LESSON 6: Approaches To Language Teaching
LESSON 6: Approaches To Language Teaching
LESSON 6: Approaches To Language Teaching
Learning Objectives:
Language is a means of communication among human beings. We communicate with each other
using some meaningful sounds or symbolism a systematic way.
According to Aristotle, language is speech which is produced by human beings in order Exchange
their experiences, ideas, and emotions
Language Learning is a process by which we can develop our ability to use language for
communication to others.
Structural view considers that language is a system of all systems. It means that language is a
linguistic system that has some subsystems such as;
The structural view of language generates the language teaching-learning methods such as:
1. Audio-lingual method
2. Total physical response
3. Silent way
As per the functional view, language is not only a linguistic system but also a means f doing things.
Language is used to express our emotions, feelings, attitudes, etc. Language involves our day to day
functional activities or notions such as:
This view language is also called communicative view. Therefore learning language is learning how
to combine grammatical rules and vocabulary to express our notions.
According to interactional view, language is a means of creating and maintaining social relations or
social transactions between people.
Principles of Language and Learning Douglas Brown Principles and Practice in second Language
Acquisition by Krashen Stephen
Cruz, Neal. “As I See It: Philippine mythological monsters”. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 2008.
Electronic Research
https://www.ling.upenn.edu/~ycharles/klnl.pdfs https://ched.gov.ph/wp-