SSE Shear Design - EC2v1 - 07 - G1 - 20211027 - 2234 - 32

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Shear and Torsion Design to EN1992-1-1 SSE-EXCEL-SECTION

Ref: EN992-1-1 The author will not be responsible for the uses of this program
1. Inputs Job: G1

x= 0 Vaw Vae L/4 3L/4 L Vu with sign L M R

Vu= 27.6 23.3 12.9 0 0 -20 t ; 0=Auto b= 0.2 m fck= 35 MPa select q= 21.8 deg. Strut angle (21.8 to 45deg) Recommend: spacing= 0.18 0.35 0.18 Chk
Tu= 0 0 0 0 0 0 t.m h= 0.5 m fyk= 500 MPa av= 0.6 m position of discontinuous of shear force21.8 OK ratio= 0.989 0.659 0.534 <=1 OK
Nu= 0 0 0 0 0 0 t>0 comp cv= 0.058 m fyw= 500 MPa L= 5.2 m length of beam
Abot= 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 cm2 As bot z= 0 m if imposed d= 0.442 m =h-cv a= 90 deg. Link angle (90deg vertical) Transimssion direct at x=d:
Ved(d)= 0 0: at face of support, 1: x=d
2. Design av av x: data table 2
x= 0 0.6 0.6 1.3 3.9 5.2 m Discontinuous of Shear Diagram
r(Vrdmax) 0.84
Vu= 27.6 23.3 12.9 7.893 -10.7 -20 t Pu= 10.4 t =Vaw-Vae
Variation of Strut Angle to EC2 r(T+V) 0.84
Vu,cal= 10.08 23.3 12.9 7.893 -10.7 -12.9 t b= 0.679 =max(1/4,av/(2*d)
30 r(spacing) 0.99
qcal= 21.8 33.54 33.54 21.8 21.8 21.8 deg Ved (Pu)= 9.2 t =Pu*(L-av)/L 27.6t
5.5cm2/m 24.2t
v= 0.516 0.516 0.516 0.516 0.516 0.516 =0.6*(1-fck/250) Vred(Pu)= 6.244 t =b*Ved (Pu) 0 1
cotq= 2.5 1.509 1.509 2.5 2.5 2.5
z= 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.398 =0.9*d if not imposed fctm= 3.21 Mpa =0.3*fck^(2/3)
scp= 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mpa =min(0.2*fcd, Nu/Ac) fctk,005= 2.247 Mpa =0.7*fctm 1.9cm2/m
k= 1.673 1.673 1.673 1.673 1.673 1.673 =min(2,1+sqrt(0.2/d)) fctd= 1.498 Mpa =fctk,005/1.5 12.9t
10 10.08
ro= 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 =As/(b*d) 7.9
vrd,c= 0.555 0.555 0.555 0.555 0.555 0.555 Mpa =0.18/1.5*k*(100*ro*fck)^( 1/3) + 0.15*scp 33.54


vmin= 0.448 0.448 0.448 0.448 0.448 0.448 Mpa =0.035*k^(3/2)*sqrt(fck) + 0.15*scp >> CAL
VRd,c= 4.413 4.413 4.413 4.413 4.413 4.413 t =bw*z*max(vrd,c; vmin)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6


>> Open 17.01
Vrdmax(q)= 33.03 44.11 44.11 33.03 33.03 33.03 t =bw.z.v.fcd.(cotq+cota) / (1+cot2q))
-10 -12.4t
tmax= 4.152 5.545 5.545 4.152 4.152 4.152 MPa =v1*fcd*(1/(tanq+cotq)) -10.7
>> Save -12.89
Vrdmax(45)= 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 t with delta=45deg. 3cm2/m
qreq= 17.59 14.55 7.812 4.743 6.456 12.34 deg =min(45,max(21.8,asin(Vu/Vmax)))
>> PDF -20 -20t
qreq= 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 deg =min(45,max(21.8,asin(Vu/Vmax))) -24.2t
qreq= 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 deg =min(45,max(21.8,asin(2Vu/(bw.z.v.fcd))) 3cm2/m
ratio= 0.836 0.528 0.292 0.239 0.324 0.606 =Vu/Vrdmax
chk= OK OK OK OK OK OK -30 Dwg L/4 3L/4
x= 0 Vaw Vae L/4 3L/4 L 0 0 0.6 0.6 5.2 5.2 1.3 3.9
Asw/s (q)= 2.331 5.388 2.983 1.825 2.475 2.98 cm2/m =Vu*tanq / (z*fyd) tef,i= 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116 m =max(; Ac/u) 0 27.6t 23.3t 12.9t -20t 0t 7.893 -10.7
Asw/s (Pu)= 3.192 0 cm2/m =Ved(Pu)/(0.75*av*fyd) Ak= 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 m2 =(bw-tef,i)*(h-tef,i)
Asw/s min= 1.893 1.893 1.893 1.893 1.893 1.893 cm2/m =0.08*sqrt(fck)/fyk*bw*sina Trd,c= 1.121 1.121 1.121 1.121 1.121 1.121 t.m =2.Ak.tef,i.fctd 0 0 0 5.2 0 5.2
uAsw/s req= 5.522 5.388 2.983 1.893 2.475 2.98 cm2/m =max Trdmax= 3.107 3.107 3.107 3.107 3.107 3.107 t.m =2.v.acw.fcd.Ak.tef,i.sinq.cosq 0.3 0.3 0.497 4.703 0.65 4.55
a1/z= 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 m =max(1,(cotq-cota)/2) ratio= 0.836 0.528 0.292 0.239 0.292 0.606 =Tu/Trdmax + Vu/Vrdmax 0.6 0.6 0.995 4.205 1.3 3.9
Abot,sliding= 7.936 6.699 3.709 2.27 3.077 5.75 cm2 =((Vu-Nu)*a1/z)/fyd chk= OK OK OK OK OK OK <1 OK 0 0 0 0 0 0
no= 2 2 2 2 2 2 number of legs 11.65 6.45 5.039 -6.44 3.947 -5.35
dia.= 8 8 8 8 8 8 mm uk= 0.936 0.936 0.936 0.936 0.936 0.936 m =2*[(b-tef)+(h-tef)] 23.3t 12.9 10.08 -12.9 7.893 -10.7
Asw= 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 1.005 cm2 Along= 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm2 =Tu*uk*cotq/ (2*Ak*fyd) q= 33.54 33.54 21.8 21.8 17.01 17.01
u spacing= 0.182 0.187 0.337 0.531 0.406 0.337 m =Asw/(Asw/sreq) Ast/s= 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 cm2/m =Tu*tanq/(2*Ak*fyd) ; by face
0.6 0.995 4.205 1.3 3.9
Unity Check Data Table 1 Atv/s= 5.52 5.39 2.98 1.89 2.98 2.98 cm2/m =Asw/s+if(Tu<Trdc,0,2*Ast/s) 0.6 0.995 4.205 1.3 3.9
0 0.85 1 10 45 21.8 21.8 u spacing= 0.18 0.19 0.34 0.53 0.34 0.34 m =Asw/(Asw/sreq) 23.3 10.08 -12.9 7.893 -10.7
r(Vrdmax) 0.836 0.836 0.576 0.836 0.836 r(Vrdmax) 0 0 0 0 0
r(T+V) 0.836 5.522 14.31 5.522 5.522 Asw/s (q) Label: ###### ###### ###### ######
r(spacing) 0.989 0.182 0.07 0.182 0.182 spacing

SSE, Since 2014 1/1 10/27/2021 10:34 PM

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