RT GUide Training
RT GUide Training
RT GUide Training
Radiography is the primary method of Nondestructive Examination recognized by
the ASME B&PV Code as providing objective evidence of volumetric examination of the
pressure boundary welds that are present in the Clinch River Breeder Reactor
Program (CRBRP) Steam Generator.
However, conventional radiography cannot be performed on the major portions of
the steam generator pressure boundary welds because of its unique design, the
fabrication methods required because of the design and the limitations imposed by
the fabrication facilities. The "hockey stick" design precludes rotation of the
generator. The tube-to-tubesheet joint design in which the tubes are butt welded to
the tubesheet requires that the elbow sections and reducers be assembled around the
completed tube bundle. The facility has no crane capable of lifting a generator, so
the support fixtures are mounted on air pallets. There is no provision for moving
an incomplete generator once it is set in place and installation of steam tubes is
In order to support the steam generator production schedule, the radiographic
examinations must be performed without interrupting any other manufacturing or
inspection operations taking place within a 20-ft radius from the source. This
condition imposes rigorous radiation safety requirements since the gamma radiation
sources chosen to be used for examination of the pressure boundary welds, Co-60
and Ir-192, are very energetic. Co-60 gamma ray energy is 1.17 and 1.33 MEV and
Ir-192 gamma ray is .6 MEV.
The hazard of using such high energy sources in the immediate vicinity of
working personnel has necessitated the need for a thorough evaluation of methods of
protection. Personnel protection from penetrating radiation, both x-ray and gamma
ray, is accomplished by ingenious use, singly or in combination, of two factors
which reduce radiation intensity. These factors are distance and shielding. In
all radiographic operations the primary consideration is for personnel safety. The
maximum radiation dose rate limit will be 0.002 rem/hr. This document describes how
the factors of distance and shielding have been used to assure personnel safety at
all times.
Field Radiography
Field radiography is defined as radiography which is performed outside of a
permanent radiographic facility.
Field radiographic conditions require a radiation survey for each set-up and
requires the placement of warning lights, signs, and physical barriers at the
minimum safe distance from the exposed source. The minimum safe radiation level is
I .002 R/hr (2 MR).
Primary Radiation
Radiation emitted directly from an x-ray target or gamma radiation source.
Scatter Radiation
Radiation scatter is emitted at various angles as a result of the interaction
of X or Gamma Ray Primary photons with electrons in the matter irradiated. The
angle of emission of scatter radiation is a function of the energy of the photon
which produces it. The higher the primary photon energy, the lesser the angle of
scatter. Scatter radiation is always less energetic than the primary radiation
which produces it.
The energy of scatter radiation may be calculated as follows:
E = .511
1 - Cos 0 + 4 ^
Where E, = Energy of primary radiation (MeV)
9 = Angle of scatter radiation
Eg = Energy of scatter radiation (MeV)
.511 MeV = Rest mass of the electron; energy equivalent
Isotopes are varieties of the same chemical element having different atomic
weights. All isotopes of the same chemical element have the same number of protons
in their nuclei but different numbers of neutrons. Some 800+ isotopes have been
identified and 500+ of these are radioactive.
Radioactive Isotope Strength
Radioactive isotope strength or activity is measured in curies (Ci). One
curie of activity of any isotope is equal to 37 billion disintegrations/second.
(3.7 x 10 r o d/s) In SI Units 3.7 x 10 1 0 Bg.
Roentgen (R)
The roentgen is a measure of radiation exposure. It is measured at a
specified distance from the radiation source. For example:
Roentgen/hour @ 1 ft
Roentgen/hour @ 1 meter
A roentgen is defined as that quantity of radiation that will produce one
electrostatic unit (ESU) of charge in 0.001293 gram of air.
°'2°-yh- = 0.002 R/hr, an allowable value
Therefore, incorporating a 0.750-in. lead external collimator extending from
the source camera to the surface of the part and enforcing a 10 ft distance limit,
safety is assured.
The calculations indicated that the approach was feasible: it should be
possible to use 100 ci of Co-60 properly shielded and colimated to produce accept-
able radiographs within the safety requirements stated.
The Roatating Radiographic Fixture was fabricated and tested on a section
mockup of the steam generator. Radiation measurements taken with the source exposed
indicated that the worst case analysis was indeed conservative. The .002 R/hr limit
was located at 10' from the source. There was no measureable radiation detected at
the longitudinal axis of the part. No primary radiation was detected at the back of
the beam catcher. At 96" source to beam catcher distance the primary beam was still
safely inside the 36" diameter beam catcher.
Radiographs were taken on "AA" film, using .010" lead screens, front and back.
2-1T sensitivity was obtained with a density of 2.7 after two minutes exposure
through 2.25" of 7k Cr-1 Mo Steel. The penetrameter was a #35. The diameter of
useable film density was 9.25".
The unit was used to radiograph the Inlet Header to Shell and Outlet Header to
Shell welds of the Prototype Steam Generator fabricated at Building 902 in
El Segundo. (See Figure 3 and 4 ) .
The original Rotating Radiographic Fixture is in service and three more
slightly modified designs are being fabricated.
For the radiographic examination of the CRBRP Steam Generator, the Rotating
Radiographic Fixtures have been successful in solving the problems of personnel
safety and acceptable radiographic film.
ASNT 7 x i 0 in
1— First line of tex.
5— F;R£;
7— 1. Califoraia Radiation Control Regulations, Title 17, California Administrative
8 - Code, Chapter 5, Subchapter 4 ' -t-,3
i n- 2. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by Richard Stephenson, Published 1958,
f- i
G l
S'rst irNodiiiar Assembly Steam Generator Drawing R-N0364100006
4. National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Handbook 114
1 R._.
46- •
A7— i
ASM! 7 x 1 0 in
3-] Where: R/hr at "P" = R/hr at the center "P" of the cone
7— Nuclian Engi neeri ng, ,
ti ij
part I7D. surface (Thverse square)'
y "j _
9 I Inverse SquarecLaw
0 Radiation Jntensity (I) yaries as the inverse square of the distance (D) from
the radiation source. :
1d i.e.
h . °2
1 6~•
Where: I, = R/hr at distance D,
D2 = New Distance
3—j The half life of a radioactive isotope is the time required for the isotope to
4— j decay £ Q _ o n e = h a l f _ o f - j ± s ~ i n i t i a j _ c u M e - s i ^ the
5— | CRBRP S/£LJ>nagrm_are-ai[ii$§tl<^ --^
6— 1 1 _ I
7-1 Isotope- J Half-Life s
Q j I AutiTor^s name.jpsnterj^ i
10- I r-192 - 75 days
12- Yb-169 j 32 days
13- First line of text DE-SIGN CRITERIA j
~] Radiographic examination of steam generator welds presents a twofold problem: i
16—! i !
1. We must assure personnel radiation safety at the stated 20' radius from the
18— source. '*
•• o
2. We must produce acceptable radiographs of the welds insofar as density, \
sensitivity and coverage is required'by the ASME B&PV Code without being able !
to rotate the generator under a fixed source. ;
To produce acceptable radiographs the source must be positioned and rotated
around the part. : ?•;•••
The solution to the twofold problem was the invention of the Rotating
Radibgraphic Fixture. The fixture incorporates elements for both primary beam and
scatter radiation protection and capability for precise positioning of the source in
relation to the pressure boundary welds. (See Figure 1).
Primary Radiation
For gamma ray radiography, the primary beam is collimated and shielded so
that the primary beam never exits the part except to enter a "beam catcher." This
design concept takes advantage of the part itself providing significant shielding
which results in less radiation at the "beam catcher."
As shown in Figure 1, the rotating radiographic fixture incorporates a ;
specially designed 100 Ci Co-60 projectoripositioned on the circumference of the \
A 9—.
fixture and located 180 from the massive,lead beam catcher. The source camera and !
-beam-;-catctiqr;jrei'fjree to rotate, but theiif relative position, one to the other, is i
44 —
maintained^'ThV fixture is~desigried to encircle the steam generator and enable 1
precise positioning of the Co-60 source relative to thewelds to be examined. jj
For gamma radiography, the minimum distance from the radiation source to the I
O.D. surface of the steam generator is 24 pn. This is a compromise based on I
tooling considerations, facility limitations, and reasonable exposure times. This
source to part distance will satisfy the requirements for geometric unsharpness
required by the ASME B&PV Code Section V, Article 2.
Scatter Radiation
Scatter radiation from the part surface will be attenuated by the auxiliary
shielding attached to the source camera.!
ASNT 0 in
Mfjy 79
ASNT ? x 10 in
3 __ ..AuyTor^_narn_a. cenr
t i" STEEL,
Figure 1