Evaluation of Overall Thermal Transfer Value
Evaluation of Overall Thermal Transfer Value
Evaluation of Overall Thermal Transfer Value
Applied Energy
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apenergy
h i g h l i g h t s
" Correction factors ranging from 0.03 to 0.99 were derived for OTTV evaluation of building with green roof.
" An experimental setup of green roof was constructed on the rooftop of a building.
" Field measurement was conducted in the green roof system.
" Computer simulation model (EnergyPlus with Ecoroof) was validated using experimental data of the green roof.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) is a measure of average heat gain into a building through the
Received 19 September 2012 building envelope. It is a widely adopted measure in many countries for enhancing energy-efficient build-
Received in revised form 12 January 2013 ing design. In the past decade, there is increasing application of green roof into commercial buildings for
Accepted 2 February 2013
enhanced building insulation, leading to reduction in heat gain through the roof area as well as cooling
Available online 6 March 2013
requirement of a building. Since the current OTTV equations and coefficients were originally developed
for buildings with traditional bare roof construction, building designers have difficulty to compute the
OTTV for building constructed with green roof. The aim of this study is to revise the existing OTTV calcu-
Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV)
Green roof system
lation method and derive a set of correction factors for OTTV evaluation of green roof integrated buildings.
EnergyPlus An experimental setup of a green roof system with sensors was installed on the rooftop of a commercial
Correction factors building. The measured data were used for validation of a building energy simulation program Energy-
Building energy simulations Plus incorporated with a green roof model Ecoroof. Four building cases with typical and traditional roof
constructions were modeled using the validated computer simulation program. Through a series of para-
metric computer simulations, a correlation between OTTV and annual heat gain through the roof area was
established with that a set of correction factors ranging from 0.03 to 0.99 was developed. Theses correc-
tion factors can be used by building designers to compute the OTTV of building constructed with green
roof. The details of methodology and findings are reported in this paper.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24 11
Af area of fenestration (m2) Xsim,i surface temperature (°C) at or heat flux (W/m2) through
Ar area of opaque roof (m2) a bare roof/green roof at hour i simulated by EnergyPlus
Aw area of opaque wall (m2) z height or depth (m)
CF correction factor
ESM external shading multiplier Greeks
Hf foliage sensible heat flux (W/m2) DTwin temperature difference for window glass (°C)
Hg ground sensible heat flux (W/m2) af albedo (short-wave reflectivity) of the canopy
I#ir total incoming long-wave radiation (W/m2) ag albedo (short-wave reflectivity) of ground surface
I#s total incoming short-wave radiation (W/m2) ar absorptivity of opaque roof
Lf foliage latent heat flux (W/m2) aw absorptivity of opaque wall
Lg ground latent heat flux (W/m2) ef emissivity of canopy
OTTVi,BR OTTV of a bare roof of a building case i eg emissivity of the ground surface
SC shading coefficient of fenestration e1 eg + e f eg ef
SF solar factor for vertical surface (W/m2) j soil thermal conductivity of the surface (W/mK)
Tf foliage temperature (K) r Stefan–Boltzmann constant
Tg ground surface temperature (K) rf fractional vegetation coverage
TDEQr equivalent temperature difference for opaque roof (°C)
TDEQw equivalent temperature difference for opaque wall (°C) Subscripts
Ur thermal transmittance of opaque roof (W/m2 °C) i building case A, B, C or D
Uw thermal transmittance of opaque wall (W/m2 °C) j soil thickness (m)
Xexp,i surface temperature (°C) at or heat flux (W/m2) through k height of plant (m)
a bare roof/green roof at hour i measured from experi- l Leaf Area Index (LAI)
ment m calendar month (from April to October)
Prescriptive building energy codes are simple and can provide a In 2004, an OTTV-based energy estimation model for commer-
straightforward approach for building designers to evaluate the cial buildings in Thailand was developed by Chirarattananon and
compliance of a building/building services system design with Taveekun [14]. Simulation program DOE-2 was utilized to conduct
the energy codes. a series of parametric runs to develop OTTV formulations for four
On the other hand, performance-based building energy code is different types of commercial buildings in Thailand. The resulting
an alternative path to the prescriptive codes [6]. It considers the OTTVs were used in further parametric runs to develop a formula-
various components of building energy consumption, allowing tion for the cooling coil load and energy use of the commercial
trade-off among them. This approach provides rooms to building buildings. The results were expected to have contribution towards
designers for innovative design. It focuses on the total energy con- energy code compliance and energy monitoring.
sumption of a building design which is termed as Design Energy. A Kunchornrat et al. proposed new parameters for OTTV calcula-
corresponding reference building (having the same size and shape tion corresponding to the real climate zones in Thailand in 2009
as the design building) that fully complies with all the prescriptive [15]. The impacts of TDEQw and DTwin were examined and proposed
building energy codes can be developed and its total energy con- to the existing OTTV calculation. The study found that the new
sumption is calculated as Energy Budget. The performance-based parameters could influence the OTTV of a reference building, which
building energy code is deemed to be complied if the Design varied from 2.4% to 9.1% within different climate zones.
Energy is smaller than or equal to the Energy Budget. No matter Chua and Chou refined the original OTTV equation adopted in
which approach is adopted, the Overall Thermal Transfer Value Singapore and applied into residential buildings in 2010 [16]. They
(OTTV) is a basic requirement that a building design must fulfill. found that the original OTTV equation did not accurately account
for the relative components of heat gains through the building
1.1. Development of OTTV control envelope. By using Singapore’s weather data consolidated for a
particular year, three coefficients (TDEQw, DTwin and SF) were de-
The use of OTTV was firstly proposed by the American Society of rived by performing several multi-parametric simulations on two
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) in residential building types. An Envelope Thermal Transfer Value
1975 [7]. It is a measure of the average heat gain into a building (ETTV) equation was then developed for the residential buildings
through the building envelope and can be used for comparing in Singapore.
the thermal performance of buildings. There are three major com- Research on OTTV in Hong Kong had been carried out by various
ponents involved in the OTTV calculation: (i) conduction through local researchers. Chow & Chan had used DOE-2 program to
opaque wall, (ii) conduction through fenestration, and (iii) solar conduct parametric studies to determine OTTV equations and
radiation through fenestration. It is usual to have two sets of OTTV coefficients for building envelopes in Hong Kong [17]. The
for a building, namely OTTV for external walls (OTTVwall) and OTTV window-to-wall ratio and orientation of building were varied in
for roof (OTTVroof). The OTTV of an entire building is given by the the study. They argued that heat transmission through the building
weighted average of the OTTVs of the external walls and the roof envelope might reverse in direction during certain air-conditioned
of a building. hours in a year. Therefore, two values of OTTV, one for the summer
In Asia, Singapore was the first country to develop an OTTV stan- and the other for the winter season, had been established to
dard and regulatory control over the OTTV of air-conditioned build- account for seasonal changes in Hong Kong. The summer OTTV,
ings since 1979 [8,9]. Some other Asian countries including calculated from the heat gain in hot season, was recommended
Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia also developed their as more appropriate for evaluating the thermal performance of
OTTV standards in 1980s and 1990s [10–13]. building envelope in Hong Kong.
12 A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24
Hui had reviewed the concept and history of OTTV methods ance on thermal reduction and planting arrangement for green
[18]. Limitations of the OTTV standard were discussed. It was re- roofs.
ported that OTTV method only dealt with the building envelope Ouldboukhitine et al. investigated experimentally on three
and did not consider other aspects of building design such as light- main physical properties of green roofs with an aim at determining
ing and air-conditioning systems. Performance-based building en- the key green roof modeling parameters [26]. Correlation between
ergy code was proposed as an alternative path to code compliance. thermal conductivity of substrate with water content, sorption and
Similar discussion was presented by Yik and Wan [19]. desorption isotherms for different temperatures and moisture buf-
Ho also had a review on OTTV in Hong Kong with regard to its fer capacity, and porosity range of the substrate in green roof sys-
legislative requirements and control [20]. Problems faced by build- tem were investigated. The objective is to estimate the parameters
ing professionals in calculation of OTTV for complicated commer- used as input data in developed green roof model to evaluate the
cial buildings were also discussed. A user-friendly computer energy performance of building constructed with green roof.
software for modeling the thermal performance of a building enve- In addition to the investigation by experiments, numerical
lope design and checking the compliance of the OTTV requirement study had been conducted by various researchers to study the per-
were introduced. formance of green roof systems. Luikov’s model [27] had been used
The OTTV standard in Hong Kong was developed from a consul- by a number of researchers. Palomo [28] studied the cooling poten-
tancy study commissioned by the Hong Kong Government in 1991 tial of green roof in summer using Luikov’s model by parametric
[21]. The consultancy study revealed that conduction heat gain sensitivity study. It was revealed that green roof, acting as an insu-
through fenestration had insignificant effect when compared to lating device, could reduce heat flux through the roof area. How-
the other two components of heat gain. As a result, the OTTV equa- ever, improving green roof for summer may causes problems in
tions adopted in the OTTV standard in Hong Kong only consists of winter time. The same model had been used by Kumar and Kaushik
conduction through opaque wall and solar radiation through [29] to evaluate the performance of green roof systems. Parametric
fenestration. simulations had been carried out using an in-house developed
In 1995, the Hong Kong Government launched an OTTV control building energy simulation code to study the variations in canopy
on the design of commercial buildings (35 W/m2 for building tower air temperature, entering heat flux through roof area and indoor air
and 80 W/m2 for podium) [5]. After a latest review in 2011, the temperature. A simplified version of Palomo’s analytical model was
OTTV limits had been tightened up to 24 W/m2 for building tower applied by Theodosiou [30] to investigate and identify the various
and 56 W/m2 for podium respectively [22]. characteristics and climatic factors that could affect the perfor-
mance of a planted roof. Foliage density (leaf area index), insula-
1.2. Research on green roof tion layer thickness and relative humidity were found as
important factors on the thermal performance of green roof sys-
In the past decade, there is significant change in the design and tems. Alexandri and Jones [31] had constructed two test cells,
construction of commercial buildings with improved thermal insu- one carrying plain pavement grey slabs and another one was a
lation and energy-efficient component such as green roof system. green test cell where a vegetated medium was placed on top of
Green roof is a vegetated space that is structurally integrated on the pavement slabs. Temperature, relative humidity, convective
the top of a building roof. It offers a number of merits such as ame- heat transfer coefficient and stomatal resistance had been mea-
nity and aesthetic benefits including increased leisure and func- sured. The results were used for validation of a one-dimensional
tional open space. In terms of environmental benefit, urban heat heat and mass transfer algorithm developed for studying the effect
island effect can be mitigated since the plants can offer the roof of green roof, based on Luikov’s model. Other researchers devel-
an increased building insulation, protect the buildings from solar oped their own models [32–34], which were validated by results
radiation and carry out heat energy through evaporation process measured from experimental setup, to study the performance of
of the plant and soil. With a green roof system, the heat gain as different green roof systems.
well as the cooling requirement of a building can be reduced. Abalo et al. [35] developed a model for evaluating the cooling
The idea of green roof is widely promoted and becomes popular potential of green roofs. Heat and mass transfer equations were
in many cities. Wong et al. [23,24] had conducted field measure- solved using a finite difference scheme and Thomas algorithm.
ment on the roofs of selected buildings in Singapore to investigate The effect of leaf area index and Biot number on the diurnal varia-
the thermal impacts of rooftop garden. It was found that rooftop tion of solar heat gain factor was analyzed. The investigation re-
garden could contribute thermal benefits to both buildings and vealed that the foliage density and the vegetable canopy type
their surrounding environment. From the measurement on the roof selection could influence the thermal efficiency of the bioclimatic
of a low-rise commercial building, some quantitative data were ob- insulation screen significantly.
tained. A maximum decrease in the surface temperature caused by Some researchers applied existing building energy simulation
the plants was around 30 °C. Less long-wave radiation emitted program to investigate the thermal performance of green roof sys-
from the planted roof was confirmed through comparisons of glo- tems. One of the computer software used is TRNSYS. Researchers
bal temperatures and mean radiant temperature (MRT). Maximum firstly conducted measurement on green roof systems to prelimi-
differences of the global temperature and MRT were 4.05 °C and narily study their performance. Then the data collected were used
4.5 °C, respectively. It gave evidence that planted roofs could effec- for development of a simple green roof model [36–39]. The predic-
tively mitigate the urban heat island effect in urban environment. tive numerical model was then incorporated in TRNSYS to investi-
Experiment in a test chamber had been carried out by Fang [25] gate the thermal and energy performances of buildings with
for investigating the thermal reduction effect of plant layers on different green roof systems, under various meteorological condi-
rooftop. A chamber of dimensions 40 cm (L) 10 cm tions. The performance evaluation in general showed a significant
(W) 70 cm (H) was constructed on the rooftop of a building in reduction of the building cooling load in summer season. This reduc-
Taiwan and covered with heat insulation. The plant was located in- tion varied in a range of 6–49% for the whole building and in a range
side the chamber with thermocouples placed to measure the soil of 12–87% for the roof floor. However, the influence of the green roof
temperature. Two relevant parameters: coverage ratio and total system in the building heating load was found insignificant.
leaf thickness were found positively correlated with the thermal DOE-2, another well-known building energy simulation pro-
reduction ratio (TRR). With the measured data, quantitative TRR gram was used by Wong et al. [40] to determine the effects of roof-
map was established which could provide a straightforward guid- top garden on the cooling load and annual energy consumption of a
A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24 13
five-story hypothetical building in Singapore. Thermal resistances ings. A light-weight and extensive green roof technology planted
of different plants (turfing, shrubs and trees) with different soil with a drought-tolerant succulent plant called Stonecrop was iden-
types were calculated using measured data and then input into tified and tested with different drainage and substrate combina-
DOE-2 program. The results showed a saving of 0.6–14.5% in the tions with a view of finding an appropriate package of
annual energy consumption of air-conditioning system and shrubs recommendations for energy conservation and collateral benefits
was found to be most effective in reducing building energy in Hong Kong.
consumption. In 2010, He and Jim [50] developed a simulation model based a
In 2008, Sailor [41] had developed and integrated a model of en- traditional Bowen ratio energy balance model (BREBM) and a pro-
ergy and moisture balance of vegetated rooftop into a building en- posed solar radiation shield effectiveness model (SEM) to study the
ergy simulation program EnergyPlus. The model formulation was thermodynamic transmission in green roof ecosystems under dif-
based on the Army Corps of Engineers’ FASST vegetation model ferent vegetation treatments. Moreover, Jim et al. [51,52] carried
[42] which solves simultaneously for the foliage surface and soil out investigation to study the weather effect on the thermal per-
temperatures at each time step. FASST tracks the energy and mois- formance of a retrofitted extensive green roof on a railway station
ture balance within a vegetated soil. It is a one-dimensional model in humid subtropical Hong Kong. The impacts of solar radiation,
which contains energy budgets for both the foliage layer and the relative humidity, soil moisture and wind speed were explored.
ground surface. Through the study, it was found that green roof passive cooling
A preliminary validation of the model was carried out by Sailor was enhanced by high solar radiation and low relative humidity
[41] using measured soil temperatures at the University of Central in typical sunny summer days. High soil moisture supplemented
Florida test site which showed sufficient confidence that the model by irrigation could lower the air and vegetation surface tempera-
could perform adequately. Model sensitivity had been tested for ture, and dampen the diurnal temperature fluctuations. Moreover,
two cities, Chicago and Houston, with three key parameters – soil high wind speed could increase the evaportranspiration cooling of
thickness, vegetative cover (leaf area index, LAI) and irrigation. It green roof area.
was found that both soil thickness and LAI had significant impact The studies from various researchers reveal that green roof sys-
on the building energy use. However, Chicago simulations showed tem can significantly improve the thermal performance of building
more wintertime sensitivity to green roof design variations while and the installation of green roof is becoming more popular in
Houston simulations demonstrated more summertime sensitivity. modern cities. However, building designers have difficulty to com-
The response was significantly dependent on the building location pute the OTTVroof for buildings constructed with green roof since
(climate). the current OTTV equations and coefficients were originally devel-
Life cycle cost technique had been used by Wong et al. [43] to oped for buildings with traditional bare roof. Up to now, there is no
analyze the economic benefit of green roofs. The study involved study conducted on this issue. It is a potential need to revise the
three roof types of a hypothetical building, namely the flat bare existing OTTV calculation method in order to involve this building
roof, extensive green roof and intensive green roof. Annual energy feature in the evaluation of OTTV.
consumption of the building was estimated by software Power- The objective of the present study is to revise the current OTTV
DOE. The study found that extensive green roof could achieve a calculation method, taking into account the reduced heat gain due
net saving of 14.6% which demonstrated a better option for build- to installation of green roof system in a building. A dataset of cor-
ing design under the climatic condition in Singapore. rection factors will be developed for computing the OTTVroof of a
Kosareo and Ries [44] extended the analysis to life cycle assess- building installed with green roof. The details of this study are re-
ment in the environmental impacts of the fabrication, transporta- ported in this paper.
tion, installation, operation, maintenance, and disposal of three
types of roof systems: conventional roof, intensive roof and exten- 2. Computer model and validation
sive green roof. The study revealed that, for the Pittsburgh PA cli-
mate, the energy use reduction was not very large in relation to 2.1. Experimental setup
the overall building energy use. Nonetheless, it was significant for
environmental impact over the life cycle of the building. Despite In 2009, a green roof system was constructed on the rooftop of a
the need for additional resources initially, green roof was the envi- commercial building in Hong Kong for the present study. As shown
ronmentally preferable choice when constructing a building. in Fig. 1a, three main types of vegetation with different growth
Peri et al. carried out life cycle costing and benefit cost analyses forms, height of plant and leaf area index (LAI) were planted in this
on green roof system, including the disposal cost of green roof sys- green roof space of area 45 m2 (7.5 m 6 m). The planted vegeta-
tem [45]. Their work allows a complete and proper application of tions include Zoysia Tenuifolia, Codiaeum Variegatum and Rhapis Ex-
the life cycle costing methodology in order to achieve an economic celsa. Table 1 lists the physical properties of these three types of
accounting of the disposal cost through the life cycle of a green roof vegetation used in this study. Below this green roof, there is an
system. air-conditioned office space with suspended ceiling installed.
In Hong Kong, Hui [46,47] had carried out investigations on The bare roof of this commercial building was constructed with
green roof technology with an aim to developing practical informa- four layers of traditional building materials including heavy con-
tion for its applications in Hong Kong. Study was carried out in a crete (inside layer), expanded polystyrene, cement screed and con-
number of building projects in which extensive green roof systems crete tile (outside layer). On top of this bare roof, the green roof
were installed. Temperatures of soil and ceiling void on the roofs was constructed. From bottom to top, this green roof system con-
were measured in summer days and compared to that of bare roof. sists of four layers of substrate including waterproof layer, drain-
Moreover, the characteristics and major design factors of different age layer, filter layer and lightweight soil. A manual irrigation
types of modular green roofs had been studied. Practical consider- system was installed. Daily irrigation was scheduled at 10:00 am
ations including durability of materials, estimation of system and 3:00 pm respectively.
weight and structural loading for soil substrates, supplemental irri- Arrays of temperature sensors were installed at different layers
gation, repair and maintenance for green roof systems had been of the substrate for measuring the hourly variation of temperature.
investigated. As shown in Fig. 1b and c, the sensors were fixed at the tile surface
Jim [48,49] had conducted research by experiment to develop a of the bare roof (i.e. at the bottom of the green roof setup); inside
cost-effective roof greening method for application in local build- the soil layer; and at the surface of the soil layer respectively. There
14 A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24
(a) (b)
Weather Station
Rhapis Excelsa
Codiaeum Variegatum
Zoysia Tenuifolia
Filter Layer
Drainage Layer
Concrete Tile
Cement Screed
Expanded Polystyrene
Concrete Slab
: Temperature Sensor
A weather station was set up on the top of a pole behind the Summer Sunny Day Winter Sunny Day
green roof space to measure and record local meteorological data Summer Rainy Day Winter Rainy Day
including ambient air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, 35
wind direction, rainfall and solar radiation. All sensors were con- 30
Air Temperature (o C)
nected to a data acquisition system by signal cables and the data
were recorded at an interval of 5 min.
The thermal performance of the bare roof and green roof system
in this study had been measured and monitored from July 2009 to
December 2010. It is recognized that the seasonal variation in 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
weather condition has a significant impact on the thermal perfor- Hour
mance of a green roof system. Figs. 2–9 show the hourly profiles of
local weather parameters, surface temperature and heat flux Fig. 2. Hourly ambient air temperature measured on a sunny day and a rainy day in
through the bare roof and green roof measured on four sample summer season and winter season.
days in summer and winter seasons.
tween 12.4 °C and 14.2 °C. The values of relative humidity are high,
remaining 80% or above, over the whole winter rainy day.
Fig. 5, the values range from 24% to 26.8% on a winter rainy day;
and a summer rainy day gives a peak soil moisture content of
2.2.2. Soil moisture content 25.1% at 11:00 am and the minimum value of 23% occurs at
The hourly variation of soil moisture content in the green roof 12:00 midnight. The corresponding ranges of soil moisture content
system of this study was plotted in Fig. 5. It is observed that the soil for a winter sunny day and a summer sunny day are 22–23.3% and
moisture content is quite stable over a day, except some sudden in- 20.1–21.7%, respectively.
creases at around 10:00 am and 3:00 pm which are mainly caused
by scheduled irrigation. Moreover, the soil moisture contents on
winter days are slightly higher than that on summer days. It is be- 2.2.3. Heat flux
cause the solar radiation in the winter season is not as high as that The hourly variations of heat flux transmitted through a bare
in the summer season (see Fig. 4), leading to a relatively lower rate roof and a green roof on four sample days under summer and win-
of evapotranspiration which gives a higher soil moisture content ter seasons are plotted in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively. Positive values
remained. indicate heat gain into a building and vice versa. Since the vegeta-
It is not strange that rainy days give higher values of soil mois- tion plant Zoysia Tenuifolia occupies the largest portion (60%) of the
ture content than the sunny days due to rainfall. As depicted in green roof area in this study (as shown in Table 1), the measured
Table 2
Ranges of measurement and accuracy of sensors used in field measurement.
Global Horizontal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Fig. 4. Hourly global horizontal solar radiation measured on a sunny day and a rainy day in summer season and winter season.
Summer Sunny Day Winter Sunny Day Winter Sunny Day - Bare Roof Winter Sunny Da y- Green Roof
Summer Rainy Day Winter Rainy Day Winter Rainy Day - Bare Roof Winter Rainy Day - Green Roof
30 0
Soil Moisture Content (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 -2
Heat Flux (W/m2)
0 -10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour -12
Fig. 5. Hourly soil moisture content in a green roof measured on a sunny day and a Fig. 7. Hourly heat flux transmitted through a bare roof and a green roof measured
rainy day in summer season and winter season. on a sunny day and a rainy day in winter season.
Summer Sunny Day - Bare Roof Summer Sunny Day - Green Roof Summer Sunny Day - Bare Roof Summer Sunny Day - Green Roof
Summer Rainy Day - Bare Roof Summer Rainy Day - Green Roof Summer Rainy Day - Bare Roof Summer Rainy Day - Green Roof
Surface Temperature (oC)
Heat Flux (W/m2)
2 20
0 10
-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour Hour
Fig. 6. Hourly heat flux transmitted through a bare roof and a green roof measured Fig. 8. Hourly surface temperature of a bare roof and a green roof measured on a
on a sunny day and a rainy day in summer season. sunny day and a rainy day in summer season.
data of this plant type were presented in this section for illustra- flux transmission ranges from 1.2 W/m2 (at 6:00 am) to 3.5 W/m2
tion and analysis. The measured results of all the three plant types (at 11:00 am).
(including Codiaeum Variegatum and Rhapis Excelsa) will be used On a summer rainy day, heat gain through both the bare roof
for model validation and detailed in Section 2.4 of this paper. and green roof are significantly reduced, showing its dependence
On a typical summer sunny day, the hourly variation of heat on solar radiation. The heat gain over daytime is fairly stable, giv-
flux gained into a building through a bare roof or a green roof fol- ing an average rate of heat gain of 1.9 W/m2 and 1.2 W/m2 for the
lows a similar trend of a typical cooling load profile of an air- bare roof and green roof respectively.
conditioned building, as shown in Fig. 6. In the bare roof, heat flux On a winter sunny day, heat loss from both the bare roof and
starts to rise from 8:00 am to a peak value of 9.7 W/m2 at 1:00 pm. green roof was observed. As presented in Fig. 7, there is heat loss
Then it declines gradually to nearly zero at around 1:00 am. With through the bare roof over the whole day, with a peak value of
the installation of a green roof, the heat flux into a building is sig- 6.6 W/m2 at 4:00 pm. A similar diurnal profile of heat loss was
nificantly reduced due to evapotranspiration of the vegetation and found for the green roof with comparatively higher magnitudes
additional insulation layers of the substrate. The reduction in heat than the bare roof. It is mainly caused by evapotranspiration of
A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24 17
Winter Sunny Day - Bare Roof Winter Sunny Day - Green Roof tion through building envelope. Moreover, EnergyPlus can compute
Winter Rainy Day - Bare Roof Winter Rainy Day - Green Roof the building cooling/heating load and energy consumption of plant
equipment in an air-conditioning system, with varying indoor air
Surface Temperature (oC)
35 temperature of a building. A series of simulation tests had been
30 done on EnergyPlus according to the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE
25 Standard 140-2011: Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of
Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs [53–59].
The tests include simulations by EnergyPlus on the annual heat-
ing/cooling and peak heating/cooling for various building cases
with/without night ventilation, and with/without free floating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 space temperatures. Moreover, the system/equipment perfor-
Hour mance of heating, ventilating & air-conditioning (HVAC) system
and the ability of EnergyPlus to predict zone loads, cooling coil
Fig. 9. Hourly surface temperature of a bare roof and a green roof measured on a
loads, cooling equipment energy consumption and resulting zone
sunny day and a rainy day in winter season.
environment were tested. The results of EnergyPlus were also com-
pared with the outputs from several other whole building energy
the planted vegetation in a green roof system. The heat loss profile analysis programs (such as ESP-r, BLAST, DOE2.1D, SRES/SUN,
shows that significant heat loss starts at 10:00 am, reaching a max- SERIRES, S3PAS, TRNSYS and TASE) that simulated the same test
imum of 7.3 W/m2 at 4:00 pm and then continues to decline to cases.
nearly zero at 8:00 am. It was found that the simulation results of EnergyPlus compared
Heat loss on a winter rainy day follows a similar diurnal pattern very closely with both analytical results and the simulation results
as that on a winter sunny day, but with increased magnitude in the from the eight whole building energy simulation programs. There-
absence of intensive solar radiation (see Fig. 4). Under a rainy day, fore EnergyPlus was adopted for building thermal and energy sim-
the rainfall causes a wet surface on the bare roof, resulting in a high- ulations in the present study.
er rate of convective heat loss than that through the green roof. In 2008, Sailor [41] had developed and integrated a model of en-
In the green roof area, the rate of heat loss under a rainy situa- ergy and moisture balance of vegetated rooftop into EnergyPlus.
tion is faster than that on a sunny day. It is because the solar radi- The model formulation is based on an Army Corps of Engineers’
ation is significantly reduced on a rainy day, leading to lesser heat FASST vegetation model [42] which solves simultaneously for the
gain transmitted into a building. As a result, heat loss through the foliage surface and soil temperatures at each time step. FASST
green roof is higher on a rainy day, even though the rate of evapo- tracks the energy and moisture balance within a vegetated soil. It
transpiration is reduced. is a one-dimensional model named Ecoroof that contains energy
budgets for both the foliage layer (Ff) and the ground surface (Fg).
The foliage energy balance is expressed as:
2.2.4. Surface temperature h i r e e r
Figs. 8 and 9 present the hourly surface temperature profiles of f g f
F f ¼ rf I#s ð1 af Þ þ ef I#ir ef rT 4f þ T 4g T 4f þ Hf þ Lf
a bare roof and a green roof (Zoysia Tenuifolia) on a sunny day and a e1
rainy day in the summer season and winter season respectively. On ð1Þ
a summer sunny day, the surface temperature of a green roof var-
and the soil energy balance is given by:
ies with a range from 26.1 °C to 49.3 °C which is lower than that of
h i r e e r
a bare roof over most of the hours (from 9:00 am to midnight), F g ¼ ð1 rf Þ I#s ð1 ag Þ þ eg I#ir eg T 4g
f g f
T 4g T 4f
reflecting the thermal performance of a green roof system in the e1
presence of evapotranspiration and solar shading effect of the veg- @T g
þ H g þ Lg þ j ð2Þ
etation (see Fig. 8). For the bare roof, maximum surface tempera- @z
ture of 56.5 °C occurs at 3:00 pm and the minimum temperature
This Ecoroof model includes moisture balance that allows pre-
24 °C is found at 5:00 am. The largest difference in surface temper-
cipitation, irrigation, and moisture transport between two soil lay-
ature (12.9 °C) between these two types of roof is found at
ers (see Fig. 10). As with a traditional bare roof, the energy balance
6:00 pm. From 1:00 am to 8:00 am, the surface temperature of
of a green roof is dominated by radiative heat transfer from the
the green roof is slightly higher than that of the bare roof.
sun. This solar radiation is balanced by sensible and latent heat flux
On a summer rainy day, the surface temperatures of both roof
from the soil and plant surfaces combined with conduction of heat
types drop drastically due to the absence of intensive solar radia-
into the soil substrate. From Eq. (1), in addition to convective and
tion and the convective cooling effect of rainfall. The temperature
sensible heat transfer, both the short and long wave radiation ab-
ranges of the bare roof and green roof are 17.3–28.4 °C and 18.1–
sorbed by the vegetation, including the effects of multiple reflec-
28.5 °C, respectively.
tions, have been taken into account. For energy budget at the soil
A similar trend of surface temperature profiles with reduced
surface, it is mainly influenced by the soil thermal properties, the
magnitude was found for both the bare roof and green roof under
amount of foliage coverage (rf) and the amount of moisture in
winter condition as illustrated in Fig. 9. On a winter rainy day, the
the soil. Eq. (2) represents the sensible heat flux (Hg), latent heat
surface temperatures of the bare roof are lower than that of the
flux (Lg) and the multiple reflections associated with long and short
green roof over the whole day, with a maximum difference of
wave radiation. The final term on the right side gives the conduc-
3.7 °C at 6:00 pm.
tion of heat into the soil substrate. With this Ecoroof model, Ener-
gyPlus can simulate and evaluate the thermal and energy
2.3. Computer simulation program and green roof model performance of a building constructed with a green roof system.
In the present study, a renowned building energy simulation 2.4. Validation of computer model
EnergyPlus was adopted. EnergyPlus is an energy analysis and
thermal load simulation program. It can compute and report hourly The Ecoroof model in EnergyPlus was validated by experimental
heat gain components including heat conduction and solar radia- results in the present study. For the purpose of model validation,
18 A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24
Fig. 11. Validation of Ecoroof model using simulated and measured surface temperatures of bare roof and green roof on a sunny day and a rainy day under summer and
winter seasons.
However, neither approach can determine an overall U-value of a 3.1. Correlation between OTTV and heat gain
green roof including the thermal insulation property of the vegeta-
tion plant. As a result, the original OTTV calculation method is not For evaluation of OTTV for buildings with green roofs, the first
appropriate for building constructed with green roof. A new ap- step is to develop a correlation between the OTTV of a traditional
proach should be developed for OTTV calculation of green roof, tak- bare roof construction (OTTVroof) and the sum of heat gain
ing into account the additional thermal insulation effect of a green through the roof area over the cooling season (from April to
roof system. October).
20 A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24
(a) Bare Roof on Summaer Sunny Day (b) Bare Roof on Summer Rainy Day
(c) Bare Roof on Winter Sunny Day (d) Bare Roof on Winter Rainy Day
(e) Green Roof on Summer Sunny Day (f) Green Roof on Summer Rainy Day
(g) Green Roof on Winter Sunny Day (h) Green Roof on Winter RainyDay
Fig. 12. Validation of Ecoroof model using simulated and measured heat fluxes of bare roof and green roof on a sunny day and a rainy day under summer and winter seasons.
Local architectural firms had been liaised for a survey on the signed and constructed in the recent ten years. From this survey,
design and construction of commercial buildings in Hong Kong. four types of typical and traditional bare roof construction were
Architectural drawings and design document were selected and identified. The details of construction materials and the values
collected for a total of 15 commercial buildings which were de- of OTTVroof of these four roof constructions were listed in Table 4.
A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24 21
Table 3
Comparison of surface temperature and heat flux of bare roof and green roof between experimental data and simulation result.
Bare roof Green roof (Zoysia Tenuifolia) Green roof (Codiaeum Variegatum) Green roof (Rhapis Excelsa)
(a) Surface temperature
MBE (°C) 2.0 2.1 1.4 1.6 2.3 2.4 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.3 1.8 2.4 2.7 1.9 1.9 2.2
MBE (%) 5.2 9.1 7.0 7.9 6.4 9.7 7.8 9.4 6.8 7.5 7.2 9.8 6.3 8.4 6.7 8.7
RMSE (°C) 2.4 2.2 1.5 2.0 2.9 2.3 1.5 2.7 2.4 2.6 1.9 2.7 3.0 2.7 2.1 2.4
RMSE (%) 6.3 10 7.6 8.0 8.3 10.1 8.7 12.1 9.4 11.2 9.6 12 11.6 10.9 11.2 13.1
(b) Heat flux
MBE (W/m2) 0.41 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.57 0.18 0.58 0.15 0.36 0.34 0.29 0.16 0.23 0.49 0.33 0.27
MBE (%) 9.2 9.8 0.7 2.6 9 11 11.9 0.9 8.2 8.6 10.3 6.8 7.5 7.8 11.1 9.3
RMSE (W/m2) 0.56 0.23 0.43 0.88 0.62 0.21 0.62 0.72 0.46 0.65 0.36 0.54 0.34 0.62 0.56 0.47
RMSE (%) 11 11.3 12.1 12.5 12.7 12.9 12.3 11.4 11.3 9.9 9.4 10.5 10.4 11.5 13.3 12.1
These four types of bare roof construction can be considered to The simulated results will be used to derive a dataset of appropri-
be the representative of majority of roof construction in air- ate correction factors for building designers to compute the
conditioned commercial buildings in Hong Kong. OTTVroof of a building installed with green roof system.
A generic fully air-conditioned office building was modeled Green roof system was incorporated into the four base case
using EnergyPlus. This office building is 40 stories high with a plan buildings established in this study and modeled by using Energy-
view of 36 m 36 m. It is an open plan office with four perimeter Plus. Four layers of basic components of a green roof system
zones facing North, East, South and West and a center zone. The including water proof, drainage, filter and soil layers were incorpo-
external wall was constructed with four layers of building rated on the top of the bare roof of the buildings as the arrange-
materials including mosaic tile, sand plastering, heavy concrete ment shown in Fig. 1c. Table 5 lists the physical properties of
and gypsum plastering. The floor-to-floor height is 3.4 m and a these four layers of substrate material.
window-to-wall ratio of 0.6 was set. In 2006, a consultant firm was commissioned by the local gov-
The four typical bare roof constructions identified above were ernment to conduct a study on green roof application in Hong Kong
incorporated into this generic office building so that four base [64]. In this study, a list of plant selection and soil thickness was
cases (A, B, C and D) were established and modeled by using Ener- derived from existing local knowledge and other overseas sources
gyPlus. For each base case, a set comprising 15 parametric simula- with humid climatic conditions similar to Hong Kong. These vege-
tion runs was performed with the use of a Hong Kong Typical tation types which have good chance for success were recom-
Meteorological Year (TMY) weather dataset [63]. In the parametric mended for planting in green roofs in Hong Kong. A vegetation
simulations, the values of tile absorptivity (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9) plant is mainly characterized by its value of LAI and height of plant.
and thickness of concrete slab (0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 m) of the roof By making reference to the recommendation of this consultancy
construction were varied sequentially. The sum of heat gain study, a series of parametric simulation runs had been performed
through the roof area over the cooling season (from April to Octo- for the four base case buildings with a combination of seven differ-
ber) for a given set of parameter values of the base case building ent soil thicknesses (from 0.1 m to 0.4 m), seven plant heights
was computed in each parametric run. A total of 60 multi-paramet- (from 0.05 m to 1.0 m) and eight different values of LAI (from 1.5
ric simulations had been carried out. to 5.0), giving a total of 1568 simulation runs. The values of pertur-
The results of the parametric simulations were illustrated by a bation for the parametric simulations are tabulated in Table 6.
plot of OTTVroof versus the sum of heat gain through the bare roof In each simulation run, a sum of heat gain through the green
construction as shown in Fig. 13. The regression curve does not roof area over the cooling season (from April to October) was com-
show a liner trend as commonly assumed. Since steady heat flux puted and represented as
is the product of U-value of a roof and the temperature difference
between indoor and outdoor space, it is expected that a linear rela- X
Q i;j;k;l;m :
tionship exists between the OTTVroof and the sum of heat gain. m¼April
However, taking into account that the direction of heat flow may
reverse at some hours during a 24-h diurnal cycle, heat loss where i is building case A, B, C or D, j is soil thickness (m), k is height
through the roof area may occur, especially for the roof construc- of plant (m), l is LAI, and m is calendar month (from April to
tion with higher value of OTTV. This results in a non-linear relation- October).
ship between the OTTVroof and the sum of heat gain. For instance, m¼April Q B;0:2;0:6;1:5;m is the sum of heat gain
Nevertheless, the regression results show a good correlation be- through a roof construction of building case B installed with green
tween the OTTVroof of the building case and the corresponding sum of roof system of soil thickness 0.2 m, plant height 0.6 m and LAI of
heat gain. The value of the correlation coefficient is 0.948. This cor- 1.5.
relation provides a means of determining correction factors for eval- The value of the computed heat gain was then input into the
uation of OTTVroof of commercial buildings constructed with green established correlation between OTTVroof and heat gain:
roof system. The details are presented in the following section. y = 15637 ln (x) + 24747 (developed in Section 3.1 and shown in
Fig. 13) to determine the corresponding value of OTTVroof for this
3.2. Development of correction factors for calculating OTTV of green building case installed with a green roof system, i.e. OTTVi,j,k,l. Then
roof a correction factor was derived by dividing the value of OTTVi,j,k,l
(for building case i with green roof) by OTTVi,BR (OTTV of roof for
The next step is to evaluate the thermal performance of green building case i with traditional bare roof only) as expressed in
roof constructions by employing EnergyPlus with Ecoroof model. Eq. (7) below:
22 A.L.S. Chan, T.T. Chow / Applied Energy 107 (2013) 10–24
Table 4
Construction details of four typical bare roof constructions identified through a survey.
Building case Material Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Density (kg/m3) Thickness (m) Absorptivity
A Concrete tile 1.1 2100 0.025 0.65
Asphalt 1.15 2350 0.02
Cement screed 0.72 1860 0.05
Expanded Polystyrene 0.034 25 0.155
Concrete 2.16 2400 0.15
Gypsum 0.38 1120 0.01 0.3
OTTVroof = 1.13 (W/m2)
B Concrete tiles 1.1 2100 0.025 0.65
Asphalt 1.15 2350 0.02
Sand screed 0.72 1860 0.05
Polystyrene 0.034 25 0.05
Concrete 2.16 2400 0.15
Gloss paint on gypsum 0.38 1120 0.01 0.3
OTTVroof = 2.50 (W/m2)
C Cement screed 0.72 1860 0.1 0.65
Expanded polystyrene 0.034 25 0.05
Concrete 2.16 2100 0.15 0.65
OTTVroof = 3.23 (W/m2)
D Granite marble slab 2.9 2650 0.02 0.65
Cement screed 0.72 1860 0.05
Expanded polystyrene 0.034 25 0.04
Concrete 2.16 2400 0.175 0.65
OTTVroof = 3.92 (W/m2)
50,000 Table 6
Values of perturbation for parametric simulations.
Sum of Heat Gain through
Building Soil thickness Height of plant Leaf area index
35,000 y = 15637ln(x) + 24747
Roof (kWh)
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