Notes For Surgery!

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NCM of Clients in Need of

Surgery (Ms. Myrvi Vergara)


-branch of medicine concerned
with diseases and trauma
requiring operative procedures.

Encompasses the three phases of
the surgical experience: pre-
operative, intraoperative, and
post operative

- activities that occur in any
or all of the three phases

- period of time from when the
decision for surgical
intervention is made to when the
patient is transferred to the
OR table.

- period of time from when the
patient is transferred to the
operating table to when he or
she is admitted to the PACU.

- period of time that begins
with the admission of the
patient to PACU and ends after a
follow-up evaluation in the
clinical setting or home.

Word elements that make up a

surgical term or phrase:

 Word root
- meaning of the word
- describes a body part of
- usually Greek & Latin origin
 Prefix
 Suffix

 Combining Vowel
– connects the word root with a
suffix (usually the letter “o”) TYPES OF PATHOLOGIC

 Obstruction
 Perforation
 Erosion
 Tumors

Classification of Surgical

 Surgeon
 First Assist
 Registered Nurse First
Assistant (RNFA)
 SCRUB Nurse (RN,
LPN,Surgical Technician)


 Anesthesiologist
 Certified Registered Nurse
Anesthetist (CRNA)
 Circulating Nurse
Types of Anesthesia: SURGEON
- The Head of the Surgical Team
General - total loss of - A Physician specially trained
consciousness and sensation and qualified to perform the
(also produces amnesia) surgical procedure.
 Intravenous - Thiopental Na
 Inhalation - Halothane; First Assist
Isoflurane - May be a resident, intern,
physician’s assistant, or a
Regional - reduces all painful perioperative nurse
sensations in one region without - Assist in retracting,
inducing unconsciousness hemostasis, suturing, etc.
 Topical
 Local infiltration Registered Nurse First Assistant
 Nerve Block - expanded role of perioperative
 Spinal nursing.
 Epidural - under the direct supervision

Stages of General Anesthesia of the surgeon.

- Responsibilities: handling
tissue, providing exposure at
the operative field, suturing
and maintaining hemostasis.

Scrub Nurse
RN, LPN, Surgical Technician
-Selects instruments, equipment,
supplies appropriate for the
- Prepares the sterile field and
sets-up sterile tables.
- Assist with applying surgical
- Maintain sterility of the
sterile field.
- Anticipates the surgeons needs
- Surgical counts instruments,
The Surgical Team sponges & sharps.
- Clean & prepare instruments - Assists the anesthesia care
for sterilization. provider with endotracheal
- Performing on going patient
- Monitors sterile technique of
all members of the team and a
safe OR environment
- Assist the surgeon and scrub
nurse by operating non sterile
equipment, providing additional
instrument and supplies.
- Maintain accurate and complete
- Tracking sponge, needle, and
instrument counts.
Anesthesiologist - Preparing and disposing of
-is a physician specifically specimens.
trained in the art and science
of anesthesiology. The Surgical Environment
Surgical Zones:
CRNA  Unrestricted
- is a qualified health care Street clothes allowed
professional who administers  Semi restricted
anesthetics. scrub suits, caps
- Administers anesthesia under  Restricted zone
the direct supervision of the scrub suits, caps, shoe covers,
anesthesiologist . masks
- Assesses the patient before
surgery Health Hazards
- Selects and administers - Exposure to blood and body
anesthesia fluids
- Intubates the patient if - Hazards associated with laser
necessary beams
- Manages any technical problems - Exposure to latex and adhesive
related to the administration of substances
anesthetic agent - Exposure to radiation and
- Supervises the patient toxic agents
condition throughout the - Unintentional leaving of an
surgical procedure object
- Monitors BP, pulse,
respirations, ECG, blood O2 Intraoperative Nursing
saturation level. Management

Circulating Nurse ASSESSMENT

- Completes a preoperative  Presurgical care unit (PSCU)
assessment * surgical holding area outside
- Establish and implement the OR
intraoperative plan of care, - Confirmation of client’s
evaluate the care, and provide identity
for the continuity of care - Assessment of physical &
postoperatively. emotional status
 Anesthesiologist/ CRNA
- continuous assessment to - Pay attention to physical
prevent, detect and initiate comfort
prompt interventions for adverse
surgical responses II. To Prevent Infection
Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
NURSING DIAGNOSES - A surgical incision creates an
- Risk for aspiration opportunity for microorganisms
- Ineffective protection to enter the body and for
- Impaired skin integrity infection to result.
- Risk for perioperative
positioning injury Sources: endogenous; exogenous
- Risk for imbalance body (personnel, environment,
temperature equipment)
- Ineffective peripheral tissue
perfusion Control: Adherence to aseptic
- Risk for deficient fluid practices
Surgical Asepsis
Aseptic technique - refers to
- To reduce anxiety contamination with microorganism
- To prevent infection in the surgical environment is
- To prevent intraoperative prevented
positioning injury
- To protect from injury SURGICAL CONSCIENCE - inner
- Maintain patient’s dignity commitment to adhere to aseptic
- Monitor and manage practices:
complications - Surgical attire
- Gowning & Gloving
- Skin Preparation
IMPLEMENTATION (The Surgical - Sterilization of instruments &
Experience) equipments
 Circulating nurse - Creation & maintenance of a
- Coordinates activities and sterile field
manages client care by - Control of the environment
continuous assessment of sources of infection
client’s safety; monitors
aseptic technique; environment III. To Prevent Intraoperative
 Scrub person & RNFA Positioning Injury
- Assist surgeon Benefits of Proper Positioning
 Optimal access (surgical
I. To Reduce Anxiety site, IV line, monitoring
Pedisposing Factors: devices)
 Fear of the unknown  Protection of the client from
 Fear of death harm
 Fear of anesthesia Complications:
 Fear of disfigurement  MS Pain, joint dislocation,
 Financial difficulties peripheral nerve damage, skin
- Introduce self breakdown, cardiovascular &
- Address the patent by name respiratory compromise
- Verify details
- Encourage and answer questions
 Reduce potential for foreign
- Surgical Count - refers to the
Dorsal Recumbent / Supine accounting of sponges, sharps &
– most common instruments during surgery
- Abdominal surgeries ;anterior - Performed & documented prior
approach, head, neck, to beginning, during, before
extremities closure of cavity/ incision
- Incorrect count - Inform
Trendelenburg surgeon & team members to assist
-lower abdomen, pelvis in locating missing item
 Prevent injury related to use
Reverse Trendelenburg of electrosurgery
- head and neck - Burn, Shock
- inadvertent contact of an
Lithothomy active electrode
- perineum, pelvic organs, - grounding pad positioning
Sims’ or Lateral Decubitus 1. Borrowed Servant Rule -
- thorax, kidney, surgeon was considered the
retroperitoneal space, hip captain of the ship and was
liable for the negligent acts of
Jackknife or Kraske’s the servants (before).But courts
- proctologic, rectal surgeries now recognize that the surgeon
does not have complete control
Prone over the acts of the
- spine, back, rectum, perioperative team at all times.
2. Doctrine of Respondeat
Sitting (Semi-sitting; Semi- Superior - a subordinate acts
Fowler’s) according to his/ her superior’s
- cranial procedures direction therefore, the
hospital is liable for the
IV. To Protect Patient From negligent actions of the nurse.
 Verify information, check the 3. Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor
chart for completeness - “the thing speaks for itself”.
- Informed consent with The courts allow the patient’s
patient’s signature injury to stand as inference of
- Complete records for history & negligence.
- Results of diagnostic studies 4. Assault and Battery -
Allergies unlawful threat to harm another
 “TIME OUT” physically; carrying out of
- prevent wrong site injury bodily harm (touching without
 Safe transferring practices consent)
- If possible, let the patient * Periop nurse ensures that
do as much of the transfer informed consent has been
- Check chart for precautions obtained, documented, and placed
(joint disease) in the health record/ hospital
- Watch for signs of orthostatic policy
5. Invasion of Privacy - the
patient has the right to expect
that all communications and
records pertaining to
individualized care will be
treated as confidential and will
not be misused.
Confidentiality agreement

6. Abandonment - leaving the

patient when patient’s condition
is contingent on the presence of
the caregiver

V. To Maintain Patient’s
Nurse as patient advocate
- Maintain patient’s physical &
emotional comfort
- Provide physical privacy
- Treat patient as a person
- Maintain confidentiality

VI. To Monitor and Manage

- Being alert to and reporting
- Assist in managing
- Maintain sepsis

- The intraoperative nurse uses
the goals developed during
planning stage
- Data collected to evaluate
- Achieved; Reformulate plan

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