Dionex Pa1
Dionex Pa1
Dionex Pa1
0.1µ Diameter
ing and separating extremely weak acids. This column
NR3 is packed with a macroporous polymeric resin which
R3+N +
has an ion exchange capacity 45 times that of the
CarboPac PA1. As a result, weak anions bind more
SO3- R3+N
NR3 strongly to the column, requiring higher sodium hydrox-
SO3- +
NR3 ide concentrations for elution. The increase in hydrox-
SO3- NR3
ide ion concentration leads to greater ionization of the
SO3- +
sugar alcohols, with greatly improved retention and
SO3- R3+N resolution on the column.
Nonreduced neutral oligosaccharides can also be
Figure 1 Pellicular anion exchange resin bead. analyzed on the CarboPac MA1 column, although their
analysis times are longer than on the CarboPac PA1 and
B. CarboPac MA1 Column PA-100 columns. Retention of carbohydrates on the
Reduced carbohydrates (also called sugar alcohols) CarboPac MA1 can be manipulated by altering the
have traditionally been a difficult class of carbohydrates sodium hydroxide concentration of the eluent (see Table
to separate by liquid chromatography. They are weaker 2). Note that the elution order of several of the com-
acids than their non-reduced counterparts (compare the pounds changes with the sodium hydroxide concentra-
pKas of glucose and sorbitol or galactose and dulcitol in tion. This can be used to design separation strategies for
Table 1), and are therefore poorly retained on the specific sets of analytes. Examples of separations
CarboPac PA1 and PA-100 columns. The CarboPac obtained with the CarboPac MA1 column are shown in
MA1 was developed to address the challenge of retain- the Applications section of this Technical Note.
Recommended applications Mono- and disaccharide alcohol Monosaccharide compositional Oligosaccharide mapping and
analysis in food products, analysis, linear homopolymer analysis
physio-logical fluids, tissues and separations, saccharide
reduced glycoconjugate purification
Resin composition 8.5 µm diameter vinylbenzyl- 10-µm diameter polystyrene/ 10-µm diameter ethylvinylben-
chloride/divinylbenzene divinylbenzene substrate zene/divinylbenzene substrate
macroporous substrate fully agglomerated with 350-nm agglomerated with 350-nm
functionalized with an alkyl MicroBead quaternary amine MicroBead quaternary amine
quaternary ammonium group functionalized latex functionalized latex
MicroBead latex cross-linking N/A, no latex 5% cross-linked 6% cross-linked
Anion exchange capacity 4500 µeq per 4 x 250-mm 100 µeq per 4 x 250-mm column 90 µeq per 4 x 250-mm column
Recommended flow rate 0.4 mL/min (4 x 250-mm 1 mL/min (4 x 250-mm column) 1 mL/min (4 x 250-mm
column) column)
pH compatibility pH 0–14 pH 0–14 pH 0–14
Organic solvent compatibility 0% 0–2% 0–100%
Maximum back pressure 2000 psi (14 MPa) 4000 psi (28 MPa) 4000 psi (28 MPa)
b Note that sialylated and other acidic mono- and oligosaccharides may not be recovered from the CarboPac MA1 column. It is not recommended that this column be used with these analytes.
III. Guidelines for CarboPac Column Selection CarboPac MA1 will usually have longer retention times
Table 3 provides a comparison of the three than the PA-100, and selectivities of the two columns
CarboPac columns. The following guidelines are useful are almost identical.
in selecting the right CarboPac column for a particular Oligosaccharides cleaved by reductive β-elimina-
application. tion from glycoproteins contain a reduced terminal and
generally elute earlier than the same oligosaccharide
A. Monosaccharides with a reducing terminal. Reduced di- and trisaccharides
For reducing monosaccharides, the recommended will elute significantly earlier than their nonreduced
column is the CarboPac PA1, while the MA1 is recom- counterparts, and may be poorly resolved on the
mended for sugar alcohols. The CarboPac MA1 column CarboPac PA1 and PA-100. These compounds are
also generates excellent neutral monosaccharide separa- readily separated on the CarboPac MA1 column.
tions, although retention times are longer than on the
PA1. Amino-sugars are better resolved on the CarboPac C. Charged Oligosaccharides
PA1 than on the MA1, but the reverse is true for N- Charged oligosaccharides (for example, those that
acetamido sugars. are sialylated, phosphorylated, sulfated, or contain car-
boxyl groups) are separated based on their composition,
B. Neutral Oligosaccharides linkage, and the level of formal negative charge. They
The CarboPac PA-100 is the most appropriate can be separated at both high (13) and low (4.6) pH. At
column for the oligosaccharide mixtures characteristic low pH, the separations are largely dependent on the
of glycoprotein-derived oligosaccharides, although charge-to-mass ratio of the oligosaccharide but may also
these compounds are only slightly less well-resolved on be influenced by linkage. Selectivity for sialylated oli-
the CarboPac PA1 column than on the PA-100. Neutral gosaccharides will change with pH as a result of
oligosaccharides up to nine monosaccharide units in oxyanion formation. The CarboPac PA-100 is recom-
size are separable on the CarboPac MA1. However, the mended for sialylated oligosaccharides, although in many
cases the PA1 performs adequate separations.
Technical Note 20 3
D. Glycosaminoglycans Table 4 CarboPac Columns Recommended by Application
Oligosaccharides derived from glycosaminogly-
cans, such as nonsulfated chondroitin disaccharides, are CarboPac CarboPac CarboPac
PA1 PA-100 MA1
separable on the CarboPac PA16.
E. Linear Polysaccharides Monosaccharides +++ +/– ++
Linear polysaccharides can be separated on the Sialylated branched
basis of length almost equally well on the CarboPac oligosaccharides ++ +++ –
PA1 and PA-100. The CarboPac PA1 has a slightly Neutral branched
higher capacity than the PA-100 and is the better oligosaccharides ++ +++ +
column to use for linear homopolymers. The CarboPac Linear oligo- and
PA-100 was designed for nonlinear and heterogeneous polysaccharides +++ +++ –
polysaccharides. N, N-1 resolution of linear polysaccha- Reduced mono- and
rides has been demonstrated on the CarboPac PA1 and disaccharides + – +++
PA-100 columns with inulin polymers to over 60 +++ indicates most suitable
monosaccharide units. The CarboPac PA1 requires a — indicates that the column is not recommended for this
higher sodium acetate concentration than the PA-100 to
elute species of the same length.
Table 4 summarizes the applications for which the A. The Lowbry de Bruyn, van Ekenstein transforma-
three CarboPac columns are the most appropriate. tions7 (epimerization and keto-enol
The CarboPac PA1 and PA-100 are available in tautomerization).
guard (4 x 50 mm), analytical (4 x 250 mm), semi- D-fructose elutes as a single sharp peak with no
preparative (9 x 250 mm) and preparative sizes (22 x evidence of formation of D-glucose or D-mannose via
250 mm). A guard column should be used in front of an the Lowbry de Bruyn, van Ekenstein transformation. In
analytical column to prolong the analytical column life. addition, when glucose is left in 150 mM sodium
The CarboPac MA1 column is available in analytical hydroxide for four days at room temperature, there is no
and guard sizes. A partial list of column part numbers evidence for the presence of any mannose or fructose.
follows. Please contact your local Dionex office to order Epimerization of N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc)
any column not listed below. to N-acetyl mannosamine (ManNAc) has been demon-
strated for solutions of GlcNAc in 100 mM sodium
Part No. Description hydroxide. The equilibrium ratio of GlcNAc: ManNAc
35391 CarboPac PA1 Analytical (4 x 250 mm) was 80:20 after 2-3 hours of exposure. This
43096 CarboPac PA1 Guard (4 x 50 mm) epimerization is not observed in separations using the
39686 CarboPac PA1 Semi-Preparative (9 x 250 mm) CarboPac PA1 column, presumably because the sodium
43055 CarboPac PA-100 Analytical (4 x 250 mm) hydroxide concentration is 16 mM and the chromatogra-
43054 CarboPac PA-100 Guard (4 x 50 mm) phy is sufficiently rapid (16 min) that exposure to alkali
44066 CarboPac MA1 Analytical (4 x 250 mm) is minimized. Oligosaccharides are separated in 100
44067 CarboPac MA1 Guard (4 x 50 mm) mM sodium hydroxide and are also retained longer on
the column, particularly when sialylated. Under these
IV. Sample Stability at High pH conditions, oligosaccharides may exhibit 0 to 15%
Carbohydrates undergo a number of well docu- epimerization. As alditols do not epimerize in alkali,
mented reactions at high pH that can potentially inter- oligosaccharide epimerization can be eliminated if the
fere with chromatography. However, in most cases oligosaccharide is reduced to the alditol prior to chro-
these reactions are slow at room temperature and do not matography. For the same reason, monosaccharide
appear to occur to any noticeable extent over the time alcohols are not epimerized in the high concentrations
course of the chromatography. Some of these reactions of alkali needed to elute them from the CarboPac MA1
are discussed below: column.
phy of N-acetyl glucosamine at high pH generates a t1
Technical Note 20 5
The resulting current is plotted on the Y-axis with sugars tested, although the best signal-to-noise ratio
oxidation (anodic) currents up and reduction (cathodic) actually occurs at a slightly lower potential. Figure 4
currents down. Figure 3 shows the cyclic shows that the voltage at which the maximum response
voltammogram of glucose in a 100 mM potassium occurs is the same for three very different sugars: xylitol,
hydroxide solution on a gold electrode. The dashed line a nonreducing sugar alcohol; glucose, a reducing
is a background scan of a solution of 100 mM potas- monosaccharide; and sucrose, a nonreducing disaccha-
sium hydroxide. As the potential is raised, the current ride. This is because the oxidation of the sugars at the
starts to rise at about 0.2 V (see Fig. 3, upper dashed electrode is catalyzed by the electrode surface. As a
line). This is caused by oxidation of the gold surface. result, the amperometric response of a class of com-
Reduction of the surface gold oxide back to gold occurs pounds is controlled primarily by the dependence of the
on the reverse scan (lower dashed line) with a cathodic catalytic surface state on the electrode potential and not
(negative) current peak at about 0.1 V. on the redox potentials of the compounds themselves.
When glucose is present (solid line), its oxidation Pulsed amperometric detection is thus a universal detec-
peaks at about 0.25 V (upper solid trace), which is also the tion method for all carbohydrates, although derivatization
potential at which formation of gold oxide begins. The of two or more hydroxyl groups will decrease (and may
glucose oxidation current drops as gold oxidation contin- even abolish) detection.
ues to increase, demonstrating that the formation of gold Potential E2 must be high enough and long enough to
oxide inhibits oxidation of glucose. On the reverse scan, oxidize the electrode surface fully so that the carbohy-
the current actually reverses from negative to positive at drate oxidation products are completely removed. This
the onset of gold oxide reduction, further evidence of the potential cannot be too high, however, or excessive gold
inhibiting effect of gold oxide on the oxidation of glucose. oxidation will occur and the electrode will wear too rap-
It is thus important to use a measuring potential (E1) below idly. The third potential, E3, must be low enough to re-
that required for gold oxidation. duce the oxidized surface of the gold electrode com-
All three potentials are important. However, the pletely without being so low that chemical reductions
most important is E1 — the potential at which the (for example, of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide) will oc-
carbohydrate oxidation current is measured. A plot of cur. The results of these reactions may cause baseline
detector response as a function of E1 is shown in Figure disturbances during subsequent measurement at E1.
4. The background current is also shown. The maximum Recommended pulse sequences for the Dionex
response is shown to occur at about 0.2 V for the three pulsed amperometric detectors are given in Technical
Note 21, which is available from your local Dionex
I. Eluent Preparation for Carbohydrate Analysis
When making eluents for carbohydrate analysis, it is
important to use reagents of the grade listed:
50% (w/w) Sodium hydroxide solution
Fisher Cat. No. SS254-1
Anhydrous sodium acetate
Fluka Cat. No. 71179
Sodium Hydroxide: It is extremely important to minimize
contamination of the eluent solutions with carbonate.
Carbonate, being a divalent anion at pH ≥ 12, binds
strongly to the columns and interferes with carbohy-
drate binding, causing a drastic decrease in column
Figure 4 The oxidation current generated at different values selectivity and a loss of resolution and efficiency.
of E1 for three different carbohydrates. Commercially available sodium hydroxide pellets are
Technical Note 20 7
solution to mix, and continue to sparge for 5 minutes. preference to other anionic species. This cartridge is,
Once again, it is important to be consistent in the method however, a cation exchanger, so amino sugars will be
used to make up the solution. extracted unless they are N-acetylated.
Sodium acetate solutions should last about one
week. The most consistent chromatography has been D. Samples Containing Sulfate and Other Anions
obtained using sodium acetate purchased from Fluka. Sulfate may be precipitated as the barium salt by
addition of barium hydroxide solution. However, it
II. Sample Preparation should be noted that some carbohydrates may co-
It is recommended that all samples other than pure precipitate with the barium sulfate in this procedure,
standards be passed through a 0.45-µm nylon filter prior especially carbohydrates bearing sulfate esters. The
to injection to remove particulates. Cellulose acetate and Dionex On-Guard A cartridge (P/N 42102) is designed
other filters should be avoided because they may leach specifically to remove anion contaminants from sample
carbohydrates. Filters of a type not previously verified as matrices. On-Guard A cartridges contain styrene-based
“clean” should be evaluated for contribution of “PAD- anion exchange resin in the bicarbonate form. They
active” components before use. should not be used with samples that contain sialic acids,
Sample preparation is obviously dependent on sample or sugars with other acid substituents.
matrix complexity and, as such, the recommendations that
follow should be considered as guidelines only. In III. Standard Chromatography Conditions for the Analysis
particular, the effect of sample pretreatment cartridges on of Carbohydrates
the carbohydrate analytes themselves should be predeter- The conditions described in this section have been
mined using standard solutions. It may be found that some found to give reliable separations of the common
carbohydrates have a strong affinity for particular car- classes of carbohydrates using HPAE chromatography.
tridge packing materials. This is obviously of importance Samples and their matrices vary, therefore these
for quantification and in the detection of low levels of conditions are intended to be used as guidelines only.
A. Monosaccharides - Neutral and Amino Sugars
A. Samples Containing High Levels of Protein or These sugars can be successfully separated on the
Peptides CarboPac PA1 column using isocratic conditions with
Physiological fluids such as plasma, urine, or other 16 mM sodium hydroxide as the eluent. A representa-
samples containing high levels of proteins should be tive chromatogram is shown in Figure 5. Because the
deproteinized first. This may be achieved by standard concentration of sodium hydroxide used for the separa-
precipitation procedures or by passing the analyte tion is only 16 mM, the column should be regener-
solution through a hydrophobic filter cartridge such as ated after each run. Otherwise, carbonate will start to
the Dionex OnGuard™-RP Cartridge (P/N 39595). contaminate the column, irrespective of the care taken
to eliminate it from eluents and samples. Regenerate the
B. Samples Containing High Levels of Humic Acids column by washing it with 200 mM sodium hydroxide
or Phenolics for 10 minutes at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. This
To remove the phenolic fraction of humic acids, procedure will also remove other strongly bound
tannic acids, or lignins found in food samples (such as contaminants such as peptides and amino acids. This
wine), the sample may be passed through a polyvinylpyr- step is extremely important and should not be omitted.
rolidone (PVP) filter cartridge, such as the Dionex After washing, the column should be re-equilibrated
OnGuard-P Cartridge (P/N 39597). with 16 mM sodium hydroxide at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/
min for 10 minutes. It is very important to keep the rinse
C. Samples Containing Halides
and re-equilibration times consistent from run to run.
To remove halides, the sample may be passed
through a Dionex OnGuard-Ag cartridge (P/N 39637).
This cartridge selectively removes Cl–, Br– and I– in
Figure 5 Separation of neutral and amino monosaccharides Figure 7 Separation of reducing and nonreducing carbohy-
derived from glycoproteins. drates. Food alditols and aldoses are separable under isocratic
conditions on the CarboPac MA1.
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Minutes Minutes
Figure 6 Isocratic separation of a group of alditols plus Figure 8 Separation of alditols found in biological fluids. The
glucose and fructose on the CarboPac MA1 column. NaOH gradient improves the separation of sorbitol and dulcitol,
which are poorly resolved at NaOH concentrations that permit
resolution of glycerol from inositol.
Technical Note 20 9
Column: CarboPac MA1 Conditions 4. α-D-Glucose-1-P 1.75
Eluent: 100 Sodium hydroxide with Column: CarboPac PA 1 5. α-D-Ribose-1-P 1.46
100 mM to 700 mM Flowrate: 1.0 mL/ min 6. ß- D-Glucose-1-P 1.75
Sodium hydroxide in 11 min Detector: PAD (Gold) x 10kna 7. D-Glucosamine-6-p 3.75
0.3 Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/ min Eluent A: 100 mM NaOH 8. D-Galactose-6-P 2.04
Detector: PED Eluent B: 100 mM NaOH, 9. D-Glucose-6-P 1.25
Peaks: 1. Fucitol 2.0 ppm 1.0 M NaOAc 10. D-Fructose-1-P 0.96
2. GalNAcol 2.0 T0 = 90% A, 10% B 11. D-Fructose-6-P 0.42
µC 3. GlcNAcol 2.0 T 20 = 80% A, 20% B 12. α-D-Glucuronic acid-1-P 3.08
4. Mannitol 2.0 T 30 = 50% A, 50% B 13. α-D-Glucose-1,6-Di P 1.06
23 Peaks: 1. α-D-Galactosamine -1-P 1.13 µg 14. ß- D-Fructose-2,6-Di P 0.92
2. α-D-Glucosamine-1-P 0.45 15. D-Fructose-1,6-Di P 0.92
3. α-D-Galactose-1-P 1.75
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Figure 11 Gradient separation of sialylated oligosaccharides Figure 14 Comparison of water washed inulins (Cichorium
using the CarboPac PA1 column. intybus vs. Dahlia sp.) using the CarboPac PA1.
Technical Note 20 11
B. Tri-sialylated Peaks:
1. NANAα(2→ 6)Galβ(1→ 4)GlcNAcβ(1→ 2)Manα(1→ 6)
Manβ(1→ 4)-R
2. NANAα(2→ 6)Galβ(1→ 4)GlcNAcβ(1→ 2)Manα(1→ 3)
NANAα(2→ 3)Galβ(1→ 4)GlcNAcβ(1→ 4)
R=GlcNAcβ(1→ 4)GlcNAcαβ
Figure 18 Separation of fetuin N-linked oligosaccharides.
Panel A: HPAE-PAD analysis using a CarboPac PA-100. Figure 19 Gradient separation (using the CarboPac PA-100
Panel B: Structures of the trisialylated species, peaks 1 and 2. column) of oligosaccharides released by sequential enzyme diges-
tion of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA).
electrode. Users have found, however, that post-column Panel A: High-mannose oligosaccharides released from rtPA by
digestion with endonuclease H. The elution positions of
addition of base is often unnecessary with routine Man5GlcNAc2 and Man9GlcNAc2 are indicated by the numbered
isocratic and gradient separations at sodium hydroxide arrows.
concentrations ≥ 15 mM. Panel B: Oligosaccharides released from rtPA by endonuclease F2
(cleaves predominantly biantennary-type chains).
(From Weitzhandler et al.12 Reproduced with permission.)
A. Separations at Low pH
Sialic acids, sialylated oligosaccharides, and other
carbohydrates bearing strongly acidic substituents can
be separated by anion exchange at lower pH values10,11.
This option is particularly useful when analyzing
oligosaccharides that possess O-acetylated sialyl
groups, because these groups are unstable at high pH.
When low pH eluents are used, sodium hydroxide must
be added to the eluent after it has left the column and
before it enters the detector, because carbohydrates are
best detected at gold electrodes when pH ≥ 12.
1. Hardy, M.R., Townsend, R.R., Lee, Y.C. Anal.
Biochem. 1988 , 170, 54-62.
2. Townsend, R.R., Hardy, M.R., Hindsgaul, O. and
Lee, Y.C. Anal. Biochem. 1988 , 174, 459–470.
3. Lee, Y.C. Anal. Biochem. 1990 , 189, 151–162.
4. Townsend, R.R. and Hardy, M.R. Glycobiology
1991 , 1, 139–147.
5. From Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (13th
6. Shibata, S., Midura, R.J. and Hascall, V.C. J. Biol.
Chem. 1992 , 267, 6548–6555.
7. Lowbry de Bruyn, C.A., van Ekenstein, W.A. Rec.
Trav. Chim. 1895 , 14, 195.
8. Olechno, J.D., Carter, S.R., Edwards, W.T., Gillen,
D.G. American Biotech. Lab. 1987 , 5, 38–50.
9. Varki, A. and Diaz, S. Anal. Biochem. 1984 , 137,
10. Manzi, A.E., Diaz, S.,Varki, A. Anal. Biochem.
1990 , 188, 20–32.
11. Watson, E., Bhide, A., Kenney, W.C., Lin, F.-K.
Anal. Biochem. 1992 , 205, 90–95.
12. Weitzhandler, M., Kadlecek, D., Avdalovic, N.,
Forte, J.G., Chow, D., and Townsend, R.R. J. Biol.
Chem. 1993 , 268, 5121–5130.
Technical Note 20 13
CarboPac, MicroBead, OligoStandards and OnGuard are trademarks of Dionex Corporation.
Pyrex is a registered trademark of Corning Glass Works.
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14 Analysis of Carbohydrates by HPAE-PAD
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