Characterisation of Sealers On Concrete
Characterisation of Sealers On Concrete
Characterisation of Sealers On Concrete
1561-1567, 1997
Copyright 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
CiIO8.8846197 $17.00 + .llO
PI1 SOOOS-8846(97)00167-l
(Received April 18, 1997; in final form June 6, 1997)
Sealing concrete with soluble sodium silicate may improve surface properties
such as hardness, permeability, chemical durability, and abrasion resistance.
Previously, such treated surfaces had not been characterized sufficiently to
provide a complete understanding of how silicate improves concrete proper-
ties. Therefore, it is the object of this work to contribute to the understanding
of how the application of soluble silicate alters the surface of concrete by
verifying its effects on absorption, abrasion resistance, chloride permeability,
chloride penetration, and surface composition. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Soluble sodium silicates, also known as “waterglass,” are utilized in several different aspects
of the cement industry. For example, they act as set accelerators shotcreting applications;
they can be incorporated into cementitious waste forms; and they serve as moisture reducers
in the wet kiln process of clinker production. One of the foremost uses of soluble sodium
silicate is as a concrete sealer. Unlike other sealants, which either repel water (e.g., silanes,
silicones, stearates) or function as a physical barrier coating (e.g., epoxies, polyesters,
vinyls), soluble silicate sinks into the concrete surface and, theoretically, reacts with port-
landite to form C-S-H gel according to:
As a result, the surface has enhanced properties such as decreased permeability, increased
hardness, and overall increased durability. It was the object of this work to experimentally
verify the microstructural and physical effects of the application of soluble sodium silicate to
typical concrete surfaces.
Aqueous sodium silicates are used as sealers for concrete surfaces by themselves or in
combination with other sealing systems to keep unwanted ingres<; of chemicals or water into
the body of concrete objects. This study identified five standardized tests or characterization
methods (see Table 1) that were used to quantify the effects of aqueous silicates when used
1562 J. LaRosa-Thompson et al. Vol. 27, No. 10
Summary of Standardized Tests
on concrete. The study was further expanded to include a relatively low cost concrete paving
block that was contrasted to good quality laboratory concrete.
Two different liquid sodium silicates were used in the experiments. Both had a SiO,/Na,O
weight ratio of 3.22. One, called “N” silicate, had 37.6% solids, and the other “OW,” 38.6%
solids. The latter also contained an anionic surfactant. Various dilutions of each were applied
to two different types of samples.
Each of these samples was soaked in a silicate solution for one hour. The silicate was diluted
over a range of l-4 parts silicate: 1 part water by weight. Absorption (ASTM C 642) and
abrasion resistance (C 418) tests were performed on these samples.
control N l/l N21 N 3/l N 4/l OWlI OW2ll
Silicate Coating
FIG. 1.
Percent absorbed vs. silicate treatment (ratio silicate to water).
Laboratory Concrete
The second type of sample was a laboratory concrete with w/c = 0.48, 16.9% OPC, 40.2%
coarse aggregate, 34.8% sand, and air entrainer. Silicate was applied with a brush, and after
20 minutes of drying, a second coating was applied. Because these samples had significantly
higher density than the pavers, more dilute silicate solutions were used - either 1 part N: 3
parts water or 1 part OW: 3 parts water. These samples were analyzed for chloride perme-
ability (AASHTO T-277-83) and chloride penetration (NCHRP 244), and they were also
viewed in the scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Because the NCHRP 244 test may be unfamiliar, a brief description follows.
1) 4-inch cubes are cast, demolded after 1 day, and lightly sandblasted on the seventh day.
Throughout these first 7 days and for the next 14 days, the cubes are cured in plastic bags
at 23°C. The cubes are weighed every 7 days.
7-I The cubes are then removed from the bags and stored in air at 23°C 50%RH. Three
samples are coated after 1 day of air drying, 3 more after 5 days, and 3 more after 21
days. After being coated, the samples are returned to the curing chamber to complete a
total of 31 days curing in air. Five samples are not coated but serve as the controls.
During this period the cubes are weighed periodically.
3) All of the coated samples plus three of the controls are immersed in a 15% NaCl solution
for 21 days and weighed periodically.
4) Samples are removed from the solution and returned to the chamber at 23°C 50%RH for
21 days. Again, they are weighed every few days throughout the 21-day period.
5) At the end, the samples are crushed and analyzed for Cl.
1564 J. LaRosa-Thompson et al. Vol. 27, No. 10
Chloride Permeability Results
Results of the absorption test are shown in Figure 1 as % absorbed vs. different dilutions of the
silicate treatment. In every case, there was an improvement with the silicate coating. The most
effective coating was 3 parts N: 1 part water which provided a 30% decrease in absorption vs. the
control. Figure 2 depicts the abrasion coefficient vs. silicate coating concentration. The lower the
coefficient, the higher the abrasion resistance. Again, there is improvement for the coated
samples. In this case, there is a 67% decrease in the coefficient for the 3 parts N: 1 part water
coating vs. the control. It is interesting to note that in both of these graphs, the optimum dilution
is N 3: 1. A more concentrated solution such as N 4: 1 is not as effective, probably because it is
not penetrating into the surface as well. The presence of the surfactant generally provides
additional improvement and also shows the advantage of good penetration.
_. _ . _ siliconate
% 1.5 -I ~ I-
Weigh ’ silicate ,
Changef! -urethane
,p ~
~~ ; / :___v- -,
e+- z1; -____
!?I E 112.1 !q m
# of Days
FIG. 3.
Average weight gain of treated concrete (NCHRP 244).
Coating Type
FIG. 4.
Average chloride content of treated concrete (NCHRP 244).
Laboratory Concrete
Chloride permeability was measured on 6-month-old laboratory specimens. The results are
given in Table 2. The control samples for l- and 28-day treatment ages are the same ages as
the treated samples (values for 5hour data are presented instead of normal 6-hour because
the 28-day control sample began to overheat after 5 hours of the test). The treatment resulted
in about a 20% improvement for the l-day samples and 30-40% improvement for the
28-day-old samples.
For the NCHRP 244 chloride penetration test, the results showed that, in general, the
weight gained during immersion in NaCl was less for treated samples than for the untreated
samples, indicating that less chloride is penetrating into the coated cubes. This was further
supported by analyzing for chloride in the bulk sample.
This test is very complex and it shows only marginal improvements in chloride penetration
when the concrete is sealed with silicate. In the NCHRP 244 report, silicate (3 1.4% solids)
was also tested. One coating was applied undiluted. Figure 3 shows the results from the
immersion part of the 244 test (performed by Wiss, Janney, Elstner & Associates. Inc. ( 1)).
This graph shows that silicate resists water absorption slightly better than siloxanes and
siliconates but considerably less than urethanes. The chloride content of the concrete after
exposure to NaCl is shown in Figure 4 for four different coatings and a control sample.
Silicate actually had a higher chloride content than the control, but the standard deviation in
FIG. 5.
Coated (a) and uncoated (b) surfaces of concrete.
1566 J. LaRosa-Thompson et al. Vol. 27, No. 10
a b
FIG. 6.
Si X-ray dot map of coated (a) and uncoated (b) surfaces.
the data suggests that the values are the same. In general, silicates seem to affect concrete’s
ability to prevent chloride penetration only slightly when tested using the NCRP procedure.
SEM micrographs of uncoated and coated (1 part N: 3 parts water) surfaces are presented
in Figure 5. The stark contrast in surface texture is evident; the untreated sample appears
rough and pitted, but the treated sample is smooth. The fine cracks in the silicate coating
probably resulted from sample preparation. Si X-ray dot maps for each surface are shown in
Figure 6. The brightness of the coated specimen indicates the abundance of Si on the surface.
The patches of Si seen on the uncoated surface are attributable to quartz sand grains,
Conversely, from the Ca dot map (Figure 7), the untreated sample appears very bright,
whereas the treated sample is much darker as a result of the Ca being covered by the layer
of silicate. Only an area in the upper left-hand corner and along the left edge of the figure
shows much Ca because the coating had been chipped off. The implication of these results
is that the coated surface will be less susceptible to deleterious reactions involving Ca, for
example acid attack of portlandite.
Silicates are applied to concretes as aqueous solutions. Cady (2) reports that sodium silicate
is the most commonly used silicate (72%) while the remainder is split somewhat evenly
between potassium and fluosilicates. The work presented here and the work of others
suggests that silicates will be moderately effective when used as sealers for concretes. The
FIG. 7.
Ca X-ray dot map of uncoated (a) and coated (b) surfaces.
exact mechanisms by which the silicates act to improve the performance of concretes is
unclear. McGettigan (3) states that the silicates are effective sealers as the result of SiO,
precipitating in the pores. Others (4) report that the silicates react with excess calcium present
in the near surface region of the concrete to form relatively insoluble calcium-silicate
hydrates. A third theory is that the silicates form an expansive gel similar to that formed in
alkali silicate reactions that fills the pores in the concrete by swelling. Whatever the precise
mechanisms, the general consensus is that silicates act as the result of pore blocking. The
observations made during the course of this study suggest that silicates perform as sealers as
the result of a combination of mechanisms. The mechanisms dominating the performance of
the sealer will most likely vary from application to application.
I. D.W. Pfeifer and M.J. Scali, NCRP Report 244, Concrete Sealers for the Protection of Bridge
Structures, TRB, NRC, Washington, D.C. (1981).
2. P. Cady, NCHRP Program, Syn. High. Prac., Sealers for Portland Cement Concrete Highway
Facilities, TRB, NRC (1994).
3. E. McGettigan, Concr. Int. 14, 52 (1991).
4. R.C. Higgins, Waterproofing for Concrete, Reference and Guide, Sinak Corp., San Diego, CA