4-08 Pacanoski, Glatkova
4-08 Pacanoski, Glatkova
4-08 Pacanoski, Glatkova
Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje,
R. Macedonia; 2Institute of Agriculture, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Pacanoski Z., Glatkova G. (2009): The use of herbicides for weed control in direct wet-seeded rice (Oryza
sativa L.) in rice production regions in the Republic of Macedonia. Plant Protect. Sci., 45: 00–00.
Field trials were conducted in the Agricultural Research Institute for Rice, at two localities during 2005 and 2006.
The objective of the study was to establish an appropriate weed management strategy for the effective control of
weed flora in direct wet-seeded rice. Herbicide selectivity and influence on grain yield were also evaluated. The
weed population in the trials was composed of 8 and 5 weed species in Kočani and Probištip locality, respectively.
The most prevailing weeds in both localities were: Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa crus-galli and Heteranthea
limosa. The average weediness for both years was 456.8 weed stems per m 2 in Kočani locality and 589.0 weed
stems per m 2 in Probištip locality. In both localities all herbicides controlled Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa
crus-galli and Heteranthera limosa excellently except Mefenacet 53 WP. All applied herbicides showed high
selectivity to rice, no visual injuries were determined at any rates in any year and locality. Herbicidal treatments
in both localities significantly increased rice grain yield in comparison with untreated control.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the world’s most rice yield is still low compared with many other
important food crops (Singh & Khush 2000). Cur- countries, particularly the European ones. There
rently, more than one third of the human population are some abiotic and biotic factors contributing to
relies on rice for their daily sustenance. Worldwide, the low yield. Weeds are the most serious biotic
530 millions tones of paddy rice at an average yield constraint to higher yields (De Datta & Bernasor
of 3.5 t/ha are harvested from 150 millions hectares 1973; Subhas & Jitendra 2001; Mandal et al.
annually, providing 21% of the world’s food calorie 2002). They are a major problem in all rice-produc-
supply. Almost 90% of the total crop is produced in tion countries, including Macedonia, mainly because
Asia, where China and India are the major producers; rice is grown mostly as a continuous crop. In rice
only a small proportion of the world’s rice is grown crops worldwide, losses due to competitive effects
in temperate regions (Zimdahl 1988; McDonald of weeds are estimated at 10% to 15% of potential
1994). In the Republic of Macedonia the total area production (Smith 1983; Zoschke 1990; Baltazar
under rice crop in 2005 and 2006 was about 2500 ha & DeDatta 1992). On average in Europe, the po-
with average yield of 4030 kg/ha (Anonymous tential reduction in rice yields due to uncontrolled
2005). In the Republic of Macedonia the average weeds has been estimated at 55–60% (Oerke et al.
Vol. 45, 2009, No. 3: 0– Plant Protect. Sci.
1994). Madrid et al. (1972) reported that losses in locality. Standard agronomic practices were used
rice yields due to weeds ranged from 41% to 100%. during both years of trials. The following treat-
It has been estimated that without weed control, ments were included in the study (Table 1).
at a yield level of 7 t/ha to 8 t/ha, yield loss can be Herbicidal treatments were applied to rice at the
as high as about 90% (Ferrero 2003). tillering stage with a CO 2-pressurized backpack
Weed management in rice is a combination of sprayer with 400 l/ha water. Weeds at the time
cultural and chemical tools (Baltazar & DeData of treatment were at the initial growth stages.
1992). Chemical control is the most commonly Densities of the most prevailing weed species
used and reliable method for controlling weeds before herbicide applications were: Cyperus rotun-
in rice. The importance of their control was em- dus (268.5 stems/m 2) and Echinochloa crus-galli
phasised in the past by various authors (DeData (119.4 stems/m 2) in Kočani locality, and Cyperus
& Baltazar 1996; Labrada 1996; Ze-Pu Zhang rotundus (216.3 stems/m 2 ), Echinochloa crus-
1996). Chemical weed control has increased sig- galli (150.0 stems/m 2 ) and Heteranthea limosa
nificantly over the last ten years. This is due to (135.8 stems/m 2) in Probištip locality (Table 2).
labour shortages, leading to an increased shift Rice injury and weed control were estimated
from transplanted rice to direct seeding, with a visually using a 0% to 100% scale, where 0% = no
subsequent increase in herbicide use. rice injury or no weed control and 100% = all rice
Taking into consideration the necessity of chemi- plants dead or complete weed control (Frans et
cal weed control for stable rice production, the al. 1986). Rice injury was estimated 14 and 28 days
objective of this study was to investigate the effec- after treatment (DAT). Weed control was estimated
tiveness of some herbicides for controlling weeds at 28 and 56 DAT.
in rice crop, and, at the same time, to estimate the Yield was determined after harvest based on
influence of herbicides on rice yield. the weight of grain containing 13% moisture. The
data were finally subjected to statistical analysis
applying LSD-test (Steel & Torrie 1980).
Material and Methods
Field trails were conducted during 2005 and Results and Discussion
2006 in Kočani and Probištip locality on alluvial
soil and Vertisol, respectively. The trial was laid Weed control
out in randomised complete block with four rep-
lications and harvest plot size of 25 m 2. The field Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa crus-galli and
trails were carried out with the rice variety Prima Heteranthera limosa infestations were heavy, while
riska, which was drill-seeded into a well-prepared Echinochloa macrocarpa, Scirpus mucronatus,
seedbed at a seeding rate of 200 kg/ha on May 10th, Ammania coccinea, Rotala ramosior, and Leersia
2005 and May 15 th, 2006 in Kočani locality, and oryzoides infestations were light throughout the
May 22 nd, 2005, and May 25 th, 2006, in Probištip experimental area in both years (Table 2).
Plant Protect. Sci. Vol. 45, 2009, No. 3: 0–
Table 2. Weed population in the trials before herbicide application (average of both years)
The criterion for weed control was taken as the 78% and 84% control of Echinochloa crus-galli and
percentage of weeds that are controlled by any Heteranthera limosa, respectively, in Kočani local-
particular treatment in comparison with untreated ity. Similar results in the control of Echinochloa
control. According to data regarding the herbicide crus-galli and Heteranthera limosa were obtained
efficacy presented in Table 3 and 4, we can see in Probištip locality (74% and 86%, respectively).
that all investigated herbicides had a significant Weed control at 56 DAT in both localities (Table 4)
(P < 0.01) effect on the reduction of weed stem was similar to the previous assessment (78% to
number per m 2. The herbicide efficacy in control 100%). The efficacy of Mefenacet 53 WP in the
of prevailing weeds in both localities at 28 DAT control of Echinochloa crus-galli and Heteranthera
ranged from 74% to 100% (Table 3). All herbicides limosa was in the range of 82% to 86% in Kočani
controlled Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa crus- locality and 78% to 89% in Probištip locality. A
galli and Heteranthera limosa excellently except mixture of mefenacet and bensulfuron-methyl
Mefenacet 53 WP. Mefenacet 53 WP provided (Mefenacet 53 WP) showed the reduced control
Table 3. Control of prevalent weeds in both localities at 28 DAT (average of both years)
Significant level *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, NS – non significant; CYPRO – ???, ECHCG – ???
Vol. 45, 2009, No. 3: 0– Plant Protect. Sci.
Table 4. Control of prevalent weeds in both localities at 56 DAT (average of both years)
of Echinochloa crus-galli and Heteranthera limosa doses) which excellently controlled weeds in both
in both localities although mefenacet is mainly localities. Similar findings were reported by many
active against grass weeds (Hess et al. 1990) and other authors. Shiracura et al. (1995) stated that
bensulfuron-methyl is mainly active against sedges azimsulfuron at a rate as low as 6 g a.i./ha afforded
and broadleaf weeds (Vidotto et al. 2007; Osuna the excellent control of sedge and perennial weeds,
et al. 2002). Kim and In (2002) reported that the especially of Cyperus serotinus. Only two of the
mixture of mefenacet and bensulfuron-methyl resistant barnyardgrass biotypes in Greece were
controlled annual and perennial weeds at a level effectively controlled by azimsulfuron (0.02 kg
of 90%. Particularly high efficacy was shown by a.i./ha) applied at the two-to-three leaf stage, but
Rainbow (applied at 1.2 and 1.5 l/ha, respectively), all biotypes were effectively controlled with addi-
followed by Gulliver + Trend (applied at both tion of propanil (3.5 kg/ha) at the three-to-five leaf
Table 5. Grain yield and crop injury (average of both years)
Plant Protect. Sci. Vol. 45, 2009, No. 3: 0–
stage (Vasilakoglu et al. 2000). On the contrary, led to a fourfold increase in rice yields (Ntanos
Vidotto et al. (2007) found that the fresh weight et al. 2001). Talbert and Burgos (2007) found
reduction of all Echinochloa population in Italian that penoxsulam did not injure rice and improved
rice field sprayed with azimsulfuron averaged rice yields compared with standard propanil-based
55.1%, 70.9% and 76.9% at 0.5×, 1×, and 2× field programs. Rice treated with penoxsulam (POST)
rate, respectively. But, the linear contrast pointed yielded 3110 and 2730 kg/ha with and without
out that Echinochloa crus-galli was significantly the addition of clomazone PRE, respectively, in
more sensitive to azimsulfuron than Echinochloa comparison with 1140 kg/ha in untreated plots
erecta and Echinochloa phyllopogon. (Griffin 2006).
Excellent control of Echinochloa crus-galli with Weed management is a fundamental practice in
penoxulam applied at the three-to-four leaf growth rice cultivation. Unsuccessful weed control can
stage was reported by Ottis et al. (2003). Barn- result in the almost total loss of rice yield. In view
yardgrass control with penoxsulam was reported of these encouraging results, the application of
to be at least 99% at 21 days after application if herbicides suitable for every floristic situation led
applied alone and following the PRE application to minimization of yield losses, and at the same
of clomazone (Ottis et al. 2004). Penoxulam ap- time, to an increase in the quality and quantity
plied in rates of 20 to 40 g a.i./ha provided 94% of rice crops.
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Corresponding author:
Dr. Zvonko Pacanoski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food,
P.O. Box 297, 1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
tel.: + 389 231 152 77, fax: + 389 231 343 10, e-mail: [email protected]