Amylum and Citrus Aurantium L Peeling Utilizing in
Amylum and Citrus Aurantium L Peeling Utilizing in
Amylum and Citrus Aurantium L Peeling Utilizing in
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All content following this page was uploaded by Maria Lovi Sabanal Tatel on 23 August 2018.
II. Methodology
A. Materials
Amylum ½ cup
Water 1000 liters
water 70 mL
Citrus aurantium or Dalandan 145 grams
used paper 20 grams
Food processors or blender
Measuring cup and spoon
8.5 cm x 11cm (short bondpaper) Silk screen
Weighting scale
B. Procedure
C. Testing Procedure
I. Optical Properties
1) Prepare the materials same with above but have the different
Set up
Set Up A: The homemade paper
Set up B: Increasing the use paper (40 grams of use paper) and
decreasing the Citrus aurantium peel (85 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set up C: Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of use paper) and
increasing the Citrus aurantium peel (300 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Setup D: Commercial Paper
(Formula adopted from the study of Go Elmendorf & Trouser (2010) study at JIET University
Set Up B b
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams of
use paper) and decreasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (85 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel) )
Set Up C a
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of
use paper) and increasing the Citrus
aurantium peel (300 grams of Citrus
aurantium peel) )
L - measure of luminance and varies from 100 for perfect
white to 0 for perfect black.
a - redness to greenness.
b - yellowness to blueness.
Set Up Texture
Smooth with some Citrus aurantium
Set Up A ( homemade paper)
Set Up B
(Increasing the use paper
(40 grams of use paper) and
decreasing the Citrus Rough and there are some spots on the
aurantium peel (85 grams of paper
Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up C
(Decreasing the use paper Rough and because of the fiber in the
(10 grams of use paper) and
increasing the Citrus Citrus aurantium
aurantium peel (300 grams
of Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up D Smooth
( Commercial Paper)
Set Up C
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams Unpleasant smell; like there are
of use paper) and increasing the
Citrus aurantium peel (300 grams of some molds
Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up D No smell at al
( Commercial Paper)
Set Up B
ng the Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Tearing Nothing Nothing
use paper happen
(40 grams happen happen happen point happen happen
of use
g the
peel (85
grams of
peel) )
Set Up C
ng the
use paper
(10 grams
of use
paper) Nothing Nothing Tearing
and happen happen point
g the
peel (300
grams of
peel) )
Set Up D Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
( happen happen happen happen happen happen
Table 2.1 shows the tearing point of the following homemade
paper. The tearing point of set up A is 35 grams on this point
the homemade paper teared slowly while set up C teared at 15
grams and lastly set up B teared at 20 grams. In this table, it
shows that set up C the paper which have many Citrus aurantium
and less used paper is brittle that’s why it is easily teared at
15 grams followed by set up B and set up A. If we compare the
homemade paper set up A it is the stable compare to the set up
Set Up B 68 N/m2
(Increasing the use paper (40 grams of use
paper) and decreasing the Citrus aurantium
peel (85 grams of Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up C 46 N/m2
(Decreasing the use paper (10 grams of use
paper) and increasing the Citrus aurantium
peel (300 grams of Citrus aurantium peel) )
Set Up Observation
Set Up A ( Burns within 1 Burns within 1 Burns within 1
homemade paper) minute 12 minute 45 minute 32
seconds seconds seconds
Set Up B Burns within 55 Burns within 15 Burns within 1
(Increasing the seconds seconds minute
use paper (40
grams of use
paper) and
decreasing the
Citrus aurantium
peel (85 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up C Burns within 1 Burns within 55 Burns within 1
(Decreasing the minute second minute
use paper (10
grams of use
paper) and
increasing the
Citrus aurantium
peel (300 grams
of Citrus
aurantium peel)
Set Up D Burns within 2 Burns within 2 Burns within 3
( Commercial minute 33 minute 45 minute
1) We recommend that for future research endeavor other
emulsifier such as Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or Anthraquinone
2) We recommend to other locally fiber rich materials which is
consider as waste product to innovate simple product which
could be helpful on this Industrialization 5.0.
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