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2016 - Wilhelmina SanataDharma - A Culinary English Course Book For VHS

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A Thesis

Presented to the Graduate Program in English Language Studies

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)


English Language Studies


Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut








A Thesis

Presented to the Graduate Program in English Language Studies

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)


English Language Studies


Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut









Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut

Student Number:


Approved by

Dr. J. Bismoko ……………………………

Thesis Advisor Date: 04th July 2018



Presented by

Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut

Student Number: 166332023

Was Defended before the Thesis Committee

and Declared Acceptable


Chairperson: F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D.

Secretary: Dr. J. Bismoko

Member: Dr. B. B Dwijatmoko, M.A.

Member: Dr. E. Sunarto, M. Hum

Yogyakarta, 17th July 2018

The Graduate School Director

Sanata Dharma University

Dr. Gregorius Budi Subanar, SJ.



For by grace are ye we saved through faith; and that not of

yourself, it is the gift of God. Not by works. So that no one can
Ephesians 2: 8 – 9

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his loves endures

1 Chronicles 16: 34



This is to certify that all the ideas, phrases, and sentences, unless otherwise

stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands

the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else's

idea, phrase, or sentence without proper references.

Yogyakarta, July 4th, 2018

Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut



Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama: Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut

NIM: 166332023
Demi mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan
Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan
kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,
mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data,
mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media
lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun
memberikan royalti kepada saya selama mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 4 Juli 2018

Yang menyatakan,

Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut


First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ and

Mother Mary who giving me courage and strength to finish my thesis even though

I have so many weaknesses and limitation. Through this process I learn that praying

and faith could conquer everything.

I want to express my gratitude to Dr. J Bismoko as my thesis advisor for

guiding me in doing my thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to F.X.

Mukarto, Ph.D. and Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. as the reviewers of my thesis.

Besides, I would like to thank Bapak Felix Sri, the English teacher of SMK

BOPKRI 2 who giving me chance and facilitating me in doing the research. Thank

you for sharing me a lot of knowledge and stories that really support my research

and also to the students from culinary program at SMK Bopkri 2 for being the

participants of my research. I also would like to thank Ms. Yuseva Ariyani

Iswandari S.Pd., M.Ed for being my validator for the course book. Thank you for

all the comments and suggestions which are really necessary to design.

I also would like to say thank you to my beloved family, my father Titus

Wandut and my mother Kristina Peda Boku who always give me chance to choose

what I want in life, support every decision that I made and love me unconditionally.

Then, to my beautiful sisters Laurensia, Felisitas and Gabriela for being my

precious treasures. I always love you no matter what. I promise to get your back in

this hard life.


I also want to thank Gabriel for supporting me during this study. Thank you

so much for showing and teaching me many great things in life. I have to admit that

your support is really powerful for me and your kindness inspired me every time. I

wish and believe that many blessing will be upon you too.

Moreover, I also would like to thank my best friends during this study Detha,

Joice Paila, Jumva, Derin, Alviz and to my cousin Jeny Talu for always being there

and helping me every time. Thank you for being there every time I need. I could

not be more grateful because of having you in my life. Then, I want to say thank

you to my friends in KBI especially batch 2016 for all the good time that we have

inside and outside the class. They really know how to cheer me up. I wish each of

you have a good life. May God bless you.

Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut



TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii
THESIS DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................... iii
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iv
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... v
UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS .............................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xv
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xvi
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... xvii

A. Research Background ......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Identification ........................................................................................ 6
C. Problem Limitation............................................................................................. 7
D. Research Question .............................................................................................. 8
E. Research Goals ................................................................................................... 8
F. Research Benefits................................................................................................ 9


A. Theoretical Review .......................................................................................... 11
1. Instructional Design ..................................................................................... 11

a. ADDIE .................................................................................................... 14

1) Analyse ............................................................................................... 15

2) Design ................................................................................................. 16

3) Developing.......................................................................................... 18

4) Implementation ................................................................................... 19

5) Evaluation ........................................................................................... 21

b. Dick and Carey ........................................................................................ 22

1) Identify Instructional Design .............................................................. 23

2) Conduct Instructional Analysis .......................................................... 23

3) Identify Entry Behaviours and Learner Characteristics ..................... 24

4) Write Performance Objectives............................................................ 24

5) Develop Criterion-Referenced Test Items .......................................... 25

6) Develop Instructional Strategy ........................................................... 25

7) Develop and Select Instructional Materials ........................................ 25

8) Develop and Conduct Formative Evaluation...................................... 25

9) Develop and Conduct Summative Evaluation .................................... 26

2. English for Vocational High School Culinary Division ............................... 26

a. Vocational School .................................................................................... 26

b. Culinary Program..................................................................................... 28

c. English for Vocational High School ........................................................ 29

3. Need Analysis............................................................................................... 31

4. Content-Based Instruction ............................................................................ 36

5. The Four Strands .......................................................................................... 38


B. Related Research Report .................................................................................. 41

C. The Characteristic of Target Population........................................................... 43
1. The Participants of Research and Information Collecting ........................... 43

2. The Participants of Expert Validation .......................................................... 44

3. The Participants of Implementation and Users Validation .......................... 45

D. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 45


A. Research and Information Collecting............................................................... 52
B. Planning ............................................................................................................ 56
C. Developing Preliminary Form of Product ........................................................ 58
D. Preliminary Field Testing ................................................................................. 59
E. Main Product Revision ..................................................................................... 59
F. Main Field Testing ............................................................................................ 63
G. Operational Product Revision .......................................................................... 64


A. The Schematic Model of Culinary English ...................................................... 66
1. Research and Information Collecting ........................................................... 66

a. Information Collecting ............................................................................. 67

b. Need Analysis Result ............................................................................... 67

2. Planning ........................................................................................................ 76

a. Stating the Goal, Learning Objectives, Units and Topics ........................ 76

b. The Result of Forum Group Discussion .................................................. 79

3. Schematic Model .......................................................................................... 82

B. Culinary English Course book of Vocational High School.............................. 87

1. Develop Preliminary Form of Product ......................................................... 87


a. Cover of the Course Book........................................................................ 87

b. The Preface .............................................................................................. 88

c. The Units .................................................................................................. 89

d. The Stages ................................................................................................ 90

1) Let’s Take a Look ............................................................................... 90

2) Let’s Find Out ..................................................................................... 91

3) Let’s Analyse ...................................................................................... 92

4) Let’s Practice ...................................................................................... 93

5) Let’s Produce ...................................................................................... 94

e. Vocabulary ............................................................................................... 96

2. Preliminary Field Testing ............................................................................. 97

a. Result of Expert’s Opinion ...................................................................... 98

b. Comments and Suggestion on Culinary English Course Book ............. 100

3. Main Product Revision ............................................................................... 100

4. Main field testing and Operation Product Revision ................................... 100


A. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 105
B. Recommendations .......................................................................................... 107
1. English Teachers ........................................................................................ 107

2. Further Researcher ..................................................................................... 107

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 108

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 112


Table 2.1 A need analysis framework by Hutchinson and Waters (1987)............ 34

Table 3.1 The summary of Expert Validation Questionnaire Blue Print .............. 61

Table 4.1 The Importance of English Skills.......................................................... 69

Table 4.2 The Difficulties in Learning English .................................................... 69

Table 4.3 The important Skill for Future Carrier .................................................. 70

Table 4.4 Activities in the Classroom ................................................................... 71

Table 4.5 Learning Objectives .............................................................................. 73

Table 4.6 Content .................................................................................................. 74

Table 4.7 Exercise ................................................................................................. 74

Table 4.8 Topic ..................................................................................................... 75

Table 4.9 List of Learning Objectives .................................................................. 77

Table 4.10 Goal ..................................................................................................... 80

Table 4.11 Topics .................................................................................................. 80

Table 4.12 Process ................................................................................................ 81

Table 4.13 Learning Materials .............................................................................. 81

Table 4.14 Content ................................................................................................ 82

Table 4.15 Revision of Schematic Model ............................................................. 82

Table 4.16 Result of Expert’ Validation ............................................................... 98

Table 4.17 Result of Users’ Implementation ...................................................... 101


Figure 2.1 Relationship among terms associated with instruction

(Smith, P. L & Ragan, T. J. 1999) ........................................................ 12

Figure 2.2 A Review of ADDIE (Clark 2007) ...................................................... 15

Figure 2.3 Dick and Carey’s Model of Instructional Design (2009: 1) ................ 23

Figure 2.4 Systematic approach to designing and maintaining

language curriculum (Brown. 1995) .................................................. 35

Figure 2.5 Framework Theory .............................................................................. 46

Figure 3.1 R&D cycle from Borg & Gall ............................................................. 51

Figure 4.1 Cover of the Book ................................................................................ 88

Figure 4.2 The Preface .......................................................................................... 89

Figure 4.3 Let’s Take a Look ................................................................................ 91

Figure 4.4 Let’s Find Out ...................................................................................... 92

Figure 4.5 Let’s Analyze ....................................................................................... 93

Figure 4.6 Let’s Practice ....................................................................................... 94

Figure 4.7 Let’s Produce ....................................................................................... 95

Figure 4.8 Reflection ............................................................................................. 96

Figure 4.9 Vocabulary........................................................................................... 97


Appendix 1. Questionnaire for Students’ Needs ................................................. 113

Appendix 2. Questionnaire for Validator ............................................................ 119

Appendix 3. Result of Need Analysis Questionnaire ......................................... 123

Appendix 4. Result of Validation by Expert ....................................................... 126

Appendix 5. Result of Course Book Implementation ......................................... 128

Appendix 6. Schematic Model ............................................................................ 130

Appendix 7. Syllabus of the Designed English Course Book ............................. 135

Appendix 8. The Course Book ............................................................................ 147


Wandut, Wilhemina Kurnia, 2018. A Culinary English Course Book for
Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program in English
Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

The vocational high school contributes to develop the workers ability by

training them to have specific skills since early stage. Nowadays, having English
ability is also one the requirements of workers. However, the vocational high school
does not provide specific English on each program to support students’
performance. One of the programs offered in vocational high school is the culinary
This study aims to develop a culinary English course book of the vocational
high school. There are two formulated research questions of the study. First is
“What is the schematic model of culinary English for vocational high school?” and
second is “How is the course book for vocational high school students like?”. The
researcher used ADDIE model and Dick and Carey model to figure out the concept
of instructional design. The approach used is Content-Based Instructional. There
are nine stages of procedures in conducting the study. They are information
collecting, making the schematic model, evaluating the schematic model, revising
the schematic model, developing the course book, validating the course book, trying
out the course book, evaluating the course book and revising the course book.
This study only used six out of ten stages of R&D stages. The first two stages
which are Research and Information Collecting and Planning answered the first
research questions related to the schematic model. The rest which are Develop
Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing, Main Product Revision,
Main Field Testing and Operational Product Revision answer the second research
question related to culinary English course book.
There are two results of the study which are the schematic model and yhe
course book which consists of four units. The name of the units are Kitchen
Utensils, Fruit and Vegetables, Meat, and Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert. The
course book was validated and revised based on the opinions, comments and
suggestion by experts. Moreover it was implemented to the target learners before
having the final revision. Based on the result and revision made, it is perceived that
the culinary English course book is effective and practical to the culinary program
of vocational high school.

Keywords: Instructional design, Research and development, Vocational High

School, English Culinary


Wandut, Wilhemina Kurnia, 2018. A Culinary English Course Book for
Vocational High School Students. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program in English
Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) berkontribusi dalam perkrmbangan

kualitas tenaga kerja yakni dengan cara melatih siswa-siswi untuk mendapatkan
kemampuan khusus seja dini. Pada saat ini, memiliki kemampuan bahasa ingrris
adalah salah satu persyaratan yang diminta ketika melamar pekerjaan. Akan tetapi,
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan tidak menfasilitasi pelajaran bahasa inggris yang
spesific sesuai dengan program-program yang ada. Salah satunya adalah program
tata boga.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah buku bahasa inggris
untuk siswa-siswi tata boga pada SMK. Ada dua rumusan masalah dari penelitian
ini yakni “bagaimana model skematis dari bahasa inggris untuk siswa-siswi tata
boga?” dan “seperti apa buku bahasa inggris untuk siswa-siswi tata boga”?. Peneliti
menggunakan desain dari ADDIE dan Dick & Carey untuk memahami konsep dari
desain itu sendiri. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah Content-Based Instruction.
Terdapat sembilan langkah yang ditempuh untuk menyelasaikan penilitian ini
yakni: mengumpulkan informasi, membuat model skematis, mengevaluasi model
skematis, merevisi model skematis, mengembangkan buku, menvalidasi buku,
mengimplementasikan buku, mengevaluasi buku dan merevisi buku.
Penelitian menggunakan enam dari sepuluh langkah dari R&D (Research and
Development). Dua langkah pertama yaitu Research and Information Collecting
dan Planning menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama sedangkan sisanya yaitu
Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing, Main Product
Revision, Main Field Testing dan Operational Product Revision menjawab
rumusan masalah yang kedua yang berkaitan dengan buku bahasa inggris untuk
siswa-siswi tata boga.
Terdapat dua hasil dari penelitian yakini model skematis dan buku yang
terdidi dari empat unit yaitu “Kitchen Utensils, Fruit and Vegetable, Meat, dan
Appetizer, Main course and Dessert Buku bahasa inggris untuk siswa-siswi tata
boga ini sudah divalidasi dan direvisi bedasarkan opini, komen dan masukan dari
validator. Buku ini juga sudah diimplementasikan pada target pengguna sebelum
akhirnya di revisi yang terakhir. Berdasarkan hasil data evaluasi dan revisi yang
dibuat, buku bahasa inggris untuk siswa-siwi tata boga ini efekttif dan praktis bagi
program tata boga pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Kata kunci: Desain Materi, Research and Development, Sekolah Menengah

Kejuruan, Jurusan Tata Boga.


The study aims to develop a culinary English course book for vocational high

school students. This chapter discusses its relevance and feasibility. It includes

background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, research

questions, and research goal and research benefits of the research.

A. Research Background

The demanding of working requires those who are able to deal with special

jobs. Nowadays, the global communication and information era brings a strict

competition among the job seekers. Agencies and companies are also looking for

those who have the ability to deal with spesific jobs. Besides, they also need

workers who are able to communicate in English which is related to their jobs.

The vocational school to aims to train students to be able to deal with a

spesific job related with their division. Moreover, if they want to contine their study

to a higher level, they already had English experience for three years in the related

field. Since in vocational school the students are to engage with world working

earlier and specifically.

In Indonesia, vocation school is one of the formal education instances which

provides programs in the level of senior high as the advance junior high school.

Morover, the vocational school in Indonesia is called Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

(SMK) and Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) or other equal school (Sikdinas

No.20. 2003).


According to Kotsikis (2007), the term vocational education is general and

includes every form of education that aims to the acquirement of qualifications

related to a certain profession, art or employment or that provides the necessary

training and the appropriate skills as well as technical knowledge, so that students

are able to exercise a profession, art or activity, independently of their age and their

training level, even if the training program contains also elements of general

Education. Moreover, Kotsikis (2007) adds that vocational training is generally

defined as the part of vocational education that provides the specialized professional

knowledge and skills, which attribute professional adequacy to the trainee and are

the focus of every vocational training program. Vocational training can be seen as

an activity or a set of activities designed in order to transmit theoretical knowledge

and also professional skills that are required for certain types of jobs.

Vocational school has the same level as senior high school but the students in

vocational school are already shaped with their main courses based on the program

that has been chosen. For example, the students who are on culinary program will

have subjects related to culinary field. Their courses are focusing to support their

professional skill of the program. Besides providing the related courses to their

major, in order to help the students to be ready to work, vocational school facilitates

the students with working field experience or PKL (Praktek Kerja Lapangan). The

students have the chance to experience the working field of their job in the future.

They need to gain the soft skill as well as the hard skill of their courses. They can

see, practice and apply their soft skill outside the classroom. Therefore, whether

the students want to continue their studying to higher level or start to have job after

graduating, they are expected to have the criteria as profesional workers. As what

defined by Mortaki (2012) that Vocational Education and Training has met great

development as it is applied in great extend in developed, mostly industrially,

countries, in order to equip their work force with the new skills that the labor market

demands. Moreover, it helps in the social assimilation of various social groups

However, there is still a problem for the workers since they need to have

English ability related to their jobs. Since in this era, having the capability to work

well is not enough without having English competecy. Therefore, besides learning

about their program it is important for vocational school to also master English

which is related to their program. In Indonesia, the English material for vocational

high school are the same with the English material for senior high school. The

English materials are based on the curriculum which provide general English for

learners. This facts might be a problem for those who are in vocational program

since the English material is not contextual with their program. Some of English

teachers of vocational school figure out solution by providing their own material

which are related to the program. For instance, they provide passage or conversation

which are related to the program. The fucntion is so that the students are familiar

with vocabularies and terms related to their program. Another school provide

English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) for the students. The school takes 1,5 - 2 hours

in a week to provide the students with ESP. Those ways are helpful for the students

of vocational high school to English material which are related to their jobs in the


One of the programs offered by vocational school is culinary program.

Through this program, the students are expected to have the ability to work on

culinary field after graduating and if they want to continue their studying to higher

level, they have good basic of culinary knowledge that has been learned for three

years. Therefore, the students are trained with hard skill and soft skill to deal with

culinary. It includes the nature of culinary and business of culinary. Culinary

business is related with food production, marketing and distribution. While the

nature of culinary is related with food cooking.

Widodo (2015) developed a study entitled the Development of Vocational

English Materials from a Social Semiotic Perspective: Participatory Action

Research revealed that the current language policy gives opportunity for the teacher

to have an autonomy to design their own materials in the classroom. Therefore, in

that study the teachers and the researcher created and used text-based material based

on students’ program on the vocational high school. Moreover, Widodo (2015) also

perceived that material development process as professional learning and wat to

understand SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistic) theory and apply it to pedagogical

pratices such us based instruction and text based instruction.

Those who work on culinary’s working field must be familiar with English.

Culinary is one of the working fields wich has wide connection. There are many

career options in culinary field such as food service workers which including waiter

or waitress, bartenders, hostesses, dishwashers, line cooks, prep cooks and head

chefs. For those kinds of careers, workers might deal with people or situation where

they should use English. Therefore, having preparation for English which is

relevant to this field is also important. However, the same problem also happens in

this program. English which is offered by the curriculum to this program is the same

with English on senior high school. It limits the students to abroad their knowledge

about English culinary. There are many spesific terms in culinary which have to be

learned because it might not exist in general English which are provided by the

curriculum. Therefore, the school and the English teacher should find other way to

overcome the problem. For instance, SMK BOPKRI 2 Yogyarkarta provides

English for Spesific Purpose for the students to help them studying contextual


English is one of the compulsory subjects for vocational high school.

However, curriculum only offers general English for the vocation high student on

different program. The materials are the same material offered in senior high school.

Besides, the demanding of worker who has English ability related to their specific

skills is required. English for specific purpose for the programs in vocational school

is really important. It helps the students to be ready involving themselves to the

development of working nowadays.

This research aims to provide another solution for the problems by designing

English culinary material which can be used by the culinary students to help them

learning English related to their context. There are two main reasons in designing

the academic culinary English materials. First, as what has been stated that the

students of vocational high school are supported with the general material of

English. However, the curriculum of 2013 should also able to cover professional

culinary program enterprise. Therefore, the designing offers to complete this parts

which is not included in curriculum of 2013 so that the students from this program

have the ability to produce English which is related to their professional skill in the

future. Second, it is benefit to maintain the knowledge, skill and attitude of the

students. In order to do so, they need to acknowledge from different sources and

most of the knowledge which on the experience in English will be helpful for them

in supporting their future career since culinary program is also a global business in

this era. Moreover, through academic culinary English book, it is expected that the

students can wide their knowledge about culinary around the world.

B. Problem Identification

Based on the demanding of requirements in this era, it is clear that having

English knowledge related to their jobs are very important for the workers. Since

the possibility of workers to interact and deal with a situation and people which

required them to use their English ability, especially those who work on culinary

field. As we know that culinary bussiness is developing through the globalization

which make the connection which have to learned and made by the workers is also

getting wider.

The number of the chapters in this course book are considered based on the

effective weeks that the students have each year in the academic calendar. It is

assumed that the students learn general English based on their curriculum.

Therefore, this book provide parts which are not offered in general English for the

culinary students of vocational High School.


The first steps of this research is collecting the information to alayze the need

of culinary students. The information is collected by observing the English class of

culinary students, distributing questionairre and interview the English teacher of

vocational high school. After that making the schematic model of the course book.

There are four contents in the schematic model which are goals, processes, learning

materials and contents. The schematic model are the benchmark to design the

course book. This schematic is validated by a forum group discussion. The group

refers to teachers and researchers who have experience in designing materials and

the researcher who are doing the same type of research. They give their persepective

whether the topics that be proposed in the schematic model are authentic and

reliability for the students. They also state the reason of choosing certain topics to

be included in the course book. The next step is designing the material and compose

the stages to provide the proper scaffolding for the students. After that, the culinary

English materials are validate by Experts and users. The last is final revision which

is done based the expert judments and the implementation result.

C. Problem Limitation

In order to avoid broad discussion, this part elaborates the limitation of the

research. First, the scope of this research focuses on the designing the academic

English course book for culinary division of vocational school. Therefore, it is

important to recognize that this course book focuses on the academic English

culinary however knowledge of the culinary contains in this book is not too specific.

Even though it also provides the content but the main purpose is focusing on English

development of the students. Second, the population od participants of need

analysis depicted in this research is limited to the students and the teacher of SMK

BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. However, the information about English for culinary in this

research is general and reliable for most of vocational high schools in Indonesia.

Third, the English culinary materials are designed for second year of vocational

high school. The materials are decided based on the subjects of culinary in the

vocational high school and the consideration of Forum Group Discussion’s result.

D. Research Question

Based on the background that has been stated in previous, it is expected that

the result of this research might answer the problems arise in vocation high school

especially culinary program. Therefore, there are two research questions formulated

in this research which can be seen as follows:

1. What is the schematic model of English culinary for vocational school?

2. How does the culinary English course book for vocational high school

students look like?

E. Research Goals

Based on the research questions formulated, there are two goals of this

research. First is making the schematic model of culinary English which is authentic

and reliable for the students of vocational high school. This schematic model is

helpful to decide the contextual topic and become the benchmark to design the

English culinary course book. The next goal is designing the culinary English

material for vocational high school students. These goals are expected to contribute

the development of education especially English developments. Specifically, the

purpose of this research is to help the students of vocational high school have the

knowledge of English which are related to culinary field. As what has been stated

in the background that the English teacher of vocational school have to find their

own material to help the student learn contextual English. Therefore, this book

provides material includes passages, conversation, pictures and exercise which are

related with the subject of culinary program in the high school.

Therefore, the culinary English course book which becomes the result of this

research is reliable and acceptable to be used by the second-year students of

vocational school. The composed course book is expected to be effective and

practical for the students since before the final stage, the book is tried out at school

and be evaluated by expert’s judgments. Moreover, the topics and materials of the

course book are design fundamentally to be implemented in culinary division as

English for specific purpose content.

F. Research Benefits

The research is contributed to the development of knowledge particularly in

English development. Besides, the research is conducted to give some advantages.

First, the course book can help the teacher to provide contextual material to the

students related to their subjects. Moreover, through this course book, it is expected

that they can be familiar with the culinary vocabularies and terms, they can greet

their fellow workers to maintain the relationship, they can read or make a recipe in

English, and they can use some expression related to culinary to communicate with


people. The course book is also supported by worksheet and test to help the teacher

asses the students. Second, the course book helps the students to learn English

which focuses on their subject. They can find terms which are familiar and

important for them to know. Besides English knowledge, the course book provides

the knowledge of culinary to develop their English skills so that it can be useful for

their future job especially in this global competition. Third is for the students of

English Education Department to use the result of the study as a reference in

developing other materials related to English for Specific Purpose materials.



This chapter discusses the theoretical truth of Culinary English of Vocational

School. It elaborates the terms and concepts that are presented to help the writer

designing the course book. Those terms and concepts also become benchmarks and

guidelines for the writer to design a course book.

A. Theoretical Review

This section elaborated the theories used in this study. They are instructional

design, English for vocational high school, Need Analysis, Content-Based

Instruction and the Four Strands. Those theories are elaborated on the following


1. Instructional Design

Design essentially refers to a rational, logical, sequential process intended to

solve problems. Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general

principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and

learning. The term instructional design refers to the systematic and reflective

process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for

instructional materials, activities, information resources and evaluation (Smith &

Ragan, 1999). Moreover, Instructional Design is the process through which an

educator determines the best teaching methods for specific learners in a specific

context, attempting to obtain a specific goal.”(IEEE 2001, p.1)

The word instruction itself refers to the intentional facilitation of learning

toward identified learning goals. Driscoll (1994) defines instruction from similar

perspective which is the deliberation arrangement of learning condition to promote



attainment of some intended goal. The relationship between education, instruction,

training and teaching can be seen as below:

Figure 2.1 Relationship among terms associated with instruction

(Smith, P. L & Ragan, T. J. 1999)
There are many instructional designs but the writer chooses two instructional

designs to be reviewed and used as the guidelines of conducting the research. They

are ADDIE instructional design and the instructional design from Dick and Carey

(2011). ADDIE instructional design is chosen because it offers a systematically

process, dynamic and flexible guideline to develop an effective material. The

number of phase in the instructional design are five phases which make the process

are easier to understand. Besides, the end product of one phase is the starting

product of the next phase. The instructional design from Dick and Carey is chosen

because the instructional design provides detailed information of creating the

materials. There are nine stages in this instructional and all of them elaborated

activities that should be done to create an effective instructional design. Besides,



the instructional design could be perceived as one of the examples of instructional

design since it constantly being updated.

However, in order to present the methodology of the study, this writer uses

Research and Development study which is well-known as R&D. Borg (1983)

defines that “research and development is a model developing in which the findings

of research are used to design new products and procedures, which then are

systematically field – tested, evaluated, and refined until they meet specified criteria

of effectiveness, quality or similar standard” (p. 589). The goals of this research are

making the schematic model and designing an appropriateness instructional design.

After developing English culinary course book for vocational school, the researcher

validated from the perspective of evaluator and users.

Born and Gall (1983: 772) says that educational research and development (R

& D) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. Learning

materials is going to be the product of this educational research and development.

This part will be divided into four parts namely specific goal, setting, procedures,

and nature and sources of data.

The following explanation elaborates two instructional design which are used

as guidelines to make the instructional design. The first is ADDIE instructional

design which consists of five phases and second is Dick and Carey (2011)

instructional design that consists of nine stages.




ADDIE is an acronym for the processes of the instructional system

development of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

(Molenda et al., 2003). Molenda (2015) also stated that ADDIE is shorthand for

describing any process-based approach to developing instructional content. He also

argued that the very acronym is virtually interchangeable with the term instructional

design, and that many different design frameworks fall under this umbrella

abbreviation. What is important about ADDIE, though, is that it is iterative,

involving review and revision throughout the design process. The ADDIE Model is

an iterative instructional design process, where the results of the formative

evaluation of each phase may lead the instructional designer back to any previous

phase. The end product of one phase is the starting product of the next phase

(Mcgriff. 2000)

Moreover, Welty (2007) states that ADDIE model is an iterative feedback

model, which means that the results of the Evaluation phase are returned to the

origination point (fed back), closing the loop, facilitating further refinement of the

learning product. If the evaluation shows that the module has shortcomings, for

example, that the objectives of the module do not align with organizational

objectives, those shortcomings are returned to be analyzed again. Further design

and development efforts follow, until the module meets organizational needs.

A review of the Clark’s (2007) modified ADDIE model provides a

mechanism to expand the ADDIE process can be seen as following.



Figure 2.2 A Review of ADDIE (Clark 2007)

This section elaborates five phases of ADDIE instructional design. According

to Hess (2016) ADDIE instructional design framework is the most frequently used.

It has five phases. The first is analyzing a learning situation include the needs of the

target learners. Second is designing the objectives and principles to address the

issues in the learning situation. Third is developing of recourse to meet the

specification by developing the course book. The next is implementing the learning

resources in the learning situation. The last step is evaluating how the resources

addressed the instructional needs.

1) Analyse

The analysis phase consists of gathering information about the learners, the

learning context and the expected learning activity. The elements needed to be

considered are the learning goal(s), the nature of learners including age, previous


knowledge, previous learning experience, attitude toward learning (Botturi, 2003).

The analysis phase of ADDIE is initiated by an instructional issue that results in a

careful look at the population of learners and their characteristics (Hess, 2016).

According to Aldoobie (2015), analysis stage is the most important phase of the

process. This stage is done before creating the plan for the instructional design. In

order to carry out the analysis phase, there are four things that need to be done.

They are analysing the learners, developing the instructional analysis, create the

instructional goal and analysis the learning objectives.

There are some considerations in analysing the learners. It is important to

know the learners knowledge about the subject. Besides, it is necessary to find out

the needs and problems the learners. It could be identify using surveys, interviews,

pre-test or pre-assessment test to the audiences to collect data about them

(Aldoobie. 2015).

2) Design

The second phase of ADDIE instructional design is Design. This phase

identifies the specific skills and knowledge obtained by the students. The design

phase involves using the outputs from the Analyse phase to plan a strategy for

developing the instruction. During this phase, it is important to reach the outline of

instructional goal determined during the analyse phase and expand the instructional

foundation. Some of the elements of the Design Phase may include writing a target

population description, conducting a learning analysis, writing objectives and test



items, selecting a delivery system, and sequencing the instruction. The outputs of

the Design phase will be the inputs for the Develop phase (Mcgriff. 2000).

Welty (20007) implies that on the design phase, there must be approach

planned to addressing the performance gaps which outline and approved. This

planned approach has three components. They are fitting the proposed learning

product into the larger curriculum, outlining the proposed learning product and

securing management approval of the outlined learning product. Aldoobie (2015)

states that in this phase is about applying the instruction. The designer thinks the

ways to make the design instruction be effective and can facilitate the target

learners’ learning and the interaction between the materials created and provided.

Aldobiee (2015) said that there are three activities done in these steps which are

designing assessment for the topics, select a form of the course and creating the

instructional strategy. The three steps proposed by Aldoobie (2015) are elaborated

more on the following explanation.

Before assessing the learners’ outcome of the subject, it is important to know

how to assess the outcomes when working on the instructional design. In order to

the assessment effectively, the data which are collected from the Analyse phase

could be used. Besides, it is necessary to convince that the assessments is strongly

related to the content and context. Therefore, making sure the task and questions of

the assessments are well written is important to avoid the mistake and

misunderstanding that lead confusion for the learner. The second part is choosing a

delivery system. Form’s course means the way the materials are presented about a

certain topic. In fact, there are many formats that can choose to deliver the content.


It means that choosing the right form of the course which match with the design

assessments is necessary. The next step is creating instructional strategy. After

finishing the assessment’s design and creating the delivery system, the next is

creating the strategies for the instructional design. Basically, the course strategy is

a combination of many methods to help the learners understand the topic (for

instance, lectures, discussions, reading, and activities, etc.). Another important

point as well is to give the students chances in the instructional strategies to

participate in and consider activities, but those things need to be accompanied with


3) Developing

The third phase of ADDIE instructional design is developing. Mcgriff (2000)

states that the purpose of this phase is to generate the lesson plans and lesson

materials. During this phase you will develop the instruction, all media that will be

used in the instruction, and any supporting documentation. In this phase, the

instructional designers integrate the technology with the educational setting and

process (Aldoobie.2015). Moreover, the instructional designer starts to develop and

create a good quality factual sample for the instruction design that has function to

show to the directors that the instructional design is on the right track. it is very

helpful to show our learner the blueprint with our instruction strategy created in the

Design phase. Another aims is to have feedback from a sample of the population

that the instructional design is created. Second is developing the materials of the

course. This activity includes making the instructional strategy with the sample


made before. It is important to consider the advice and suggestion from the

supervisor to the improvements of the materials. Furthermore, it also give a review

section of the course material to the client and ask for comments, criticisms and

suggestions. The third is running through the conduction of the design. After

developing course materials the next step is running through of the design, like a

practice run or a pilot test. This step is the actual time to do rehearsal for the

instructional design using all materials created. In this situation, it will be great if

we prepare an assessment for feedback in order to help us find out weaknesses and

work hard to improve it. Welty (2007) said that the learning product, the training

materials and the assessment materials are developed to address the performance


4) Implementation

Mcgriff (2000) defines that the Implementation phase refers to the actual

delivery of the instruction, whether it's classroom-based, lab-based, or computer-

based. The purpose of this phase is the effective and efficient delivery of instruction.

This phase must promote the students' understanding of material, support the

students' mastery of objectives, and ensure the students' transfer of knowledge from

the instructional setting to the job. While Aldoobie (2015) states that this phase is

about transforming the plan into action. There are three major steps considered in

this phase which are training the instructors, preparing the learners, and organizing

the learning environment. Using these three steps, the course are displayed in very


active and authentic ways to achieve the implementation phase. The three steps

proposed by Aldoobie (2015) are elaborated as following

First step is training the instructors. It is very important process for this phase

because the person who is training the instructional design might not the one who

creates it. Therefore, it important to share the instructional design as detailed before

doing the implementation to the instructor to make them become aware and

understand the material. Moreover, they also be more comfortable in using it.

Second is preparing the learners. After training the instructors, the next step of

Implementation phase is preparing the learning for the instruction developed. The

function is to convince that the learners have all material, tools and knowledge to

participate the course in the classroom. Moreover, it is necessary to make the

learners be familiar with the information about the course in terms of the setting,

the time allocation and the credits. The third steps is organizing the learning

environment. This is the last process of doing the Implementation phase which is

coordinating the learner’s space. The aim is not only to convince that there are

available classses provide for the implementation but also make sure that all the

facilities that support the implementation process are provided. Besides, the

instructor also prepared the handouts of materials needs in order to deliver the


Botturi (2003) defines the implementation phase as the actual enactment of

the learning experience. It is interesting as the actual learning experience is often

encountered in other models as external to the design process, as something that

happens afterwards. As we will see, the implementation is taken over by testing and


review. The idea here is that the real educational environment is ready and used,

with all the contextual variables that may influence it (the weather, the learner’s

mood, etc.), and this is the input experience for the next phase.

5) Evaluation

The final step in ADDIE model is Evaluation phase. Evaluating the steps is

necessary to figure out whether the instructional design and material meet the

learners’ need (Aldoobie. 2015). He also adds that there are two types of evaluation

which are formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation refers to the

continuing process that an instructor do when working on the instructional design

in each phase. (Botturi. 2003 defines that Evaluation phase is important to make the

model cyclic. The evaluation of an educational environment is different form the

evaluation of the learners, as it concerns the instruction as such. The simple

consideration that evaluation is a core part of the design process means that the

designer, during the previous phases, should consider that it would take place, and

therefore would dispose elements for its effective execution, such as indicators for

learner satisfaction (e.g. included in the test or a specific wrap-up of the online

forum interaction).

There are three basic processes of formative evaluation, which are one to one,

small evaluation group, and trial in the field. When evaluating, it important to

choose the learners who have similar feature to the real learners and evaluate the

material based on that (Aldoobie. 2015). In one to one formative evaluation the

process of evaluation is based on evaluating each material used in order to see if



this material was effective and identifying the strength and the weaknesses of our

materials and working to improve it. In the small evaluation group, the instructor

evaluate the effectiveness and achievement of the changes that have been

discovered during in the step one to one. It is important to observe id the activities

work well for the group situation. Besides, the assessment of these activities must

be lucid, effective, and practicable. Even more, to make this stage of evaluation

more effective, it is important to carefully choose different subpopulations that

entirely represent our groups of learners in the course (Aldoobie. 2015).

b. Dick and Carey

Dick and Carey (2009) state that all of the elements of the instructional such

as the instructor, learners, materials, instructional activities, delivery system, and

learning and performance environment are connected to work with each other (p.

1) The goal is to create desire student learning outcomes. Dick and Carey’s model

is divided into 9 stages which can be seen as follows:



Figure 2.3 Dick and Carey’s Model of Instructional Design (2009: 1)

1) Identify Instructional Design

According to Dick and Carey (2009) “Goals are clear statement of behaviors

that learners are to demonstrate as a result of instructions” (p. 33). They also

emphasize that identifying the instructional design is the most critical event in the

process of instructional design. If done improperly, the instruction may not intend

the learners’ real needs (p. 15).

2) Conduct Instructional Analysis

In this stage teachers need to identify the exact performance that used to

connect the present performance and the desired performance. It means that what

is done by learners during the instructional materials should be the same with the

desired performance. Teacher also should convince that the relevant between steps


taken in performing goal with objectives should be achieved by learners. Therefore,

the materials and performances learned by the learners support and lead them to the

goals of learning.

3) Identify Entry Behaviours and Learner Characteristics

Identifying the background and general characteristics of the learners

includes skills, experience, motivation levels, and basic demographics; those are

related skills and topics that will be taught by teachers. The information should have

enough detail to identify the correct starting point of the instruction so that students

do not waste time reviewing material they already known and does not omit content

they need to know. This step helps teacher in designing the materials, techniques

and strategies used. It also helps teachers to start the learning process at level that

appropriate for students.

4) Write Performance Objectives

Performance objectives consist of a description of the task or skills to be

learned, the standards or criteria, and the conditions that the task must be performed.

This stage is the most important part of the instructional design since it describes

description of what learners are able to do after following a unit of instruction.

Moreover, it also describes what learners are able to do outside the learning

situation or when they are in real situation using the skills and knowledge from the

instruction in daily life.



5) Develop Criterion-Referenced Test Items

On this stage, teachers develop tests or evaluation to assess the performance

of the learners. The test item is benchmark which is to measure whether learners

have already reached the objectives and ready to move to new skill. Furthermore,

it can also evaluate the instructional design whether it is already support the student

to get the learning outcomes.

6) Develop Instructional Strategy

The term instructional strategy is used generally to cover the various aspects

of choosing a delivery system, sequencing and grouping cluster and content,

describing learning components these will be included in the instruction, and

selecting media for delivering instruction.

7) Develop and Select Instructional Materials

On this stage, the teachers need to design the instructional which can be

implemented by learners in real context. Therefore, teachers select the instructional

materials to focus on the goals that should be accomplished by the learners. the

materials are the most chosen topic by the students.

8) Develop and Conduct Formative Evaluation

In this stage, the teachers are required to obtain more data to revise the

instructional materials and make it more efficient and effective for the learners.

Besides, teachers must identify areas in the instructional material that need

improvement before releasing the instruction for actual use. It can be from the

mediated, strategies or techniques that used before.



9) Develop and Conduct Summative Evaluation

In this last stage, the teachers are required to develop and conduct summative

test to verify the effectiveness of the instructional materials to the learner’s target.

If the teachers found inappropriate instruction during the instructional, it will be

rejected and will be evaluated. It also can be evaluated from learners, from the

summative test teacher can decide students who need to learn more and those who

ready with new level.

Dick and Carey’s model explores the steps taken to create a good instructional

design detailed. It can be seen that all of the steps are connected to make the goals

which are the result of the instructional design itself can be delivered successfully

to the students. Therefore, in order to get good instructional designs according Dick

and Carey, a teacher must perform all of the steps.

2. English for Vocational High School Culinary Division

This part elaborates the theories of English for vocational high school especially

for culinary division. There are three sections demonstrated which are vocational

school, culinary program and English for vocational high school.

a. Vocational School

Vocational high school is one of the education instance in Indonesia. It is a

school instant that has specific program to prepare the students work on their

specific program. In the development, vocational high school is requested to create

human resource who can be accelerated with the development of knowledge and

technology. Vocation high school us use as tool that produce workers who are ready


to work by preparing the students with knowledge and skill based on program

competence and their own potency (Depdikbud, 1999).

Vocational school refers to trade schools or career schools that provide

practical training with few unrelated academic course requirements. They are

relevant for many kinds of learners, including individuals who are planning to enter

industry for the first time and professionals who wish to pursue a new career field.

The relation between vocational high school and career field in Indonesia is

elaborated by Suryadama. (2009). It shows that expanding access to vocational

education can be an attractive option for policymakers in developing countries

seeking to improve labour market outcomes. It states that in 2016, the Ministry of

National Education in Indonesia began to expand the vocational schools.

According to their strategic plan (Ministry of National Education, 2006), the

main reason for this policy is to increase the size of the labour force that is ready to

work, especially among those who do not continue to higher education. In addition,

the Ministry argues that because the unemployment rate of vocational graduates is

lower than general graduates, increasing the share of vocational graduates in the

mix would result in a lower overall unemployment rate. In Indonesia, after finishing

primary school there are two stages of secondary school which are junior high

school and senior high school. Each of them taking three years to complete,

however, after finishing the junior high school students can choose general high

school or vocational high school.

Wiratama (1986) states that basically there are five elements to produce good

quality graduate students of vocation high school. First is the education program


must be elaborated in dynamic curriculum. Second is the proper facilities to support

the learning and teaching process. Next is the teachers must have the ability to teach

the students to work efficiency and professionally. Then, there is efficient and

professional stakeholder and the last is the good potential from the students to be

taught and trained well.

b. Culinary Program

Culinary is a knowledge about food which include how to prepare until how

to preserve the food in traditional and international way (Bartomo.2010). Besides,

Bartomo (2010) also stated that the needs of culinary workers especially from

outside the country and the cruise ship give big influence for education culinary

program in Indonesia. Therefore, since vocational high school provides the culinary

program, it is expected that it could produce skilful workers through method of

teaching specifically, efficient and effectively through intensively practice

A career in culinary arts is quite promising for those who want to study it can

develop the passion in cooking and give freedom to create based on their creativity.

There are many opportunities offered to the culinarians to work in culinary world.

Culinarians also have the flexibility to work in the location of their choice. There

are positions available within hotels, resorts, cruise ships, schools, private homes,

restaurants, corporations and much more. Therefore, it is suggested for them to

consider they the type of culinary focused that they want to deal with to make them

familiarized with the program.



In Indonesia, the curriculum of vocational school (1999) which signed by

Education minister, sets five principles which are Broad Based Curriculum

(Berbasis luas, kuatdanmen dasar), Competency Based Curricullum (Berbasis

Kompetensi), Mastery Learning (Pembelajaran tuntas), Dual Based Program

(Berbasis Ganda), and preparing competence and adaptation ability after

graduating. As one of the programs offered in vocational school, culinary division

suppose to adopt the principles as benchmarks in developing programs and courses

(Lioew. 2006).

Based on the research done in SMK BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta, it is know that

the purpose of the culinary program of vocation high school is to make the student

get the knowledge of processing the food and deal with the culinary field as soon

as they graduated. Culinary division provides programs to train the students who

wish to pursue a careers in the food service in professional way. Culinary division

can be found in university and also in vocational high school. The outcomes of the

program depend on the school/college but most of them are demonstrating

professionally recognized culinary skills, using safe and sanitary practices within

any food production departments, demonstrating professional written and verbal

communication skill in culinary field and effectively supervising and train kitchen


c. English for Vocational High School

English teaching at Vocational High Schools aims to develop the students’

English proficiency by which the students can improve their professional skills. In


addition, the English teaching should also develop students’ communication

abilities so that they can communicate in every social context such as expressing

idea and feelings, participating in social activities and analysing a certain event

(BSNP, 2006). Based on Indonesia Minister of Education, through the Minister

Regulation no.24/2006 due to the implementation of Education regulation of

Minister No.22 and 23/2006 due to content standard and competence standard for

primary and secondary education English is a means of communication for both

spoken and written. One of the functions of National Education System is to

develop students’ potential skill to be faithful to God, knowledgeable, creative,

skilful, independent, respectful and democratic citizen (Depdiknas, 2003).

Therefore, teaching and learning at school in Indonesia is the core to reach that goal.

In Indonesia, vocational school has the same level with senior high school

which to prepare the students to compete on their work field of their expertise. As

what stated in the previous chapter, senior high school and vocational school are

different to each other in shaping the students’ interest specifically. There is a

difference between teaching English in senior high school and vocational high

school. Senior high school uses general English but vocational high school should

offer English specific purpose. It means different program should have different

English material. Both of Senior High School and Vocation High School English

consider English as a compulsory subject include as one the subjects that will be

tested in national examination. However, government does not differentiate the

English materials for Senior High School and Vocational High School in Indonesia.

Both of them have the same material which are designed by curriculum. There are


four skills in English which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Those

skills should be taught in integrated way.

English is stated as an adaptive subject that has two major purposes. First is

to comprehend the basic knowledge and skill program achieved, and second is to

implement those skills and knowledge so that the students can interact well using

spoken and written English at the intermediate level (BSNP, Jakarta: 2006). The

problem is the English material offered by the curriculum is too general for

vocational programs. They need to have English material which are related to their

program. Therefore, teacher in vocational school develops materials such as

provides related reading in teaching to help the students get related material with

their program. However, it is a challenge for teachers to adapt the materials in

curriculum so that the outcomes of the English lesson itself is still required by the

students while the topics are familiar to the students.

3. Need Analysis

Needs analysis has long been the cornerstone of English for Specific Purposes

(ESP). Without it, ESP could not exist (Brown, 2016). English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) is defined by Richards and Schmidt (2010) as “the role of English

in a language course or programme of instruction in which the content and aims of

the course are fixed by the specific needs of a particular group of learners”. Graves

(2000) further stated that needs analysis is systematic and on-going process of

gathering information about students’ needs and preferences, interpreting the

information, and then making course decisions based on the interpretation in order


to meet the needs. Besides, Chambers (1980) in Basturkmen (2010) states that

needs analysis should be concerned with the establishment of communicative needs

resulting from an analysis of the communication in the target situation.

Richards (2001: 52) lists a number of reasons for conducting needs analysis

before starting a course for a group of learners. They are finding out what languages

skills a learners needs in order to perform a particular role, helping determine if an

existing course adequately addressed the needs of potentials students, determining

which students from a group are most in need of training in particular language

skills, identifying a change of direction that people in a reference group feel is

important and identifying a gap between what students are able to do and what they

need to be able to do to collect information about a particular problem learners are

experiencing. Nunan (1988) defines that needs analysis refers to the procedures for

gathering information about learners and about communication tasks for use in

syllabus design. Richards et al. (1992: 242-243) defined needs analysis in language

teaching. Ellis and Johnson (1994) added that needs analysis is a method of

obtaining a detailed description of learner needs or a group of learner needs. It takes

into account the specific purposes for which the learner will use the language, the

kind of language to be used, the starting level, and the target level which is to be

achieved. Information can be obtained from a range of different people such as

company staff, trainers, and the learners themselves. It will have implications for

the future training approach

Moreover, Cunningham (2014) states that the result of need analysis should

be clear, cohesive and thorough curriculum. It is important that data collection be



carried out in awaits that is equally clear, cohesive and thorough. Thus is the best

way to ensure that a curriculum is defensible which meant that the choices made in

developing the curriculum are based on factual data that have been carefully

collected and analysed. The importance of curriculum development cannot be


There are some popular ways of conducting need analysis as citing in

Cunningham (2014). They are by distributing questionnaires (Chia et al., 1999;

Crosling &Ward,2002; Kim, 2006; Liu et al., 2008; Bacha &Bahous,2008;

Taillefer,2007), conducting interviews (Spence &Liu,2013), combining interviews

and questionnaires (Chostelidou,2010; Deutch,2003; Mazdayasna

&Tahririan,2008), and triangulating interviews and questionnaires with

observations (Bosher&Smalkoski,2002; So-mui &Mead 2000). According to

Brown (2005) as cited in Cunningham (2014) states that Triangulation is the

practice of using multiple measures of collecting data and/or multiple sources for

data collection. This practice increases the amount and variety of data the analyst

has to work with and increases the credibility, quality, and dependability of the NA

and results in a better understanding of learner needs and a more defensible


Hutchinson and Waters (1987) state that the definition of “wants” (perceived

or subjective needs of learners) corresponds to learning needs. They propose a

framework for analysing learning needs which consists of several questions, each

divided into more detailed questions. The framework proposed by Hutchinson and

Waters (1987) is elaborated in the following table:



Table 2.1 A need analysis framework by Hutchinson and Waters (1987)

Why are the learners • compulsory or optional

taking the course? • apparent need or not
• Is status, money, promotion involved?
• What do learners think they will achieve?
• What is their attitude towards the ESP course? Do
they want to improve their English or do
How • What is their learning background?
do the learners learn? • What is their concept of teaching and learning?
• What methodology will appeal to them?
• What sort of techniques bore/alienate them?
What • Number and professional competence of teachers;
sources are available? • Attitude of teachers to ESP;
• Teachers' knowledge of and attitude to subject
• Materials;
• Aids;
• Opportunities for out-of-class activities.
Who are the learners • Age/sex/nationality;
• What do they know already about English?
• What subject knowledge do they have?
• What are their interests?
• What is their socio-cultural background?
• What teaching styles are they used to?
• What is their attitude to English or to the cultures
of the English speaking world?

Hutchinson and Waters (1987) advocated a learning-centred approach in

which learners’ learning needs play a vital role. If the analyst, by means of target

situation analysis, tries to find out what learners do with language (Hutchinson and

Waters, 1987) language Second Acquisition tells "what the learner needs to do in

order to learn". Obviously, they advocate a process-oriented approach, not a

product- or goal-oriented one. Moreover,

Brown (1995) defines needs analysis (NA) as “the systematic collection and

analysis of all subjective and objective information necessary to define and validate


defensible curriculum purposes that satisfy the language learning requirements of

students within the context of particular institutions that that influence the learning

and teaching situation” (p. 36). Systematic approach to designing and maintaining

language curriculum according to Brown, (1995) can be seen as following:

Figure 2.4 Systematic approach to designing and maintaining language

curriculum (Brown. 1995)

Brown (1995) points out that needs are not absolute, that is, once they are

identified, they continually need to be examined for validity to ensure that they

remain real needs for the students involved.” It can be seen that English language

programs need to conduct needs analyses as part of routine review of its curriculum.

The curriculum initially developed for a program may not be adequately addressing

the changes that have occurred over time and thus need to be renewed.


4. Content-Based Instruction

The study uses Content – Based Instruction (CBI) as the approach of the

instructional design. The reason is because the students learn English and also the

content of culinary. Content refers to what is important is that what is being taught

or discussed through the language not be language instruction related

(Stoller.2002). Content - Based Instruction (CBI) is “an approach to second

language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information

that students will acquire, rather than around a linguistic or other type of syllabus”

(Richards & Rodgers, 2001). Moreover, Snow (2001) states that Content - Based

Instruction is the use of subject matter for second/foreign language teaching

purposes. Subject matter may consist of topics or themes based interest or need in

an adult EFL setting, or it may be very specific, such as the subjects that students

are currently studying in their elementary school classes. (Snow, 2001, p. 303)

The notion behind Content-Based Instruction (CBI), complement objectives

in settings where language is taught with a very specific purpose in mind

(Freiermuth, 2001). At the heart of CBI is the lofty ideal that language instruction

can not be devoid of the context in which it is presented, and moreover, that content

rather than language structures should be driving force in curriculum development

(Erickson & Schulz, 1981. According to Richards and Rodgers (2001), CBI is based

on two relevant principles. First, people learn a second language more successfully

when they use the language as a means of acquiring information, rather than as an

end in itself. Second is CBI better reflects learners’ needs for learning a second

language. Furthermore Brinton (2003) proposes other additional principles for CBI


which complement the ones proposed by Richards and Rodgers (2001). The

principles are elaborated as following.

First principle is based on instructional decisions on content rather than

language criteria. It is believe that book for second language instruction is not

design by the language teacher but is design course planers and material design.

Moreover, the concern to choose and adapt the material to be used in the classroom

is done by the language instructor, especially when working with CBI. Brinton

(2003) points out that CBI “allows the choice of content to dictate or influence the

selection and sequencing of language items”. In the application, CBI authorizations

the choice of content. It is the content itself that defines the pedagogical decisions

on selection and sequencing. Second principle is integrate skills. CBI advocates for

an integrated skills approach to language teaching. For instance, a teacher may start

e a lesson with certain skill or focus as the linguistic feature. Third principle is

involve students actively in all phases of the learning process. One of the main

characteristics of the CBI classroom is that it is learner-centered, as it depends

entirely on the students’ ability to use the language, not teacher-centered. It means

students must be dependent in learning and students performance must be more

active that than the teacher by participating or learning actively in the classroom.

Fourth principle is choose content for its relevance to students’ lives, interests,

and/or academic goals. The content is closely related and contextual with students’

needs and instructional design. The next principle is select authentic texts and tasks.

The feature of CBI must be authentic. The feature includes the text and task used

in the classroom and they have be related and contextual with the real world. It is


true that bringing and using authentic material in the class modifies its original

purpose (Hutchinson & Waters as cited in Brinton, 2003). However, the use of

authentic material promotes the learning of the culture of the target language.

5. The Four Strands

This part elaborates the concept of four strands in the process of learning

language. According to Nation (2007), in order to make the language learning

balanced, the course should consist of for equal strands which are meaning focused

input, meaning focused output, language focused learning ad fluency development.

These four strands cover all the skills needed in order to learn a new language and

those skills must be integrated in learning process.

The first strand is meaning focused- input which refers to learning the

language through reading and listening. The learners should have opportunity to

learn new language items through listening and reading activities where the main

focus of attention is on the information what they are listening to or reading. Since

the learning from meaning-focused input can best occur if learners are familiar with

at least 98 per cent of the running words in the input they are focusing on (Nation.

2012). Moreover, Nation (2007) It is called ‘meaning-focused’ because in all the

work done in this strand, the learners’ main focus and interest should be on

understanding, and gaining knowledge or enjoyment or both from what they listen

to and read. This steps could be done in any various ways such as by doing extensive

reading, shared reading, listening to stories, watching TV or films, and being a

listener in conversation. Besides, this first strand is fragile because there are usually


only small gains with each meeting with a word, learning is dependent on the

quality of reading and listening skills, and learning is affected by background

knowledge. Therefore, large quantities of input are needed for this strand to

work well.

Second strand is meaning focused – output which refers to learning through

speaking and writing. Nation (2012) arguments that learners should have the chance

to develop their knowledge of the language through speaking and writing activities

where their main attention is focused on the information they are trying to convey.

Speaking and writing are useful means of vocabulary development because they

make the learners focus on words in ways they did not have to while listening and

reading. Having to speak and write encourages learners to listen like a speaker and

read like a writer. This different kind of attention is not the only contribution that

speaking and writing activities can make to language development. From a

vocabulary perspective, these productive activities can strengthen knowledge of

previously met vocabulary. Aguilera (2012) states that learner's speaking skills are

developed by focusing regularly on particular aspects of speaking as fluency,

pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, body language. While writing also is a

productive skill since while writing it needs a message and someone to

communicate it to. Besides, it needs to be able to form letters and words, and to join

these together to make words, sentences or a series of sentences that link together

to communicate that message. Moreover, Nation (2012) states that Speaking and

writing are useful means of vocabulary development because they make the learners

focus on words in ways they did not have to while listening and reading.


Third strand is language-focused learning, sometimes called form-focused

instruction. Nation (2007) defines that the term language-focused learning is

preferred because terms like focus on form and form-focused instruction are

misleading in that they can involve a deliberate focus on meaning as well as form,

and need not involve instruction but can be the focus of individual autonomous

learning. It involves the deliberate learning of language features such as

pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and discourse. There are some

activities that can give appropriate effect for the students in this strand such as but

those only a smart part of the language learning part. n total, the language-focused

learning strand should not make up more than one-quarter of the time spent on the

whole course. In this part the students should have conscious attention to the

language feature, which mean they should also understand and repeat the language

feature well.

There are some effect of language-focused learning strand for instance it

could add directly to implicit knowledge, raise the consciousness to help the student

learn later, focus on systematic aspect of the language such as the grammar and also

could be used to develop strategies ( Nation. 2007)

The last strand is fluency development which refers to production of

reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. Nation (2007) states that in this

strand, the learners are helped to make the best use of what they already know. Like

meaning-focused input and output, the fluency development strand is also meaning-

focused. That is, the learners’ aim is to receive and convey messages. This strand

aims to make the learners becoming fluent in all the four skills. There are some


condition as the effect of this strands such as when the learners are listening to,

reading, speaking or writing is already largely familiar to them. It also means that

the students might not experience unfamiliar language, content or language

features. Besides, the learners’ focus is on receiving and conveying meaning and

there is more pressure for the students to perform faster than usual speed. Moreover,

there is a large of input or output from the students.

The four strands is a good process to help the process of learning language.

It is necessary since it could help process is integrated with the four skills and it

needs to be applied in teaching English in the classroom.

B. Related Research Report

This part explores the related study which has been done by other researchers.

There are four studies presented in this part. The studies were choosen since they

represent the concept of material development which are related with this study.

Besides, two of the studies are related with the study since they seek to provide

culinary English material.

First is the thesis developed by Lestari (2017) as the requirements to obtain

Master Degree. The study was conducted at Sanata Dharma University and the title

is Designing English Course Book for Flight Attendant School. This study was used

as the references since the it also adopts the instructional design from ADDIE and

Dick & Carey as the guidelines. There are two results of the study which are

schematic model and course book that has been validated, implemented to the target

learners and revised as suggested.



Second is a thesis entitled Designing a Study aid for an ESP Course English

for Joiners which is done by Tafenau (2017). This study seeks to provide a short

introduction to “English for spesific purposes, research how to design a course of

English spesific purposes and create sample teaching materials for ESP classes in

Tartu Vocational Education Centre. This study was conducted at University of

Tartu, Estonia to fulfil the Master of Art degree.

Third is a thesis developed by Widodo (2015) entitled The Development of

Vocational English Material from a Social Semiotic Perspective: Participatory

Action Research. This research was conducted at University of Adelaide, Australia.

The study extends the scholarship of ESP (English for Specific Purpose) materials

development in the context of schooling, integrating context analysis, material

creation and material enactment. The background of conducting the study is

because the result of context analysis revealed that teachers might have full

autonomy to design their own materials especially for vocational high school.

Therefore, with the support of the school, the teachers and researcher in consultation

with the students could create used text-based materials based on students’

vocational specialization. The participants of the study are the school

administrators, English teacher, Vocational teacher and 142 students’ volunteered

from on Indonesian vocational high school. This study also revealed that materials

development can be perceived as professional learning and a way to understand

SFL theory and apply it to pedagogical practices.

Fourth related study was developed by Weeks (2014) entitled Food, Nutrition,

Culinary and Packaging Science undergraduate research, experimental learning and



product development focusing on childhood nutrition. The thesis was conducted at

Clemson University to fulfil the requirements for the degree Master of Science

food, nutrition and culinary science. The objective of the study is to develop an

Applied Interdisciplinary Product Development (AIPD) for two semesters for

sophomore students of Food, Nutrition and Packaging Science (FNPS).

C. The Characteristic of Target Population

The course book is expected to meet the needs of any culinary division of any

vocational school in Indonesia. Therefore, in doing the research, the participants of

the need analysis and implementation are the students of culinary division at

vocational high school. The research is taken place at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was

conducted at Sanata Dharma University. The information collecting was first done

by the literature review. Then, the further information for need analysis data was

gained at SMK Bokpri 2 Yogyakarta. After the course book was designed and

validated, the course book was implemented to the same school

1. The Participants of Research and Information Collecting

In order to collect the information of the research, the first things to do is find

out the needs of culinary students. There are three steps done by the researcher in

collecting the information.

First is by doing the literary study. The researcher collected the data by

finding the information about culinary program of vocational high school and

English curriculum of the vocational high school. To clarify the information of the

needs, the researcher did the second step which are observing and distributing the


questionnaire. The participants for this step are the culinary students of SMK

Bopkri 2 Yogyakarta. The researcher entered the classroom of culinary program

and joined their English lesson. From this activity the researcher related the

information from the first step. Then, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to

figure out the needs deeper. To obtain and convince the data, the third step is doing

the interview.. The participants from this step are the students and the English

teacher. From the students the researcher tried to clarify some points on the

questionnaire. The English teacher provided data from teacher’s perspective toward

the needs of culinary students. There are two needs of English which proposed by

the English teacher. First, the need to pass the national examination and second is

the need to have contextual English related to their program. Moreover, the

researcher also gained the data about students’ proficiency, students’ characteristic,

learning strategies and topics related which are useful to be included to the course


2. The Participants of Expert Validation

The participants of Expert Validation are two lecturers from graduate

program of English Study program and undergraduate program of English Study

program from Sanata Dharma University. First lecturer is a man and another on is

a woman. Both lecturers are experienced in teaching English for educational



3. The Participants of Implementation and Users Validation

After revising the course book based on the evaluation and suggestion from

the Experts, the course book was implemented to the target learners. The

participants of this activity are the second year culinary students of vocational high

school at SMK Bopkri 2. They came from different culture background and places.

Based on the observation, the students’ English proficiency is considered

good for their level. They can perform some tasks and followed the English lesson

well. Moreover, they can understand teacher’s explanation and instruction in

English. They participated the class actively by asking questions and giving opinion


D. Theoretical Framework

There are two based on the problem identification, the writer needs to

understand the concept of ADDIE instructional design and Dick and Carey’s (2011)

instructional design to be the guidelines of making the instructional design. This

course book applied content – based instruction approach where the students have

chances language and the content of culinary. Therefore, the writer must study

about culinary content to compile the proper materials for the students. The

readings, expression and task that will be demonstrated in the course book are

related with the focus of the program. It aims to make the students with English

which is specified to their major.

Besides, the writer also studies and calculates the effective weeks of

vocational high school especially at second year based on the academic calendar. It


is important to arrange the meeting to learn the general English which is based on

the syllabus and academic English. The eight number of chapter of the course book

is the result of calculating the weeks of calendar academic period 2017/2018. There

are 12 months in a year which means there are 52 weeks of the students to have

English subject. There are two meetings in each week. However, there are 12

ineffective weeks where the students has the semester holiday, Idul Fitri holiday,

try out and national examination. There are 40 effective weeks in learning English.

Therefore, the writer decides to design 8 chapters which can be taught in every 8

weeks. This explanation gives perspective of the feasibility of the course book

itself. In order to answer the two research questions, the researcher makes the

framework of theory which can be seen on the following figure.

Theories Schematic Syllabus Developing

Model Course book

The English Revision Users’ Expert

Course Book Implementatio Validation
n Evaluation

Figure 2.5 Framework Theory

This study is conducted to answer two research questions. The theories about

English for vocational high school, need analysis and material development are

used to answer the first research questions about the schematic model. These

theories also become the guidelines in making the need analysis for the target

language. In answering the second research questions related to the development of



culinary course book, the researcher used the theory of research and development

proposed by Borg and Gall (1983) and ADDIE instructional design.

In order to understand the concept of an instructional design, the researcher

figured out the theory of instructional design proposed by ADDIE and Dick and

Carey. The next theory is about English for vocational high school which is

consisted of three sections. First is elaborating about the vocational high school

including the aims and impact of vocational school to development of a country.

Second is about the culinary program which include the information about the

program and future career job for the students. the third is about English for

vocational high school to figure out the existence of English lesson for the students

on vocational high school. Then, the theory is followed by need analysis theory.

Most of the theory is proposed by Brown (1995, 2016) and Hutchinson and Waters

(1987). This theory contributes in conducting the questionnaire and interview for

the target learners and English teacher. The next section is elaborating the theory of

Content-Based Instruction. This theory contributes to make the syllabus and also

developing the culinary course book. This type of approach is suitable to the study

since it offers ways to study English and content of the culinary in the same time.

Another theory that help the researcher to develop the syllabus is theory about

material development. This theory elaborates the concept of developing appropriate

and effective the course book.

In order to answer the second research questions related to culinary English

course book. The researcher uses the theory of Borg and Gall (1983) which will be

elaborate more on the Ch. 3. This theory is collaborated with ADDIE instructional


design. There are ten stages of Research and Development proposed by Borg and

Gall (1983), but this study only uses six stages to answer the second research

questions. The six stages have almost the same process with the five phases from

ADDIE instructional design. These theories will guidelines the process of

developing the culinary course book. The first part is Research Information

Collecting which can be perceived as Analyze phase in ADDIE instructional

design. The second is Planning which can be compared with Design phase in

ADDIE. This is the stage where the researcher makes the schematic model of

culinary English course book. There are five contents on the schematic model which

are topic, goal, process, learning material and content. These two first stages answer

the first research question. The third until sixth stages answer the second research

questions about culinary English course book. The third step is Develop

Preliminary Form of Product which can be compared as Develop Phase in ADDIE

instructional design. In this phase, the researcher creates the materials by using the

revised schematic model as the benchmark. The fourth stage is Preliminary Field

testing where the materials are evaluated and validated by experts. The next step is

Main Product Revision. This step elaborates the revision of the material after being

evaluated by the Expert. The last step is Main Field Testing and Operational Product

Revision. This step demonstrates the implementation of the course book to the

target learners and presents the data about the users’ evaluation on the course book.

Then, the course book will be revised based on the result of the data.


This section elaborates the procedure of the research which includes the

techniques and data analysis. The aim of this chapter is to discover the empirical

truth of the study and reveal the boundaries of the research

In order to answer the two formulated questions of the research. The

researcher did three instruments which are literature review, questionnaire and

interview. The purposes of these three instruments are to find the need of analysis

and the evaluation of the course book. On the Dick and Carey’ stage. The steps are

found in the first stage Research and Information Collecting, then, it continued to

the fourth stage Preliminary Field Testing, after that it came to the sixth stage Main

Field Testing. The following table is elaborated the content of data collection during

the research. There are three categories of data collecting which are Research and

Information Collecting, Preliminary Field Testing and Main Field Testing




Table 3.1 Data Collection

Steps Data Needed Participants Instruments
Research and • Students’ proficiency Culinary Questionnaire
Information • The difficulties in Students of SMK Interview
Collecting learning English BOPKRI 2
• The problem usually Yogyarkarta
faced by the students
from the four skills
(reading, writing, The English
speaking, listening) teacher of SMK
• The activities that can be BOPKRI 2
done in doing the four Yogyakarta
• Learning objectives
• The needs of the
• The contents of the
course book
• The exercise included in
the course book
• The topics which need
to be included.

Preliminary Field • Goal of the course book Two Lecturers Close

Testing • Learning objectives from English questionnaire
• Topics Language Study
• Language focus of Sanata Open
• Language feature Dharma Questionnaire
• Material university
• Design
• The opinion about the
course book in general
• The good things
• Things need to be
Main Field Testing • Reaction Culinary Closed
(Implementation) • Learning objectives Students of SMK Questionnaire
• Topic BOPKRI 2
• Language Yogyarkarta
• Materials


• Instruction
• Layout
• Design

In order to elaborate the methodology, the writer used the stage of Research

and Development (R & D) from Borg and Gall (!983). The main steps in R & D

cycle D (Borg, & Gall, 1983: 775) are research and information collecting,

planning, developing preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main

product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field

testing, final product revision, dissemination and implementation. These steps are

adopted to accomplish as the research procedure in designing the course book.

Furthermore, the steps can be seen clearly as following.

Figure 3.1 R&D cycle from Borg & Gall

There are ten steps proposed by Borg and Gall to do a research and

development study. Due to the limitation of the time, there were seven steps applied

in this research. The seven steps are Research and Information Collecting,

Planning, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing, Main



Product Revision, Main Field Testing, and Operational Product Revision. These

steps are collaborated with ADDIE instructional design. There are five steps of

ADDIE which are Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluation.

A. Research and Information Collecting

The first step is collecting the information needs to design an appropriate

course book. The information consists of theories and need analysis that have been

done in literature review. There are some criteria of making a good book. According

Hutchinson and Waters (1987), there are some ideas of a good material. First, good

materials do not teach, they encourage. Second, good materials will contain

interesting texts, enjoyable activities which engage the learners’ thinking capacities,

opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge and skills, and content

which both learner and teacher can cope with. Third, good materials should provide

a clear and coherent unit structure which will guide teacher and learner through

various activities in such a way as to maximize the chances of learning.

Tomlinson (1998) in Richards (2001: 263) states that good materials should

achieve impact, help learners to feel at ease, help learners to develop confidence,

require and facilitate learner self-investment, expose the learners to language in

authentic use, provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to

achieve communicative purposes, take into account that the positive effects of

instruction are usually delayed, take into account that learners differ in affective

attitudes, permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction, maximize learning

potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional involvement, not



rely too much on controlled practice and provide opportunities for outcome


Moreover, in collecting information, it figured out that English for the

vocational high school are still general English which set by curriculum 2013. The

English materials are the same material with senior high school. Therefore, it is also

necessary to figure out the needs of the target learners. In order to deal with their

major, the target learners need to learn not only general English but also specific

English. In this case, they need to also learn about the academic culinary English.

It is known that the business of culinary is developed through the globalization. It

helps them to support their professional to deal the demanding of jobs in this era.

In ADDIE instructional design, this step belongs to Analyze. According to

Aldoobie, (2015) in order to carry out the analysis phase a researcher needs to

analyse where the learners at as well as the skills and needs of learners. The nature

of data in this section is measurement. The data were obtained by doing the literary

review, distributing questionnaire to the students and interview the teacher.

Through literary review, the researcher got information about the syllabus used by

culinary program of vocational high school and general information about English

lesson of vocational high school. Then, the researcher distributed the questionnaire

to find deeper information about the needs, difficulties, method of teaching and the

learning objectives of culinary students. The interview with the teacher aimed to

find information from the teacher perspective toward the needs, difficulties, English

proficiency, learning strategies and goals of culinary students.



The nature of data in making the course book is measurements. In this part,

the data are gained by measuring the answers given by the participants. According

to Watt and Berg (2002) Measurement is the foundation of scientific inquiry. In

statistics, the term measurement is used more broadly and is more appropriately

termed scales of measurement. Scales of measurement refer to ways in which

variables/numbers are defined and categorized. Each scale of measurement has

certain property which in turn determines the appropriateness for use of certain

statistical analyses. The four scales of measurement are nominal, ordinal, interval,

and ratio.

The instruments using for participants of collecting data and information

was structured or close questionnaire in a form of Likert Scale. There are nine parts

of questions to help the researcher find out the information about the needs.

However, the researcher gave opportunities for the participants to write down their

own opinion if it is not provided as the option of the Likert scale by providing

columns in each section. The data from the participants were helpful for the

researcher to make the schematic model before developing a course book.

The data of need analysis questionnaire were analysed using frequencies and

percentages. The highest percentages of the answers of each question were

considered representing the students and teachers’ answers. The percentage is

calculating by dividing the frequency by the total of the respondents and then the

results is multiplied by 100%. Betram (2016) states that each specific question (or

“item”) can have its response analysed separately, or have it summed with other


related items to create a score for a group of statements. This is also why Likert

scales are sometimes called summative scales.

The second method used in this research was interview. According to

McNamara (1999) “Interviews are particular useful for getting the story behind a

participant’s experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around

the topic. Interviews may be useful as follow-up to certain respondents to

questionnaire to further investigate their responses” However, as the last

instruments it is risk to being repetition. According to Kvale (1996: 174) an

interview is “a conversation, whose purpose is to gather descriptions of the life-

world of the interviewee” with respect to interpretation of the meanings of the

described phenomena. Moreover, Berg (2007) states that in such an interview, the

interviewer and interviewees would have very little freedom.

This method was applied to some of the participants of data and information

colleting. After having the questionnaire section, the writer chose participants to be

interviewed. The participants are chosen based on their answer on the questionnaire.

This instrument is also applied to the English teacher of vocational high school. The

teacher has been teaching English for more than thirty years. From the interview,

the researcher got the deeper information about the needs, teaching strategies,

learner’s characteristic and the topics for the course book.



B. Planning

After figuring out the needs, context and the focus of the course book, the

next step is making the schematic model. Schematic model is the basic of the course

book. It contains the topics and the goals of learning at each topic. There are eight

topics in the course book as have been listed in the table. The schematic model is

made by considering the effective weeks of vocational high school. There are 52

weeks in one year of studying, but after reducing the holidays and other important

days, there are 40 effective weeks in one year.

In making the schematic model and second is making the course book. The

nature of data in making the schematic model is perception. Perception surveys

measure what respondents believe, think or feel and can produce information about

knowledge (e.g. levels of awareness and understanding of particular issues),

experiences (e.g. in regards to service provision), beliefs and values (e.g. norms,

beliefs and levels of tolerance of certain behaviors), attitudes and opinions (e.g.

views of performance of actors, satisfaction with services and expectations (e.g.

fears and hopes) (Hilker & Kangas, 2011). In this activity, the data are gained from

the perspective of Focus Group Discussion. FGD is a rapid assessment, semi‐

structured data gathering method in which a purposively selected set of participants

gather to discuss issues and concerns based on a list of key themes drawn up by the

researcher/facilitator (Kumar 1987). Moreover, the Focus group discussion has

become extremely popular because it provided a fast way to learn from target

audience (Debus, 1988).



There are five contents elaborated in the schematic model. First is the unit or

the topic. This topic is decided based on the general knowledge that should be

known as culinary students. Second is goal which refers to the outcome that will be

performed by the students in each unit. Third is elaborating the process of

scaffolding done during the learning teaching activity to help the students gain the

goal effectively and appropriately. Next is the learning materials provided in the

units. The learning materials refers to the subject which learned by the students in

certain unit. The last one is content which refers to the reading, task or exercise that

will be practiced by the students to support them acquiring the goals.

The schematic model was evaluated by Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This

group consisted of researchers who were doing the same research. The data was

gained mostly by discussing. In order to record the data, the researcher contributed

the questionnaire to them which included topics, learning objectives, processes,

learning materials and contents of the course book. There are seven participants

from FGD who evaluated the schematic model. These participants are chosen

because they also have R & D research for their research and make a course book

as the result. The data gathering instruments used for FGD is likert scale and open-

ended questions.

Next step is revising the material based on the evaluation done by Focus

Group Discussion. There are five contents on the schematic model which are topic,

goal, learning objectives, process, material and content. In order to make it easy to

administer, the researcher count the mean score of participants answer and figure


out the category of the result. The revising of the schematic model is also done by

the considering of the concepts or theories that have been elaborated in chapter 2.

C. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

Based on the feedback and suggestion from the FGD, the next step was

developing the course book. In ADDIE instructional design, this step is the same as

Development. The developing was based the on the schematic model. There are

eight units that will be including in that book. Each unit has purpose both for

English and for culinary knowledge. Therefore, the content-based instruction is

needed as the approach in developing the course book. The course book was

developed to assistance the students achieve the objectives of learning that have

been set for them. Therefore, the course book supposed to cover the needs of

culinary students and the goals of learning English. Besides, the design of the course

book also considered the learning strategies that applied in the classroom and tools

used. Therefore, the English course book is reliable the culinary students of

vocational high school.

The course book covers four skills. Therefore, the course book also will be

provided by CD player for audio. Besides, the book gives opportunities for the

students to develop their communicative language skills. Moreover, there are five

stages that should be performed by the students in each unit. On the last part, there

is a reflection section for students to reflect and evaluate themselves during the

learning process.


D. Preliminary Field Testing

On this step, the English course book was evaluated by validator. She

validated the reliability and acceptance of the course book. The validator is a

lecturer of English Education Study of Sanata Dharma University and has been

experienced in teaching English and guide the candidate of English teacher for

years. She gave her opinion toward the goal, learning objectives, language focus,

language feature, topics, material and design of the course book.

E. Main Product Revision

The next step is validating the course book which will be done by Experts.

the Experts will give their opinion on the English culinary course book and their

comment and suggestion. Therefore, there are two sections of questionnaire for the

experts which are closed questionnaire and open questionnaire.

According to Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh (2002), there are two types of

questionnaire. First is structured or close questionnaire and second is unstructured

or open questionnaire. In the structured questionnaire the questions and answers

were already provided. While in the unstructured questionnaire, the participants

gave their own opinion based on given questions. In this research the researcher

used Likert-scale form as the structure questionnaire. According to Betram, (2016)

Likert Scale is “a psychometric response scale primarily used in questionnaire to

obtain participant’s preference or degree of agreement with a statement or set of

statements. Likert Scale are a non-comparative scaling technique and are one-

dimensional (only measure a single trait).” in this activity the respondent are asked


to choose their level of agreement to the statements given by ordinal scale. There

are five options which can be chosen by the participants. They are Strongly

Disagree (SD), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD).

Moreover, according to Boone & Boone (2012,) the original Likert scale used a

series of questions with five response alternatives: strongly approve (1), approve

(2), undecided (3), disapprove (4), and strongly disapprove (5). For the validator

the researcher provided both of structured and unstructured types of questionnaire.

For the structured questionnaire, there were twenty seven questions in form of

Likert Scale and three questions in form of open-ended questions. According to

Ballou (2011) “The open-ended question does not provide answer categories. The

person (respondent) who is asked an open-ended question formulates the answer

and gives the responses in his or her own words. Although this structure gives the

respondent more freedom in crafting an answer, it also increases the cognitive

efforts.” Open-ended questions were given to the validating participants to have

their opinion and suggestion related to the research. The summary of the expert

validation blueprint can be seen as following.



Table 3.2 The summary of Expert Validation Questionnaire Blueprint

Structured questions
Aspects Number of Items
Goal of the course book
A Improve the student’ performance 1, 2
Learning Objectives
B Specific 3, 4, 5
in line with the needs of students
The Topic
C Related with the subjects 6
Language focus
Helps the students to gain the objectives. 7, 8, 9
D Support students communicative skills.
Relevant with the real language.
Language feature
E Understandable and familiar 10, 11
The materials
The materials are acceptable, reliable and support 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
F students’ English performance 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25,
The design
G Teachable and learnable 26, 27,
Unstructured questions
The experts’ opinion and suggestion
1 Opinion in general 28,29,30
2 The good things of the course book
3 Things to improve

After getting the result from the expert, the writer will also find the mean

score of each question and interpret the category to see which parts of the material

need to be revised. The feedback and the suggestion from the expert were useful as

the revision before the course book was implemented to the target learners.

Furthermore, the expert also gave her opinion toward the course book in general,


the weakness and strength of the course book. These thoughts were helpful to revise

the course book.

In order to get the mean of the data questionnaire of on the research and

information collecting, Focus Group Discussion perception, expert validation result

and users’ implementation result, the researcher used this formula:


N: Number of cases (number of participants)
M: Mean (Indicator of central tendency of the set of the source)

Descriptive analysis is counted by comparing the average score of each

variable with normal curve (Sudijono, 2011) The data of collecting information

from the students were analyse using the formula proposed by Sudijono (2011). The

formula can be seen as following.

Table 3.3 Data Analysis Interpretation (Anas Sudijono, 2011)

Formula Category
(M + 1,5 SD) ≤ X ≤ maksimum score Very High
(M + 0,5 SD) ≤ X < (M + 1,5 SD) High
(M - 0,5 SD) ≤ X < (M + 0,5 SD) Average
(M - 1,5 SD) ≤ X < (M - 0,5 SD) Low
Minimum Score ≤ X < (M - 1,5 SD) Very Low

X: Average Score
M : Ideal Mean = ½ ( Ideal Maximum Score + Ideal Minimum Score)
SD : Standar Deviation ideal = 1/6 ( Ideal Maximum Score - Ideal Minimum Score).

Using the formula above, the result of data that have been described will be

interpreted using based on the category on the table. the result is categorized as


very high if the mean score is 4.0 – 5.0. The result is considered high if the result

is 3.4 – 3.9. Moreover, 2,8 – 3,3 is considered as fair category. When the result is

2.2 – 2.7, the result will be interpreted as low. The category is interpreted poor when

the result is between 0 – 2. 1.

F. Main Field Testing

On this stage, the revised English course book was implemented to the target

learners. Besides, the target learners were also distributed questionnaire to find out

their perception toward the course book. The questionnaire figured out whether the

English course book contextually and meet the needs of the target learners. In

ADDIE instructional design, this step is correlated with Implementation step. The

school was chosen since the school is represented the general vocational high

school in Indonesia.

The aim of trying the course book is to seek the target learners reaction and

perception toward the course book. Therefore, implementation questionnaire will

be developed and distributed to the students. the result will help the writer do the

main revision on the culinary English course book.

The researcher revised the course book by considering the feedbacks and

suggestions from the validators. Then, the researcher implemented the course book

to the target learners. The users of the book were the culinary students of vocational

high school. The data were gained by using structured or close questions. The blue

print of the questionnaire can be seen as following.



Table 3.4 Summary of Users Validation Blueprint

Aspects Number of Items
A. Interesting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Learning Objectives
B. Cover the needs of the students 8,9
C. Contextual 10
D. Understandable 11, 12
E. Appropriate for the students 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28.
F. Clear 29
G. Colour 30,31.32
H. Teachable 33, 34

G. Operational Product Revision

The last step is the final revision of the course book. The researcher

considered all the feedback and data during the implementation to revise the course

book. This step is the same as Evaluation in ADDIE instructional design. By doing

the last step, it was expected that the course book was ready to be applied on

culinary program of vocational high school.



The revision of the course book was based from the implementation of the

course book in culinary program of vocational high school and the judgments from

experts. This final revision expected to cover all the suggestion and advice to make

the appropriate, effective and practical course book

Moreover, Born and Gall (1983: 772) state that “R&D is considered as a new

method which is promising for the school improvement”. The course book of

culinary English is also expected to give improvements to the culinary students of

vocational high school and contributed to their English development.



In this section, the writer elaborates the research findings and discussion of

the research. The writer presents the logic and rationale process in answering the

problem formulations. There are two answers provided in the research which are

the schematic model and the course book.

A. The Schematic Model of Culinary English

The research findings and discussion are presented based on six steps of

Research and Development collaborated with ADDIE instruction design. The six

steps are Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary

Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field

Testing and Operational Product Revision. The first step answers the first research

questions about the schematic model. The steps are collaborated with ADDIE

instructional design.

The schematic model is designed to help the writer having the blue print of

the course book. It becomes the benchmark to set the topic, learning objectives,

material and the content of the course book. The process of making the schematic

model takes two steps of the research. First is Research and Information Collecting

and second is Planning. These two steps can be perceived as Analysed phase in

ADDIE instructional design.

1. Research and Information Collecting

There are three ways of collecting the information of the research. The first

need analysis is from literary review. The second is from the students of culinary

program of vocational high school by distributing the questionnaire. The third need



is analysis from the English teacher of culinary program. The result analysis of the

three steps are presented into three parts as following.

a. Information Collecting

The first step of find out the need analysis is by doing literary review and

interviewing the English teachers of vocational high school. The researcher tried to

find out all the information related to the subject of the research. The researcher

found out the information about the syllabus of English for vocational high school

and the subjects of culinary program in helping find the contextual topic for the

students. Based on the English syllabus of vocational high school, it is known that

the English material set by curriculum for vocational high school are the same.

However, vocational schools find their own ways to provide the school with English

related to the program. For instance, the English teacher finds related passage or

conversation related to the students’ program even though this activity does not

happen every time. Other schools provided English for specific purpose as one of

the subjects learnt by the students. Therefore, beside the students learn general

English based on their curriculum, they also might learn the specific English related

to their program. Another way is by providing the students time to learn contextual

English after the third year. Therefore, the students finished the studying in

vocational high school for four years.

b. Need Analysis Result

The second step of Research and Information Collecting is finding the

analysis through distributing questionnaire to the culinary students of vocational



high school. There are nine section of questions delivered for the students. They are

students’ proficiency, the difficulties in learning English, the problem usually faced

by the students from the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), the

activities that can be done in doing the four skills, learning objectives, the needs of

the students, the contents of the course book, the exercise included in the course

book, the topics which need to be included. The result of the questionnaire in each

section of the students’ need analysis is represented in following section.

The first section is students’ proficiency. In learner-center instruction, it is

important for instructors to consider the level of knowledge and skill development

attained by the learners prior to instruction The best way to get this information is

by asking the learners themselves (Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2004). Most of the

students have learned English before entering the elementary school. A few of them

learn English since in elementary school and only one of them start learning English

in Junior high School. From this data, it is perceived that most of the students are

familiar with English.

The second section is gaining data about students’ perception about the

important of English skills as general for the student. The detailed of the data of this

section is presented as following:



Table 4.1 The Importance of English Skills

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean
1 Speaking 0 0 3 5 14 22 99 4.5
2 Writing 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 4.0
3 Reading 0 0 5 7 10 22 93 4.2
4 Listening 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.3

The highest score as the most important skill according to the students is

speaking skill. This skill seems intuitively to be the most important for the students

who are going to work on culinary field. The second skill that is considered

important is listening. The third important skill for the students is reading and the

last one is reading.

The next data of need analysis is identifying the difficulties of the students in

learning English. Students have different levels of motivation, different attitudes

about teaching and learning, and different responses to specific classroom

environments and instructional practices. The more thoroughly instructors

understand the differences, the better chance they have of meeting the diverse

learning needs of all of their students. (Felder 2005)

Table 4.2 The Difficulties in Learning English

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean
1 Speaking 0 0 1 3 18 22 105 4.8
2 Writing 0 1 3 7 11 22 94 4.3
3 Reading 0 0 0 9 13 22 101 4.6
4 Listening 0 0 0 6 16 22 104 4.7

Even though the students perceive that speaking skill is the most important

skill for them, but it is also considered as the most difficult skill for them. The


second most difficult skill after speaking is listening. The third skill that is

considered difficult is reading skill and the last one is writing skill.

In order to provide the skills that meet the students’ need who works as

culinary, the researcher needs to find data about the importance of the English skills

(speaking, writing, reading and listening) for the future job of the students.

Therefore, this section elaborated the data about the importance of the English


Table 4.3 The important Skill for Future Carrier

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean
1 Speaking 0 0 3 5 14 22 99 4.5
2 Writing 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 4.0
3 Reading 0 0 5 7 10 22 93 4.2
4 Listening 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.3

The students perceive that speaking skill is the most important skill for their

future carrier in culinary field. Speaking skill is going to the most skill that they

will use in their job. After speaking, the students also consider that listening skill is

the second most important skill for their future job. After listening, there is reading

skill as the third important skill and the last one is reading. However, considering

the result of mean in each skill, it could be interpreted that the students consider the

four skills important for their future job.

The next section is about the activities in the classroom. According to the

framework proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987), they said that it is important

to know the students’ concept of teaching and learning, the methodology will appeal


to them and sort of techniques bore/alienate for the students. Therefore, the result

of need analysis based on this framework can be seen as following.

Table 4.4 Activities in the Classroom

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
In Listening activity, I want to:
1. Listen to monolog recording 0 1 7 11 3 22 82 3.7
2. Listen to conversation 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 3.9
3. Discuss the monolog and conversation 0 1 11 6 4 22 79 3.5
4. Complete the sentences 0 1 7 12 2 22 81 3.7
5. Choose the right answer based on 0 0 4 15 3 22 87 3.9
In Speaking activity, I want to
6. Speak individually in front of the class 2 5 9 2 4 22 67 3.0
7. Speak in pair in front of the class 1 1 6 10 4 22 81 3.7
8. Speak in role play 0 0 11 6 5 22 82 3.7
9. Discuss a certain topic 0 0 4 5 13 22 97 4.4
In Reading activity, I want to
10. Find the main topic of text 0 2 6 12 2 22 80 3.6
11. Answer the questions based on text 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
12. Decide whether the statement is true or 0 0 4 11 7 22 91 4.1
13. Match the statements with the explanation 0 1 4 13 4 22 86 3.9
In Writing activity, I want to:
14. Compose sentence into paragraph 0 2 3 13 4 22 85 3.8
15. Making sentence based on the vocabulary 0 2 5 10 5 22 84 3.8
16. Write down sentences/passages based on 0 2 6 11 3 22 81 3.6
the examples provided

In listening activity, the students prefer to listen to conversation and choose

the right answer based on recording as the two of mostly like activities in the

classroom. Listening to the monolog recording and completing the sentences as the

activities that they choose after the two activities before. The activities that have

the lowest percentage is discussing the monolog and conversation of recording.



The activity that the students like the most in speaking ability is discussing a

certain topic. After that, speaking in pair in front of the class and speaking in role

play get the same percentage as the activities that the students like in speaking

activity. The lowest percentage activities is speaking individually in front of the


Deciding whether the statement is true or false gets the highest percentage as

the activity that the students like in reading activity. The second highest activity is

answering the questions based on the text. Then, it followed by matching the

statements with the explanation as the activity that the student prefer in reading

ability. The activities that gets lowest percentage in reading ability is finding the

main topic of a text.

In writing ability, composing sentences into paragraph becomes the activities

has highest percentage. Then, it followed by activity making sentence based on the

vocabulary learned. Then, the last activity preferred by the students is writing down

sentences/passages based on the examples provided.

The next data gathering is about the objectives of the study. The analysis of

roles, tasks and competencies generate a set of learning objectives. These objectives

should inform the development of a set of training needs, and should be used to

derive the criteria, or standards, against which the trainee is assessed during and/or

after training (Nuclear Security Technical Assessment Guide. 2017). The following

table provides the result of need analysis related to the learning objectives perceived

by the culinary students of vocational high school.



Table 4.5 Learning Objectives

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1. To communicate in English with others 0 1 3 4 14 22 97 4.4
related to culinary
2. To master the vocabularies related to 0 0 1 8 13 22 100 4.5
culinary both of ingredients and
3. Understand and use the words, sentences 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
and expression in English
4. To master the grammar well. 0 1 5 6 10 22 91 4.1
5. To give information about a certain topic 0 0 6 4 12 22 94 4.3
related to culinary
6. To make conversation with other 0 1 10 5 6 22 82 3.7
workers to maintain the relationship

The learning objectives that has the highest mean is mastering the

vocabularies related to culinary both of ingredients and equipment. The students

also consider that communicating in English with others related to culinary is the

second important objectives for them. The third one is giving information about a

certain topic related to culinary. The students also perceive that learning grammar

and understand and use the word, sentences and expression in English as their

objectives of learning English.

After having the result of learning objectives, the next part is gaining the data

about the course book. There are three parts of this section of data. First is finding

the data analysis of the content of the book. It provides information about the

pictures, passages, conversations, expressions or reflections that are included in the

book. The second is kinds of exercise for the students and the third is the topics

which becomes the units of the book. The result of the development of the book can

be seen on the following tables.



Table 4.6 Content

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Pictures to help the students discuss 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.2
the certain topic
2 Vocabulary related to culinary with 0 0 1 13 8 22 95 4.3
the phonetic transcription
3 Passages related to certain topic in 0 0 3 14 5 22 90 4.9
4 Conversation related to certain topic 0 1 4 13 4 22 86 3.9
in culinary
5 Questions related to the passages and 0 0 11 5 6 22 83 3.7
conversation provided
6 Explanation about grammar 0 0 4 7 11 22 95 4.3
7 Reflection toward students’ 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
difficulties in learning.
8 Reflection about how far students 0 1 5 5 11 22 92 4.1
understand a certain topic

The result of this data gathering helps the researcher to decide the content that

will be included to the course book. Providing passage related to certain topic

related to culinary has the highest mean score chosen by the students. Moreover,

based on the result of the mean, it could be perceived that almost all the contents

are agreed to be included in the course book.

The next data gathering is about the exercise that will be included into the

course book. the exercise refers to question or practice performed by the students.

the result of data can be seen on the following table.

Table 4.7 Exercise

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Matching the pictures with 0 1 4 11 6 22 88 4.0
2 Matching the words or terms with 0 0 3 12 7 22 95 4.3
right explanation
3 Deciding whether 0 0 6 11 5 22 87 3.9
statement/information is true or false


4 Answering the questions based on the 0 0 10 6 6 22 84 3.8

passages or conversation
5 Correcting the gap sentences 0 1 6 10 5 22 85 3.8
6 Completing sentences 0 0 5 15 2 22 85 3.8
7 Give information / describe 0 1 4 12 5 22 87 3.9
8 Making conversation based on the 0 0 5 12 5 22 88 4.0
situation given

9 Making passages based on the certain 0 3 10 6 3 22 75 3.4

10 Making recipes 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.2

The result of data on the table above helps the researcher developing the

exercise of the culinary book of vocational high school. there are top three of

exercises chosen by the students. they are matching the words with the right

explanation, matching the words with the pictures and making the conversation

based on the situation given.

Table 4.8 Topic

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Kitchen Utensils 0 0 1 15 6 22 93 4.4
2 Fruit 0 0 1 14 7 22 101 4.6
3 Vegetables 0 0 1 6 15 22 100 4.5
4 Meat 0 0 3 13 6 22 97 4.4
5 Food Serving 0 0 3 6 9 22 79 3.6
6 Food Preserving 0 0 1 16 5 22 92 4.1
7 Basic Cooking 0 0 16 6 22 94 4.3
8 Appetizer 0 0 1 7 14 22 101 4.9
9 Main course 0 0 2 14 6 22 92 4.1
10 Dessert 0 0 3 13 6 22 91 4.1

The result of the topic helps the writer to decide the topic for the students. for

the result, there are four topics that are included to the culinary English course book.

Besides, the topics for culinary English course book are decided by discussing with

the English teachers of the vocational high school.



2. Planning

After having the need analysis of the learners, the next step according to Borg

and Gall is Planning. In this section, the researcher makes a schematic model of

the culinary English of vocational high school. However before making the

schematic model, the researcher needs to state the goal, learning objectives, units

and topics of the English culinary course book. Moreover, there are four contents

included in the schematic model which are goal, process, learning material and

content. Goal represents the objectives needed to perform by the students at the end

of each unit. The goal of each unit should be clear to help the teacher and students

work together to achieve it. Process refers to the on going activities which need to

perform by the students to accomplish the goal. Learning materials are the items

include to the material which support the goal for examples reading passage,

conversation or expressions. Content is linguistic aspect that should be included to

the material to support students’ ability in English such as grammatical, tenses and


The schematic model is evaluated by Forum Group Discussion (FGD), the

evaluation is done through discussing and distributing the questionnaire. The result

of FGD and the schematic model of culinary English of Vocational high school can

be seen as following.

a. Stating the Goal, Learning Objectives, Units and Topics

This section elaborates the Goal, Learning Objectives, Units and Topics of

the culinary English course book based on the result of need analysis by distributing


the questionnaire and interviewing the English teacher. The English teacher of

vocational high school stated that there are two goals of English in culinary program

of vocational high school. First goal is passing the national examination and second

is learning English related to culinary. The first goal is accomplished by learning

English based on the curriculum set by government. The second goal could be

accomplished by giving the students opportunities to learn authentic English related

to their program. The vocational high schools give the students opportunities in

learning authentic English based on their program in different ways. Some schools

allocate time to learn English for Specific Purpose to the students even though it is

not as much as the general English, other school give chances to study authentic

English for the students after they graduate from the vocational high school. The

students spend six until one year to study English.

Based on the goal, the researcher formulated the learning objectives of the

culinary students of vocational high school. The data about the learning objectives

were gained based on the need analysis result include the questionnaire for the

students and interview with the teachers. It is considered that the students of

vocational high school already what? The result of the learning objectives of

culinary English of vocational high school can be seen as following.

Table 4.9 List of Learning Objectives

Topic Learning Objectives
Kitchen 1. Identify vocabulary of utensils correctly.
Utensils 2. Use the expressions of telling the function of kitchen utensils.
3. Describe a kitchen using correct preposition.
Fruit and 1. Identify vocabulary of fruit and vegetables.
Vegetables 2. Analyse the methods of cooking fruit and vegetables.
3. Explain different methods of handling fruit and vegetables.


Make a procedure text based on the ingredients provided.
Meat 1.
Identify kinds of meat.
Tell different types of cut.
Give information about different types of cooking methods.
Ask and give suggestion based on types of cut and cooking methods
of meat.
Appetizer, 1. Identify appetizer, main course and dessert.
Main Course 2. Ask and give opinion about the menu appetizer, main course and
and Dessert dessert to others.

Based on the learning objectives, the researcher makes the units of culinary

English course book of vocational high school. There are four units of materials

provided in the culinary English Course book. The researchers provided some units

and discussed with the English teacher. The units presented are chosen based on

the interview with the English teacher. The units are Kitchen Utensils. Fruit and

Vegetables, Meat and Appetizer, Dessert and Main course. The learning objectives

are inserted to be achieved in these four units. The first unit is Kitchen Utensils. In

this unit, the students are introduced the vocabulary of kitchen utensils. They also

could tell the function of the utensils. Moreover, the students could give information

about what they can do in a certain kitchen with the kitchen utensils provided there.

Then, they could describe a kitchen written and spoken. The second unit is Fruit

and Vegetables. In this unit the students are introduced to the vocabulary of fruit

and vegetables. The students also study about the methods of handling the fruit and

the cooking methods for vegetables. As the result, the students could make their

own recipe of fruit and vegetables based on the ingredients provided. On the next

unit the students learn about meat. The students are introduced with the

vocabularies of meat. Besides, the students also learn the types of cutting and the


cooking methods of meat. The students are expected to be able to ask and give

suggestion about the cut and cooking methods of meat. Therefore, the third unit is

Meat. The last unit is Appetizer, Main course and Dessert. On this unit, the students

are introduced to the different meal as appetizer, main course and dessert.

Moreover, the students also learn to offer the menu to the customer based on the

menu list provided. At the result, the students could interact and respond by asking

and giving suggestion about the menu to the customers based on what the customers


b. The Result of Forum Group Discussion

The data gained in Forum Group Discussion (FGD) mostly gained through

discussion. After stating the goal, learning objectives, units and topics, the

researcher formulated a schematic model of culinary English for vocational high

school and distributed questionnaire to the members of Forum Group Discussion.

The member of FGD refers to the researchers who were doing the same research

and researcher who ever did the same type of research.

There are seven items of questions that included in the questionnaire. The

questions are related with the effectiveness, appropriate and the relevance of unit,

goal, process, learning material and content in each topics. The result is analyse by

finding the average of percentage. The result of the Forum Group Discussion could

be seen as following.


Table 4.10 Goal

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1. The goal and the topic of each unit are already 3 4 7 32 4.6
2. The goals are significant and relevant for the 1 2 4 7 31 4.2
culinary English students of vocational high

The result of the table above shows that the goals and the topic of each units

are perceived synchronized by the participants. It means that the topics of the

culinary English course book support the goal of culinary English for vocational

high school. However, not all of them agreed that the goals are significant and

relevant for the culinary English student of vocational high school.

Table 4.11 Topics

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
3. The topics of the course book are relevant to the 2 5 7 33 4.7
needs and target of culinary students.
4. The issues in each topic are helpful and benefit 1 6 7 34 4.6
for the students of culinary to prepare the
becoming of professional workers in culinary.
5. The topics are arranged well and balance in each 2 5 7 33 4.7

The results related to the topic of the schematic model shows that the topics

of the course book are considered relevant to the target learners. Besides, the topic

are perceived helpful and benefit for the students who are going to work on culinary

field, the topics are also well arrange and balance. The next table provide

information about the process of learning contained in the book.



Table 4.12 Process

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
6. The process provides enough effective 1 2 4 7 31 4.2
scaffolding for the students to help them reach
the goal.
7. The processes are significant in supporting the 2 5 7 28 4
students to reach the goals.

The process presented in each unit are considered effective for six

participants, however one participant perceives that scaffolding is not effective for

the students. However, all of them agreed that process already supported the

students to reach the goals. The following table contains the result of learning

materials perceived by the member of FGD.

Table 4.13 Learning Materials

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
8. The learning material elaborated in each unit 2 5 7 28 4.0
support the students to get goal of the unit.
9. The learning materials are authentic 3 4 7 32 4.6

The table above showing the result of learning materials presented in the

schematic model. The learning materials are perceived supportive for the students

to achieve the goal in each unit. The members of FGD agree that the materials are

considered authentic for the culinary students of vocational high school. The next

following table provide the result of contents which are included in the schematic

model. The result can be seen as following.



Table 4.14 Content

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
10. The contents in each unit are significant in 1 2 4 7 31 4.2
supporting the students to acquire the goal in
each unit.
11. The contents are contextual for culinary 2 5 7 24 3.4

The table above shows the perception of FGD toward the content for the

course book. From the result it could be seen that the researcher needed to revise

and add some parts related to the contents to make it more contextual for culinary

students of vocational high school. However, the members of FGD agree that the

contents are significant in supporting the students to acquire the goal in each unit.

3. Schematic Model

After having the result from Forum Group Discussion (FGD), the next step is

revising the schematic model. The result of the revision can be seen as follow.

Table 4.15 Revision of Schematic Model

Unit Goal Process Learning Content
Kitchen • Identify • Introduce the pictures, text, Vocabularies:
Utensils vocabularies of vocabularies of Knife, Wok,
utensils utensils Frying pan,
correctly. • Study the Cooking pot,
• Write the pronunciation Colander,
description of • Complete the Spatula,
a kitchen sentences using Peeler, Tray,
• Describe a the right utensils. Microwave,
kitchen • Match the Dishwasher,
description of grater, rolling
how to use the pin, grinder,
utensils Pizza cutter
Under, on,


• Match the inside, above,

utensils and the next to,
meal between,
• Reading a text Passage: This
about kitchen’s is my kitchen
description Present tense.
• Study the
sentences using
• Study kinds of
• Reading
• Deciding whether
the statements are
true or false using
the preposition.
• Compose a text
description of a
kitchen based on
the pictures
• Describe the
kitchen orally.
Unit 2. Fruit 1. Identify • Introduce the pictures, text, Content:
and vocabularies vocabulary of Vocabularies:
Vegetables of fruits and fruit and Preposition:
vegetables. vegetables. Passage
2. Identify the • Put the Present tense.
methods of vocabulary in
cooking fruit the right group
and vegetables (fruit or
3. Explain vegetables).
different • Reading 1 : tips
methods of for fruits and
handling fruit vegetables
and vegetables • Reading 2:
between fruit
and vegetables.
• Activity after


• Vocabulary with
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false
based on the
• Answer open-
ended questions.
• Study about the
• Match the
cooking method
and explanation
how it gets done
• Group the
cooking method
for fruit and
Unit 3. Meat 1. Identify • Identify the Learning Content:
vocabularies names of meat. Materials: Vocabularies:
of different • Match the meat pictures, text, Grilling,
types of cut and the animals. conversation, Joints, Carve,
2. Identify the • Reading a text and Lean,
vocabularies about the types recording. Trimmed,
of different of meat cut. Cube, Mince,
types of • Study the Strips
cooking vocabulary and Asking and
methods pronunciation of giving
3. Ask and the words. suggestion
give • Match the six Present tense.
suggestion cut and the
based on pictures
types of cut provided.
and cooking • Answer the
methods of open-ended
meat questions related
to the types of
• Cooking method


• Read some
methods of
cooking meat
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false
• Read two
• Answer the
questions based
on the
• Study the
language focus
• Asking
• Giving
• Suggestion:
Complete the
table of asking
suggestion and
suggestion based
on the
• Match the
opinion or
suggestion with
the right terms.
• Listening:
complete the
1. Provide
based on the
2. Make
based on the


Unit 4 1. Identify • Look at the Learning Content:
appetizer, pictures of kinds Materials: picture,
main course of appetizer, pictures, text, passage,
and dessert main course and conversation,
2. Ask and dessert. recording
give • Answer the Vocabularies:
opinion questions Appetizer,
about the • Read a text Main course,
menu • Answer the Dessert,
appetizer, questions about French fries,
main course the text. Tomato salad,
and dessert • Study the words potatoe,
to others and Garlic bread,
pronunciation. Pepper
• Match the poppers,
pictures and Schrimp,
their names. Steak, Apple
• Put the meal in pie, nuts,
the right nuts. etc
category. Giving
• Read the menu
related to the
of the restaurant.
• Answer the
Present tense.
questions related
to the menu.
• Read the
• Language focus:
• Read the menu.
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false.
• Give suggestion
toward the order
from the


B. Culinary English Course book of Vocational High School

This part elaborates the development of the culinary English course book used

by the students of vocational high school. There are four steps from the six stages

chosen from Borg and Gall (1983) which are used to demonstrate the explanation.

The four steps are Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing,

Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing and Operational Product Revision.

Besides, comparing to ADDIE instructional design, it covers three last phases

which are Developing, Implementation and Evaluation.

1. Develop Preliminary Form of Product

In ADDIE instructional design, this part can be perceived as Developing

phase. This section elaborates the process of developing the English culinary course

book for vocational high school and the samples of each contents. It includes the

covers of the book, the preface, the units, the stages, the language focus and the


a. Cover of the Course Book

The colour of the course book is mostly orange because the colour of the

contents on the course book is mostly orange. There are some picture of food and

utensils on the cover. In the middle of the course book there is a title of the course

book “Culinary English Book”.



Figure 4.1 Cover of the Book

b. The Preface

This part of the book provides the information about the book. It contains the

background of the why the English culinary course book is made and what are

provided in the culinary English course book. The goals of the course book is

written here. The researcher also provides the units that presented in the book. Then,

the researcher and the writer expected that the culinary students might have when

using the book as the media of learning contextual English. The preface of culinary

English course book can be seen on following figure.



Figure 4.2 The Preface

c. The Units

The next parts of the book are the units. The topics of each unit presented in

the course book are chosen based on the needs of the students and selected by

interviewing the English teachers of vocational high school. There are four units in

the culinary English course book. First unit is about kitchen utensil where the

students learn kinds of utensils in the modern kitchen. They also could learn the

functions of the utensils so that they could tell what they can do in certain kitchen

using utensils provided in the kitchen. Moreover, in this unit the students describe

a kitchen and the utensils using the right preposition written and spoken. The second

unit is about fruit and vegetables. The students learn about the process of handling

and cooking methods of fruit and vegetables. They also learn to practice making


their own recipe using fruit and vegetables as the main ingredients. After learning

the fruits and vegetables, the students learn about meat in the third unit. The

information that they get in the third chapter is about kind of meat, types of meat

cutting and cooking methods of meat. Besides, they also learn how to give and

suggest questions related to those three aspects. The last unit is the about the tree

meals which are appetizer, main course and dessert. Besides, the students are also

learn to serve the customers based on the menu provided in the cafe, restaurant or

hotel politely and appropriately.

d. The Stages

The English course provides five stages in each unit. Those stages are the

scaffolding to help the students achieve the objectives of the units. The stages are

Let’s Take a Look, Let’s Find out, Let’s Analyse, Let’s Practice and Let’s Produce.

The following explanation elaborates the information include in each stage.

1) Let’s Take a Look

The first stage is Let’s Take a Look. In this stage could be seen as the warming

up for the students. The students are introduced the vocabularies of the topic which

usually provided with pictures. The pictures provided are colourful to stimulate

students’ interest. Then, the students are asked to discuss several questions related

to the pictures. These questions links the students to be ready to continue learn and

discuss the topic deeper. The example of the part can be seen as follows.


Figure 4.3 Let’s Take a Look

2) Let’s Find Out

In the second stage, the students get to know the topic better by reading

passages or conversation. In this section, the students are also introduced to other

vocabulary related to the topic with the phonetic transcription. The aim is to help

the students be able to pronounce the words which are not familiar to them.

Besides, the students also do some activities such answer the question related to the

topic and passage. The sampe of this stage can be seen as following.


Figure 4.4 Let’s Find Out

3) Let’s Analyse

After reading the text and discuss the answer. It is assumed that the students

are already engage with the topic. Then, they move to the next section which is

Let’s Find Out. In this stage the students are analyse the expression and language

focus related to the topic. The language focus refers to grammar and specific

expression that should be performed by the students. After learning the language

focus, the students also learn the similar expressions to be used in their own

conversation or passages. The following figure is the example of this stage.



Figure 4.5 Let’s Analyze

4) Let’s Practice

The next stage is Let’s Practice. In this stage, the students are provided with

the practice for the students. The exercise here are related to expression or language

focus that have been learned. There are some various exercises that the students can

do in this section. For instance matching the explanation with the terms, completing

the sentences based on the recoding, answering open-ended questions and

sometimes learning another language focus. These activities help the students to

practice the expression or language focus that they have learned. The example of

this section can be seen on the following figure.



Figure 4.6 Let’s Practice

5) Let’s Produce

After practicing the expression, the last stage is Let’s Produce. In this section,

the students must create their own passages or conversation just the examples that

they have learned. The students perform the main result of the objectives. The

example of this section could be seen in the following figure.



Figure 4.7 Let’s Produce

After performing all the stages, the students are provided with the reflection

part. In this section, the students reflect their own learning process by writing down

their answer on the colomns provided. There are three contents including in the

reflection table. First is reflecting what the students have learned in a unit. Second

is reflecting the things that the student good at. The third is refelecting difficulties

that the students experienced in learning a unit. The form of reflection can be seen

as following:


Figure 4.8 Reflection

e. Vocabulary

Considering that the students need to enhance their vocabulary related to

culinary, this book also provides list of vocabulary of culinary with the meaning.

Most of the vocabulary are used in the book. however, it also provides others

vocabulary related to the culinary which might be used when students want to make

their own sentences, passage or conversation. The sample of vocabulary list can be

seen on the figure below.



Figure 4.9 Vocabulary

2. Preliminary Field Testing

After developing the culinary English course book, the next step is developing

the evaluation for the course book. This part presents the result of validation of the

English course book. there are two categories of data presented in this part. First is

the descriptive statistic of expert’ opinion toward the culinary English course book.

second is the comment and suggestion from the expert on the culinary English

course book.


a. Result of Expert’s Opinion

This part presents the descriptive statistic result of the experts. there are

twenty seven questions on the questionnaire which are divided into seven sections.

Table 4.16 Result of Expert’ Validation

STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 N M Interpretation
Goal of the Course Book
1 The course book is helpful to 1 1 Very Good
increase culinary students’
English performance.
2 The course book provided 1 1 Very Good
authentic knowledge for culinary
Learning Objectives
3 The learning objectives are clear 1 1 Good
and specific
4 The learning objectives are in line 1 1 Very Good
with the needs of students who are
going to work on culinary field.
5 The learning objectives are 1 1 Very Good
contextual for culinary students

The Topic
6 The topics are related with 1 1 Very Good
culinary students’ subjects
Language Focus
7 The language focus provides in 1 Good
every unit helps the students to
gain the objectives.
8 The language focus support 1 Good
students communicative skills.
9 The language focus are relevant 1 Very Good
with the real language used by
culinary students.
Language Feature
10 The language feature is
11 The language feature is familiar
The Materials


12 The materials are relevant with 1 1 Very Good

what students will experience
when they work on culinary field
13 The materials are suitable with the 1 1 Good
needs of culinary students
14 The materials support the students 1 1 Good
to communicate the daily
conversation among workers on
their future job
15 The materials help the students 1 1 Very Good
with the expression that maintain
relationship between workers on
their future job
16 The materials help the student to 1 1 Very Good
enhance their vocabularies related
to culinary
17 The materials enhance the 1 1 Good
students’ pronunciation
18 The materials helps the students to 1 1
master grammar
19 The materials integrated the four 1 1 Good
skill: speaking, listening, reading
and writing.
20 The passages provided are 1 1 Good
21 The conversation provided are 1 1
22 The materials provides authentic 1 1 Very Good
exercises for the students
23 The exercises provided help the 1 1 Very Good
students to perform the learning
24 The culinary English course book 1 1 Good
provides various activities
25 The activities engage with 1 1 Very Good
students’ needs
The Design
26 The design is learnable 1 1 Very Good
27 The design is teachable 1 1 Very Good


b. Comments and Suggestion on Culinary English Course Book

There are three parts elaborated in this section. First is the expert’s opinion

toward the English culinary course book in general. Second is about the good things

about the culinary English course book and third is the improvements of the

culinary English course book. One of the experts said that the course book can fulfil

the students’ basic needs and knowledge related to culinary. The experts perceive

that the design is colourful and it somehow accommodates the integration of the

four skills. The experts suggest fixing the misspelling, space and grammar. Besides,

the instruction needs to be revised.

3. Main Product Revision

After having the result of the expert’s validation, the next step is revising the

culinary English course book. The course book was revised by the consideration of

the opinion, comments and suggestion from the expert. The notes from the experts

are very helpful to revise the course book before implementing it to the target


4. Main field testing and Operation Product Revision

This section presents the results of users’ implementation opinion on culinary

English Course book. The participants of this section are the students of vocational

high school. The contents of the evaluation include reaction, learning objectives,

topic, language, materials, instruction, layout and design. The result of the users’

implementation can be seen on the following table.



Table 4.17 Result of Users’ Implementation

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M Interpretation
1 The design of the 0 0 3 5 13 21 94 4.3 Very Good
course book is
2 The material is 7 14 21 98 4.6 Very Good
3 The culinary English 16 5 21 89 4.2 Very Good
course book meets
my needs.
4 The contents 4 10 7 21 87 4.1 Very Good
provides are useful
for me
5 I feel satisfied 18 3 21 87 4.1 Very Good
learning using
Culinary English
6 I feel satisfied with 4 13 4 21 84 4.0 Very Good
the learning strategy
7 The materials are 11 10 21 94 4.4 Very Good
Learning Objectives
8 The leaning 2 15 4 21 86 4.1 Very Good
objectives cover my
9 The learning 2 9 10 21 92 4.4 Very Good
objectives are
contextual with my
10 The topics are 17 4 21 88 4.0 Very Good
contextual with my
11 The language is 5 6 10 21 89 4.4 Very Good
12 The language is 4 2 13 21 85 4.0 Very Good


13 The materials are 4 7 10 21 83 3.9 Good

relevant with my
future carrier in
14 The materials meet 4 12 5 21 85 4.0 Very Good
my need
15 The passages 6 2 13 21 91 4.3 Very Good
provided increase my
reading skill
16 The passages 17 4 21 88 4.1 Very Good
provided are relevant
to my program
17 The topics of 2 13 6 21 88 4.1 Very Good
conversation are
relevant for me
18. The materials 4 11 6 21 86 4.1 Very Good
motivate me to speak
19. The materials support 7 2 11 21 84 4.0 Very Good
me to increase my
listening skill
20 The materials support 3 17 1 21 82 3.9
me to increase my
writing skill
21 The audio provided 15 6 21 90 4.3 Very Good
are clear
22 The materials help 19 2 21 86 4.1 Very Good
me to increase my
motivation is
23 The materials help to 17 4 21 88 4.2 Very Good
to maintain
relationship with my
fellow workers in the
24 The material help me 7 11 2 21 75 3.6
to increase my
25 The materials helps 2 9 9 21 87 4.1 Very Good
me to learn about


26 The materials helps 16 5 21 89 4.2 Very Good

me to enhance my
27 The activities are 18 3 21 87 4.1 Very Good
28 The materials are 5 4 11 21 86 4.1 Very Good
suitable with my
29 The instructions are 11 9 21 89 4.2 Very Good
30 The colour of the 17 4 21 88 4.2 Very Good
book is good
31 The layout of the 5 16 21 100 4.7 Very Good
book (cover, title,
picture, page, texts)
are appropriate
31 The font is 13 8 21 92 4.4 Very Good
32 The English Culinary 14 7 21 91 4.3 Very Good
book is learnable
33 The English Culinary 6 16 21 104 4.9 Very Good
book is teachable
Mean 4.2 Very Good

The result of descriptive statistic of users implementation shows that the

culinary English course book is acceptable. The mean is 4.2 which means that the

culinary English book does not need to be revised. However, the researcher also

considers the comment and suggestions from the English teacher and students’

comments on course book while doing the implementation. The result implies that

the students have positive reaction during the implementation process. The students

also agree that the learning objectives cover their need of English and contextual


with their program. The topics of the English culinary course book are also

considered contextual with the users program.

Besides, the students perceive that the materials help them to increase their

skills of speaking, writing, reading and listening. They agree that their abilities

increase by using the English culinary course book. However, the lowest

percentage is on the statement that the English course book help the students on

their pronunciation. Moreover, the students perceive that instruction is already clear

which means the revision from the experts is already appropriate. The students have

positive opinion toward the layout of the culinary English course book. the last is

the students agree that the course book is learnable and teachable.

During the implementation, the researcher brought speakers in the classroom

since the classroom does not provide the speaker for audio. The students could

understand and finish the exercise of listening well. After having the result of the

users’ implementation, the researcher makes final revision on the English culinary

course book based on the notes during the implementation. Some of the

considerations also come from the English teacher.



This chapter presents conclusion of the study and recommendation for future

research. The conclusion summarizes all the research including answering the

problem formulation and recommendation part offers suggestions for English

teacher and further future research based on the researcher’ reflection in doing the


A. Conclusions

The goals of the study are making the schematic model and develop a culinary

English course book for vocation high school. it aims to help the students to have

contextual English related to their program since the curriculum only provides

general English for the students on vocational high school. However, this culinary

English course book also might be necessary and used for those who want to learn

English in culinary. In answering the two research questions, the researcher figures

out the theories presented in Ch. 2. The researcher also uses the methodology

proposed by Borg and Gall (1983) and ADDIE instructional design to elaborate all

the findings and discussion on Ch. 4.

There are ten steps of research and developments proposed by Borg and Gall

(1983), but due to the limitation of time and considering types of study. The

researcher only chooses six stages. They are Research and Information Collecting,

Planning, Develop Preliminary Form of Product, Preliminary Field testing, Main

Product Revision, Main Field Testing and Operational Product Revision. These six

stages cover the five phases of ADDIE instructional design. The first two steps

answer the schematic model of culinary course book. moreover, these two steps can


be perceive as Analyse and Develop phase of ADDIE instructional design. The rest

of the stages elaborates the development of the book, the evaluation and the


There are two results of this study which are the schematic model as the

benchmark for the the writer to develop the course book and the course book itself.

The schematic model consists of five contents which are units, goals, process,

learning materials and contents. The course book is consisted of four units (Kitchen

Utensils, Fruit and Vegetables, Meat, and Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert.

The culinary English course book can be used for the culinary students on

vocational high school or for any culinary instances who have the same needs. The

course book provides with speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Besides,

the course book also supports students’ pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.


B. Recommendations

On this part, the writer would like to give recommendations to the English

teachers of culinary program of vocational high school and further researchers.

1. English Teachers

This course book covers all the skills of the students. However, in order to

perform all the listening skill, the teachers might prepare speaker and laptop to have

a successful learning process. Besides, this book is provided with contents such

passage, conversation and pictures that might stimulate students to discuss their

ideas. The English teachers could give opportunities for the students to speak up.

This book also gives chance for the students to create their own passages or recipes.

The English teacher are expected to be the facilitators for the students to develop

their English better.

2. Further Researcher

This research develops English culinary course book for the students on

vocational school since the curriculum does not provide specific English material

for each program. Therefore, future researchers can have research to develop

English materials for other program on vocational high schools. By providing the

English for the students, it contributes to their professional ability to their field.

Besides, this book is for the students who are on the second year. The future

research might have research on first and third year students of culinary program

on vocational high school. Therefore, there will be English material which is

appropriate for each level of the student.


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Appendix 1. Questionnaire for Students’ Needs

Data Diri Responden
Nama : ………………….
Usia : ………………….
Jenis Kelamin : Laki laki/ Perempuan (coret yang tidak perlu)

1. Sudah berapa lama anda mempelajari bahasa inngris?

a. Sebelum SD
b. SD
c. SMP

2. Seberapa penting aktivitas dibawah ini? (Silahkan menjawab dengan

memberi tanda centang (√) pada kolom dibawah ini)
N Aktivitas Tidak Kuran Sedan Pentin Sangat
o Pentin g g g Pentin
g Penting g
1. Berbicara
2. Menulis
3. Membaca
4. Mendengarka

3. Seberapa sering anda mengalami kesulitan ketika belajar bahasa

inggris pada aktivitas dibawah ini?
No Aktivitas Sangat Sering Kadang Jarang Tidak
Sering Pernah
1. Berbicara
2. Menulis
3. Membaca
4. Mendengarkan

4. Permasalahan apa yang paling sering anda alami ketika belajar bahasa
inggris? Silahkan menulis permasalahan anda berdasarkan aktivitas
dibawah ini.
No Aktivitas Permasalahan


1. Berbicara

2. Menulis

3. Membaca

4. Mendengarkan

5. Seberapa penting aktivitas-aktivitas dibawah ini membantu anda

belajar bahasa inggris didalam kelas?
N Aktivitas Tidak Kuran Sedan Pentin Sangat
o Pentin g g g Pentin
g Penting g
1. Berbicara
2. Menulis
3. Membaca
4. Mendengarka

6. Seberapa penting aktivitas-aktivitas ini mendukung anda untuk

bekerja dibidang tataboga?
N Aktivitas Tidak Kuran Sedan Pentin Sangat
o Pentin g g g Pentin
g Penting g
1. Berbicara
2. Menulis
3. Membaca
4. Mendengarka

7. Jawablah pertanyaan mengenai aktivitas-aktivitas dibawah ini.

No Statements S S N T ST
Dalam kegiatan listening, Anda menyukai
1. mendengar rekaman monolog


2. mendengar rekaman percakapan

3. mendiskusikan isi dari monolog atau percakapan
4. melengkapi kalimat rumpang
5. memilih jawaban yang tepat sesuai rekaman.
Dalam kegiatan speaking, Anda menyukai
6. berbicara secara individu didepan kelas
7. berbicara secara berpasangan didepan kelas
8. berbicara dalam bermain peran (role play)
9. mendiskusikan topic tertentu
Dalam kegiatan reading, anda menyukai
10. mencari topic utama dari teks bacan.
11. menjawab pertanyaan dari teks bacaan
12. Menentukan benar atau salah
13. Mencocokan istilah dengan penjelasam
Dalam kegiatan writing, anda menginginkan
14. menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf yang runtut
15. membuat kalimat berdasarkan kata-kata yang baru
16. menulis kalimat yang mirip dengan contoh monolog atau

8. Tujuan pembelajaran
Berikut ini adalah tujuan dari pembelajaran bahasa inggris untuk

siswa/siswi tata boga. Berikan pendapat anda dengan memberikan centang

(√) pada kolom yang disedikan. (SS: Sangat Setuju, S: Setuju, N:Netral, TS:

Tidak Setuju, STS: Sangat Tidak Setuju)

No Pernyataan S S N T ST
1 Mengerti percakapan dan berkomunikasi dengan
orang lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. menguasai kosakata secara baik secara umum maupun
yang berkaitan dengan culinary (tata boga) baik
makanan maupun peralatan yang digunakan
3. memahami dan menggunakan kata, kalimat dan
ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris.
4. untuk menguasai grammar (tata bahasa) dengan baik.
5. memberikan informasi tentang topik tertentu dalam
bidang culinary (tata boga) dengan baik dan runtut
6. melakukan percakapan dengan teman sejawat untuk
menjaga hubungan persaudaraan.


Pada kolom dibawah ini silahkan menulis jika anda memiliki tujuan lain

dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris yang tidak terdapat pada tabel diatas.

No Penyataan

9. Isi buku
Berikut ini adalah isi buku bahasa inggris yang akan dipakai bagi

siswa/siswi tata boga. Berikan pendapat anda dengan memberikan centang

pada kolom yang disediakan. (SS: Sangat Setuju, S: Setuju, N:Netral, TS:

Tidak Setuju, STS: Sangat Tidak Setuju)

a. Konten
No Statements SS S N TS STS
1 Terdapat gambar-gambar konkrit yang membantu
siswa/i mendiskusikan topik tertentu
2 Terdapat kosakata yang berkaitan dengan dunia tata
boga beserta cara membacanya
3 Terdapat bacaan yang berkaitan dengan topik
4 Terdapat percakapan yang berkaitan dengan topik
5 Terdapat pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan bacaan
atau topik tertentu
6 Terdapat penjelasan mengenai tata bahasa
7 Terdapat refleksi mengenai kesulitan yang dihadapi
siswa dalam suatu topic
8 Terdapat refleksi tentang seberapa jauh siswa
memahami suatu topik

Pada kolom dibawah ini silahkan menulis jika anda membutuhkan konten

lain dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris yang tidak terdapat pada tabel diatas.

No Konten



b. Latihan
NO Statements SS S N TS STS
1 Mecocokan gambar dan kosakata
2 Mecocokan kata / istilah dengan penjelasan yang
3 Menentukan salah/benar dari sebuah pernyataan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi
berdasarkan bacaan atau percakapan.
5 Membetulkan kalimat rumpang
6 Melengkapi sebuah kalimat
7 Memberikan informasi / mendeskripsikan sesuatu
8 Membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang
9 Membuat bacaan tentang suatu informasi dalam
bahasa inggris
10 Membuat resep dalam bahasa inggris

Pada kolom dibawah ini silahkan menulis jika anda membutuhkan latihan

lain dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris yang tidak terdapat pada tabel diatas.

No Latihan

c. Topik
NO Statements SS S N TS STS
1 Alat-alat dapur


2 Buah-buahan
3 Sayuran
4 Daging
5 Pengolahan makanan
6 Pengawetan makanan
7 Langkah-langkah dasar dalam memasak
8 Hidangan pembuka
9 Hidangan utama
10 Hidangan penutup

Pada kolom dibawah ini silahkan menulis jika anda membutuhkan topik lain

dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris yang tidak terdapat pada tabel diatas.

No Topik

Saya mengucapkan terimakasih sebanyak-banyaknya atas partisipasi anda

dalam mengisi kuesioner ini☺



Appendix 2. Questionnaire for Validator

Dear Sir/Madam.

My name is Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut. I am a student of Kajian Bahasa

Inggris at Sanata Dharma University. For my thesis, I design an English course

book for culinary students of vocational high school. I humbly ask your opinion to

evaluate my design by answering the questionnaire provided.

The questionnaire is divided into two parts. On the first part, please give

your opinion toward the statement by giving a thick (√) to the frequency of

agreement which is formulated into number 1 – 5. (1 is the lowest and 5 is the

highest). The second part is open-ended questions. Please write down your answer

and suggestion on the column provided.

STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5
Goal of the course book
1. The course book is helpful to increase culinary students’
English performance.
2. The course book provided authentic knowledge for culinary
Learning Objectives
3 The learning objectives are clear and specific
4 The learning objectives are in line with the needs of students
who are going to work on culinary field.
5 The learning objectives are contextual for culinary students
The Topic
6 The topics are related with culinary students’ subjects
Language focus
7 The language focus provides in every unit helps the students to
gain the objectives.
8 The language focus support students communinative skills.
9 The language focus are relevant with the real language used by
culinary students.
Language feature
10 The language feature is understandable

11 The langauge feature is familiar



The Materials
12 The materials are relevant with what students will experience
when they work on culinary field
13 The materials are suitable with the needs of culinary students
14 The materials support the students to communicate the daily
conversation among workers on their future job
15 The materials help the students with the expression that
maintain relationship between workers on their future job
16 The materials help the student to enhance their vocabularies
related to culinary
17 The materials enhance the students’ pronunciation
18 The materials helps the students to master grammar
19 The materials integrated the four skill: speaking, listening,
reading and writing.
20 The passages provided are authentic
21 The conversation provided are authentic
22 The materials provides authentic exercises for the students
23 The exercises provided help the students to perform the
learning objectives
24 The culinary English course book provides various activities
25 The activities engage with students’ needs
The design
26 The design is learnable
27 The design is teachable

Please give your opinion toward the following questions.

No Questions Answers/Opinion
1. What is your opinion about the
course book in general?


2. What are the good things of the

course book?

3 What needs to be improved from the

course book?


Thank you very much for your answer and suggestion.




Appendix 3. Result of Need Analysis Questionnaire

Table 4.18 The Importance of English Skills

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean

1 Speaking 0 0 3 5 14 22 99 4.5
2 Writing 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 4.0
3 Reading 0 0 5 7 10 22 93 4.2
4 Listening 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.3

Table 4.19 The Difficulties in Learning English

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean

1 Speaking 0 0 1 3 18 22 105 4.8
2 Writing 0 1 3 7 11 22 94 4.3
3 Reading 0 0 0 9 13 22 101 4.6
4 Listening 0 0 0 6 16 22 104 4.7

Table 4.20 The important Skill for Future Carrier

No Skills 1 2 3 4 5 N Total Mean

1 Speaking 0 0 3 5 14 22 99 4.5
2 Writing 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 4.0
3 Reading 0 0 5 7 10 22 93 4.2
4 Listening 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.3

Table 4.21 Activities in the Classroom

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
In Listening activity, I want to:
1. Listen to monolog recording 0 1 7 11 3 22 82 3.7
2. Listen to conversation 0 0 5 13 4 22 87 3.9
3. Discuss the monolog and conversation 0 1 11 6 4 22 79 3.5
4. Complete the sentences 0 1 7 12 2 22 81 3.7
5. Choose the right answer based on 0 0 4 15 3 22 87 3.9
In Speaking activity, I want to
6. Speak individually in front of the class 2 5 9 2 4 22 67 3.0
7. Speak in pair in front of the class 1 1 6 10 4 22 81 3.7
8. Speak in role play 0 0 11 6 5 22 82 3.7
9. Discuss a certain topic 0 0 4 5 13 22 97 4.4


In Reading activity, I want to

10. Find the main topic of text 0 2 6 12 2 22 80 3.6
11. Answer the questions based on text 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
12. Decide whether the statement is true or 0 0 4 11 7 22 91 4.1
13. Match the statements with the 0 1 4 13 4 22 86 3.9
In Writing activity, I want to:
14. Compose sentence into paragraph 0 2 3 13 4 22 85 3.8
15. Making sentence based on the 0 2 5 10 5 22 84 3.8
vocabulary learned
16. Write down sentences/passages based 0 2 6 11 3 22 81 3.6
on the examples provided

Table 4.22 Learning Objectives

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1. To communicate in English with 0 1 3 4 14 22 97 4.4
others related to culinary
2. To master the vocabularies related to 0 0 1 8 13 22 100 4.5
culinary both of ingredients and
3. Understand and use the words, 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
sentences and expression in English
4. To master the grammar well. 0 1 5 6 10 22 91 4.1
5. To give information about a certain 0 0 6 4 12 22 94 4.3
topic related to culinary
6. To make conversation with other 0 1 10 5 6 22 82 3.7
workers to maintain the relationship

Table 4.23 Content

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Pictures to help the students 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.2
discuss the certain topic
2 Vocabulary related to culinary 0 0 1 13 8 22 95 4.3
with the phonetic transcription
3 Passages related to certain topic in 0 0 3 14 5 22 90 4.9
4 Conversation related to certain 0 1 4 13 4 22 86 3.9
topic in culinary
5 Questions related to the passages 0 0 11 5 6 22 83 3.7
and conversation provided


6 Explanation about grammar 0 0 4 7 11 22 95 4.3

7 Reflection toward students’ 0 0 5 11 6 22 89 4.0
difficulties in learning.
8 Reflection about how far students 0 1 5 5 11 22 92 4.1
understand a certain topic

Table 4.24 Exercise

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Matching the pictures with 0 1 4 11 6 22 88 4.0
2 Matching the words or terms with 0 0 3 12 7 22 95 4.3
right explanation
3 Deciding whether 0 0 6 11 5 22 87 3.9
statement/information is true or
4 Answering the questions based on 0 0 10 6 6 22 84 3.8
the passages or conversation
5 Correcting the gap sentences 0 1 6 10 5 22 85 3.8
6 Completing sentences 0 0 5 15 2 22 85 3.8
7 Give information / describe 0 1 4 12 5 22 87 3.9
8 Making conversation based on the 0 0 5 12 5 22 88 4.0
situation given

9 Making passages based on the 0 3 10 6 3 22 75 3.4

certain information
10 Making recipes 0 0 5 6 11 22 94 4.2

Table 4.25 Topic

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M
1 Kitchen Utensils 0 0 1 15 6 22 93 4.4
2 Fruit 0 0 1 14 7 22 101 4.6
3 Vegetables 0 0 1 6 15 22 100 4.5
4 Meat 0 0 3 13 6 22 97 4.4
5 Food Serving 0 0 3 6 9 22 79 3.6
6 Food Preserving 0 0 1 16 5 22 92 4.1
7 Basic Cooking 0 0 16 6 22 94 4.3
8 Appetizer 0 0 1 7 14 22 101 4.9
9 Main course 0 0 2 14 6 22 92 4.1
10 Dessert 0 0 3 13 6 22 91 4.1


Appendix 4. Result of Validation by Expert

STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 N M Interpretation
Goal of the course book
1. The course book is helpful to increase 1 1 Very Good
culinary students’ English
2. The course book provided authentic 1 1 Very Good
knowledge for culinary students.
Learning Objectives
3 The learning objectives are clear and 1 1 Good
4 The learning objectives are in line with 1 1 Very Good
the needs of students who are going to
work on culinary field.
5 The learning objectives are contextual 1 1 Very Good
for culinary students
The Topic
6 The topics are related with culinary 1 1 Very Good
students’ subjects
Language focus
7 The language focus provides in every 1 Good
unit helps the students to gain the
8 The language focus support students 1 Good
communinative skills.
9 The language focus are relevant with 1 Very Good
the real language used by culinary
Language feature
1 The language feature is
0 understandable

1 The langauge feature is familiar

The Materials
1 The materials are relevant with what 1 1 Very Good
2 students will experience when they
work on culinary field
1 The materials are suitable with the 1 1 Good
3 needs of culinary students
1 The materials support the students to 1 1 Good
4 communicate the daily conversation
among workers on their future job


1 The materials help the students with 1 1 Very Good

5 the expression that maintain
relationship between workers on their
future job
1 The materials help the student to 1 1 Very Good
6 enhance their vocabularies related to
1 The materials enhance the students’ 1 1 Good
7 pronunciation
1 The materials helps the students to 1 1
8 master grammar
1 The materials integrated the four skill: 1 1 Good
9 speaking, listening, reading and
2 The passages provided are authentic 1 1 Good
2 The conversation provided are 1 1
1 authentic
2 The materials provides authentic 1 1 Very Good
2 exercises for the students
2 The exercises provided help the 1 1 Very Good
3 students to perform the learning
2 The culinary English course book 1 1 Good
4 provides various activities
2 The activities engage with students’ 1 1 Very Good
5 needs
The design
2 The design is learnable 1 1 Very Good
2 The design is teachable 1 1 Very Good


Appendix 5. Result of Course Book Implementation

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 N T M Interpreatati
1. The design of the course book 0 0 3 5 13 21 94 4.3 Very Good
is interesting
2. The materials is 7 14 21 98 4.6 Very Good
3. The culinary English course 16 5 21 89 4.2 Very Good
book meets my needs.
4. The contens provides are 4 10 7 21 87 4.1 Very Good
useful for me
5. I feel satisfied learning using 18 3 21 87 4.1 Very Good
Culinary English book
6. I feel satisfied with the 4 13 4 21 84 4.0 Very Good
learning strategy
7. The materials are organized 11 10 21 94 4.4 Very Good
Learning Objectives
8. The leaning objectives cover 2 15 4 21 86 4.1 Very Good
my needs
9 The learning objectives is 2 9 10 21 92 4.4 Very Good
contextual with my program.
10 The topics are contextual with 17 4 21 88 4.0 Very Good
my program
11 The language is 5 6 10 21 89 4.4 Very Good
12 The language is familiar 4 2 13 21 85 4.0 Very Good
13 The materials are relevant with 4 7 10 21 83 3.9 Good
my future carier in culinary
14 The materials meet my need 4 12 5 21 85 4.0 Very Good
15 The passages provided 6 2 13 21 91 4.3 Very Good
increase my reading skill
16 The passages provided are 17 4 21 88 4.1 Very Good
relevant to my program
17 The topics of conversation are 2 13 6 21 88 4.1 Very Good
relevant for me
18 The materials motivate me to 4 11 6 21 86 4.1 Very Good
. speak
19 The materials support me to 7 2 11 21 84 4.0 Very Good
. increase my listening skill


20 The materials support me to 3 17 1 21 82 3.9

increase my writing skill
21 The audio provided are clear 15 6 21 90 4.3 Very Good
22 The materials help me to 19 2 21 86 4.1 Very Good
increase my motivation is
23 The materials help to to 17 4 21 88 4.2 Very Good
maintain relationship with my
fellow workers in the future.
24 The material help me to 7 11 2 21 75 3.6
increse my pronunciation.
25 The materials helps me to 2 9 9 21 87 4.1 Very Good
learn about grammar
26 The materials helps me to 16 5 21 89 4.2 Very Good
enhance my vocabulary
27 The activities are vary 18 3 21 87 4.1 Very Good
28 The materials are suitable with 5 4 11 21 86 4.1 Very Good
my level
29 The instructions are clear 11 9 21 89 4.2 Very Good
30 The color of the book is good 17 4 21 88 4.2 Very Good
31 The layout of the book dari 5 16 21 100 4.7 Very Good
buku (cover, titlel, picture,
page, texts) are appropriate
31 The font is appropriate 13 8 21 92 4.4 Very Good
32 The English Culinary book is 14 7 21 91 4.3 Very Good
33 The English Culinary book is 6 16 21 104 4.9 Very Good
Mean 4.2 Very Good


Appendix 6. Schematic Model

Unit Goal Process Learning Content

Kitchen • Identify • Introduce the pictures, text, Vocabularies:
Utensils vocabularies vocabularies of Knife, Wok,
of utensils utensils Frying pan,
correctly. • Study the Cooking pot,
• Write the pronunciation Colander,
description of • Complete the Spatula,
a kitchen sentences using Peeler, Tray,
• Describe a the right utensils. Microwave,
kitchen • Match the Dishwasher,
description of grater, rolling
how to use the pin, grinder,
utensils Pizza cutter
• Match the Preposition:
utensils and the Under, on,
meal inside, above,
• Reading a text next to,
about kitchen’s between,
description Passage: This
is my kitchen
• Study the
Present tense.
sentences using
• Study kinds of
• Reading
• Deciding whether
the statements
are true or false
using the
• Compose a text
description of a
kitchen based on
the pictures
• Describe the
kitchen orally.
Unit 2. 4. Identify • Introduce the pictures, text, Content:
Fruit and vocabularies vocabulary of Vocabularies:
Vegetables of fruits and fruit and Preposition:
vegetables. vegetables. Passage


5. Identify the • Put the Present tense.

methods of vocabulary in
cooking fruit the right group
and (fruit or
vegetables vegetables).
6. Explain • Reading 1 : tips
different for fruits and
methods of vegetables
handling fruit • Reading 2:
and Differences
vegetables between fruit
and vegetables.
• Activity after
• Vocabulary
with the
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false
based on the
• Answer open-
• Study about the
• Match the
cooking method
and explanation
how it gets done
• Group the
cooking method
for fruit and
Unit 3. 3. Identify • Identify the Learning Content:
Meat vocabularies names of meat. Materials: Vocabularies:
of different • Match the meat pictures, text, Grilling,
types of cut and the animals. conversation, Joints, Carve,
4. Identify the • Reading a text and Lean,
vocabularies about the types recording. Trimmed,
of different of meat cut. Cube, Mince,
types of Strips


cooking • Study the Asking and

methods vocabulary and giving
5. Ask and pronunciation of suggestion
give the words. Present tense.
suggestion • Match the six
based on cut and the
types of cut pictures
and cooking provided.
methods of • Answer the
meat open-ended
related to the
types of cut
• Cooking
• Read some
methods of
cooking meat
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false
• Read two
• Answer the
questions based
on the
• Study the
language focus
• Asking
• Giving
• Suggestion:
Complete the
table of asking
suggestion and
based on the
• Match the
opinion or


suggestion with
the right terms.
• Listening:
complete the
3. Provide
based on the
4. Make
based on the
Unit 4 6. Identify • Look at the Learning Content:
appetizer, pictures of kinds Materials: picture,
main course of appetizer, pictures, text, passage,
and dessert main course and conversation,
7. Ask and dessert. recording
give • Answer the Vocabularies:
opinion questions Appetizer,
about the • Read a text Main course,
menu • Answer the Dessert,
appetizer, questions about French fries,
main course the text. Tomato
and dessert • Study the words salad,
to others and potatoe,
pronunciation. Garlic bread,
• Match the Pepper
pictures and poppers,
their names. Schrimp,
Steak, Apple
• Put the meal in
pie, nuts,
the right
nuts. etc
• Read the menu
of the
related to the
• Answer the Present tense.
related to the
• Read the


• Language focus:
• Read the menu.
• Decide whether
the statements
are true or false.
• Give suggestion
toward the order
from the


Appendix 7. Syllabus of the Designed English Course Book

No Topic Objectives Material Activities Media Time
1 Kitche • Students a. Social Pre-activity Culin 50’
n are able function: 1. Greetings ary
Utensi to to give 2. Look at the Englis
ls identify informatio pictures of the h
the n to others. kitchen utensils Cours
vocabul on the book e
ary of b. Text 3. Disccus in group book
utensils structure: about the name
• Students Reading of each utensils.
are able passage 4. Write down the
to tell about vocabulary.
the kithen
function utensils Main Activity
of the • It is a
utensils grater 1. Study the
• Students • It is pronunciation of
are able used the words.
to tell to cut 2. Read the text
the cheese about “Five Most
material into Important
of the fine Utensils in the
utensils. pieces Kitchen”
• It is 3. Answer the
made questions related
of to text.
metal 4. Study the
or language focus:
steel. It is a ....
It used to...
c. Language It is made of...
feature: They are.....
• New They are used
vocab to...
ulary They are made
• New of...
expres 5. Complete the
sions sentences by
• Simpl using the right
e utensils
presen vocabulary
t tense 6. Match the
vocabulary with
the right words.



1. Confirm the
2. Give feedback
3. Closing

2. You • Student a. Social Pre-activity

need a s are function: 1. Greetings.
muffi able to to help 2. Read the
n tins tell others` conversations
inform 3. Answer the
I can ation b. Text questions related
grill about structure: to the passage.
the the Reading
meat utensils Conversa Main Activity
in this • Student tion
kitche s are Reading 4. Study the
n able to passage expression on the
tell • You need a conversation:
about spagheti You need a
possobi maker. spagheti maker.
lity • You need You need muffin
muffin tins tins
• I can wash 5. Put the utensils
dirty dishes based on the
in this information on
kitchen the conversation.
• I can make 6. Read a
Chinese conversation and
food in this look at the
kitchen. picture
7. List the activity
c. Language that is possible
feature: and imposible to
• New be done in the
vocab kitchen
• New Post-Activity
expres 8. Confirm the
sions understanding
9. Give feedback
• Simpl
10. Closing
t tense

3. This is Students are a. Social Pre-activity

my able to give function: 1. Greetings.
kitche information to help 2. Review the
n using others vocabulary of


b. Text kitchen
Students are structure: utensils.
able to Preposition .
describe a , text
kitchen Main Activity
• There is a 3. Study the
dishwasher preposition on
machine the textbook
under the 4. Study the
sink. expression
• There is a using the
green preposition:
flower There is a
near the dishwasher
window. machine under the
• There are sink.
some There is a green
knives flower near the
hanging on window.
the wall There are some
over the knives hanging on
sink. the wall over the
• There is a sink.
big table There is a big
on the table on the other
other side side of the
of the storages.
storages. 5. Look at the
picture and
write down
c. Language expressions.
feature: 6. Discuss the
• New answers
vocab 7. Make a group
ulary of 3 or 4
• New students.
expres choose one of
sions the pictures
and describe
• Simpl
based on the
example on P.
t 8
8. Confirm the
9. Give feedback
10. Closing


4. Fruit Students are a. Social Pre-activity

and able to function: to 1. Greetings.
Veget identify the help others 2. Look at the
able vocabulary pictures of
of fruit and b. Text fruit and
vegetable structure: vegetable
Reading provided on
Students are passage the text.
able to tell 3. Discuss the
how to • Washing questions
handle fruit fruit and related to the
and vegetable pictures.
vegetable with soap .
can change
the taste. Main Activity
• Keeping 4. Classify the
the vocabulary
temparatur into the right
e higher column (fruit
0 or vegetable)
than 0 F
could keep 5. Read the test
the food about “Fruit
fresh and
and “Tips for
Fruit and
c. Language Vegetables
feature: 6. Study the
• New vocabulary
vocab and find the
ulary meanings on
• New the dictionary.
expres 7. Decide
sions whether the
• Simpl statments are
e true or false.
presen 8. Answer the
t questions
tense. related to the

9. Confirm the
10. Give feedback
11. Closing


5. Cooki Students are a. Social Pre-activity

ng able to function: 1. Greetings.
metho identify the to 2. Identify the
ds of cooking maintain cooking
fruit methods and relations method and
and the process hip with handling fruit
vegeta of handling others. and vegetable
bles fruit and 3. Discuss the
vegetables cooking
b. Text method and
Students are structure handling the
able to tell : telling fruit together.
the way of informati .
cooking or on about
handling the how to Main Activity
fruit and cook or 4. Look at the
vegetable handling pictures and
fruit and write down
vegetabl the right
es: cooking
method below
• We can the pictures.
heat, roast 5. Match the
and fry cooking
eggplants. methods with
But we the right
can’t explanation.
juice, 6. Discuss the
bottling answer
and make together.
jam from 7. Look at the
eggplants. pictures of
fruit and
vegetable and
c. Language write down a
feature: cooking
• New method that
vocab might be done
ulary to them.
• New We can heat,
expres roast and fry
sions eggplants. But
• Simpl we can’t juice,
e bottling and
presen make jam
t tense from


8. Check and
discuss the

9. Confirm the
10. Give feedback
11. Closing

6. Recip Students are a. Social Pre-activity

e able to make functi 1. Greetings.
(Prod recipes on: to 2. Review the
uce based tell cooking
text) ingredients good methods and
provided. inform process of
ation handling fruit
to and
others. vegetables

b. Text Main Activity

structu 3. Read a recipe
re: “ Durian
Procedur Cheese Tart”
e text 4. Discuss about
(recipes) Procedure

c. Language Aims: To tell

feature: steps about
• New making/using
vocab something
ulary Structure:
• New Title,
expres equipment/ing
sions redients /
• Proce Steps
text 5. Listening:
Listen to a
recipe of how
to make apple
pie and
comple the
list of
and the steps
by taking note


6. Discuss the
7. Make a group
of 2-3
Choose three
category of
provided in
the textbook.
Make a
procedure text
by creating
8. Presents the
result in front
of the class.

9. Confirm the
10. Give feedback
11. Closing

7. Meat: Students are a. Social Pre-activity

Kinds able to functi 1. Greetings.
of identify on: to 2. Review the
meat kinds of tell cooking
Kinds meat. good methods and
of inform process of
meat Students are ation handling fruit
cuts able to tell to and
the types of others. vegetables
meat cut. .

b. Text Main Activity

structu 3. Read a recipe
re: “ Durian
Procedur Cheese Tart”
e text 4. Discuss about
(recipes) Procedure

c. Language Aims: To tell

feature: steps about
• New making/using
vocab something
ulary Structure:


• New equipment/ing
expres redients /
sions Steps
• Proce
dure 5. Listening:
text Listen to a
recipe of how
to make apple
pie and
comple the
list of
and the steps
by taking note
6. Discuss the
7. Make a group
of 2-3
Choose three
category of
provided in
the textbook.
Make a
procedure text
by creating
8. Presents the
result in front
of the class.

9. Confirm the
10. Give feedback
11. Closing

8 Meat Students are a. Social Pre-activity

able to function: 1. Greetings.
identify to tell 2. Identify the
kinds of good vocabulary of
meat informati meat
on to 3. Match the
Students are others. meat and the
able to give pictures of
information b. Text animals.
about types structure .
of meat cut :


Reading Main Activity

text 4. Read a
about passage “
“Types Types of Meat
of Meat Cut”
Cut” 5. Analyze the
types of meat
c. Language cut and study
feature: the
• New pronunciation
vocab 6. Match the
ulary types of cut
• New with the
expres pictures based
sions on the
• Simpl explanation
e on the
Prese passages
nt 7. Discuss the
Tense answer
8. Answer the
related to the
9. Discuss and
give feedback.

10. Confirm the
11. Give feedback
12. Closing

9 Cooki Students are a. Social Pre-activity

ng able to function: 1. Greetings.
Metho identify the to ask and 2. Read some
d of cooking give cooking
Meat methods of informati methods of
meat on meat with the
politely to explanation.
Students are others
able to Main Activity
explain the b. Text 3. Match the
process of structure pictures with
cooking : the cooking
methods Reading methods
about 4. Decide
Students are “Cookin whether the
able to g


match the Methods sentences are

right of Meat” true or false
expression 5. Discuss the
of asking Convers answer
and giving ations 6. Read the
suggestion conversations
related to c. Language 7. Answer the
cutting feature: questions
types and • New related to the
cooking vocab conversation
methods. ulary 8. Analyze the
• New expressions of
expres asking and
sions giving
(askin suggestion
g and
giving What do you think?
opinio What’s your opinion?
n) Do you have any
opinion on…?
Do you agree if…?
What is your
In my opinion..
I think….
I personally feel…
I don’t think so
In my opinion…
For me, it is a good

9. Mention the
example of
asking and
from the
10. Match the
given with the
name of
cutting types
and cooking
11. Discuss the


12. Confirm the
13. Give feedback

10 Askin Students are a. Social Pre-activity

g and able to function: to 1. Greetings.
giving differenciat ask and give 2. Review the
sugge e appetizer, information cutting types
stion main course politely to and cooking
and dessert others methods of
structure: Main Activity
Reading 3. Look at the
Conversations pictures and
answers the
c.Language questions
feature: related to the
New pictures
vocabulary 4. Read the
New passage about
expressions “Three Meals”
(asking and 5. Answer the
giving questions
opinion) related to the
6. Study the
words and the
7. Look at the
pictures and
match the
pictures with
their names
8. Categorize the
menu based
on the
description of
three meal.
Post- Activity
1. Confirm the
2. Give feedback
and reflection
3. Closing


11. Askin Students are Social Pre-activity

g abd able to function: to 1. Greetings.
giving suggest the ask and give 2. Review the names
infor menu information of the meal.
matio Students are politely to
n able to give others Main Activity
relate information 3. Read the
d to about the b.Text menu
the menu structure: 4. Answer the
menu Read Menu questions
related to the
c.Language menu
feature: 5. Read the
New conversation
vocabulary between
New Waiter and
expressions Customer
(asking and 6. Listen to the
giving conversation
opinion) and answer
the questions
7. Study the
focus about
asking and
8. Read the
menu and
whether the
statements are
true or false
9. Give
based on
Post- Activity
4. Confirm the
5. Give feedback
and reflection
6. Closing


Appendix 8. The Course Book


Table of Content

Preface ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... …1

Table of Content………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 2

Unit 1 : Kitchen Utensils…………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3

Unit 2: Fruit and Vegetable…………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Unit 3: Meat………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 25

Unit 4: Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert…………………………………………………………………… 35

List of Vocabularies………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44

Listening Transcript …………………………………………………………………………………………………………46

Page 1

The Preface

Culinary program of vocational high school contributes to provide proffesional workers on

culinary that helps to increase the labour market. Nowadays, having English skill is considered as one of
the criteria performed by a proffesional workers. Therefore, this course book facilitate the students who
are on culinary program on vocational high school to develop their English which will be useful for their
future carier on culinary.

There are four topics of presented in this Culinary English Book. they are Kitchen Utensils, Fruit
and Vegetables, Meat and Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert. There are five stages in each units to
help the students gain the learning objectives. They are Lets’ Take a Look, Let’s Find Out, Let’s analyze,
Let’s Practice and Lets’ Produce.

This Culinary English Book covers four skills (writing, listening, reading and writing). It also give
opportunities for the students to learn grammar which used for the some expression related to culinary,
list of vocabulary related to culinary and phonectic transcription to help the students read. The Culinary
English Book also provides passages, text, pictures and recording to motivate the students to learn
English enthusiastically.

The writer expected through this Culinary English Book, the students of culinary program of
vocational high school might have better perfomance and develop their comptence iof English by being
active in the classroom.


Wilhelmina Kurnia Wandut

Page 2

Unit 1

Kitchen Utensils

In this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Identify vocabulary of utensils correctly.

2. Use the expressions of telling the function of kitchen utensils.
3. Describe a kitchen using correct preposition

Page 3

1. Let’s Take a Look

a. Look at the pictures.
Please look at the pictures and write down the name of the utensils on the space provided.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 9
Pictures: google.com 8

b. Discuss with your friends to find the name of the utensils above and write down the
names of the utensils.
1. _____________ 7. ______________
2. _____________ 8. ______________
3. _____________ 9. ______________
4. _____________ 10. _____________
5. _____________ 11 _____________
6. _____________ 12. _____________

Page 4

c. Study the pronunciation below

Words Phonetic Transcription Meaning

Grater grey-ter Parutan
Wok wɒk Wajan
Peeler ‘piːlə Pengupas
Juicer ‘ʤuːsə Alat membuat juice
Whisk wɪsk Alat untuk mengocok
Rolling pin ˈroʊlɪŋpɪn Penggilingan
Colander ˈkɑləndər Saringan
Knife naɪf Pisau
Gloves glʌvz Sarung tangan
Cooking pot ˈkʊkɪŋpɑt Panci masak
Pan Pæn Panci

2. Let’s Find Out

a. Read a passage below.

Five Most Important Utensils in the Kitchen

The utensils needed by big kitchens are different with small or home kitchens. These are
the most five important utensils which are very important to a kitchen. What are they?
One of the most important thing is the kitchen is knife. A sharp knife can help us shape
everything ingredient into the proper cut based on the needs. We also need to make sure that
our knives are always clean before and after using it to any food. Next is cutting board. It is
important to avoid knife mark sliced in the kitchen surface. They are made of wooden, plastic
and sometimes glass. It is good if we can separate the cutting board for veggies and meat. The
third one is a measuring cup. We might not always be sure with the amount of ingredients in
cooking. Measuring cup is very helpful for us to decide and it can be used both for liquid or dry

Page 5

ingredients. Another most important utensil in the kitchen is spatula. It is important to help us
stir and mix the food while cooking to make the well and equally cooked. Spatulas are made of
wooden or steel. The last are mixing bowls. We do needs bowls in our kitchen to help us put the
different ingredient separately. It also helps us save our time by keep washing the same bowl
Those are the most important things that every kitchen need before we start using it. It is better
to have different utensils for different kinds of food or wash it clean before using it for different

b. Answer the following questions with your friends.

a. Why do we need a cutting board in the kitchen?

b. What are spatulas usually made of?
c. What are the benefits of measuring cup?
d. If you could put one utensil as one of the most important things in the kitchen, what is it?

Let’s Analyze

Language Focus
We use these sentences to tell the function of tools
It is a.......
They are ..............
It is used to………………….. (singular)
They are used to …………..(Plural)

We use these sentences to tell what the tools made of

It is a.......
They are ..............
It is made of ………………..(singular)
They are made of…….……(Plural)
Colander is used to separate the rough powder with the refined powder
Mixing bowls are used to keep difference ingredients so we don’t have to was the
same tool all the time

Page 6

Cutting board is made of wood and plastic.

Knives are made of steel.

a. Complete the information by fill with the right utensils vocabulary

1. We use a __________ to strain liquids such as boiling water or to sift dry ingredients, such as
flour or powdered sugar.
2. It is used to wash the plates, it is a ___________
3. We usually use a ___________ to cook Chinese food because it usually required deep-frying.
4. We use a ______________ to shape the food into fine pieces; mostly we use it for cheese.
5. They are usually made of steel. They are very important utensils in the kitchen to help us cut the
food. They are _____________

b. Match the description of how to use and the utensils below

Activities Utensills

 Put it under the skin of the fruit and go Sieve

 Put the food inside and shake it to the Colander
left and right put them on our hands.
 Put pieces of fruits on the top and don’t
forget to put a glass at the bottom Juicer

 Don’t forget to always check the Wok

temperature before we put the food in
it. Gloves

 The meat will be well cooked using this


Page 7

c. Conversation

1. Read the conversation below

Conversation 1

Kiki : Hi Andy, How are you? You look so busy.

Andy : Hi Kiki. Yes, I am preparing for my test next Monday. My mentor assigns
us to make spaghetti.
Kiki : That’s sound nice. I think you have prepared the ingredients here, right?
Andy : Yes, I have bought the ingredients but I haven’t prepared the utensils. Do
you know what are the utensils that we need for making spaghetti?
Kiki : well, first of all you need a spaghetti maker. Then you need a pot or wok
to cook the spaghetti. You also need a spaghetti fork and spoon to mix the
water and spaghetti while cooking.
Andy : I see. I haven’t got the fork. Do I need something else?
Kiki : Ah, you need tongs. It helps you to mix and serve the spaghetti in the
Andy : Ok. Thank you Kiki for your help
Kiki : You’re welcome Andy. Good luck for your practice.
Conversation 2

Conversation 2

Rani : Tika, have you ever made cupcakes before?

Tika : Yes, I have.
Rani : I need some information about the utensils that we are going to use for
making cupcake.
Tika : Ok. Please note this. You are going to need some mixing bowls for the
ingredients and measuring cups. You also need muffin tins and it
depends on how many cupcakes you are going to make.
Rani : I think I also will need whisk.
Tika : yes, but hand mixer is better to save the time. You also need liners to
release the cupcakes from the tins and wooden spoon to stir the
ingredients together.
Rani : Thank you so much for the information Tika.
Tika : you’re welcome Rani. You can ask later if you still need more
Rani : That’s nice. Sure I’ll meet you.

Page 8

d. Read the conversations with your friends and answer the following questions.
1. Have Kiki prepared the ingredients and utensil for making spaghetti?
2. What does the utensil that Kiki haven’t got?
3. How many tins does Rani need to make cupcake?
4. Why does Tika suggest having hand mixer?
5. What is the function of wooden spoon in making cupcakes?

e. Please put the utensils based on the information on the conversation.

Spaghetti Cupcakes
Wok Mixing bowls

4. Let’s Practice

a. Match the utensils with the meal below. Put the utensils in the right column.

Cake filters Pepper mill cake cutter

Sieves pastry brushes Wok
Whisk rolling pin Colander
Knife Gloves Cooking pot
Frying pan Spatula Measuring cup
Peeler Tray Skillet
Ladle Wooden spoon chopping board
Grater grinder saucer

Page 9

Bakery Meat Pasta

cake cutter chopping board Wok

f. Passage

Read a passage below

This is my kitchen

This is my kitchen. There is a stove in the middle with a

kettle on it. Beside the stove, there are two drawers to put
the small utensils such as knives, spoons, forks and spatula.
Under the table there are storages to put large utensils.
Above the table there is storage to put plates and glasses.
On the other side, there is a sink and right under the sink
there is a dishwasher machines. The woks and frying pan are
hanging above of the sink. There are some bowls on the
table and there are two green flowers near the window. kitchendesign.com

g. What can I do in that kitchen?

Put a thick (√) if you think it’s possible to do these activities in this kitchen.

No Activities Possible Not Possible

1 I can wash dirty dishes
2 I can make a coffee
3 I can make a glass of jiuce
4 I can cook some chinese food
5 I can do barbeque
6 I can freeze some food
7 I can make pasta

Page 10

Language Focus : Preposition

To give information about a place of something we can use some preposition as
Under in Above Over in the middle
In front between on Near on the other side

There is a dishwasher machine under the sink
There is a green flower near the window.
There are some knives hanging on the wall over the sink.
There is a big table on the other side of the storages.

Let’s Produce
a. Look at this picture below and describe the kitchen using the preposition provided.

1. There is an oven between the storages

2. There are wok and pan ______ the stove.
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. _____________________________________

Page 11

Listen to the recording and choose which picture is described.

Page 12

b. Describe

Make a group of four people. Each person chooses one picture to describe. Write it down and tell to
your friends in a group.

3 4

Page 13

What I have learn in this unit

I am good at

I need to improve

Page 14

Unit 2

Fruit and Vegetable

In this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Identify vocabulary of fruit and vegetables.

2. Analyze the methods of cooking fruit and vegetables
3. Explain different methods of handling fruit and vegetables
4. Make a procedure text based on the ingredients provided.

Page 15

Let’s Take a Look

a. Look at the pictures below and discuss the following questions with your friends.

1. Mention the names of the fruit and vegetables?

2. Where do you ussually buy those fruit and vegetables?
3. Where do you ussually keep those fruit and vegetables after taking
them home?
4. Which kinds of fruit and vegetables which are easily leak?
5. Which kinds of fruit and vegetables which can be kept for longer

Page 16

Let’s Find Out

a. See again the pictures on task 1. Put the name into the right column. You may add your own

No Fruits Vegetables

b. Reading
 Reading 1

Fruits and vegetables

Fruit is addible parts of plants that contains the seeds and

pulpy, have a sweet or tart taste. It generally consumed as
breakfast beverages, breakfast and lunch side-dishes,
snacks or dessert. Vegetables are edible plan parts including ste ms and stalks, roots, tubers, bulbs,
leaves, flowers and fruits. Usually includes seaweed and sweet corn. It generally consumed raw or
cooked with main dish, in a mixed dishes, as an appetizer or in a salad.

 Reading 2
Tips for fruit and vegetables

After buying fruit and vegetables from store, we have to wash them with water. It is very important to
wash the entire fruit and vegetables even though we don’t eat their skin. The function is to remove the
pesticides and toxin from the fruits and vegetables. Do not wash with soap. It may change the taste and

Page 17

can cause poison. It is better to keep the fruit and vegetables in the freezer at or below 0 0F. Remove the
leaking, rusted, badly dented or bulging cans because they may contain bacteria that can cause illness.
Separate the knife for fruits and vegetables with knife for other food. If you we have to use the same
knife don’t forget to wash it with soap especially after using it with raw meat. Don’t forget to protect
fruits and vegetables for pests such as rodents, flies and roaches. Because all pests could spread illness
and can contaminate fruits and vegetables.

a. Vocabulary with phonetic transcription

Words Phonetic Transcription Meanings

Beverage ˈbɛvərɪʤ
Side-dishes [saɪd-ˈdɪʃəz
snacks [snæks
dessert dɪˈzɜrt
raw rɔː
can kæn]
boil [bɔɪl]
appetizer ˈæpəˌtaɪzər
meat miːt
seed siːd

b. True and false

1. The ingredients for sandwhiche mostly are fruit. (T/F)
2. Washing fruit and vegetable with soap can change the taste. (T/F)
3. Roots,leaves and flowers that can be eaten are vegetables. (T/F)
4. Keeping the temparature higher than 00 F could keep the food fresh. (T/F)
5. Toxin and pestisides are on the skin of the fruits. (T/F)

Page 18

c. Open ended questions.

1. When do vegetables are ussually be reserved?
2. What are the parts of vegetables which can be consumed?
3. Why do we need to wash the fruit and vegetables?
4. What are the things that can be done to prevent the fruit and vegetables from bacteria?
5. Why do we need to separate knife for fruit and vegetables with knife from other food?

3. Let’s Analyze

a. Study with your friends and find out the information aboutthe methods of cooking or
preserving the fruit and vegetable below.

Frying Smoothies Jam Steaming

Canning Reheating Boiling Roasting/Baking
Frozen Blanch Grilling Juice

b. Put the name on the pictures provided below.


Page 19

c. Matching the methods and explanation.

Methods Explanation
Roasting/Baking Cooking food in boiling water
Frozen Boiling food for a short time until
the food are partly cooked
Blanch Reheat the cooked/boiled the food.
Grilling Cooking food in boiling water
Steaming Cooking the food with hot air in an
Canning Cooking food plate with direct heat
Glace Cooking food in a fat
Stir- Frying placing foods in jars or similar
containers and heating them 12
Smoothies Cook the fruit until barely tender in
boiling water, then drain and place
in a heatproof bowl.
Reheating Blend the food mixed with water so
we can drink
Boiling Put the food in lower temparature
Juice Blend the fruit and vegetables and
mix with milk until they become

Page 20

d. Please write down what can kind of cooking methods that can be applied to these kinds of
fruit and vegetables below.

We can heat, roast and fry eggplants. But we can’t juice, bottling and
make jam from eggplants.








Page 21

e. Recipe for Fruit

Durian is one of the fruit which can be found easily in Indonesia. The name durian comes from
the Malay word duri which means thorn. However, not everyone enjoy eating Durian because its
smell. Let’s see one of the recipes that we can make about Durian below.

Durian Cheese Tart

 200 grams of almond flour
 100 grams of flaxseed flour
 100 grams of keto flour
 20 grams of psyllium husk
 200 grams of cold butter
 4 sachets of sugar
 130 grams of durian meat
 30 ml of heavy cream
 250 grams of cream cheese
 2 eggs
 4 sachets of sugar


1. Mix all crust ingredients until evenly and solidify. Wrap them in a plastic and put into the
2. Mash the durian and heavy cream with dry-mill.
3. Mix the eggs and sugar. Keep them in a bowl
4. Put the cheese cream in a bowl mix. Add a durian. Stir with mixer until well blended. Put
the egg yolk back with the mixer.
5. Add eggs stir back with a spatula. Put them in triangle plastic. Set aside.
6. Cover the crust dough, put in a cupcake pan or using an aluminum cup. Bake at 125 ° C
for 40 minutes. Chill.
7. Pour the filling dough sufficiently in crust. Bake temperature 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
Ready to be enjoyed

Page 22

Language Focus: Procedure text.

Procedure text tells steps to make/to use something through a sequence of
The structures are: Title, equipment/ingredients / Steps
Example Title Cheese Durian Spring roll

Ingredients  Durian spring rolls

 Fruit durian (according to taste)
 Spring roll skin
 Cheese cheddar (gently grated)
 Sweet white condensed milk
Procedure  Sweetened condensed milk chocolate
Text  Cooking oil cheese
Equipment  Mixing bowl
 Spatula
 Frying pan
Steps a. Mix the durian with white milk. Grate
the cheese in.
b. Prepare the spring roll skin and pour
the durian dough.
c. Then fold up really neat (if not tidy,
durian stuffing will burst and melt out).
d. Heat the oil, fry spring rolls.
e. Then, drain with a standing position to
reduce the oil.
Notes: We use Simple Present Tense in Procedure text.

4. Let’s Practice
Listen to the recipe of how to make apple pie. Complete the list of ingredients and steps
of making apple pie based on explanation on the recording.

List of Ingrdients






Page 23

The steps of making apple pie



3. _____________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________


6. _____________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________


5. Let’s Produce

Make a group of 3-4 students and choose one of the three ingredients provided below. Then, make a
recipe based on the ingrdients provided

Ingredients 1 Ingredients 2 Ingredients 3

Strawberry Milk Carrots (Peeled/grated)

Milk Heavy cream Apples

Sugar Fresh lemon juice Baking powder

Cheese Sugar Butter

Chocolate powder Baking soda

Page 24

What I have learn in this unit

I am good at

I need to improve

Page 25

Unit 3


In this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Identify vocabulary of different types of cut

2. Identify the vocabulary of different types of cooking methods
3. Ask and give suggestion based on types of cut and cooking methods of

Page 26

1. Let’s Take a Look

a. Types of meat

Beef : Cow

Veal : Calf (young cow)

Pork : Pig

Mutton : Sheep

Squab : Pigeon

Carabeef : Buffalo

Chevon : Goat

Chicken : Chicken

Turkey : Turkey

Horse : Horse meat

Venison :Deer

1. Match the meat and the animals.

a. Beef
b. Veal
c. Pork
d. Venison
e. Squab
f. Carabeef
g. Chevon
h. Chicken
i. Turkey
j. Horse

Page 27

2. Let’s Find Out

 Types of Meat Cut

a. Read the types of meat cut below.

Types of Meat Cut

Nowadays, most of costumer is looking for

meat that can be used in different
ways.The meat is also should be
convenient to prepare. Besides, the meat
also should be simple to store, easy to cook and low in fat. After that, there are some
different ways of cutting the meat based on what benefit that people want. First is boneless
cut which can be applied mostly for beef, pork and lamb. It is economical and suitable for
quick and easy method of cooking, e.g. grilling. Second is boned and rolled joints of meat.
This method required to cut the meat smaller joints to reduce cooking time and making it
easier to carve. Third is lean and extra lean cut. It trimmed cuts of meat which are lower in
fat. Fourth is cube of meat which cut the meat into cubes and with this type of cut the meat
is ready for making stews, kebabs and casseroles. Next is lean minced meat where the meat
is trimmed of fat and minced. The last is think strip where the meat is cut into strips and it
suitable for quick cooking method, e.g. stir-frying. Meat and education.com

b. Study the pronunciation and find the meaning of the following vocabulary. You
also may discuss other difficult vocabulary from the text.

Grilling [ˈgrɪlɪŋ] :

Joints [ʤɔɪnts] :

Carve [kɑːv] :

Lean [liːn] :

Trimmed [trɪmd] :

Cube [kjuːb] :

Minced [mɪnst] :

Strips [strɪps] :

Page 28

c. Read the text again and match the six cuts of meat with the pictures provided
based on the explanation of the each cut.

Boneless cut Boned and rolled joints of meat

Lean and extra lean cut Cube of meat
Lean minced meat Think Strips

Think Strips ________________ ________________

_________________ ________________ __________________

d. Answer the questions below based on the text.

1. What kind of cut that required to cut the meat smaller joints?
2. What to do with the meat in lean minced meat cut?
3. What are five things considered by the customer when buying meat?
4. What are the benefit of:
a. Boneless cut?
b. Boned and rolled joints of meat?
c. Cube of meat?
5. What types of meat suitable for boneless cut?

Page 29

 Cooking Methods of Meat

a. Let’s see some methods of cooking and the explanation below

Barbequing : Cooking meat on a pre-heated trivet or grill, over wood and charcoal or gas

Frying : Cooking meat in a small amount of fat, in a shallow pan

Grilling : Cooking meat under heat of an electric or a gas flame

Roasting : Cooking food using dry, high temperatures in an oven

Casseroling/Braising/Stewing: Slowly cooking tougher cuts of meat, in plenty of liquid with a

tight fitting lid

Pot roasting : Cooking a joint of meat, this has first been browned, on top of vegetables, with
very little liquid, in a pot with a tight fitting lid.

b. Based on the explanation, match with the pictures provided below.

Grilling _____________________ _________________________

______________________ ______________________ ____________________

Page 30

c. Decide whether the statements are true or false

a. The similarity of grilling and barbequing is both of them using over wood and charcoal.
b. Mix the food with water and cook it until it becomes liquid is kinds of stewing cooking.
c. Cooking the meat that using oil is method of frying. (T/F)
d. Set the oven in low temperature is kind of roasting method. (T/F)
e. Mix the meat with vegetables with a very little liquid is a pot roasting method.(T/F)

 Conversation

a. Read the conversation between Senior Chef (SC) and junior chef (JC).

JC: Hi, Good Morning. How are you today, Sir?

SC: I’m great. What are we going to serve for dinner?
JC: We have 800g of Beef. Any idea?
SC: let’s make barbeque Beef.
JC: That sounds great and simple. What can I do? Would you like to give
me suggestion?
SC: Sure. First of all, you should cut the meat in boneless cut. Don’t forget
to prepare the chargrilled vegetables. You should marinate the beef
for 30 minutes to this spice. After that put the steak in a grill and heat
the steak with high temperature.
JC: Ok. I see. I am going to start doing it now
SC: One more, do not spend too much time cooking the meat. The longer
meat is cooked, the less juicer it becomes.
JC: Alright Sir. Thank you very much. Have a great day.

b. Read another conversation between the junior chefs.

Andy: We have 500g of lamb. I think we can roast this. What do you think?
Rika: I think that’s a good idea. We should make boned and rolled joints cut
to the meat.
Andy: Why don’t we cut into dice so it can be quickly cooked?
Rika: Don’t worry, we can set the oven into high temperature and it will
help cooking the meat well.
Andy: I agree. Oh, we should steam the vegetables to put it on the top.
Rika: You’re right. Let’s do it.

Page 31

c. Answer the questions

a. What food suggested by the senior chef?
b. What cut does the senior chef said for the barbeque?
c. Why they don’t have to spend much time cooking the meat?
d. Why does Andy want dice cut?
e. Mention other cuts suitable for roasting

3. Let’s Analyze

Language Focus: Suggestion

Asking for opinion Examples
/suggestion What do you think?
What’s your opinion?
Do you have any opinion on…?
Do you agree if… ?
What is your opinion/suggestion?
Giving opinion/suggestion Examples:
In my opinion..
I think….
I personally feel…
I don’t think so
In my opinion…
For me, it is a good idea

A. Suggestion
Read the examples of suggestion which are taken from the conversations. You may add
another if you find.


What are we going to serve for dinner?

What can I do?
Any idea?

Page 32

You should cut the meat in boneless cut

We should make boned and rolled joints cut to the
Why don’t we cut into dice so it can be quickly cooked?


4. Let’s Practice

Boned and
a. Please match the opinion/suggestion with and the phrases below. Rolled joints
1. I think this cut help us to reduce the cooking time and make it of meat
easier to carve. But first, we need to separate the meat
Thin strips
between the fat and lower fat. Lean and extra lean cuts
2. If you don’t have much time, I suggest you to do this cut,
because it suitable for quick cooking methods
3. I think we should do this outside the house because it is going Lean minced
to produce smoke if it inside
4. It is almost the same with barbequing but we need to cut the Grilling
meat not more that 5cm thick since we are going to use pan.
Grilling Roasting
5. We need to set up high temperature in an oven and we are
going to use dry to cook the meat. Stewing
6. We should cut the meat into cube, dice or steaks and we need
to let meat with a tight fitting lid. Don’t forget the vegetables
on top.
7. When we cut the meat, we should cut it trimmed of fat and

Page 33

Listen to the conversation and complete the blank part.

Rian: Good morning Rika, how are you?

Rika: I’m great Rian. How about you?
Rika: Me too. By the way Rika, would you like to help me?
Rian: I have 200g of Beef and I want to roast it. _____________________________?
Rika: I think you can cut the meat into boned and rolled joints. Oh, Don’t forget to
prepare some vegetables.
Rian: I see, how should I cut the vegetables?
Rika: __________________________________________________
Rian: Thank you so much Rika
Rika: You’re welcome Rian.

5. Let’s Produce

In a group of two people, try to make an order and suggetion for the order. You can see
number 1 as the examples.

I want to fry the beef, what is the best cut for it?

You can cut into strip cut. This cut is suitable for quick
method such as stir-frying.

2. What is your suggestion if I want have some liquid for the


Page 34

I am afraid if this kitchen will be foggy. What should I do?


a. Please make a conversation by choosing one of the conditions below. Use the
expression of asking and giving suggestion in making the conversation. The
conversation consists of two persons who ask and give suggestion based on the
condition. Practice the dialog with your friends.

Condition 1

You have 800g of beef and you want to roast the meat.

Condition 2

You have 500g lamb and want to grill the meat

What I have learn in this unit

I am good at

I need to improve

Page 35

Unit 4

Appetizer, Main course and


In this unit students are expected to:

1. Identify appetizer, main course and dessert

2. Ask and give opinion about the menu appetizer, main course and dessert to

Page 36

1. Let’s Take a Look

Look at these following pictures. Discuss with your friends and answer the questions

1. What are the names of the food?

2. What are the food which are categorized as appetizer, main course and dessert?
3. Why are they belong to those categories? Discuss with your friends.

Page 37

2. Let’s Find Out

a. Read the text below

Three Meals

A course meal consists of appetizer, main course and dessert. Appetizer refers to a
small portion of food to serve before the the main meal. An appetizer could be soup,
french fries, garlic bread or tomato salad. It’s just for dew bites to make people
become extra hungry or stimulate them to eat the main meal. A main course is a
primary meal which is ussually served after having the appetizer. The main
ingredients ussualy are meat for example beef, chicken or lamb. It also could be fish
and another food which contains protein. To calm the stomach after having the heavy
meal, there is dessert. Dessert ussually consists of sweet food such ice cream, cake or
pastry. It might include cheese, nuts, puding, coffee or wine.

b. Answer the questions below.

1. What are the examples of appetizer?

2. What is main course?
3. What is the name of meal who can stimulate people to eat?
4. What is the funtion of dessert?
5. Mention three examples of dessert.

c. Words and phonetic transcription

Words Phonectic transcription Meaning

Main course
French fries
Tomato salad
Garlic bread
Pepper poppers
Apple pie

Page 38

d. Look at these following pictures and match with their names.

Chicken meatball French fries Garlic bread

pudding Spinach dip Apple pie

Bread puding Custard Cheeseburges

Bake fish fillet Brownies Beeef enchiladas

Cheese burges Gizo glaced-Salmon Schrimp and Brocoli

Pumpkin pie Tiramisu Waffle

Sundae Steak rainbow chips Strawberry pie

e. Put the name of the meal into their category of menu to the following table

Appetizer Main Course Dessert

Page 39

3. Let’s Analyze

a. Look at the menu restaurant below


b. Answer the following questions based on the pictures.

1. Mention three snacks that people can have at 01.00 p.m.

2. If people want to eat meat as appetizer, what can you offer?
3. What is the meal that people can have as snack at lunch and as dessert?
4. Mention three meals that people who want to eat meat can have for lunch.
5. Mention three flavors of ice cream that can be served as dessert.

Page 40

c. Conversation

Read the conversation between the Waiter and Customer based on the menu at The Boat Restaurant

Waiter : Good evening ma’am. May I help you?

Customer : yes, I want to salad for starter. What can you suggest?
Waiter : We have tomato salad and chicken salad. Which one do you prefer?
Customer : I want to keep the meat for the main dish. So, I prefer the tomato salad.
Waiter : alright. Since you want meat for the main dish, I would suggest roast chicken and
potatoes. What do you think?
Customer : I think that’s great.
Waiter : Do you prefer ice cream or cake for your dessert?
Customer : hmhm, I think those two meals will be enough for me.
Waiter : I see. How about soft drink?
Customer : That’s perfect.
Waiter : Ok. your order will be here soon. Please wait for a moment. Is there anything else
Customer : No, thanks.

d. Listen the conversation and answer the following questions.

1. What are the appetizers served in the restaurant?

2. Why does the customer order soup?
3. Does the customer order vegetable spaghetti for the main dishes?
4. What are the desserts in the restaurant?
5. What is the dessert that has three flavors?

Language Focus : Suggestion

Asking for suggestion What do you suggest?
What do you prefer?
What do you choose?
Do you have any suggestion?
What shoud I offer?
Giving suggestion I suggest
How about..
I think you should..
You can try...
You can offer?

Page 41

4. Let’s Pactice

Decide whether the sentences are true or false

a. There are two main dishes which can be ordered in this restaurant. T/F
b. We can have more than two fruit as side dishes in this restaurant. T/F
c. There are more than six puddings that can be ordered in this restaurant T/F
d. We can three favors of ice cream which can be tasted in this restaurant T/F
e. if people want to have something spicy they can order the smoked chicken T/F

Page 42

5. Let’s Produce
Give your suggestion to the following order. You can see number 1 as the examples

1. I want soup for appetizer, but not so much. After having the main dish. I prefer having ice
cream. What can you offer me?

I suggest you to have soup in small cup, then smoked boneless St. Louis Ribs for the
main dish. After that you can have red velvet ice cream as dessert.

2. I want to have something spicy for the starter. Then I want to something salty such as cheese for
the dessert. What do you suggest?

3. I just want to have the main dish because after that I want to have two favors of ice cream.
What should I order?

4. I want to start with something spicy. After having the main dish, I want to have some fresh fruit.
Then, I want have pudding for my dessert. Do you have any suggestion?

5. I want to have fried meal for the main dishes and I want fruit mix with cheese for my dessert.
What do you suggest?

Page 43

What I have learn in this unit

I am good at

I need to improve

Page 44

Listening Transcription

Unit 1 (Page 10)

1. I can grill in this kitchen. There is a grilling tool beside the stove and also the food clamp.
I also can roast in this kitchen. There are some spatulas above the stove. Right under
the stove there are drawers.
2. I think I can make pasta, spaghetti and some Chinese food in this kitchen. There are
some pans, woks and frying pan hanging on the wall. Besides, I can also make a juice
because there is a juicer on the corner of the table. There is also storage on the wall to
keep the bottles.
3. I like this small kitchen. There is a golden pan on the wall and some bowls. There is a
green flower in the middle of the table. There is napkin and some wooden spatulas.
Besides, there some storages under the table to keep utensils.
4. There is an oven in the middle of the kitchen. I think I cannot grill or barbeque in this
kitchen. But I can fry, stew or reheat the food here. There is a small microwave in the
corner. And storages on the wall to keep the utensils.

Unit 2: (Page 20)

Taken from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdK6A3pXvdw

Unit 3: (Page 31)

Rian: Good morning Rika, how are you?

Rika: I’m great Rian. How about you?

Rika: Me too. By the way Rika, would you like to help me?

Rian: I have 200g of Beef and I want to roast it. Do you have any idea what should I do?

Rika: I think you can cut the meat into boned and rolled joints. Oh, Don’t forget to prepare
some vegetables.

Rian: I see, how should I cut the vegetables?

Rika: I think you can cut into cubes or dices

Rian: Thank you so much Rika

Rika: You’re welcome Rian.

Page 45

Unit 4 :(Page 38)

Waiter: Good Morning, Sir. May I help you

Customer: Yes, what do you have for starter here?

Waiter: If you want to start with something spicy, we have chicken wings. We also have soup
and salad.

Customer: I don’t really like spicy food. I think I want soup.

Waiter: Do you prefer chicken or tomato soup.

Customer: I prefer chicken soup. I want vegetable pasta for main dishes. What do you suggest
for the dessert? Any idea?

Waiter: We have ice cream and cakes.

Customer: I will choose ice cream.

Waiter: Ok Sir. We have strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. What do you want?

Customer: Vanilla please.

Waiter: Ok Sir. Is there anything else?

Customer: No. Thank you.

Page 46

List of Vocabulary

Grater : Parutan Beverage :Minuman

Wok : Wajan Side-dishes :Lauk-pauk

Juicer : Alat membuat jus Snacks :Makanan ringan

Peeler : Pengupas Dessert :Makanan penutup

Whisk :Penggilingan Raw :Mentah

Colander : Saringan Can :Cara mengawetkan

Knife : Pisau Boil :Rebus

Gloves : Sarung tangan Appetizer :Makanan pembuka

Cooking Pot : Panci Masak Meat :Daging

Pan : Panci Seed :Benih

Sieves : Frying pan Frying :Goreng

Grater : Parutan Canning :Pengalengan

Pepper mill :Penghalus merica Frozen :Beku

Pastry Bushes : Pengoles kue Reheating : Pemanasan ulang

Rolling pin : Penghalus Jam : Selai

Spatula :Sendok goreng Boiling : Mendidih

Tray :Baki Grilling : Memanggang

Wooden spoon :Sendok kayu Steaming : Mengukus

Cake cutter :Pemotong kue Roasting : Memanggang

Wok :Panci Baking : Panggang

Measuring cup :Gelas pengkur Milk : Susu

Skillet : Kuali Sugar : Gula

Chopping board: talenan Cheese : Keju

Saucer : Piring saus Powder : Tepung

Page 47

Heavy cream : Krim kental Lean : Minced :

Carrots : Wortel French fries : kentang goreng

Butter : Mentega Tomato salad : Salad tomat

Beef :Daging sapi Garlic bread : Roti bawang putih

Veal : Daging sapi muda Shrimp : Udang

Pork : Daging babi Apple pie : Pai apel

Mutton : Daging Domba Nuts : Kacang-kacangan

Chicken : Daging ayam Meal : Daging

Horse : Kuda Spinach : Bayam

Venison : Daging rusa Custard :

Carve : Megukir

Page 48

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