Eat For Hormonal Health Guide
Eat For Hormonal Health Guide
Eat For Hormonal Health Guide
Hormonal Health
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Table of Contents
EAT YOUR WAY TO HORMONAL HEALTH ..............................................................................8
SYMPTOMS OF HORMONAL IMBALANCE .............................................................................9
Sex Hormones ..............................................................................................................................................................9
Stress Hormones .........................................................................................................................................................9
Thyroid Hormones ...................................................................................................................................................10
Overactive (Hyperthyroidism) ............................................................................................................................10
Underactive (Hypothyroidism) ...........................................................................................................................10
FOODS TO EAT.................................................................................................................................11
Broccoli ........................................................................................................................................................................11
Celery ............................................................................................................................................................................11
Flax Seeds ....................................................................................................................................................................12
Leafy Green Vegetables .........................................................................................................................................12
FOODS TO AVOID...........................................................................................................................13
Alcohol ..........................................................................................................................................................................13
Caffinated Drinks .....................................................................................................................................................13
Processed Oils ...........................................................................................................................................................13
Wheat ...........................................................................................................................................................................14
Dairy ..............................................................................................................................................................................14
Eggs ................................................................................................................................................................................14
Animal Protein...........................................................................................................................................................15
SKIN DEEP .........................................................................................................................................16
SQUEAKY CLEAN- HOW TO CLEAN YOUR SKIN ...............................................................18
YOUR HORMONE DETOX DAY BY DAY PLAN ....................................................................20
DAY 1 ...................................................................................................................................................20
Lemon Elixir ................................................................................................................................................................20
Celery Juice ................................................................................................................................................................20
Berry Beauty ..............................................................................................................................................................21
Green Bean Salad With Cumin Tahini Dressing ...........................................................................................22
Salad With Grilled Salmon ....................................................................................................................................24
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DAY 2 ...................................................................................................................................................27
Blueberry Vanilla Breakfast Bowl......................................................................................................................27
Pineapple Cabbage And Mixed Greens Medley ..........................................................................................28
Roasted Sweet Potato ............................................................................................................................................29
Stuffed Dates .............................................................................................................................................................29
Chicken And Pineapple Skewers ........................................................................................................................30
DAY 3 ...................................................................................................................................................31
Paleo Cereal With Coconut Milk .......................................................................................................................31
Garlic Mint Kale Salad With Roasted Carrots ..............................................................................................32
Creamy Chicken Salad Wrap ...............................................................................................................................33
DAY 4 ...................................................................................................................................................35
Berry Beauty ..............................................................................................................................................................35
Broccoli Tahini Salad ...............................................................................................................................................36
Creamy Spinach And Cucumber Salad ............................................................................................................37
DAY 5 ...................................................................................................................................................39
Creamy Cacao Mint Smoothie Bowl .................................................................................................................39
Orange Tahini Sweet Potato Mash Bowl.........................................................................................................40
Coconut Zucchini And Onion Stew With Sweet Potatoes ......................................................................42
THE FINAL VERDICT ......................................................................................................................44
WORK WITH ME .............................................................................................................................48
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Hello Beauty!
And thank you for downloading your Eat Your Way to Hormonal Health Guide.
We want to lose weight but can’t, and it seems like the extra kilos also create a domino
effect on our lives – depression, low self-esteem, stress, seriously low energy and skin
When you eat all the good foods, and you focus on exercising every day, but still aren’t
seeing results, a hormone imbalance may be the culprit.
And on top of the resistant, stubborn weight, you probably also experience one or more
of these:
• Night sweats
• Hot flashes
• Fibroids
• Ovarian Cysts
• Heavy or irregular periods
• Mood struggles
• Brain fog
• Loss of concentration
• Acne/Psoriasis/Eczema
• Thyroid issues
• Lack of libido
• Constant fatigue
I know how you feel at the end of the day: Like you just want to drag your tired body onto
the couch and give up.
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And let me tell you – I know how frustrating it can be sometimes.
You want to feel healthy again, and energetic, and full of life, sexy and confident, don’t
The body is a machine. And when you find the key to finding the right balance and the
proper way to maintain this amazing machine, your life can change dramatically.
Did you know that there are certain foods that you can eat that will help with all of this?
My name is Dana Dinnawi and I am The Hormone Coach. I help you heal your hormones
naturally using plant-based, grain-free, sugar-free nutrition plans and lifestyle design.
I want to empower you to get out of the cycle of yo-yo dieting and understand--and not
just follow blindly---why and how food works for or against your body.
I want you to take back control of your body, your hormones and your health because
when you do that, you take back control of your life and when THAT happens, you can
create a guilt-free lifestyle that fills you up every. single. day.
And the most important pieces for you are weight loss; energy; focus and CONFIDENCE
in your clothes and how you look.
And while my nutrition programs get results for weight loss, losing inches, and regaining
energy and focus, it was a natural transition for me to focus on just hormonal health
because your hormones, like everything else in your body, has its roots in your nutrition.
Even though I’m a health coach and I know how to eat clean and I’ve created a lifestyle and
profession out of eating healthy, I still found myself stuck when I reached my mid 40’s and
suddenly my body seemed to completely give up on me.
I have personally experienced how that can shake your confidence. All of a sudden my
weight started crawling up again-even though it had been stable for years. It just wouldn’t
budge no matter what I tried. I was eating just fruits, just juicing, drinking water, and
working out a few days a week.
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And I never considered my hormones. Because my period was still on time and showed no
signs of change and because I didn’t have any of the common signs of hormonal imbalance.
Until I got my first night sweat. For several months, it didn’t even register that this was a
‘night sweat’ I thought maybe my husband turned the AC up (we’re always fighting over
the temperature at night—he wants it warmer and I need it cooler). Or sometimes I
thought maybe I’m wearing pajamas that are too heavy.
Never once did I think something’s wrong with my hormones or my body is trying to tell
me something is “off”. And I never linked it to my weight gain.
Right now I have a very different experience—my weight is falling off, no more night
sweats, no more frustration and much more confidence.
We only get one shot at life—where we feel energetic, and confident in our body and
And I know you feel you're ready for change. You’re ready to feel better in yourself. And
you’re ready to try something new.
I created this simple guide to literally eradicate all the lack of knowledge you could
possibly have about hormones and how they affect your day to day life, and how to
maintain hormonal harmony with your body.
This is not another “Health Guru” guide that recommends fad diets, miracle cures, pills and
shakes with the promise that only their cure will work.
If you know anything about me, you know that’s not how I work.
They can heal us and support us when we care for them and learn to listen to their needs.
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You can lose weight and keep it off, regain your glowing skin, strengthen your hormonal
health, get rid of night sweats; detoxify your liver and so much more!
In this guide, you will find 2 main areas for you to focus on changing; your nutrition and
your skin care routine.
Both are KEY for balancing your hormones. I will walk you through each part and give you
basic plans for each area.
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Hormones also control most of the physiological processes in the body, so keeping your
hormones at peak performance is important for your overall well-being. Imbalance in any
of your hormones can cause severe damage to the body and may lead to several
undesirable consequences.
The easiest way to maintain hormonal balance is to eat more foods which combat specific
hormone problems. Different foods can be eaten to regulate different hormones;
therefore, you first need to determine which hormones are out of balance.
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The primary female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Any disturbance in the
normal release of sex hormones can cause several problems, such as:
• Irregularity in periods
• Mood swings
• Skin breakouts
• Weight gain
• Sugar cravings
• Bloating
• Swelling of breasts
• Low libido
• Night sweats
Stress hormones prepare your body for “flight or fight”. In today’s stressful world,
however, our bodies sometimes stay in a constant state of flight, which puts unnecessary
stress and strain on your entire body. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood
pressure while cortisol increases blood sugars. If your stress hormones are imbalanced,
you may experience the following symptoms:
• Adrenal fatigue (muscle weakness, salt cravings, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia)
• Fatigue
• Anxiety
• Inability to sleep
• Panic attacks
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The disturbance in the levels of thyroid hormones can cause multiple symptoms which can
vary, depending on whether your thyroid is overactive or underactive. If the thyroid fails
to function correctly and is left untreated, it can lead to severe health conditions, such as
weight-gain, infertility, and fatty liver.
• Weakness
• Hair loss
• Fatigue
• Weight gain
• Muscle cramps
Now that you know how troubling the imbalance of hormones can be, you must make a
special effort to eat foods which can help regain that hormonal balance.
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Following is the list of the most recommended and beneficial foods for maintaining
healthy hormonal balance. These hormone-nourishing foods will help alleviate your
hormone imbalance and the resulting symptoms. Take a look and eat as many of these as
possible to maintain good physical and emotional health. Also take note that many of
these power foods help more than just one type of hormone, so it’s wise to eat as many of
these foods as possible for overall hormone health. I am also going to share a Day by Day
Eating and Self Care Plan with you starting Page 19.
Avocado is a super healthy fruit which provides you with sufficient beta-sitosterol that can
affect the cholesterol level of the blood. Avocados also help maintain a level of cortisol
which is one of the stress hormones. The avocado’s sterols also influence the
progesterone and estrogen, both of which are the primary regulators of the menstrual
This healthy vegetable is rich in calcium, helps prevent PMS, and is known for maintaining
estrogen levels in the body. Broccoli contains a compound called Diindolylmethane or
DIM for short. DIM enhance estrogen metabolism and helps to eliminate bad estrogens
from your body. For all those ladies who want to block the excessive production of
estrogen, consuming foods rich in DIM can be very helpful.
Celery’s rich organic sodium content has the ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the
joints and holds them in solution until they can be eliminated safely from the kidneys.
Celery is a well known natural diuretic and has ample ability to flush toxins out of the
body. Celery also has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it an essential food
for those who suffer from hormonal imbalances and auto-immune illnesses.
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Flax seed is a major supplier of phytoestrogens including lignans, which work to prevent
some types of cancers. Flax seeds are known best for balancing the progesterone to
estrogen ratio. Along with its beneficial impact on women’s health, flax seeds also assist
with acne. These seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory
properties. Some other significant benefits of these miraculous seeds include reducing
cholesterol, improving heart health, and strengthening of bones.
Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are rich in essential nutrients which
contribute to balancing hormones in the body. These veggies are packed with antioxidants
and consuming more of these can also fight inflammation, which is a root cause of
numerous health issues. Leafy greens also contain magnesium, which can lower your
stress and anxiety by controlling the production of stress hormones. In addition to
improving levels of cortisol, these vegetables are also a great source of iron which is
required for normal thyroid functioning. Moreover, these vegetables can also help to get
estrogen back in balance.
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In addition to including healthy food items in your diet, there are some things that you
should avoid to ensure your hormonal health.
Alcohol can spark hot flashes, but it also affects blood sugar levels and causes a spike in
estrogen. Drinking alcohol in large quantities causes significant hormonal problems
throughout the body.
Just like alcohol, many of the caffeinated beverages like coffee also promote hot flashes
and will stimulate the release of stress hormones. These stress hormones in turn affect
blood sugar and insulin release, which can wreak havoc if it happens too frequently. In
addition to minimizing sugar and alcohol, take a break from caffeinated drinks. Start by
cutting down on the amount of caffeine you ingest, then work on finding healthier
substitutes to get rid of the caffeine altogether.
Oils such as corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil have been processed to create the oil from
the vegetable. Using very high heat and chemicals such as hexane, leaves you with an oil
that is very oxidized, which means it oxidizes in your blood, meaning it turns rancid, which
leads to inflammation in the body, which damages your cells and not only accelerates
aging but can lead to a host of other problems like hormonal imbalance and heart disease.
It is important to cut down sugar intake. Any kind of sugar – including corn syrup, white
sugar, and brown sugar – is known for worsening the hormones, specifically in women.
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Moreover, eating sugar can increase the chances of developing insulin resistance, and the
imbalance of insulin can result in several health issues in both men and women. Not only
will avoiding sugar help to maintain a hormonal balance, but it will be helpful for losing
weight. (NOTE: this does NOT apply to the natural sugar from fruits).
You have substances in your body called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). AGEs
are responsible for speeding up — or slowing down — the aging process in your body and
that includes aging and damage to your organs, your joints and of course, your hormones.
One of the factors that causes the increase in AGE levels in the body is elevated blood
sugar levels, or more specifically, continuously elevated blood sugar levels. When you
consume wheat, even whole-wheat, which is widely believed to be healthy and is
recommended over conventional white flour, your blood sugar level spikes-then crashes.
And it spikes even HIGHER than if you were to consume pure, white table sugar (the other
skin-aging culprit).
The main ingredient in dairy is lactose, another form of sugar. And it raises blood sugar
levels, again, in the same way as wheat or ordinary sugar leading to an increase of AGEs.
The other problem with dairy is hormones. The overwhelming vast majority of commercial
dairy and dairy products today carry the hormones of the cow that produced this dairy as
well as the additional hormones given to this cow so that it can produce abnormal
quantities of milk to fulfill commercial needs. In addition to wrinkles and dull skin, these
hormones contribute to your hormonal imbalance.
Eggs are the hormonal center in all female organisms. They contain the highest
concentration of hormones your body can produce. Which is great, because you need
these eggs to develop into a human. However, when your body has reached a tipping point
with hormones and is unable to process or filter out its OWN hormones, as with dairy and
animal protein, this concentration of hormones from another animal will only contribute
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to your own imbalance and make it that much more difficult to find relief from your
As with Dairy and Eggs, consuming animal protein in excess is consuming hormones from
another animal (made even worse if this animal has had additional hormones injected into
it). Again, when your body has reached a tipping point with hormones and is unable to
process or filter out its OWN hormones, this concentration of hormones from another
animal will only contribute to your own imbalance and make it that much more difficult to
find relief from your symptoms.
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The second part of your hormonal imbalance puzzle are your skin products. This includes
anything you use on your face, your body or your hair.
Did you know that the average woman uses up to 12 products per day containing
anywhere up to 168 toxic ingredients, making one of our most coveted routines – our
morning and evening facial washing rituals – one of the most dangerous if we don’t use the
right products?
That's because your skin is a “breathable” organ. Up to 60% of what you apply topically on
your skin will be absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds.
Most cosmetic companies do NOT list their ingredients, (aka toxic chemicals), because
they are not required to do so. And several of these toxic chemicals are linked to a host of
problems including: allergies, skin rashes, cancer, headaches, fertility and reproductive
issues, birth defects, hormone inhibitors, and more.
Fortunately, heightened awareness and potential dangers have caused consumers to take
a closer look at what they put on their skin and demand safer alternatives.
Take a look at your favorite products and see if you find some of these toxic chemicals
Parabens – often found in deodorants and moisturizers, parabens are hormone inhibitors
and believed to accelerate tumor growth
Artificial fragrance and color – may trigger allergies, asthma, and some colors contain
lead and harmful dyes
Toulene – found in nail polish, hair color products, and some fragrances, this chemical is
linked to kidney and liver damage, which may affect fetal growth
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Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate – a foaming agent found in shampoos and
body/facial washes, it dries out the skin and is linked to eczema, hair- loss, rashes, and dry
and scaly skin.
PEG’s – found in numerous skin and personal care products, this is anti-freeze and should
be used in for your car, not your skin!
Sunscreens –ingredients cause possible damage to DNA and many are known carcinogens
If you wouldn’t EAT it, it doesn’t belong on your SKIN. You can look up what’s in your skin
care products by visiting one of my favorite sites:
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While you clean up your insides (plan coming up), start to get into a new routine of outer
skin care.
The oil cleansing method is one of the safest and easiest ways to clean your face if you
want to avoid exposure to chemicals found in conventional beauty products that harm
your hormones.
Oil cleansing provides your skin with pure hydration and nutrition. it is crucial for you to
skip all of those commercial moisturizers and mineral oils that not only clog your skin, but
contribute to great toxicity and hormone imbalance. What you put on the skin goes inside
your body within seconds, getting into the bloodstream and liver. It would almost be
better if you ingested those through your mouth, allowing at least for digestive enzymes
to jump in and try to save you from the foreign invader.
Absorbed through the skin, your body is defenseless, and all those propylene glycols,
sulfates, parabens, colors, fragrances, and other unrecognizable chemicals make their way
into your liver, corroding it and shortening your lifespan.
One of the first reactions women have to the thought of applying oil to their face,
especially if they have naturally oily or combination skin is that it will make their face more
oily, or cause more breakouts/pimples/blackheads/whiteheads. It’s important to
remember however, that oil is naturally occurring. Our skin produces oil because it needs
it for lubrication, healing, balancing and protection. And oil dissolves oil. This is very
important to remember.
When you use oil to clean an oily face, in this case, castor oil, the oil will break down the
excess build up of oil and rebalance without stripping your skin of its natural moisture.
And oil is not at the root cause of blemishes or skin problems –the root cause of these is an
imbalanced digestive system and gut flora; hormones and bacteria.
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Here’s how this method works. You will need:
• Castor oil (you can also use jojoba or rosehip oil or a combination)
• Coconut oil
• Cotton balls
To start, add a little bit of coconut oil to your cotton ball to clean away any eye makeup if
you’ve got it. Be careful not to get the coconut oil in your eyes. Keep wiping until all traces
of makeup are removed and then use a dry cotton ball to wipe away the excess coconut oil.
At your bathroom sink, turn your faucet on to hot and let the water run and heat up while
you clean the rest of your face. Pour a good amount of castor oil onto your fingertips and
slowly massage it into your skin. You will probably have to do this a few times to cover
your entire face. The oil will feel heavy and sticky but this is normal. Apply it all over your
face almost as if you are applying a mask. Massage it gently in small circular motions to
remove dirt and makeup starting from your forehead and down to your chin.
After you’ve done this for a few minutes, stop and let the castor oil sit on your face for a
few more minutes.
By this time your hot water is ready. Run your washcloth under the hot water and ring it
out very well. Apply your washcloth (it will be hot so be careful) to one section of your face
at a time and hold it on your face until it cools off. Then gently wipe the castor oil off. Rinse
your washcloth and repeat this process until you have cleaned every part of your face.
Keep repeating until all traces of the oil are gone. Simply rinse your washcloth in between
wipes and repeat. Your skin should feel soft and dewy.
You can either end the process here or follow it with all-natural serums and creams.
You can look up what’s in your skin care products by visiting one of my favorite sites:
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Upon waking and every morning, make yourself a hormonal healing lemon elixir.
By drinking warm lemon water, you kick-start your metabolism, alkalize your blood (which
means more oxygen to your cells) and hydrate your body.
If you are using a blender, also remove the leaves, chop the stalks and add 1/2 cup of water
to your blender along with the celery stalks.
Drink this directly after your Lemon Elixir then wait 30 minutes before having breakfast.
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You will have both of these drinks DAILY (during the challenge and for the future).
Before you start your day, set an intention for the day, and say an affirmation. My own
daily affirmation is, “There is no emergency. Slow down. I am complete.” Choose one that
works for you!
• I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe.
Before you sit down to enjoy breakfast, take five deep breaths. By practicing deep
breathing, you are sending oxygen to your cells and resetting your nervous system.
As you have your fabulous smoothie or breakfast option savor every sip. Be present in the
Serves 1-2
1 cup kale
1 1/2 cup water or non-dairy milk like almond, coconut or oat milk
1/2 avocado
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As you leave the house to go to work or generally start your daily routine, turn on some
music. Music is a powerful way to bring your body and mind into a positive state. You can
also buy CD’s or download audios from motivational speakers or spiritual leaders, such as
Gabby Bernstein, Tony Robbins, or Pema Chödrön and listen to their inspiring words.
Let’s fast forward to that mid-morning stomach grumble when you usually hit the coffee
machine or maybe even grab a piece of cake or a cookie. Make sure you have planned for
your day by pre-preparing healthy snacks so you won’t reach for junk. Enjoy your snack,
and chew with delight.
Morning snack
It’s lunchtime. Time to reset the nervous system, so take five deep breaths before you
enjoy your delicious meal.
Serves 2
1 cucumber, chopped
2 cups mixed greens (this can be a mix of any salad greens; different types of lettuce or a
combination of lettuce, spinach, arugula, or herbs like parsley and cilantro)
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Place a large pot of salted water on the stove over medium/high heat. Cover and bring to a
boil. Once the water is boiling, add green beans. Boil for about 5 minutes until tender.
Drain and rinse.
¼ cup tahini
2 lemons, juiced
¼ cup water
Mix the ingredients in a small bowl. You can store in an airtight container for up to 5 days.
In a large bowl, add in onion, green beans, cucumber, cabbage, and mixed greens. Drizzle
with the Tahini Dressing on top and mix well.
Are you feeling relaxed yet? You are halfway through your day, and you are doing great.
Make sure you chew your food, and don’t overeat. You need at least 30% empty space in
the stomach for optimal digestion.
Now you are nearing the afternoon, when many people get tired, but not today! You are
going to munch on the afternoon snack I suggest to give you a boost of energy.
Afternoon snack
Half a roasted sweet potato with 1 teaspoon of almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.
Almost done… You are coming home for the day. Make sure you give yourself some time to
release the stress from your day. Take a minute to think about the day and how you can
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leave it behind you. Did somebody upset you today, or are you feeling content? Tap into
whatever you are feeling, and be present for this feeling. Then, enjoy your dinner!
Serves 4-5
1 scallion, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
Sautéed Salmon
1 salmon steak
1 teaspoon paprika
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1 onion, minced
Place the salmon in a mixing bowl, and if applicable, remove the large bone in the center of
the fish. Add the cumin, paprika, cayenne (optional) and sea salt. Mix well. Coat the salmon
steak well. Roast in the oven at 350 C for approximately 20-30 minutes.
After dinner, if you need to take an extra few minutes of alone time, do so.
Remember, we must take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else.
Do you see how different life can feel with a few small changes? It’s about managing your
vital life force and taking mini-breaks to tune into your true self.
We are moving out of the emergency state into a calm existence where you can access
true freedom in your body and mind.
Tonight, I want you to do something nice for yourself, which can mean:
• Reading a book
• Watching your favorite TV show
• Enjoying your favorite herbal tea with a spoonful of raw honey
• Taking a luxurious bath or a long shower
• Watching a good movie
• Saying some extra affirmations or watching inspiring YouTube videos
• Calling a loved one to catch up
See, we covered it all! You really can go from feeling depleted to energized in just 24
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Remember, you can thrive in this non-stop world by mastering simple tools for simplifying
your life. It’s as easy as giving yourself a break from the modern “emergency” state by
eating the right foods and practicing deliberate self-care.
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Start with your Lemon Elixir and Celery Juice and be sure to follow all the daily steps
outlined in Day 1!
Serves 1
1 cup fresh blueberries (you can also use frozen; or any berries like strawberries, or
raspberries, fresh or frozen)
Morning snack
Serves 1
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Serves 4
1 onion, chopped
4 cups chopped mixed greens (this can be a mix of any salad greens; different types of
lettuce or a combination of lettuce, spinach, arugula, or herbs like parsley and cilantro)
Place a large soup pot over medium heat. Add oil, onion and garlic. Sauté for about 3
minutes, then add cabbage. Sauté for about 5 minutes until it wilts down.
Stir in pineapple. Season with salt and pepper and mix well before serving with the mixed
greens alongside roasted sweet potato.
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Serves 4
Place the sweet potatoes into a baking pan. Bake for about 45 minutes. Remove from the
oven and prick the center with a fork or knife. If it slides through easily then the sweet
potato is ready to eat. If there is still some resistance, bake for an additional 10 to 15
Afternoon snack
Serves 1
3 dates, pitted
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Place the dates on a small plate. Split them in half, lengthwise. Stuff with sunflower seeds.
Lightly spice with cinnamon and serve.
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Serves 2
170- 225 gms boneless skinless hormone-free/organic chicken breasts, cut into 1 1/2 inch
wooden skewers
Soak wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes. Combine the garlic, mustard, lemon juice,
salt, pepper and chicken in a bowl and let marinate while the skewers soak.
Preheat the oven to 425F/220C. Prepare the kabobs by threading the chicken, pineapple,
onion and carrots onto the wooden skewers. Discard the remaining marinade.
Line a baking sheet with tin foil. Place a cooling rack on top. Line up the skewers on cooling
rack with about an inch between each one. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn over once and bake
for 10-15 minutes longer, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle.
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Start with your Lemon Elixir and Celery Juice and be sure to follow the steps outlined in
Day 1!
Serves 2
1 cup almonds
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 apple, diced
Place almonds and walnuts in food processor and chop until desired consistency and then
place in bowl, add chia seeds or flax meal, toasted coconut, diced apple, cinnamon and bee
pollen if using. Store mixture in an airtight container.
Serve cereal with coconut milk for a cold version or place ingredients in a pot with milk,
warm and serve.
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Morning snack
Serves 2
1 pound/1/4kg carrots
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Slice up the carrots and place them in a large mixing bowl. Coat with oil. Season with
cumin powder, sea salt, and black pepper. Mix well and layer onto a baking sheet. Bake for
about 20 minutes until brown. Remove from the oven and set to the side to cool.
Next, add kale to a large mixing bowl. Top with lemon juice, garlic, avocado, sea salt, black
pepper, onion, and mint. Massage with clean hands until the kale is wilted. Sprinkle in the
seeds . Top with roasted carrots.
Afternoon snack
Serves 2
Serves 2
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juice of one lime
Preheat oven to 400F/205C. Season chicken with salt and pepper, place chicken on a lined
baking sheet. Place in the oven and cook for 20 minutes, flip chicken and cook another
10-15 minutes, until cooked through. Remove from oven and let cool.
While the chicken is cooking, add the chopped cucumber, avocado, cilantro and lime juice
in a large bowl and mix well, season with salt and pepper.
Cut the chicken up into 1-inch cubes and add to the mixture in the bowl. Serve mixture
over mixed greens or wrapped in leaves.
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Start with your Lemon Elixir and Celery Juice and be sure to follow the steps outlined in
Day 1!
Serves 1-2
1 cup kale
1 1/2 cup water or non-dairy milk like almond, coconut or oat milk
1/2 avocado
Morning snack
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Serves 1
Place a medium-sized pot on the stove with about 1-inch of water. Add a steam basket.
Turn the fire on medium heat. Add broccoli and cover. Steam the broccoli for 3 to 5
minutes until tender. Remove broccoli from the pot and set to the side to cool.
Alternatively, you could also boil the broccoli.
2 tablespoons tahini
2 lemons, juiced
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Add ingredients to a small bowl and mix well. Add a few tablespoons of water if the
dressing is too thick.
Place all the ingredients in a large bowl; the onion, cucumber, broccoli, tomatoes, olives,
and arugula. Drizzle with dressing and mix evenly.
Afternoon snack
Serves 2
Serves 4
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1 16-ounce bag of frozen spinach or fresh
1 bunch scallions
2 lemons, juiced
Cook the sweet potatoes if you have not already done so.
Add oil to a large sauté pan over medium heat. Then add onion, garlic, ginger, sea salt,
black pepper, and curry powder. Sauté for about 3 minutes, then add frozen spinach and
milk. Mix well and cook until the spinach is wilted.
To make the salad, add cucumbers, scallions, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice, sea
salt, and black pepper to a large mixing bowl. Stir well and let it marinate in the
refrigerator up to 15 minutes.
Serve the spinach over the roasted sweet potatoes with salad on the side.
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Start with your Lemon Elixir and Celery Juice and be sure to follow the steps outlined in
Day 1!
Serves 2
1 avocado
1 frozen banana
1 banana sliced
Add avocado, frozen banana, cacao powder, almond butter, milk, spinach, and mint to a
high speed blender. Blend until smooth. Divide between two bowls. Top with cacao nibs,
sliced banana, and berries.
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Morning snack
Serves 2
Serves 4
1 teaspoon cinnamon
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2 cups cooked lentils
2 avocados
2 tablespoons tahini
2 lemons, juiced
Add ingredients to a small bowl and mix well. Add a few tablespoons of water if the
dressing is too thick.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F/205 C. Roast the sweet potatoes if you have not
already done so.
Add fennel, broccoli, and bell peppers to a mixing bowl. Coat with 2 tablespoons of oil.
Season with sea salt and black pepper. Mix well and layer onto a baking sheet. Bake for
about 20 minutes. Turn over the vegetables with a spatula and bake for an additional 10
minutes or until tender. Remove from the oven and set to the side to cool.
Roughly chop up the roasted sweet potatoes (with or without the skin) and add them to a
medium-sized pot over medium/low heat. Add orange juice, cinnamon, scallions, sea salt,
black pepper, and 1 tablespoon of oil. Use a fork to mash up the sweet potatoes to your
desired consistency.
Divide the sweet potato mash between 4 serving bowls. Top with roasted vegetables,
lentils, ground flax seeds, and sliced avocado. Drizzle tahini dressing over the top and
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Afternoon snack
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Coat the apple slices with coconut oil and season with cinnamon. Bake for 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and set to the side to cool. Eat immediately or store in an airtight
container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Serves 4
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Add oil to a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions. Lightly season with sea salt. Sauté
for about 15 minutes. Add in fennel. Continue to sauté for an additional 10 minutes.
Finally, add in zucchini. Season with thyme, sea salt, and black pepper. Add coconut milk.
Mix well and let it simmer for about 10 minutes to allow the mixture to thicken. Serve the
mixture over roasted sweet potatoes.
Remember, you can thrive in this non-stop world by mastering simple tools for simplifying
your life and your health and beauty routine.
It’s as easy as giving yourself a break from the modern“emergency” state by eating the
right foods and practicing deliberate self-care.
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Your health is in your hands. You alone are responsible for the food choices you make. One
of the major contributors to good health is balanced hormones and any hindrance in the
release of hormones or overproduction of these chemicals can be detrimental to your
Several problems can arise due to an imbalance of hormones and you may experience
some painful symptoms. Therefore, it is vital that you pay close attention to your
endocrine health. The most effective way to control endocrine health is by controlling
your diet.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I haven't dieted since I was a teen, and I
Helen Fitness
enjoy food and wine far too much to limit
myself. I consider them the great joys of
life. Although in general, I do not eat badly, I
have been increasingly aware that I eat a
lot of cheese and bread, and that there are
alternative ways to eat that might be better
for me. The gradual phased program of
Dana's program was a gentle process, and it
didn't feel like the 'scarcity' diets I
remember of my teen years. It is simply
changing how I eat – a more abundant
regime. The support was great, and I can
dip into this type of eating any time I like
balancing it with my love of fine dining. I
feel less bloated, my digestion functions
better, and although not the primary goal, I
have lost almost 8 kgs. It has stayed off as I
have been able to incorporate clean eating
on a more regular basis. I'm pretty much off
cheese and bread (but I don't beat myself
up when I do eat them.) I share Dana's page
with everyone! It is such an accessible way
of eating.
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I am a 44 years old woman. A mother of three children in
different, but very critical ages (21,19,and 15) which fills my life
with a lot of challenges. Not only that, we had to relocate to
Thailand which changed all my life setup after being all
contained in one continent. I now have one child in Spain,
another in Cairo and the third is living with me in Thailand. In
addition to that, I gave up on my teaching job that I have been
really passionate about for more that 13 years. I fell into the
circle of stress. I was always edgy and my weight was going up
putting more stress on me. At one point, I felt that I lost control
and I’m losing it all.
“Why can’t I eat whatever I like without gaining weight? For sure
God gave us all of this good food to enjoy and not regret eating
it? Why can’t I get rid of the extra kilos that I’ve gained for good?”
I hated to look at myself in the mirror. I was stressed out trying
to manage my life and my kids, but the more I thought I was in
control, the more stressed out I became. All of that didn’t make
sense to me and I was trying to find an answer to all my
problems. For sure God created us to be able to endure and
manage all our life stages. For sure, God created our
sophisticated body to be able to digest, and eliminate what it
wants and what it doesn’t?
Omneya Azmy for my body and myself? Am I giving myself the right care and
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Hi, I’m Dana Dinnawi.
I help you heal instead of diet; and teach you how to eat
for life so you can regain your energy and self-confidence
to refocus on yourself and create a guilt-free lifestyle that
fills you up daily.
Because once you realize that it’s the choices you make
that hold you back or fuel you forward, the possibilities
are limitless.
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Learn more at
Email: [email protected]
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