ART Project Ideas For SpEd
ART Project Ideas For SpEd
ART Project Ideas For SpEd
Colored paper
Sequins, googly eyes, etc.
1. Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half lengthwise. It For younger kids (1st-2nd
grade), give them a crayon (not a pencil…it evokes to much perfectionism) and have them draw a
line from the top of the paper down to the bottom. Not just any old line, but something that
resembles a half of a head, half of a body, arms, legs, etc.
2. A little talk on symmetry helps here. Explain how the children will only draw half a body. You
will need to demonstrate this step repeatedly, but consider it an investment since the rest of the
project is a breeze.
Decorating the Alien
3. It really helps to have small scraps of paper (get out your scrap box), sequins, googly eyes, plastic
and aluminum gizmos…anything that the kids can use to decorate their aliens. But first things
first. Glue the alien onto a piece of white paper.
Tips: Many kids will cut the wrong side of the paper. They will end up with two pieces instead of
one alien. I wish I had a picture of this common mistake but trust me, it’ll happen. One way to fix
it, is to glue the two pieces together. They’ll have a line down the middle of their alien, but to be
honest, there is no better mistake a kid can make. They really understand symmetry by trying.
3. Smudge Monsters
Here's a simple art activity that's sure to bring lots of laughs along the way! Use wadded up
cloth or sponges to make messy blotches with paint—then turn those blotches into crazy
creatures with extra decorations. It’s a great way to give a painting project just enough
structure to keep young kids focused.
What You Need:
Old sponges or rags
For some extra fun, have him make a scene of smudge monsters. He can draw a family of
smudge monsters having dinner, a smudge monster birthday party, or a smudge monster
classroom scene! Encourage him to be creative and fun is sure to follow.
4. Make a Calm Down Bottle
This activity will help your students learn how to breathe deeply, self-soothe, and calm
themselves down. Once the calm down bottle is made, have your child breathe deeply as
they watch the glitter in the bottle settle down. The more glue you use, the longer the glitter
will float. This strategy works because it takes some time for the glitter to settle, so
watching it ensures kids take long breathes.