Faculity of Busines and Economics Department of Managment: The Role of Effective Communication in Resolving Conflict

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The role of effective communication in resolving conflict
Submitted to Woldia university faculty of business and economics department
of management for the partial fulfillment of bachelor of ART (BA) degree in

Name ID No

Prepared BY: Beyenech Awoke FBE(R) 2393/07

Dagnachew Ayana FBE(R) 3002/07

Bezabesh Abera FBE(R) 2395/07


First of all we would live to praise ours GOD for helping while completing this research paper
.Secondary we would like to express our sincere and heart full thanks to our advisor Abebe T. who
devote his time and energy to read the paper and make valuable professional advice and
constrictive comment from starting up to completion date. Thirdly we would like thanks all of ours
deepest heart felt gratitude goes to our families for their moral and financial support from the
beginning until now.


 Effective communication is crucial element in our lives and it is the basis for organizational
objective achievement.
 The study designed to investigate the role of effective communication in resolving conflict in
woldia university administration staff.
 Both primary and secondary data used in the study. The primary data collected from the
employees of the administrativestaff through open ended questionnaire and close ended
questionnaire.The secondary data collected from written book and organization document.
 The researchers used descriptive type of research deign and cluster sampling technique in order
to collect information from some of the employees in administrativestaff .to analyzed and
interpreted byusing table, frequency and percentage.
 Based on the findings of the study communication gap to resolve conflict,less response of
management for employees,less contribution of communication on conflict resolving process and
difference in attitude towards communication were the major problems that affect
communication notconflict resolving.
 Finally,the researchers recommended that manager should understand the source of
conflict,stimulate functional conflict and prevent dysfunctional conflict, sufficient response of
management for employees,using effective communication in resolving conflict and encouraging
employees positive attitude of communication to resolve conflict can be solution to resolve
mentioned problem.

Chapter one.................................................................................................................................................1
1. IntroductioN............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................1
1.2 statement of the problem.................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Question.............................................................................................................................2
1.4 objectives of the study.......................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................3
1.5 significance of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.7 scope of the study.............................................................................................................................4
1.8. organization of the study..................................................................................................................4
Chapter two.................................................................................................................................................5
Review of related literature.........................................................................................................................5
2.1 definition of communication.............................................................................................................5
2.2Types of communication in organization............................................................................................7
2.3 Function of communications.............................................................................................................7
2.4 Effective communication...................................................................................................................7
2.5 Factor that affect communication.....................................................................................................8
2.6 definition of conflict..........................................................................................................................8
2.7 cause of conflict in organization......................................................................................................10
2.8 Conflict management or resolution techniques..............................................................................12
2.9 Role of effective communication in resolving conflict.....................................................................13
Chapter three............................................................................................................................................13
3. Methodology.........................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Research design...............................................................................................................................13
3.2 source of data..................................................................................................................................14
3.3 method of data collection................................................................................................................14
3.4 Target population of the study........................................................................................................14
3.5 Sample Size......................................................................................................................................15
3.6 Sampling technique.........................................................................................................................15
3.7 Methods of data analyses and presentation...................................................................................15
3.8 Budget break down.........................................................................................................................16
3.9 Time schedule..................................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................18
DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION......................................................................18
4.1 Background information of respondents.....................................................................................18
4.2 General Information....................................................................................................................21
4.3 The extent of communication......................................................................................................24
4.4 communication role and its constraints.......................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................28
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................28
5.1 Summary of findings....................................................................................................................28
5.2 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................29
5.3 Recommendation........................................................................................................................30


1.1 Background of the study

Communication is the process of sharing idea, information and massage with other. The most
basic communication methods that are known to man are speech and nonverbal expression such
as facial expression and body language apart from these basic method begin to involve and
become complex(i.von man young 1996).

Effective communication usually require two way flow of information rather than simple
delivering message work on creating a flow of message and feedback. A sender conveys a
message and receives responds with feedback and perhaps a new message (Cullinan; 1996:327).

Conflict is a process in which one party perceive that its interest are being opposed or negatively
affected by other party this are a mind disagreement between two people. Regarding the best
choice in decision (Mary Ann and Steven L.mc Shane; 1976:402).

Communication in modern history has many important activity among these it has a great deals
in resolving distractive conflict and increasing constrictive conflict (Mary Ann: 1976).

Conflict occurs due to the lake of opportunities, ability or motivation to communicate

effectively. As communication is essential to the communities of a given organization especially
for a manager to coordinate the human and other resource they should be avoid conflict that
occurs between employees to avoid these problem communication is vital (Mary Ann and Steven
L.mc Shane: 1976:408).

Considering point about communication effective communication conflict and their relation. The
researcher tries to see the effective communication on conflict resolution process of Woldia
university administration staff.
1.2 statement of the problem

As long as people in organization work together conflict is I evitable or unavoidable. This means
as people work together the incompatibility of goal attitudes emotions or behaviors leads to
disagreement or opposition between them conflict occurs because people do not agree on goal
issue. Perception and people in evitable compete for the scare resource (Mary Cullinan;

Any organization has no meaning without communication to reduce or if possible to avoid the
above inevitable conditions communication have vital role. Communication is not used for
conflict resolution but also it is the base for organization objective achievement incase
productivity, job satisfaction, getting information about competitor dimension and any activity in
any field of study thus, the fact is the crucial element in our lives(kreitner,R 2008).

In organization leaders or manager who are able to keep way of communication will have a great
chance of understanding other belief value, need and emotion (marshal) and Robson,2012).

Before this study, as the manager of administration staff told to the researchers. These is no study
under taken on effective communication in resolving conflict which is burning issue to be
discussed and addressed by the researcher. Therefore, this study is intended to identify the case
of such thing and contribution of effective communication to address such face then Woldia
university administrative staff under the constricting such effective communication in resolving
conflict and other related problems would be answered through this researchquestion.

1.3 Research Question

1. What are major factors that cause for employees conflict in administration staff?

2. What are the major factors that affect effective communication on resolving conflict in Woldia
university administration staff?

3. What are the contributions of effective communication on resolving conflict in administration

1.4 objectives of the study

1.4.1 General objectives

The general objective of this study is to assess the role of effective communication in resolving
conflict in Woldia university administration staff.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

1. To assess the major factors that cause for employees conflict in administration staff.

2. To find out the major factor that affect effective communication on resolving conflict
inWoldia university administration staff.

3. To explain the contribution of effective communication on resolving conflict in administration


1.5 significance of the study

This research were significant for the following body researchers takes the study for the
fulfillment of BA degree

2. the organization take function of entire of communication to resolve conflict, recommended

solution of the study and take corrective action in the way.

3. Increase the knowledge of manager on how to resolve conflict.

4. Other researcher takes this study as a reference for conducting other similar assessment.

5. The research puts a stepping stone and further investigation for other potential researchers.

1.6Limitation of the study

There are some limitations that the researchers faces asachallengewhile conducting this study
.This li1mitations stated as follows:-
1. Lack of experience of the researchers as it is the first time the assessment is taken.
2 .Carelessness of respondent in filling questionarie.
3.Like of availability of secondary data from the administrative staff concerning to the
title of the study.

1.7 scope of the study

The researcher focuses only on the role of communication in resolving conflict because as it is
known as distractive conflict is challenge for the overall organization. The researchers would
like to study how these distractive conflicts can get the solution and the researchers selecting
effective communication from other extraneous variable Which are the ways of dedicatingor
eliminating conflict within administrative staffand the studyof the researchers conducted the
research were limited only employee of Woldia University administrative staff geographically.

1.8. Organization of the study

This paper is organized into five chapters.

Chapter one contain introduction part include background of the study and organization,
statement of problem, research question, objective of the stud, significance of the study , scope
of the study and limitation of the study.

Chapter two contain related literature

Chapter three contain research methodology include research design, source of data, data
collection tools, population of the study, sample size and sample method.

Chapter four include analysis and interpretation of data collected.

Chapter five consists summery, conclusion and recommendation of the study.



2.1 definition of communication

According to PRobbins;1994:242 communication is the process of transmitting or sharing idea

feeling through experience, skill etc for some purpose through the transmit ion of symbolic
message this if no information or idea have been conveyed communication has not taken place
for communication to be successful the meaning must imported and understand perfect
communication it such thing existed will be transmitted through or idea were perceived by the
receiver exactly as it was invested by the sender communication in organization is the process of
transmitting decision and other information from one member one part of the organization to the

According PRobbins; 1993:332) communication can be classified based on their channels,

formal and informal communication.

1.Formal communication ;is type of communication that send information through official
designed channel between different or general position it comprises down ward communication
in which information from upper to lower from manager to subordinate in the form of instruction
and feedback.

2.informal communication ;contains sequence of interaction that does not have place within the
official design channels of communication this study concern regarding the role both formal and
informal communication in resolving conflict in Woldia University staff.

2.1.1 Importance of Communication

According to Tadiwos(2006, p.66-67) the importance of communication in

organizations,mention for the following points:
1. Communication facilities efficient and smooth running of an
organization:common causes of organizational inefficiency are related to poor
communication.However,effective communication enables anorganization to secure cooperation
between persons and assures performance and achievement of goals.

2. Communication is the basis for decision making:the quality of decisions in an

organization depends on the amount and quality of information,which is effected through
communication,available to the managers.Effective communication is also important to the
proper implementation of plans.Most plans in most organization are not implemented in Ethiopia
mainly due to poor communication.

3. It enables proper planning and coordinating:Misunderstanding can be removed with

good communication.Communication enables an organization its long term plans to be achieved
and its activities properly controlled.Communication brings the various parties of the
organization together (this is known as proper coordination).Whenever there is no proper
coordination in an organization,the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing one unit
or department may not be aware of what is going on in the other units or departments whenever
there is no coordination among the units or departments in the organization.

4. Communication brings higher productivity at minimum cost: Communication

is important enhance the moral (willingness to work) of the employees.It also helps for proper
leadership and guidance functions in effect help an organization to increase productivity and to
minimize cost productivity is producing more and more output with the usage of less and less
resources(materials, labor and knowledge) in the organization.Poor communication may cause
accidents,resources wastage,low morale and in effect low productivity.

5. Facilitate democratic management:Democratization is becoming very popular in

most countries of the world.This has necessitated democratic style of leadership in most
organizations.Thus,communication enables participation of members of the organization in many
functions.It could be in decision making, planning,controlling,and implementing.These
democrats,style of leadership promotes the support and understanding of superiors (bosses) and
subordinates and work towards their common objectives.
6. Communication binds people together:It introduces the sense of cooperation and
produces the will to work very hard.It helps to establish and disseminate goals of an organization
that brings people together for common cause.

7. Communication is the life blood of organization:Because organization by

definition is the group of people working together to achieve a common goal. Its effectiveness
requires a great deal of interaction and without communication an organization cannot
function.People in organizations exchange information, ideas,felling and proposals,make
decisions,plans policies rules, contractual agreements that all require effective communication.

8. The art of communication is extremely important for manger:Because he or she must

achieve result through other people in the organization .All the management tasks such as
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivation, controlling, coordinating and representing,
require two communications.It has been observed that persons who occupy critical points with in
an organization's communications network tend to strengthen their positions as leaders who
make decisions that affect others.

2.2Types of communication in organization

According to H.G field and Robert j. House (1995, p250) there are two types of communication
written (verbal and nonverbalcommunication).

1. Verbal communication written and oral communication media have favorable and unfavorable
nature; consequently, they are often used together so that the favorable qualities of each can
complement the other.

2. Non verbal communication is any message the sender communicates without using words this
types of communication sometimes reflected as gesture, eye conduct, facial expression and voice
in to nation as well as physical appearance.
2.3 Function of communications

According to Stephen.P.Robbins (1996, p377-378), the function of communication put in to four

basic categories.

1. Control

Communication acts to control member behavior in several ways organization have authority,
hierarchies and formal guidelines that employees are required to follow.

2. motivation; communication foster motivation by clarifying to employees what is to be done,

how will they are doing and what can be done to improve performance.

3. Emotional expression; the communication that takes place within the group is a fundamental
mechanism by which member show their frustration and feeling of satisfaction.

4. Information, communication performs related to its role in facilitating, decision making is by

transmitting the date identity and evaluate alternatives.

2.4 Effective communication

Effective communication occurs when the message sender understand fully how the receiver will
react and use clear understandable and appropriates language in addition these sender can control
and manage the environment to determine the way to transfer message. Therefore effective
communication occurs when intended message transmutes accurately and the receiver
understands it (Wayne, 1994).

2.5 Factor that affect communication

Almost all conflict involve communication problem as both cause and an effect
misunderstanding. Resulting from poor communication can easy cause a conflict or more it
worse further, once conflict has started communication problem often develop because people in
conflict do not communication with each other as frequently as opening and as accurately as they
do when relationship are not strained this communication is central to most conflict
situation(Stewart and syivia ;2006;212).
According to (cullinon 1993), elaborate three factors that affect communication in all

1. Organization

These are in numerable factor that exist in the world around the organization this factor include
problem of distance space, poor physical appearance and the use of wrong communication
channels can affect the free flow of message within the organization.

2. between employees

These communication barriers often occur because people do not like each other are afraid of
each other;difference in attitude towards communication and have some preconception about
other that inter face with message.

3. Barriers inside employees

Naturally your staff mind stronglyaggressiveness (emotionality) affect sender receive message it you bored with the
subject.Your ability to

2.6 Definition of conflict

According to (Robbins; 1983; 445), conflict can be defined as any situation in which compatible
goal attitudes emotion or behavior to disagreement or opposition between two or more
organization member or group that is conflict occurs, because people do not always agree on
goal, issue, perception.

Organization conflict

According to(hener,2010) conflict exist everywhere in all walk of human life organization
conflict it deals with structural make up of the organization it has to two division the first one is
internal organizational conflict that is within the organization and the second one is intra
organizational conflict which occur between two or more organization.

2.6.1 Types of Conflict In Organization

According to Debral L, Nelson(1994, p, 390-391) conflict is classified in to functional and

1.Functional conflict is healthy, constrictive disagreement between two or more people it can be
produce new ideas, learning and growth among individual they develop a better awareness of the
selves and other.

2. Dysfunctional conflict is an unhealthy, destructivedisagreement between two or more people,

its origin is often emotional or behavioral individual in dysfunctional conflict tend to act before
thinking, and they often rely on threats deception and verbal abuse communication.

2.6.2 Effect of conflict in organization

Both functional and dysfunctional conflicts have their own effect in organizational performance.

According to Debral L,Nelson (1994, p.390)the following are effect of functional and dysfunctional

* Functional conflict:It can produce new ideas, learning and growth among
individuals.Functional conflict can improve working relationship,because when two parties work through
their disagreements, they feel they have accomplished something together.By releasing tension and
solving problems in working together.Moral is improved.Functional conflict can lead to innovation and
positive charge for the organization.Because it tends to encourage creativity among individuals,this
positive form of conflict can translate into increased productivity.

* Dysfunctional conflict:Is conflict that leads to decline communication or theperformance

of a group.It can be an over boundary of conflict or a lack of sufficient motivating conflict.

Dysfunctional conflict with in organization is motivated by egos of employees with competing

ambitions.Itoften leads to higher stress and a likelihood that employees will burn out.Employees will also
likely feel less satisfaction and less loyalty to the organization.
2.7 cause of conflict in organization

According to DebralL,nelson (1994, P, 395) source of conflict can be classified in to two broad

1 .Structural factors

Structural factors which stem from the nature of the organizations include specialization,
interdependence,common resource,goal differences,relationships,status
inconsistencies,jurisdictional ambiguities, work load and communication gap.

1. Specialization: when jobs are highly specialized,employees become experts at a certain

tasks.Highly specialized jobs can lead to conflict, because people have little awareness of the tasks that
others perform.

2. Interdependence: Work that is interdependence requires groups or individuals to depend on

one another to accomplish goals.Depending on other people to get work done is fine when the process
works smoothly.However, when there is a problem,it becomes very easy to blame the other party,and
conflict escalates.

3. Common Resources:Any time multiple parties must share resources,there is potential

for conflict.This potential is enhanced when the shared resources become scarce.One resource
often shared by managers is secretarial support.It is not uncommon for a secretary to support ten
or more managers,each of whom believes his or her work is most important.This puts pressure
on the secretaries and leads to potential conflict in prioritizing and scheduling work.

4. Goal differences:When work groups have different goals,these goals may be

incompatible.Often these types of conflicts occur because individuals do not have knowledge of
another department's objectives.

5. Authorityrelationships:The nature of a traditional boss employee relationship

brings to mind vision of a hierarchy or of a boss who is superior to the employee.For many
employees, this relationship is not a comfortable one, because another individual has the right to
tell them what to do.Some people resent authority more than others,and obviously others,this
compounds the potential for conflict in the relationship.As organizations move toward team
approach and empowerment,there should be less potential for conflict from authority

6. Status inconsistencies:Some organizations have as strong status difference between

management and non management workers.Managers may enjoy privileges such as flexible
schedules,personal telephone calls at work,and longer lunch hours that are not available to non
management employees.This may result in resentment and conflict.

7. Jurisdictional ambiguities:That is unclear lines of responsibility with in an

organization.When a problem occurs for which there is no definite source of
responsibility,workers tends to "Pass the buck" or avoid dealing with the problem.Conflicts
emerge over responsibility for the problem.

8. Work over load:There are two types of work over load being asked to do too much and being
asked to do work that is too difficult.Too much work can arise because of organizational constraint that
prevent efficiency, insufficient number of staff members to share the load, or inequitable distribution of
work,were some individuals have heavier workloads than others.Work that is too difficult can arise
because the job is poorly designed,making it difficult for anyone to perform,or because the individual
does not have the necessary skills.

9. Communication gap:Is a state occurs when what is being said is not been
communicated to the address properly and completely.Actually communication gap is the
biggest hurdle in achieving the organizational goal and does not help at all in achievement of
organizational goal.Poor communication can lead communication gap after occurring
communication.And it is one main factor that affects communication.

2. Personal factors
Personal factors which arise from different among individual include skills and
abilities,personalities,perceptions,values and ethics,emotions and communication barriers.

1.Skills and abilities:The work force is composed of individuals with varying levels of
skills and ability.Diversity in skills and abilities may be positive for the organization,but it also
holds potential for conflict, especially when jobs are interdependent.Experienced,competent
workers can become resent full when their new boss,fresh from college, knows a lot about
managing people but is unfamiliar with the technology with which they are working.

2. Personalities:Individuals do not leave their personalities at the door step when they enter the
work place.Personality conflict is realities in organization.To expect that you will like all of your co-
workers may be a naive expectation,as would be the expectation that they will all like you.

3. Perceptions:Differences in perception can also lead to conflict one area in which perceptions
can differ is the perception of what motivates employees.If managers and workers do not have a shared
perception of what motivates people,the reward system can create conflicts.Managers usually provide
they think employees want rather than what employees really want.

4. Values and ethics:Difference in value and ethics can be sources of disagreement.Most

people have their own sets of values and ethics.The extent to which they apply these ethics in the work
place varies.Some people have strong desires for approval from others and work to meet others ethical
standards.Some people are relatively unconcerned with approval from others and strongly apply their own
ethical standards.Still others operate seemingly without regard to ethics or values.When conflicts over
values or ethics do arise,heated disagreement is common because of the personal nature of the

5. Emotions:The moods of others can be as source of conflict in the work place problems at a home
often spill over in to the work arena,and the related moods can be hard for others to deal with.

6. Communication barriers:Communication barriers such as physical separation and

language can create distortions in messages,and these can lease to conflict.Another communication
barrier is value judgment,in which a listener as a signs a worth to a message before it is received.

2.8 Conflict managementor resolution techniques

Conflict management skill arise predictor of managerial success all conflict requires skill on the
part of the manager. The manager task is to stimulate functional conflict and prevent or resolve
dysfunctional conflict (derbal.nelson and jamescambelll Quick; 1994; 390).

According to (kailmanni 2010) there are several conflict resolving technique such as;

 forcing where individual purpose his/her own concern dispute resistance of offer
 win win see conflict resolution as an opportunities to come to mutual benefit to both
 competing when one person seeks to satisfy his or her own interest regardless of the
impact of otherparty

2.9 Role of effective communication in resolving conflict

Effective communication skill serves a key role in successful resolving conflict both in the home
and the work place and effective communication usually requires a two-way flow ofinformation
rather than simply delivering messages,work on creating a flow of message and feedback,role of
communication in resolving conflict (Is stated on resolution technique of conflict, compromise
collaboration, arbitration, negotiation, mediation conflict and discussion have no meaning
without communication. (Cullinan; 1996:327).


3.1 Research design

In this research descriptive types of design would be used.Because descriptive research design
concerns with arranging and describe thecharacteristics of situationalevent and what
happening.The researchers used both qualitative and quantitative approach.In qualitative
approach research concerned with subjective assessment ofattitudes;opinion; behavior and
qualitative phenomena.In quantitative approach research is based on the measurement of
quantity;numbers and statically terms.3.2 source of data

The researcherused primary and secondary data source to collect and relevant information.

Hence prim.ary data would be collect from employee of Woldia university administrative staff
questionnaire moreover, the secondary source of data would be collected from different written
source that are books, official documents, and related journals as well as internet service.

3.3 method of data collection

The data would be collected by distributing cloth ended and open ended questionnaire. Cloth
ended questioner are the respondents has fixed range answer whereas open ended questioner
have no pre specified answer the respondent are free to answer the question in order to get
detailed and relevant information and reviewing document from 2008 report of Woldia
university administrative staff.

3.4 Target population of the study

In order to accomplish this study the target population wereemployees of the university which
working in administrative staff.the total number ofpopulation in
Administrativestaff is 675 in number.(Source Woldia university administrative staff 2008

3.5 Sample Size

From the total population of 675 employees

The researcher should be select 87 employees for study, because the researcher calculate the
sample size byusing the following formula that taken from (yemanes formula 1967)to estimate
the sample sizethe researcher usedN; 675,

90% confidence intervaland e, 10% margin of error.

n=N/1+N (e) 2

Where N= total population

e= error determined

n= sample size

3.6 Sampling technique

The sampling technique that used in the study would be cluster sampling technique. The reason
for the researcher to use cluster sampling is its appropriate for the study to collect conductive
data for the study by distributing questioner to selecting group (cluster) of population through
simple random sampling technique.
3.7 Methods of data analyses and presentation

The researcher wereanalyzed and present thedata by using descriptive statically toolssuch as
table, frequency and percentage lastly leads to summery, conclusion and recommendation.

3.8 Budget break down

Item Unit measurement Amount of unit Cost of unit Total cost

Stationary paper Dozen 200 0.5 100
Pen Bacon 5 5 25
Pencil Bacon 5 2 2
Ruler 1 6 6
Back up cd 1 25
Printing proposal 18
Printing and 18 7
drafting final
Printing final 35 7 126
Travel expense 10 245
Other 100
Total 629


This chapter deals with presentation, analysis and interpretation on the basis of data collected
through questionnaires.The information was gathered by distributing 87 questionnaires to the
employees of administrative staff,among those questionnaires five were not returned and two did
not provide consistence information and the remaining 80 were collected appropriately .So data
analysis and interpretation were depending on 80 employees of administrative staff.

4.1 Background information of respondents

This is the profile of the respondents with regard to Sex,Age,Ethnic,Marital Status,Educational

Status and Years of Experience of the respondent’s.That was used to appropriately know the
respondents characteristics and background information before going to the basic part of the

Table 1 Sex distribution of respondents

Sex Respondents
Frequency Percentage
Male 52 65
Female 28 35
Total 80 100
(Source. questionnaire 2017)

As indicated in above table among the total 80 respondents 52(65%)were Male and the
remaining 28(35%)were Female.This shows that the participation of Females was less than
Males in over all activities of administrativestaff and in communication process.

Table 2 Age distribution of the respondents

Age group Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)
From 18-25 54 67.5
From 26-35 18 22.5
From 36-45 5 6.25
Above 45 3 3.75
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

According to the above table the range age out of the total respondents 54(67.5%) of them were
between 18-25 years age, 18(22.5%) of them were 26-35 years age, 5(6.25%) were between 36-
45 years age and the remaining 3(3.75%) respondents were above 45 years age groups.this shows
the largest proportion of the study population lied between age group of 18-25.

Table 3 Information regarding Ethnic and Martial status

Number Item Respondents

1 Ethnic Frequency Percentage (%)
2 Gurage 10 12.5
3 Oromo 12 15
4 Amhara 53 66.25
5 Other 5 6.25
Total 80 100
Marital status
1 Married 20 25
2 Single 57 71.25
3 Widowed 3 3.75
Total 80 100
(Source questionnaire 2017)

Item1 of the above table shows out of the total respondents 10(12.5%)were Gurage, 12 (15%)
were Oromo, 53(66.25%)were Amhara and the remaining 5(6.75%) of them were
others.Generally the researchers can concluded that almost majority of Amhara followed by
Oromo, Garage and the remaining other ethnic group who can understand the working language
of administrative staff that is Amharic.

Item2 of the above table indicate that 57(71.25%) of the respondents were single, 20(25%) of the
respondents were married, 3(3.75%)of respondents were widowed.Therefore,the greatest
numbers of respondents were single.
Table 4 Educational status of the respondents

Educational status Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)
First degree 45 56.25
Diploma 33 41.25
Above first degree 2 2.5
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

According to the above table shows that out of the total respondents 45(56.25%) of respondents
were first degree, 33(41.25%) of respondents were diploma and the remaining 2(2.5%) of
respondents were above first degree.This implies that 78(97.5%) the respondents had first degree
and diploma educational status.This qualification can enables employees to assess their
environment and reason out critically to create conductive environment and resolving conflict

Table 5 years of experience of respondents

Years of experience Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)
Below 3 years 74 92.5
3-5 years 4 5
6-10 years 2 2.5
More than 10 years 0 0
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

From the above table respondents answer indicates that 74(92.5%) of the respondents had below 3

years work experience, 4(5%) of respondents had between 3-5 years work experience and the
remaining 2(2.5%) of respondents had 6-10 years work experience from this.The researchers

concluded that most of the employees 74(92.5%) of them had less than 3years of work experience

this indicates there own impact on resolving of conflict but the remaining 6(7.5%) greater than 3

years work experience as a result they can resolve conflict by effective communication for the

reason that they knowthe work environment of their staff.

4.2 General Information

This includes information gathered from employees of woldia university administrative staff
regarding to the basic questions of the study.

4.2.1 Existence of conflict and its causes

Table 6 respondent’s opinion regarding existence conflict and its causes.

Number Item Respondents

1. Is there conflict in your staff? Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 66 82.5
No 14 17.5
Total 80 100
2. If your answer for question 1 is
“Yes” what are the major
cause of conflict in your staff?
Failure to punctuality 6 9.09
Communication gap 35 53.03
Un meet expectation 8 12.12
Failure to provide timely 17 25.76
If other 0 0
Total 66 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

According to the information observed on the above table item one shows that out of the total
respondent 66(82.6%) of respondents respond that they faced conflict with the employees of
their staff and the remaining 14(17.5%) of respondents responded that they did not faced any
conflict with their staff.This shows that the largest part of employees face conflict with in

As Item 2,of the above table Shows that out of the total respondents 35(53.03%) of the
respondents respond that conflict occur due to communication gap,17(25.76%) respondents were
due to failure to provide timely information,8(12.12%) of respondents respond due to un meet
expectation and the remaining 6(9.09%) of respondents were conflicts occurs due to failure to
punctuality.From this the researchers concluded that the major cause of conflict arise due to
communication gap with in administrative staff.

Table 7 respondents opinion concerning to the possibility to resolving existed conflict and
resolving techniques of conflict.

Number Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)
1. Do you think existed
conflict can be solved?
Yes 68 85
No 12 15
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

As indicated in above table out of the total respondents 68(85%) of the respondent

Said that the existed conflict of the staff can be solved and remaining 12(15%) of respondents
were believed that the existed conflict cannot solved from this the researchers concluded that the
existence of employees conflict can be solved when effective mechanism and means are
available.From the above table respondents who said "Yes" were asked by what techniques those
conflicts can be solved? From the observation of open ended questionnaire majority of the
respondents responded that discussion and arbitration were mechanism toresolve conflict .This
shows that employees of administrative staff give more value to discussion and arbitration to
resolve conflict.

4.3 The extent of communication

Table 8 respondent's opinion regarding the extent of communication

What is the extent of Frequency Percentage (%)
communication with in your
High 20 25
Medium 50 62.5
Low 10 12.5
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

According to the above table out of the total respondents 20(25%) of respondents replied that
there was high communication, 50(62.5%) of respondents replied that medium communication
and the remaining 10(12.5%) replied that there was low communication with inadministrative
staff.From this the researchers concluded that there is medium extent of communication to
resolve conflict inthe administrative staff.
4.4 communication role and its constraints

Table 9 respondents’opinions concerning to factor effective that affect

communication to resolve conflict

What is the major factors that Frequency Percentage (%)
affect effective
communication in resolve
Language difference 8 10
Lack of trust and respect 15 18.75
Difference in attitude towards 30 37.5
Aggressiveness 9 11.25
(emotionality )
Lack of communication 18 22.5
If other 0 0
Total 80 100
(Source questionnaire 2017)

Total respondents 30(37.5%) of respondents responded that difference in attitude towards

communication, 15(18.78%) of respondents replied that lack of trust and respect, 18 (22.5%) of
respondents replied that lack of communication channels, 9(11.2%) of respondents responded
that aggressiveness (emotionality) and the remaining 8(10%) of respondents responded that
language difference in administrative staff.Hence, the researchers can concluded that difference
in attitude towards communication were the major factor that affect effective communication to
resolve conflict in the administrative staff.

Table 10 condition of discussion about the conflict situation

Is there any discussion in your Frequency Percentage (%)
staff to solve existedconflict?
Yes 15 18.75
No 65 81.25
Total 80 100

(Source questionnaire 2017

As indicated in the above table from the total respondents 65(81.25%) of the respondents agreed
thattheir is no any discussion concerning to existedconflict with in administrative staff, and the
remaining 15(18.75%) of the respondents agreed that there were discussion concerning to existed
conflict resolving.The information shows thatmost of the employees agreed on non existence of
discussion concerning conflict resolving in their staff.

*As we observed from open ended questionnaire majority of respondents stated that the
reasonforno discussionregarding conflict were management’s less attention and no enough time
to deals such thinking. This shows their is no regular discussion with employees to resolve
conflict and the remaining respondents who agreed on existence of discussion
concerningconflict were regular discussion at least one’s in month in administrative staff.

 Respondents respond for open ended questionnaire. What is the role of communicationfor
resolving your staff’s conflect? Majority of respondent responded that resolving conflict
effectively and first activity to accomplishment of order work. This implies that resolving
conflict effectively and first accomplishment were the vital role of communication in
resolving conflict with in administrative staff.

Table 11 contribution of effective communication

Number Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)
1. How much an effective
communication contributed to
resolve conflict?
High 15 18.75
Medium 55 68.75
Low 10 12.5
Total 80 100
2. If your answer for item 1 “Low” the
Lack of attention 5 50
Lack of awareness about important 3 30
of communication
Failure to understand opponent’s 2 20
If other 0 0
Total 10 100

(Source questionnaire 2017)

According to above table item 1 out of the total respondents 55(68.75%) of respondents
responded that medium,15(18.75%) of respondents replied that high and the remaining
10(12.5%) of respondents responded that was low.This shows that there is medium contribution
of effective communication to resolve conflict in administrative staff.
As indicated in the above table item 1 from the total respondents 5(50%) of respondent replied
that the reason behind lowwere lack attention, 3(30%) of respondents responded that lack of
awareness about important of communication and the remaining 2(20%) of respondents replied
that failure to understand an opponent’s perspective.Therefore,wecan generalize from this there
were various reason behind less contribution of effective communication in resolving conflict
from those reason lack of attention and lack of awareness about important of communication
were the major reasons to less contribution of communication in resolving conflict in
administrative staff.



5.1 Summary of findings

Based on the response given by the respondents the following summary is drawn from the
finding.-From the total study of population,52(65%) respondents of administrative staff were
male while only 28(35%)were females.

 As we observed from the finding the largest 72(90%) proportion of the study population
lied between age group of 18-35.
 The level of educational status most of administrative staff employees were first degrees
45(56.25%) and diploma 33(41.25%) of respondent said.
 Mostly the work experience of employees also were below 3 years as 74(92.5%).
 From the total study population,the largest 66(82.5%) of employees face conflict with in
employees of their administrative staff, 52(78.79%) of respondents were put
communication gap and failure to provide timely information to resolve conflict were the
major cause for conflict among employees of the administrative staff.
 As we observed from the finding majority 68(85%) of employees were think that existed
conflicts with in administrative staff can be solved and give more value to discussion and
arbitration for resolve conflict.
 The majority 50(62.5%) of respondents implies that the extent of communication were
medium with in administrative staff these for communication is not effectively solve
employees conflict with in administrative staff.
 Majority 30(37.5%) of respondents replied that difference in attitude towards
communication to resolve conflict were the major factor that affect effective
communication among the employees of the administrative staff.
 As we observe from the finding majority 65(81.25%) of respondents agreed on non
existence of discussion concerning conflict with in administrative staff because to the
management less attention to the consequence of conflict in administrative staff.
 Respondents response from open ended questionnaire. Majorityof respondentsaidthatrole
communication were resolving conflict effectively and first activity to accomplishment of
order work,thisindicated that vital role of communication in resolving conflict with in
administrative staff.
 As weobserved from finding majority 50(62.5%) of respondents replied that medium of
extent communication in resolving employees conflict with in administrative staff.
 These indicate that communication is not highly contributed in resolving conflict with in
administrative staff.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the employees of administrative staff conflict condition,communication

and application of communication with conflict,the following important conclusion can drawn.

 The researchers find out the largest part of employees face conflict with their staff and
the major reason for conflict were communication gap and employees or managers delay
to provide timely report which required with in administrative staff.
 Majority of employees also reflected that existed conflict can be resolved with in
administrative staff and they give more value for discussion and arbitration from the
resolving technique of conflict.Therefore,if the manager and employees were
communicates effectively he may not be obstacle or problem to wards employees conflict
 The level of communication which was going in the administrative staff not highly
appreciated by view of respondents.The extent to which communication resolving
employee's conflict with in administrative staff were moderately.This
showsthat,communication is not effectively solve employees conflict with in
administrative staff.
 Majority of respondents responded that the major factor that affect communication in
resolving conflict were difference in attitude towardscommunication and lack of
communication channels to resolve conflict with in employees of administrative staff.
 Majority of the respondents agree on non existence of discussion to resolve conflict.This
indicates manager and employees did not give enough attention for discussion of about
existed conflict with in administrative staff.
 Majority respondents responded that resolving conflict effectively and first actively to
accomplishment of order work were vital role of communication in resolving conflict
with in administrative staff.
 Almost the contribution of effective communication in resolving conflict less.This
indicates the extent of communication in administrative staff were not straightly forward
to resolve employees conflict with in administrative staff.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the finding obtained and conclusiondrawn, to address the identified problem,the
researchers forwarded the following recommendation as a possible solution to be considered by
concerned body.

 The majority of employees faced conflictbecause of different factors that leadstodecline

of communication process .somanager tobe advised to manage it effective .
 The manager should identify the source of conflict and use appropriateconflict resolving
technique such as compromise; collaboration; arbitration and punishment mechanism to
resolve conflict with in administrative staff.
 The less attention from management is the major reason for non-existence of discussion
that may leads to conflict . Therefor ,the managershould advised to give enough attention
to discussion andmake effective communication.
 The extent of communication is functioning with in administrative staff was moderately.
so manageradvised is better to encourage this channel of communication to the
maximum extent of resolve conflict among employees in orderto more effective and

Even if communication can play a crucial role to manage conflict,the extent at which it is
managing conflict with administrative staff is not highly encouraged.Therefore,the
administrative staff manager should use effective communication to manage conflict.

 Manager and employees should advised to give much attention to communication to

manage conflict in order to performing the formal work.
 Differences in attitude of employees towards communication were the major factor that
affect communication to resolve conflict.Therefore,the manager advised to increase the
employees attitude on positive thinking of conflict resolving by using regular discussion
with in administrative staff.

 Cullion, m (1993). Business communication, principle and process (2nded). r/ayward,

bracejavonich publisher
 Stephen P.Robbines,(1994), Business communication,3rded , business communication,
canda,Canadiancatalogugin publisher
 Ronald .B.Adler,(1989), Bussiness communication ,2nded ,USA, Ronald house inc
 Stephen(1996). Organizational behavior
 Murphy: effective communication (1994)McGrawhill publishing company, new York
 Marshal,P,and Robson P.(2012) preventing and managing conflict long wood publishing
 Mary Cllinan,(1998), Business communication, 2nded, Marcourt Brace collage publisher
 DerbalL.Nelson and James Cambellauick,(1994), organizational behavior, 2nded USA,
west publishing company.
Woldia university
Faculty of business and economics
Department of management
Dear respondans
We are intended to investigate the role of effective communication in resolving conflict
in woldia university adminstrativestaff.For the purpose of partial fulfilment of bachelor of
art degree in management . There for the employees of adminstrativestaff are kindly
requasted to answer the question provide below by putting tick mark on the box provided
and answer by explaining on the space provided.writing your name on the questionners is
not needed.

Part one: The general background
1. Sex male female
2. Age frome 18-25 from 26-35 from 36-45 above 45
3. Ethinicgurageoromoamharaif other
4. Marital status married single widowed

5. Educational status 1st degreediploma above 1st degree

6. Year of experience below 3 years 3-5 years 6-10 years more than 10 years
Part two:Information requiring to existence of conlict and its cause
7.Is there conflict in your staff ?
Yes No
8. If your answer for question number [7] is <<yes>>what is the major cause of conflict
in your staff?
- Failure to punctuality
- Communication gap
- Un meet expectation
- Failer to provide timely information
- Please write if any
Part three: Information detail resolving conflict
9. Do you think that the existed conflict can be solved?
Yes No

10. If your answer for question number [9] is <<Yes>> by what techniques those
conflicts can be solved?
11. If your answer for question number<<9>> is [No] please mention your reason?
12.What is the extent of communication with in your staff?
High Medium Low
18.major factor that affects
13. What is the 18. effective communication
18. in resolving conflict?
- Language difference
-Lack of trust and respect
-Difference in attitude towards communication
- Aggressiveness (Emotionality)
- Lack of communication channels
-Please write if any
14. Is there any discussion in your staff to solve existed conflict?
Yes No
15.If your answer for question number [14] is <<No>> please mention your
16.If your answer for question number [14] is <<Yes>>
17.What is the role of communication for in resolving your staff’s
18. How much an effective communication contributed to resolve conflict in your staff?
High Medium Low
19. If your answer for question number [20] <<Low>> what are the reason?
- Lack of attention
- Lack of awareness about importance of communication
- Failure to understand an opponent’s perspective
-Please write if
20.If your answer for question number [19] <<High>> please mention your

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