IRS3E Module 1-5E Method (Introduction To Religion, Religious Experiences and Spirituality) - 1
IRS3E Module 1-5E Method (Introduction To Religion, Religious Experiences and Spirituality) - 1
IRS3E Module 1-5E Method (Introduction To Religion, Religious Experiences and Spirituality) - 1
Professor: Rebecca R. Doctora, PhD
Philosophy and Religious Studies Department
Contact Details:
Email Address [email protected]
FB Messenger: Doc BeckyUsls
Module1: Introduction to Religion, Religious Experiences,
& Spirituality
Duration: 6 hours
A. Listening deeply. Let go of assumptions that others feel the way you
do, and allow yourself to fully listen to the way they describe their
experience. Prioritize what the other person has to say above what you
yourself would like to say or gain from a given conversation and just
B. Taking others’ perspectives into account. In addition to simply
listening to others, open yourself up to imagining what it would be
like to be in their shoes. How would you feel if you were in their