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Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track and Academic Engagement View project
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plays an important role in retaining their confidence to succeed the course that
describe an individual’s interest and enthusiasm for school, which impacts their
also a discussion making in a confusing situation which occurs during the senior
year of high school level. When one is confused in choosing a career, he relies
on his friends and relatives and does not want to set a goal to be achieved and
Furthermore, the 2011 World Youth report refers to the need for youth to
be appropriately skilled in order to facilitate their entry into the labor market. It
recommends that training systems be in place not only to prepare youth for entry
into work, but provide pathways for continual learning over a lifetime in response
Most recently, there are issues about the technical vocational livelihood
track that are not known to everyone. The lowly standing of vocational education
proposes that students after completing TVL track upon proceeding into college,
the predicament is that courses that are offered in college tend to be inapplicable
from the tracks and strands that they’ve taken. According to Martinez (2012) the
export, this time systematically targeting the country’s young labor force, the K to
labor to the global market instead of for domestic development. Additionally, the
students who are choosing this track may not be aware of the future courses and
opportunities therein.
Theoretical Framework
vocational livelihood track and the factors influencing the students’ academic
people learn from another, via observation, imitation and modelling. The theory
has often been called a bridge between behaviourist and cognitive learning
from observing others, one’s form an idea of how new behaviours are performs,
and on later occasions, this coded information serves as guide for action,
On the other hand, social learning theory explains that human behaviour
environmental influences, this interaction will help their preference on TVL track
and cultural categories vs. trait dimensions, the social context of achievement
According to Ichheiser’s, personality and person perception were two sides of the
same coin.
engagement “We must admit that at the beginning of each age period, there
the given age, between the child and reality, mainly the social reality that
surrounds him. We call this relation the social situation of development at the
given age. The social situation of development represents the initial moment for
all dynamic changes that occur in development during the given period. It
determines wholly and completely the forms and the path along which the child
will acquire ever newer personality characteristics, drawing them from the social
reality as from the basic source of development, the path along which the social
defined a career as a sequence of occupation, jobs, and positions held during the
Super asserted that what was actually needed in vocational guidance was a
career model, which takes into account the sequence of positions that an
careers led Super to look into people’s career patterns, which portray one aspect
field over a period of time. Although initially “set out” by the individuals parental
personality traits, and the opportunities to which they are expose. The analysis of
career patterns supported view that the life cycle imposes different vocational
Conceptual Framework
diagram is illustrated in Figure1. It can be seen in the diagram that there are two
variables being identified. First is the Independent variable which consists of the
respondent’s profile that includes the personal information such as age, course,
level, father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, and the factors in choosing TVL
and prefer path after graduating the course. Second is the dependent variable
which happens to be the students’ academic engagement of the first year college
profile and the correlates of students’ preference on TVL track influence the
Research Paradigm
Students’ Academic
TVL track such as the age, course, sex, family’s monthly income, father’s
occupation, the factors in choosing the TVL track, and their preferred career
choice of the first year students undergone TVL track taking up the new revised
curriculum which has three main courses Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood
following questions:
A. Age
B. Sex
C. Course
G. Fathers Occupation
H. Mothers Occupation
a. Personal Factors
b. Environmental Factors
c. Opportunity Factors
A. Interest
B. Study Habits
C. Academic Ability
E. On Instructional Materials
Null Hypotheses:
college students after graduating in the TVL track. The findings provided
information that will benefit the students, school, parents and the future
First Year College Students. In this study it refers being the respondent, this
group of students will be highly benefited for this will serve as a reference in
School Administrator. The school administrator can benefit from this study for it
will provide insights and information about relationship between the students
preference on TVL track and the factors affecting their academic engagement.
Parents. The parents will be able to know the interest of their children in
choosing the TVL track and will be able to guide and motivate their children to
Future Researchers. Shall be given this paper as reference should they decide
The respondent is limited to the first year students taking BTLEd (IA),
BTLEd (HE) and BTVTEd-DT undergone TVL track under the Department of
Definition of Terms
perform activities which are incline to the subject matter being presented.
Academic Engagement. In this study it refers to the indicator that combined the
Career Choice. In this study it refers to the process of choosing a career path
which involve choices regarding education and training for a given career.
Interest. In this study it refers to the amount of the student dislike or like of
particular things.
to the likehood of the chosen track of the first year college students in their senior
high school.
Students Engagement. In this study it refers to the first year college students
undergone TVL track their motivation to learn with their confidence and ability to
succeed in the course and their emotional feelings, that plays a bigger role in
acquiring the skill and knowledge intended for the students who are engaged in
Study Habits. In this study the referral to usual form or action of a person in
Teacher Related Aspect. In this study it refers to the methods or strategies that
TVL track. In this study it refers to the track in K-12 curriculum that follows the
This means each student has the chance to explore the main courses of the new
revised curriculum.
This chapter introduces you to the different literature and studies that led
Related Literature
According to Fizer (2013), College students choose their job fields for
many reasons. The factors that affect this decision include family, passion,
salary, and past experiences. In addition to these factors, race and gender can
also affect what field a student may choose. Some professions have greater
percentages of a certain gender or race. Another thing that plays a big role in a
student’s decision of what field to study is the people or role models in his or her
life. These role models can include a parent, teacher, or a recent employer.
When students are choosing a career, they may not have all the information
Career Preference
The last few decades have been marked by great changes in the South
African workforce, not only has there been an influx of Black professionals but
there has also been a notable inflow of women in professional positions and a
few more have occupied managerial roles (Klaveren & Tijens, 2009). Grant
Thornton Business Report revealed that in 2012 South Africa had 28% of women
in top management positions, a percent increase from the previous year’s survey
(Grant Thornton, 2013). This positioned South Africa just outside the top 10
that South Africa has been making progress albeit limited. Advancement into
managerial roles can only happen through the process of career development.
K-12 curricula. The student needs to earn 30 credit points in the specialization,
and the remaining 50 credit points come from the general education subjects.
Courses in the Philippine model are divided into four strands where the student
can choose from. The said programs, however, may not necessarily be available
in the municipality or barangay (village) they are in and therefore needs to take it
in other towns or village. The absence of the much needed tech-voch facilities
many. The number of those choosing the academic track may also be attributed
to the limited offering in the senior high schools throughout the country
Some students grow up knowing what they want to do in life. These are the
students who will go the extra mile to reach their dream job. However, students
often settle on a different path due to many factors they can’t control. Students
will research their chosen career path and explore everything about it. The salary
and benefits of that job do not play a role in this decision. In a research study the
factor “match with interest” rated over job characteristics, major attributes, and
Study Habits
critical developmental period for both late adolescents and young adults. Factors
such as romantic relationships, organizations and clubs, and sports activities and
lack of communication with parents (Kamwang, 2003) have been found to have
performance in terms of time demanded and the psychological state they may
may pose a threat, but an insignificant one. Gwacela (2006) investigated the
security factors. The study also pointed out that lack of prior university
tuition debts, financial issues, and disabilities have significant effect to academic
performance. Study effort, age of student, and a good match between student's
learning style and instructor's teaching style all have positive effect on student's
Academic Ability
Many students choose their major based on their academic ability (Beggs et
al., 2008). However, some students do not have the ability or the work habits to
succeed in some majors that may require more study than other fields of studies.
These students may find a better fit in a less work intensive major that requires
fewer difficult classes. This affects the career paths of these students. Other
students have the ability to handle majors with greater workloads and 8 choose
the career path that will lead to a job requiring more education. Examples in this
students need more than one degree. On the other hand, some students have
the drive to put in the work in very labor intensive fields but do not have the
intelligence to perform the tasks that are needed for their chosen field (Beggs et
al., 2008). These students often receive help from tutors, special education
teachers, and special exceptions when taking exams and doing homework.
Students are given every opportunity to excel and work in their field. Based on
grade point averages, agriculture colleges are receiving students with good high
school GPA’s. Studies show that the average high school GPA of agriculture
students is above 3.0 (Rocca, 2013). Therefore, students who enter agricultural
majors generally have the ability to excel in their selected areas of agriculture.
learners interact with information and the environment. Learning takes place at
all times. They learn things while walking down the street, watching TV,
conversing with other people, or just observing what goes on around them.
However, education is concerned primarily with the learning that takes place in
instruction has a great deal to do not only with what is learned but also with how
the learner uses what is learned (Heinich, 2002). There are studies that indicate
that the deep approach learning is positively related to achievement and several
Educational services are often not tangible and are difficult to measure
because they result in the form of transformation of knowledge, life skills and
good time management, self-regulation and effort in studying rather than of the
motivation to achieve. There are students who are enthusiastic about learning,
but there are also students who need to be motivated to perform their best. One
According to Reid et al., (2007), the amount of time and effort that a learner
can put into achieving goals is also important in learning and has significant
the collection of facts and the practical use of knowledge; whereas teachers’
and age), learning preference, and entry qualifications. The effect of learning
qualifications, age and learning preferences, and age entry qualifications were
analysed using Pearson’s chi-square test. The said study also illustrates that the
subject matter’ had the greatest mean with a very high impact. The rest of the
indicators were deemed to be of high impact with the indicator ‘teacher is always
adolescent sleep loss during middle school. The participants’ sleep loss had a
grades. Being hungry in class came in second in the same subset. This is
Our Strength which shows that, on average, students who eat school breakfast
achieve 17.5% higher scores on standardized math tests, attend 1.5 more days
of school per year. Students who attend class more regularly are 20% more likely
Robert Bjork and fellow PT blogger Nate Kornell have explored some of
the study habits of college students in a 2007 paper in Psychonomic Bulletin &
the most effective ways to study. One of the most important tips is that students
should study by testing themselves rather than just reading over the material. It is
also important to study over a period of days rather waiting until the last minute to
study. Kornell and Bjork's studies suggest that only about 2/3 of college students
routinely quiz themselves, and a majority of students study only one time for
upcoming exams (Markman 2012). These findings are consistent with this
study’s findings wherein it was discovered that among factors related to study
habits; the indicator ‘I only study when there is a quiz’ came out as the most
Zarei (2008). This study intended to examine the effect of frequent testing on
revealed that the more frequently students were exposed to quizzes; the better
their performance appeared to be. Moreover, the results showed that the
Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials while a teacher’s job does not end in managing the
classroom, planning and evaluating, the instructional materials also have a big
willingness to learning process greatly rely on the material that the teacher used
the quality of learning for every student. The guide questions cited by Corpuz and
instructional materials help the teacher achieve the instructional objectives. The
instructional materials are appropriate for the age, intelligence, and experience of
Instructional materials help to make students better thinker and develop their
critical faculties. The instructional materials worth the time to expense and effort
Student’s Engagement
consisting of two (Marks, 2000;Willms, 2003), three (Jimerson, et al., 2003) and
four dimensions which are behavior and emotion; behavior, emotion and
finds an activity interesting, or they feel positive and happy while performing the
active use of learning strategies that promote deep understanding (2014). If all
three types of engagement are present then student learning is maximized and
done to prove that students who are behaviourally, emotionally, and cognitively
Career Path
choosing the right career path is becoming more and more important for young
students today. Students have to take into account many things when choosing a
career and college major. Many factors can influence a student’s decision,
life. Participation in agriculture clubs such as FFA and 4-H can also have an
effect on students’ career choices. The objectives of this research study were to
may have influenced students when choosing a career path. The questionnaire
tests were used to examine relationships among study factors. According to this
survey, students are most influenced by family when choosing a major; 22%
chose family as the most important factor influencing their choice of major.
However, 21% of the students chose “a career that is personally rewarding” and
20% chose “FFA/4-H experience” as the most important factors affecting their
choice. FFA played a bigger role in choosing a major than 4-H. Farming
background and the size of schools did not play a role in choosing a major.
students who completed the questionnaire had a positive outlook on their career.
Students believe their projected careers will make a positive impact on the world.
Students also believe that there are excellent career opportunities in agriculture.
Personal Background
According to Maslow, social aspect is the third need. This comprises need for
friendships, romantic affections and families help realize this necessity for
groups. Socio-economic status is one of the most researched and debated factor
performance of students.
affects the quality of their academic performance. The social assistance of the
school personnel, members of the families and communities has a crucial role for
Farooq, et al., (2011) revealed that socio-economic status and parent’s education
achievement in the subjects of mathematics and English. The high and average
socio-economic levels affect the performance more than the lower level.
their children’s academic performance at school and it was found that girls
perform better than the male students. On the study conducted by Harb & El-
Shaarawi (2009), there have been many studies that sought to examine factors
affecting students’ performance and most of their findings point out to hard work,
factors that have significant effect on the students’ grade point average (GPA).
The study further shows that most of the studies focused on students’
performance in the western culture. Their study showed that cultural differences
may play a role in shaping the factors that affect students’ performance, and it is
important to examine those relevant factors to the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
The study of Harb & El-Shaarawi (2009) cited aims to investigate the socio-
taking into account variables pertaining to the UAE society. Using regression
analysis, results show that the most important factor that affects students’
participate in class discussion and those on leave outperform other students. The
factors that negatively affect students’ performance the most are missing too
many lectures and living in crowded household. Moreover, the results show that
Related Studies
universities can be realised. The main discussion of this article is organised into
four sections. The first section focuses on the definition of engagement and on
why it is important for higher education institutions. In the second section, the
article describes the antecedent of the concept and its evolution over the last
thirty years. The third section analyses critically the function of student
a concept well developed in theory and practice. Various studies have proven the
perhaps it will widen and deepen the perception of administrators, lecturers, and
the objectives of the study were to assess the relationships between students'
outcomes as critical thinking and grades, although most of the relationships were
suggested that school administrators and teachers plan for a more conducive
atmosphere and meaningful learning activities. Different age groups and genders
hence, the teachers need to undergo teacher training courses to obtain the
literature in the area of student engagement the goal in this work is practical,
might successfully use to better engage students in learning. Prior to outlining the
studies the literature to provide a context that might help readers better
understand this area of study. Specifically, the reading suggests that work in the
greatest of which is the change from focusing upon disengaged students (who
are not learning) to engage learners (who are learning). We theorize that older
into the fold of schooling, but current work is more willing to revision schools to fit
the learning needs of students. This change seems crucial and promises to
organize how the study of student engagement will be carried out in the future.
Africa are faced with low throughput rates, and the need to enhance students’
South Africa, as part of their assessment in their final year professional course.
The reason for doing this research was due to the limited adoption of digital
storytelling in conventional educational settings globally and the fact that little
research has been done internationally and particularly in South Africa, into how
digital storytelling can be a vehicle for expanding learning. The study was framed
data. Focus group interviews were conducted with the students and the
facilitators of the project to elicit whether the production of digital stories led to
strategy. Results showed that the production of digital stories enhanced student
engagement with their studies which led to high levels of reflection on the subject
Findings of this study will contribute knowledge in the field which may be
According to Kahu, (2017) much has been written about the challenges
faced by first year students at university. This paper adds to that literature by
Using data from a qualitative study following 19 students through their first year
interests and goals interact with the teaching environment to trigger situational
engagement and leads to better learning and grades. Perceived relevance of the
interest. Students’ emotions, self-efficacy, and their sense of belonging are also
important factors in explaining the links between student interest, the teaching
making a decision which includes the family’s opinion and passion. Furthermore,
one factor that also contributes in student decision making is the people or role
models in his or her life, many factors can influence a student’s decision.
Including parents, coaches, religious figures or any role models in a student’s life.
The technical-vocational track is one of the tracks that can be chosen in senior
high school and it is more defined in the Philippines curricula, the development of
the basis for planning of the development of higher education and to reduce the
mismatch between the type of training offered by the institution and the types of
In connection with our study from the related literature and related
studies which correlates of students preference on TVL track and their academic
engagement” that concern about the first year students undergone technical
vocational track in their senior years in finding a connection between the factors
that affect their academic engagement, it also discusses the factors that may
affect the students preferences and their level of academic engagement towards
the course that they’ve taken such as the profile of the respondents, their
research instruments, locale of the study, and statistical tools which were used
for the study on the Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track and
Research Design
The study used descriptive correlational design for gathering data and
choosing the Tvl track and their preferred career choice to the other variable
The researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire of
the researcher to obtain first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate
Research Respondents
purposive sampling, the researcher selected them who graduated in TVL track
Iligan Institute of Technology. There are (4) departments and a total of sixty two
faculty and staff and (1861) students. The College of Education is located at the
Philippine Island in Mindanao, the Province of Lanao del Norte and in the City of
Research Instruments
Polytechnic University by Balbalosa, (2016) which has (2) parts and Factors to
which has (1) part. The first part contains the personal background of the
respondents, second part contains the factors in choosing the TVL track third
part is their preferred path after graduation which they will rate extreme likely,
likely, unlikely and extreme unlikely and its effects on students’ academic
engagement which they will rate either strongly agree, agree, disagree, or
strongly disagree.
and suggestions. After so, it was edited for approval. The researcher then
questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. After giving the letter to the
the respondents inside the MSU-IIT campus on gathering data from them. After
answering the questions, the researchers gathered the entire questionnaire and
checked them. After each procedure, the researcher went over to their adviser
Statistical Treatment
Collected data were tabulated, coded and entered into a data matrix. The
computer software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), was used for
Teacher Education.
Statistical Analysis
Value Interpretation
This chapter mainly deals with the data of the study which are collected as
well as generated during the period of investigation. This study aimed to examine
the respondent’s level of preferences on TVL track and its relationship with their
ability, teacher related aspect and on-instructional materials. The flow of the
presentation, discussion and analysis of data follows the pattern of the study’s
A. Age
respondents were at least 19 years old and above while only 39.4% of the
respondents were 18 years old. This indicates that almost two-thirds of the
B. Sex
(52)72% Female
sex of the respondents. As depicted in the table above that 71.8% of the
respondents were female, while only 28.2% were male. This indicates that
almost three – quarters of the respondents who took TVL track were dominated
by female. In addition, Mihyeon (2009), points out that men have a more liberal
and progressive style of thinking and women prefer a hierarchal style of thinking.
C. Course
(33)46.5% BTLEd-IA
(21)29.6% BTLEd-HE
respondents took BTLEd - IA, 29.6% took BTVTEd, while only 23.9% took
BTLEd - HE. This indicates that almost half of the respondents took BTLEd – IA,
gap in the levels of student engagement from school to school and from course
to course. To explain the occurrence of this gap, one can speak of either good or
bad teachers or good and bad students. However, as the practical evidence
P 10,000 below
parent’s monthly income of the respondents. It clearly shows that in that 46.5% of
the respondents reported an income at least Php 10,000 below, 29.6% reported
an income between Php 10,000 and Php 20,000, while only 23.9% reported an
income above Php 20,000. This indicates that three-quarters of the respondents
had an income below Php 20,000.00. This implies that most of the respondents
belong to the low class income based on the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
socioeconomic classes.
tardiness may be one mechanism through which low family income impacts
Elementary Grad Level
(40)56% High School Grad and High
School Level
TESDA/College Level/College
graduate, while 35.2% and 8.5% were at least high school level or graduate and
elementary level or graduate, respectively. This indicates that more than half of
the respondents’ fathers were at least TESDA, College Level or graduate, while
one-third of the respondents’ fathers only attained high school level or graduate
positively affected.
graduate, while 43.7% and 9.9% were at least high school level or graduate and
elementary level or graduate, respectively. This indicates that almost half of the
almost half of the respondents’ mothers only attained high school level or
predicted higher achievement. Both parents used more academic pressure with
their sons, whereas using more encouragement and support with their daughters.
G. Father’s Occupation
Medical, Teaching,
Engineering and other
Technical Services Related
Occupation: Doctor, Nurse,
Engineer, Teacher, Technician
& OFW.
(3)4% Business related Occupation:
Accountant, Sales Clerk, and
Businessman, Self-Employed.
(16)23% (25)35%
No Occupation
father’s occupation of the respondents. As shown in the figure, that 35.2% of, the
teacher, technician and OFW. Data also shows that 28.2% of the respondents’
fathers’ occupation was related to business such as accountant, sales clerk, and
government employed, military and security, while only 9.9% were related to
that majority of the respondents’ fathers had jobs; while only 4.2% reported that
adolescent’s stage they search for career cues by looking to their parents for
H. Mother’s Occupation
doctor, nurse, engineer, teacher, technician and OFW and another 14.1% were
military and security. Result also shows that 40.8% of the respondents’ mothers
were housewives. This indicates that more than half of the respondents’ mothers
had jobs and were earning an additional income to their respective family.
According to Pummel (2004) note that many people are third or fourth
insider’s glimpse into their parent’s occupation making it better for their
career choice, and TVL became my interest” got the highest mean rating
limited to choosing TVL because of my grades” got the lowest mean rating
it will meet their personal needs and their primary interest type which plays a
decisions upon choosing TVL” got the highest mean rating (M=3.24, SD=0.869)
to pursue in the TVL track” got the lowest mean rating (M=2.32, SD=0.953) and
(M=2.81, SD=0.682).
choosing TVL” got the lowest mean rating (M=2.44, SD=1.024) and described as
(M=2.68, SD=0.745).
The result was supported by Stipek (2002), if the teacher has confidence
reach high levels of understanding and performance will help the students’ to
shape student motivation. Wildman and Torres (2002) found out that there are
many people in student’s life that influence their career decision but a teacher
organization gave me the impression that TVL can make my life better” got the
choosing TVL as the appropriate track” got the lowest mean rating (M=2.10,
(M=2.25, SD=0.673).
from their family and peers and school community also plays a big role in
influencing them with their career choice. As mentioned in the study of Gavo,
respondents’ agree on the statement “The location of the school which offers
“Money has been an issue that is why I choose TVL” got the lowest mean rating
This result was supported by Alutu (2002) stated that the environment
may influence the career student decision. The result was also supported by
Thout (1969), that states the income level of a family may determine what career
preferences about their preferred career choice. It can be observed that most of
Thus, this indicates that most of the respondents most likely wanted to be a
teacher and wanted to teach about Technical, Vocational and Livelihood related
(M=2.53, SD=1.229). This indicates that aside from teaching, most of the
TVL track.
The result was supported Hamilton, (2000), the students can discover
opportunities that are perfectly matched to his/her interest or skills and help to
Range of Mean Interpretation Description
3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Very Positively Engaged
2.50-3.24 Agree Positively Engaged
1.75 -2.49 Disagree Negatively Engaged
1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree Very Negatively Engaged
SD=0.663) got the highest mean rating and described as “very positively
new course related about TVL” got the lowest mean rating (M=3.15, SD=0.905)
This result was supported and grounded by Bandura (1977); it states that
people, will form lasting interest in activities when they view themselves as
competent at it and when they anticipate that performing it will produce valued
clean and orderly manner” got the highest mean rating (M=3.28, SD=0.68) and
spend less time with my friends during school days to concentrate more on my
studies” got the lowest mean rating (M=2.90, SD=0.700) and described as
The result was supported by Zimmerman (1986), the students who are
carefully monitoring of the task that they are required to complete, their own
study behaviors, and the match between task and study behavior. Moreover, as
stated by Ley (1998), self-regulated learners seek assistance from peers and
teacher, possess high self-efficacy and effective time management skills and are
agree on the statement “I think this activity will be useful for the development of
my future projects” got the highest mean rating (M=3.56, SD=0.649) and
have made progress in my ability in this course” got the lowest mean rating
engaged students are those who are completely invested into the process of
strongly agree on the statement “Guides the student in performing the activity”
got the highest mean rating (M=3.56, SD=0.527) and described as “very
subject matter” got the lowest mean rating (M=3.35, SD=0.699) and described as
The result was supported by Downey (2008), stated that teachers need to
know how their daily work in classrooms can be infused with interactions and
instructional strategies that research has shown can make a positive difference in
lesson” (M=3.63, SD=0.514); “Uses resourceful tools and equipment for project
development” (M=3.63, SD=0.541) and “Present the tools and equipment needed
for the activity” (M=3.63, SD=0.569) got the highest mean rating and described
blackboards in explaining the lesson” (M=3.32, SD=0.789) got the lowest mean
result was supported by Corpuz and Lucido (2008) express the standards to
meaningful content to the topic. The instructional materials help the teacher
for the age, intelligence, and experience of the learners. The physical condition of
students better thinker and develop their critical faculties. The instructional
academic Engaged
Description Description General
Range Interpretation ( Level of (Academic Description
Preference) Engagement)
Very Positively Highly
3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly Encouraged
Engaged Favourable
2.50-3.24 Agree Encouraged
Engaged Favourable
Moderately Negatively
1.75 -2.49 Disagree
Encouraged Engaged Unfavourable
Strongly Very Negatively Highly
1.00- 1.74 Not Encourage
Disagree Engaged Unfavourable
every statement used to measure their preference of TVL track towards their
academic engagement. Moreover, the table revealed that the respondent’s total
This is according to the scale used in the Interpretation of the Weighted Mean
interest (r = -0.310, p<0.01), indicating that some respondents with low income
tend to have positive level of engagement on their interest related to TVL track or
vice versa. According to Beggs et al., (2008), the salary and benefits of that job
do not play a role in this decision. In a research study the factor “match with
interest” rated over job characteristics, major attributes, and psychological and
between age and their level of academic engagement in terms of interest, study
This study has failed to prove that respondent’s level of academic engagement is
the respondent’s course and their level of academic engagement in terms of on-
instructional materials (φc= 0.273, p<0.01). Result shows that the proportion of
respondents from BTLEd-IA, who were very positively engaged was relatively
to the topic. The instructional materials help the teacher achieve the instructional
objectives. The instructional materials are appropriate for the age, intelligence,
between sex, father’s and mother’s educational attainment; father’s and mother’s
In terms of personal factors, data shows that personal factors were slightly
0.263, p<0.05) and academic ability ( = 0.260, p<0.05). This indicates that
personal factors tend to have higher level of academic engagement on TVL track
relative to interest, study habits and academic activity. According to Sear and
0.488, p<0.01) and academic ability ( = 0.364, p<0.01). This result indicates
that those respondents with higher level of preferences on TVL track in terms of
TVL track relative to interest and academic activity. Thus, according to Schultheis
analyse first their vocational interest, abilities and chosen career, and
shows that their encouragement were slightly correlated showed significant with
interest ( = 0.383, p<0.01), indicating that those respondents with higher level
relative to interest. Thus, according to Wildman and Torres (2002), there are
many people in the students’ life that can influence their career decisions. Most
of the time friends, parents and friends play a large role, but coaches and
teachers can also have a huge impact on the students’ life. Also according to
Stookey (2004), the advice counselors mostly gave application process and
funding problems, while it is the classroom teachers that gave more academic
0.301, p<0.01). This result indicates that those respondents with higher level of
preferences on TVL track in terms of interest and academic activity tend to have
According to Mcglynn, (2007), Students will seek out schools that are well known
for that major or trade most students today are more concerned with the amount
of money they can earn. However, there are a few students who pursue their
dreams. Also this supports to the study of Oyebode (2010), opportunity shapes
the career choice of the students, opportunity may influence how students
career fields. The issue of poverty has played an important determining role in
instructional materials.
students’ preferred career choice and their level of academic engagement related
to TVL track.
This data has failed to show that respondents’ preferred career choices
instructional materials due to the answer of students on the career that has been
career. .
(White, et. al 1992) these changes are marked by the hierarchical climbing of the
thus further developing one’s career and increased recognition and respect from
one’s peers.
Summary of Findings
TVL track(M=2.53).
4. Testing the significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and
Based on the forgoing findings of the study, the following conclusions are
a composite average.
4. Only the parent’s monthly income and course in the profile of the
choosing a course considering that there are external factors that can
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C. Unpublished Thesis
Appendix A
We, the undersigned are students of the Department of Technology Teacher Education, taking up
Bachelor of Science in Technology Teacher Education Major in Industrial Technology (BSTTE-
IT). We are conducting a survey as an input on our undergraduate thesis titled “Correlates of
Students Preference on TVL track and Academic Engagement” as a requirement for the
completion of the course.
We are looking forward that our request would merit your response. Thank you and more power.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Thesis Adviser
Dear Respondents:
We, the undersigned are students of the Department of Technology Teacher Education,
taking up Bachelor of Science in Technology Teacher Education Major in Industrial
Technology (BSTTE-IT). We are conducting a survey as in input on our undergraduate
thesis titled “Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track and Academic
Engagement “among first year students undergone TVL track.
In connection with this, we are requesting for your kind and cooperation in responding to
the survey questionnaire which will be needed in the completion of our undergraduate
thesis. Rest assured that the information will be treated with utmost confidentiality and
for the purpose of the study only.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Noted by:
Thesis Adviser
Appendix C 87
We are pleased to inform you that our group has completed our thesis research entitled
“Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track and Academic Engagement”.
In connection with this, may we request that the final defense of our research be
scheduled on December 27, 2018, @10 am at CED room 211.
Halnaisa M. Pantaran
Noted by:
We are pleased to inform you that our group has completed our thesis research entitled
“Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track and Academic Engagement”.
In connection with this, may we request that the final defense of our research be
scheduled on December 27, 2018, @10 am at CED room 211.
Halnaisa M. Pantaran
I. Personal Background
Name (optional): ____________________________ Course: _________________
Age: ____________
Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
Parent’s Monthly Gross Family Income:
( ) 10,000 and below
( ) 10,001 to 20,000
( ) 20,001 to 30,000
( ) 30,001 to 40,000
( ) 40,001 to 50,000
( ) 50,001 to 70,000
( ) 70,001 to 100,000
( ) 100,001 and above
Parents Educational Attainment:
Father Mother
( ) Doctoral Degree ( ) Doctoral Degree
( ) Master’s Degree ( ) Master’s Degree
( ) Bachelor’s Degree ( ) Bachelor’s Degree
( ) College Level ( ) College Level
( ) TESDA Graduate ( ) TESDA Graduate
( ) High School Graduate ( ) High School Graduate
( ) High School Level ( ) High School Level
( ) Elementary Graduate ( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) Elementary Level ( ) Elementary Level
( ) Other (Please Specify):______ ( ) Other (Please Specify):______
Parents Occupation:
Father Mother
( ) Government Employed ( ) Accountant ( ) Government Employed ( ) Accountant
( ) Self- Employed ( ) Engineer ( ) Self- Employed ( ) Engineer
( ) Businessman ( ) Technician ( ) Businessman ( ) Technician
( ) Military ( ) Driver ( ) Military ( ) Driver
( ) Teacher ( ) Nurse ( ) Teacher ( ) Nurse
( ) Sales Clerk ( ) Doctor ( ) Sales Clerk ( ) Doctor
( ) Security Guard ( ) OFW ( ) Security Guard ( ) OFW
4 3 2 1
Parents Encouragement
1. My parents encouraged me to pursue in the TVL track.
2. My parents were supportive on my decisions upon choosing TVL.
3. My parents kept me on motivating to pursue TVL.
Teachers/Classmates/Friends Encouragement
1. My teachers we’re talking to me about TVL.
2. My teachers involved me in career-related TVL activities in the
3. My friends motivated me in choosing TVL which is suitable for my
4. My friends helped me in choosing TVL which is suitable for my
5. I want to follow where majority of my classmates we’re choosing
Community/Church Encouragement
1. My community organization gave me the impression that TVL can
make my life better.
2. My community organization encouraged me to pursue TVL.
3. My church organization motivated me to choose TVL as my track.
4. My church organization helped me decide in choosing TVL as the
appropriate track.
Opportunity Factor 4 3 2 1
1. I want to be a teacher.
2. I want to be an engineer.
3. I want to be a doctor.
4. I want to be a lawyer.
5. I want to be a chemist.
6. I want to be a chef.
Others (specify):______________
IV. Students’ Academic Engagement
Direction: Please read and indicate how your preference in TVL affects your engagement. Please read
and check (/) in the box which correspond your answer. Use the scale below
Strongly Agree- 4 Agree- 3 Disagree-2 Strongly Disagree-1
Interest 4 3 2 1
1. I can say that I was right to choose TVL and to pursue my new
2. I am satisfied that I graduated in the TVL track.
3. I am excited in engaging myself in the class that is related to TVL.
4. I am feeling enthusiastic about my new course related about TVL.
5. I am curious as to the lesson to be tackled relating to TVL.
6. I am disappointed whenever I miss one activity.
7. I listen attentively to the lecture of my teacher.
8. I always make myself prepared for the subject.
9. I actively participate in the discussion, doing activities and/ or
clarifying things I did not understand.
10. I want to get good grades, on test quizzes, assignments and
11. I get frustrated when the discussion is interrupted or the teacher is
Study Habits 4 3 2 1
1. I do my assignments regularly.
2. I exert more effort when I do difficult things.
3. I spend my vacant time in doing assignments or studying my
4. I study the lessons I missed if I was absent from the class.
5. I study and prepared for quizzes and tests.
Academic Ability 4 3 2 1
On Instructional Materials 4 3 2 1
This is to certify that the thesis of JECHEL A. COSTADA, PRINCESS
LAMBINO entitled, Correlates of Students preference on TVL track and their
Academic Engagement have been edited in form and content by the
Noted by:
We are pleased to inform you that we, Jechel A. Costada, Princess Issathea L.
Manceras, Halnaisa M. Pantaran,Kate Jashmine Q. Lambino, students of Bachelor of
Science Technology Teacher Education Major in Industrial Technology have edited and
polished our research study entitled “Correlates of Students Preference on TVL track
and Academic Engagement”.
In connection, we are requesting for the approval for binding of our thesis. Hoping for
your approval. Thank you and God bless.
Halnaisa M. Pantaran
Recommending Approval:
I. Personal Data
V. Personal Data