Water and Heritage
Water and Heritage
Water and Heritage
and maintaining the aesthetic quality of urban and environmental design within
Delhi and to provide advice and guidance to any local body in respect of any
proposal which affects or is likely to affect the skyline or the aesthetic quality
This report is for academic purposes only and has been prepared on the basis
of information gathered from various sources, in cases without any independent
verification. The report can be adopted and utilized by any Government Authority/
Local Body in the Country and is provided free of cost. The report is not meant to
derive any kind of gain, monetary or otherwise. The city of Delhi, capital of this vast land of diversities, is a city laden with layers of history,
Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this a place where civilizations have lived, prospered and perished over centuries. The modern
report, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal city today, built over and around a rich tapestry of heritage, presents an opportunity
purposes. Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC) accepts no responsibility in relation at every turn, to allow for co-existence of the past, present and the future. In order to
to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the information contained
understand this multidimensional urban spectrum and attempt to plan the future, various
in the publication. Stakeholders are advised to verify/check any information with
city level studies have been initiated by the DUAC. I hope that these studies will help
the relevant Government Department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any
the planners of modern day Delhi to carefully articulate urban space, structure, form and
appropriate advice before acting on the information provided in the report.
environment and sensitively address future requirements.
While adequate measures have been taken to acknowledge the source of the
I convey my thanks to all the Consultants and Members of the Commission who have
information used in the report, the nature of the process and the diverse sources
tirelessly worked on this research project to bring out this document. I also take this
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/ or bonafide omission of acknowledgement of source of information.
I fondly hope that the authorities of the local, state and national government take these
In no event will the DUAC be liable for any expense, loss or damage including,
studies seriously and implement, in right earnest, the suggestions given herein.
without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or
damage whatsoever arising out of any person/ stakeholder using or implementing or
January, 2018 Sd/-
relying on any information in this report.
Prof. Dr. P.S.N. Rao
Chairman, DUAC
1 Introduction 10
4 Strategy for Rejuvenation of Baoli Precincts 59
1.1 Water and its significance 10 4.1 Wazirpur Monument Complex, R. K. Puram, Sector 5 - Timeline 60
1.3 Classification of Historic Structures associated with water 11 4.3 The Location 61
4.4 The Surroundings 62
4.5 The Edges 64
2.1 Introduction 14
4.8 Site Levels 66
2.2 Evolution 14
4.9 Existing Planting Survey 68
2.3 Source of water 14
4.10 Design Strategies 71
2.4 Traditional Knowledge System: Construction of Stepwells 15
4.11 Design Proposal 72
2.5 Baolis - Space for social gathering 15
-Design Proposal - Circulation 76
2.6 Typology 15
-Design Proposal - Planting 78
2.7 Threats to Baolis - Urban Pressure 16
-Area Details 79
2.8 Reasons for Degradation of Baolis - Presesnt Scenario 17
4.12 Storyboard/ Photo Panels 84
2.9 Existing Baolis of Delhi - Timeline 18
6Annexure 92
3.3 Gandhak ki Baoli 25
3.4 Firoz Shah Kotla Baoli 27
3.5 Tughlaqabad Fort Baolis 29
3.6 Baoli at Hindu Rao 30
3.7 Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli 33
3.8 Agrasen Ki Baoli 39
3.9 Baoli at Wazirpur Monument Complex, R. K. Puram, Sector 5 41
3.10 Purana Qila Baoli 45
3.11 Lal Qila Baoli 46
3.12 Rajon ki Baoli, Mehrauli Archaeological Park 47
3.13 Loharehri Baoli, Dwarka Sector 12 49
3.14 Arab ki Sarai Baoli 52
Water has been a crucial resource. It has shaped civilisations. Ever since history man has been
harvesting, storing and channelling water for his survival. Kings have known to leave behind their
palaces and shift capitals due to the lack of water: Fatehpur Sikri and Tughlaqabad are good
examples. Gradually man learnt to move water into the cities. HISTORIC STRUCTURES HISTORIC INTERNAL HISTORIC
This ability to move water on a mass scale has been both a blessing and a curse for modern BAOLIS / STEP WELLS SYSTEMS WATERWAYS
civilizations. It has allowed cities to grow to unimaginable size. From reservoirs and aqueducts to
pressurized pipe systems and simple rain barrels, humans have spent countless centuries perfecting 1. Hindu Rao Baoli 1.Humayun’s Tomb 1. Barapulla
the science of collecting, storing and transporting one of our most precious resources: water. The 2. Agrasen Ki Baoli, Hailey road 2. Safdarjung Tomb 2. Satpulla
need to tap ground water, store rain water and to make it accessible to the human population has 3. Purana Qila Baoli
led to the construction of several tanks, wells & stepwells. These are one of the most fascinating 4. Lal Qila Baoli LAKE PAVILIONS/ TANKS
and aesthetically pleasing examples. 5. Hazrat Nizamuddin ki Baoli
6. Firoz Shah Kotla Baoli 1. Hauz-i-Shamsi
The ancient stepwells of India, which are, as the name implies, man-made wells or ponds that are 7. RK Puram Baoli 2. Hauz Khas Tank
equipped with steps that lead down to the water table. Numerous tanks & Baolis/ stepwells were 8. Rajon ki Baoli, Mehrauli
commissioned by the ruling clans in which water was collected mainly during the rainy season and 9. Gandhak ki Baoli, Mehrauli
was then used throughout the year by the people in the neighbourhood. 10. Anangtal Baoli, Mehrauli
11. Qutab Sahib ki Baoli, Mehrauli
Historians say that there were over a hundred baolis in Delhi towards the start of the 20th century, 12. Tughlaqabad Fort Baolis
at least one baoli in each of the medieval settlement of Delhi, many boast more than one. Today 13. Loharehri Baoli, Dwarka Sec 12
only about 10-15 baolis have survived urbanization. Many baolis were lost or filled in completely 14. Arab ki Sarai Baoli
due to large scale construction. Apart from the bigger baolis like Agrasen ki baoli or Rajon ki baoli,
etc., there were many small baolis from the Tughlaq, Lodi and Mughal times.
• Introduction
• Evolution
• Source of water
• Traditional knowledge System: Construction of Stepwells
• Baolis- space for social gathering
• Typology
• Architecture of the Baolis
• Baolis today
• Causes of deterioration- Present Scenario
• Restoration
• Existing Baolis of Delhi- Timeline
These step wells are generally dependent on the recharge from the aquifer or nearby surface 2.6 Typology:
water sources viz. village ponds, streams, canals and in some cases nearby rivers. The location of
Stepwells fall into categories based on their scale, layout, materials, and shape: they can be
these ancient wells found to be unique in the sense that even during dry period of the year most
rectangular, circular, or even L-shaped, can be built from masonry, rubble or brick, and have as
of these wells have water in them, highlighting the ancient wisdom of craftsmen in those days. Most
many as four separate entrances. But no two are identical and - whether simple and utilitarian, or
of these wells are part of phreatic aquifers of various formations such as alluvial, basaltic, phyllite etc
complex and ornamented - each has a unique character.
10th Century
•Anangtal Baoli
12th Century
•Qutab Sahib ki Baoli
13th Century
•Firoz Shah Kotla Baoli
•Tughlaqabad Fort Baolis
Hindu Rao Baoli •Hindu Rao Baoli
•Nizamuddin ki Baoli
•Over the years the baoli has got buried under
the layers of soil and dense vegetation has
cropped over it.
•The baoli finds a vague mention on travel sites
ANANGTAL and unpublished reports.
BAOLI •There is an absence of any access routes to
the baoli.
•There are no signage indicating the existence
YOGMAYA of any such structure and the locals are
•Over the years the baoli got buried under
layers of earth and a thick jungle. There are no
traces of Baoli. Through 3d scans, the structure
has to be located and excavated out.
1. LOCATION: •Restoration of the structure
Behind Jog Maya temple, Mehrauli •Recharge of aquifer
•Signage indicating the name, status and
2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: historical relevance of the baoli should be
•Anangtal is the oldest Baoli in Delhi, and installed outside the structure.
IMAGE SOURCE: Delhi heritage brochures by intach
according to a few historical sources, located •Signage indicating the presence and location
in Mehrauli which was also known as Yoginipura. of the baoli should be installed at places in the
Anang Tal literally means reservoir provided by campus and approach roads.
Anang Pal of the House of Tomar. •The Baoli could be integrated with the
•It was constructed in the 10th century Heritage trail and can be frequented by
AD, under the reign of Anangpal Tomar the historians, tourists and heritage enthusiasts
Second, the great-grandfather of the illustrious during heritage walks.
Prithviraj Chauhan. Legend has it that the king
commissioned the construction of many such 3.2 Qutub Sahib Ki Baoli
baolis, big and small, all over his kingdom, 1. LOCATION:
at the behest of his favourite courtesan whose
family of meagre means died of thirst and The Baoli is located within the complex of
impoverishment. the Qutubudin Bakhtiyari Kaki ki Dargah in
•Apparently, the queens would hold an annual the Mehrauli village and about 400m from the
event for alms-giving next to the baoli, at the Adham Khan. The approach to the Qutub Ki
behest of the king. This is all that is known Baoli is in Mehrauli near Main Mehrauli Bus
about the baoli that has escaped the notice of Stand, it is 1 and 1/5 km from Adam khan’s
several plans for renovation and preservation, tomb and near Gandhak Ki Baoli.
and lies beyond the purview of the Mehrauli
IMAGE SOURCE:Delhi heritage brochures by intach IMAGE SOURCE: BehtarDilli Blog - WordPress.com
Archaeological Park.
The Baoli is accessed through the wuzu area of the Dargah leading to an open terrace. There are
graves located on this level from where the steps lead to the lower level to access the Baoli.
The baoli can be accessed through the lawns of Firoz Shah Kotla fort.. Like all the other ASI
protected baolis, this too is fenced off and remains inaccessible to the public.
•Recharge of aquifer: Revival of the water body
would activate the baoli and its precincts.
•Signage indicating the name, status and
historical relevance of the baoli should be
installed outside the structure.
•The baoli has a superstructure with arches, it
should be illuminated
•Being the only circular Baoli, it could be
opened up for public access while being
manned and could be integrated with the
Heritage trail and can be frequented by
historians, tourists and heritage enthusiasts
during heritage walks.
Tughlaqabad Fort
Closer to the outer wall is a baoli that has been excavated and restored by ASI. It is reported to
have yielded red sandstone slabs with Arabic inscriptions.
This Baoli is a deep dry ruin, which is not accessible anymore due to its deteriorating condition. It
was built in such a manner, adjoining to the queens changing rooms that it can still be spotted from
the top, only as a blotch placed in between the thick foliage. The dried Baoli is one of the deepest
ones whose end point is not visible due to the wild growth and vegetation found on all four sides,
https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/exhibit hovering over it along with its boundless depth. The four stonewalls forming the Baoli is not clearly
visible in this case. TEXT SOURCE: http://www.sodelhi.com
Panoramio - Photos by Surendra Kumar
TEXT SOURCE: http://www.sodelhi.com
•Restoration of the structure: The Baoli lies in an isolated area and is in ruins. The structure to be Mar
du Rao
restored so as to allow access to the baolis.
•Recharge of aquifer: Revival of the water body would activate the baoli and its precincts.
•Missing trails connecting the baolis with the other structures of the fort to be revived with
Signage and seatings to ensure a safe experience to the visitors.
Tughlaq-era baoli, was built by Feroz Shah Tughlaq in 1354.
•The precints to be cleared of vegetative overgrowth.
It was the only source of water for the British officers and soldiers during the revolt of 1857. Afraid
•Visitor centre and with provisions for information and safety to be provided in the precints
that the Indian sepoys in the British army might poison the water, British officer Major Kerrines
3.6 Baoli at Hindu Rao ordered a guard to be posted here permanently.
Being listed by ASI, it also graded as Archaeological Value A in “Delhi The Built Heritage: A Listing’’
by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH).
The blue-board declaring its status is missing.
1. LOCATION: •The Baoli has been fenced and locked making it
Radiology and Imaging Department , Hindu Rao Hospital, Hindu Rao Marg, off Rajpur Marg, Civil inaccessible.
Lines (immediately adjacent to western entrance to Hindu Rao Hospital)ordered a guard to be •A fence has been built on top of the historic wall
posted here permanently. of the “baoli.
The structure is deteriorating & is in a state of neglect. The water reservoirs and remains of drains, etc., were
intended for supplying water to the Kushk-i-Shikar or
jahan-Numa palace of Firoz Shah.
The baoli is an ASI protected monument..
Three sides of the baoli are surrounded
by walls and one side has a flight of stairs
leading to the water.
The side which has the stairs has a gate Old Images & sketches of the Baoli
Old Images & sketches of the Baoli Image Source: Pixelated Memories
which is locked from time to time during the Image Source: Pixelated Memories - Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli in 1858 from
Illustrated London News
day to prevent overcrowding the baoli.
design. However, the lower niche is deep and
can easily fit two people, serving as a meeting
place and providing relief from the heat. There
are passages and rooms inside the baoli, which ARG
are now locked and inaccessible. KAM
of the roof had fallen off a long time back. Old
photos and records have always shown the
mosque as we see it today. Various images of the Baoli
Map Showing Location of the the Monument Complex at RK Puram, Sector 5 and its approach roads
The four pillars made of red sandstone, which support the roof, stand out against the general Base Map Source: Google Earth
design of the mosque. The columns, ‘quite unusually’, are carved with Buddhist-chaitya motifs
(a chaitya is a Buddhist shrine). The spandrels (the space between the arch and the rectangular
Wazirpur Monument Complex,
enclosure) are decorated with ‘stucco medallions’ (the medallion is made of stucco, a material
R.K. Puram Sector– 5, Delhi
which is applied wet and hardens into a dense solid when it drys up).
The Baoli can be accessed from the by lanes of Hailey road.
The structure is fenced and gated, its manned by security guards and is frequently visited.
•Recharge of aquifer: Revival of the water body would activate the baoli and its precincts.
•Signage indicating the name, status and historical relevance of the baoli should be installed outside
the structure. Signage indicating the presence and location of the baoli should be installed at places
in the campus and approach roads.
•The baoli has a superstructure with arches, it should be illuminated so that it is visible during the
•The Baoli could be integrated with the Heritage trail and can be frequented by historians, tourists Map Showing the Monument Complex at RK Puram, Sector 5and its surroundings
Base Map Source: Google Earth
and heritage enthusiasts
Images of the site explaining the components of the monument complex
Image Source: http://pixels-memories.blogspot.in/2014/07/wazirpur-monument-complex-rk-puram.html
The British when they occupied the fort converted the chambers into jail rooms. Officers P.K.
Sehgal, Shah Nawaz Khan & G.S. Dhillon – the heroes of the Indian National Army (INA) were
incarcerated here in 1945-46 during the course of their trial. After the British left, the baoli came
under the control of Indian Army and then the CRPF. It was allowed to be reclaimed by vegetation
and weeds and put to use as a dump yard.
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) took it from the CRPF in 2002 and restored it.
Images of Lal Qila Baoli
ASI dismantled the toilets and other additions built within the baoli by the British. A 2002 Times
of India report noted that it would be converted into a tourist-cum-cultural spot, honouring the
3.12 Rajon Ki Baoli, Mehrauli Archeological Park
heroes of the INA and the freedom struggle.
It has a distinct structure with stairs from two sides at 90 degree capping at the circular water pit KI BAOLI
bounded by the rectangular ledges. The stairs of the baoli are slightly elongated as compared to
other making it easier and comfortable to access.
Map Showing Location of the Baolis in Mehrauli Base Map Source: Google Earth
Mehrauli Archeological Park
Covered corridor with arched opening to provide shade & There are rooms at each floor which once
shelter enclose the Baoli provided a cool resting place for people
The Baoli sits in a dense vegetative setting facing a tomb.
1. Recharge of aquifer: Revival of the water body would activate the baoli and its precincts.
It has a series of steps forming four stages, each in descending size, with floors at each stage, leading to the water 2. Since the Archeological park is frequented by people, seating spaces and utility services to be
level from the surrounding ground level provided so as to ensure maintenance of the area.
3. Signage indicating the presence and location of the baoli should be integrated with the Qutab
tourist circuit to draw in more people.
The Baoli during rains The Baoli during dry seasons 2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:
It was constructed for the residents of Loharehri village by the Sultans of the Lodi Dynasty in the
4. STATUS: early 16th century. Dwarka now stands where the Loharehri village once stood
The step well of Rajon Ki Baoli has been restored in the early 2000 by the Indian National Trust “Loharheri Baoli” deriving from the contiguous presence of a small settlement of iron smiths
for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) with the assistance of the Archaeological Survey of India (“lohar”) whose hydrological and congregational requirements the tiny edifice was to fulfil.
5. RESTORATION: Accessed via a narrow wicket-gate puncturing the high walls enveloping the towering Gangotri
Over the centuries the well got silted up. It has since been de silted. Apartments whose peripheries adjoins.
The Archaeological Survey of India has carried out de silting operations of the well which was silted
to a depth of 20 feet (6.1 m), during 2004–05. As a result, the water level had risen by 20 ft. and 4. STATUS:
60 steps in the well. The baoli has been restored by INTACH Delhi Chapter.
Garbage dumping outside the fenced Baoli Garbage dumping and squatter settlement in the vacant
area around the Baoli
Vacant area around the Baoli •There is no signage indicating the presence
of a baoli on the abutting roads. Due to lack
of information and maintenance, the squatters
Map Showing Location of the Loharehri baoli and its surroundings
Base Map Source: Google Earth
have started settling around the vacant site.
The INTACH plan includes landscaping the surroundings, scientific conservation, chemical cleaning •The stepwell is constructed using rubble
and preservation, developing a cultural notice board, signage and illuminating the monument Damaged signage board masonry, common in monuments of that
displaying the plan,
section and information
period. Along the steps, two levels of arches are
5. ARCHITECTURE about the site clearly visible
The structure shows typical Lodi era architecture with prominent arches along the steps and a well
at the end of the baoli. The stepwell is constructed using rubble masonry, common in monuments
of that period. Along the steps, two levels of arches are clearly visible
The Baoli sits in a vacant land enclosed by a toe wall The fenced Baoli is an isolated entity on the site
marking the plot
•The baoli has been extensively restored and maintained
•This three-tiered baoli exists within a vast vacant land.
•The water level has receded leaving the well dry.
•Baoli being an unadorned, rubble masonry-built underground monument is unfailingly easy to miss
even from the immediate vicinity. Pictures of the baoli before & after restoration
mage source http://exploreheritage.in/rediscovering-heritage-dwarka-baoli/
This sarai is supposed to have been built by Haji Begum for three hundred Arab mullahs (priests)
whom she had brought from Mecca, hence the name Arab Sarai. A baradari (pavilion) occupies the
Map Showing Location of the Arab ki Sarai baoli and its placement in the Humayun’s Tomb Complex centre of the eastern wall and a hammam (bath chamber) in the centre of northern wall. Arab-ki-
Base Map Source: Google Earth
sarai baoli is among the several smaller monuments surrounding Humayun’s Tomb.
The baoli is situated in Nizamuddin area and can be accessed from the humayun’s tomb complex.
This L-shaped baoli was built to quench the thirst of the over 300 Persian artisans who stayed in
while constructing Arab-ki-sarai.
4. Strategy for Rejuvenation of Baoli Precincts
• The Timeline
• The Landuse
• The Location
• The Surroundings
• The Edges
• Green/ open space structure in the neighborhood
• Site levels
• Existing planting survey
• Design strategies
• Design proposal
• Area Details
• Story board/ Photo panels
16th Century 14th-15th Century
SECTOR 5 Bhikaji Kama Place
•Rajon ki Baoli •Agrasen ki Baoli
•Loharheri Baoli •Wazirpur Monument Complex, RK
•Arab ki Sarai Baoli Puram Sec 5
•Purana Qila Baoli RK PURAM
•Lal Qila Baoli
4.2 The Landuse
Sector 5.
Map Showing the immediate surroundings of RK Puram, sector 5
Base Map Source: Google Earth
The Site is located in the heart of the residential area flanked by roads. It is easily accessible. It is
demarcated as public green and is used by the locals as a park.
Temporary commercial shops View of Sai temple with temporary Transformers at the edge of
commercial shops in the foreground the monument complex
temporary shop
Map indicating the location of the Monument complex Dulhao & vacant Grave
in RK Puram, sector 5
Base Map Source: Google Earth land for garbage platform
dumping & sorting Temporary
commercial shops like
tent houses, property
brokers, parlors
Sai temple
Baoli Transformers
RK Puram, sector 5
Base Map Source: Google Earth
Wazirpur Monument Complex, Grave platform Well Site Area- 17, 920 sq.m.
R.K. Puram Sector– 5, Delhi = 4.42 Acres
Lvl +2.0m
The isolated tomb is accessed by lower plinth but by climbing 9 steps. Its plinth level matches that of the upper
Lvl +0.5m
Lvl +0.3m
Localised slopes created on the site to drain surface water Rear view of the upper plinth’s stone rubble retaining wall.
02 Nos.
Azadirachta indica
05 Nos.
01 Nos. Syzygium cumini indica
01 Nos. Syzygium cumini Young Alistonia scholaris trees lining the boundary wall
Existing Historic
Shrub planting to buffer
the Gurudwara
Entry/Exit Plaza
Planting beds
Shaded plaza
Existing Park with seating
Shaded plaza
with seating
Pedestrian and
Visual axis
Existing park
The Plazas mark the Entry/ Exit to the site and This 4.0 m wide pathway form the Primary
access to the monuments. circulation connecting the park & the
These wide paved areas have space for seating monument complex and also marks the visual
and are shaded with trees. axis to the tomb.
•Paved plazas mark the entry to the large integrated greens. These
plazas open up the monuments not only to the neighbourhood but
to the city as a whole by providing access from the main road.
•These plazas are wide paved spaces shaded with trees to receive
Planting Beds
Signage wall
6m wide road
Tree shaded plaza with Planting beds Stone bands 6.0m wide road
benches Entry/Exit Plaza
2.0m wide
View 02
View 03
VIEW 03- Entry/ Exit Plaza- Pedestrian & Visual Axis to the monument
Stepwells are the one some of the least documented architectural structures in India. They were
seen scattered all over India, mostly in forts or temple complexes, trade routes but many have
been destroyed and forgotten. These were built by Kings and Rulers either to provide water
security to the people during droughts or as private bathing and leisure areas. There are often dug
deep, cut into the ground water aquifers, collected and stored rainwater. Steps led people to the
surface of the water whatever the level may be. These structures often served as meeting places
where people gathered for leisure as these places were cooler (because of the accumulated water)
than the harsh arid landscape where they were usually built in. Few of these structures have been
documented and fewer are conserved. In this age of water scarcity it is structures like these that
can provide us with the mush needed an inspiration to conserve water. (http://www.arcgis.com)
The growing urgency for water conservation has spearheaded a few recent efforts to de-silt
and “reactivate” a few wells in Delhi and Gujarat in the hopes that they might once again collect
and store water. The crucial factor in reviving the baolis of the city lies in the replenishment of
groundwater levels,” says R M Bhardawaj, senior scientist of the Central Pollution Control Board
* Global Heritage Fund and its NGO partners Prince Claus Fund and Gram Bharati
Samiti have carried out an investigation on how to address threats to the Stepwells of Rajasthan,
• Revival & restoration practices in other parts of the country Key conservation highlights:
• General guidelines for the rejuvenation of Baoli Precincts in Delhi •Cleaning out debris that has accumulated over decades, digging within the well’s mouth.
•Created public health facilities for men and women in the surrounding settlement.
•The overflow of the village’s water tank has been set up to move through an underground tube in
order to recharge the Stepwell during non-monsoon season.
•The Stepwell has been cleaned out, cracks in the walls have been filled, and the structure’s
surfaces have been painted over under the direction of a local artist, who reintroduced traditional
folk motifs such as musicians, which symbolize festivity.
•A central part of the restoration process was the participation of local villagers – women, in
particular. A women’s committee was formed to look after the newly restored Stepwell to ensure
its upkeep.
•Cleaning & de silting the Baolis so that water sources in these step wells to “open up” followed India 2007-2013, Client: Directorate of Archaeology, Government of Gujarat
by masonry repairs.
•Implementing the concept of Rain water harvesting to revive the rain fed baolis •Step-wells included in the project are:
•For ASI however the focus has always been on maintaining or conserving the stone structures and •Conservation and Restoration of Step-well at Davad, Idar
not saving these baolis as ‘water bodies’. •Conservation and Restoration of Nagarani Vav at Khedchandrani, Himmatnagar
•The ASI has started putting up rainwater harvesting pits in its green lawns at eight monuments, •Conservation, Restoration, and Development of Ambapur Vav at Ambapur, Gandhinagar
including at Red Fort, Safdarjung Tomb and Qutub Minar. •Conservation, Restoration and Development of Khan Talao – Dholka
•De-silting and restoration of the stepwell at Rani ki Vav, Patan. •Conservation, Restoration and Development of Vanjhari Vav at Modasa, Sabarkantha
•Conservation, Restoration and Development of Vav and Kund at Gambhirpur, Idar
The following structural works were undertaken by the Archaeological Survey of India: •Step-well at Hampur, Dhrangadhra, Surendranagar
a. Construction of the fallen retaining wall, •Chowmukhi Vav, Chobari, Chotila, Surendranagar
b. Resetting of the out of plumb parts of the side walls and •Ancient Lake, Ten Talao, Dabhoi, Vadodara
c. Other conservation measures. •Vidhyadhar Vav, Sevasi, Vadodara, Vadodara
•In 1963, the debris accumulated in the passage leading to the shaft of the well was removed , Project Tasks:
exposing a part of the side walls. The dislodged stones were reset upto a height of 11m. In 1969, •Preparation of Conservation management plan
loose sculptures and the stones lying inside the well were removed after in situ documentation. •Detailed photo and architectural documentation
The dilapidated side walls were set right and their sculptures fixed in position. In 1973, the missing •Landscape development plan as per the requirement of the project
ashlar masonry was rebuilt with stone matching the original stone used in the Vav. •Detailed visitor movement plan, signage’s creating / supplementing of visitor facilities and public
Due to flooding of the well by rain water, conservation works had to be discontinued. amenities if required
Again conservation works were resumed in 1977. The de silting of the well and resetting of side •Detailed budgeting and estimation of work defined
walls which were out of plumb was commenced. The work of exposing hidden structures was •Phasing of project implementation
continued . The dressing and carving of the stone for the missing portions was undertaken. The •Detailed structural drawings for new structures proposed if required
missing portion of the northern side wall and terrace platform were restored. •Setting up information/display centre to exhibit loose sculptures and ornamental architectural
The damaged and worn out stone flooring of the 1st and 2nd pavilions was removed and replaced elements
with fresh Dhrangadhra stone matching the original property. The cracks that developed due to •Sorting of debris for loose sculptures and ornamental architectural elements for re-use
earthquake in the front walls and open joints were grouted. •Dismantling of existing, damaged, and out of plumb portions of the structure and resetting in
accordance with original structure
* One such baoli restored by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) was built in the 14th SOURCE: people for heritage concern
century in Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti, a medieval village in Delhi named after Sufi saint, Hazrat
Nizamuddin Auliya. In 2008, parts of the baoli walls collapsed due to sewage water seeping into
the structure and the local residents using it as a rubbish dump. The pool was drained and the
rubbish, garbage and sludge that had accumulated over the past 700 years was removed to reach
the foundation of the baoli some 80 feet below ground level. While the water in the baoli is still
not potable, it can be used for cleaning and agriculture.
* Diwan Singh, an activist with nonprofit Natural Heritage First, says that even though
many baolis in Delhi are surrounded by buildings, the wells can still be recharged. “Catchment
area management is the key. In the small areas of land between the baolis and buildings, rainwater
harvesting pits could be built to divert rainwater away from the storm drains,” he says. “Once
in the pit, water will percolate through the soil and recharge the nearby baoli, allowing modern
development and ancient structures to coexist side by side.”
•Well labelled and informative signage should be provided to facilitate visitor’s approach to the
Baoli and access within the complex.
The baolis are repositories of traditional techniques and represent an inherent understanding •Story boards explaining the historical relevance of the structure, its purpose, architectural details
of the land, its terrain and the water systems. They symbolise a mode in which our ancestors should be installed to arouse visitor interest.
established ways of preserving water for the driest days of the year.
They represent a unique building typology in terms of the structural and architectural systems. With •Illumination: The precincts should be well lit during the night so that the people driving by are
the advent of modern technology for water supply, water harvesting and storage, baolis are not aware of the presence of a historic structure.
constructed any more Baolis of Bundi-INTACH Barriers/Railings/Handrails: The boundary wall enclosing the precincts should be porus i.e. a low toe
wall with railings so that the site remains secure but is visually accessible at the same time.
RESTORATION OF STRUCTURE •Railings should not be very prominent and should not hinder the view.
Ageing, efflorescence, encroachment, poor maintenance & neglect and urban pressure are the •The sites should be physically accessible to all and handrails could be provided wherever feasible.
major reasons contributing to the deterioration of the baolis. It should be restored and rendered •The water body should have a safety barrier so as to avoid mishaps.
stable and safe to facilitate visitors. The precincts should be clear of all the vegetative growth and
the access should be defined before making it accessible to the public. CREATING AWARENESS AMONGST COMMUNITY & TOURISTS
•Awareness programs in the form of workshops, photo canvas display, talks can be organized so as
REVIVAL OF THE WATER BODY to sensitize the locals and the tourists of the invaluable assets.
•Reviving the water body would strengthen the conservation and rejuvenation of the space as •Identifying and including the baolis in the heritage walks so attract the heritage enthusiasts. This
a whole. This can be achieved by community participation in the digging and cleaning the well of will also encourage their regular maintenance and management
years of accumulation of garbage and silt.
•If the aquifer has dried and no underground source of water is available, the water body can INVOLVING THE LOCALS IN THE RESTORATION & MAINTENANCE PROCESS
be recharged by the means of Rain water harvesting. The well of the Baoli to be linked with the •Once the locals know about the baoli, a sense of ownership can be induced. This would help
Rain water harvesting system, integrating with the surrounding water systems. This would in tern them associate with the space, it could become a community gathering space. The community
replenish the water table of the area. would in turn maintain and safe guard it rather than dumping waste.
•The water from these baolis can be used for watering the parks in the vicinity. •Weekly/monthly community fairs, exhibitions, food stalls in the baoli precincts would invite locals
•It should be made sure that the baoli is not used for washing of clothes and bathing. and people from nearby localities to visit the place.
•The baoli precincts should have unhindered access so that it is accessible to everyone though it
could be locked and manned during night.
•Providing necessary pathways & ramps for circulation & accessibility.
(Salient Features)
1. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and
Validation) Act, 2010 hereinafter referred to as the Amendment Act has been enacted to amend
the Ancient monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 and to make provision for
validation of certain actions taken by the Central Government under the said Act.
2. The limits of prohibited area and regulated area around the monuments, archaeological sites and
remains declared by the Central Government as protected have been specified in the principal
Act as 100 m and 200 m, respectively. The limits so fixed may be further extended on the basis of
gradation and classification of the monuments, archaeological sites and remains to be done by the
National Monument Authority, which is to be constituted by the Central Government by virtue of
the Amendment in the principal Act.
3. The Authority shall have a full time Chairperson and five full time and five part-time members
having proven experience and expertise from the fields of archaeology, town and country planning,
architecture, heritage, conservation architecture or law with a tenure of three years.
5. The Amendment Act defines ‘construction’ which means any erection of a structure or a building,
including any addition or extension thereto either vertically or horizontally, but does not include,
6. Annexure any re-construction, repair and renovation of any existing structure or building, or construction,
maintenance and cleansing of drains and drainage works and of public latrines, urinals and similar
conveniences, or the construction and maintenance of works meant for providing supply of water
for public, or the construction or maintenance, extension, management for supply and distribution
of electricity to the public; or provision for similar faculties for publicity. [Section 2(dc)] Similarly,
‘reconstruction’ has also been defined as any erection of a structure or building to its pre-existing
structure, having the same horizontal or vertical limits. [Section 2 (k)] To avoid any ambiguity in
interpretation, the Act has defined the term ‘repair’ and ‘renovation’ which means alteration to a
pre-existing structure or building, but shall not include ‘construction’ or ‘reconstruction’. [Section 2
6. There is also a provision in the Act to further extend the prohibited area beyond 100 meters
having regard to the classification of any protected monument or protected area on the
recommendation of ‘National Monument Authority’ by the Central Government. [Section 2 (ha)
vertically and covers even below the surface. may be [Section 20C(1)] After the enforcement of the Amendment Act, no owner or possessor of
any building or structure or land falling in the prohibited area could be permitted for undertaking
7. The regulated area, according to the Amendment Act means every area, beginning at the limit any construction or reconstruction. He may, however, undertake repair or renovation of the
of prohibited area in respect of every ancient monument and archaeological site and remains, building or structure which existed prior to 16th June, 1992 or which had been constructed on the
extending to a distance of 200 hundred meters in all directions. This 200 meters regulated basis of permission granted by the Director General.
area could further be extended having regard to the classification of any protected monument
or protected area on the recommendation of ‘National Monument Authority’ by the Central 12. The Act provides for carrying out construction or re-construction or repair or renovation of
Government. [Section 2(I) and 20B] With this definition, the regulated area has extent not only such building or structure on such land, as the case may be, by any person, who owns or possesses
horizontally but also vertically and covers even below the surface. any building or structure or land in any regulated area. The owner or possessor of any building
or structure or land may make an application to the Competent Authority for carrying out
8. The Act provides for undertaking survey of all prohibited areas and regulated areas by the ASI construction or re-construction or repair or renovation, as the case may be. [Section 20C(2)]
for the purpose of preparing detailed site plans within a time limit to be specified by the Central
Government. Responsibility has also been given to the ASI to identify all construction of whatever 13. The permission for construction granted by the ASI after the 16th day of June, 1992 but
nature made on and after 16th June, 1992 in all prohibited and regulated areas and to submit a ending before the date on which the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains
report from time to time to the Central Government. The ASI has been given authority under the (Amendment and Validation) Act 2010 has come into force, in the regulated area in respect of
Act to call for information from the local bodies and other authorities. such protected monument, shall be deemed to have been validly granted in accordance with the
provision of this Act [Section 20B] . As per this provision the constructions carried out by any
9. The Amendment Act provides that none other than an archaeological officer can carry out person in the regulated area without obtaining prior permission from the Director General is illegal
any construction in any prohibited area. This provision means that no construction activity can be and not valid.
taken up in the prohibited areas of the protected monuments and protected areas. The authority
for undertaking construction activities in the prohibited area has been given to the archaeological 14. The permissions for construction granted by the ASI after the 16th day of June, 1992 but
officer keeping in view the requirements to enhance the visitors experience, which may require ending before the date on which the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains
erection of structures like toilets, sculpture shed, museum, interpretations centre, publication (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010, in the prohibited area on the basis of the recommendation
counter, ticket book office, water kiosk, small cafeteria, etc. of the Expert Advisory Committee, shall be deemed to have been validly granted in accordance
with the provisions of this Act [Section 20A(3)].
10. The Act provides that no permission, including carrying out any public work or project essential
to the public or other constructions, shall be granted in any prohibited area on and after the 15. The Act, however, provides that the permission for construction or re-construction of any
date on which the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and building or structure granted in any prohibited area subsequent to the completion of construction
Validation) Act 2010 comes into force. After the enforcement of the Act, 2010, public work or or re-construction of any building or structure. [Section 20A(3)]. This provision has not validated
project essential to the public or other constructions cannot be carried out in the prohibited area. the permissions granted by the Director General ex-post-facto, which means that the buildings and
This provision, however, does not include cleansing of drains and drainage works and of public structures so constructed un- authorizedly but regularized later would be treated as unauthorized
latrines, urinals and similar conveniences, or, the construction and maintenance of works meant and illegal.
for providing for supply of water for public, or the construction or the maintenance, extension,
management for supply and distribution of electricity to the public or provision for similar facilities 16. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation)
for public [Section 2(I) and 20B]. This provision has barred all construction activities in the Act, 2010 provides that the Central Government may specify, by notification in the official Gazette,
prohibited area to be taken up by all public bodies even if the purpose is related to public works an officer not below the rank of Director of the Competent Authority to perform functions under
or project essential to the pubic. There is no provision for grant of any relaxation in this regard the Act. The Central Government has the powers to specify different Competent Authorities for
by any authority. the purpose of Sections 20C, 20D and 20E. [Section 2(db)]
11. Any person, who owns any building or structure, which existed in a prohibited area before the 17. Henceforth, the authority to receive application for grant of permission for construction,
16th day of June, 1992, or, which had been subsequently constructed with the approval of Director reconstruction, repair or renovation in the prohibited areas or regulated areas has been vested
General and desires to carry out any repair or renovation of such building or structure, may make with the Competent Authority, who shall be specified by the Central Government through a
18. The applications for grant of permission for repair or renovation of buildings or structures which 27. The proviso to Section 20D (7) authorizes the Competent Authority, in exceptional
existed in a prohibited area before 16th of June 1992, or which had been subsequently constructed circumstances and with the approval of the National Monument Authority, to consider grant of
with the approval of Director General may be made to the Competent Authority by the owner permission for repair/renovation/construction/reconstruction, etc., even before the heritage bye-
or the possessor in such manner as may be prescribed (as per the rule to be notified). [Section laws are approved /notified. [Section 20D (7)]
28. The Central Government or the Director General shall have to exhibit on website all the
19. The applications for grant of permission for construction or reconstruction or repair or permissions granted or refused [Section 20D(8)]
renovation of any building or structure or land in a regulated area my be made to the Competent
Authority by the owner or the possessor in such manner as may be prescribed (as per the rules to 29. The Competent Authority in consultation with the Indian National Trust For Art and Cultural
be notified). [Section 20D(1)] Heritage or such other expert heritage bodies, as may be notified by the Central Government,
shall prepare heritage bye-laws in respect of each protected monument and protected area.
20. The Competent Authority shall forward the applications so received within 15 days the [Section 20E(1)]
National Monument Authority to consider and intimate impact of such construction (including
the impact of large scale development project, public project and project essential to the public) 30. The heritage bye-laws shall specify heritage controls such as elevation, façade, drainage system,
in accordance with heritage bye-laws to be framed for the concerned protected monument or road and service infrastructure (including electric poles, water and sewer pipelines) in addition to
protected area. [Section 20D (2)] such matters as may be prescribed (to be detailed out in the rules to be framed). [Section 20E (2)]
21. The Central Government may prescribe the category of applications in respect of which the 31. The Central Government shall specify, by rules (to be framed), the manner of preparation of
permission may be granted under sub section 20D(2) and the applications which shall be referred detailed site plans in respect of each protected monument or protected area, or prohibited area or
to the National Monument Authority for recommendations. [Section 20D (2)] regulated area, the time within which such heritage bye-laws shall be prepared and particulars to
be included in each such heritage bye-laws. [Section 20E (3)]
22. The National Monument Authority shall intimate within two months after the receipt of the
application to the Competent Authority impact of such construction (including the large scale 32. The preparation of heritage bye-laws in respect of each protected monument or protected
development project, public project and project essential to the public). [[Section 20D (3)] area shall be governed by the ground conditions and nature of the monument for which it has
been found essential to undertake detailed documentation of the protected area, prohibited area
23. The Competent Authority shall either grant permission or convey refusal to the applicant within and regulated area in each case.
one month of receipt of the recommendation of the National Monument Authority. [Section 20D
(4)] 33. The Competent Authority has been authorized to appoint experts or consultants for
preparation of detailed site plans and heritage bye-laws. [Section 20E (4)]
24. The recommendation of the National Monument Authority shall be final. [Section 20D(5)]
34. The heritage bye-laws which shall eventually be prepared by the Competent Authority with
25. In case of refusal of the permission, the Competent Authority shall by order in writing and the help of outside experts and consultants shall be got approved by the National Monument
after giving an opportunity to the concerned person intimate such refusal within three months Authority, which is proposed to heave the Chairperson and members of excellence in the relevant
from the date of receipt of application to the applicant, the Central Government and the National areas like archaeology, country and town planning, architecture,conservation architecture or law.
Monument Authority. [Section 20D (6)] [Section 20E (5)]
26. The Competent Authority is empowered to refer the permission so granted for carrying out 35. The heritage bye-laws in respect of each protected monument or protected area shall be laid
of repair or renovation work or reconstruction of building or construction of National Monument on the table of each House of Parliament. [Section 20E (6)] The heritage bye-laws therefore shall
Authority, in case, it is found that such repair or renovation or reconstruction or construction is have to be published in the Official Gazette to make them available to public.
likely to cause an adverse impact on the preservation, safety, security or access to the monument
considerably for recommendation, and if so, recommended by the Authority, the Competent 36. The heritage bye-laws shall be exhibited by the Competent Authority on the website after
make the system transparent and to avoid any undue inconvenience or harassment to the public.
40. The Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India has been made responsible to
37. Penalty under section 30 of the Principal Act has been enhanced from three months to two conduct a survey or cause survey to be conducted in respect of all prohibited area regulated
years and fine of rupees five thousand to one lakh or with both in respect of violation subsection areas of the protected monuments and protected areas for the purpose of preparing detailed site
(1) WHOEVER – plans within a period which may be specified by the central government. A report on the survey
(i) Destroys, removes, inquires, alters, defaces, imperils or misuse a protected monument, or to be conducted shall be submitted by the Director General to the Central Government and the
(ii) Being the owner or occupier of a protectedmonument, contravenes an ordermade under sub- Authority. [Section 35A(1) and (2)]
section (1) of section 9 or under sub-section (1) of section 10, or This exercise is essential to document the existing ground conditions in the prohibited areas and
(iii) Removes from a protected monument any sculpture, carving, image, bas-relief, inscription, or regulated areas so that it is easy t find out if some one has undertaken construction activities
other like object, or without obtaining permission from the Competent Authority. The preparation of detailed site
(iv) Does any act in contravention of sub-section(1) of section 19, shall be punishable with plans in respect of each protected monument or protected area is also essential for preparation of
imprisonment which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, heritage bye-laws. The Director General has to complete exercise within a time to be specified by
or with both, Similar to sub-section (1) the penalty for violation of sub-section (2) of section 30 has the Central Government.
also been enhanced.
41. Responsibility has been entrusted upon the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of
(2) Any person who moves any antiquity in contravention of a notification issued under sub- India to identify or cause to be identified, all construction (of whatever nature) made on and after
section (1) of section 25 shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years or the 16th day of June, 1992 in all prohibited areas and regulated areas and, thereafter, submit from
with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees or with both; and the court conviction a person of time to time a report in respect thereof to the Central Government. [Section 35B(1)] Although,
any such contravention may by order direct such person to restore the antiquity to the place from the Circles of the ASI may have some data on unauthorized constructions carried out in the
which it was moved. prohibited and regulated areas of protected monuments and sites, this may not be correct and
many omissions could be there because of lack of proper mechanism and manpower infrastructure.
38. In respect of unauthorized constructions in the prohibited and regulated area of the protected This is a major exercise which may involve a lot of interaction with Panchayats, Municipalities,
monument and protected area, the penalty has been incorporated now by the Amendment Act. Development authorities, revenue authorities and various Central and State Government
The penalty provision is as under – departments to find out the details of constructions carried out in the prohibited and regulated
(i) Whoever raises, on and after the date on which the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological areas of the protected monuments and protected areas without approval of the Director General.
sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act 2010, any construction in the prohibited area,
shall be punishable with imprisonment not exceeding two years or with fine which may extend to 42. The Director General, Archaeological Survey of India has been given powers to call for
one lakh rupees or with both. [Section 30A] information from the local bodies and other authorities for identification on of all constructions
(ii) Whoever raises, on and after the date on which the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological made on and after 16th June, 1992 in all prohibited areas and regulated areas. [Section 35B(2)]
Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010, any construction in the regulated area This provision makes it mandatory for the local bodies and other authorities to share the details
without previous permission of the competent authority or in contravention of the permission on un-authorize constructions carried out by the individuals and public bodies in the prohibited
granted by the competent authority, shall be punishable with imprisonment not exceeding two and regulated areas of the monuments and sites after the issue of the notification dated 16th June,
years or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees or with both. [Section 30B] 1992in the Official Gazette.
(iii) If any officer of the central Government enters into or acquiesces in any agreement to do,
abstains from doing, permits, conceals or connives at any act or thing whereby any construction 43. As per section 12 of the Amendment Act, the permissions granted by the Archaeological
or reconstruction takes place in a prohibited area or regulated area, shall be punishable with Survey of India between 16th June, 1992 and the enforcement of the Ancient Monuments and
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine, or both [Section 30C] Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010 for construction or
re-construction or repair or renovation except those granted ex-post-facto after the completion
39. The penalty has been enhanced to ensure that it acts a deterrent and none dares to indulge of the structure or building in the prohibited areas and regulated areas of the protected of the
in unauthorized and illegal activities as per the Act. Provision for severe punishment has also been protected monuments and protected areas have been held as valid and not challengeable in
made for the officers of the Central Government who are found indulged in any act which is illegal any court, tribunal or other authority. Any rule, order or notification made under the Ancient
or unauthorized as per the Act. This will make sure that he Central Government officers discharge monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 for carrying out any repair, renovation
of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, In most situations, floodlights will be used to illuminate monuments. The floodlights are equipped
2010 shall also not be challengeable in any court, tribunal or other authority. with LEDs and can have different shapes, depending on the illumination needs. Circular or
rectangular design for different light distributions, linear modules for wall washing effects, etc.
B. HOW TO LIGHT MONUMENTS The chosen floodlights should have a high tightness degree (IP 66), to maintain the initial
photometric performance throughout the lifetime of the installation.
B.1 Photometric requirements
When illuminating a monument, it is preferable to install the lighting equipment close to it. This will B.4 Installation layout
enable the “wall washing” effect (like on building façades) to be created, providing contrasts and To create a wall wash lighting on a monuments, different options exist: floodlights can be recessed
shadows that will perfectly reveal the shapes and the volume of the monument. into the ground, fixed onto the ground, on the monument structure, on small poles, et
When located at a larger distance from the monument, on poles or on surrounding buildings,
In addition, placing small floodlights close to the monument will make it easier to control any narrow beam floodlights are ideal.
potential problems of glare for pedestrians or drivers moving around.Generally, narrow beam SOURCE:http://www.schreder.com/zh/learningcentre/howtolight/how-to-light-monuments
When the monument can be seen from all directions, a minimum of three orientations (ideally
every 120°) is necessary for the complete illumination.When it is not possible to install the
floodlights close to the monument, the illumination design is more difficult due to the control of
glare. Narrow beam floodlights must be accurately oriented, avoiding critical directions for vehicle
drivers nearby.
The vertical illuminance level to be achieved on the monument depends on several parameters,
the most important being the material (brightness, dirtiness) and brightness of the surroundings.
The average vertical illuminance level can range from 0 to 30 lux (for clear material in a relatively
dark environment) up to 300 lux (for darker material located in bright surroundings).
Accent lighting to highlight particular details of a building is easy to achieve. When high power
is necessary (very large distance to illuminate), the use of a high output flux LED fixture is now
If coloured lighting is desired, the best choice is clearly the use of LEDs. Indeed, the efficacy of
saturated colours given by the different types of LEDs (or their RGB combination) is much higher
than metal halide lamps associated with coloured filters. All the light sources have the same colour
temperature. Unwanted differences in colours show a very bad and disappointing result.
1. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/exhibit/QRUUiMQd
2. https://waterservicesolutions.wordpress.com/2012/10/30/water-shaping-human-civilization-since-
3. STEPWELLS OF GUJARAT (1981)- Jutta Jain Neubauer
4. Delhi-A Thousand years of building by Lucy Peck
5. INVISIBLE CITY: The hidden monuments of Delhi- Rakshanda Jalil
6. STEPS TO WATER- Morna Livingston
• 7. BAOLIS OF BUNDI- The ancient stepwells- INTACH
• 8. www.competentauthoritydelhi.co.in