Cleanliness and Hygiene
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Ans. Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It involves keeping our body parts
clean and free of germs.
Ans. Washing hair with shampoo once a week helps to the hair and scalp clean.
Ans. We should always wear clean sock and inner clothes because these clothes are next to our skin,
dead cells and germs get accumulated there.
Ans. Boiling kills most of the germs present in water. Therefore we should always drink boiled and
filtered water.
Ans. We should wash our hands before and after meals, every time after using the toilet, after
touching any animal or equipment, or any contaminated objects such as dustbins.
Ans. The diseases which spread from an infected person to a healthy person directly or indirectly are
called communicable diseases. They spread from an infected person to a healthy person through air,
water, food and insects, or by direct contact.
i. Splash your eyes with clean water two or three times a day’
ii. Maintain proper eye distance when working on a computer.
iii. Do not watch television or work on a computer for long periods. Take a bread after
every 20 minutes.
Ans. We can reduce the amount of biodegradable waste by following the three R’s –
i. Reduce – We should only buy what we really need. We should use plates, spoons and
glasses made of metal, glass or ceramic, instead of using the disposable ones.
ii. Reuse – We should always try to find new ways to use things before throwing them
away. We should store food in reusable containers.
iii. Recycle – Dry waste should be sorted and should be sent to recycling plant for making
new things. We should buy things that are made from recycled material.
Biodegradable Non-biodegradable
*Waste that can decay and mix with the soil is *Waste that cannot decay and does not mix with
called biodegradable waste. the soil is called non-biodegradable.
*Example - vegetable and fruit peels, leaves and *Example – plastics, rubber, metal and glass.
thing made from paper and wood. * The blue container is used to throw non-
* The green container is used to throw biodegradable waste.
biodegradable waste.