LowCVP+Infrastructure+Roadmap Final+Report+ (With+graphics)
LowCVP+Infrastructure+Roadmap Final+Report+ (With+graphics)
LowCVP+Infrastructure+Roadmap Final+Report+ (With+graphics)
Roadmap to 2050
Prepared for the LowCVP by Element Energy Ltd
Celine Cluzel & Alastair Hope–Morley
JUNE 2015
Transport Energy Infrastructure
Roadmap to 2050
JUNE 2015
While the authors consider that the data and opinions contained in this report are sound, all parties
must rely upon their own skill and judgement when using it. The authors do not make any
representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the report.
Background - a ‘Transport Infrastructure roadmap’ is needed to
complement existing vehicle and fuel roadmaps
In the context of the expected transition to lower carbon powertrains Vehicle roadmaps
and fuels, the Auto Council vehicle roadmaps have proven to be a
useful tool to focus research, funding and policy, bringing into one
place the industry’s views on future technology options, deployment
steps and corresponding policy drivers.
To complement these powertrain technologies roadmaps, the
LowCVP commissioned a Road Transport Fuels Roadmap in 2013-14,
which also proved successful in bringing clarity to the fuel options
available and mapping the enabling milestones.
This Infrastructure roadmap is the ‘missing piece’ that will support
new powertrains and new fuels. This roadmap is all the more
Source: Auto Council and LowCVP
necessary as the needs and barriers for deployment of electric,
hydrogen and gas refuelling stations differ significantly and Transport fuel roadmaps
refuelling/recharging infrastructure is a key enabler for low emission
The objectives of the Infrastructure Roadmap are to:
− Assess the infrastructure needs and barriers for deployment of
electric, hydrogen and gas refuelling stations to 2050, including
impact on upstream distribution, as well as to consider
‘conventional’ liquid fuels
− Make recommendations for delivery of infrastructure
deployment, both at national and local government level. Source: Auto Council and Element Energy for the LowCVP
The development of the Infrastructure Roadmap benefitted from input
from a wide range of stakeholders, many consulted through workshops
Develop uptake scenarios ICE vehicles: diesel, petrol, LPG, gas vehicles
for % sales of electric and Electric vehicles: Battery (BEV), Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV),
ICE vehicles Range-Extended (RE-EV) and hydrogen fuel cell (FCEV)
Niche/future fuels considered: E85, methanol, liquid air
Input into Element Energy Scrappage rate, stock and mileage inputs based on DfT data/projections: c. 40% increase in stock and
fleet model vkt by 2050 (39 million vehicles, 740 billion vkt); Vehicle efficiency based on Committee on Climate
Change modelling
Industry consultation Prepare Infrastructure Four dedicated fuel workshops were conducted
with LowCVP Fuels Roadmap Workshop themes: electricity, liquid fuels, methane, hydrogen
working group 38 attendees included: Infrastructure manufacturers, installers,
operators, DNOs, energy companies, fuel suppliers, OEM / vehicle
Host stakeholder suppliers, end users, local government / regulator
Report preparation
Complete final report External input
New car/van EV sale scenarios: New bus sales scenario: New truck sales scenario:
Moderate ambition 100% 100% 5% 10%
60% 4% 2% 2% 1% 5% 1%
CCC targets 5% 15% 20%
10% 15%
15% 5% 10%
3% 9% 50%
10% 25%
2015 2020 2030 2050 92% 94%
80% 79% 40%
100% 60% 40% 45%
Source: Element Energy in consultation with LowCVP Fuels Working Group. Refer to the full reports (issued separately) for
more detail. ‘Diesel’ refers to a blend of B7 and drop-in renewable diesel, as per the Fuel Roadmap
Four different roadmaps have been developed to best capture the
diverse challenges of each type of energy vector
The roadmaps and associated recommendations are presented next for each energy vector:
A structured approach was adopted to assess the background and status quo for each fuel identifying current
supply pathways and trends, geographic distribution and key stakeholders
This enabled identification of future infrastructure requirements and barriers to deployment supported by
quantification of projected fuel demand and stations numbers
The focus of the roadmap is on the barriers to infrastructure rollout, the wider barriers to adoption of
alternative fuelled vehicles (such as cost premium, supply etc.) are not investigated here
The cost estimates also focus on the refuelling/recharging infrastructure (capital costs) and exclude costs such
as new fuel production units, potential vehicle subsidies and costs to set up new distribution systems
This report contains only the key findings, the extensive analysis supporting them is issued separately, in four
distinct reports (electricity, methane, liquid fuels, hydrogen)
The existing electricity network, exploited with smart technologies, is
well suited to support the electrification of transport
Electricity transmission and distribution systems already in place, for other purposes than transport,
and electricity is in process of being decarbonised (-80% and -50% gCO2/kWh by 2035 compared to
2013 in ‘No progression’ and ‘Slow progression’ projections from National Grid)
Additional transport demand will present a peak demand (GW) challenge rather than a production
(TWh) challenge: without charging management, EVs could add 28 GW of demand (c.+50% of
current peak demand). However, EVs are only one contributor to the future peak demand, among
other technologies earmarked as part of the UK decarbonisation plan (notably heat pumps)
The main demand for electricity will be from cars, which require both residential charge points and
a national public network
Electricity demand
Total UK demand
Transport demand
2013 2050
The quoted diversified peak power is based on currently observed diversity factors (for which data is limited) and assumes to no
demand management is in place, i.e. this is an upper bound peak power requirement - based on scenarios presented p. 9
Millions of charge points (mostly residential) will be needed to support
widespread EV deployment, with uncertainty over charging technologies
Infrastructure roadmap 2015 2020 2025 2030 2050
Visible and Full national c. 10 charge Dependant on
Total sites Many accessible
c. 500
points per site
BEV/ PHEV split
sites but
Public variable network to all £130- £300- and charging rates
Cost £20-40m 230m 530m
network offer drivers
Rollout of primarily conductive rapid (40+kW) charging points in short term
Charging Future type and rates will depend on technology developments
infra- 3-7 kW off-street Solutions to provide certainty of 4-7 10-15
Residential Cars/vans 300-370k
million million
structure or shared on-street access to homes w/o off-street parking
network 100-
Cars/vans 3/7/22 kW 8-10k
400 -550k
Depot / 4-5k 20-25k
>40 kW CP (plug and wireless)
workplaces Buses and
installed with concurrent trials of Potential rollout of alternative power delivery systems e.g.
HGVs alternative power delivery systems dynamic charging on highways, battery swap or overhead cables
Plug-in electric vehicles stock Thousand vehicles 2020 2025 2030 2050
1,500- 4,000- 20,000-
Projections are based on policy- Cars 300
2,500 8,000 25,000
led uptake scenarios presented
250- 700- 3,400-
on page 9 Vans 60
400 1,300 4,000
Data supported quantification of HDVs <5 10 20 130
infrastructure requirements
Dashed lines represent Major milestone Cost estimates are cumulative costs from 2015
high uncertainty /enabler CP = Charge point
A visible, accessible and reliable public charging network should be
rolled out for light vehicles
1 End user experience of public charge points 2 Economics of public charge points
Current public infrastructure is fragmented with several The business case for public charge points
operators offering various access conditions and remains challenging
variable reported reliability Recommendations
Beyond the number of charge points, a network should Central gov.: Continue funding program and monitor
meet some criteria to be useful to EV drivers: progress, embed end user experience criteria in
− Well marketed to drivers (e.g. clear signs, uniform support programs
signage across the country)
Local Authorities: support programs where local
− Easy to operate (e.g. multi socket connections, simple fleets can provide a base load to charge points that
payment system, etc.) can also be accessible to the general public; facilitate
− Immediately accessible (e.g. PAYG, dynamic booking exchange between relevant stakeholders (DNOs, end
systems, live status information) user, charge point operators) to help optimum siting;
Recommendations share best practise findings with other LAs
R&D / industry / LAs: Improve and build on existing On-going trial programs: Share key learnings
network and develop a national platform compatible with relevant to business case and end user experience
multiple vehicle types to remotely communicate with (e.g. current Rapid Charging Network project)
public infrastructure (e.g. dynamic booking, simple Industry: DNOs could communicate areas of
payment systems, availability notification) and consider adequate network capacity to infrastructure
joining cross platform projects (e.g. EMi3); embed criteria in developers to avoid high connection costs
relevant funding programs
The UK benefits from an extensive and advanced (unique high pressure network ) gas grid, although
not fully exploited for transport applications yet.
Even if the current network in the UK is limited (<50 stations), internationally 1000s of gas stations are
active indicating technology maturity
The projected added demand from transport is negligible compared with the current gas demand.
However, further distribution infrastructure might be required for Liquefied Natural Gas (terminals)
The main demand for gas will be from heavy duty vehicles, which require both bunkered refuelling (at
depots) and public refuelling for the case of long haul applications
2013 2050
Total UK demand HGVs demand
series Buses demand
Natural gas vehicle stock Thousand vehicles 2020 2025 2030 2050
Projections are based on policy- 4.0 13 26 105
led uptake scenarios presented
on page 9
4.0 12 24 85
Data supported quantification of Buses 2.0 5.1 9.7 17
infrastructure requirements
Dashed lines represent Major milestone Indicative fuel economy: dual fuel HGV = 60 kg/day, dedicated HGV = 75 kg/day
high uncertainty /enabler Costs based industry input, future cost reductions not included 17
Planning guidance for Local Authorities will help speed up station
deployments with key outstanding safety issues addressed
1 Planning guidance 2 Safety issues
A number of well informed, robust standards have been developed to Health and safety regulations and
address technical issues associated the installation of natural gas codes of practice only partially
refuelling stations address infrastructure
Infrastructure operators have identified inconsistent interpretation of
these standards by Local Authorities to significantly delay station For example, natural gas
installation infrastructure operators have
Recommendations identified on-site storage
allowances and safety distances to
Central Government: develop planning guidance document to facilitate
be incompatible with refuelling
the uniform implementation of infrastructure equipment standards
station deployment due to
Consult with experienced Local Authorities,
regulator unfamiliarity with the
regulators, industry and utilities
use of natural gas as a road fuel
existing Recommendations
standards Develop guidance document Regulators: Re-evaluate and consider
amendment of existing standards for
Issue a Call for Evidence to understand
on-site natural gas storage allowances
most commonly adopted standards and safety distances
Cross cutting recommendation: Central Gov., LAs and regulators: Establish regular dialogue with the NGV Network, to
address planning, safety and other technical issues as well as get industry input on funding/infrastructure strategies
NGV Network = Natural Gas Vehicle Network, a platform of gas grid operators, gas and LNG suppliers,
CNG/LNG station providers, gas vehicle OEMs and other related stakeholders
End user experience should be harmonised across UK network through
standardisation of equipment and improved communication systems
3 Station economics and support 4 End user experience
Industry asserted that economics for operating Inconsistent infrastructure implementation has led
infrastructure in high throughput areas does not need to a fragmented driver experience at stations
support, as evidenced by commercial organisations Vehicle tank receptacles are compatible with
offering turn-key solutions
different nozzles types and dispensing pressures but
A minority of UK infrastructure projects have received no standard stipulates a specific requirement
grant funding1; further support should target areas of Station downtime (e.g. for maintenance) is often not
lower vehicle throughput/lower base demand communicated to drivers and fuel price variations
Areas for optimisation include costs for high pressure can significantly impact fleet operations
grid connection and venting prevention technologies Recommendations
Recommendations Central Gov. & regulators: Work with industry to
Central Government: Focus on long term support for develop the most appropriate nozzle/pressure standard
natural gas vehicle deployment and the associated to meet UK fleet operator needs for CNG, LNG and L-
infrastructure will follow growing demand if the correct CNG stations
regulatory and legislative arrangements are in place
Industry: Develop communication system to notify
Gas network operators: allow competition in LTS drivers of technical/economic factors for infrastructure
connection to reduce connection costs (e.g. station type, fuel price and maintenance schedules)
R&D bodies: Reduce costs for venting prevention /
methane capture technologies
1 - e.g. TEN-T funded projects and OLEV £4m fund for future station deployments
LTS: Local Transmission System (high pressure gas grid)
Innovative approaches such as semi-private stations provide a transition
strategy before wider vehicle and station deployment in the 2020s-2030s
5 Depot infrastructure sharing
Natural gas refuelling station network
A number of fleet operators have deployed semi-private
Publically accessible
refuelling facilities under cooperative contractual
Private or semi-private
arrangements allowing pre-agreed operators to share each
others facilities
Advantages of this approach include maximising station
throughput and reducing dependency on public infrastructure
Opportunities for further adoption of cooperative station
ownership models will enable a transition to significant vehicle
uptake when sufficient investor confidence exists for larger
public infrastructure deployment
Central Government: consider counting semi-private stations
(where facility is shared between multiple, pre-agreed users) as
‘public’ in the Implementation plan to be submitted to the EC as
part of Directive 2014/94/EU1 Key infrastructure operators:
Industry: develop commercial arrangements that facilitate further
adoption of the cooperative model
1 Clean Power for Transport program – Directive on ‘the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure’ (October 2014) 20
While further research is needed, measures that minimise the GHG
emissions related to distribution and dispensing of gas should be adopted
6 Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions UK biomethane production potential
In keeping with national targets for reducing transport GHG emissions, Graph units: ktpa (TWh shown as reference)
2015 2050
HRS investors will also require confidence from vehicle Local Government: Help provide ‘base load’
suppliers on the timing and ambition of vehicle demand to public HRS (e.g. FCEV procurement
deployments for public fleets) and make sites available for
refuelling stations where possible
Customer incentives are likely to be needed to
encourage early vehicle sales as OEMs transition to OEMs: Provide transparency on numbers and
lower cost second generation vehicles locations of vehicle deployments (as far as
possible) to maximise confidence of HRS
The network will also need to offer a consistent and high
quality customer experience, in terms of the station
‘look and feel’, ease of use, payment methods etc. HRS operators/suppliers: Work closely with
vehicle suppliers and their customers to ensure
that HRS siting and specifications meet their
1National Guidance document jointly published by the Energy Institute and Association for Petroleum and
Explosives (APEA) used to assess and sign off the safety of new forecourt installations and upgrades 26
New policy may be required in the medium term to ensure that the
future hydrogen production mix delivers CO2 emissions savings
6 Hydrogen production pathways
Current UK hydrogen production capacity is
insufficient to meet transport demand from the
mid 2030s
Therefore new production capacity will need to
be introduced concurrently with vehicle demand
growth, taking into account GHG emission
reduction targets
A strategy will be needed on how this capacity
will be delivered (based on the expected
volumes of hydrogen vehicles) while ensuring
that the overall production mix delivers very low
Technology type
well-to-wheel emissions
1. Distributed water electrolysis
Recommendations 2. Conventional water electrolysis
3. Coal gasification + carbon capture and storage
Central Government: Consider policy mechanisms 4. Centralised SMR + carbon capture and storage
to ensure sufficient volumes of low carbon hydrogen 5. IGCC + carbon capture and storage
6. Distributed steam methane reforming
7. Conventional steam methane reforming
R&D bodies: Investigate low cost green hydrogen 8. Internal gasification combined cycle
9. Coal gasification
production technologies
Source: A portfolio of power-trains for Europe: a fact-based analysis, McKinsey & Co, 2011
Targets: technical targets to reduce carbon footprint of hydrogen as a transport fuel
A fully functioning infrastructure for dominant liquid fuels exists to
supply the UK vehicle parc
Liquid fuels (petrol and diesel) are the current dominant fuels for all road transport vehicles and as such
have a extensive distribution and refuelling systems, for both public forecourts and private bunkering
Demand for liquid fuels in transport will significantly decrease post-2030, with a total decrease of 50% to
80% by 2050 compared to today (depending on the uptake of Plug-in hybrid EV vs. battery or fuel cell
The case of LPG is different, with a possible increase in demand (mostly based on Air Quality policy
drivers) from c. 100 kt today to around 300-400 kt by 2030, well within UK production capacity
Among niche/future fuels investigated, liquid air is the most promising one, especially for transport
refrigeration units
26 23 16
13 7
9 8 4
3 3
Based on vehicle uptake scenarios presented p. 9, they assume a 50:50 split between diesel & petrol cars 28
With a predicted demand decrease for liquid fuels, forecourts may
have to integrate new fuels and/or receive support in certain locations
Infrastructure roadmap 2015 2020 2025 2030 2050
Liquid fuel vehicle stock Thousand vehicles 2020 2025 2030 2050
By 2050 cars are mostly RE-EVs / PHEVs
Projections are based on policy- Cars 30,000 32,000 32,000
led uptake scenarios presented 50-80%
decrease in 1,000-
on page 9 Vans 4,000 4,300 4,300
fuel 5,000
Data supported quantification of demand on
HDVs 700 700 700
2015 levels
infrastructure requirements
Dashed lines represent Major milestone
high uncertainty /enabler 29
Delays to planning to modify forecourts should be minimised to avoid
investor uncertainty and financial support may be needed in certain areas
1 Station economics and support 2 Planning permission guidance 3 Innovation opportunities
Steep decline in demand beyond Acquiring planning permission to Biodiesel and bioethanol
2030 is likely to significantly impact upgrade existing forecourt require additional handling
commercial viability of fuel retailing, facilities can often be delayed or considerations
(particularly for small public rejected
Higher bioethanol blends can
forecourts located in rural areas of Delays for upgrade approval can damage regular refuelling
the UK to start with, but more cause partial unavailability and facilities by causing stress
widespread issue in long term)
negatively impact commercial corrosion cracking of steel
A transition to a higher biofuel operation, thereby directly and degradation of
blend will require large investments accelerating forecourt closure, elastomers, therefore
for tank replacements and/or particularly for underutilised significant investment will be
upgrades areas required to upgrade existing
Recommendations Recommendations
Central Government: Consider Central Gov. and LAs: Work with Recommendations
mechanisms to ensure minimum filling regulators to identify common causes R&D bodies: Investigate cost
station coverage, particularly in rural of delays and improve planning reduction opportunities for
areas permission guidelines as appropriate station upgrades to handle higher
biofuel blends
Local Authorities: Identify any local
supply shortages and forecourts most
affected by declining fuel demand
1National Guidance document jointly published by the Energy Institute and Association for Petroleum and
Explosives (APEA) used to assess and sign off the safety of new forecourt installations and upgrades 31
Liquid air has the highest potential and developing a distribution
infrastructure for transport might require investment in UK skills
Specific actions LAs can take to support the rollout of refuelling infrastructure Birmingham City strategy
Encourage and contribute to the uptake of low carbon vehicles – e.g.
adoption in Council fleet, setting local incentives
Use planning guidance to deliver strategy recommendations for
infrastructure – e.g. regarding siting and technical specifications
Assist infrastructure providers in finding/assessing land for installation – e.g.
identify owner, provide road access and traffic data
Streamline planning processes for renewable fuel production and
Include low carbon fuels for transport into the development of energy
system strategies – e.g. transport considerations can be integrated to review
of waste strategy (biomethane can produce heat, electricity or used as fuel)
Work closely with private fleets on demonstration and deployment activities
for low carbon vehicles – e.g. encourage formation of stakeholder group for
experience sharing, joint procurement and consortia formation for funding
Source: Element Energy for Birmingham City Council, A City Blueprint for Low Carbon Fuel refuelling Infrastructure, 2015 33
The deployment of public refuelling infrastructure for transport will
require significant new investment and long term policy clarity
1Includes stations capital costs only, opportunities for cost reduction to 2050 are not
included. Investment related to grid reinforcement not included
Both central and local Governments and industry have roles to play in
this deployment – coordination of efforts will be needed
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle LCNG Liquefied and Compressed Natural Gas
CCC Committee on Climate Change LIN Liquid Nitrogen
CNG Compressed Natural Gas LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
COMAH Control of Major Accident Hazard LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
CP Charge Point LTS Local Transmission System
DECC Department of Energy & Climate Change Mt Million tonnes
DfT Department for Transport NGVA Natural Gas Vehicle Association
DNO Distribution Network Operators OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
DSR Demand Side Response OLEV Office for Low Emission Vehicles
EC European Commission PAYG Pay AS You Go
ETI Energy Technologies Institute PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
EU European Union R&D Research and Development
EV Electric Vehicle REEV Ranger Extender Electric Vehicle
FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle SGF Smart Grid Forum
FCH JU Fuel Cell Hydrogen Joint Undertaking SME Small and medium enterprises
H2 Hydrogen SMR Steam Methane Reforming
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle STOR Short Term Operating Response
HRS Hydrogen Refuelling Station TEN-T Trans-European Transport Networks
HSE Health and Safety Executive ToU Time of Use
ICE Internal Combustion Engine TSO Transmission system operator
IEC International Electro-technical Commission TTW Tank-to-Wheel
IGEM Institute for Gas Engineers and Managers ULEV Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle
ktpa thousands tonnes per annum WE Water Electrolysis
LA Local Authority WTT Well-to-Tank
LBM Liquid Biomethane WTW Well-to-Wheel
Main references
Refer to the Technical Appendix (issued separately) for a full list of references 41