Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Statement of Evidence (SEF)

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Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children

Statement of Evidence (SEF)


You have been given this Statement of Evidence Form to complete with your legal
representative and those who are supporting you. Please complete and return this form
within 60 working days.

You have a right to legal representation and you should not complete this form on
your own without legal advice and assistance.

We provide important guidance below and it is important that you/your legal representative
and/or social worker read this information carefully to understand how your asylum claim
will be dealt with and instructions on how this form should be completed and returned to us.
If you are in the care of Children’s Services, your social worker will help you access advice
and legal representation to complete this form. If you are in Children’s Services care you
are also likely to be eligible for free legal advice (please see the ‘legal representation’
section below). You are also entitled to support from the Refugee Council Children’s Panel.

Notes to help you complete the form

 Before you/your representative complete the form, please read these notes very
carefully. They help with the completion of the form and to understand how we will
consider your claim.
 Providing full details of all relevant information about the reasons why you need
international protection (that is why you are scared to go home) at this stage will greatly
assist us in considering your claim. Please enclose four un-separated passport sized
photographs of yourself. If you have any dependants in the United Kingdom (UK) we will
need four un-separated passport sized photographs for them too.
 It is very important that you provide these photographs so that we can produce
documentation confirming your immigration status if you are allowed to stay in the
United Kingdom. Failure to supply these photographs will delay the production of these
 On the reverse of each and every photograph, clearly print the name, date of birth and
Home Office or Port reference number of the person who appears in the photograph.
 The form asks you/your representative to write down why you fear returning to your
country and why you are claiming asylum in the UK. The form should be completed in
English, using your own words. Your legal representative can assist you with this. If you
use any other language you must provide an English translation.

Qualifying for asylum

 You are a refugee if you can show that you have a well-founded fear of persecution in
your own country because of your race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular

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social group or political opinion, as set out in the Refugee Convention. If we accept that
you are a refugee, we will normally grant you asylum in the UK.
 If you/your representative provide any supporting information for your claim, please
ensure it is translated into English.
 This form is free of charge

When to return the form:

 The completed form must reach us within 60 working days from the date the claim for
asylum was made.
How to return the form:
 Post this form to the office of the Home Office team that will be considering your claim.
If you/your representative and/or social worker have any questions about returning the form
please telephone the office that will be considering your claim.
If you think you cannot complete the form by the deadline, you/your representative and/or
your social worker must contact the relevant office immediately. We will extend the time for
returning the form only in exceptional circumstances.

Completing the form

 You/your representative must return the completed form in English or provide an English
translation of the completed form
 Please write clearly using black ink.
 Please complete this form as fully as possible and follow the instructions in each
section. If you/your representative need more space to write, please attach extra sheets
of paper.
 Mark each extra sheet with your full name and, if you know it, your Home Office
reference number.
Additional documents and translation
 With this form, you must send in all documents or other kinds of information that you
would like us to consider as part of your claim.
 These must be original documents where possible, not photocopies. We will return
original documents to you later. You should make copies for yourself before you send us
the originals.
 If the documents are not in English, please enclose an English translation as well. If you
do not have an English translation, we will not be able to accept them. Your legal
representative will be able to assist with getting these documents translated.
 Make sure they all arrive on or before the closing deadline given above, and state
clearly that English translations will follow. You/your representative must give us these
translations at your asylum interview (if there is one) at the latest, but preferably before
 If you wish to submit information about your country, you need only tell us about
conditions that specifically affect your own claim.
 You/your representative may wish to give us a medical report to show that you have
been badly treated or tortured. If the report is not yet available, you/your representative

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must still send us this form by the date given. State clearly in this form and/or the
covering letter accompanying this form that the medical report will follow and when it will
arrive, if you know the date.
Providing accurate information at the right time
 You must tell the truth and give us all the information relevant to your claim as soon as
you can
 If you are married, or have any children, and they are here with you in the UK then these
members of your family are called ‘your dependants’. If any of your dependants are
afraid to go back to your country, you must also say this on the form
 We are more likely to believe you if you tell us everything about your claim and your
dependants as soon as you can
 Please note: it can be an offence under immigration law to make a false written or
spoken statement for your own benefit or to help another person
Warning of removal from the UK
 If you and your dependants already have leave to enter or remain in the UK and we
refuse your asylum claim, we may cut short the leave you have.
 If this happens, we may remove you or your dependants (or both) from the UK. This is
a routine warning that does not affect the way we treat your claim for asylum. (In general
terms "leave" means permission)
 However, we will consider whether this is appropriate, taking into account the relevant
facts and circumstances of your case.
 In Section F below (Additional Information), please include any reasons why we should
not remove you or your dependants from the UK if we refuse your asylum claim. These
are additional reasons to your reasons for claiming asylum
 In addition to completing this form, if you are over the age of 12 years you will be invited
to an interview to discuss your claim if you are fit and able to be interviewed. It is
important that you attend this interview so that we can make a decision on your asylum
claim as fairly and quickly as possible.
 The interview will enable you to explain and help us to understand exactly why you are
afraid to return to your home country
 We will write to tell you where and when the interview will take place
 Your asylum interview may be conducted by video conferencing unless this is assessed
as unsuitable for you. This means that you may not be in the same room as the
interviewing officer or interpreter (if you need one) but you will be able to see them. If
you have a reason why your interview should not be carried out by video conferencing,
please tell us why in Section A, Part 4 (Health and Medical Details) of this form.
 Because you are a child your legal representative will be funded to attend the interview
with you.
 There must also be a responsible adult present at the interview to support you. This may
be your social worker or an advocate from a charity e.g. the Refugee Council Children’s
Panel (see below for further details)
 It is very important to attend this interview. If you cannot attend – for example, because
you are unwell, you/your representative and/or your social worker must inform us

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immediately. Your interview letter will explain how to do this. You/your representative
and/or your social worker must also send a doctor's certificate confirming that you are
unable to attend on the date of your interview.
 We will provide an interpreter for the interview if you need one. Please ensure that you
have told us which language and dialect you would prefer to use at the interview in
Section A. Part 1 (Your Details) of this form. Please also list all other languages and
dialects, which you could use at the interview.
 We will grant your preference for either a male or a female interviewer wherever
possible. If you don’t express a preference now but change your mind later, we will as
far as possible grant that preference.
If you are required to attend an interview and fail to do so without good reason and/or
without our prior agreement, we will consider your application for asylum using only the
information that we already have, including this SEF.
This could lead to a refusal of your application. In addition, deliberate and repeated
failure to attend for interview may be considered an implicit withdrawal of your asylum
claim under paragraph 333C of the Immigration Rules if no good reasons are provided for
the failures.
Change of address
 If you move home, you/ and/or your social worker must notify us immediately:
The Change of Address Unit
Home Office
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon CR9 2BY
 You should also notify your legal representative if you have one
 If you hold a Notice of Temporary Admission or Release form (form IS96), or bail
papers, then you and/or your social worker must also contact the issuing immigration
office before moving to your new address. The address of the immigration office will be
on the Notice of Temporary Admission or Release form (form IS96) issued to you.
Access to advice and translation services
 The Refugee Council Children’s Panel can provide information and support to help
you throughout your asylum application. You should note however, that they do not
offer legal advice.
 Specifically, they will be able to assist you in the following areas:
 Providing advice and information
 Helping you to access legal representation
 Accompanying you to asylum interviews and immigration tribunal and appeal hearings
 Supporting you during appointments with GPs, hospitals, social services and other
service providers
Contact details are
Tel: 020 7346 1134
Email: [email protected]

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 The “Information about your asylum claim” leaflet provides you with important
information concerning your asylum claim in the United Kingdom. It tells you what will
happen to you during the process and what your rights and responsibilities are. It also
provides you with useful contact numbers which you may refer to during the process
including how to access legal advice.
 Copies of this leaflet can be found in different languages at the following government
web site address
Legal Representation
 If you have no, or insufficient, money to pay for a legal representative, you may qualify
for free advice through an official scheme known as legal aid. If you are eligible for legal
aid this will cover the costs of your legal representative and the money will be paid to
your legal representative by the Legal Aid Agency.
 If you need help with your application, for legal aid, Civil Legal Aid will help you check if
you can get legal aid and can provide you with free and confidential legal advice in
England and Wales if you are entitled. They have interpreters who can speak to you in
a number of languages. You can contact them on:-
Contact details are
Telephone: 0845 345 4345
 The Law Society have a ‘find a solicitor’ link on their website
http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/ but you may need to contact the Civil Legal Aid advice
line above to check whether the solicitor / firm provide legal aid.
 Unless you are specifically told otherwise, if you have been given a date and time for an
interview or other appointment with the Home Office or Immigration Appeal Tribunal, you
will be expected to attend as directed. If you have not by this stage obtained a legal
representative, you/your social worker must inform us immediately.
It is very important that you obtain legal representation to help you with the completion of
this form. If you have problems accessing legal representation prior to deadline for
returning this form then you must contact us.
 Several private translation services are available in the UK. They usually advertise in
phone books, such as "Yellow Pages". Please note that they will charge you a fee for
translation and this can be expensive. Local aid groups in your area may also be able to
help you with translations.
Access to medical advice and evidence
 You do not need to provide medical evidence to support your claim but if you wish to
send medical evidence, you must do so as soon as possible. If you are in social services
care your social worker will help you register with a local doctor (GP) and also help you
access other medical services.
 Freedom from Torture is a charity offering free care and treatment to survivors of
torture and organised violence, and to their families. It is independent of the Home
Office and can help you with medical evidence in support of your application. You can
contact this charity at:-
111 Isledon Road

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N7 7JW
Tel: 020 7697 7777
Fax: 020 7697 7799
 You may also get free medical care from your local doctor (GP) under the National
Health Service.
Organisations providing Family-Tracing Services
 Contact details for the British Red Cross can be obtained from their website:

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Section A. (Part 1) Statement of confidentiality

 The Home Office complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is responsible for
when and how your personal information is collected and used. The information you
give us, including biometric data such as fingerprints, will be treated in confidence and
will only be shared where to do so is in accordance with the Home Office’s data
protection obligation and in the circumstances set out below:
 Information will only be shared where to do so is in accordance of the Home Office’s
duty, to ensure that it’s functions are discharged having regard to the need to
safeguard and promote your welfare, including that your best interests are a primary
 Information may be shared with other government departments or agencies, local
authorities, and international organisations to enable them to carry out their functions.
 Information may also be disclosed in confidence to the asylum authorities of other
European countries which may have responsibility for considering your claim - for
example, if you have family members claiming asylum in another European country.
 Some information about you may be shared in order to verify your identity and claim.
These steps may include disclosing information to other government departments or
agencies, local authorities, international organisations, other bodies and, in some
cases, to the authorities of your own country. The information which may be shared
includes the following list of criteria; names, date of birth, nationality, place of birth,
contact and telephone numbers.
 Some information about you may be shared with the authorities of other countries,
including your own country, to help prevent human trafficking, organised crime and the
illegal movement of people, the production and use of forged immigration documents,
fraud, terrorism and other national security threats.
 If you have lost contact with your family, information will be used by the Home Office
to help assess whether family tracing is in accordance with its duty to promote and
protect your welfare, including that your best interests are a primary consideration,
and would not jeopardise the safety or integrity of your family. If so, the information
will be used to take steps to endeavour to trace your family which are in accordance
with these criteria. These steps may include disclosing information to other
government departments or agencies, local authorities, international organisations,
other bodies and, in some cases, to the authorities of your own country. Information
which is shared for family tracing purposes may include: your name, date of birth,
national identity numbers, address before departure, school details in your country of
origin and the addresses, telephone numbers and occupations of your family
members. See the Section B (Part 4) for further information on family tracing.
 Information will not be shared with your country of origin if it risks putting the life or
integrity of you or your family members in danger.
 If your asylum claim is unsuccessful and a decision is made to remove you to your
country of origin, it may be necessary for us to provide information about your identity
to the authorities in your own country to obtain travel documentation. This will only be
done after your claim has been refused.
 Neither the details of your claim for asylum nor the fact that you have made such a
claim will be shared with the authorities of your own country.

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Section A. (Part 2) Your Details

A2: 1 Family name

A2: 2 Other names

A2: 3 List any other names or aliases Currently used:

currently or previously used Previously used:
Reasons for use:

A2: 4 Gender Male Female

A2: 5 Date of birth Year:

If you do not know your exact date of Month:
birth please provide as much Day:
information as possible

A2: 6 Place of Birth

Record the following details
 Villages / town Villages / town
 District / province District / province
 Country Country
A2: 7 Nationality Nationality:

Any previous nationality Previous Nationality:

A2: 8 What religious tradition did you grow

up in?

Do you practice or observe any

particular religious faith or Yes No

If “yes”
Do you wish to continue doing this Yes No
here in this country?

A2: 9 Are there any other groups within

your country that you and your family
belong to such as a particular tribe or
clan or cast?
Purpose: to ascertain any known tribal
or ethnic affiliations.

A2: Which language would you prefer to Language:

10 use if we need to interview you to Dialect (if appropriate):

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discuss your asylum and/or human
rights claim?

A2: Are there any other languages you Language:

11 would be comfortable being Dialect (if appropriate):
interviewed in?
You should list all languages, with
dialects if appropriate
A2: We realise that because of the details of
12 their claim, some applicants may feel
more comfortable talking to a man and
others feel more comfortable talking to a
Would you prefer to be interviewed Male
by a male or a female?
Note: We will grant your preference for
either a male or female interpreter if it is No preference
possible to do so

A2: What other languages do you speak? Language:

13 You should list all languages, with Include dialect (if appropriate):
dialects if appropriate

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Section A. (Part 3) Contact Details

A3: 1 Please give the full address of where

you are currently living in the United
Your Social Worker should assist you
with this question

A3: 2 Please give the name, full address, Name:

and contact telephone number of the
person or firm who is representing
you. Contact telephone number:

A3: 3 Please give the name, full address,

Social worker:
and contact telephone number of
your social worker in the UK. Social services department:
Your Social Worker should assist you Address:
with this question Contact telephone number:

A3: 4 Please give the name and address of Name:

any foster parents/ relatives/ other Relationship to you:
persons who are responsible for your
care in the UK, and tell us about their Address:
relationship to you Contact telephone number:
Your Social Worker should assist you Email:
with this question

A3: 5 Do you have an Email address? Yes No

If ‘yes’,
What is it? Email address:

A3: 6 Do you have a mobile phone? Yes No

If ‘yes’,
What is the number? Number:

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Section A. (Part 4) Health and Medical Details

A4: 1 Your Social Worker should assist you

with this question
 Do you have any medical
conditions or disabilities? Yes No
If ‘yes’, provide the following details

 What is the condition or


 If known, how long have you lived Duration:

with this condition?

 If known, were you/was it Yes No

diagnosed by a recognised
medical practitioner?

 Are you receiving specific Yes No

treatment in the UK? (NHS)?

 What type of treatment are you


 What is the name and address of Name:

your doctor in the UK, if you have Address:
 Do you take any medication? Yes No
If ‘yes’, please list your medications Medication/s:
and the relevant dosages Dosage:
Continue on a separate sheet if

 Are you receiving any specialist Yes No

care Specialist care received:
If ‘yes’, please list them
 Is there a reason why your asylum
Yes No
interview should not be carried
out by video conferencing?
If ‘yes’, please explain why

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Section A. (Part 5) Your Documentation

A5: 1 Did you have any documentation with Yes No

you when you first arrived to the UK?
If “yes”:

What was this document? Documents:

Where did you get this document?

Did you have to show your Yes No

document(s) to any anyone during
the journey?

Who showed this document for

inspection when you checked in for
your flight (if appropriate) / crossed
country borders?

Who kept this document during your

journey to the UK?

A5: 2 Did you start your journey with any Yes No

If “yes”

What happened to them?

Is an adult looking them after? Yes No

A5: 3 Do you have any documentation

which can confirm:
Your Identify (such as an ID card)? Yes No
Your age (such as a birth certificate)?
If ‘yes’, Yes No

What are these documents? Documents:

Are they in the UK? Yes No

Can they be sent to us? Yes No Don’t know

A5: 4 Have you ever held a passport in

Yes No Don’t know
your own name in the nationality you
gave in Section A?
If ‘yes’,
Where is the passport now?

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A5: 5 Did you use your own national
passport to travel to the UK? Yes No

(it had your name and picture)

A5: 6 If you did not use your own national Type of document::
passport to travel to the UK, but used
another document please try and
provide us with the following details (if
What type of document it was

What name was in the document Name in document:

What the date of birth shown in the Date of birth shown:

document was

Which nationality was in the Nationality of document:

A5: 7 How was the travel document
obtained and by whom (if known)?

A5: 8 Have you been issued with a Yes No Don’t know

passport in a nationality other than
the one you told us about earlier in
Section A?
If ‘yes’, provide the following details

What other nationality passport have Other nationality:

you been issued with and when?

If you have it, where is the document Location:

Please submit the document if you have

Why were you issued with that Reason for issue:


A5: 9 Have you applied for or ever been Yes No Don’t know
issued a UK travel permit / entry
permit / travel document before
coming to the UK? Details:
If ‘yes’, provide all details, including

An interview was attended Yes No Don’t know

Photos were taken Yes No Don’t know

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You were fingerprinted as part of the Yes No Don’t know
application process

A5: Have you (or someone on your Yes No Don’t know

10 behalf) ever applied for or been
granted leave (permission) to enter /
remain in the UK before?
If ‘yes’, provide the following details:

Where applied from Where:

When When:

Reason for permission Reason:

If someone else applied on your Details:

behalf please provide their details (if

A5: Have you applied for or been issued Yes No Don’t know
11 a travel permit/entry permit/travel
document for any other country
If ‘yes’, provide the following details:

When When:

To which country Country:

For what purpose Purpose:

A5: Have you been fingerprinted in the Yes No

12 UK or any other country before?
If ‘yes’, provide the following details:

Where fingerprinted Where fingerprinted:

When When:

Why (if known) Why:

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Section A. (Part 6) Criminality and Security Screening

A6: 1 Have you ever been arrested, Arrested Charged

charged with or convicted of an Convicted No
offence in any country (including any
traffic offences)?
If ‘yes’, provide the following details:

A6: 2 Are you subject to an arrest warrant Yes No

or wanted by any law enforcement
authority for an offence in any
country? If ‘yes’, provide the following details:
For information: A law enforcement Date:
authority could include the police or Country:

A6: 3 Have you ever been involved in or Yes No

supported terrorism (this includes
If ‘yes’, provide full details
financial support)? Or have you been
forced to be involved in such acts?

A6: 4 Have you ever been opposed to a Yes No

national government, or undertaken
If ‘yes’, provide full details
any oppositional activities such as
attended marches or

A6: 5 Have you ever engaged in violent Yes No

opposition to a national government?
If ‘yes’, provide full details

A6: 6 Have you ever been detained as a Yes No

suspected terrorist or enemy fighter, If ‘yes’, provide full details
whether charged or not?

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A6: 7 Have you ever said or written Yes No
anything or been forced to write or If ‘yes’, provide full details
say anything which:
 Praises or justifies terrorism
 Tries to make others commit
terrorist or serious criminal
 Encourages hatred between

A6: 8 Have you ever taken part in or been Yes No

forced to take part in any activities If ‘yes’, provide full details
that you or others may consider bad
or dangerous, that you have not
already mentioned?

A6: 9 Have you ever worked or been forced Yes No

to work for any of the following
organisations (state or non-state):
If ‘yes’ to any of those listed opposite,
 Armed forces please provide the following details:
 Government Name(s) of all the relevant
 Judiciary organisation(s):
 Media Your position / rank:

 Public or civil administration Dates you worked for the organisation(s):

 Security (including police and

private security companies)

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Section B. (Part 1) Details of your Family
The questions below are about your family. This will help us consider whether to try and
contact any of your family members and will also assist us in the consideration of your claim
for asylum. Please provide as much detail as you can when answering the questions below.

Your Father
B1: 1 Family name

Other names
B1: 2

Any other names previously used

B1: 3
(if known)

Date of birth / age Year:

B1: 4
(if known) Month:
Nationality and ethnic origin Nationality:
B1: 5
Ethnic origin:
Has your father made an asylum
B1: 6 Yes No Don’t know
and/or human rights claim?
If ‘yes’, please provide
The Home Office or Port reference of
his application if you know it
Your father’s whereabouts
B1: 7
Is your father currently in the UK? Yes No Don’t know

If ‘yes’
Present Address if known Address:
If your father is not currently in the UK
B1: 8
Do you know if he is in another Yes No Don’t know
European country?

If ‘yes’, please provide

Which one?

If your father is not currently in the UK

B1: 9
or Europe

Last know details of country of

(Including any known address)

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Telephone contact numbers if known
Please provide details of
 Mobile number Mobile number:
 Network Network:
 Landline Landline:
 Email address Email address:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

Your Mother
Family name
Other names
Any other names previously used
(if known)
Date of birth / age Year:
(if known) Month:
Nationality and ethnic origin Nationality:
Ethnic origin:
Has your mother made an asylum
B1: Yes No Don’t know
and/or human rights claim?
If ‘yes’, please provide
The Home Office or Port reference of Reference:
his application if you know it

Your mother’s whereabouts

Is your mother currently in the UK? Yes No Don’t know

If ‘yes’
Present Address if known Address:
If your mother is not currently in the UK
Do you know if she is in another Yes No Don’t know
European country?

If ‘yes’, please provide

Which one?

If your mother is not currently in the UK

or Europe
Last know details of country of
(Including any known address)

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Telephone contact numbers if known
Please provide details of
 Mobile number Mobile number:
 Network Network:
 Landline Landline:
 Email address Email address:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

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Your Brothers and Sisters
If necessary, you should continue on a separate sheet to add details of additional
siblings. Mark each extra sheet with your full name and, if you know it, your Home
Office reference number.

1st Sibling
 Family name
 Other names
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Is this person currently in the UK? Yes No Don’t know
 Present Address (if known) Address:
If not in the UK
 Do you know if he/she is in another
European country?
If ‘yes’, please indicate Which one?
 Telephone contact Mobile number:
 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

2nd Sibling
 Family name
 Other names
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Is this person currently in the UK? Yes No Don’t know
 Present Address (if known) Address:
If not in the UK
 Do you know if he/she is in another
European country?
If ‘yes’, please indicate Which one?
 Telephone contact Mobile number:

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 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

3rd Sibling
 Family name
 Other names
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Is this person currently in the UK? Yes No Don’t know
 Present Address (if known) Address:
If not in the UK
 Do you know if he/she is in another
European country?
If ‘yes’, please indicate Which one?
 Telephone contact Mobile number:
 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 22 of 43

Section B. (Part 2) Other family you may have in the United Kingdom

B2: 1 You should continue on a separate sheet to add details of additional relatives.
Mark each extra sheet with your full name and, if you know it, your Home Office
reference number.
1st Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Has this person been in the UK? (if
 Present Address (if known) Address:

 Telephone contact Mobile number:

 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

2nd Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Has this person been in the UK? (if
 Present Address (if known) Address:

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 23 of 43

 Telephone contact Mobile number:
 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

3rd Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Any asylum and/or human rights Yes No Don’t know
claim made? Home Office Reference:
 Has this person been in the UK? (if
 Present Address (if known) Address:

 Telephone contact Mobile number:

 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 24 of 43

Section B. (Part 3) Details of family you may have in the European Union, Norway,
Switzerland, Iceland or Liechtenstein

B3: 1 You should continue on a separate sheet to add details of additional family
members. Mark each extra sheet with your full name and, if you know it, your
Home Office reference number.
1st Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Their country of residence
 Their immigration status in that
country (if known)
 Address (if known) Address:

 Contact details (if known) Mobile number:

 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:
 Last contact date with them

2nd Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Their country of residence
 Their immigration status in that
country (if known)

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 25 of 43

 Address (if known) Address:

 Contact details (if known) Mobile number:

 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:
 Last contact date with them

3rd Relative
 Family name
 Other names
 Their relationship to you
 Date of birth / age (if known) Year: Month: Day:
 Nationality
 Gender Male Female
 Their country of residence
 Their immigration status in that
country (if known)
 Address (if known) Address:

 Contact details (if known) Mobile number:

 Email address Email:
 Social media points of contact Social media detail:
 Last contact date with them

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 26 of 43

Section B. (Part 4) Family Tracing

 If you have lost contact with your family, information disclosed by you will be used by the
Home Office to help assess whether the tracing of your family is in accordance of its
duty to promote and protect your welfare, including that your best interests are a primary
consideration, and would not jeopardise the safety or integrity of your family. If so, the
information will be used to take steps to endeavour to trace your family which are in
accordance with these criteria.
 The decision of whether family tracing is in accordance of the Home Office’s duty to
protect and promote your welfare and your best interests will take in to account your
individual circumstances, including the circumstances of your separation from your
family and your views.
 The aim of family tracing is to restore family links where they have been broken in order
to help maintain family relationships while you remain separated from your family. The
results of family tracing, when considered with the other information available, can also
help us better understand your situation and therefore help facilitate a proper and full
consideration of whether decisions taken in respect of you, protect and promote your
welfare, fully take in to account your best interests and are in accordance with your
 The results of family tracing may not necessarily have a bearing on your claim for
 What steps are undertaken to trace your family will depend on your individual
circumstances and the situation in the country your family reside. For example, where
available and suitable, family tracing steps may include endeavouring to contact your
family by post, telephone or email. See the point (V) in the Statement of Confidentiality
at Section A (Part 1), regarding the disclosure of information for tracing purposes
 It is important for you to provide information relevant to the tracing of your family which
is accurate and complete to assist our decision on whether to undertake family tracing in
your case and to ensure that where it is decided to initiate family tracing, it is conducted
appropriately and to maximise the likelihood that it will be successful.
 If we decide family tracing is appropriate we will endeavour to trace your family.
However, we cannot provide assurances that we will be successful in tracing them.
Please notify us if you obtain any additional information after the completion of this
Statement of Evidence Form, which may assist in endeavours to trace your family.
 You can make family tracing enquires independently of the Home Office, for your own
reasons. For example, family-tracing assistance may be obtained from the British Red
Cross. They are not involved in, or part of, the United Kingdom asylum process.
Where possible to do so, the British Red Cross will assist in tracing family members in
accordance with their own principles and practices. The contact details for the British
Red Cross are provided at the end of this form.

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 27 of 43

Are you afraid of any members of
B4: 1
your family whose details you have Yes No
given in the previous section?

If ‘yes’
Please provide details

Was there any conflict between you

B4: 2
and any members of your family, Yes No
whose details you have given in the
previous section, before your

If ‘yes’
Please give details of any conflict.
Have any members of your family,
B4: 3
whose details you have given in the Yes No
previous sections, exploited, abused
or neglected you prior to your

If ‘yes’;
Please give details.

Do you have any concerns about the

B4: 4
safety of any members of your family Yes No
were we to initiate tracing?

If ‘yes’;
Please give details.

Did you go to school in your home

B4: 5
country or another country? Yes No

If ‘yes’, give details of

The name of the school Name:

The full address Address:

The dates you attended Dates attended:

Name/s of any of your teachers Name of teacher:

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 28 of 43

Which family members did you live
B4: 6
with during the twelve months before
you became separated from your

Please provide the names and the

relationship to you of the family
members you lived with and the
dates you lived with them.

You should continue on a separate

sheet to add details of additional

What is the address of your family’s Full Address:

B4: 7
last known place of residence?

Please provide the following details

The full address, including the house
number and name of the road if
The dates you lived there Dates from:

Dates to:

Whether you have reason to believe Yes No

that your family no longer live there.
If ‘yes’
Please provide details, including
where they may have travelled to (if

If the address is not known, provide

details of local landmarks and
geographical clues in relation to your
family's last known location

If, immediately before you began your

B4: 8
journey to the UK, you lived somewhere
different from your family address as
provided above,
Please provide the names of the
persons you lived with, the full
address, including the house number
and name of the road if applicable

Are you currently in contact with

B4: 9
your family? Yes No

If ‘yes’, please provide detail on the


TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 29 of 43

Which family member

Method of contact

Regularity of contact

When was most recent contact

If not already provided,

Contact details used
If you are no longer in contact with your
When did you last have contact with Date:
your family?

What were the circumstances in Circumstances:

which you lost contact with your

Is it possible for us to contact any of

your family by telephone? Yes No
If ‘yes’, please provide detail on the Family member:
The name of the family member
If not already provided, Telephone number:
What telephone number should be Postal address:
Is it possible for us to contact any of
your family by email? Yes No
If ‘yes’, please provide detail on the
Name of the family member Name:
If not already provided, Email address:
Email address?
Is it possible to contact any of your
family by Internet social media? Yes No
If ‘yes’, provide the following details

Name of family member? Name:

Which social media (e.g, Facebook)? Social media:
If not already provided,
What is their user name? User name:

Note: Requests will only be made

through private channels
Is it possible for us to write to your
family by post? Yes No

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 30 of 43

14 If ‘yes’, please provide detail about
The name of the family member Family member:
If not already provided, Postal address:
What postal address should be
Is it possible to contact any of your
family via their place of employment? Yes No
If ‘yes’, please provide detail
Name of family member? Name:
Name of profession? Profession:
Company name? Company name:
Address of workplace? Address of workplace:

Are you aware of any information or

contact methods in addition to those Yes No
you have already mentioned which
we could use to contact your family?

If ‘yes’;
Please give details

Do you have any additional views

you would like us to take in to Yes No
account in our assessment of
whether family tracing is in your best

If ‘yes’;
Please give details

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 31 of 43

Section C. About Your Journey

Where did your journey start?

C: 1

Did you know where you were going

C: 2
when you left your home country? Yes No

Did someone travel with you?

C: 3
Yes No
If ‘yes’;
What is their relationship to you?

Were they a family member? Yes No

Did you know them before you Yes No

Had you met them before? Yes No

Did you know them in your own Yes No


Do you know their names? Yes No

If ‘ yes’, please provide details

When did you first meet them?

Have they made any arrangements to Yes No

meet you later?
If ‘ yes’, please provide details
Where are they now (if known)?

When did you arrive in the UK?

C: 4
How long had you been travelling for
before your arrival?
Do you know where you arrived in Yes No
C: 5
the UK?
Where in the UK did you arrive? (If
How did you get to the United
C: 6
Which types of transport did you
How did you feel when you were
Did anything happen to you on your

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 32 of 43

Did someone meet you when you
C: 7
arrived? Yes No

If ‘no’;
Who met you?

On your journey to the UK did you

C: 8
travel though any other countries? Yes No

If ‘Yes’,
Do you know what countries they Countries:

Did you claim asylum in any of the

C: 9
other countries you have travelled Yes No

If ‘yes’ please provide the following Country:

Which country?
If you did please tell us the outcome
C: 10
of that claim

If you didn’t, please tell us why you

C: 11
did not claim asylum

Did you speak to an immigration

C: 12
officer on your arrival in the UK? Yes No

If ‘no’;
Did someone else speak on your Yes No

If you did speak to the immigration

C: 13
officer, did you tell the immigration Yes No
officer that you wanted to seek
asylum in the UK or that you feared
returning to your home country?

If you did not, provide the following

Why didn’t you tell him/her? Reason:

If you spoke to the immigration

C: 14
officer, what did you say to the
immigration officer about why you
had travelled to the UK?

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 33 of 43

Have you ever claimed asylum or
C: 15
been granted refugee status or
permission to stay in the UK or any
other country before?

If ‘yes’;
Record all details
Who arranged and paid for your
C: 16
(If known)

Did you bring any money with you to

C: 17
the UK?

(i) How much money did you bring to

the UK?

(ii) Where you got this money from?

Did you bring a mobile phone to the

C: 18
United Kingdom?

(i) If yes, where did you get the phone


TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 34 of 43

Section D. The Basis of Your Claim

It is important for us to gather information about the reasons why you are seeking
protection, and / or making a human rights claim, in the United Kingdom.
By providing the Home Office with as many details as you can of all relevant information as
to why you are claiming asylum at this stage, this will greatly assist us in considering your
claim. It is important that you tell us everything you are aware of concerning your claim at
this stage so that we can properly consider your claim when deciding whether you qualify
for protection.
Please provide a written statement outlining any persecution, harassment or harm
you or members of your family have suffered in the past or which you are fearful of
suffering in the future. The statement should address the areas listed below where
applicable. This information will be used to consider your application for asylum. It
is important that your statement is as complete and detailed as possible at this time.
If you need more space you may attach additional sheets of paper, each of which should be
marked with your full name and Home Office or port reference number, if known.
Attach this statement firmly to this form.
Areas to address
1. The reason why you are seeking asylum/ protection in the UK, including what and
whom you fear in your home country if you were to return there
2. If you fear returning to your country
 Who do you fear?
 Who are these people?
 What reason do you have to fear them?
 Why is this?
 What do you think would happen to you if you were to return to your country of
3. How do you feel when you think about what has happened to you?
4. If you are claiming asylum in your own right (in other words, on your own or with any
children you might have) or if you are the dependant of an asylum claimant
5. Specific events that happened to you that have led you to come to the UK and prevent
you from being able to go home
6. If you, your family and/or members of your community have suffered persecution, ill
treatment or harassment
 Who do you believe was responsible?
o Provide the names of any individual, group or organisation involved if you
know them
 Why do you believe that the treatment you have described happened?
 Why do you believe these or other people would harm you again?
 What are you scared of?
7. If you or your family have reported any of the incidents that you have described to the
police or to other state authorities

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 35 of 43

 Who did you or your family members report the incidents to?
 What did they do? Please give full details as far as you know them
 Were you or your family content with how the authorities dealt with any complaint?
8. If you or your family members didn’t report any of the incidents that you have described
to the police or to other state authorities
 Why didn’t you or your family members complain to the police or other state
 Could you go to the police or other authorities if returned home? If not, why not?
 Please give full details as far as you know them
9. Any complaints made to higher authorities e.g. an Ombudsman
 If you or your family members did make an official complaint what was the outcome?
Please give full details as far as you know them
 If you or your family members did not complain to a higher authority why didn’t you?
Please give full details as far as you know them
 Could you make a complaint to a higher authority if you went home? If not, why not?
10. If it is members of your family or group you or your family belong to who have suffered
persecution, harassment or harm please tell us:
 Who in your family or group you or your family belong to received this treatment?
 Please tell us who in your family or group you or your family belong to were
 What happened to them, giving dates where possible?
 What would your family members or others in your group fear if they were returned
to their home country?
11. If there was a specific event which made you, or your family, decide it was best for you
to leave your country of nationality please tell us
 What happened to make you decide to leave the country
 If there was not a specific event, please tell us why you left your country when you
 If you only decided you could not go home after you had already left your country,
what made you decide this?
 When was this and what happened?
12. If you and /or your family have ever moved to a different town or village or to another
part of your country
 Was it to avoid the incidents you have described above?
 If you did, please tell us where you and/or your family went and when.
 How long did you and/or your family stay there and whom did you stay with?
 Why could you and/or your family not stay there instead of coming to the UK?
 Could you return there?
13. If you have ever been arrested, detained, or charged with an offence
 When were you arrested?

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 36 of 43

 Where were you arrested?
 Why were you arrested?
 What was the nature of the offence?
Please give dates of all arrests if you know them

14. If you were charged with an offence

 What offence were you charged with?
15. If you were detained
 How long you detained for?
 Please list all periods of detention as far as you know them
 What were the conditions like in detention?
 How was your release obtained?
Please give full details as far as you know them
16. If anyone in your family has ever been arrested or detained or charged with any offence
 Who in your family has been arrested or detained?
 When did that happen?
 How long they detained for?
 What were the conditions like in their detention?
 How was their release obtained?
Please give full details as far as you know them
17. If there are any charges outstanding against you, or anyone in your family
 Please give full details as far as you know them
If your claim is partly or wholly based on avoiding military service, you may wish to
address in your statement the following issues:
18. If you had you received call-up papers before leaving your home country
 What did those papers say?
 What did you do when you received them?
 Did you undergo a medical for the purposes of your military service?
 Did you start your military training?
 If you did, what happened?
 Are you aware of any penalties for people who avoid military service?
19. If you deferred / did not carry out / or did not complete military service
 Explain in detail why you have not carried out and/or completed military service
 Are there any charges or court proceedings outstanding against you in your country
of nationality as a result of your refusal to carry out and/or complete your military
 If there are, please explain what they are and give details.

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 37 of 43

If your claim is partly or wholly based on race, ethnic origin, or nationality, or that of
someone in your family, you may wish to address in your statement the following
20. What is your nationality (as given in Section A)?
21. Identify which race or ethnic group you consider yourself belonging to?
22. Indicate how many people in your hometown or village are of the same race, ethnic
group, or nationality as you? Identify one of the following options
 Everyone or nearly everyone
 A lot more than half of the population
 About half of the population
 Less than half of the population
 Only a small number of the population
 Just you and your family
If your claim is partly or wholly based on your religion, or that of someone in your
family, you may wish to address in your statement the following issues:
23. Identify what religion or religious group you belong to
24. Whether or not you have always been of this religious faith
25. Indicate how many people in your hometown or village you think are of the same
religion as you?
Identify one of the following options:
 Everyone or nearly everyone
 A lot more than half of the population
 About half of the population
 Less than half of the population
 Only a small number of the population
 Just you and your family
26. If you have had any difficulty practising your religion in your home country
Indicate what difficulties you have experienced, including dates where possible
How did your religion or faith cause difficulties for you in your home country?
Do these reasons still exist today?
If your claim is partly or wholly based on your political opinions, or those of
someone in your family, you may wish to address in your statement the following
27. If you are you a member or supporter of any political organisation (either in your country
of nationality or in the UK), please indicate:
 Which organisation(s) you are involved with
 When you become involved with this organisation
 What your role within the organisation was / is
 The reason you become interested in the organisation

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 38 of 43

 Whether or not you are or were an official member
27 (i) How did your political affiliations cause difficulties for you in your home country?
 Do these reasons still exist today?
28. If you have you attended any rallies, demonstrations or public meetings organised by
any of the organisations you have mentioned above (or for any other political party),
please indicate
 Where the demonstration or rallies took place
 What happened, providing dates where possible
29. If anyone in your family has been involved in any political parties or activities please
 Which members of your family are/were involved with political activities
 Which political party/organisation do/did they belong to or support
 The activities they carry out for the political party/organisation
If your claim is partly or wholly based on any other reason (including membership of
a particular social group or reasons related to your human rights under the European
Convention on Human Rights), you may wish to address all relevant issues in your
If there is anything else which you think may be relevant to your claim and which you have
not mentioned elsewhere on this form, please give details below, using additional sheets
where necessary.
You should mention here any compassionate circumstances or humanitarian
reasons why you should not be removed from the United Kingdom should your claim
be refused.
Providing all relevant information at this stage will greatly assist us in considering your
claim. You should try to tell us everything you think is important that you are aware of at this
stage. If later you give us new information that you had already but did not tell us, we will
ask you why you could not tell us before. However, if the reasons you give do not explain
why you didn’t tell us before without a good reason, there is a possibility that the information
may not be considered.

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 39 of 43

Section E. Documentation in support of your claim

Guidance Note
Any documents you submit must be original documents where possible, not photocopies.
We will return them to you later. If the documents are not in English, you must enclose an
English translation as well. If you do not have an English translation, we will not be able to
accept them
Do you have any documents or other
E: 1
evidence that you wish to submit in Yes No
support of your asylum application,
or about your family life or other
personal circumstances?

If `yes`
Please list them, and provide the
following details

What the document is Document detail:

What language it is written in Language:

If not currently in your possession, When being submitted:

when will you be submitting it

You should continue on a separate

sheet to add details of additional
documents. Mark each extra sheet with
your full name and, if you know it, your
Home Office reference number

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 40 of 43

Section F. Additional Information

Guidance Note
Use this section for adding any additional information you wish to tell us about your claim,
or about your family life or other personal circumstances

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 41 of 43

Section G. Your Declaration

1. Your Declaration
You must now read the declaration below and sign it. You are personally responsible
for the accuracy of the statements contained in this form, and the declaration must
be signed by you and not by any other person (including your legal representative).
Whist we decide your claim, you must obey the laws of the UK.
The information I have given is complete and is I believe it to be true. I am aware that
making false statements could be considered an offence under immigration legislation.

Signed Date

2. Parent or Legal Guardian’s Declaration (if applicable)

If your parent or legal guardian assisted you to complete this form he or she must
read the declaration below and sign it.
I declare that I have assisted (insert name of applicant)

in completing this form.

Signed Date

3. Representative’s Declaration
If you have a representative and he or she assisted you to complete this form, he or
she must read the declaration below and sign it.
I declare that I have assisted (insert name of applicant)
in completing this form.

I have read the completed form back to the person named above in a language they
understand to confirm that the contents are correct.

Signed Date

TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 42 of 43

Section H. Application for Biometric Resident Permit
You (and your dependants) have claimed asylum in the United Kingdom. This means that
you are required by the Immigration (Biometric Registration) Regulations 2008 (as
amended) to apply for a biometric residence permit (BRP). The BRP will only be issued to
you if you are granted leave.
If you are granted leave, the BRP simplifies the checks that the Home Office, employers
and public service providers need to undertake to confirm immigration status and eligibility
to entitlements in the UK.
You (and each of your dependants aged 16 and over) are required to sign below to
acknowledge that as well as registering an application for asylum you are also applying for
a biometric residence permit. Failure to do so may result in a refusal to issue a BRP and a
penalty notice (section 9 of the UK Borders Act 2007).
You may need to provide your fingerprints and be photographed on two separate
occasions. As part of the asylum registration process, you have been photographed and
had your fingerprints taken. In addition, you may be required to attend a post office on
another occasion to provide your fingerprints and have your photograph taken. This is a
separate process required for the biometric residence permit application and if this is
required you will be notified and given full instructions in due course.

 I declare that the personal details below are correct. I am aware that is a criminal
offence to seek to gain leave to remain in the United Kingdom by deception.

 I acknowledge that when requested I will attend to have my biometrics recorded as

required by The Immigration (Biometric Registration) Regulations.

 I understand that my fingerprints and facial image will be taken and checked against
immigration and police records and will be held securely thereafter in compliance with
the Data Protection Act 1998
Main applicant to sign. Any dependant 16 and over must sign on their own behalf
(main applicant to sign for dependants under 16)
Name Signature

Date of birth


Dependant(s) Signature


Date of birth



TASL.1957 (Minors Statement of Evidence Form) 43 of 43

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