By Maysa Hassaan Sayed: Women's Perception Regarding Domestic Violence Protocol of Thesis

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Women’s Perception Regarding Domestic Violence

Protocol of Thesis

Submitted For Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement Of

Master Degree In Nursing Sciences

(Community Health Nursing)

Maysa Hassaan Sayed
B.Sc. Nursing Science (2005)
Teacher in nursing school El- Minia city

Under Supervision of

Prof. Dr/ Sahar Ahmad Shafik

Professor of Community Health Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University

Dr / Ons Said El-Zayat

Lecturer of Community Health Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University

Faculty of Nursing
Helwan University

Domestic violence is common form of violence against women. It’s
sometimes called ‘intimate partner violence’. Domestic violence is
considered a subset of family violence. It refers to violent behavior between
intimate partners-typically, where one partner tries to exert power and
control over the other usually through fear (Australian institute of health
and welfare (AIHW), 2018).

Domestic violence against women is widely recognized as important

public health problem, owing to its substantial consequences for women’s
physical, mental, reproductive health and an infringement of human
rights(Sanjay et al., 2013). Domestic violence actions take place in the
home, a setting traditionally viewed as a refuge, which becomes the site of
terror. The feelings of fear and shock at suffering abuse in the home lead to
isolation and shame (Hamberger et al., 2015).

Domestic violence is a type of abuse. It involves injuring someone,

usually a spouse or partner, Domestic violence is a serious problem and
include different types such as physical, sexual, emotional or financial
abuse”. Women may suffer physical injuries such as bruises or broken
bones. They may suffer emotionally from depression, anxiety or social
isolation (Gluck & Croft, 2016).

Domestic violence causes are various which include gender

discrimination based violence concept was used as an umbrella that labels
any violence type used to impose gender inequalities and keep in place
unequal gender-power relations. Economic causes include contradicting a

woman access to basic resources as funds denial, controlling access to
health care, basic needs denial. psychological causes are family forced
isolation, persuading fear through threatening words or gestures, and
behavior controlling (Hamberger et al., 2015).

Symptoms of Domestic violence are various which include post-

traumatic stress disorder, sleep disorders, suicidal tendencies or self-
harming alcohol or other substance misuse, unexplained chronic
gastrointestinal symptoms, unexplained gynecological symptoms,
genitourinary symptoms, or implausible explanations problems with the
central nervous system symptoms include headaches, cognitive problems,
hearing loss (Naz & Malik, 2018).

The health effect of domestic violence on women include

greater risk of sexual transmitted diseases (STDs), vaginal bleeding, vaginal
infection, fibroids, decreased sexual desire, genital irritation, pain during
intercourse, pelvic pain, and urinary tract infections. Similarly, women who
tolerate forced sex in a relationship experience more gynecological issues,
such as urinary problems and abdominal pain (Eraky, 2018).

Domestic violence may cause emotional harm as flashbacks, panic

attack, and trouble sleeping. Women’s often have low self-esteem. They
may have a hard time trusting the others and being in relationships. The
anger and stress that women feel may lead to eating disorders and
depression (Centers for disease control and prevention (CDCP), 2014).
Also, include behavior such limiting their access to finances, preventing

them from contacting family and friends, demeaning, humiliating and
threatening them (Council of Australian Governments (COAG), 2016).

Many abused women find it difficult to function in their daily lives

because of the effects of domestic violence. Absences from work, due to
injuries or visits to the doctor, often cause them to lose their jobs. They may
feel ashamed that their partners abuse them, see themselves as unworthy of
love, and suffer from a significantly diminished self-perception. Because of
their feelings of low self-worth, these women become isolated from friends
and family and do not participate in social activities (Gluck & Croft, 2017).

Women play a critical role in maintaining the health and well-being of

their communities and development of their society. A woman is half of the
community and affected to another half during child rearing. She is nuclear
of family and plays an important role in family building during child
rearing. Women are the counter stones of families. They are the primary
protectors, educators, and the main source of stability in the family, so
women must be free from any health hazards (Tinker et al., 2016).

According to recent World Health Organization survey (WHO)

estimated incidence of domestic violence among women worldwide
reported that about one third (35%) of women experienced violence at some
point in their life (WHO, 2017). Studies from Middle East and North Africa
region (MENA) reported prevalence of experiencing violence (any type)
ranged from 8.1% in Israel to 23% in Syria, and to as high as 65% in Turkey
(Alquaiz et al., 2017).

The community health nurses have a key role in encouraging women
to disclose domestic abuse and seek support. Unconditional emotional
support can increase abused women’s self-esteem, their health. Nurses
should be aware of how their own attitudes affect their feelings about
women suffering from domestic abuse (McDowall, 2013).

Significance of the study:

In Egypt, the result of Egypt demographic health survey conducted at
2014 found that more than 1 in 3 women experiencing spousal physical or
sexual violence are injuries as a result of the violence, and 7 % have serious
injuries. Three in 10 ever married women age 15 – 49 years have
experienced some form of spousal violence as 25 % of them physical
violence, 19% emotional violence, and 45% sexual violence (Ministry of
Health and Population, El-Zanaty and Associates, and ICF, 2014).

The community health nurses have an important role to play in their

work community settings, to assist women (and their children) who are
victims of abuse/violence in a domestic situation and identifying abuse,
taking care of women's physical needs, attending to their safety, providing
support and advice. Nurses have a significant role to play in working toward
the prevention and early intervention of domestic violence (Ferreira et al.,

Aim of the study
The aim of this study is to assess the women’s perception regarding
domestic violence through:
1. Assess women’s knowledge and attitude toward domestic
2. Assess women’s reported practice toward domestic violence
and its effect on women’s health.

Research questions:
1. What is the level of women’s knowledge about domestic violence?
2. What is the women’s attitude regarding domestic violence?
3. What is the women’s reported practice regarding domestic violence
and its effect on women’s health?
4. Is there a relation between socio-demographic characteristics,
knowledge, attitude and practice toward domestic violence?

Subjects and Methods:

Research design:
A descriptive design will be used to achieve the aim of this study.
1) Technical design:
A) Setting:
This study will be conducted at two associations affiliated to social
affairs at Minia City (local society development association "women
protection project" and Alianc for Arab women association).
B) Subjects:
A convenient sample of women’s who attended to the association for
asking support or advise. This study will include 115 women (represent

10% of women attended to the previous mentioned place. Which total
women last year 2018 was 850 women at local society development
association "women protection project" and 300 women at Alianc for Arab
women association .
Tools for data collection include:
:Data will be collected through using the following tool
A structural interviewing questionnaire: will be used in the study, it is
develop by investigator after reviewing the national and international related
literature and contain four parts:
Part Ӏ:
a) Socio demographic characteristics of women includes: age, marital
status, educational level, occupation, residence, economic level………etc.
b) Socio demographic characteristics of their husband includes: age,
educational level, occupation, economic level……………etc.
Part ӀӀ:
Women’s knowledge regarding domestic violence including meaning, types,
manifestation, effect…………….etc.
Part ӀӀӀ:
Concerned with women’s Attitude towards domestic violence developed by
Fox and Gadd, (2012).Including attitude and response of women regarding
domestic violence.
Part ӀV:
Concerned with women’s reported practice regarding domestic violence and
its effect on women’s health developed by (WHO, 2014).
ІІ) Operational design:
The operational design includes preparatory phase, content validity,
pilot study and field work.

A) Preparatory phase:
It will include reviewing of related literature, and theoretical
knowledge of various aspects of the study using books, articles, internet,
periodicals and magazines to develop tools for data collection.
B) Content validity
The revision of the tools for clarity, relevance, comprehensiveness,
understanding and applicability will be done by a panel of 5 experts from
professor from (Faculty of Nursing) to measure the content validity of the
tools and the necessary modification will be done accordingly.
C) Reliability:
Reliability coefficients will be calculated for the study tools.
D) Pilot study:
A pilot study will be conducted on 10% of total sample to test
availability of study sample and clarity of the study tools. The pilot has also
served to estimate the time needed for each subject to fill in the questions.
According to the results of the pilot, some corrections and omissions of
items were performed as needed. Pilot study were be excluded from the total

D) Field of Work
Approval to carry out this study will be obtained from Dean of
Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University to the director of local society
development association (women protection project) and the director of
Alianc for Arab women association at El Minia City for conducting the
study. Interviewing the women will carried out in a specialized room. The
interviewing questionnaire sheet will be completed by the investigator from
each woman. Data will be collected 2days / week (Sunday and Tuesday)

within 3 months through the academic year 2018-2019 till the needed
sample will be completed.

ӀӀӀ) Administrative design:

Approval to carry out this study will be obtained from Dean of
Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University and official permission will be
obtained from the director of local society development association (women
protection project) and the director of Alianc for Arab women association at
El Minia City for conducting the study.

Ethical consideration:
The research approval will be obtained from the Faculty of Nursing
ethical committee of Helwan University before starting the study. Informed
consent will be obtained from women prior to data collection, the studied
women will be informed about the purpose and expected outcomes of the
study and they should be assured that, the study is harmless and their
participation is voluntary and they have the right to withdraw from the study
at any time without any reason. They also will be assured that, anonymity
and confidentiality will be guaranteed, as well the gathered data will be used
for the research purpose only. Ethics, values, culture and believes were

ӀV) Statistical Design:

The collected data will be organized and analyzed using the
appropriate statistical significant tests.
V) Results
Results will be tabulated and presented in figures, graphs and tables.

VӀ) Discussion:
Discussion of the obtained results in view of the published results of
the study and available references will be done.

VӀӀ) Conclusion and recommendations:

Appropriate conclusion and recommendations will be written based
on results of the study.

VӀӀӀ) Summary:
Brief description for all work done will be provided.


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12:10 AM


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