Project Progress Report

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Raajitha Sabbineni Sasidhar Varma Gadiraju

Computer Science Computer Science
SID: 11512515 SID: 11502272
[email protected] [email protected]

INTRODUCTION Dijkstra’s algorithm has the ability to

discover the shortest path from one
Multiple trip routing problem which
node to every other node inside the
can be described as a Vehicle Routing
graph which sets it apart from other
Problem (VRP). This project builds an
algorithms. Instead of finding the
algorithm for drivers and vehicles to
shortest path, this algorithm searches
discover the shortest and quickest
for the shortest way to every single
path for a multi-point delivery
node as long as the graph remains
situation. In this project, the shortest
unchanged. Bellman-Ford algorithm
path problem (SPP) is a static issue in
works similar to Dijkstra’s to find the
which the edge weight remains
shortest path but the only
constant and indicates the length of
disadvantage is it is slower in
the route from point to point.
performance than Dijkstra’s. When
there are a lot of target nodes, A*
isn't very useful because it has to be
performed numerous times to get all
There are variety of shortest path of them. BFS needs relatively large
algorithms available like Bellman- memory to store the pointers.
Ford algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Whereas Johnson’s algorithm relies
Floyd-Warshall algorithm, BFS, A*, on both Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra’s
Johnson’s algorithm etc. The to determine the shortest path. After
algorithm we chose to use in this determining which algorithm to use,
project is Dijkstra’s algorithm the next stage is to assess and select
because of the advantages it provides an adequate dataset for the project.
compared to other algorithms. We chose the dataset by weighing
the project needs against the quality  We chose Java as it has
of the available datasets. Dijkstra's numerous libraries, packages
algorithm and its variants were and open-source tools which
investigated. The flow of code can help us in building the
implementation has been designed. It application.
goes through two stages. The first   Finding right algorithm for
step is to determine the shortest shortest path between the
route from the starting location to source and destination.
the destinations. We determine the   We chose Dijkstra’s algorithm

quickest path back to the starting as it has the ability to discover

position in the second stage. The the shortest path from one
project code has been started and is node to every other node
now being implemented. inside the graph which sets it
apart from other algorithms.

 Determining the right
algorithm for the project based  Completion of code
on its requirements. development.
 Analyzing and selecting  Comparing the performance
appropriate dataset for the with existing models.
project.  Optimizing the code to
 Designing the flow of code increase the performance.
implementation.  Build test case scenarios and
 Initiated code implementation. test the code.


 Finding the right technical
stack for the project.
Performance evaluation
Code implementation
Design code flow
Dataset selection
Algorithm determination

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