and
decreasing the Citrus Rough and there are some spots on the
aurantium peel (85 grams of paper
Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up C
(Decreasing the use paper Rough and because of the fiber in the
(10 grams of use paper) and
increasing the Citrus Citrus aurantium
aurantium peel (300 grams
of Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up D Smooth
( Commercial Paper)

On table 1.3, is shows the texture of the homemade paper is

almost similar with the commercial brand in terms of texture
which is Smooth with some Citrus aurantium residue. From the
table it shows that set Up B is rough and there are some spots
on the paper. While set up C is greenish in color compare to
sept up A and set Up since it has more citrus aurantium it is
also rough it is also because of the fiber in the Citrus

Table 1.4 Optical Properties of the homemade paper (Odor)

Set Up Odor
Set Up A ( homemade paper) No smell at all
Set Up B
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams
of use paper) and decreasing the
Citrus aurantium peel (85 grams of Unpleasant smell; smells like
Citrus aurantium peel) ) stack paper

Set Up C
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams Unpleasant smell; like there are
of use paper) and increasing the
Citrus aurantium peel (300 grams of some molds
Citrus aurantium peel) )

Set Up D No smell at al
( Commercial Paper)

On table 1.4, shows the odor of the homemade paper is almost

similar with the commercial brand in terms of odor which is
unpleasant while set up B and set Up C has an unpleasant smell.
2) What are the value of Amylum and Citrus aurantium peeling
paper in terms of the following paper standards:
a) tear strength
b) porosity
c) combustibility

Table 2.1 Tear Point of homemade Paper

Set Up Observation on the different weights (grams, g)
5g 10g 15g 20g 25g 30g 35g
Set Up A Nothing Nothin Nothin Nothin Nothin Nothin Tearin
( happen g g g g g g
paper) happen happen happen happen happen point

Set Up B
ng the Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Tearing Nothing Nothing
use paper happen
(40 grams happen happen happen point happen happen
of use
g the
peel (85
grams of
peel) )
Set Up C
ng the
use paper
(10 grams
of use
paper) Nothing Nothing Tearing
and happen happen point
g the
peel (300
grams of
peel) )
Set Up D Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
( happen happen happen happen happen happen
Table 2.1 shows the tearing point of the following homemade
paper. The tearing point of set up A is 35 grams on this point
the homemade paper teared slowly while set up C teared at 15
grams and lastly set up B teared at 20 grams. In this table, it
shows that set up C the paper which have many Citrus aurantium
and less used paper is brittle that’s why it is easily teared at
15 grams followed by set up B and set up A. If we compare the
homemade paper set up A it is the stable compare to the set up

Table 2.2 Tear Strength of Paper

Set Up Tearing Strength value N
Set Up A ( homemade paper) 152 N/m2

Set Up B 68 N/m2
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams of use
paper) and decreasing the Citrus aurantium
peel (85 grams of Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up C 46 N/m2
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of use
paper) and increasing the Citrus aurantium
peel (300 grams of Citrus aurantium peel) )

The tearing strength obtained using the formula conducted

in the study of Elmendorf & Trouser, (2010). Set up has a
tearing strength of 152 N/m2 while set up B has 68 N/m2 and set
up C has 46 N/m2. This shows that Set up A has greater tearing
strength as a homemade paper compare to set up B and Set up C.
This means that correct volume of waste paper and Citrus
aurantium could be a homemade paper.

Tearing resistance depends on the degree of fiber refining,

related to inter fiber bonding, the fiber strength, the fiber
length, the quality and quantity of fillers used. Among of them,
it shows fiber length and fiber bonding are most important
factor since in Set Up A has equal volume of fiber coming from
the peel it is able to distribute the stress over more fibers
and more bonds, whereas short fibers concentrated the stress in
a smaller region compare to set up B and set up C.
Table 2.3 Porosity of the homemade paper
Set Up Observation
Set Up A ( Absorbs and sag Absorbs and sag Absorbs and sag
homemade paper) paper about 1 paper about 1 paper about 1
minute 52 minute 55 minute 58
seconds seconds seconds
Set Up B
(Increasing the
use paper (40
grams of use Absorbs and sag Absorbs and sag Absorbs and sag
paper) and paper about 30 paper about 24 paper about 45
decreasing the seconds second seconds
Citrus aurantium
peel (85 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up C
(Decreasing the Absorbs and Absorbs and Absorbs and
use paper (10
grams of use became became became
paper) and colloidal with colloidal with colloidal with
increasing the water after 55 water after 55 water after 55
Citrus aurantium seconds seconds seconds
peel (300 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up D Absorbs and Absorbs and Absorbs and
( Commercial started to sag started to sag started to sag
about 3 minutes about 3 minutes about 3
and 55 seconds minutes and 45

Since paper is composed of a randomly felted layer of

fiber, it follows that the structure has a varying degree of
porosity. Table 2.3 shows ho porous the homemade paper. The
commercial brand paper could last longer compare with set up B
and set up C while set A has a relative value with the
commercial brand. Thus, it shows Set up A the homemade paper
made of Amylum and citrus aurantium have that the ability of
fluids, both liquid and gaseous, to penetrate the structure of
paper which is similar with the commercial brand which can last
compare to set up B and C.
Table 2.4 Combustibility of the homemade paper

Set Up Observation
Set Up A ( Burns within 1 Burns within 1 Burns within 1
homemade paper) minute 12 minute 45 minute 32
seconds seconds seconds
Set Up B Burns within 55 Burns within 15 Burns within 1
(Increasing the seconds seconds minute
use paper (40
grams of use
paper) and
decreasing the
Citrus aurantium
peel (85 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up C Burns within 1 Burns within 55 Burns within 1
(Decreasing the minute second minute
use paper (10
grams of use
paper) and
increasing the
Citrus aurantium
peel (300 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up D Burns within 2 Burns within 2 Burns within 3
( Commercial minute 33 minute 45 minute

Paper is a combustible material. Table 2.4 shows the length

needed in order for one sheet of paper to be burned. From the
table it shows that set up A (Homemade paper) and set up D (the
commercial brand) may last a minute before it will become
totally burned while set B and C could take a minute before it
will burned. The data above shows that Set Up A is almost
similar with the commercial brand found on the market.

Citrus aurantium peeling could be a source for making paper

paper provided that it will be mixed with amylum and some waste
paper. The paper produce could be used as a cardboard because of
its thick gsm and higher tear strength. The opacity
characteristics also is accepotable with the one available in
the market.

1) We recommend that for future research endeavor other
emulsifier such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or Anthraquinone
2) We recommend to other locally fiber rich materials which is
consider as waste product to innovate simple product which
could be helpful on this Industrialization 5.0.
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