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Protection against Microsoft Office 365

credential phishing and data breaches

Traficom publications
Foreword 3

Abstract 3

1 Why is protection needed? 4

1.1 Criminals often aim to create fake invoices 6
1.2 Criminals can bypass two-factor authentication 6
1.3 Example cases from National Bureau of Investigation of
Office 365 data breaches 6

2 Office 365 from the perspective of phishing 7

2.1 Office 365 versions 8
2.2 Identity (Azure Active Directory) 9
2.3 Email protection methods 14
2.4 Sharing data in different services 14
2.5 Information security architecture 15
2.6 Microsoft Secure Score 16

3 Protection measures 18
3.1 Securing identities 18
3.2 Securing email 24
3.3 Logging and integration into SIEM systems 25
3.4 Monitoring 26
3.5 Control and secure end user devices 26
3.6 Provide users and administrators with proper training 27
3.7 Use checklists 28
3.8 Password-less sign-in 28

4 What to do in the event of an attack 32

4.1 Blocking logged-in attacker 32
4.2 Prevention/forensics/investigation 33
4.3 Contacting NCSC-FI 33
4.4 Contacting police 33
4.5 Notifying Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman 34
4.6 Financial administration controls 34
4.7 Communication with stakeholders 34

Appendices 36

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom)

National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI)
ISSN 1799-0157 (online publication) 2
Especially during the first half of 2018, more and more early summer. This partly explains the persistence
cases were reported to the National Cyber Security of this phenomenon. Individual examples include
Centre Finland (NCSC-FI) in which organisations were phishing messages that resemble encrypted emails,
subject to phishing with the purpose of obtaining the the bypass of multi-factor authentication using former
email credentials of employees. Phishing can target email connection methods and the customisation of
both regular people and organisations. Data breaches the phishing site layout, depending on the email ser-
targeting business accounts are usually referred to as vice from which each user accesses the service.
business email compromise (BEC). Reacting to new phishing campaigns is a nev-
User credentials can be used in many ways, er-ending race and is unfortunately often too late after
depending on the criminal’s personal motives or the wave has already hit the shore. This is why it is very
the role or position of the breached user account in important to use service-specific information security
the organisation. For example, in certain cases, the features as early as possible. Different means can be
attacker was clearly seeking significant financial gains used to reduce the number of phishing messages that
by monitoring payment-related messages. On the reach users, prevent the easy use of stolen credentials,
other hand, stolen credentials can also be used, for investigate possible cases and restrict the impact of
example, to acquire business secrets. In addition, successful phishing.
successful phishing may involve different reputation This guide focuses on the protection of Microsoft
and regulatory risks. products, because they have been involved in several
Although phishing as a phenomenon is not only campaigns targeted especially at companies reported
limited to the services of specific providers, what to NCSC-FI during the past year. In addition, NCSC-FI
these cases had in common was that the captured has discovered that companies often face problems in
credentials were expressly related to Microsoft Office the deployment of the security features and settings of
365 accounts. Similar cases are constantly being these products.
reported to NCSC-FI. NCSC-FI published a credential We hope that this guide helps organisations to
phishing alert in June 2018, and it remains valid at strengthen their email and cloud service environ-
the time of writing. ments, especially against threats related to credential
We have seen a number of different development phishing. The guide assumes that the reader has a
paths in phishing campaigns since late spring and basic knowledge of Microsoft’s cloud services.

In recent years, we have often read that usernames Phishing is one of the most common information
and passwords have fallen into the wrong hands. security threats. According to the annual “Information
News have mostly concerned about risks associated Security in 2018” review issued by NCSC-FI in Feb-
with the user databases of different services. Con- ruary 2019, the most significant information security
sumers using the same passwords in different servic- threat in 2018 comprised the gradually spreading
es have given cybercriminals an opportunity to use Office 365 phishing campaigns aimed at stealing user
stolen credentials in other services. credentials.
The use of cloud services has spread rapidly Office 365 and many other Microsoft cloud servic-
among organisations. Microsoft Office 365 is used es include various features that help to significantly
widely in Finland in both the private and public reduce the success of phishing. These services can
sectors. Identities used in Office 365 are stored and be purchased as different customised versions, i.e.
maintained in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) subscriptions. These subscriptions include a pre-de-
service. Many other cloud services can often be used fined number of licences that each organisation’s ICT
with these same credentials. administrators allocate to users. Organisations can

acquire identical licences for all users or separate The most important ways to prevent phishing,
licences for employees in different roles. regardless of subscriptions and licences, are:
Features available to prevent phishing depend 1. Deployment and enforcement of modern
on the subscriptions used. This document presents authentication
protection methods that do not depend on the sub- 2. Deployment of two-factor authentication
scriptions or licences organisations use. 3. Ensuring the quality, quantity and retention
period of logs.

1 Why is the protection needed?

Information security consists of a number of different steal credentials saved in an organisation’s cloud
areas. This document focuses on mitigating phishing. services and/or the credentials of IT administrators.
Phishing can be done in many ways. In the Attacks can also target business managers or other
broadest sense, phishing messages are sent to large employees who process financial transactions and
groups of users. The aim of targeted phishing is to invoices.

1 2
A criminal sends a phishing The recipient reads the message
message by email. and clicks on the link in it.

4 3
Credentials entered on a At the end of the link is a phishing
phishing page end up in page that asks for a username and
the hands of a criminal. password.

5 6
With the credentials obtained, Now the criminal can
the criminal can follow internal read invoicing transac-
traffic at the company. tions, for instance.

“I’m sorry, the previous invoice was incorrect. HERE is the correct invoice.”,
the criminal writes and makes away with the loot.

1.1 Criminals often aim to create fake invoices

Nowadays, phishing is done by several different use it to send phishing messages to the victim’s
groups of criminals. These groups differ in competen- contacts.
ce levels and typically use slightly different tools to • In rarer cases, criminals aim to monitor messages
meet various purposes. At least two different operat- sent to and from an inbox to obtain information.
ing methods have been identified: NCSC-FI has received information about cases in
• Most often, criminals aim to capture as many which inboxes of key employees have been hacked
email credentials as possible. They log in to to monitor the exchange of messages. Criminals
accounts to find search words related to invoicing. then forward messages to one of their own inboxes.
This information is then used to prepare fake The exact motive of such criminals has not been
invoices using the details and context of real in identified.
voices. If an account is not interesting, criminals

1.2 Criminals can bypass two-factor authentication

Different groups of criminals have slightly different instructs readers to implement modern authen-
technical skills. However, these differences are no tication and prevent legacy authentication based
longer particularly distinctive, and most groups are logins.
able to bypass two-factor authentication, for example. • Criminals use a stolen username and password
This has been done in at least two different ways: to log in to a service, and the victim receives a
• Typically, criminals use a feature of Office 365, genuine verification code, for example, by a SMS.
which allows hardware and software that do not When the user accesses the phishing site, they
support two-factor authentication to log in to are also asked to enter this second factor authen-
services. Currently, this legacy authentication tication code, allowing criminals to log in to the
mode, is broadly used by criminals. This guide actual service.

1.3 Example cases from the National Bureau of Investigation of Office 365 data breaches

Finnish police consider phishing to be alarming. monitoring emails. On the other hand, not many
Phishing is mainly done using skilfully crafted phish- offences are reported to police, due to which police
ing sites. After accessing the Office 365 service of cannot gather sufficient intelligence to identify the
companies, criminals may spend a great deal of time criminals.

Financial company A
The company’s Office 365 cloud service was hacked by means of phishing. Messages containing a link
to a phishing site were sent to two of the company’s employees. The criminals monitored the compa-
ny’s emails for several months and made changes to email forwarding without the company knowing.
Financial company A did not know how long its emails had been monitored or what information had
potentially leaked. In addition, the criminals tried to use fake invoices to make the company transfer
funds to their account. The criminals used information obtained from monitored emails to prepare
these fake invoices, attempting to make the invoices look as real as possible.

Industrial company B
The company’s Office 365 cloud service was hacked by means of phishing, just as in the example
above. Phishing links were sent from the company’s email system to people working in the company’s
subsidiaries and its subcontractors and customers. The company noticed that unauthorised forwarding
rules had been added to its email system. Unfortunately for the police, the data breach in the compa-
ny’s system was discovered so late that log data about the breach was no longer available.

2 Office 365 from the perspective of phishing

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud service which is also Phishing is usually done via email, and its goal is
widely used in Finland. Its key components include to steal usernames and passwords. This is why Ex-
Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Teams. change and Azure AD, which is used to authenticate
Skype for Business Online will be excluded from the users, are key Office 365 services in terms of phish-
service, as similar messaging features are available in ing. By improving their security level, phishing can
Teams. Most Office 365 licences also include desktop be mitigated or at least the likelihood of its success
solutions for knowledge work, such as Outlook, Word, significantly reduced.
Excel and PowerPoint. Phishers can present user SharePoint sites, for ex-
Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) offers knowl- ample. As these are not genuine or produced by the
edge work management and information security organisation, protecting the organisation’s SharePoint
services in a single solution. It includes more compre- service does not help.
hensive versions of Azure AD, Intune device manage- If phishing is successful and criminals are able to
ment service, and Azure Information Protection for steal passwords, their traces may remain in email and
the protection of data. sign-in logs, as well as in the logs of other services.
Microsoft 3651 combines Office 365 with Win- This will be discussed in more detail in the “Protec-
dows 10 and EMS. tion measures” section.


2.1 Office 365 versions

Office 365 is available as the Business version for Its basic level is always included in Office 365. How-
organisations of a maximum of 300 people, and the ever, the more comprehensive Premium level (P1 or
Enterprise version for larger organisations. The latter2 P2) is available as part of EMS, and therefore as part
is also available at levels E1, E3 and E5. In addition, of Microsoft 365. In addition, Microsoft 365 is avail-
Office 365 comes as consumer and education/aca- able as Microsoft 365 Firstline 13, including Azure AD
demic versions (Education A1, A3 and A5). Premium P1, among others.
Office 365 can be acquired separately or as part All the options are illustrated in the following
of Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 is also available as table. Office 365 Business is presented in a separate
smaller (E3) and larger versions (E5). column. However, as stated above, Office 365 Enter-
Users log in to Office 365 services using Azure AD. prise can also be acquired separately.

Area Office 365 Business Microsoft Microsoft

only 365 E3 365 E5

Office 365 Business Enterprise E3 Enterprise E5

EMS EMS E3, with Azure AD EMS E5 with Azure AD
P1 + other P2 + other

Windows 10 Enterprise Enterprise + Windows Defender

Advanced Threat Protection

It is also possible to combine subscriptions and Information Protection & Compliance packages that
their licences. For example, an administrator could include new information security features on top of
have the Microsoft 365 F1 licence, plus the Azure AD the Microsoft 365 E3 subscription. As their names
P2 licence to use the Privileged Identity Management indicate, the former includes key services for identity
feature. management. Diagrams of different service packag-
Since February 2019, it has been possible to es and their features are available, for example, at
acquire additional Identity & Threat Protection and https://github.com/AaronDinnage/Licensing


2.2 Identity (Azure Active Directory)

Azure Active Directory is an identity management Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS) in the
service, which is used by more than one billion users on-premises environment. This solution often
in tens of millions of organisations. Some of these are requires the use of four servers (two internal net
Office 365 users, while some use Azure AD for other work servers and two DMZ servers).
applications. Different organisations and their users Authentication is performed by AD domain control-
and data have been logically divided into tenants, ler servers.
which are isolated from one another4.
Azure AD uses two different identity types: cloud 3. Passthrough Authentication (PTA) is used in the
(managed) and federated identities. In the former on-premises environment. This solution can be
type, users are always authenticated using Azure AD. used to replace AD FS if an organisation has no
In the latter, users are authenticated outside Azure other services in place using AD FS.
AD and, based on trust, Azure AD accepts the authen-
tication performed by the external party. The identity 4. PingFederate7 is used in the on-premises
type is domain-specific (email domain). environment, and verification is performed by
Hundreds of thousands of applications have been PingFederate.
integrated with Azure AD. These do not require any
separate login: it is sufficient that the user logs in to Even if the organisation uses federated authentica-
Azure AD. Permissions for these applications can be tion (option 2 in the list above), password hashes can
based on Azure AD user groups. also be synchronised to Azure AD (option 1).
Azure AD can be connected with Active Directory This produces two types of benefits:
Domain Services (AD DS) located in an organisation’s a) a quicker transfer to the cloud identity in place of
own network (on-premises). AD DS is often referred a federated identity if there is a fault in the
to as Active Directory or AD. Integration enables a on-premises federation service
single set of credentials to be used in internal net- b) identification of credentials that have fallen into
work and cloud services. Integrating is usually done the wrong hands (Azure AD leaked credentials
by Azure Active Directory Connect, installed on the report8).
on-premises server. Azure AD also includes self-service password reset
feature. In a cloud service, the password of a reset
In an integrated environment, users log in using any synchronised user can be synchronised to on-prem-
of the following methods5: ises AD. This functionality requires Azure AD Premi-
1. Password hashes are synchronised to Azure AD. um (P1 or P2).
(Password Hash Synchronisation, PHS)6. Considering the comprehensive maintenance of
When using cloud services, authentication is identities and protection against phishing, the key
performed by Azure AD. features of Azure AD are:

2. Federated authentication: identities are sychroni-

sed, but password hashes are not. When users
log in to a cloud service, they are forwarded to


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA enables additional authentication in addition to 2. Azure Multi-Factor Authentication. Azure AD

the conventional username and password combina- Premium (P1 or P2) permits the activation of the
tion. Options for additional authentication are: MFA requirement using conditional access or
- one-time numerical code by telephone separately for each user. Authentication is done
- one-time numerical code by SMS using Azure MFA, or a separate authentication
- approval using a mobile app (Microsoft server can be installed in the organisation’s
Authenticator) network.
- one-time numerical code using a mobile app Note: Until September 2018, Azure MFA was avail-
(Microsoft Authenticator). able with a separate licence, but it is now only
available with the Azure AD Premium subscription.
Microsoft’s cloud-based MFA is available in three
different versions: 3. MFA for Azure Active Directory Global Administra-
1. Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365. This tors. Originally, MFA was only available for users
is a basic version included in Office 365, which can with the Global administrator role in Azure AD.
only protect Office 365 apps. In this version, the Later, the service was expanded to cover all users.
MFA requirement must be activated individually for In 2018, Microsoft made MFA for Global Adminis-
each user. trators available using a baseline conditional
access policy. Microsoft will activate the policy
when it is officially released, i.e. when it reaches
the general availability (GA) stage.

Conditional Access

Conditional access permits or prevents the use of used with an organisation’s own devices. In this case,
cloud services (e.g. Office 365, Exchange Online) Office 365 services cannot be accessed from home
when certain conditions are met. For example, access computers.
can be permitted for a specific combination of a user Azure Active Directory Conditional Access is avail-
location, device, service and authentication method. able in Azure AD Premium subscriptions.
Typically, a username and password combination
is permitted in an internal network, while two-factor The figure below presents the default policies of
authentication is required in the public network. Windows Server 2019 AD FS.
Another typical example is that services can only be

If Azure AD Premium licences are not used, similar Windows server operating systems. The figure above
functionality can be implemented using a federated presents the default policies of Windows Server 2019
identity in Microsoft AD FS. AD FS is a role included in AD FS.

Identity Protection9

Identity Protection enables the following: Identity Protection also includes the MFA Registra-
1. Identification of vulnerabilities that affect an tion feature, which can force users to register as MFA
organisation’s identities users.
2. Automatic operation regarding suspicious events New features were added to Identity Protection
related to identities in January 201910.
3. Forensics and investigation of suspicious events.


Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management11

Using Privileged Identity Management, membership authorisation as required, and use can be audited.
of Azure AD and Azure privileged roles can finally be Roles can be activated using an approval procedure,
controlled so that administrator roles are flexible. The in which case promotion to the role of administrator
number of permanent administrators can be reduced requires the approval of designated persons. These
in most cases. Users activate their roles and related features are presented in the following table:

Azure AD-version

Function Basic and Office 365 Azure AD P1 Azure AD P2

Multi-Factor X X X
Authentication for
Office 365

Azure Multi-Factor X X

Conditional Access Based on the device’s X X

operating system, location,
application used or status

Based on risks X

Identity Protection X

Privileged Identity X

The different Azure AD versions and their features are presented in more detail on the Azure AD
service pricing page12. Features of the different MFA versions are presented on a separate page13.


2.3 Email protection methods

Email can be protected by various technical means. Different methods are also available for the pre-
Messaging between email servers can be encrypted vention of junk mail. The methods presented in the
using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. following table help to prevent emails sent from the
As TLS is based on certificates, it is also possible to Office 365 environment being labelled as junk mail.
verify the identity of the other party. These methods have no impact on incoming emails,
as the sending party always defines settings.


What does it Sender Policy Framework DomainKeys Identified Email Domain-Based Message Authentication,
mean? Reporting, and Conformance

What is it? A system which determines An email authentication system An email authentication system which
and verifies who can send based on asymmetrical encryp- helps to define what to do if a message
email from a specific domain. tion keys. does not pass the SPF or DKIM check.

How does it The receiving party checks The sending party signs the email The receiving party carries out the
work? whether the sending party and/or subject. The receiving SPF and DKIM checks. If the check
has the right to send an email party checks the signature and fails, the receiving party will check the
using the specific domain. ensures that no data has been sending party’s DMARC policy and
changed. A public key is released decide what to do: reject the message,
This information is saved in in the TXT record of the specific place it in quarantine or send it normally;
the TXT record of the specifid domain’s DNS. additionally a report to the sender
domain’s DNS server. organisation can be sent.

Why is this It reduces the likelihood of It significantly reduces the It helps the receiving organisation to
important? labelling outgoing messages likelihood of labelling outgoing decide what to do with messages that
as junk mail. messages as junk mail. do not pass the checks. It also acts as
a feedback channel for the sender.

2.4 Sharing data in different services

In Office 365, files can be shared outside the or- • Each team runs on top of Office 365 Groups and
ganisation to enable and make collaboration more the Sharepoint document library.
Sharing takes place, above all, in SharePoint More information about the external users and
document libraries directly using SharePoint features, their access to documents in Teams15 is available
Teams, or OneDrive for Business. through the link in the footnote.
External users’ access to the organisation’s docu- To monitor the use of data stored in Office 365
ments can also be defined as follows: and of other cloud services and for protecting data,
• Azure AD. A basic identity and authentication Microsoft offers a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
service. solution called Cloud App Security16. It helps to:
• SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. • monitor the cloud services used by the organisation
OneDrive for Business also technically runs on and associated risks
SharePoint document libraries. • protect data by monitoring and controlling the
• Office 365 Groups. These groups can be used for use of cloud services
permissions and group messaging. • identify any irregular activities and information


security breaches, and react to them automati- The service is available in two versions17: Office
cally; this can, for example, be done after success- 365 Cloud App Security and Microsoft Cloud App
ful phishing when files are sent to external users Security. The former is included in Office 365 E5, and
in a cloud service using stolen credentials. the latter in EMS E5.

2.5 Information security architecture

The information security architecture of Azure AD differences between Active Directory Domain Service
differs significantly from that of the conventional integrated with the Windows Server operating system
Active Directory. The following table presents some and Azure AD.

Active Directory (Domain Services) Azure Active Directory

Purpose An online on-premises operating system for Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Windows computers

Certification Kerberos and NTLM OpenID Connect Security Assertion Markup

Language (SAML), WS-Federation, ADAL

Authorisation Operating system services OAuth2

Retrieval of data LDAP REST API over HTTP or HTTPS

Management limits Forest, tree, domain Tenant

Access Mainly from the internal network; certain func- From anywhere
tions (e.g. certification) also available from an
external network via other services

Integration between Difficult Easy


Azure Active Directory Domain Services18 is available as a Microsoft identity service. It is a smaller version of conventional AD. Its main purpose is to offer
AD services (authentication, retrieval and group policy) for services running on virtual servers migrated to Azure.

2.5.1 Azure AD access control model Azure AD uses security groups familiar from
Active Directory. These groups can, for example, be
Azure AD uses role-based access control (RBAC). used for authorization in SharePoint Online. Unlike
There are many different roles, with Global adminis- Active Directory, RBAC roles cannot be assigned to
trator having the most extensive rights. Only users groups in Azure AD. If Azure AD is integrated with
with this role have the right to assign administrator Active Directory, groups can be controlled in Active
rights to other users and add new domains, for exam- Directory.
ple. Users have the most limited rights. This role is When the security features of Azure AD are used,
automatically assigned to all users of Azure AD. User access in emergency situations must be ensured.
administrator role is sufficient for daily user manage- Microsoft has prepared a guide19 on how to prepare
ment such as licence management and password for different disruptive scenarios.


2.6 Microsoft Secure Score

Microsoft Office 365 Secure Score20 was

released in 2018. It provides administra-
tors with an analysis of the current status
of Office 365 information security and
recommendations for actions to improve
the status. These recommendations in-
clude descriptions of the threats against
which the recommended actions provide
protection. The impact of these actions
on users and the complexity of deploy-
ment are also described.

Identity Secure Score became available in 2018. It can be

used as part of the Azure AD management portal.

In January 2019, Microsoft released new Microsoft 365

Security Center and Compliance Center portals21. They are
available in Microsoft 365 E3 and E5 subscriptions. In the
Security Center portal, Secure Score has been divided into
separate sections. For example, the tool includes forensics
features. Security Center portal aggregates information from
different sources.


3 Protection measures

Technical debt may have accumulated in the services Cloud services are updated as frequently as once
of organisations over the years, as the environments a week. As such, it is difficult for administrators and
have not been kept up-to-date. A good example is the service desks to keep up.
Windows 7 operating system, which is still widely used. When these two realities meet, the result may be
At the time it was designed, modern threats were not a complicated deployment project.
present and thus were not taken in to account.

3.1 Securing identities

Securing identities is the most important security There are many ways to prevent passwords from
area. Because services located in any cloud can be being cracked by guesswork or brute force. Microsoft
used on different devices from any location, conven- has released recommendations on what to do to pre-
tional protection is no longer enough. vent passwords from being guessed or cracked24.
If federated authentication is used, Extranet Lock-
3.1.1 Customise login pages to match your out25 should be enabled. This feature became avail-
organisation’s look able in the Windows Server 2012 R2 version, and it
has been developed further in later operating systems
Office 365 login pages can be customised according (Windows Server 2016 and 2019).
to the look of each organisation22. This helps users
familiarise themselves with the organisation’s look 3.1.3 Secure Active Directory
and makes phishing more difficult when using fake
login pages. In an environment synchronized with Azure AD, in
However, users cannot fully rely on the appear- particular, the management of local Active Directory is
ance of a page. After all, cybercriminals may have also important.
made a completely identical fake page. In this case Active Directory was released in 2000 as integrat-
as well, the fake page can be identified based on the ed with Windows Server 2000. Over the last 20 years,
URL and certificate. a broad range of recommended practises have been
defined for its maintenance and protection. In addi-
3.1.2 Protect passwords tion, the service has developed little in its most recent
versions, as Microsoft allocated its development
It is important to ensure that passwords are sufficient- resources to cloud services such as Azure AD.
ly complicated and long. This helps to reduce the
likelihood of guessing passwords. However, complexi- Information security features in Active Directory
ty does not help if a user enters their strong password include:
on a fake phishing site. The prevention of commonly • management and governance
used passwords is now possible in Azure AD and in • management of user credentials and groups
the on-premises Active Directory23. Limiting pass- • central management of settings using Group Policy
words in on-premises environments using this feature • monitoring
requires Azure AD Premium licences. • logs and alarms.


Defining thousands of Group Policy settings manually 3.1.4 Modern authentication is a requirement for
would be difficult. This is why Microsoft has released secure two-factor authentication
Security Baseline documents, which define these set-
tings at specific information security levels. The most Modern authentication28 is an umbrella term, cov-
recent of these tools is called Security Compliance ering combinations of different authentication and
Toolkit (SCT)26. authorisation methods. For instance, two-factor
Requirements related to passwords are also authentication (2FA), or multi-factor authentication
controlled using the Group Policy feature. In Azure (MFA), requires the use of modern authentication.
AD, a password must consist of 8–16 characters and, Modern authentication is enabled in all Office
as a complexity requirement, it must include at least 365 tenants generated after 1 July 2017. Configuration
three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase must be done individually for different services using
letters, numbers and special characters. In May 2019, PowerShell:
the maximum length of passwords was increased to • Exchange Online29
256 characters. However, if the local AD is integrated • SharePoint Online30
with Azure AD, the on-premises password policies are • Skype for Business Online31.
applied instead. In other words, in the worst case, it is In hybrid environments, modern authentication
possible that Azure AD has one-character passwords must also be activated in the local Exchange32 and
for synchronised users. Skype for Business33 environment. Federated envi-
Additionally, audit logs are usually defined cen- ronments involve more deployment stages.
trally using the Group Policy feature. This document
does not discuss any individual logs or their settings.
With regard to phishing, auditing logs of login events
must be ensured. Logs of individual computers and
especially servers must be saved in a central location.
This can be done using the Windows Event For-
warding feature of the Windows operating system27.
Consolidated logs can be forwarded to SIEM systems,
where events can be analysed more closely and
alarms can be defined.


3.1.5 Block legacy methods not supporting authentication may have been forced in federated
two-factor authentication environments using rules defined in AD FS34. In the
autumn of 2018, it became possible to prevent basic
Conventional email protocols such as POP, IMAP, authentication in the Exchange service using authen-
SMTP and ActiveSync do not support modern au- tication policies that can be assigned even to individ-
thentication. If two-factor authentication is used, the ual users35.
username and password combination can still be In Azure AD, it has been possible to prevent the
used through these protocols. The use of these pro- use of applications that do not support modern au-
tocols must be blocked, and the Office client software thentication (including Exchange) since the summer
or other applications that support modern authen- of 201836 using conditional access rules. In the figure
tication must be used on computers and mobile below, the “Client apps” condition has been defined
devices. to prevent the use of applications that do not support
The Exchange service plays the most import- modern authentication.
ant role in preventing phishing. The use of modern

Options to enforce modern authentication are present-

ed in the following table.

Implementation Advantages Challenges


AD FS rules Operating system service. Only available in federated environments.

The service prevents the use of unsafe More complicated rule definition
protocols and authentication from outside (separate “programming language”).
the internal network.

Settings at service level Can be set for individual users. If not a default policy, must be activated
(Exchange Online) individually for each user.

Conditional access Easy to implement. Requires an Azure AD Premium subscription.


3.1.6 Modern authentication support in applications depending on the Office version used. Office 2016
supports modern authentication by default. In Office
Modern authentication requires support and possibly 2013, it must be activated separately37.
actions in the applications used. The use of modern authentication can also be
All Office 365 services support modern authen- checked on the workstation application. Outlook
tication. When using services with the browser, and Skype for Business are presented here. The user
modern authentication is the only available authenti- has clicked on the application icon in the system
cation method. However, other client software, such tray while holding the Ctrl key and selected Connec-
as email (Outlook) and instant messaging (Skype tion Status (Outlook) and Configuration Information
for Business), may require actions on workstations, (Skype for Business).

In Apple iOS, support for modern authentication was applications do not support modern authentication.
included in version 11. However, it has minor defi- This support is available in certain third-party client
ciencies that were fixed in version 12. Apple macOS apps such as Nine, released by 9Folders38. Microsoft’s
10.14 was the first version which included support client applications, such as Outlook for Android, sup-
for modern authentication. In Android, native email port modern authentication.


3.1.7 Implement two-factor authentication Azure AD Identity Protection includes a forced regis-
tration feature. If Identity Protection is not available,
Ensure that you have implemented modern authen- the MFA status of users can be monitored using the
tication as described above, so that there are no MFA portal or PowerShell42.
backdoors for two-factor authentication, i.e. it is truly Two-factor authentication also presents addition-
secure. al steps for administrators using PowerShell. Depend-
Two-factor authentication can be enabled sepa- ing on the service, the PowerShell module used may
rately for each user or by using conditional access. Of need to be replaced, or a connection with a cloud
these, the user-specific assignment became available service may need to be established in a manner that
first, and it can be activated without any Azure AD differs from the previously used username and pass-
Premium licences. It is also possible to define that, word combination.
after a successful authentication, no additional au-
thentication is carried out in the following 1–60 days. 3.1.8 Start using conditional access
However, this is not recommended. If a device is sto-
len, it could be used for access without any two-factor Conditional access should be implemented by cre-
authentication. ating several policies. At first, this feature should be
Using Azure MFA, it is possible to define desired tested with a small group of users. Microsoft has re-
IPv4 address subnets in which two-factor authenti- leased instructions for the use of conditional access43.
cation is skipped. If federated identity and AD FS are
used, this can also be done using AD FS rules. Example policies suitable for testing and smaller envi-
If a more complicated solution is needed for ronments are presented below:
an on-premises environment, MFA Server39 can be 1. Require MFA from administrators, apart from
installed on the on-premises server. This also allows “break glass” administrators44.
two-factor authentication to be activated in services 2. Require MFA when using unauthenticated
other than those integrated with Azure AD. These devices.
services include Remote Desktop, local IIS web apps 3. Prevent legacy authentication for all users.
and applications that use AD FS for login. 4. Prevent ActiveSync for all users.
Users need to define settings for two-factor au-
thentication40. This can be done in the Access Panel Appendix 1 presents broader example policies
portal https://myapps.microsoft.com or directly suitable for a test environment. More detailed instruc-
https://aka.ms/mfasetup. Designed to provide tions are available for defining similar policies45.
a smoother user experience, a converged site for
self-service portal for passwords and MFA settings 3.1.9 Secure on-premises AD authentication
was being tested in February 2019 when this docu-
ment was being written41. This site needs to be config- Azure AD comes with versatile security features
ured in tenant settings. that Microsoft’s large size enables it to offer. Simi-
Users who have not yet registered 2FA/MFA with lar resources may not be available in on-premises
specific methods present a challenge to the process. environments, and operating systems do not include
A successful phisher may be able to register their own advanced built-in features for detecting attacks.
MFA method instead of the real user. As stated above, Microsoft released Advanced Threat Analytics

https://aka.ms/breakglass; ’break glass’ is an analogy to an emergency button covered by glass, in other words, credentials used for exceptional situations
only that can be used without MFA and conditional access

(ATA)46 in the summer of 2015. It helps to monitor 3.1.11 Challenges in security implementation
traffic on on-premises AD domain controller servers
to detect any abnormal behaviour of identities and Federation in Azure AD has been implemented using
any attempts to exploit many different vulnerabilities. standard WS-FED and SAML protocols. An informa-
Traffic monitoring can be carried out by means of port tion security vulnerability49 has been discovered in
mirroring or by installing the ATA Lightweight Gate- federation implementation in Azure AD. It allows
way app on specific domain controller servers. This global administrators to log in as any organisational
feature is included in the EMS E3 licence. user without password, also allowing MFA to be by-
Azure Advanced Threat Protection (Azure ATP)47 passed. As Microsoft considers this vulnerability as a
is the cloud version of ATA, in which local ATA servers feature, it will probably not be fixed. Thus, the number
do not need to be installed. Instead, the Azure ATP of Global administrators must be minimised, and the
Sensor app is installed on domain controller servers. actions of administrators related to this vulnerability
This feature became available in March 2018 and is must be audited.
included in the EMS E5 licence. Two-factor authentication also presents other
challenges. In larger organisations especially, the
3.1.10 Take care of users with administrator roles number of IP subnetworks and their maintenance in
MFA settings may be challenging. Country-specific
It has been best practise that separate administrator restrictions can be bypassed using different VPN
credentials be set up in AD for management. Howev- solutions. This means that two-factor authentication
er, these credentials continuously include all group can be circumvented in real time, at least in theory.
memberships, which means these credentials are like
hidden gems – to which attackers try to gain access.
This can effectively be prevented in Azure AD
using the Privileged Identity Management feature.
Microsoft recommends that there should only be
two permanent Global administrators and no more
than five in larger organisations. Conditional access
and two-factor authentication should be disabled
from these accounts (i.e. break-class accounts) so
that they can log in, even if there are problems with
Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) 2016 offers
similar features in on-premises environments. This
solution is called Privileged Access Management for
Active Directory Domain Services48. Its deployment
and maintenance require considerable resources.
Information security can be improved further by
limiting administrative access to Privileged Access
Workstations (PAW).


3.2 Securing email

3.2.1 Secure email routing

Exchange Online allows emails to be protect-

ed, for example, using connectors50 between
Exchange online and on-premise email server
or email servers of trusted partners.
Email traffic between partners must always
be encrypted using TLS, and the other party
must be authenticated using certificates. It is
recommended that the certificate includes
a character set identified by the other party,
such as the name of the company or the email
domain. If the IP addresses of the other party’s
email servers are known, incoming mail can
only be permitted from these addresses.
Permitted addresses defined by the sender
can be identified from the SPF record using
the following Windows command: nslookup
-q=TXT partner.fi.

A phishing email may be sent from out-

side the organisation so that a fake address
from the organisation has been defined as the
sender. This route can be blocked using SPF.
First, the SPF record must be set correctly in
DNS. Next, “SPF Record: hard fail” must be
activated in the spam settings of Exchange
Online (Exchange admin center => protection
=> spam filter). This defines that emails sent in
the organisation’s name can only be received
from the permitted sources listed in the SPF


3.2.2 Securing users against malware and junk mail ATP Safe Links is another useful feature in Office
365. It replaces any suspicious links with an error page
Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (Office 365 indicating that the link may include malware or lead to
ATP)51 protects users against malware, junk mail and a phishing page.
phishing. ATP Antiphishing checks whether incoming mes-
ATP Safe Attachments feature offers protection sages include phishing or impersonation attempts.
against zero-day attacks. Message attachments It also uses different machine learning methods to
that pass checks of known malware and viruses are analyse messages.
forwarded to a separate check environment. There, Office 365 ATP is included in Office 365 Enterprise
attachments are checked by means of machine learn- E5, Office 365 Education A5 and Microsoft 365 Busi-
ing to detect any unknown threats. If a file appears to ness.
have any malicious content, it will be deleted. Other- Antiphishing is also available without ATP, but as a
wise, the message and its attachment will be forward- smaller version. Incoming messages are checked in the
ed to the user’s inbox. event of spoofing but not in impersonation attempts.

3.3 Logging and integration into SIEM systems

Different Office 365 services save user events in logs.

Azure AD version and retention period (days)
The most important logs are those gathered by Azure
AD and the Office 365 audit log. The Office 365 audit
Log Basic Azure AD Azure AD
log must be activated separately52, while other logs PI P2
are enabled automatically, depending on the Azure
Audit log 7 30 30
AD version. The following table lists different logs and
their data retention periods (which are very limited).
The audit log collects data about actions taken by Login
activity - 30 30
administrators, such as the creation of new users and
resetting passwords.
Sign-in log includes data about user logins. This is Use 30 30 30

only available in Azure AD Premium subscriptions.

Office 365 audit log collects data about actions Risky
taken by administrators and users. It collects data users 7 30 30

from all services, including Azure AD audit and login

activity logs. It has longer retention periods than Risky
logins 7 30 30
other logs.
Delay of Azure AD logs, i.e. how quickly events
appear in the logs, is approximately 15 minutes. In the Office 365
audit log 90 365 365
Office 365 audit log, the delay is mainly 30 minutes,
except in the case of Azure AD logs, which have a
delay of 24 hours.
Log monitoring helps to identify phishing at-
tempts when they occur. In practice, real-time mon-
itoring requires the Azure AD Premium subscription,
as the Office 365 audit log’s delay is 24 hours.
It is recommended that the logs are transferred to
an external system in which they can be stored lon-


ger and analysed if necessary. Microsoft Azure offers 3.5 Control and secure end user devices
such services.
Azure Monitor is a combination of monitoring, Office 365 services are used on many different types
analysis and automated responses in cloud and of devices that can be owned by the user (bring your
on-premises environments. Audit and login activity own device, BYOD) or the organisation.
logs can be transferred from Azure Monitor to Log An- Information security on devices is an integral part
alytics for further analysis and visualisation. They can of system-wide information security. For example, if
be stored in Azure (Storage Account) so that 1–365 malware that monitors the user’s actions is installed
days or an unlimited period can be set as the reten- on a device, or its operating system is replaced by an
tion period. Storage costs must be taken into account unofficial version, the use of Office 365 services by all
especially in larger environments with a high number users on that specified device is at risk.
of login activities and, therefore, log events. There are various options for the management of
Logs can also be transferred to Azure Event Hub, devices and their applications, such as:
from where they can be sent to the security informa- • Office 365 Mobile Device Management59: smaller
tion and event management (SIEM) systems of other mobile device management (MDM) than in In-
manufacturers. For example, Sumologic53, Splunk54, tune, not including mobile application manage-
IBM QRadar55 and Micro Focus ArcSight56 are SIEM ment (MAM), app distribution, profile manage-
systems that can be integrated with Azure. ment or PC and MacOS management
The use of Azure Monitor services requires a • Microsoft Intune (with MDM and MAM)
separate Azure subscription, which is not included in • Solutions of other MDM manufacturers, such
Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscriptions. as Citrix Endpoint Management (former Xen
Mobile), MobileIron Unified Endpoint Manage-
ment, IBM MaaS360 and VMware Workspace
ONE (former AirWatch).
3.4 Monitoring Of the solutions presented above, Microsoft’s
solutions integrate most tightly with Azure AD, and
Office 365 and Azure both include various manage- they allow devices to be registered in Azure AD. The
ment portals which in turn include many different compliance of devices with requirements can there-
reports. Microsoft has realised the challenge present- fore be saved in device object settings. This data can,
ed by multiple portals, and it has started to integrate for example, be used in conditional access policies so
them. At the Ignite conference held in the autumn of that it can be required that devices on which specific
2018, new service management portals were demon- services are used comply with requirements.
strated such as Microsoft 365 admin center https:// For decades, Windows workstations have been
admin.microsoft.com, which was still at the pre-ver- controlled by group policy settings defined in AD.
sion stage when this document was being written in Over the years, Microsoft’s System Center Configu-
February 2019. ration Manager (SCCM) has become a widely used
PowerBI is a rapidly expanding analysis and system for application management and inventory,
reporting tool for different services. In February 2019, particularly in larger environments.
Microsoft released a method of using it for reporting However, Windows 10 and consumerisation
alarms generated in different services . It can also are changing this. In recent years, Microsoft has
be used to analyse login logs using the Azure Active developed the AutoPilotTM service, which is similar
Directory Power BI content pack58. to Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP). With


autopilot, Windows 10 workstations can be adapted • If the message asks the user to act immediately
to meet the organisation’s needs without conven- and includes a threat of loss of income, it may
tional customised installation package. Workstation be a scam.
settings can be controlled using MDM solutions, such • If the linguistic content seems artificial, the
as Microsoft’s Intune. message is probably fake.
Windows 10 devices can currently be connected • A message may appear real because it was
with Azure AD in following different ways: sent from the email address of a director or a
• Azure AD Registered: devices owned by employ- colleague. However, it was sent by an attacker,
ees are registered in Azure AD and possibly in the meaning that the request presented in the
organisation’s MDM system message is a scam.
• Azure AD Joined: devices owned by the organisa- • How can a real login screen be distinguished
tion are only connected with Azure AD from a fake one?
• Azure AD Hybrid Joined: devices are connected • If you receive a scam message and you do not
with both the on-premises AD and Azure AD. fall for it, it must be deleted. It does not need
If a federated identity and AD FS are used, rules to be reported separately.
can be defined to limit the use of Office 365 • If you accidentally enter your password on a
on the organisation’s devices only. page that you know or suspect is a phishing
page, immediately report the situation following
your organisation’s instructions.
Considering the importance, and also narrow
3.6 Provide users and administrators with scope of phishing, it would be useful to test or other-
proper training wise identify the level of knowledge of each user.
The content of training must be adapted when
User training is very important, as users are often the technologies and situations change.
weakest links in information security. On the other In addition to training, users can also be tested,
hand, organisations of a thousand people can never which is also part of their training. An organisation’s
achieve a situation where people make no mistakes data management sends phishing messages to users.
when phishing attempts are made. However, if users If users click on the link, they will be forwarded to a
have better skills and a higher level of awareness, page which offers information about phishing.
attacks have lower chance to succeed. Office 365 includes Attack Simulator, a feature for
Each Office 365 user should know how to safe- simulating attacks. Similar simulations and training
guard their password and identify fake messages, and can also be purchased as a service from third parties.
what to do if they are targeted by a phishing attempt, The skills of administrators and their understand-
or if such an attempt has succeeded. ing of the most recent threats must also be ensured.
Training can, for example, include the following: Microsoft has been changing its certification program
• What makes a good password – the longer the since the autumn of 2018. Securing the Microsoft 365
better. environment and developing the level of information
• Attackers usually approach users via email, but security are covered, for example, in the following
they can also use calls and text messages. new role-based certifications and related training:
• If the linguistic content of a message is poor, it is • Microsoft 365 Certified: Security Administrator
probably a fake message. Associate60
• If the visible part of the hyperlink differs from the • Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator
link in the background, the message is probably Expert61.
• If the target URL of the hyperlink is numerical, the
message is probably fake.
• If the target URL of the hyperlink resembles a
respectable company, the message is probably
fake. Example: not www.gigantti.fi but

3.7 Use checklists 3.8 Password-less sign-in

Due to the general nature of phishing attempts, As stated many times in this document, the main
there are many checklists available to mitigate them. goal of phishing is to steal user credentials (i.e.
Microsoft has released a series of blog articles usernames and passwords) and to misuse them in
https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/cloudready/ one way or another. Users can also be authenticated
2018/07/31/introduction-email-phishing-protection- without any passwords.
guide-enhancing-your-organizations-security- For example, in its services, Microsoft has pre-
posture/. Not all its detailed articles are fully up to sented Windows 10 Hello for Business62, in which
date, but their instructions can be applied with the users are authenticated by entering a PIN code or by
data sources listed in this document. biometric means.
The description of the deployment stages for the Using AD FS, Azure MFA can be defined as the
Microsoft 365 identity infrastructure https://docs. primary authentication method in federated envi-
microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/enterprise/ ronments63. The minimum requirement is Windows
identity-infrastructure presents how a hybrid identity Server 2016 AD FS.
and its most important features can be implemented. Users can also log in without any password using
The Secure Score portals described above in this the Microsoft Authenticator mobile app64. This pro-
document include lists of features, many of which vides users with a number sequence, and users need
help to reduce the success of phishing. to tap a corresponding part of their phone screen to
approve the login.
Some sectors and organisations also use smart
cards. In this case, users may not even know their
password, and they log in using their smart card and
its PIN code.


Phishing threats and their mitigation
SaaS Authentication and authorisation
( identity)
Office 365 version AAD version
Threat Business E3 E5 Basic ja Office AAD P1 AAD P2
Phishing message to a user

Anti-spoofing, fake messages TLS used

with certain
partners ‹ ‹
Ensured security of links › › Safe links

Unauthorised access to identification data

Cracking passwords (brute force) Protecting


Extranet lockout
if federated ‹ ‹
is used

Easily distinguished login pages

login pages ‹ ‹

Insufficient username and password pair
(MFA for Office Two-factor +
365) authentication Identity Protection,
(Azure MFA), forced MFA
If federated conditional registration
authentication access
is used, AD FS
conditional access
MFA bypass

Use of legacy protocols Basic

Basic authentica- authentication Forced modern

‹ ‹ ‹
tion prevented in prevented in authentication
Exchange Exchange (in Office using conditional
365, not as an AAD access
function), or

Real-time MFA phishing (e.g. phishing confirmation text messages)

Data leak – email


Prevented mail forwarding rules forwarding

prevented in
default remote +
domain Data Loss
configurations, Prevention (DLP)
transport rules
Prevented inbox rules

Outgoing junk mail Throttling

transmitted mail

settings, e.g.
‹ ‹

Data leak from other services

Single sign-on used to log in to other systems Monitoring -

s ‹
Unauthorised sharing of documents from SaaS Office 365 Cloud
App Security

› › Microsoft Cloud
App Security
available with the
EMS licence
Other misuse of credentials

Lateral movement › ATA Azure ATP

Making use of protocol weaknesses › ATA Azure ATP

Privileged Identity
Misuse of administrator credentials Management

Explanations: › Can be implemented by acquiring a more expensive licence

from the right-hand bar
‹ Can be implemented as defined on the left

Threat irrelevant in this context or protection impossible

Observations and forensics
SaaS Authentication and authorisation
( identity)
Office 365 version* AAD version
Threat Business E3 E5 Basic ja Office AAD P1 AAD P2
Cracking passwords (brute force or spray attack)
– on-premises
event logs ‹ ‹

Cracking passwords (brute force or spray attack) – AAD login activity

‹ ‹
Attempts to misuse credentials – on-premises monitoring
event logs

‹ ‹
Attempts to misuse credentials – AAD login activity
Investigating any messages read

Investigating searches made in inbox content Investigation of

‹ ‹
Identifying mail forwarding rules Investigation of
Investigating inbox ‹ ‹

Identifying inbox rules Investigation of

Investigating inbox ‹ ‹
Identifying emails sent from a hacked account Investigation of
logs ‹ ‹
Investigating searches made in inbox content
› Sign-in logs ‹
Preventive monitoring

› ‹
Identifying the misuse of credentials Azure Active
Directory risk

› ‹
Identifying successful phishing Azure Active
Directory risk

Explanations: › Can be implemented by acquiring a more expensive licence

from the right-hand bar
‹ Can be implemented as defined on the left

Threat irrelevant in this context or protection impossible

The table summarises threats and attacks related to Office 365 phishing and data breaches, as well as protection and observation methods available at licence levels
commonly used in Finland. The table is not an exhaustive service description, but it offers help in identifying available means within the scope of current licences.

4 What to do in the event of an attack

Each organisation’s information security instruction This can be done in the Office 365 management
should include internal operating instructions, i.e. portal. First, open properties of the hacked user and
a description of their security incident process. The consequently OneDrive settings. These include the
instructions presented in this document should be functionality shown in the adjacent image.
added to organisation-specific instructions where

A brief checklist of what to do in the event of an

attack is given below:
 1. Identify the targeted victims and accounts, and
prevent any further damage (take over the attac-
ked user accounts, lock the attackers out and
take direct action to mitigate any damage).
2. Communicate the situation internally to minimise Click on the Initiate link to prevent any connec-
any further damage. tions associated with the specific credentials for the
3. Prepare an initial assessment of the attack and next 15 minutes on all devices. To prevent the attack-
the scope of damage as far as possible. er immediately signing in again, new logins must also
4. Communicate the situation externally to prevent be blocked. In the “Sign-in status” section in user
the damage from spreading (preliminary contact data, you block user as shown in the adjacent image.
with the authorities).
5. Investigate the chain of events from logs.
What happened and when? Who did what?
6. Clean any contaminated files and data. Archive
log files for later use.
7. Report any new information to the authorities. Once the changes have been saved, a pop-in
8. Ensure long-term protection against similar window will request you to change the password, and
attacks. you should do so as quickly as possible.
If the targeted user was synchronised from the
local AD directory and the password was changed
4.1 Blocking logged-in attacker there, its transfer to the Azure AD cloud can be
checked by using the Get-MsolUser command in
If it is known or suspected that specific credentials PowerShell and checking the LastDir-SyncTime and
have fallen into the wrong hands and may be used by LastPasswordChangeTimestamp dates from the
an attacker, the access of these credentials to dif- results.
ferent Office 365 services can be blocked. However, In addition, the following two PowerShell com-
these services may cache older data to make regular mands can be used to sign out connections:
use smoother. This means that attackers may be able • Revoke-SPOUserSession is a SharePoint Online
to use these credentials even after passwords have command which signs out the targeted user’s
been changed. As a result, it is necessary to sign out SharePoint connections.
currently used connections. • Revoke-AzureADUserAllRefreshToken is an
Azure AD command which signs out the targeted
user’s connections with all applications that use
Azure AD.
Finally, check whether the targeted user’s inbox in-
cludes any delegates. If the user’s password has fallen
into wrong hands, it can also be used to gain access
to the inbox.

4.2 Prevention/forensics/investigation Office 365 audit logs help to identify any unau-
thorised logins and the IP addresses of the attackers,
The first step after an attack is to raise the level of and to reveal at least some of the unauthorised ac-
information security regarding the entire tenant by tions taken in the system. Without any log data, it is
forcing two-factor authentication for all users. nearly impossible to identify compromised data and
If Azure AD Premium of AD FS is used, any use from prove that a data breach has taken place.
outside the organisation and unauthenticated devic- Where prevention is concerned, it is recommend-
es should also be prevented. These actions effec- ed that customers check whether they are saving log
tively stop an attack in progress while allowing the data, where this log data is available and how far back
organisation to continue its operations. the logs go.
Next, the victims of the attack need to be identi- In the event of a data breach, we recommend
fied. This can be done using the following data sourc- reporting the offence to the police (or sending a Net
es and methods. tip) as quickly as possible so that log data is available
Once the victims have been identified, sending over a sufficient period.
email from their email accounts to recipients must be
prevented using the rules. This prevents new phish-
ing messages and junk mail spreading and reaching 4.3 Contacting NCSC-FI
new victims. If Exchange Plan 2 is used, the inboxes
of the victims should immediately be placed in legal NCSC-FI is interested in receiving information about
hold to ensure that no evidence is lost. all phishing messages and data breaches involving
Office 365. We use this information to build nationwide
situation awareness and, for example, to send discon-
Data source/method What is investigated?
nection requests regarding phishing sites.
You can report this information to NCSC-FI via
Audit log Are there any irregular
events, such as created email [email protected] or by using the information secu-
domains or changes in rity breach form on the website: https://www.kyber-
their authentication
methods? turvallisuuskeskus.fi/en/report

Have any changes been

made to logging?
4.4 Contacting the police
Login activity Are there any irregular
login dates and locations?
Hacking user accounts and using them without prop-
er authorisation can be regarded as a data breach.
Office 365 audit log Have email rules been
created? Attackers may They may also be regarded as other offences. This will
add a mail forwarding rule be specified during investigations by the police. An
to their inbox in order to
monitor specific messages. offence can be reported by calling or visiting the local
police department or online at https://www.poliisi.fi/
After the security has been hardened, all available If phishing was not successful, or if the organisation
logs need to be collected to maintain and analyse does not want to report the offence for some reason, a
evidence. Net tip should still be sent to the police. All information
about the chain of events and attackers can help to
National Bureau of Investigation has pointed out investigate other attacks or to build an overview of
that difficulties in obtaining information is a challenge larger criminal activities. A Net tip can be sent at
when investigating Office 365 data breaches. It is https://www.poliisi.fi/nettip
therefore vital to save log data in Office 365 service.

4.5 Notifying the Office of the Data Protection loaded (e.g. Office 365 Exchange logs)?
Ombudsman 6. Were any OneDrive or SharePoint services used
in the account?
Nearly all Office 365 data breaches targeting organi- 7. Did the emails or OneDrive or SharePoint
sations also concern personal data. services include any personal data?
Data breaches targeting personal data must be 8. If they did, how many people did this personal
reported to the Office of the Data Protection Om- data concern and what personal data categories
budsman and to the persons targeted by the breach were represented (e.g. name, personal identity
if the breach presents a high risk to data subjects. code, email address, regular address)?
After reporting data breaches to the Office of the 9. Has implementing MFA been considered?
Data Protection Ombudsman, data controllers can 10. Regarding leaked credentials, the Azure AD
obtain information and guidance regarding the pro- Sign-in log over the attack period must be sent to
tection of personal data. This notification also helps the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman as
the managers of the organisation to build situation a CSV file.
awareness. If required, the Data Protection Ombuds-
man can order the organisation to fulfil its obligations
set out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation 4.6 Financial administration controls
Hacked accounts have been used, for example, to
Following the notification, the process proceeds as create and/or send fake invoices. The targeted com-
follows with regard to Office 365 data breaches: pany must identify this threat in their invoicing pro-
1. It is ensured that the attack is no longer active. cesses, and when adding and editing account details.
2. The scope of the attack regarding personal data is NCSC-FI has received information about several
identified. cases where, after hacking email accounts, attackers
3. The number and quality of leaked personal data intervened in email messages sent between organ-
are identified. isations using the aforementioned forwarding rules
4. The extent to which the breach presents a high and mail archiving, or edited existing invoices and
risk to data subjects is assessed. account details. As a result, a valid invoice may have
5. If required, the Data Protection Ombudsman can been sent to a customer or partner but, as attackers
order the organisation to fulfil its obligations set have edited invoice or account details, funds are sent
out in the EU General Data Protection Regulation. to an incorrect bank account. Concerning fake invoic-
6. Documentation and additional instructions as es, this problem applies particularly to PDF invoices.
necessary. Normally the following additional No attacks have been targeted at electronic invoices
information is requested regarding Office 365 thus far.
attacks. This information also acts as documen- Organisations therefore need to internally define
tation related to the data breach. Further log data how invoice details are checked, how they send their
will also be requested as necessary. invoices to their customers and how they verify any
changes in the account details of their customers and
Additional information about Office 365 data partners.
1. Is the environment Office 365 or OWA?
2. Has it been verified that no unauthorised 4.7 Communication with stakeholders
forwarding rules have been added to accounts?
3. If they have, what are the addresses defined in As there is nothing out of the ordinary about being
these rules? targeted by data breaches and misuse, organisations
4. Has it been verified that no unauthorised entry in should plan communication templates and policies
these accounts has taken place during this time for different scenarios. In certain cases, a particular
(e.g. Azure AD sign-in log)? case may attract media attention and be made pub-
5. If any unauthorised entry has taken place, has it lic. It is therefore useful to prepare a plan for these
been verified that no emails have been down- situations before anything happens.

If junk mail or phishing messages have been sent
from the targeted user’s email account, they will prob-
ably accumulate notifications and comments from
recipients and their organisations. It is also possible
that these will create victims in other organisations.
It is therefore recommended to communicate proac-
tively after a breach has been identified.
Special attention should be paid to internal com-
munication. In very many cases, malicious messages
have been sent from the account of the first victim to
other members of the same organisation, so that the
attacker captures a larger number of user accounts
from a single organisation. The situation should
therefore be communicated internally as quickly as
possible and at a low threshold to minimise damage.

For further information, please contact:

Personal data breaches:
Data breach notification:

Appendix 1. Example of conditional access policies
The example includes two groups: sg_CA Excluded Cloud and sg_CA Excluded On-prem, whose
members include the usernames and service IDs excluded from conditional access.

Name Users and Groups Assignments Access controls

Include Exclude Device Client Apps Block Grant

Platforms access access

Allow modern All sg_CA Excluded Android Mobile apps and Require device to be
authn from Employees Cloud iOS desktop clients marked as compliant
AADHJ or sg_CA Excluded Windows > Modern authn OR
compliant On-prem macOS clients Require Hybrid AD
devices - Clients joined device

Allow modern All sg_CA Excluded Android Browser Require device to be

authn from Employees Cloud iOS marked as compliant
AADHJ or sg_CA Excluded Windows OR
compliant On-prem macOS Require Hybrid AD
devices - Browser joined device

Require MFA for Admin sg_CA Excluded Android Mobile apps and Require multi-factor
admins - groups Cloud iOS desktop clients authentication
Clients sg_CA Excluded Windows > Modern authn
On-prem macOS clients

Require MFA for Admin sg_CA Excluded Android Browser Require multi-factor
admins - groups Cloud iOS authentication
Browser sg_CA Excluded Windows
On-prem macOS

Require MFA for All guest sg_CA Excluded Android Mobile apps and Require multi-factor
Guests - users Cloud iOS desktop clients authentication
Clients sg_CA Excluded Windows > Modern authn
On-prem macOS clients

Require MFA for All guest sg_CA Excluded Android Browser Require multi-factor
Guests - users Cloud iOS authentication
Browser sg_CA Excluded Windows
On-prem macOS

Require MFA for All users sg_CA Excluded Android Mobile apps and Require multi-factor
All other Users - Cloud iOS desktop clients authentication
Clients sg_CA Excluded Windows > Modern authn
On-prem macOS clients
All Employees
Admin groups
All guest user

Require MFA for All users sg_CA Excluded Android Browser Require multi-factor
All other Users - Cloud iOS authentication
Browser sg_CA Excluded Windows
On-prem macOS
All Employees
Admin groups
All guest users

Block Cloud apps > Mobile apps and Block

ActiveSync Office 365 desktop cllients
Exchange Exchange
Online ActiveSync clients
> Apply policy
to supported

Block legacy Mobile apps and Block

authn desktop clients >
Other clients

Finnish Transport and Communications
Agency Traficom
National Cyber Security Centre Finland
PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM
tel. +358 29 534 5000


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