Fs1 Ep.2

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Observations of Teaching-Learning
in Actual School Environment




ES 2 Developmental
Characteristics, Needs and

SPARK Your Interest

Episode 2 provides me with an

opportunity obscrve learners of different ages and
levels. It gra
highlights the differences in their
characteristics and needs. AS a future teacher,
important for me to determine my learners' characteristics and needs so that I will be able to
and implement learning activities and pl:
assessment that are all
developmentally appropriate.
TARGET Your Intended
Learning Outcome
A t the end of this
Episode, I must be able to describe the characteristics,
interests of learners from different needs a
developmental levels. (3.1.1).

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Here are major principles of
development relevant to this Episode:
1. Development is relatively orderly. Development follows directional patterns su
as, from the head to the toe (cephalocaudal), and from the center of the body ther
outwards (proximodistal)
2. Development takes place gradually.
3. All domains of development and learning physical, social and emotional, an
cognitive- are
important, and they are closely interrelated. (NAEYC, 2009)
4. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, self-regulation, symbolic
representational capabilities. (NAEYC, 2009)

22 Field Study
Learners' Development Matrix ****

and needs in this matrix. Th

about the learners' characteristics
Record the data you at different levels. The iten
the characteristics and needs of learners
These are just sample indicators. You may a
Will allow you to compare
means exhaustive.
under cach domain are by no
other aspects which you may have

Preschooler Elementary High School

Development Indicate age range ot Indicate age range of
Indicate age range of
children observed:- children observed: &-[0 children observed:|-i8
hey are so surton
SOme OF them- hey
Physical can mbue
Gross-motor skills
Can wHe and diaw arOundFrtly |- They
Fine-motor skills Cn theur Duwn withbt FOr Op Ond dowrtt, draw
things very
Some oF them Falling well
Self-help skills
Still tqvir -Theycon wrift They do all things
di O and hold On their OW
Others assistance things be itë
Social They are Osking Theu are all -They ort all open
Interaction with QvesHions and pa PaHTupahng duting to ther teader.
Teachers Hhe tacher eveytime |the dis(isSi0n They art iN dO6t

thy ed sSOmething MSt oF tit tme,[ PrdAI (Mify fb ont

Interaction with
Classmates/friends -Playing 1s their chldren cong Wn dNother
major bvSINESS theur seafmaT
Rnding They're all hotine
PMaying ttresting| and. snafpnO
hungs outidt the| elpWifh RCn
Others daSs tooM
Emotional -Short-tempertd Thty might ily-uhen the topa
Moods and temperament, Ond SensitHve 0RLDme enraged Iove Is brought
expression of
feelings -Thy express Over minor jm- UP they bLom
thtir Rmch DnS fotions ery tally aniMaBed teu
tional pressive aMd gahedNE a Wide TangE
Mthout regnrd
For the rachonSome them OFTheyRaGiOn
nderstand houw
oothers qre Just kecp to HStia onatu
in Siene
their AnohoK
Cognitive |-lery Childish inThey speak nohv-ey ave vey wel
Communication Skills
talking ally and Lasily In OnnyicaHng uth|
Thinking skills SoMe c them Folouw and tomek-|eaCh other
heNd diechons
CaMnot COtch T0ey Hake in bgsi u They att open
Problem-solving osily nOledge Ond do na minded
they Can db i M der Rms They can sole
They CAn solbe
bi prpb em
Others Sdlutng bosiu prdbteis drFriut prdem
24 Field Study
observed. Based on
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you
these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Salient Characteristics Implications to the
Observed Teaching-Learning Process
Preschonol .Preschoolers liketo move Therefore, the teacher should remenmber to use
Age range of around a lot. music and movement activities not just in PE but
in all subject areas.
Therefore, teachers should not expect
observed 3-4
preschoolers to stay seated for a long period of

Implications to the
Salient Characteristics
Level Observed Teaching-Learning Process
To get theer attenhon
Age range of
They ore e%ily
the teacher ghould amploy
observed % distacted y
Mnor details apPtaling teaching matenalk

Age range of The teacher should not Stay
learners Elenentary tudent'| Ofe spot bvt tather
observed -10 PhFer to Cmvesc move around the dasroom td
with their prg
ensure that weryone IS
and Seatmatts paying ottenton

High School
Age range of They are aluay The tcaher must be Uery
observed 1 s Cracking Jokes CarcFul wth fher Svojck'
and dong he she mUst not gt carried
very thng oke away wth ireluaTt Subitt
that Cn mak
pRple lavgh
Interests Field Study 25
Developmental characterisics, Needs and
iearning Episode 2: Learner Diversity:
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you wep
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

2 Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help
not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affee

3. Share your other insights here.


While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you wen
their What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you

HETwas bashful in ElementOry and Pr¬school

CKd aluays StauRO in My Segts Bbut in Elenentary
daus T wos glwoiys (0oprahng n OCGHVities ald bote
9 TOnDr vdcit. During y high SChol years I wos
qui te aGve in 0ur SChool's t a Curicular Ohuties
CC perForm alof oF on my oun w ho thinos
the 7Port my pifessoIS Wiien Lm young. And
S ial, Lportapated Shoo OChUhes
In Aor Hhoh School, I had Mr. Lbue Niez I as
a Teactr. He 1s etlliqet atd UPbeat. He vakes
OMd aCopts me, porhcularly my abiltes. I am aluays
gaging in hs dass disCUSSOns and reith ons.
He is IC dilbly gefe rdK beaSe IF Oe OF
is pipils Nas an ISSVe, he assisk is ond (ostaHy
h ares wOrds OF NCOUragen entI admire hs
and the Manner he teaches IS realy
Fhue, and he make SUre that his Stvdetk
Coprehend him He was xtremely helpFul
3 to Me When 1I didnt vndrstand, the thingas
e SUggested. Becage o him, Ive groun in
C oFidene, RF esteem and Overall SeF OWOrnes
3 Share your other insights here

Learnings do not always COMe FTom books or

essons in Foct, most op them Ore things we
dis cover 0 OUr Ouwn, and we May be able to
get pron ndinduals around US. Taochers
are students helping hands at School, they
are there not Jut 1o Heach bvt alsb to
fouch oUr ves in order to hep S 9ibu
and yolves.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items

given below and encircle the vorrect aniswer

. A 14-year-old felt
ignored by her orush whom she helieves is her ome true kove.
She is crying incessantly and refuses to listen and accept und advice that th
teacher is offering. Her refusal to accept is because
A.) she thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one has feh like
this before
B. the teenager's favorite word is
"no," and she will simply reject everything
the teacher says
C. 14-ycar-olds are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the
teacher's perspective
D. teenagers never listen to adult advice

2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of
4-year-olds. Which of the following should he best consider?
A. Provide daily coloring book activities
B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday
C. Encourage children to eat independently.
D.) Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles
3 Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She
asked the class: "What happens to the egg if I add three- tablespoon salt to
the glass of water?" This is hypothesis formulation. What can you infer about

the cognitive developmental stage of Teacher Rita's class?

(A) Formal operational stage

B. Concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage

Needs and interests

Leorning Episode 2:
Learner Diverslty: Developmental Characteristics, Field Study 27
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
as a future teacher?
of development. How can this guide you
Which is your favorite theory
this theory and paste them
Clip some readings about

Erik EikSon's Psychosocial Theory ISa UseFul

Tool For increasing elFauaeness and
boosting OneS elF- improvefient SINCe it
helps to understand how 0 person kams
based on hs or r indiui dual peculianties
As result, t S on Important aspech
OF Academi buaWse It aids in teoching
0nd Ossi shng Others This wil
help me in
deerming how td Monitdr my stvdent
progrs Ako instrc them On how theu
wil kam Outside oF the dassrDom

28 Field Study

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