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English SBA For CSEC

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The main topic is “Sex Crimes”, and my subtopic is “Child Pornography”. My group chose

“sex crimes” because it is a very huge factor in our world today and many teenagers are not

educated on these horrendous crimes enough. As a student of English this SBA can help me to

improve my problem-solving abilities and give me a greater comprehension of how language

works, and it’s uses. My intention is to use academic sources to collect relevant information on

my topic, “child pornography”. The artefacts that will be used to help me with my title are

poetry, short story, and video.


Her soul begged to refuse to pose

in the middle of amused, exploitative men ~
Her very strength broke down,
A prepubescent
Image’s abused~
Horrendous cries followed
From her young, innocent mouth;
Pleading for help~
A picture depicting hell.
She was blindfolded
When he penetrated her.
She cried her loudest cry;
A child’s cry but~
The world must be unfeeling
To be drawn to a child’s anguish,
To such brutal molestation.
Behind the cameras
Producers laughed~
The show stopped
So did her spirit.
The film was finished…
And all that was left~
Was a tape,
To satisfy the desires
Of the pedophiles?
Another life lost,
Sexually victimized, 
she will never recover.
A Girl Child Victim of
Child Pornography
By Women’s UN Report Network
 Link for the poem


Transcript for video the examples used in reflections is highlighted:
“So, I'm here, today because I'm a mama and I have two
baby girls well good on babies but I
think they are James and Nina's and they
are my world and I would do anything to
protect them I would literally die for
them without a moment's thought and for
those of you who have children, I think.
you know what I'm talking about I mean
if you if you think of what you would do
for your child there's I don't think
there's anything you wouldn't ask of
yourself so it got me thinking you know
what is the value of a single child's
life and what is the value of a child's
life who isn't our own like what is
her little life worth or his little
white life for you know and the
sexual exploitation of children is
something that isn't happening rarely
it's not happening worlds away it's
happening right here and right now so to
show you guys that while I'm talking
there's a map right here and if you guys
look up at this map every time a dot
shows up is it like what's happening hmm

oh, there you go there you go now they
have its life so every time I dot shows
up that is someone that's trading or
viewing child pornography right now as
we speak so that's how prevalent
this is and I didn't really know what
child pornography was you know we all
sort of have an idea of it and I was
afraid to ask as a mother you know
because it would be very painful to
hear and I felt like I had to ask though
and I feel like I have to share it with
you guys now and it's it is
it is disturbing and I want to warn you
but I feel it's my responsibility to
tell you guys because it is the truth
and I believe if we all knew this, we
would dedicate much more of ourselves to
stopping it so when I when I asked what
child pornography entailed yes, it's
nude images of boys and girls under the
age of 18 but now because of high-speed
Internet it's also videos very
prominently and videos of kids and by
kids I mean prepubescent visibly
prepubescent and they make the
distinction because of the
Internet and there's so much content

these pedophiles are desensitized
because of that the kids are getting
younger and the content is getting that
much more devastating so when this law
enforcement officer told me this I asked
him how young are the young kids
he's seeing and he told me infants and I
have a six-month-old baby so I said what
does that mean you know like what is an
infant mean and he said with the
umbilical cord still attached I know
it's so devastating to hear this and I'm
really sorry to share this but I'm
grateful that you guys are listening
because this is actually happening and
it's important that we know this and
that it resonates with us so that we
think about this and in our days and in
our personal life so I ask them what
happens in these videos and you know
unspeakable things happen but I'm again
going to speak about them because I feel
like if these kids are experiencing this
the least that they deserve is for us to
hear whatever is actually happening to
them so no it's not just touching there
is there is penetration there is extreme
torture and bondage there's bestiality

which is having an animal penetrate the
child or infant there is incest I mean
they said you think of it anything you
can think of it's out there and it's
being traded and it's 30 to 50 million
files a day being traded that we know of
I mean you can see what's happening
right now, and this is happening to
any child and every child
you know 90% of children know them
abusers so you know our children are at
risk you may know this person
may be a doctor and maybe a coach you
know III thought that I thought that
people that were working with children
were people that wanted to protect them
but oftentimes these people who have
this propensity for wanting to lower
children and they find out a profession
that gives them access to children and
and lots of them and ideal victims
are young children because they can't
speak up and they don't make great
witnesses if they do only 10% of
children actually do speak up once
they've been abused so what's incredible
about the child rescue Coalition is that
they are proactive they don't wait for

these children to speak up they can
identify these pedophiles they can
see the IP address that's trading
this child pornography they don't know
there are no privacy issues there's no big
brother Inge they see the IP address of
who's trading these files and they give
that to law enforcement and the trading
of these files is a felony so law
enforcement can knock on that person's
door and see if that person has
access to a child because the average
abuser abuses between 50 and 100
children in their lifetime per person
per abuser
and the average person that the view
is child pornography between 55 and 90
percent of people viewing it are.
actually, hands-on abusers or will become
abusers and you know you think that.
sounds like a lot fifty to a hundred.
maybe that's unrealistic but the kids.
aged out of the age that they stay.
silent or they age out of the sexual
preference of the predator”.
LINK TO VIDEO//...//..

Short story by Kaitlin Menza.
What Happens When You're the One Being Photographed for Child Porn: A Victim Shares Her
It's easy to feel shock and disgust over the recent headlines about Jared Fogle's child
pornography crimes. It's more difficult to grasp the fallout for the children themselves. Here, one
woman looks back at her own harrowing past—and her drive to change the future.
As told to Kaitlin Menza
Aug 28, 2015
The images have no beginning and no end. As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults
touching me, giving me something to drink. I see lingerie in miniature sizes. My earliest
memories are of being forced to pose for child pornography, of being sexually abused.
I grew up near a major interstate highway. My abuser would bring me to rest stops so truckers
could rape me. He connected with them via CB radio, and would bring me in a van so the deed
could be done right there along the highway or pick up the trucker and drive them back to
wherever I was waiting. I remember them, from when I was just six years old.
There were photos and "parties," too. I was made to dress in lingerie and then brought to
warehouses, where men would be gathered with cameras. Other kids were there, too. We were
given alcohol or injected with drugs to make sure we stayed calm, hazy, compliant.
I don't remember protesting; I remember thinking this was normal. I didn't know any better. It
wasn't until maybe sixth grade, when I was socializing with other kids at their homes and with
their families, that I realized my life wasn't like theirs. None of my friends went to warehouses.
None of them were touched.
As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults touching me, giving me something to drink.
I see lingerie in miniature sizes.
"This isn't fun anymore," I remember telling my abuser. It had never been fun, but the parties and
touching were always framed as a privilege. You're such a special girl, he'd say. That's why you
get to go to parties. That's why you get to have your photo taken. Since he cared about me so
much, I thought he would of course allow me to bow out if I wasn't enjoying myself. Instead, he
left my life. The abuse was over by middle school.
My coping mechanism was to bury myself in schoolwork. I was determined to go to college,
which wasn't very common in my small town. My dedication to homework didn't win me any
popularity awards, but I had a couple of friends in high school. I even had some boyfriends.
I was drawn to classes where I learned about gender and the psychology of abuse. I decided to
pursue a Master's degree in gender and cultural studies. Researching prostitution and sex
trafficking helped me put my own puzzle together. Truck stops are havens for child abuse, I
learned—there is even a group called Truckers Against Trafficking to help end the association
and eliminate the business.
One of my favorite professors told me, "We study our pain." I certainly studied mine. I read that
child abuse and these horrifying sex rings are about power and money, like everything else. The
abusers need to feel powerful. The facilitators—photographers, parents, even police officers—
need to get rich.
My abuser was well connected—it was the only way to keep hidden the fact that there was a
warehouse in our town hosting sex parties for pedophiles.

It can be paralyzing to consider this kind of collusion. Is anyone trustworthy? Is any town safe?
Do all humans have the capacity for such depraved behavior? Instead of making me feel worse,
studying these patterns helps me cope. Many sexual abusers were themselves abused; it makes
them feel powerful to turn around and do it to someone else, to inflict their childhood trauma on
another child. It can feel exciting to them to keep this secret, to perpetuate it.
Given my past, I'm never surprised when I find out someone is a pedophile or a sex offender.
Not teachers, not public figures, not celebrities like Jared Fogle or Josh Duggar.
I threw myself into my work as a research scientist and advocate to try to make the cycle stop.
By the age of 30, I was able to open myself up to a social life—and even, eventually, a husband.
I came with a lot of baggage, but he saw me as I wanted to see myself.
We adopted a son, who is now 10 years old. He came from a foster home, and in a way we may
have saved him from abuse of his own. What does he know about my past? Only that "mommy
had a hard childhood," and that my job is to "keep kids safe." Maybe someday I'll tell him the
full story.
Now, I'm even more horrified by the concept of child abuse. My role as a parent is to protect, and
sometimes the mama bear comes out. Given my past, I'm never surprised when I find out
someone is a pedophile or a sex offender. Not teachers, not public figures, not celebrities like
Jared Fogle or Josh Duggar. I will occasionally get a creepy sense about someone—a vibe or
demeanor that is consistent with both my memories and my research. I don't always make
accusations, but I've had many difficult private conversations. Don't leave your child alone with
that man, I'll advise a fellow parent. Just trust me on this. I don't want to publicly ruin a person's
life if I don't have clear evidence that they are abusive, but I do want to protect my child and any
child I can.
People's sixth senses about these things are often correct. When I've shared my story and named
my abuser with people in my hometown, they nod. Yeah, I always thought something was going
on there, they'll say. Then why didn't you say anything?! my brain screams. It's the only things
that moves me forward: You have to say something. You have to ask the kids. Ask the person.
Ask the police. Send in a tip. Raise a question. I had something to say, and I'm saying it now.

Due to the sensitive nature of her story, our subject has requested to remain anonymous, and
we've removed identifying details from her account.
Link to short story


Preliminary to beginning of my SBA I had prior knowledge of child pornography but while
browsing through the internet I came upon a speech by the well-known Blake Lively and really
got the true understanding on this crime. In my poem” The Girl Child”, the main idea was to tell
the readers how victims of this horrendous crime feel after. In my video the main idea of Blake
Lively’s speech was to inform her audience about the large issue of child pornography in our
world today. The main idea of my short story entitled “What Happens When You're the One
Being Photographed for Child Porn: A Victim Shares Her Story “were how the victim felt and
how the crime occurs. After reading and listening to each artefact I gained more knowledge on
how frequent this barbaric crime is in our world today and become more contrived to help stop it.


Artefact 1 is a poem, artefact 2 is a video and artefact 3 is a short story. The purpose of the poem
was to inform the readers of how the victim feel afterwards. The author used imagery,”
horrendous cries followed from her young innocent mouth” using descriptive words assisted to
achieve their purpose. The video purpose was to inform viewers of child pornography and to
persuade them to stop it. The speaker used persuasive techniques, imagery, “no it's not just
touching there is there is penetration there is extreme torture and bondage”, describing the crime
vividly helped the speaker to persuade and inform the audience. In my short story the purpose
was too inform readers about the victim’s feeling during and after this crime. A language
technique used were rhetorical questions, “Is anyone trustworthy?” the author used this to
express her idea which helped the author to achieve the main purpose.


I gained a lot of knowledge on child pornography and how it can be prevented. Child
pornography can be prevented by not posting nude or semi-nude pictures on social media
platforms as it can be taken and converted into child porn. While doing research on my topic it
encouraged me to always be nice and observant to my friends and classmates in case they are in
this situation. Several children are victims of this barbaric crime hence the reason a few children
act grown and insecure. Working in a group helped me to develop key critical-thinking,
communication and decision-making skills, as my group were effortless to cope with and help
each other. During my research I had to read, evaluate, and find the necessary information for
my sub-topic which helped me refresh my summary writing skills and my problem-solving
abilities increased upon completion of this SBA.

During my oral presentation, I did a expository speech based on child pornography and how it
can be prevented or even stopped. The language used in my expository speech were standard
English which helped my listeners to get a clear understanding about my topic. A power point
presentation which includes a short video from YouTube were used as a source to express my
topic understandably.
TOPIC: Child pornography
GENRE: Expository Speech
SOURCES: Power point presentation and YouTube

The power point presentation used is linked below.

Aaliyah Lewis oral

presentation power point .pptx

The topic that our group chose was “Sex Crimes” and the subtopics were Rape, Child
Pornography, Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sexual Assault. The search for our
artifacts were challenging since it was difficult to know if the information was factual and
relevant to our selected topics. Our group decided on these artifacts because they were
expressive and gave real life scenarios of how these victims felt throughout this gruesome
Of our fifteen artifacts, we were able to select three pieces that best captivated the topic in its
entirety. “The girl child” by Women’s UN report is a poem that was published on July 7th
2014, we chose this artifact because it is gave a very clear understanding of how child
pornography occurs and how the victim feels afterwards. Our second artifact is a song by
Lady Gaga “Til It happens To You” published on September 18th, 2015 we decided on this
because it gave us an insight on the thoughts that run through the minds of a rape victim. The
article “Sold off as a Prostitute in Trinidad” was published by Nayrobis Rodriguez on May
16 th 2020. This is our final piece because it shows the blindsided truth of prostitution that is
happening right in our backyard “Venezuela”. These artifacts, helped us to understand that
anyone can be a victim to these sex crimes no matter age, gender, or status.
Due to the Pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, restrictions were put in place preventing
us from being able to meet physically. Therefore, we found an alternative way to discuss and
work together which was through meeting virtually via zoom calls. During these calls we
would communicate and merge our ideas. This group report has improved our
communicative skills tremendously as well as our creative thinking and adaptative skills.

Name: The Girl Child
Author: Women’s UN Report
Source: Link For Poem
Year of Publication: 2014
Her soul begged to refuse to pose
in the middle of amused, exploitative men ~
Her very strength broke down,
A prepubescent
Image’s abused~
Horrendous cries followed
From her young, innocent mouth;
Pleading for help~
A picture depicting hell.
She was blindfolded
When he penetrated her.
She cried her loudest cry;
A child’s cry but~
The world must be unfeeling
To be drawn to a child’s anguish,
To such brutal molestation.
Behind the cameras
Producers laughed~
The show stopped
So did her spirit.
The film was finished…
And all that was left~
Was a tape,
To satisfy the desires
Of the pedophiles?
Another life lost,
Sexually victimized, 
she will never recover.
A Girl Child Victim of
Child Pornography
By Women’s UN Report Network

Name: Til It Happens To You

Author: Lady Gaga
Source:Link For Song
Year of Publication: 2017
You tell me it gets better, it gets better in time

You say I'll pull myself together, pull it together
You'll be fine
Tell me what the hell do you know
What do you know
Tell me how the hell could you know
How could you know
'Til it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
'Til it happens to you, you won't know
It won't be real
No it won't be real
Won't know how it feels
You tell me hold your head up
Hold your head up and be strong
'Cause when you fall, you gotta get up
You gotta get up and move on
Tell me, how the hell could you talk
How could you talk?
'Cause until you walk where I walk
It's just all talk
'Til it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
'Til it happens to you, you won't know
It won't be real (how could you know?)

Name: Sold Off As A Prostitute In Trinidad
Author: Nayrobis Rodriguez
Source :Link For Article
Year of Publication: 2020

Yosqueili was 16 years old when she and her cousin were offered $2000 so they could travel
abroad, send money to their families, buy clothes, and live somewhere where “plenty of
food” was promised. She was born in a Güiria barrio, in Venezuela’s Paria peninsula, and the
offer meant way more than anything she had ever had in a life plagued by shortcomings and
On the night of April 23rd, 2019, she boarded a boat with 37 other people, and found out
what was her real destination: a brothel on the island of Trinidad.
Too much weight, a defective boat, and an unskilled captain wrapped in a human trafficking
ring resulted in a catastrophic shipwreck in Boca Dragón, an area known for its rough,
unforgiving tides.
Yosqueili was one of nine survivors. She held on to a gas canister for two days, the beginning
of a nightmare that didn’t end with her rescue. She told herself once and again that she’d
never go out to sea, not even to the beach, and just embraced her mother tightly. Yosqueili’s
mother, Keyla, is a 38-year-old local member of the militia, who went straight to the
Prosecutor’s Office, along with a group of people, to request an investigation against those
involved in the prostitution ring taking the girls to Trinidad. Thirteen people were arrested
then, including two National Guard officers, her daughter’s kidnapper, and his girlfriend.
But pressing charges against the trafficking ring had disastrous consequences for Yosqueili
and Keyla.
Residents in Güiria know the town isn’t safe. The peaceful appearance and warm and
colonial streets of this seashore area is underscored with citizens who prefer to remain silent,
afraid of retaliation.
On the night of April 23rd, 2019, she got on a boat with 37 other people, and found out what
was her real destination: a brothel on the island of Trinidad.
There isn’t just one human trafficking ring working on attracting women to take them to
Trinidad and Tobago as prostitutes. Many are involved in this business and at different levels.
25-year-old René (not his real name) is in charge of falsifying passports for those trying to
leave Güiria for Trinidad illegally. He does that same job for those who traffic underage girls
to bars on the Antille island for $200.
“The boats leave at all times of day, secretly. For the most part, no more than ten are on the
list they show to the authorities when arriving in Trinidad, but there’s a lot more people on
the boat, mostly girls. After they leave La Playita dock, they stop at other local ports for more
passengers,” René says.

His job is to find people with passports and write down those names on the list, to comply
with a formality of sorts so the boat can actually dock at a Trinitarian port, usually at
“Anyone who finds a woman for prostitution in Trinidad can make up to $300, and the more

they find, the more they make,” René claims. “That’s why they focus on teenage girls and
younger women in other places along the Venezuelan coast like Cumaná, Carúpano, Maturín,
and other nearby towns.”
“Many of the women know they’re going to Trinidad,” says Rosmy, a former secretary who
used to recruit women looking to make money on the island. “Not all of them, but several do.
They have to send nude pictures, like a portfolio, showing off each part of their bodies. The
potential buyer in Trinidad has to approve them and see if they need some kind of surgery.
They pay for those touch-ups, clothes, housing, cell phones, and food, but the girls must pay
it all back with work. Only then they can begin to work on their own.”
In Güiria, everyone knows there are small hotels that only house young girls before they are
sent to Trinidad. The network includes people who use their vehicles to move them around.
Once they arrive at the town from their respective communities, girls are given
accommodation and food, while the quota of women to be shipped on small fishing boats
with few (or none) safety measures is reached.

Yosqueili and her cousin Inés were taken to one of those hotels the first time. On the
afternoon of April 22nd, 2019, they were both sitting in front of their house when Nano, an
acquaintance of her cousin, asked them if they wanted to go to Trinidad to work at a store. He
would pay for the tickets.
They have to send nude pictures, like a portfolio, showing off each body part. The potential
buyer in Trinidad has to approve them and see if they need some kind of surgery.
Without telling anyone, they agreed and he picked them up that same night, driving them to
the hotel. Once inside the room, Nano and his girlfriend forbade them to talk on the phone or
look out the window. They would have sailed that very night, but the boat had issues.
While Keyla was looking for her daughter all over town, Yosqueili was locked up until the
following night. On April 23rd at 11:00 p.m., they made it to sea and it was only then, after
listening to other women talk, that they found out they were being sex trafficked. The sinking
of the Jhonaili José boat the following day saved Yosqueili from that fate. But when she
accused her captors and gave details of the human trafficking ring, she became exposed to
other dangers.
She was summoned endless times to the Prosecutor’s Office, in Carúpano, Venezuela’s
eastern coast, a three-hour bus ride from her hometown. This was a trip they couldn’t often
afford since they barely had enough money to eat.
“I had to go because they threatened me with arrest,” the teenager said in interviews that took
place in 2019.

She wanted to go live with her grandmother in Caracas, but the judicial process prevented it.
Neither she nor her mom wanted to stay in town out of fear of what could happen to them.
And that’s how 2020 came along. Two weeks after the quarantine imposed by Nicolás
Maduro’s administration began, a group of people entered Keyla’s humble home.
“They had clubs and knives, they hit me and my daughter. They told her: ‘come with us and
we’ll leave your mom alone.’ I ran out to look for the police, but they didn’t listen to me. I
went back home and they had taken my daughter, she wasn’t there.”

None of the authorities paid attention to Keyla’s complaint. A few days later, some
acquaintances told her that the girl was in Trinidad. “She was taken by people working with
those she accused,” the mother claims.
During the last week of April, Yosqueili managed to call for a few minutes, using another
girl’s phone:
“Mom, I’m in Trinidad. They sold me for $300.”
That’s all Keyla heard.


Report, W. U. (2014, July 7). Women's UN Report Network. Retrieved from WUNRN:

Lively, B. (2017, April 22). Variety. Retrieved from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Menza, K. (2015, August 28). Marie Claire. Retrieved from What Happens When You're the One Being
Photographed for Child Porn: A Victim Shares Her Story:

Gaga, L. (2017, July 31). Youtube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Rodríguez, N. (2020, May 16). Caracas Chronicles. Retrieved from


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