Standards Actions: Call For Members Interim Meetings
Standards Actions: Call For Members Interim Meetings
Standards Actions: Call For Members Interim Meetings
A Call for Members is announced for the following PCs. A complete listing of project committee interim meetings is
Persons who are interested in serving on these ASHRAE provided on ASHRAE’s website at: https://
committees are asked to indicate their interest by complet-
ing the online membership application forms listed under guidelines/project-committee-interim-meetings ttps://
Instructions for New Applicants at https:// or by contacting Connor guidelines/project-committee-interim-meetings.
Barbaree at: ASHRAE, 180 Technology Parkway,
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092; phone: 678-539-1138; fax: GPC 44P, Protecting Building Occupants from
678-539-2138; email Smoke During Wildfire and Prescribed Burn Events,
will hold a webinar on November 10, 2021 from 3:00
SPC 35R, Method of Testing Refrigerant Driers and pm to 5:00 pm (Eastern). For additional information
Desiccant Materials contact Steven Emmerich, Chair of GPC 44
The purpose of this standard is to prescribe test meth- SPC 133-2015R, Method of Testing Direct Evapora-
ods for measuring flow capacity and moisture capacity tive Air Coolers, will hold a conference call on No-
performance characteristics of refrigerant driers and vember 8, 2021 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Eastern).
measuring the moisture capacity characteristic of desic- For additional information contact Patricia Graef, Chair
cant materials. of SPC 133 and SPC 143 (
Note: SPC 35 is especially interested in finding members SSPC 188, Legionellosis: Risk Management for
representing the User interest category. Building Water Systems, will hold a conference on
Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 11:00 am to 1:00
pm (Eastern). For additional information, please con-
tact Ryan Shanley, Staff Liaison to SSPC 188
Volume XI, Issue 41
Each year the Society recognizes the outstanding efforts of Click on the following link to learn more about ASHRAE
a single volunteer in the area of standards develop- Standards Activities
ment. The Standards Achievement Award recognizes ex-
cellence in volunteer service and serves to heighten general SSPC 41 — Standard Methods for Measurement
membership awareness of, and interest in, standards activi-
ties. SSPC 62.1 — Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
The award is open to ASHRAE members who have
demonstrated outstanding achievement in the ASHRAE SSPC 62.2 — Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air
standards development process based on criteria presented Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
in Appendix B of the Standards Committee Reference
Manual, which can be found on the ASHRAE website at: SSPC 90.1 — Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
Nominations are solicited during the first half of the Socie- SSPC 90.2 — Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Res-
ty year and then the Standards Committee will select the
recipient at the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Meeting. idential Buildings
The Standards Achievement Award will be presented dur- SPC 90.4 — Energy Standard for Data Centers and
ing the Honors and Awards portion of the Plenary Session Telecommunications Buildings
at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting in Toronto. A certificate
will be presented to the recipient by the ASHRAE Presi- SSPC 161 — Air Quality within Commercial AirCraft
SSPC 188 — Legionellosis: Risk Management for
Nominations are due to the Sr. Manager of Standards, Building Water Systems
Connor Barbaree (, by December
31, 2021. The nomination form can be found on the SSPC 189.1 — Standard for the Design of High-
ASHRAE website at: Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Resi-
forms-procedures. dential Buildings