A Qualitative Study of Adapting To A New Normal: Online Distance Learning of Grade 11 Students
A Qualitative Study of Adapting To A New Normal: Online Distance Learning of Grade 11 Students
A Qualitative Study of Adapting To A New Normal: Online Distance Learning of Grade 11 Students
An undergraduate thesis
Presented to
Arellano University
In Partial Fulfilment
Albit, Jestoni L.
Almueda, Lawrenz Derick D.
Arellano, Josty Liane
Basa, Steven
Cabalo, Jabez S.
Calizar, Daryl Joshua
Gabriel, Richard G.
Gallego, Kevin Christopher C.
Hernandez, Emmanuelle D.
Lacerna, John Patrick M.
Rabanal, John David A.
Cariaso, Abegail A.
March, 2021
emergency because of its infection especially in those high mortality rate in individuals
with heart diseases, diabetes, cancers, and the elderly. According to the experts, the
COVID-19 is considered as the worst crisis since World War II and led to almost all of
the countries to implement lockdown (Kumar, 2020). Until this time, most of the people
are being recommended to stay at home for the safety of people. As the COVID-19
affects each and every one's health, the education is also affected by the pandemic.
The education system in the Philippines has overcome this challenge by implementing
different distance learning by the government, for the students still continue studying
Online distance learning is one of the modalities used in the Philippines. It uses
internet connection or data connection for students and teachers perform class via
online. It is very efficient for them since students can study in any location of their
choice. Another good thing about online learning is online lectures can be recorded,
archived, and be stored for future references, allowing students to access the learning
materials at any time (Gautam, 2020). But Philippines is still a developing country,
affecting the education of the students like slow internet connection that affects the
online learning of students. Financial issues is also a concern in this modality as some
of the students can't afford a gadget or sustain good internet connection for online
learning. Online learning is very flexible for the students and teachers but they are still
online learning such as inability to stay focused in class and cramming in workloads.
The objective of the research is to determine the perceptions of the students about their
experience in their online learning and on how they adapt on their online learning,
whether it is good or bad. This paper will also include to give benefits to students,
This research will contribute primarily to the students, this paper will give several
tips and strategies for the students to help themselves in adapting to a new normal.
Teachers and the administration can create strategies to help students serving this
paper as a guide, for example doing a seminar/webinar about helping students to adapt
in online learning.
Theoretical Framework
Grounded Theory (GT) is a research method uses a ‘grounded’ in data that has been
relationships and behaviors of groups, or social processes. The outcome of this theory
will be based from the grounded in the data by the research itself (Noble and Mitchel,
distance learning amidst the pandemic by forming a theory using the grounded theory
method. The researchers also chose Straussian Approach as one of its ways to gather
1. How many are the profile of the students be described in terms of:
a. Age
b. Economic Status
2. What are the struggles do students experience while in online distance learning? Do
4. What are the possible strategies or ways that students can use for them to help
adaptation in online class, in a one private school located in Pasig City. The research
limits its informants to selected Grade 11 STEM students of second semester, S.Y.
Students – The primary and focus of this research are the students. As the only
informants of this study, they are the ones who will benefit the most and will serve this
Teachers – This paper would serve as a guide to help students who are struggling in
Parents – They can help their own children in adapting to new normal, assisting in their
Future Researchers – This paper can be a reference for them to use in their own
Definition of Terms
This study focuses on how students adapt in their online classes. To further more
understandable about the contents of this research, the researchers will provide some
Adapt/Adaptiveness – It refers on what actions or how students take action in order for
Online Distance Learning (ODL) – It refers to one of the learning modalities that is
being researched because the informants of the study are all using online distance
Economic Status – It refers the financial status of the family in each informants this
research has.
According to Kim Huston (2020), Teens have different psychosocial needs than
younger children. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many teenagers are still adjusting
with a new normal, such as the e-learning of this school year and some milestone
in the lives of adolescents. Problems relating to school failure, study habits, pupil-
teacher relationship, are more likely to appear in the lives of many high school boys and
Statistics show that families with higher socioeconomic status have greater
emphasis on children’s education, and more likely to a student to participate and strive
Albay Representative Joey Salceda cited data showing that only 17% of students
have internet access at home while only 3.74% only own phones that can connect to
the internet. He added that only some 5% of students have internet access that is stable
as low income but not poor, and middle income is between ₱19,040 to ₱38,080 (Adrian,
Struggles of Students Experienced in Online Distance Learning
Due to the pandemic happening to us, the solution to the closure of schools is
be exchanged. Students has been forced to quickly adapt to new ways of doing things
to ensure education continued across the country. This inevitably resulted in some
to online learning has impacted not students who have had to adjust to a new learning
environment because almost every student experienced this online classes for the first
time. One of the major results of the transition to online learning is its impact on student
health, specifically sleep habits. One of the students is interviewed about the significant
increase in her personal electronic use due to online learning. She said that she spends
distractions, a situation that affects their academic performance. Online student who
had a greater tendency to multitask, scored lower in academic tests compared to their
answer emails, chat on social medias, watch videos in YouTube, play video games or
listen to music while taking an online course, is a very concerning multitasking behavior
online courses and are prepared to do so. The study also addresses students’
perceptions and their interest in distance education. In addition, the results of the
research provide some strategies to encourage and support students on online distance
education. On the conclusion of the study, the concerns of the students in countries
such as Portugal, UAE, and Ukraine, on why they are skeptical on online classes,
includes time management, motivation, and English language skills. Also, in those
isolation, and too great an expense. In this research shows that some students are
having difficulty on being motivated. The lack of experience in this type of educational
format may help explain the students’ lack of confidence in their ability to study and stay
on task. For instance, on one hand, participants like the having the ability to manage
their own time. On the other hand, they are concerned that they may lack the discipline
slow internet connection in Philippines. Parents explained that their children are
suffering from slow internet connection. Some teachers also gave statements about the
pandemic. Some classes and meetings have been transferred to Zoom, an online
forum. Students discuss how they've adjusted to the new working and learning
environment. One woman stated that it is difficult to concentrate in her schoolwork while
her family members are running around the building. While another student keeps a
one student explained that he is struggling to focus since he is having like five to seven
learner's performances. Study habits reflect students' usual act of studying and also
refer to the learner's cognitive process during learning. Study habits includes a variety of
organization. But he concluded in his study that the impact of two study habits, planning
As stated by Nina Berler's in her study (2015), she spoke to a student that has
struggled in online class at a major research university. She concluded that online
learning environment didn't suit to that student, and that student became increasingly
homesick. She also stated that the student didn't get along with her roommate and had
so few classes, had no one to eat with and ate virtually every meal in the room. The
student was unhappy with the academic and social situation due to the transition of
online learning.
Students' performances are influenced to a great degree by support they receive
from families and teachers and by the role models they are exposed to. Different
supports such as parental emotional support, are found to be important for the
development of positive attitudes towards learning and can ensure to maximize their
ability to make the most of online learning opportunities (“Strengthening online learning
when schools are closed: The role of families and teachers in supporting students
According to a study by UNICEF (2020), most of the students are doing their
online learning. Some students do their old habits like reading and playing their musical
instruments at home. Some students also said that they need to entertain themselves
more for them to be not bored in online classes so they try new things as hobbies such
This study uses the observation style of research to determine the experiences of
several different behaviors that is systematically observed and recorded. The goal of
This is also qualitative method and the researchers will also conduct an interview to
The target informants of this research are selected students from Grade 11 of
online learning in one private school in Pasig City. The researchers used the
open-ended questions to converse with informants and collect elicit data about a topic.
Research”, 2018).
about their experiences and struggles in online class and on how they adapt to the new
education system.
The first part of the interview guide questions will gather their basic information
for the use of this research. Then the last part of the interview guide questions will ask
This section will state the sequence on how the researchers will gather the data.
At first, the researchers construct a title was validated to the Professor, it was also
stated the general problem and specific problem to be answered through the result of
the study. The researchers made use of observational style of research. The researcher
got the interview guide questions from the specific problems of the topic or from the
statement of the problem, to identify students’ perception about the topic in the interview
guide questions.
After the instrument was validated, the researchers will now ask the students
number of the students prescribe by the population calculator and conduct an interview
After the interview was conducted, the researchers will arrange the information
and analyze. The students’ will be asked by the researchers about implication once the
This chapter present the analysis and interprets the data gathered in drawn out
important information and significant result about the adaptation of students in online
distance learning. For clarity and consistency in the discussion, the data are tabular
Transcript of Interview
The transcript of the interview also comes with open coding and axial coding to
analyze for the grounded theory of this research. Open coding refers to breaking up
significant data from interview into discrete parts to create “codes” and to label the
codes. Whilst axial coding refers identifying the relationship between codes and
Informant No. 4
Informant No. 5
Age Informants
16 Two
17 Three
Total Five
Based on the Matrix #1, two out of five informants are aged 16 years old, and
According to Kim Huston (2020), Teens have different psychosocial needs than
younger children. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many teenagers are still adjusting
with a new normal, such as the e-learning of this school year and some milestone
Matrix #2
of family monthly income, two out of five informants having 19 thousand and below of
family monthly income, and one out of five informants having both parents unemployed.
as low income but not poor, and middle income is between ₱19,040 to ₱38,080 (Adrian,
2020). Also, statistics show that families with higher socioeconomic status have greater
emphasis on children’s education, and more likely to a student to participate and strive
Matrix #3
(What are the struggles do students experience while in online distance learning?)
Informants Comment
Informant No.1 “One of my struggles this online class is
this slowness of internet connection.
Especially when it’s raining, because it
affects the connection within the gadget
or my computer.”
Informant No.2 “One of the struggles I experience in
online class is that sometimes our Wi-Fi
connection having issues.”
Informant No.3 “The struggles I experience in my online
class are time management, distractions
inside my home, and workloads.”
Informant No.4 “For the struggles I have experienced are
independent learning and the needs of
material, mostly on my P.E. subject.”
Informant No.5 “I think the internet connection,
sometimes it is not stable or very slow,
and sometimes it is the problem of our
professor or on us students.”
Based on the Matrix #3, most of the struggles that students experienced is
slow internet connection in Philippines. Parents explained that their children are
suffering from slow internet connection. Some teachers also gave statements about the
Matrix #4
(How do students adapt in online distance learning? Do they also struggle in adapting?)
Informants Comment
Informant No.1 “What I did is to overcome my struggles,
first thing is I requested to my parents to
upgrade our internet, and then I’ll also get
good gadgets for my online class. Then I
will now try to adapt on the changes in my
online class. Also, not all students use
internet, like me, so this is where I
realized on how slow the internet on the
Philippines were. So, it was hard for me
to adjust.”
Informant No.2 “The need to wake up early in the
morning, just to buy load to have myself
connection for my online classes. Also,
today in my online class, my sleep
schedule is changed. I sleep much late,
even though my class will start also early
in the morning.”
Informant No.3 “I do my tasks right away after my teacher
gave it to me, also I am doing my new
hobbies like playing online games just to
lessen my stress. It isn’t very much hard
for me since I have my hobbies, and at
the same time I can do my tasks at
Informant No.4 “When I can’t understand a lesson, I will
go to YouTube to search video lessons. I
often ask my classmates when it is not
enough for me to understand better.
About the materials, I do improvise and
borrow materials and sometimes having
difficulties in borrowing because in some
cases they don’t have the materials. If
there is no choice, I will resort to “mema
pasa” but applying more effort on it. It
was hard for me, slow progress, but still,
it is a progress and having adjustments. It
is necessary for my class so I also set
motivations, take a break especially when
I’m mentally and physically drained, and
lastly is to decrease distractions inside
the home.”
In Matrix #4 shows different point of view on how students adapt in online class.
But most of the informants shows that they are overcoming their struggles to adapt in
learner's performances. Study habits reflect students' usual act of studying and also
refer to the learner's cognitive process during learning. Study habits includes a variety of
organization. But he concluded in his study that the impact of two study habits, planning
This Chapter represents summary and conclusion derived in the conduct of the
This study was conducted in one private school in Pasig City, the informants
were the grade 12 students and they were selected using convenience sampling. It
employed qualitative research method and pertain data obtained throughout interview.
Summary of Findings
Profile of the informants are 3 from 17 years old, 2 from 16 years old ,and then 2
and below of family monthly income, and 1 having both parents unemployed as
The strategies or ways that students to help themselves in adapting are going to
a place where there is stable internet connection, upgrade their Wi-Fi or sim
card, and opening up to family members so they can help students to lessen
Based on the findings generated from the data gathered, the researchers came
The majority of the informants are 17 years old and most of the informants
The researchers concluded that most of the informants struggling in their online
The researchers also concluded that most of the informants are overcoming their
problems in online distance learning for them to adapt in online distance learning.
The researchers found out that the most effective strategy or ways to help
The researchers are already gathered the data into codes, and categorized it to
be more organized to form a theory. Selective coding organizes categories into themes
Students’ Adaptation Adapted in
Experienced in Process Online Distance
Online Distance Learning
The study formed a theory about how students adapt in online learning. The
structure defines as struggles will be the first step in this theory, as it explains that in
order for students to adapt into a new environment, the students must experience some
struggles and uncomfortability before the students to adjust for them to be comfortable
again into the new environment. Students will either experience their personal struggles
such as connectivity issue during class, or external factors like distractions inside
workplace that students’ themselves cannot overcome without the help of others. After
the students’ experienced the struggles, the students will try to overcome their struggles
in order to adapt to online distance learning. The second step will be adaptation process
which defines on the possible actions for the students in order for them to adapt in
online distance learning. It contains family and societal assistance, for example a
student will ask help on her parents financially to sustain the needs in online class.
Adaptation process also include students’ strategies like motivating oneself in studies.
And lastly, some students may experience habitual changes like doing more physical
activities inside home to prevent themselves focusing too much on screen because of
online learning. If a student finished into adapting process, then one can say that a
student is now comfortable and adapted in online distance learning. But in the diagram
shows that there is a slightly visible arrow that goes back to the start because if one
After the researchers have gathered enough data and conclusions have been
For the students, the informants of this research stated different perspectives
on how they adapt or help themselves to adapt in online learning. This research
recommends for the students to lessen social media use or lessen their
The teachers can serve this paper as a guide for them to understand deeper
about the situation of the students in their struggles in adapting to online distance
learning. Example, a teacher can lessen the activities they made for the students
or recording classes for some students that are having connectivity issues.
The parents can guide their own children by giving them support while in online
class. Providing the students their needs in online learning and helping them to
and students, including parents for all to understand on how to adapt in online
The future researchers can make this topic as their reference for their study.