DRRM Awareness - Dr. Josafat
DRRM Awareness - Dr. Josafat
DRRM Awareness - Dr. Josafat
National Service Training Program
Prepared by:
pg. 1
Learning Information Sheet NSTP 1.4 populous city. Both are part of the National
Capital Region (Metro Manila), located on
Luzon, the largest island. The second largest
island of the Philippines is Mindanao, in the
Learning Objectives
The Philippines takes its name from Philip II,
After reading this information sheet, you who was king of Spain during the Spanish
must be able to: colonization of the islands in the 16th century.
1. Understand what the geographic profile of the Because it was under Spanish rule for 333
Philippines is all about. years and under U.S. tutelage for a further 48
2. Enumerate the different characteristics of the years, the Philippines has many cultural
Philippines when it comes to geography. affinities with the West. It is, for example, the
3. Appreciate the geographic profile of the second most-populous Asian country
Philippines. (following India) with English as an official
language and one of only two predominantly
Introduction Roman Catholic countries in Asia (the other
Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia being East Timor). Despite the prominence of
in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an such Anglo-European cultural characteristics,
archipelago consisting of some 7,100 islands the peoples of the Philippines are Asian in
and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off consciousness and aspiration.
the coast of Vietnam. Manila is the capital, but The country was wracked by political turmoil
nearby Quezon City is the country’s most- in the last quarter of the 20th century. After
pg. 2
enduring more than a decade of authoritarian Area - comparative
rule under Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, the
Slightly less than twice the size of Georgia;
broadly popular People Power movement in
slightly larger than Arizona
1986 led a bloodless uprising against the
regime. The confrontation resulted not only in Land boundaries
pg. 6
Self-Check NSTP 1.4 _________________10. The latest number of island
of the Philippines.
pg. 7
Learning Information Sheet NSTP 1.5 consisting of Luzon, Mindoro, and Palawan, (2)
the Visaya group in the centre, consisting of
(Focus on Specific Region/Area where the Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Masbate, Negros, Panay and
school is located) Samar, and (3) Mindanao in the South. Manila and
nearby Quezon City, the country’s most-populous
cities, are part of the National Capital Region
Learning Objectives:
(NRC or Metro Manila), located on the largest
After reading this information sheet, you island Luzon (Cullinane, 2019). The islands and
must be able to: groups are divided into four main classes of
1. Understand what the disaster risk profile of administrative divisions, which consist of 17
the Philippines is all about. autonomous regions, 81 provinces, 1,489
2. Enumerate the different disaster risk of the municipalities, and the smallest political units,
Philippines. 42,044 Barangays as of 2018 (PSA, 2018).The
3. Participate in the online discussion about the Philippines is governed by a presidential form, in
disaster risk profile of the Philippines. which power is divided among three juridical
branches; executive, legislative and judicial, which
Introduction seek democracy and balance by carrying their
Philippines is an archipelago state, consisting equally weighted duties to uphold law, rights and
of some 7,100 islands and islets, and covering a representation of the interests of the people (GoP,
land area of approximately 300,000 km2 . The 2019).
country comprises three groups or large islands: In terms of disaster risk, Philippines ranked
(1) the Luzon group in the north and west, third among all of the countries with the highest
pg. 8
risks worldwide according to the World Risk RESULTS OF THE MGB GEOHAZARD
Report 2018, with index value of 25.14% (World ASSESSMENT COVERING FOURTEEN (14)
Economic Forum, 2018). At least 60% of the MUNICIPALITIES/CITY IN THE PROVINCE OF
country’s total land area is exposed to multiple ZAMBALES
hazards, and 74% of the population is susceptible
In line with the recent Presidential Directive and
to their impact (GFDRR, 2017). This is largely due
NDCC resolutions following the February 17
to the location and geographical context as the
Southern Leyte landslide incident, and the need
risk involving coastal hazards such as typhoons,
to fast track the geohazard mapping program
storm surges and rising sea levels is high. Also, as
along the eastern seaboard of the Philippines,
the islands are located within the “Ring of Fire”
geologists from the Mines and Geosciences
between the Eurasian and Pacific tectonic plates,
Bureau-Regional Office III (MGB-R3) conducted
earthquakes and volcanoes are posing serious
a geohazard assessment of the barangays in the
risks to the safety of the populace. Flooding,
municipalities/city of the province of Zambales.
landslides, droughts and tsunamis further
Each barangay was classified according to their
contribute to the exposure to natural hazards
susceptibility to landslide and/or flooding. For
(CFE-DM, 2018). Of these, hydro-meteorological
landslide susceptibility, the rating parameters
events including typhoons and floods, accounted
are as follows:
for over 80% of the natural disasters in the
country during the last half-century (Jha, 2018). High
• Presence of active and/ or recent landslides
• Presence of numerous and large tension cracks
along slope adjacent to the community and that
would directly affect the community
pg. 9
• Areas with drainages that are prone to • > 1 meter depth of floodwaters
landslides damming
• Steep/Unstable slopes consisting of loose
1. Municipality of Botolan
• There are two (2) barangays with moderate
Moderate landslide susceptibility (Nacolcol and Palis).
• There are two (2) barangays with low to
• Areas with indicative and/or old landslides
• Presence of small tension cracks along slope moderate landslide susceptibility (Moraza and
and are located away from the community Owaog-Nibloc).
• Moderate slopes • There are seven (7) barangays with low landslide
Low susceptibility (Belbel, Burgos, Cabatuan,
Maguisguis, Malomboy, Poonbato and Villar).
• Low to gently sloping
• There are seventeen (17) barangays with no
• No presence of tension cracks
landslide landslide susceptibility (Bancal, Bangan,
Each barangay was rated into low, moderate or Batonlapoc, Beneg, Capayawan, Carael,
high for flooding susceptibility with the rating Danacbunga, Mambog, Paco, Parel, Paudpod, San
parameters as follows: Isidro, San Juan, San Miguel, Santiago, Tampo and
• There are three (3) barangays (Porac, Binoclutan,
• 0 – 0.5 meter depth of floodwaters Panan) with varying landslide susceptibility (i.e.
Moderate none at the barangay proper but moderate to
high at sitios and puroks).
• 0.51 – 1 meter depth of floodwaters
pg. 10
• In terms of flood susceptibility, twenty (20) Apo-Apo, Arew, Banuambayo Camiling, Casaban,
barangays experience varying degrees of Del Carmen, Dolores, Felmida-Diaz, Laoag,
flooding (Bancal, Bangan, Batonlapoc, Beneg, Lomboy, Longos, San Antonio, San Isidro, Sto.
Binoclutan, Capayawan, Carael, Danacbunga, Niño and Tondo).
Mambog, Paco, Panan, Parel, Paudpud, Porac, San • In terms of flood susceptibility, the twenty two
isidro, San Juan, san Miguel, Santiago, Tampo, (22) barangays experience varying degrees of
Taugtog). flooding (Anonang, Apo-Apo, Arew,
2. Municipality of Cabangan Banuambayo, Cadmang, Camiling, Casabaan, Del
• There is one (1) barangay with low to moderate Carmen, Dolores, Fermida-Diaz, Laoag, Lomboy,
landslide susceptibility (New San Juan). Longos, Mabanglit, New San Juan, San Antonio,
• There are two (2) barangays with low landslide San Isidro, San Juan, San Rafael, Sta. Rita, Sto.
susceptibility (Cadmang-Reserva and Santa Rita). Niño and Tondo).
• There is one (1) barangay with no landslide 3. Municipality of Candelaria
susceptibility at the barangay proper, but with • In terms of landslide susceptibility, there are four
moderate landslide susceptibility in other (4) barangays in Candelaria that have potential for
portions (Sitio Kato). landslide occurrence. Barangays Malabon,
• There are two (2) barangays with no landslide Pamibian and Pinagrealan have low to moderate
susceptibility at the barangay proper but with low susceptibility to landslides. Taposo has a
landslide susceptibility in other areas (Mabanglit moderate to high susceptibility to landslides.
and San Rafael). There are small scale mining activities in the area.
• There are sixteen (16) barangays with no • There are seven (7) barangays with low
landslide to low landslide susceptibility (Anonang, susceptibility to flooding (Catol, Babancal,
pg. 11
Sinabacan, Poblacion, Libertador, Dampay and the riverbanks is also a factor of flooding in the
Yamot). barangays (Uacon, Malimanga and Pinagrealan).
• There are four (4) barangays with low to • Siltation and riverbank erosion along
moderate susceptibility to flooding. Most of the unprotected portions of the creek/river is
residential area has low flooding susceptibility. evident along the active creek and river channels
Agricultural areas of the barangay and those in Candelaria and nearby municipalities. The
located near the river channel have moderate creeks/rivers that traverse the municipality and
susceptibility (Malabon, Pamibian, Panayonan influence flooding include Taposo , Waloy ,
and Binabalian). Malimanga , Gala-Gala creeks and Kitikit,
• There are two (2) barangays with moderate to Cabatuan and San Vicente Rivers. Overflow from
high susceptibility to flooding. The barangay has Pamibian Lake also contributes to flooding.
naturally low-lying areas; floodwater flows 4. Municipality of Castillejos
towards the low-lying areas of the barangay. • There is one (1) barangay with moderate to
Other factors include heavily silted and high landslide susceptibility (Balaybay).
constricted natural creek/river channels (Taposo • There are thirteen (13) barangays with no
and Lauis). landslide susceptibility (Buenavista, Del Pilar,
• There are three (3) barangays with low, Looc, Magsaysay, Nagbayan, Nagbunga, San
moderate to high susceptibility to flooding. Agustin, San Juan, San Nicolas, San Pablo, San
These barangays have portions adjacent to Roque and Sta.Maria.
active creeks and river channel, and has naturally • In terms of flood susceptibility, twelve (12)
low-lying areas. Breaching of dikes protecting barangays experience varying degrees of
flooding. (Del Pilar, Looc, Magsaysay, Nagbayan,
pg. 12
Nagbunga,San Agustin, San Jose, San Juan, San San agustin, Sta. Barbara, Sto. Rosario, Zone 1
Nicolas, San Pablo, San Roque, Sta. Maria). Poblacion (Libaba), Zone 2 Poblacion (Aypa),
5. Municipality of Iba Zone 3 Poblacion (Botlay), Zone 4 Poblacion
• There is one (1) barangay with low to moderate (Sagapan), Zone 5 Poblacion (Baño), Zone 6
landslide susceptibility (Santa Barbara). Poblacion (Batan).
• There are two (2) barangays with no landslide 6. Municipality of Masinloc
susceptibility at the barangay proper. Other • In terms of landslide susceptibility, the
portions of the barangay, however, have barangays in Masinloc have low susceptibility to
susceptibility to landslide (Brgy. Palanginan and landslide.
San Agustin). • There are three (3) barangays with low
• There are eleven (11) barangays with no susceptibility to flooding (Bamban, Baloganon
landslide susceptibility (Amungan, and North Poblacion ).
Bangantalinga, Dirita-Baloguen, Lipay-Dingin- • There are three (3) barangays with low to
Panibuatan, Santo Rosario, Zone 1 Poblacion moderate susceptibility to flooding. Flooding
(Libaba), Zone 2 Poblacion (Aypa), Zone 3 affects both the residential and agricultural areas
Poblacion (Botlay), Zone 4 Poblacion (Sagapan), of the barangay (Inhobol, Collat and Taltal).
Zone 5 Poblacion (Baño) and Zone 6 Poblacion • South Poblacion, mostly affected by coastal
(Baytan). flooding has moderate susceptibility.
• In terms of flood susceptibility, the fourteen • There are two (2) barangays with moderate to
(14) barangays experience varying degrees of high susceptibility to flooding. These barangays
flooding (Amungan, Bangantalinga, Dirita- have portions adjacent to active creeks and river
Baloguen, Lipay-DinginPanibuatan, Palanginan, channel, and has naturally low-lying areas.
pg. 13
Breaching of dikes protecting the riverbanks is • In terms of flood susceptibility, the seventeen
also a factor to flooding in the barangays (Sta. (17) barangays experience varying degrees of
Rita and Tapuac). flooding (Banicain, Barretto, East Bajac-Bajac, East
• The creeks/rivers that traverse the municipality Tapinac, Gordon Heights, Kababae, Kalaklan,
and influence flooding include Lauis and Masinloc Kalalaki, Mabayuan, New Asinan, New Cabalan,
rivers. New Ilalim, Old Cabalan, Pag-asa, Sta. rita, West
7. Municipality of Olongapo City Bajac-Bajac, West Tapinac)
• There are three (3) barangays with moderate to 8. Municipality of Palauig
high landslide susceptibility (Barretto, Kalaklan • There are two (2) barangays with low landslide
and Gordon Heights). susceptibility (Pangolingan and Salaza proper).
• There are two (2) barangays with moderate • There are seventeen (17) barangays with no
landslide susceptibility (New Cabalan and Old landslide to low landslide susceptibility (Alwas,
Cabalan). Bato, Bulawen, Garreta, Alibaba, Liozon, Lipay,
• There are twelve (12) barangays with varying Locloc, Macarang, Magalawa, East Poblacion,
degrees (i.e., from none at the barangay proper to West Poblacion, San Juan, Sto.Niño, Sto. Tomas
low to high in other portions of the barangay) of and Titon (San Cauyan)).
landslide susceptibility (Banicain, East Bajac Bajac • In terms of flood susceptibility, ten (10)
proper, East Tapinac, Kababae, Kalalaki, barangays experience varying degrees of
Mabuyuan, New Asinam, New Ilalim, Pag-asa, flooding (Alwas, Bato, Garreta, Alibaba,
Sta.Rita proper, West Macarang, Magalawa, Pangolingan, Salaza, San
Bajac Bajac and West Tapinac ). Juan, West Poblacion)
9. Municipality of San Antonio
pg. 14
• There is one (1) barangay with low to moderate • There are seven (7) barangays with no
landslide susceptibility (Pundaquit). landslide to low landslide susceptibility
• There are twelve (12) barangays with no (Amagna, Apostol, Farañal, Manglicmot, Rosete,
landslide susceptibility (Angeles, Antipolo, East San Rafael, and Santo Sto.Niño)
Dirita, Luna, Rizal, San Esteban, San Gregorio, • There are two (2) barangays with varying
San Juan, San Miguel, San Nicolas, Santiago and degress of landslide susceptibility (Sindol, and
West Dirita). Maloma).
• There is one barangay (Burgos) with varying • In terms of flood susceptibility, the eleven (11)
degrees of landslide susceptibility (i.e,, none at barangays experience varying degrees of
the barangay but moderate to high at Sitio flooding (Amagna, Apostol, Balincaguing,
Mabanban). Farañal, Feria, Maloma,Manglicmot, Rosete, San
• In terms of flood susceptibility, twelve (12) Rafael, Sto. Niño, Sindol).
barangays experience varying degrees of 11. Municipality of San Marcelino
flooding (Burgos, Pundaquit, Antipolo, East • There are two (2) barangays with moderate to
Dirita, Luna, Rizal, San Gregorio, San Juan, San high landslide susceptibility (Aglao and
Miguel, San Nicolas, Santiago, West Dirita). Buhawen).
10. Municipality of San Felipe • There is one (1) barangay (Sta. Fe) with varying
• There is one (1) barangay with moderate degrees of landslide susceptibility (i.e., none at
landslide susceptibility (Balincaguing). the barangay proper but moderate for the areas
• There is one (1) barangay with low landslide of the barangay).
susceptibility (Feria). • There are fifteen (15) barangays with no
landslide susceptibility (Burgos, Central,
pg. 15
Consuelo Norte, Consuelo Sur, La Paz, Laoag, Paz, Libertad, Namatacan, Natividad, Omaya,
Linasin, Linusungan, Lucero, Nagbunga, Paite, Patrocinio,
Rabanes, Rizal, San Guillermo, San Isidro and 13. Municipality of Sta. cruz
San Rafael). • There is one (1) barangay with moderate to
• In terms of flood susceptibility, twelve(12) high landslide susceptibility (Guinabon).
barangays experience varying degrees of • There are two (2) barangays with moderate
flooding (Burgos, Central, Consuelo Norte, landslide susceptibility (Guisguis and Lomboy).
Consuelo Sur, La Paz, Laoag, Linusungan, • There are two (2) barangays with low landslide
Lucero, Nagbunga, Ravanes, San Rafael, Sta. Fe) susceptibility (Bangcol and Bulawon).
12. Municipality of Narciso • There are nineteen (19) barangays with no
• There is one (1) barangay with moderate landslide to low landslide susceptibility (Bayto,
landslide susceptibility (Omaya). Biay, Bolitoc, Canaynayan, Gama, Lipay, Lucapon
• There is one (1) barangay with low landslide North, Lucapon South, Malabago, Naulo,
susceptibility (Paite). Poblacion North, Poblacion South, Pagatpat,
• There are fifteen (15) barangays with no Pamonoran, Sabang, San Fernando, Tabalong,
landslide susceptibility (Alusiis, Beddeng, Tubotubo North and Tubotubo South).
Candelaria, Dallipawen, Grullo, La Paz, Libertad, • There is one (1) barangay that was not assessed
Namatacan, Natividad, Patrocinio, San Jose, San due to difficulty of access (Babuyan)
Juan, San Pascual, San Rafael and Siminublan ). • In terms of flood susceptibility, the twenty five
• In terms of flood susceptibility, fourteen (14) (25) barangays experience varying degrees of
barangays experience varying degrees of flooding (Bangcol, Bayto, Biay, Bolitoc, Bulawon,
flooding (Alusiis, Beddeng, Dalipawen, Grullo, La Canaynayan, Gama, Guinabon, Guisguis, Lipay,
pg. 16
Lomboy, Lucapon North, Lucapon South, • In terms of flood susceptibility, fourteen (14)
Malabago, Naulo, Poblacion North, Poblacion barangays experience varying degrees of
South, Pagatpat, Pamonoran, Sabang, San flooding (Asinan Poblacion, Asinan Proper, Baraca
Fernando, Tabalong, Tubotubo North, Tubotubo Camachile, Batiawan, Calapacuan, Calapandayan,
South) Cawag, Ilwas, Mangan-Vaca, Matain, Naugsol,
14. Municipality of Subic San Isidro, Sto. Tomas, Wawandaue)
• There is one (1) barangay with moderate to high
landslide susceptibility (Cawag).
• There is one (1) barangay with moderate References:
landslide susceptibility (Batiawan).
• There is one (1) barangay with low to moderate
landslide susceptibility (Asinan Proper).
• There are eight (8) barangays with no landslide https://www.britannica.com/place/Philippines
susceptibility (Poblacion, Baraca Camachile, https://region3.mgb.gov.ph/mgb_roIII_files/pdf
Mangan-Vaca, Pamatawan, San Isidro, Santo /Geohazard_Assessment_Map/zambales_exec-
Tomas and Wawandaue, ). summary.pdf
• There are five (5) barangays with varying
degrees (i.e., none at the barangay proper but low
to high in other areas of landslide susceptibility.
(Matain, Ilwas, Naugsol, Calapacuan and
pg. 17
Self-Check NSTP 1.5 __________________7. Barangay that was not
assessed due to difficulty of access in the
Municipality of Sta. Cruz?
Instruction: Identify the words or group of words
__________________8. Number of barangay in the
described by the following statements.
Municipality of San Narciso with no landslide
__________________1. The country comprises of susceptibility?
three groups or large islands?
__________________9. Barangay with low to
__________________2. The countries most populous moderate landslide susceptibility in the
cities? Municipality of Iba?
__________________3. The Philippines is governed _________________10. Rating parameters for
by a_______________________ form in which the landslide susceptibility.
power is divided among three judicial branches.
Task Sheet NSTP 1.5
__________________4. The Philippines ranked Direction: Based on the of MGB Geohazard
_____________ among all of the country’s highest assessment draw the map of zambales and
risks worldwide. classify each area of each barangay by
colouring which also based on the different
__________________5. The Philippine islands are parameter of susceptibility.
located within the _____________?