Steam Turbines: Presented By: Prof. Prabha Chand NIT Jamshedpur Department of Mechanical Engineering
Steam Turbines: Presented By: Prof. Prabha Chand NIT Jamshedpur Department of Mechanical Engineering
Steam Turbines: Presented By: Prof. Prabha Chand NIT Jamshedpur Department of Mechanical Engineering
Steam Turbines
Presented by:
Prof. Prabha Chand
NIT Jamshedpur
Department of mechanical engineering
Steam power plant
Steam power plant process
Rankine cycle
Types of steam turbine
Compounding of steam turbine
Losses in steam turbine
Stage and reheat factor
velocity triangle
Degree of reaction
Blade height in axial flow turbine
Steam is a vapour used as a working substance in the operation of steam
Is steam a perfect gas?
Steam possess properties like those of gases: namely pressure, volume,
temperature, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. But the pressure volume
and temperature of steam as a vapour are not connected by any simple
relationship such as is expressed by the characteristic equation for a perfect
Sensible heat – The heat absorbed by water in attaining its boiling point.
Latent heat – The heat absorbed to convert boiling water into steam.
Wet steam – Steam containing some quantity of moisture.
Dry steam – Steam that has no moisture content.
Superheated steam – Dry steam, when heated at constant pressure, attains
The properties of steam are dependent on its pressure
Steam Properties
Steam Power Plant Process
Exhaust Steam
Pump Low Pressure
and temp
Low Pressure
Cold Hot region
The steam from the boiler is expanded in a nozzle, resulting in the emission of
a high velocity jet. This jet of steam impinges on the moving vanes or blades,
mounted on a shaft. Here it undergoes a change of direction of motion which
gives rise to a change in momentum and therefore a force.
• a. Pressure compounded
• b. Velocity compounded
• c. Pressure and velocity compounded impulse turbines.
Involves splitting up of the
whole pressure drop
into a series of smaller
pressure drops across
several stages of impulse
The nozzles are fitted into a
diaphragm locked in
separates one wheel
chamber from
the casing that another. All
rotors are mounted on the
same shaft.
Velocity drop is achieved through many moving
continue rows of blades instead of a single row of
Pressure velocity moving blades. It consists of a nozzle or a
compounding gives the set of nozzles and rows of moving blades
advantage of attached to the rotor or the wheel and rows
of fixed blades attached to the casing
producing a shortened rotor
compared to pure velocity
In this design steam
velocity at exit to the
nozzles is kept
reasonable and thus the
blade speed (hence rotor
Comparison between Impulse &
Reaction Turbine
Impulse turbine Reaction turbine
An impulse turbine has fixed nozzles that Reaction turbine makes use of the reaction
orient the steam flow into high speed jets. force produced as the steam accelerates
Blade profile is symmetrical as no through the nozzles formed by the rotor
pressure drop takes place in the rotor Blades have aerofoil profile (convergent p
blades drop occurs partly in the rotor
Suitable for efficiently absorbing Blades passage) since pressure
the high velocity and high
Efficient at the lower pressure stages
Fine blade tip clearances are necessary due
Steam pressure is constant across the
blades and therefore fine tip clearances are to the pressure leakages
not necessary Inefficient at the high pressure stages
Efficiency is not maintained in the lower due to the pressure leakages around
pressure stages (high velocity cannot be the blade tips
achieved in steam for the lower pressure
stages) Fine tip clearances can cause damage to
the tips of the blades
Losses in Steam Turbine
Profile loss: Due to formation of boundary layer on blade surfaces. Profile loss is a
boundary layer phenomenon and therefore subject to factors that influence boundary layer
development. These factors are Reynolds number, surface roughness, exit Mach number and
trailing edge thickness.
Secondary loss: Due to friction on the casing wall and on the blade root and tip. It
is a boundary layer effect and dependent upon the same considerations as those of profile
Tip leakage loss: Due to steam passing through the small clearances required
between the moving tip and casing or between the moving blade tip and rotating shaft. The
extend of leakage depends on the whether the turbine is impulse or reaction. Due to pressure
drop in moving blades of reaction turbine they are more
prone to leakages.
Disc windage loss: Due to surface friction created on the discs of an impulse
turbine as the disc rotates in steam atmosphere. The result is the forfeiture of shaft power for
an increase in kinetic energy and heat energy of steam
Lacing wire loss: Due to passage blockage created by the presence of lacing wires
in long blade of LP Stages.
Wetness loss: Due to moisture entrained in the low pressure steam at the exit of LP turbine.
The loss is a combination of two effects; firstly, reduction in efficiency due to absorption of
energy by the water droplets and secondly, erosion of final moving blades leading edges.
Annulus loss: Due to significant amount of diffusion between adjacent stages or
where wall cavities occur between the fixed and moving blades. The extent of loss
is greatly reduced at high annulus area ratios (inlet/outlet) if the expansion of the
steam is controlled by a flared casing wall.
Leaving loss: Due to kinetic energy available at the steam leaving from the last
stage of LP turbine. In practice steam does slow down after leaving the last blade,
but through the conversion of its kinetic energy to flow friction losses.
Partial admission loss: Due to partial filling of steam, flow between the blades is
considerably accelerated causing a loss in power.
We shall consider steam as the working fluid
Single stage or Multistage
Axial or Radial turbines
Atmospheric discharge or discharge below atmosphere in condenser
Impulse/and Reaction turbine
• Impulse Turbines
Impulse turbines (single-rotor or multi-rotor) are simple stages of the
turbines. Here the impulse blades are attached to the shaft. Impulse blades
can be recognized by their shape. They are usually symmetrical and have
entrance and exit angles respectively, around 20 ° . Because they are
usually used in the entrance high-pressure stages of a steam turbine, when
the specific volume of steam is low and requires much smaller flow than at
lower pressures, the impulse blades are short and have constant cross
If Va1 ≠ Va2, there will an axial thrust in the flow direction. Assume that Va is constant then,
Wt = UVa (tanα1+ tanα2) (3)
W UV (t β + t β ) (4)
Wt = UVa tanβ1+ tanβ2) Equation (4) is often referred to as the diagram work per unit mass flow and
hence the diagram efficiency is defined as
Work Done – Impulse Steam Turbine
Degree of reaction
Degree of reaction is a parameter that describes the relation
between the energy transfer due to the static pressure change
and the energy transfer due to dynamic pressure change.
Degree of reaction is defined as the ratio of static pressure
drop in the rotor to the static pressure drop in the stage. It is
also defined as the ratio of static enthalpy drop in the rotor to
the static enthalpy drop in the stage
Degree of reaction
Zero reaction stage
Let us first discuss the special
case of zero reaction. According
to the definition
of reaction, When Λ = 0, equation
(upper) reveals that h1 = h2 and
equation (lower) that
β1 = β2.
Fifty percent reaction stage
From equation (16) for Λ = 0.5 α1
= β2 and the velocity diagram is
symmetrical Because of
symmetrical. symmetry, it is also
clear that α2 = β1. For Λ=1/2,
the enthalpy drop in the nozzle
row equals the enthalpy drop in
the rotor.
h0 - h1 = h1 - h2
Blade Height in Axial Flow turbine
The continuity equation m = ρAV may be used to find the blade
height ‘h’. The annular area of flow = πDh. Thus the mass
flow rate through an axial flow turbine is