Project Title
Project Title
Project Title
- This project won’t need a big amount of budget. You only need to buy a seedling which
cost 50 pesos per seeds.
1. Preparing garden plantation, spreading soil 500
2. Landscaping adding features
3. Maintenance fertilizing
4. Plants buying of seeds 50
per seeds
Target area
- This said proposal focused on home gardens so, this will be done in the homes of the
netizens of barangay Barbara Aritao nueva vizcaya.
Target Beneficiaries
- this said project can benefit you, your family and your neighbors and also the local
netizens of the barangay to saved more money.
Economic Benefits Due to the product from the garden, their self-sufficiency is improved and the
earnings from excess can be used to purchase other items than daily food needs. Home
gardens contribute to a cohesive social environment, improve the house hold status and their
. Benefits of Home Gardening Home gardens give more benefits for gardeners. It can be
categorized in to social, economic and environmental benefits. 2.1. Social Benefits Sale of
products of home gardens significantly improves the family's financial status. Mostly home
gardening is subsistence level of farming method and fulfill the daily meal of a family. If it
farming with cash crops those are sell including vegetables, fruits, animal products, wood and
timber as fuel and construction materials. Research papers stated that, home garden practiced
in Nigeria increase the family income by 60% and in Russia, rural home garden with sustainable
farming increases their income by two third. A study of urban home gardens in the Philippines
revealed that home gardening families spend less on food than non-gardening families, while
home gardening families who plant a 6 larger number of varieties of fruits and vegetables spend
even less spending on their food purchasing.
Project conclusion
As I observed at our barangay only few citizens who have doing a hone gardening. So with the
help of this project proposal home gardening the local netizens of our barangay will learn the
important factor of home gardening. For the best result of this project proposal I encourage
everyone to do the home gardening bring us a lot of benefits from providing delicious fresh
vegetables for us to eat and to benefit our home and helping the environment in so many ways.