Pediatric Atlas Of: Ultrasound-And Nerve Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Pediatric Atlas Of: Ultrasound-And Nerve Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Pediatric Atlas Of: Ultrasound-And Nerve Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Santhanam Suresh Editors
Pediatric Atlas of
Ultrasound- and Nerve
Regional Anesthesia
Pediatric Atlas of Ultrasound- and Nerve
Stimulation-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Ban C.H. Tsui • Santhanam Suresh
Springer Science+Business Media LLC New York is part of Springer Science+Business Media (
We would like to dedicate this edition of the book to our patients, our
teachers, our students, and our families. In addition, Dr. Tsui would
especially like to express his deepest appreciation of the great encouragement
provided to him during his academic career by his father, Woon-Tak Tsui,
who he lost suddenly during the preparation of this edition.
Ban C.H. Tsui, MD
Santhanam Suresh, MD
Over the past 30 years, pediatric regional anesthesia has come of age. There is now a large and
rapidly growing body of information regarding the impact of development on pain responses,
local anesthetic pharmacology, and the adaptation of a full range of regional anesthetic tech-
niques for infants and children. There is also a quickly expanding literature on safety and
efficacy from registries and clinical trials. Thirty years ago, in most pediatric centers world-
wide, regional anesthesia was used for only a small fraction of surgeries. Today, it is an essen-
tial part of pediatric anesthetic and analgesic management throughout the world. For children
in tertiary centers in highly developed countries, regional anesthesia is recognized as an essen-
tial component of multimodal analgesic regimens that seek to provide pain relief with move-
ment; diminish opioid use, with a corresponding reduction in opioid side-effects; and facilitate
early mobilization, early enteral feeding, and early hospital discharge. Some preliminary stud-
ies in infant humans and infant animals suggest that regional anesthesia may have an impact
on preventing prolonged changes in central nervous system responses to surgical trauma. In
lower resource settings, pediatric regional anesthesia is more often used as a primary anes-
thetic approach, based on considerations of cost, safety, and reduced need for postoperative
intensive care. In the face of ongoing controversy over the impact of general anesthetics on the
developing brain, regional anesthesia has a growing role for neonates, infants, and toddlers as
an approach to limiting general anesthetic dosing and overall exposure.
Ban Tsui and Santhanam Suresh have been pioneers in this effort, and it is fitting that they
are co-editing this wonderful textbook. Both editors have made fundamental innovations in the
field over the past 20 years, and both continue to innovate and to mentor to a new generation
of investigators and clinicians.
This book is superb in every way. As an atlas, it is first-rate. Anatomic drawings, diagrams,
photos, and ultrasound images are combined in ways that masterfully guide the reader. The
introductory sections outline the physics behind nerve stimulation and ultrasound in a way that
is both sophisticated and highly practical for the clinician. The chapter entitled “Clinical and
Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use” codifies a set of clinical pearls in a clear and useful man-
ner. The chapters that discuss pain assessment, pharmacology, and complications are practical
and up-to-date. Part III covers the clinical anatomy of the various regions of the body with
relevance to the conduct of regional anesthesia. Throughout these sections, the illustrations are
outstanding, with just the right level of detail and the right points of emphasis. Parts IV, V, VI,
VII, VIII, IX, and X build on these foundations to elucidate the “how-to” for the full range of
regional anesthetic blocks. No other textbook, adult or pediatric, gives such clear guidance on
how to perform a block, how to troubleshoot, how to avoid pitfalls, and how to analyze and
solve clinical problems. Throughout these sections, there is a great balance between the sci-
ence and the art of regional anesthesia. In every chapter, there is an authoritative reference list.
I am left with only one criticism, namely the title. This book is a magnificent atlas, but it is
really much more than that: it is by far the definitive textbook on pediatric regional anesthesia.
In 2007, Tsui, with Springer, published the first textbook and atlas devoted entirely to ultra-
sound-guided regional blockade in adults, entitled Atlas of Ultrasound and Nerve Stimulation-
Guided Regional Anesthesia. Since then, many textbooks and atlases with a similar focus have
been written, albeit for the adult population only. Despite the extensive progress made in
regional anesthesia over the past decades, there still exists no textbook and/or atlas dedicated
to both ultrasound- and nerve stimulation-guided regional blockades for the pediatric
In preparing this, the first textbook focused on ultrasound and nerve stimulation for pediat-
ric regional anesthesia; we had the privilege of gathering friends and colleagues as contributing
authors. Similar to the situation for the adult population, pediatric regional anesthesia has long
been regarded as an “art,” and success with these techniques is perceived widely to be the
domain of a few skilled pediatric anesthesiologists. Around 30 years ago, the introduction of
nerve stimulation technology began to nudge regional anesthesia closer toward a “science.”
However, nerve stimulation has its limitations; the technique relies on electrical impulses to
elicit a physiological response from nerves, and considerable variation exists among individu-
als with respect to this phenomenon. Nerve stimulation guidance is also limited by a number
of other factors, including the properties of injectates, physiological fluids (e.g., blood), and
disease. Nevertheless, it proved to be a useful and objective method to place, with some reli-
ability, the needle tip close to a target nerve. Surprisingly, the introduction of nerve stimulation
did not spark a renewed interest in regional anesthesia, although it proved quite a benefit to
those of us who were performing nerve blocks on a regular basis. This is particularly true in
the case of pediatric patients, who are usually unable to provide feedback since their blocks are
administered under heavy sedation and/or general anesthesia.
Ultrasound imaging is one of the most exciting technological advancements to be applied
to regional anesthesia. For the first time in over 100 years, we can visualize the nerve which we
intend to block. Unlike nerve stimulation, we foresee ultrasound being a catalyst to draw anes-
thesiologists toward devoting more of their practice to regional anesthesia. We must remember,
however, that the images ultrasound provides us are indirect and open to individual interpreta-
tion, depending on the user’s experience level, training, and where they received that experi-
ence and training. While some practitioners have a natural gift for interpreting ultrasound
images, this is not the case with the majority. There is a significant learning curve that goes
with mastering ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. What is more, it has been shown that
combining ultrasound and nerve stimulation can improve block success, meaning that two
techniques must be learned and mastered to be used to achieve a common goal. This was the
main reason for describing and covering the advantages of both technologies in the adult atlas.
It is our hope that the adult atlas spurred readers to incorporate ultrasound (and nerve stimu-
lation) technology into their practice and become better regional anesthesiologists. As with
that book, the main objective of this one is to shorten the learning curve associated with
regional anesthesia—this time for use in pediatric patients. For those practitioners who are
already adept and experienced with pediatric regional anesthesia, this book may serve to
increase their knowledge and provide new insights into this field. The ultimate goal of this
book is to continue to develop and uncover new knowledge by amalgamating landmark, nerve
x Preface
in our experience, a more user-friendly method than “hunting” for the target nerve and block
site without the guidance of any familiar subcutaneous landmarks. In this way, the dynamic
method reemphasizes the importance of anatomical knowledge as the foundation for success-
ful regional anesthesia.
It is almost certain that when they are first beginning to use ultrasound for regional block-
ade, anesthesiologists will encounter difficulty in learning how to use the technology to iden-
tify neural structures and place the needle tip accurately. In many cases, this will result in
frustration and failure, which likely deters many anesthesiologists from persisting in improv-
ing their technique and adopting the technology for their practice. This is especially pertinent
to pediatric regional anesthesia since the patients are, in general, uncooperative and the anat-
omy is that much smaller and, in some cases, underdeveloped compared to adults. We antici-
pate that the concepts and methods described in this textbook will ease the learning curve for
pediatric anesthesiologists wishing to incorporate regional blockade into their repertoire.
Finally, the contents of this book provide a useful refresher and resource for all regional anes-
thesiologists wishing to hone their skills and adapt cutting-edge techniques into their
We wish to acknowledge the following individuals for their support, hard work, and contri-
butions in preparing this book. Dr. Tsui’s research manager, Dr. Gareth Corry, spent many
extra hours and worked diligently to contribute toward and assemble the material contained
in this book. His continual assistance with editing helped organize and expedite our and our
colleagues’ writing and editing process. We also wish to thank a group of students, medical
students, fellows, and research assistants over the past 5 years, including Natalie Chua, Kim
Cochrane, Jason Ha, Sarah Henschke, Alex Kwan, Danika Leung, Paul Li, Jennifer Pillay,
and Jenkin Tsui from the University of Alberta, and Dr. Amod Sawardekar from Northwestern
University, who assisted in organizing chapter drafts, labeling of the images, and contribu-
tion of the written material. The Chair of the University of Alberta Department of
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Dr. Mike Murphy, provides ongoing support and encour-
agement. Dr. Michelle Noga, of the University of Alberta Department of Diagnostic Imaging
and Radiology, facilitated access to the institution’s MRI technology and operators. We also
acknowledge the work done by Teresa Liang, now a radiology resident at the University of
British Columbia, who diligently collected the MRI images used in this book. We acknowl-
edge the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Visible Human Web
Server ( as the data source for the anatomical slices used
throughout the book. Staff members from the University of Alberta Hospital, the Stollery
Children’s Hospital, and Northwestern University/Lurie Children’s Hospital Chicago always
provide an excellent environment for patient care, teaching, and research that has directly
facilitated the advancement of clinical regional anesthesia practice. A Clinical Scholar
Award from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research allowed Dr. Tsui to pur-
sue this project by helping to support his academic work. The unrestricted grant from
Springer to start this project was a financial help and support, and Shelley Reinhardt and
Michael D. Sova from Springer are greatly appreciated for providing their expertise and
assistance for this project.
Part I Equipment and Technique for Nerve Stimulation and Ultrasound Guidance
in Regional Anesthesia
xvi Contents
6.8.1 Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.8.2 Developmental Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.8.3 Psychological Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.8.4 Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.8.5 Cultural Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7 Pediatric Pharmacological Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Derek Dillane
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.2 Structure and Physiochemical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.2.1 Onset of Action, Potency, and Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2.2 Sodium Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.2.3 Physiological Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.3 Pharmacokinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.1 Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.2 Absorption from Epidural Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.3 Absorption from Other Routes of Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3.4 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.3.5 Plasma Protein Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.3.6 Hepatic Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.4 Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.4.1 Central Nervous System Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.4.2 Cardiac Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.4.3 Treatment of Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.4.4 Prevention of Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.5 Dosing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population . . . . . . . . . 111
Adam M. Dryden and Ban C.H. Tsui
8.1 General Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8.2 Adverse Events Related to Local Anesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
8.2.1 Allergic Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
8.2.2 Systemic Toxic Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
8.3 Complications Related to Regional Anesthesia Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3.2 Adverse Events Caused by Needles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8.3.3 Adverse Events Caused by Nerve Stimulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
8.3.4 Adverse Events Caused by Ultrasound Probes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
8.3.5 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
8.4 Block Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.4.2 Complications of Peripheral Nerve Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.4.3 Complications of Neuraxial Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
8.4.4 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Contents xix
18 Blockade of the Auricular Branch of the Vagus Nerve (Nerve of Arnold) . . . . . 261
Ban C.H. Tsui
18.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
18.2 Block Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
18.2.1 Patient Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
18.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
18.2.3 Needle Insertion Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
18.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
18.3 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
18.4 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
Alex Baloukov, MPH Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,
BC, Canada
Karen R. Boretsky, MD Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Kelly P.A. Byrne, MB ChB, FANZCA Department of Anesthesia, Waikato Hospital,
Hamilton, New Zealand
Bruce D. Dick, PhD, R Psych Division of Pain Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and
Pain Medicine, Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Bryan J. Dicken, MSc, MD, FRCSC Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery,
University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Derek Dillane, MB, BCh, BAO, MMedSci, FFARCSI Department of Anesthesiology and
Pain Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Adam M. Dryden, MD Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University
of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Vivian H.Y. Ip, MB ChB, MRCP, FRCA Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Glenn Merritt, MD Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Hospital
and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA
Peter D. Metcalfe, MD, MSc, FRCSC Division of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Urology,
Department of Surgery, Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton,
AB, Canada
Michelle L. Noga, MD, FRCPC Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Kathy Reid, RN, MN, NP Pediatric Anesthesia, Stollery Children’s Hospital, Edmonton,
AB, Canada
Adam O. Spencer, MSc, MD, FRCPC Vi Riddell Complex Pain and Rehabilitation Centre,
Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, AB, Canada
Santhanam Suresh, MD Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Ann & Robert Lurie
Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Heather Yizhen Z. Ting, MD, FRCPC Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
xxx Contributors
Ban C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC Department of
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta
Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Michelle J. Verrier, BA Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Anil H. Walji, MD, PhD Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine
and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Part I
Equipment and Technique for Nerve Stimulation and
Ultrasound Guidance in Regional Anesthesia
Regional Block Area Setup, Equipment,
and Monitoring 1
Vivian H.Y. Ip and Ban C.H. Tsui
1.1 Differences Between the Pediatric and Adult Populations That Affect Regional Blocks ........... 4
1.2 Block Area and Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2.1 General Equipment ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Emergency Drugs and Resuscitating Equipment .................................................................. 5
1.2.3 Resuscitation Equipment ....................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4 Resuscitation Drugs (Intravenous Doses).............................................................................. 6
1.2.5 Monitoring ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.6 Nerve Block and Catheter Equipment ................................................................................... 6
1.2.7 Needles .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.8 Peripheral Nerve Catheters .................................................................................................... 9
1.2.9 Neuraxial Nerve Blocks/Catheters ........................................................................................ 9
1.2.10 Additional Equipment ........................................................................................................... 9
Suggested Reading ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Differences Between the Pediatric 1.2 Block Area and Monitoring
and Adult Populations That Affect
Regional Blocks Performing regional anesthesia in children requires meticu-
lous attention to detail and concentration. Having a quiet
It is important to recognize that there are distinct differences environment with all of the drugs and equipment needed to
between the pediatric and adult populations that can affect perform regional anesthesia and resuscitation on hand is of
regional block technique. In order to understand the setup paramount importance. An induction room is an ideal place
and equipment used for children in regional anesthesia, one where the patient can be sedated or anesthetized away from
must appreciate that: surgical staff and where the regional block could be per-
formed before entering into the operating room. Available
• Children do not understand the importance of lying still space and setups will, however, vary between hospitals. In
for a procedure. adults, a designated block area can be used to provide the
• Children are not able to communicate or differentiate par- ideal environment while speeding up turnover time; however,
esthesia, pain, or pressure on injection. this type of area may be unnecessary for pediatric patients, as
• Anatomical structures are smaller and are situated more the majority will receive a general anesthetic before regional
closely to each other and to the adjacent vessels. anesthesia is performed. Also, since the regional block is for
• Target nerves are more superficial to the skin. analgesia, the time for the block to take effect is not as essen-
• There is a lower concentration of plasma protein binding, tial as compared to its application for surgical anesthesia.
especially in young children. An assistant trained in regional anesthesia, with experi-
ence in monitoring pediatric patients under sedation or gen-
To overcome these differences, regional anesthesia is usu- eral anesthesia, should be present. This is important not only
ally performed in children under deep sedation or general for monitoring the child during the procedure but also to
anesthesia. There is ongoing debate regarding performing handle the nerve stimulator and to help with the injectate.
regional anesthesia in anesthetized adults, but such practice Regardless of the area, it is critical to have all equipment,
is well accepted in pediatric patients, primarily due to the drugs, and monitoring available in the room where the block
differences outlined above. This encourages development of is to be performed. The best way to gather all the necessary
other techniques to minimize the incidence of nerve damage, equipment and drugs is to use a well-labeled storage cart
namely, nerve stimulators, ultrasonography, and injection (Fig. 1.1) where the supplies are organized and easily
pressure monitoring. identifiable.
When performing a regional block, the equipment should
be appropriate for the size of the patient. In particular, the
size of the needle must be adapted to the size of the child.
This allows for improved control of the needle while per-
forming the blocks, which are often superficial. The SLA
“hockey stick” (25 mm, 13–6 MHz) is a good example of an
ultrasound transducer that provides good resolution for
superficial structures and has a small footprint. These are
essential characteristics when using ultrasound to guide
regional blocks in the pediatric population.
1 Regional Block Area Setup, Equipment, and Monitoring 5
The following outlines the contents of this cart: 1.2.1 General Equipment
• Oxygen supply, nasal prongs, and face masks. Needle Tip Design
• A selection of different sizes of Guedel airways, face A blunt needle (Fig. 1.2) reduces the risk of nerve damage
masks, laryngeal masks, and endotracheal tubes. and provides a better feel for the “pop” of puncturing through
• Laryngoscopes (Macintosh and Miller blades) and gum the fascia. However, if the needle is too blunt, the user may
elastic bougie. have to apply extra pressure to perforate the fascia, which
• Ambu® bag (bagger). can result in “overshooting” the nerve.
• Suction. Long-beveled needles increase the risk of damage to
• Selections of various sizes of intravenous cannulae. nerves and vascular structures in the case of intraneural
• Defibrillator should also be accessible. puncture.
1.2.5 Monitoring
Fig. 1.4 Special Sprotte® cannula with a lateral “eye” with smooth
edges and an atraumatic tip
Fig. 1.6 Centimeter markings along the entire length of needles are
useful for measuring depth of penetration
Fig. 1.5 Facet tip needle. To be used when the catheter is to be posi-
tioned parallel to the nerve
8 V.H.Y. Ip and B.C.H. Tsui
a b
Fig. 1.7 (a) Echogenic needles or (b) needles with echogenic “dots” made by “Cornerstone” reflectors facilitate better imaging of the needle
under ultrasound
1 Regional Block Area Setup, Equipment, and Monitoring 9
50 % Compression
0 % Compression
balloon driven.
Quality of life can be improved with disposable infusion
10 ml
7 ml pumps for ambulatory continuous peripheral blocks. The use
Air 5 ml
of these pumps has been reported in children as young as
8 years of age, although it requires vigilant patient selection,
LA LA LA education, and follow-up. The flow of local anesthetic
through the catheter should be confirmed before discharge.
Suggested Reading
Cave G, Harvey M. Intravenous lipid emulsion as antidote beyond local
0 mmHg 228 mmHg 760 mmHg anesthetic toxicity: a systematic review. Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16:
Fig. 1.9 Compressed air injection technique (CAIT) to prevent high Gadsden J, McCally C, Hadzic A. Monitoring during peripheral nerve
injection pressure. 50 % compression of air volume in the syringe cor- blockade. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2010;23:656–61.
responds to an injection pressure of 760 mmHg. LA local anesthetic Hadzic A, Dilberovic F, Shah S, et al. Combination of intraneural injec-
(Adapted from Tsui BC, Li LX, Pillay JJ. Compressed air injection tion and high injection pressure leads to fascicular injury and neuro-
technique to standardize block injection pressures. Can J Anesth. logic deficits in dogs. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2004;29:417–23.
2006;53:1098–102. With permission from Springer Verlag) Ilfeld BM, Smith DW, Enneking FK. Continuous regional analgesia
following ambulatory pediatric orthopedic surgery. Am J Orthop.
Kapur E, Vuckovic I, Dilberovic F, et al. Neurologic and histologic out-
come after intraneural injections of Lidocaine in canine sciatic
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Pitcher CE, Raj PP, Ford DJ. The use of peripheral nerve stimulators for
regional anaesthesia: a review of experimental characteristics, tech-
nique, and clinical applications. Reg Anesth. 1985;10:49–58.
Tsui BC. Equipment for regional anesthesia in children. Tech Reg
Anesth Pain Manag. 2007a;11:235–46.
Tsui BC. Regional block room setup and equipment. In: Tsui BC, edi-
tor. Atlas of ultrasound and nerve stimulation-guided regional anes-
thesia. New York: Springer; 2007b. p. 1–7.
Tsui BC, Li LX, Pillay JJ. Compressed air injection technique to stan-
dardize block injection pressures. Can J Anesth. 2006;53:1098–102.
Weinberg G, Ripper R, Feinstein DL, Hoffman W. Lipid emulsion infu-
sion rescues dogs from bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2003;28:198–202.
Pediatric Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Kelly P.A. Byrne and Ban C.H. Tsui
2.1 Nerve Stimulation Procedure ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Electrophysiology ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2.1 Characteristics of Electrical Impulses ....................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Current Intensity and Duration ................................................................................................. 13
2.2.3 Rate of Current Change ............................................................................................................ 13
2.2.4 Polarity of Stimulating and Returning Electrodes .................................................................... 13
2.2.5 Distance-Current Relationship .................................................................................................. 14
2.2.6 Current Density of Electrodes and Injectates............................................................................ 15
2.2.7 Electrodes.................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.8 Injectates ................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.9 Electrical Impedance ................................................................................................................. 16
2.3 Electrical Epidural Stimulation ......................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Test Equipment and Procedure ................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Mechanisms of the Epidural Stimulation Test ................................................................................. 18
2.4.1 Stimulating Epidural Catheter Requirements ........................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Effective Conduction of Electrical Current............................................................................... 19
2.4.3 Advancement of the Catheter.................................................................................................... 20
2.4.4 Considerations for Test Performance and Interpretation .......................................................... 20
2.4.5 Limitations of Epidural Stimulation ......................................................................................... 20
2.5 Useful Equipment Features in Nerve Stimulation ........................................................................... 21
2.5.1 Constant Current Output and Display ....................................................................................... 21
2.5.2 Variable Pulse Width and Frequency ........................................................................................ 22
2.5.3 Other Features ........................................................................................................................... 22
2.6 Practical Considerations .................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.1 Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.2 Population Considerations ........................................................................................................ 23
2.6.3 Does Nerve Stimulation Make a Difference? ........................................................................... 23
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Suggested Reading ....................................................................................................................................... 23
2.1 Nerve Stimulation Procedure stimulate the nerve; however, more recent work by Tsui
et al. [1], suggests that the underlying cause is dispersion
The general procedure for nerve stimulation with peripheral of the electrical current by injection of ionic solutions (i.e.,
nerve blocks is as follows: normal saline or local anesthetic). The use of nonionic
solutions, such as 5 % dextrose in water (D5W), leads to
1. The patient is anesthetized or sedated without the use of preservation of the muscle twitch and improved accuracy
muscle relaxants and positioned appropriately for the of placement of blocks and perineural catheters.
desired block.
2. The stimulating needle is connected to the cathode. Other applications of electrical stimulation include the
3. After the patient has been draped and the skin has been use of percutaneous electrodes to guide the initial needle
prepared, the needle is advanced toward the nerve with a puncture site. This is particularly useful in children, where
current of 1–2 mA and pulse width of 0.1–0.2 ms. the distance from skin to nerve is small. Electrical stimula-
4. At this high current, the nerve will depolarize and muscle tion can also be used to place epidural catheters; a descrip-
twitches will be seen when the needle tip is between 1 and tion of this technique will be given later in this chapter.
2 cm from the nerve.
5. The current intensity is then decreased as the needle is
advanced further toward the nerve. The aim is to obtain 2.2 Electrophysiology
nerve depolarization and a resulting muscle twitch at a
current of 0.4–0.5 mA. The muscle twitch should disap- The characteristics of the electrical impulse will determine
pear at currents below this (i.e., the threshold current is its ability to stimulate a nerve, and the quality of stimulation
0.4–0.5 mA). will be affected by the polarity and type of the electrode, by
6. Attempting to observe a twitch at lower current levels the distance between the needle and the nerve, and by poten-
(<0.4 mA) may result in inadvertent intraneural injection tial interactions at the tissue-needle interface.
and is not necessary to increase success.
7. When attempting to place perineural catheters, a higher
current is generally required for stimulation of the nerve. 2.2.1 Characteristics of Electrical Impulses
This is true especially if normal saline is used for
hydrodissection since the ionic conduction of normal Spinal nerves are comprised of fascicles containing neurons
saline will disperse the electrical stimulus. and small blood vessels held together by endoneurium
8. Once an acceptable threshold current is reached, aspira- (Fig. 2.1). The current intensity required to stimulate a nerve
tion for potential intravascular placement is performed. is determined by the nerve fiber type and diameter. Larger,
If this is negative, then the Raj test is preformed, where myelinated fibers are more easily stimulated than smaller,
1–2 mL of injectate, either local anesthetic or normal unmyelinated ones. It is important to choose the current judi-
saline, is given. With the administration of the injectate, ciously as higher currents becomes less specific for stimula-
the muscle twitch should diminish. This phenomenon was tion of motor nerves. Thus, when the correct current is used,
initially attributed to the displacement of the nerve by the one can theoretically produce a motor response without
injectate, where the distance between nerve and needle tip stimulating the pain fibers, allowing the patient to remain
increases such that the current is no longer sufficient to awake for the procedure.
Fibrofatty tissue
Spinal nerve
Axon of neuron
Myelinated fiber
Fig. 2.2 Stimulation curve plotting current intensity and pulse duration
2.2.5 Distance-Current Relationship intraneural injection. Bigeleisen et al. [3] examined supracla-
vicular blocks and found that in 54 % of patients intraneural
As one would expect, the further the distance between the needle placement was associated with a motor response in the
stimulating electrode and the nerve, the greater the current 0.2–0.5 mA range. These results contradicted the previously
that is required to stimulate the nerve (Fig. 2.4). This relates established guidelines which stated that a motor response
to the current intensity at a given distance from the stimulat- below 0.2 mA indicated intraneural needle placement.
ing electrode and is described by Coulomb’s law, I = k(i/r2), Robards et al. [4] combined ultrasound and nerve stimula-
where I = current required, k is Coulomb’s constant, i = mini- tion for localization of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa
mal current, and r = distance from nerve. From this equation and found that, in 20 of 24 patients, a motor response was not
it can be seen that the current required is inversely propor- obtained until the needle tip was advanced into an intraneural
tional to the square of the distance from the nerve. Hence, location. Given these findings, other methods of determining
small changes in the distance from the nerve greatly affect intraneural placement of the needle, such as changes in elec-
the current required. The current required to stimulate the trical impedance, have been explored.
nerve at 2 cm away can be 400 times greater than that Percutaneous electrode guidance can be used to determine
required to stimulate the nerve when the electrode is in direct the optimal site for needle insertion. The negative electrode
contact with the nerve. of the nerve stimulator connects to a commercially available
Another factor in determining whether or not the nerve surface electrode (0.5 cm diameter) (Fig. 2.6). The initial
will be stimulated at a particular distance and current is the current used is generally 5 mA with a 0.2 ms pulse width.
pulse width of the stimulus. As shown by the pulse width- The current is then reduced to a minimum using the tech-
current curve, short pulse widths (i.e., 0.04 ms) are a better nique explained above. The widespread use of ultrasound
indicator of the distance between the nerve stimulator and has led to a significant reduction in the use of percutaneous
the nerve, based on changes in current (Fig. 2.5). With long guidance systems.
pulse widths (i.e., 1 ms), there is little difference in the cur-
rent required to stimulate the nerve, regardless of whether
the stimulating needle is in direct contact with the nerve or Distance-current curve
1 cm away. In contrast, at a pulse width of 0.04 ms, there is a Stimulus
large difference in the stimulating current required when (mA)
15 Non-insulated needle
comparing direct contact with the nerve versus a distance of Insulated needle
1 cm away. 12
When undertaking a peripheral nerve block, an initial cur-
rent of between 1 and 2 mA (pulse width of 0.1–0.2 ms) is 7 mA
used to elicit a response superficially. Accurate placement of 6
the needle is indicated when a response is still generated
once the current is reduced to between 0.2 and 0.5 mA. If 3
stimulation of the nerve continues at a current below 0.2 mA, 0.5 mA
then intraneural injection is possible and the needle should 0
–2 –1 0 +1
be repositioned. Thus, nerve stimulation below 0.2 mA has a Distance (cm) from the nerve
high positive predictive value for intraneural placement of
the needle. Fig. 2.4 Distance-current curve. Noninsulated needles require more
current than insulated needles at the same distance from the nerve and
Several recent studies have raised concerns that intra-
have less discrimination of distances as the needle approaches the
neural injection can occur in the absence of nerve stimula- nerve. The current threshold is minimal (0.5 mA) for insulated needles
tion within a range that is normally considered a risk for when the needle is on the nerve
2 Pediatric Electrical Nerve Stimulation 15
2.3 Electrical Epidural Stimulation 6. Carefully and slowly increase the current intensity until
motor activity begins.
Electrical stimulation of an epidural catheter can confirm epi- 7. Depending on the characteristics of the response, as
dural placement and can be used to determine the optimal described in Table 2.1, the catheter location can be
position to deliver postoperative analgesia. This technique indentified and appropriate adjustments can be made.
is particularly relevant in children where small distances 8. If a single-shot epidural is planned, a similar technique
can significantly alter the nerve distribution blocked by the can be used to confirm needle placement. The only
epidural. exception is that the nerve stimulator is attached to an
The epidural stimulation test (aka the Tsui test) [8] applies insulated needle (e.g., 18–24 G insulated needles) rather
similar principles to those of peripheral nerve blockade, that than to the already positioned catheter.
is, using electrical pulses and the current versus nerve- 9. The threshold current for determining correct needle
distance relationship. This test possesses between 80 and placement is similar for the lumbar and caudal routes,
100 % positive predictive value for epidural placement and but the upper limit of 10 mA may be extended for tho-
has been effective in guiding catheters within two segmental racic epidural placement (up to 17 mA).
levels of the target level, as confirmed by radiological imag- 10. The stimulator should be versatile enough to allow the
ing. This can facilitate appropriate placement and allow current to be increased by small increments and applied
adjustments in the event of catheter migration, kinking, or for short intervals.
coiling. In addition to confirming and guiding epidural cath-
eter placement, this test has the potential to detect intrathe-
cal, subdural, or intravascular catheter placement. The
principles of this test can be applied to both catheter and
single-shot techniques with both epidural and caudal
2.4 Mechanisms of the Epidural the motor threshold current should increase after the local
Stimulation Test anesthetic application. This is due to the dispersion of the
current by the ionic solution. If the catheter is in an intra-
Catheter placement is confirmed by stimulating the spinal vascular position, then the local anesthetic will be removed
nerve roots (not the spinal cord) with a catheter that conducts from the area into the systemic circulation resulting in no
a low-amplitude electrical current through normal saline. change in the current required for motor stimulation. To
A correct motor response (1–10 mA) confirms accurate further confirm placement of the catheter, administering an
placement of the epidural catheter tip (Table 2.2). Correct epinephrine test dose (0.5 μg/kg) and observing the sub-
placement is defined as 1–2 cm from the nerve roots (Fig. 2.4). sequent ECG changes, in particular >25 % increase in T
Responses observed with a significantly lower threshold cur- wave or ST segment changes irrespective of chosen lead, is
rent (<1 mA), especially if substantially diffuse or bilateral, recommended.
may warn of incorrect catheter placement, either in proximity The electrical resistance and threshold currents differ
to a nerve root or in the subarachnoid or subdural space, between stimulating needles and catheters. Insulated needles
where the catheter contacts the highly conductive cerebrospi- will provide a lower electrical resistance and should there-
nal fluid (CSF). Previous studies have used insulated needles fore be used for stimulation. When using a needle to stimu-
to elicit a motor response in the epidural space (11.1 ± 3.1 mA late, the upper limit of the threshold current indicating a
[9] and 3.84 ± 0.99 mA) [10] and showed that these currents positive test is similar to catheter placement at the caudal
are higher than that required in the intrathecal space space (mean = 3.7 mA); however, at the thoracic level, the
(0.77 ± 0.32 mA and 0.6 ± 0.3 mA) [11]. The segmental level threshold current becomes higher (up to 17 mA). The lower
of the catheter tip may be predicted based on the progressive limit of >1 mA applies to all segmental levels. The higher
nature of the motor twitches (i.e., from lower limbs and back threshold currents that may be seen with direct insertion at
to intercostals and upper limb) as the catheter is advanced. the thoracic level may be related to the minimal depth of
A local anesthetic test dose helps confirm epidural ver- needle penetration that is normally used for precautionary
sus intravascular location. If the catheter is placed correctly, measures at this level.
Table 2.2 Epidural catheter location determined by standard test dose (lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine) versus the epidural stimulation test
Catheter location Test dose Epidural stimulation test
Subarachnoid Hypotension/total spinal response (<1 mA) Positive unilateral/bilateral motor
Subdural ? (<1 mA) Diffuse motor response in many segments
Epidural space
Close to nerve ? Unilateral motor response (<1 mA)
Against nerve root ? Positive motor response (1–10 mA); threshold current increase after local
anesthetic injection
Non-intravascular Heart rate increase Remains or returns to baseline positive motor response (1–10 mA) even
after local anesthetic injection
Intravascular Blood pressure increase ECG changes
Subcutaneous ? Negative response
2 Pediatric Electrical Nerve Stimulation 19
2.4.1 Stimulating Epidural Catheter catheter. A metal coil in the lumen is required because of the
Requirements catheter length and the risk of air trapping, both of which
can increase the resistance to current flow. A soft, metal-
There are two major areas where the requirements for stimu- containing epidural catheter (Fig. 2.10a) (e.g., Flextip Plus
lating epidural catheters vary from that of conventional epi- from Arrow International, Reading, PA, USA; Perifix from
dural kits: (1) the need for effective conduction of electrical B. Braun, Bethlehem, PA, USA; Spirol from Sims, Portex,
current and (2) the ability to advance the catheter significant Markham, ON, Canada) is effective for epidural stimulation
distances. testing. Peripheral stimulating catheters (e.g., StimuLong
Plus from Pajunk, Geisingen, Germany, or StimuCath,
Arrow International, Reading, PA, USA) contain an inter-
2.4.2 Effective Conduction of Electrical nal fixed wire that extends beyond the distal lumen tip
Current (Fig. 2.10b); these have been used for the epidural stimula-
tion test without the requirement for priming with normal
In order to induce electrical pulses, the catheter’s electri- saline. However, there is limited experience with these cathe-
cal resistance must remain low. Any highly conductive ters, and they may not have any benefit over the conventional
ionic solution (e.g., normal saline) can be used to prime the metal-coil-containing catheters.
a b
Fig. 2.10 (a) Soft, metal-containing epidural catheters can be used for wire extension beyond the distal tip, have been used for epidural cath-
the epidural stimulation test (metal wire has been exposed and unwound eter insertion using electrical stimulation
in the top catheter); (b) other peripheral stimulating catheters, with a
20 K.P.A. Byrne and B.C.H. Tsui
2.5 Useful Equipment Features in Nerve constant current (Fig. 2.12). This means that the resistance of
Stimulation the circuit is monitored and the voltage adjusted accordingly
to provide a constant current. Most nerve stimulators have an
In 1985, Pither et al. [12] described essential features of a adjustable frequency, pulse width, and current strength
nerve stimulator, and there have been few alterations to these (Fig. 2.13). Additionally, clear digital displays show the cur-
criteria since then. There are multiple different makes and rent delivered to the patient, the target current setting, and
models of nerve stimulators, many of which share similar fea- impedance. Some stimulators have low (<6 mA) and high
tures. Anesthesiologists should familiarize themselves with (<80 mA) ranges for increased accuracy during localization
the equipment that is commonly used at their institution. of peripheral nerves and monitoring neuromuscular block-
ade, respectively. The current requirements for epidural stim-
ulation (1–17 mA) often fall outside the usual working range
2.5.1 Constant Current Output and Display for peripheral nerve stimulators. Other makes and models of
nerve stimulators may be required for this technique.
Historically, nerve stimulators produced a constant voltage,
although most modern nerve stimulators now produce a
Pulse width determines the amount of charge delivered to the A specialized male connector designed to fit into the female
patient and may enable selective stimulation of different conducting portion of the stimulating needle is a useful addi-
types of nerve fibers. For example, sensory fibers are more tion. Indicators displaying the battery status and warning of
effectively stimulated at longer pulse widths (0.4 ms), an incomplete circuit or pulse delivery failure are important
whereas shorter pulse widths (0.05–0.15 ms) are sufficient components of the nerve stimulator. Foot pedal or handheld
for motor fibers. Some devices allow width ranges from 0.05 remote controls to adjust current output (Fig. 2.14) may
to 1 ms for high variation and selectivity, depending on spe- improve the operator’s ability to undertake the procedure
cific nerve location. The frequency of stimulation will affect without assistance.
the needle advancement rate, as low frequencies (<1 Hz) Probes may be available for surface mapping during per-
may result in the target nerve being missed, and high fre- cutaneous electrode guidance procedures (Fig. 2.6).
quencies can cause twitches which are similar to involuntary
fasciculations. Most practitioners use 2 Hz as a compromise
between these two extremes.
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Ultrasound Basics
Michelle L. Noga, Vivian H.Y. Ip, and Ban C.H. Tsui
3.1 Basic Ultrasound Physics and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.1 Basic Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.1 Types of Ultrasound Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Sound Wave Properties in Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3.1 Speed of Sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.2 Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.3 Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.4 Resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.5 Refraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.6 Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Optimization of Image Quality: Knobology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.1 Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.2 Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.3 Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.4 Time Gain Compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.5 Focal Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4.6 Doppler Ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
• The speed of ultrasound through tissue depends on the • Spatial resolution describes the ability to discriminate two
properties of the tissue. adjacent objects on the display.
• Gases have the slowest propagation speed (e.g., There are two types:
air = 330 m/s); liquids have an intermediate speed (e.g., – Axial resolution: the ability to distinguish objects that are
water = 1,480 m/s); solids have a high propagation speed located parallel to each other along the beam axis or at
(e.g., bone = 3,400 m/s). different depths. This depends on the pulse length, which
is a function of the wavelength and the number of cycles
in the pulse. The higher the frequency or shorter the pulse
3.3.2 Reflection length, the better the axial resolution is produced. This is
particularly important for the pediatric population, as
• When an ultrasound wave arrives at the interface between their structures are smaller than in adults.
two different types of tissue, it is partially reflected and – Lateral resolution: the ability to distinguish objects
partially transmitted. located beside each other. This depends on the beam
• The intensity of the echo depends on the acoustic imped- width and the number of transducer elements per cen-
ance of the two tissues. Acoustic impedance is determined timeter (line density).
by the density and stiffness of the tissue.
• The acoustic impedance of soft tissues ranges between
1.3 and 1.7 × 106 kg · m/s; air = 430 kg · m/s; 3.3.5 Refraction
bone = 6.47 × 106 kg · m/s. The greater the difference in
the acoustic impedance of two tissues, the more the reflec- • A sound wave meeting a boundary layer at an angle will
tion there is (e.g., soft tissue-air interface or soft tissue- change direction as it enters the next medium; this
bone interface). There will be little transmission beyond depends on the change of velocity of propagation.
these boundaries; therefore, imaging beyond these bound- • If the velocity is greater in the first medium, refraction
aries is usually impossible. occurs toward the perpendicular and vice versa.
• The subsequent subsection of this chapter will cover the
ultrasonographic appearance of different tissues in more
detail. 3.3.6 Absorption
Fig. 3.2 Gain adjustments and focal zone depth. Increasing the gain in artifactual images and poor resolution between structures. The focal
will increase the amplitude of echoes and improve the signal-to-noise zone (area of greatest image resolution) is adjusted by effectively
ratio. Gain settings that are either too high (a) or too low (b) will result reducing the beam diameter (compare c and d)
3 Ultrasound Basics 33
3.6 Echogenic Appearance of Various There are two common views for ultrasound tissue
Tissues imaging in regional anesthesia:
Different tissues have their own ultrasonographic appear- • Cross-sectional view when the ultrasound image gives a
ance (Table 3.2). Transducers with a high frequency and view of a “cut across the structure.” This is also known as
bandwidth are necessary to differentiate between the the short axis or transverse view.
fascicular appearance of the nerves and the fibrillar • Longitudinal view is when the ultrasound images the
characteristics of tendons. This is particularly challenging in structure by following its course. This is otherwise called
areas where the nerves and tendons are close together, such the long axis view.
as those at the wrist or ankle.
Nerves and tendons • Nerve roots, such as those seen in the cervical region
• Long axis view of the nerves in the peripheral appears during interscalene blocks, appear monofascicular.
as hyperechoic (bright) tubular structures from the The trunks and cords of the brachial plexus have an
connective tissues with elongated and well-defined even better defined fascicular pattern owing to the
hypoechoic (dark) spaces within this tubule, which are hyperechoic thick epineurium. This fascicular pattern
neuronal fascicles (Fig. 3.6). is more difficult to appreciate at the cord level since it
• Short axis view of a nerve in the periphery shows small is deeper.
elliptical or round hypoechoic structures which are • With a longitudinal view, the brachial plexus is
fascicles, each surrounded by a homogeneous hyper- hypoechoic compared to the nerves in the periphery
echoic connective tissue, giving a honeycomb appear- due to the increased amount of connective tissues
ance to the nerve. The nerve can also be “traced back” accompanying the nerves in the periphery.
using the traceback approach (see Sect. 4.4.2) since it • It may be difficult to differentiate between a nerve and
is a continuous structure and is usually adjacent to the a tendon with ultrasound although there are certain dif-
vessel(s) (Fig. 3.7). ferences, as shown in Table 3.3.
Fig. 3.6 Long axis view of peripheral nerves shows hyperechoic tubu- Fig. 3.7 Short axis view of a peripheral nerve (yellow arrow) shows
lar structures (yellow arrow). Elongated and well-defined hypoechoic small elliptical or round hypoechoic structures which are fascicles, each
spaces within this tubule are neuronal fascicles surrounded by a homogeneous hyperechoic connective tissue, giving a
honeycomb-like appearance to the nerve. Red arrow indicates artery;
green arrows indicate tendon
• The bone has a linear, hyperechoic appearance which
casts a hypoechoic shadow beneath (acoustic shadow-
ing) (Fig. 3.3).
• This striking appearance is ideal for providing
landmarks for nerve blocks, such as the greater trochan-
ter of the femur as a landmark for subgluteal approach
to the sciatic nerve or the radial groove/deltoid tuberos-
ity, medial epicondyle, and lateral epicondyle for radial,
median, and ulnar nerve locations, respectively.
Vascular structure
• Blood vessels appear as anechoic structures on cross-
sectional view.
• Arteries are typically circular and pulsatile; the latter
characteristic is enhanced upon external compression
by the transducer on the skin.
• Veins are compressible, so care must be taken when
performing nerve blocks since pressure exerted on the
transducer during scanning may occlude the veins,
making them invisible on the image. This is particu-
larly true when the vessels are small, such as those in
• Fatty tissue is slightly hypoechoic relative to the skin,
although abnormalities such as tumors may result in
hyperechoic reflection.
Fig. 3.8 Short (top) and long (bottom) axis view of muscle. Note the
uniform, hypoechoic “starry night” pattern in the short axis view and
Fascial tissue the pennate or feather-like appearance in the long axis view. Yellow
• The fascia appears as a well-defined hyperechoic line. arrows indicate nerve; green arrows indicate muscle
38 M.L. Noga et al.
3.7 Equipment Selection click” cameras, which are simple to use and can capture
reasonably good pictures. In contrast, the larger, cart-
• The necessary equipment allowing performance of based systems are akin to complex manual cameras
ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia is, of course, an favored by the professional photographer.
ultrasound machine. The portable laptop machines cur- • For most blocks performed in children, a SonoSite
rently available offer a good-quality, high-resolution M-Turbo machine is adequate. However, for imaging
image, comparable to those of the larger, more cumber- neuraxial structures, the large, cart-based systems are
some (and more expensive) cart-based systems. Portable superior due to higher resolution and sensitivity, which
machines are more practical and allow ultrasound-guided produce remarkable images and enable greater precision.
nerve blocks to be performed at the bedside. • The most crucial piece of equipment is the transducer. As
• The machine should have the basic functions for optimiz- mentioned previously in this chapter, high-frequency lin-
ing image quality, such as gain control, color flow ear transducers (13–6 MHz) that allow high spatial reso-
Doppler, and zoom. lution are ideal for superficial structures in children during
• The machine should allow images and short video clips to both peripheral nerve blocks and neuraxial blocks.
be captured and stored. There should be a hard disk with • A smaller footprint, as with the SLA “hockey stick” trans-
high capacity for storage of the images and film sequence ducer (25 mm), is practical for performing nerve blocks in
as well as an ability to export these to a Universal Serial small children. Transducers with a larger surface area
Bus (USB) memory stick or compact disc (CD). The footprint (38 mm) are more suitable for older children and
images in this book were captured with the SonoSite provide an increased overview.
M-Turbo (Bothell, WA, USA), unless stated otherwise. • For neuraxial blocks, a 38 mm footprint high-frequency
• A good machine should be simple to use and with the probe (13–6 MHz) is usually used.
commonly used function buttons clearly visible.
• Ultrasound machines are almost like cameras. Portable Preferred needle and probe options for various block
units are analogous to current automatic, “point-and- locations are listed in Table 3.4.
3.8 Current Advances for Future 3.8.4 Sonix GPS (Ultrasonix Medical Corp,
Developments Richmond, BC, Canada)
Advancements in technology enable constant improvement Sonix GPS is an electromagnetic needle tracking system
of the quality of ultrasound images. The areas of important with a sensor housed within the needle for real-time
development are: ultrasound-guided needle insertion. The current and pre-
dicted needle positions are displayed on the ultrasound
screen, and, as the needle is advanced, the needle trajectory
3.8.1 Compound Imaging and ultrasound beam are aligned in real time, allowing the
user to aim the needle accurately toward the final target
Speckle is a 2D noise in ultrasonographic images resulting location.
from scattering media. To overcome speckle, multiple image
planes are captured from different beam angles and broad
bandwidth frequencies simultaneously and are then averaged 3.8.5 Power Doppler
to construct a speckle-reduced single image. This process is
known as compounding. This technique can detect lower flow vessels which would
not show up in normal color Doppler, such as those with a
low diastolic velocity from a perpendicular Doppler angle.
3.8.2 Single-Crystal Transducers Instead of estimating the frequency shift in Doppler signals,
power Doppler estimates the integral of the power spectrum.
These are sizable monocrystals produced by techniques that The color in the power Doppler image indicates that blood
are similar to those employed in growing silicon. They may flow is present but does not provide any information on flow
produce increased bandwidth, sensitivity, and high energy velocity.
density for remarkable performance.
4.1 Image Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2 Probe Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3 Image Optimization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3.1 Probe Alignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3.2 Practical Approach: Traceback Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4 Control of Needle Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.4.1 Visibility of Needles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.4.2 Hand-Eye Coordination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4.3 Needling Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Basic Concepts • Both the probe and the patient’s skin should be prepared
• It is advisable to perform the block in a stress-free for maximum sterility and optimal imaging.
environment with minimal time restraints. • Water-soluble conductivity gel is always used to remove
• The target area should be surveyed (scanned) using a the air-skin interface and to allow good reflection of
generous amount of ultrasound gel prior to sterile
ultrasound waves.
preparation. One of the most common reasons for poor • Probe sterility is paramount in performing real-time, or
visualization is lack of sufficient gel for skin-probe dynamic, ultrasound-guided nerve block. This can be
contact. maintained by standard sleeve covers, although these can
• Upon location of a suitable puncture site, the probe posi- be expensive and cumbersome.
tion is marked on the skin with a sterile marker. • When using a probe with the standard long covers, it is
• The images used in this book are those from our everyday important to avoid air tracking between the probe and
practice and are achievable by any newcomer to cover, as well as between the cover and the skin, which
ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. We have been can obscure the ultrasound image.
mindful not to concentrate on presenting anatomically • For single-shot blocks, we find it practical to use a trans-
perfect ultrasound images, which are obtained occasion- parent dressing without the full cover of a sterile sleeve:
ally; shown are images that are representative of what you –– A sterile transparent dressing (Tegaderm™; 3M Health
will encounter in an average day. Care, St. Paul, MN, USA) can be used effectively, but
• In order to facilitate learning in identification of the sono- to maintain a smooth surface, it must be stretched
anatomy, unlabelled ultrasound images are placed next to before it is adhered to the surface of the probe. The
identical but well-labeled images. Our colleagues have IV3000 dressing (Smith & Nephew Medical Limited,
found this layout to be the most effective for familiarizing Hull, UK) is marketed for this purpose, but we have
themselves with realistic clinical images as there is no observed that, when placed over the probe surface,
distraction from multiple labels, yet at the same time, they multiple small adhesive wells trap air underneath the
benefit from side-by-side reference to the same image that dressing, leading to poor imaging and a limited ability
has been labeled. to use the Doppler effect (Fig. 4.1) [1].
• More importantly, the labeling system indicates what –– We also use individual sterile packs of gel.
structures are normally visualized as well as the • For continuous blocks:
expected locations of any clinically relevant and impor- –– Complete sterile preparation is required; a complete ster-
tant structures which may not be immediately obvious. ile cover is used for the ultrasound probe. A mask, sterile
Hopefully, this will reduce frustration and failure from gown, and gloves should be worn by the operator.
unrealistic expectation in an attempt to visualize every • After completion of the procedure, the probe and related
structure. equipment (including all surfaces and cables) should be
thoroughly cleaned.
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 43
Fig. 4.1 Effects of sterile transparent dressing on image quality and dressing, leading to poor imaging and limited ability to use Doppler.
ability to use Doppler ultrasound with curved probes. The Tegaderm A complete commercial sterile cover (right) would be necessary if
dressing maintains image quality and ability to use Doppler as long performing catheter insertion for continuous anesthesia/analgesia
as it is stretched (left). The IV3000 dressing can be used (middle), (Adapted from Tsui et al. [1]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer
but multiple small adhesive wells containing air may form under the Health)
44 M.L. Noga et al.
4.3 Image Optimization in this situation, and artifacts such as anisotropy (Chap. 3,
Sect. 3.6) will be minimized.
• One of the most important factors in ultrasound-guided • To obtain the best short-axis view in a coronal plane, such
localization is patient positioning. The patient should be as scanning the supraclavicular region, follow these
placed in a position such that the target area is well important steps for probe handling (Fig. 4.2):
exposed. In the subsequent clinical chapters, patient –– Scan across the relevant area to obtain a transverse
positioning will be described for each individual block view of the vascular structure (e.g., subclavian artery)
prior to discussing the ultrasound imaging technique. or nerve since it is easier to capture these structures
• The operator position should be optimized to enable both with an ultrasound beam “transecting” in a short axis
a good view of the ultrasound screen and comfortable rather than obtaining a longitudinal view.
hand positioning for needle insertion. –– The image can be refined by rotating the probe (turn
• The reader is referred to Chap. 3 to choose the appropri- slightly clockwise or anticlockwise) or tilting the probe
ate frequency of transducer at each peripheral block forward and backward to achieve a perpendicular beam
location; the frequency will partly determine the type of through the target structure in order to sharpen the image.
array (linear versus curved) that will be suitable. Often, • Adjust the time gain compensation (TGC) so that the
a high-frequency linear array transducer (10 MHz or visualized area is of uniform echotexture. Always adjust
more) is the most appropriate for the pediatric popula- the TGC to the center when changing transducers during
tion. If the area of interest is relatively deep, such as the a study.
gluteal region in teenagers, a lower-frequency trans- • Appropriate depth should be adjusted such that the target
ducer (5–7 MHz) may be advantageous with greater nerve is in the center of the screen with other relevant
penetration. Whether the probe array is curved or linear structures in view (e.g., in supraclavicular block, one
depends on the region and field of view required (e.g., should be able to visualize the subclavian artery, the first
blocks in the lumbar region benefit from larger fields of rib, and the pleura).
view and lower frequencies, which curved array probes • The focal point should be adjusted to the where the target
offer). nerve is.
• A systematic approach allows the best image to be
obtained in a timely fashion, increasing the success rate of
4.3.1 Probe Alignment ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks.
• Most neural structures are accompanied by blood vessels
• The probe will have a marker or groove to show which (pulsatile arteries or compressible veins) or bony land-
way is “up.” The marker corresponds to the top of the marks, which are readily identifiable using ultrasound.
ultrasound image, and if you slide the probe toward the Color Doppler is useful in this situation to identify blood
marker, the image will move in the direction that the vessels. The color convention is for red to represent blood
probe is moved. Similarly, if you slide the probe away flowing toward the transducer and blue to represent blood
from the marker side, the image will move in the direction flowing away from the transducer. Therefore, the knowl-
opposite the marker. edge of anatomy is always important to identify nerves
• In most circumstances, and particularly with transverse around these landmarks.
planes of viewing, the plane of the transducer beam • The “traceback” approach (see below) also aids the identi-
should intersect the axis of the nerve structures at a per- fication of a nerve, especially when differentiating between
pendicular position. The lateral resolution will be optimal similar-looking structures such as tendons or artifacts.
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 45
Fig. 4.2 Probe handling during supraclavicular blockade with the probe (clockwise or anticlockwise) or tilt the probe forward and
landmark identification of the subclavian artery. Scan across the
backward to achieve a perpendicular beam through the target structure
relevant area to obtain a transverse view of the vascular structure (bottom)
(in this case the subclavian artery; top). To sharpen the image, rotate
46 M.L. Noga et al.
4.3.2 Practical Approach: Traceback Method probe moves, whereas the appearance of the target
nerve does not change in any significant manner and is
As with the conventional “blind” approach, knowledge of traceable.
anatomy is of upmost importance when performing periph- • In this way, we can more easily and reliably identify the
eral nerve blocks under ultrasound guidance. The spatial corresponding nerve or plexus.
appreciation in relation to the surrounding structures is also
relevant. In our experience, neural structures are not always For illustration purposes, see Fig. 4.3, which describes a
easy to identify under ultrasound; they can appear hyper- or traceback practice for facilitating identification of the sciatic
hypoechoic and are sometimes confused with artifacts. nerve at the popliteal fossa (using vascular landmark identi-
Nerves are continuous structures, which lend themselves to fication). This approach allows the operator to gain confi-
be “traced” proximally and distally. This enables the differ- dence in their ability to recognize and locate the nerves.
entiation from structures with similar appearance (e.g., ten- During the training process, we found that the traceback
dons). In this section, we will describe a systematic approach is an easy and reliable way to become proficient at
“traceback” approach [2] to help identify the target nerves identifying neural structures prior to performing regional
(within various regions) of commonly used nerve blocks. anesthesia. However, the traceback approach may not be
necessary in some locations where the larger nerves are more
• Instead of immediately focusing on locating the target easily identifiable, for example, the median nerve in the
nerve at the commonly used block site, the goal of this axilla and antecubital fossa and the femoral nerve in the
exercise is to obtain a clear image of an obvious anatomic inguinal region.
landmark (i.e., a blood vessel or bony landmark) not too We strongly recommend that the initial step in performing
far removed from one point along the target nerve’s path. ultrasound-assisted regional anesthesia is identification of
• If suitable, it is generally preferred to perform the block at obvious landmarks (usually blood vessels or bony land-
this location due to the dependable anatomical relations. marks) in the vicinity of the target nerve. Table 4.1 lists the
• Otherwise, the operator focuses on the nerve (often in numerous nerve blocks that can benefit from identification of
short axis by adjusting the transducer as described above highly visible and dependable structures (i.e., blood vessels
in probe alignment) and “traces” it toward the block target (especially with color Doppler) and bone) for accurate nerve
area by moving the ultrasound probe in a proximal or dis- identification. Nonetheless, the traceback technique is useful
tal direction along the nerve. for popliteal nerve for identification of the bifurcation, iden-
• The appearance of surrounding structures (e.g., muscle tifying the brachial plexus at the interscalene region, or for
and other soft tissues) changes consistently as the revealing anatomic anomalies.
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 47
Scanned region
Medial Lateral
Ultrasound probe scans proximally from the popliteal crease
Identify the tibial (T) nerve lateral to the popliteal artery; scan proximally
to view its convergence with the common peroneal (P) nerve to become
the sciatic (S) nerve.
Fig. 4.3 Traceback approach in the posterior thigh for identification of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa (Adapted from Tsui and Finucane
[2]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer Health)
48 M.L. Noga et al.
Table 4.1 Useful landmarks for identification of nerves using ultrasound; many can be used in “traceback” approaches
Block Ultrasound landmark Comments
Interscalene Subclavian artery Trace nerve proximally from the distal supraclavicular location where the
artery lies medial to the nerve
Supraclavicular Subclavian artery Brachial plexus lies lateral and often superior to the artery
Infraclavicular Subclavian artery and vein Brachial plexus cords surround the artery
Axillary Axillary artery Terminal nerves surround the artery
Peripheral nerves
Median at antecubital fossa Brachial artery Nerve lies immediately medial to the artery
Radial at posterior elbow Humerus at spiral groove Groove is found on posterolateral surface of humerus inferior to the deltoid
insertion, and the nerve can be located (also adjacent to the deep brachial
artery) and traced to the anterior elbow
Ulnar at medial forearm Ulnar artery The nerve lies medial and adjacent to the artery at the midpoint of the forearm
Lumbar plexus Transverse process Lies between and just deep to the lateral tips of the processes
Femoral Femoral artery Nerve lies lateral to artery (vein most medial). Insert needle above the
bifurcation of the deep femoral artery
Labat Ischial bone Nerve lies lateral to the ischial bone
Subgluteal Greater trochanter and Nerve lies between the two bone structures
ischial tuberosity
Popliteal Popliteal artery Trace back from the popliteal crease where the tibial nerve is adjacent to the
artery. Scanning proximally to the sciatic bifurcation, the artery becomes
deeper and at a greater distance from the tibial nerve where it is joined by the
peroneal nerve
Tibial (posterior tibial) Posterior tibial artery Nerve lies posterior to the artery
Deep peroneal Anterior tibial artery Nerve lies lateral to the artery
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 49
4.4 Control of Needle Trajectory • Manufacturers are constantly improving needles for visi-
bility, and echogenic needles are commercially available
4.4.1 Visibility of Needles (Chap. 1).
• It is important to be able to visualize the tip of the needle.
• Common small-bore, 22G insulated block needles are Tilting (Fig. 4.4a), rotating (Fig. 4.4b), and manipulating
adequate to perform ultrasound-guided blocks in the transducer alignment (Fig. 4.4c) is necessary to ensure
children. that the image of the needle includes the tip. This is par-
• Since neural structures are superficial in children, there is ticularly important for the out-of-plane approach, since
generally good needle visibility since the increased angles the image of the needle is a hyperechoic dot which could
of penetration tend to reduce visibility. be interpreted as either the shaft or the tip of the needle on
• A larger-gauge needle, such as the 17G–20G Tuohy nee- the screen (see below).
dles used in peripheral nerve block catheterization, can
also improve visibility.
50 M.L. Noga et al.
Fig. 4.4 Tilting (a), rotating (b), and manipulating (c) the alignment of the ultrasound probe is necessary to visualize the tip of the needle. The
line on the paper indicates the original axis of the probe
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 51
Fig. 4.6 Needle (green arrow), including tip and shaft during an in-
plane approach
Fig. 4.7 Commercial biopsy needle attachment. The fixed needle has a
limited trajectory and has to be extra long (Reprinted from Tsui BC,
Dillane D. Practical and clinical aspects of ultrasound and nerve
stimulation-guided peripheral nerve blocks. In: Tsui BC, editor. Atlas
of ultrasound and nerve stimulation-guided regional anesthesia.
New York: Springer; 2007. p. 35–48. With permission from Springer
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 53
Fig. 4.8 Alignment of the block needle and ultrasound beam using a
laser line (Reprinted from Tsui [3]. With permission from Wolters
Kluwer Health) Out-of-Plane Technique: greater than 2 cm away from the probe since there will be
Walkdown Approach a relatively large “blind” needling area. In this situation,
the needle should be inserted almost perpendicularly (i.e.,
• Out-of-plane (OOP; tangential, short-axis) alignment of the needle placed just adjacent to the probe which means
the needle to the scanning plane can be useful in several that in reality, it will be 0.5 cm away from the ultrasound
block locations (e.g., popliteal, terminal nerves of the beam). Again, applying the principles of trigonometry, a
forearm, ankle blocks), but the separation between the distance ≤1 cm between the needle and the ultrasound
needle tip and proximal shaft can be poorly defined. beam becomes negligible as the target depth increases,
• OOP needling can be difficult since the needle shaft can and the needle insertion depth becomes comparable to the
easily be mistaken for the needle tip (Fig. 4.10). target depth (Fig. 4.12). For instance, the difference
• Needle tip imaging can be improved by using shallow ini- between the depth of needle insertion and the actual depth
tial puncture angles since the tip appears as a bright dot at of the target is minimal when the needle is directly adja-
these angles. cent to the transducer with a maximum distance of 1 cm
• An approach that can improve needle tip visibility when away from the ultrasound beam:
using OOP approaches with linear probes involves calcu-
lating the required depth of puncture (with measurement
to the related neural structure recorded using ultrasound
(( 2cm target depth ) 2
+ (1cm insertion distance )
= 2.2 cm needle length required
prior to the block) and using trigonometry with the shaft
angle and length to calculate a “reasonable” distance to Therefore, this approach helps clinicians to determine if
place the initial needle puncture site (Fig. 4.11) [4]. the hyperechoic dot on the ultrasound image is the needle
• The initial shallow puncture will be easily seen, and the tip by correlating it to the length of the needle inserted.
needle tip can be followed as it is walked down to the final • The nerve structure is often placed in the center of the
calculated depth. For example, if the final depth of pene- screen to guarantee that aligning the needle puncture with
tration for the block is 2 cm, the needle will ultimately the center of the probe will ensure close needle tip-nerve
obtain a 45° angle if the initial puncture site is 2 cm from alignment.
the probe and the needle is incrementally angled to this • The choice of probe, whether linear or curved, can be
level [5]. This approach works best for structures that are altered depending on the anatomical situation.
≤2 cm deep. • The OOP approach usually works well when the target
• For target nerves deeper than 2 cm, a long needle is nerve is scanned in a short-axis (cross-sectional view) for
required. It is impractical to have the needle insertion site both single shot and catheter insertion.
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 55
a b
Fig. 4.10 Needle tip (a) and shaft (b) in an out-of-plane approach. Green arrows indicate needle position
p de
Probe Probe
shallower angles (right) improve
visibility. Incremental needle
angulation (with two to three
insertion angles from shallow to final Distance rees
45°) can improve needle tracking. deg
The trigonometric relationship, using S hall
an ultrasound-measured target depth,
will allow an estimate of the target
a c
a c
Fig. 4.12 Method to determine needle tip location by correlating it to beam becomes negligible as the target depth increases. The needle
the length of the needle inserted for target nerves deeper than 2 cm with insertion depth therefore becomes comparable to the target depth. The
an out-of-plane approach. The needle is placed just adjacent to the hyperechoic dot on the ultrasound image can be distinguished as the
probe and inserted almost perpendicularly. According to principles of needle tip (a) or the shaft (b) (Adapted from Tsui [5]. With permission
trigonometry, a distance ≤1 cm between the needle and the ultrasound from Springer Verlag)
4 Clinical and Practical Aspects of Ultrasound Use 57
Suggested Reading
Chan VW. The use of ultrasound for peripheral nerve block. In: Boezaart
AP, editor. Anesthesia and orthopaedic surgery. New York: McGraw-
Hill; 2006. p. 283–90.
Regional Block Catheter Insertion Using
Ultrasonography and Stimulating 5
5.1 Indications, Contraindications, and Safety of Peripheral Nerve Catheter Placement . . . . . . . 60
5.2 Equipment and Injectates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.1 Equipment Required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.2 Sterile Transducer Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2.3 Choice of Injectates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.3 Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3.1 Confirming Catheter Tip Location with Ultrasonography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3.2 Confirming Catheter Tip Location with Nerve Stimulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.3.3 Catheter-Over-Needle Assembly Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.3.4 Securing the Catheter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.4 Examples of Common Peripheral Nerve Catheterization Procedures Used in Children . . . . . 69
5.4.1 Infraclavicular Nerve Block Catheterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.4.2 Femoral Nerve Block Catheterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.4.3 Sciatic Nerve Block Catheterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.1 Indications, Contraindications, space, Pajunk has designed a peripheral continuous catheter
and Safety of Peripheral Nerve (SonoLong Curl Continuous kit, Pajunk, Geisingen,
Catheter Placement Germany) which curls immediately after exiting the needle
(Fig. 5.1), allowing the tip to remain near the position of the
Prior to performing any procedure, the risk should be needle tip.
balanced against the benefit. This is particularly true in the
pediatric population, where data on the efficacy and safety of 2. Stimulating Catheters
peripheral nerve catheters is scarce. In general, peripheral Although it is still unclear as to whether stimulating cath-
catheters are used in children undergoing procedures that are eters are more effective than non-stimulating catheters at
associated with significant and prolonged postoperative positioning the catheter tip in proximity to the nerve, stimu-
pain, such as major orthopedic procedures, traction of lating catheters can aid in the verification of catheter tip
femoral fractures, operations on congenital malformations localization. When motor response is present at a reasonable
of upper or lower limbs, and amputation, or to facilitate threshold (0.5 mA), this usually signifies the correct place-
postoperative physiotherapy. Peripheral catheters can also be ment of a stimulating catheter. Some stimulating needle and
used in children to improve peripheral perfusion following catheter sets, for example, the StimuCath® (Arrow
microvascular surgery and to help manage chronic pain International, Reading, PA, USA) with a 5 mm bare tip, may
conditions. need a higher stimulation current, such as 1 mA; it should
One of the main considerations of peripheral nerve cath- also be noted that nerve stimulation is not sensitive enough
eter placement is when there is a high risk of neurovascular to detect intraneural placement of the catheter. Therefore, it
injury from either the injury or surgery, for example, condy- is our recommendation that the spread of local anesthetic
lar or supracondylar fractures of the elbow. Physicians through the catheter tip be observed with ultrasound.
should exercise caution since there is a lack of safety data Ultrasound-guided perineural catheter insertion can be tech-
with regard to regional anesthesia in patients with preexist- nically challenging and requires a sound knowledge of sono-
ing neurological disorders. Another consideration is that anatomy, good hand-eye coordination, and a competent
there is continued debate regarding performing regional assistant. High success rates can be obtained once these
anesthesia in anesthetized adults. Such practice is well skills are acquired.
accepted in pediatric patients as it reduces the risk of a “mov- Catheters that are used in continuous peripheral nerve
ing target” and because children are often unable to commu- blocks in children are similar to those used in adults. There
nicate and differentiate between paresthesia, pain at injection are four commercial varieties of catheters available with dif-
site, or pressure from the injectate. ferent lengths of needles required for various blocks and to
accommodate the child’s habitus/size. Several manufacturers
now provide Tuohy needle/catheter sets specifically tailored
5.2 Equipment and Injectates for pediatric use.
Pajunk® StimuLong Sono (Pajunk, Geisingen, Germany) This ensures atraumatic manipulation of the catheter
• The insulated Tuohy needles are available in 50, 100, and tip.
110 mm lengths. – Similar to the StimuLong Sono catheters, fluid can be
• The stimulating catheter has a gold-plated, atraumatic injected through the catheter during advancement for
rounded tip with a high conductivity (Fig. 5.3). hydrodissection.
• The catheter does not have a stylet, enabling fluid to be
injected as the catheter is advanced. ContiStim® Catheters (B.Braun, Melsungen, Germany)
• The metal coil of the catheter provides radiopacity and • Life-Tech has incorporated smaller catheters (21G–24G;
prevents kinking of the catheter as it meets resistance. Prolong Micro) for pediatric use.
• The 18G, 19G, and 20G insulated Tuohy needles are
Pajunk® StimuLong Sono-Tsui Set (Pajunk, Geisingen, available in variable lengths of 50, 100, and 150 mm.
Germany) • It has an atraumatic ball tip to reduce tissue damage and
• The insulated Tuohy needles have lengths of 50 and create a 360° outflow pattern.
100 mm (Fig. 5.4). • The catheters are said to be kink resistant.
• The catheter design incorporates the characteristics of the • The fluid path/giving set connector is attached to a port
StimuLong Sono catheter with two distinct features: for stimulation of the catheter.
– The stiffness of the catheter tip can be regulated by • It features an EzTwistTM closure for the fluid path connec-
pushing the steel stylet forward and backward and can tor which indicates that the catheter has been securely
be locked in place by tightening or loosening a valve. connected.
Fig. 5.3 Stimulating catheter (Pajunk® StimuLong Sono) featuring a Fig. 5.4 Pajunk® StimuLong Sono-Tsui Set. Catheter tip with steel
gold-plated, atraumatic rounded tip with a high conductivity stylet to adjust stiffness. Stylet can be pushed forward or backward and
can be locked in place with a valve
5 Regional Block Catheter Insertion Using Ultrasonography and Stimulating Catheters 63
• There are a few variations on this design marketed by dif- • Simple to use with the insertion technique comparable to
ferent brands: that of a single-shot nerve block
– Pajunk, whose feature design is its two components, • Less risk of leakage from the catheter insertion site, which
the outer catheter sheath and the flexible, non-kink- is particularly important in shoulder surgery where the
able inner catheter (Figs. 5.5 and 5.6). This assembly patient is in a sitting position with a potential for surgical
was initially designed and modified by Dr. Ban Tsui. field contamination
The inner catheter is introduced within the outer cath- • Less risk of dressing adhesive disruption
eter and is Luer-locked in place for injection • Less risk of dislodgement
(Fig. 5.7). • Less cumbersome steps
– B.Braun, with the catheter-over-needle as a sole com- • Easy visualization of the catheter, especially the catheter tip
ponent (Fig. 5.8)
– Arrow, with a catheter-over-needle with a blunt needle A preassembled peripheral catheter pack is an efficient
and a sharp injection needle for the initial puncture of way of bringing together all the essential equipment to per-
the skin (Fig. 5.9). form a peripheral nerve catheter. If such a pack is not avail-
• To position the distal end of the outer catheter in proxim- able, a cart/trolley with all the necessary equipment should
ity to the target nerve, a 21G needle is inserted within the be prepared. The equipment required includes:
outer catheter with its distal end protruding for its electri-
cally conductive property. • Sterilizing solution.
• The insertion of this catheter/needle unit is under real- • Sponges/gauze.
time ultrasound guidance and nerve stimulation. The lat- • Drapes.
ter is used mainly to monitor for the absence of motor • Lidocaine in a small syringe and 23G hypodermic needle
response to prevent intraneural injection. for skin infiltration if necessary.
• The distal end of the outer catheter is tapered and thin for • Sterile ultrasound transducer cover, sterile gel, and elastic
smooth advancement within the tissue. The second com- bands for transducer preparation (see below).
ponent of the inner catheter is inserted into the outer cath- • Appropriately sized (gauge and length) Tuohy needle and
eter after the needle has been withdrawn. extension tubing, nerve block catheter, or catheter-
• The main difference between this catheter-over-needle over-needle.
assembly and the traditional catheter-through-needle • 5 % dextrose in water (D5W) and appropriate syringes for
assembly is the position of the needle in relation to the hydrodissection.
catheter. In the traditional assembly, the catheter is intro- • Micro-filter or giving set attachment for the injecting into
duced within the Tuohy needle; therefore, upon removal the catheter.
of the Tuohy needle, a gap is left between the skin and the • Appropriate dressings.
catheter. In contrast, the needle in the catheter-over-needle • Sterile gowns and gloves (it is recommended that full
assembly is within the outer catheter which remains in sterile procedure should be observed for peripheral cath-
situ at the end of the procedure. This enables a tight fit eter insertion, including a face mask, hat, sterile gown,
between the skin and the catheter. Moreover, the inner and gloves).
catheter literally replaces the needle, which was initially • Ultrasound machine with appropriate settings.
placed in proximity to the nerve before its withdrawal. • The nerve stimulator should be set up and ready to use for
This enables the tip of the inner catheter to be in proxim- the initial placement of the needle and/or if a stimulating
ity to the nerve. catheter is to be used.
64 V.H.Y. Ip and B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 5.5 Pajunk® catheter-over-needle assembly Fig. 5.8 B.Braun® catheter-over-needle assembly
Fig. 5.6 Detail of Pajunk® catheter-over-needle components Fig. 5.9 Blunt and sharp needles from Arrow® catheter-over-needle
Fig. 5.7 Luer-lock holding together the inner and outer catheter
5 Regional Block Catheter Insertion Using Ultrasonography and Stimulating Catheters 65
5.2.2 Sterile Transducer Preparation space; however, the use of local anesthetics or conducting
solution, such as normal saline, will abolish the capacity to
For peripheral nerve catheter insertion, it is important to have stimulate. This is particularly important when stimulating
an appropriate sterile cover for the ultrasound transducer as catheters are used.
well as for the cord so it does not contaminate the sterile field Hydrodissection using D5W, a nonconducting fluid, is
while scanning (see Chap. 4, Sect. 4.3). The following useful for “dissecting” or “opening” of the perineural space.
describes how to prepare a sterile transducer probe: This facilitates catheter advancement while maintaining the
ability to stimulate and may enhance the contrast at the tissue
• Open the sterile sheath by placing two thumbs inside the interface, potentially allowing for better visibility of both the
sheath, and roll the length of the sheath up so that the needle and the catheter under ultrasound. Overaggressive
sheath bunches up in the hand. hydrodissection is not advised since it may hinder electrical
• Ensure plenty of sterile gel is applied on the inside of the stimulation of the nerve by creating a potential mechanical
sheath where the surface of the transducer is to be placed. barrier.
• Cover the transducer inside the sheath, and push the
length of the sheath to cover the cord of the transducer Local Anesthetics
(take care to avoid desterilizing the gloves). Unlike in adults, the dose of local anesthetics is weight
• Pull an elastic band over the cord to hold the sheath on the dependent in infants and children. In pediatric patients,
cord. after an initial bolus, the dosage recommended for continu-
• Stretch the surface of the sheath covering the transducer ous infusion is 0.1–0.2 mL/kg/h of either bupivacaine or
to avoid any air bubbles or creases before pulling an elas- levobupivacaine (0.125–0.25 %) or ropivacaine (0.15–
tic band over the transducer to hold it in place. This will 0.2 %). The lower rates are generally used for upper extrem-
also minimize any sliding between the sheath and the ity catheters and the higher rates for lower extremity
transducer while scanning. catheters. If necessary, the infusion rate may be adjusted up
to a maximum of 0.2 mg/kg/h for infants of less than
6 months and 0.4 mg/kg/h in children of more than
5.2.3 Choice of Injectates 6 months.
5.3 Technique • The Tuohy needle is attached to the extension tubing and
flushed with D5W.
When inserting peripheral nerve catheters, aseptic technique • Sterile gel is applied to the skin.
should always be observed in order to reduce the risk of • The ultrasound probe is used to identify the target nerve.
infection. All the equipment should be ready as described in • If the patient is sedated, local anesthetics can be injected
Chap. 1. to raise a skin wheal at the site of planned needle entry.
The key practical techniques for insertion of peripheral • The Tuohy needle can be inserted in plane or out of plane
nerve catheters are as follows: with respect to the probe axis.
– When an in-plane approach is used, there is a good
• An assistant who is trained in regional anesthesia with view of the advancement of the needle. If the nerve
experience in monitoring pediatric patients under sedation runs perpendicular to the needle insertion, the tip of
or general anesthesia should be present. This is important the catheter should be placed underneath or above the
not only for monitoring the child during catheter insertion nerve rather than parallel to the nerve.
but to assist with the nerve stimulator and the injectate. – When an out-of-plane approach is used, tissue move-
• Routine monitoring such as electrocardiography, nonin- ment can be appreciated as the needle is advanced. On
vasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, capnography, and sliding the probe proximally and distally from the nee-
end-tidal gas monitoring (especially for those in whom dle insertion site, the cross section of the tip of the
anesthesia is maintained on volatile agents) is applied. needle can be appreciated when the hyperechoic dot
• Emergency drugs such as atropine, ephedrine, and succi- disappears and reappears as the probe is slid proxi-
nylcholine are drawn up, and resuscitation drugs such as mally and distally. An out-of-plane technique allows
epinephrine and Intralipid are available if needed. the catheter to be placed parallel to the nerve if the
• There should be oxygen supply and an Ambu® bag (or nerve runs parallel to the direction of needle insertion.
Bagger) available. • For both in-plane and out-of-plane techniques, D5W can
• Intravenous access should be established. be used to hydrodissect the tissue plane to confirm the
• The child should either be sedated with titrated doses of position of the needle tip, provide a space for the advance-
midazolam and/or fentanyl or induced under general ment of the catheter, and create a better contrast medium
anesthetic. If nerve stimulation is used for identifying the for visualization of the needle.
target nerve or for the stimulating catheter, use of muscle
relaxants should be avoided. Methods used to confirm the catheter tip location differ
• Patient is placed in a suitable position for peripheral nerve between the non-stimulating and the stimulating nerve block
catheter placement. catheters. Ultrasound can be used to help ascertain the non-
• The height of the bed and the position of the ultrasound stimulating catheter tip, whereas both nerve stimulation and
machine should be placed in an ergonomically friendly ultrasound can be used to determine the stimulating catheter
fashion. tip in relation to the nerve.
• Pre-procedure scanning is helpful to determine the opti-
mal ultrasound machine settings such as gain, depth,
scanning mode, and focus range. Scanning can also iden- 5.3.1 Confirming Catheter Tip Location
tify any abnormal anatomy in advance. with Ultrasonography
• Ensure all the equipment is gathered and prepared as out-
lined earlier in this chapter. When using ultrasound to determine the location of the cath-
• The skin should be cleaned with a sterile solution and the eter tip, the transducer may be placed along the length of the
area draped. catheter as it is aspirated, allowing movement of the column
• The probe is covered with sterile gel which is then covered of fluid within the catheter to be observed. Injecting D5W
with the long sterile probe sleeve. An elastic band can be through the catheter to expand the hypoechoic area may also
applied to minimize slipping of the sheath against the help to locate the catheter tip.
transducer and to prevent air bubbles from accumulating. If the movement of the fluid column in the catheter can be
observed on aspiration but no spread of the injectate is in
Traditional non-stimulating nerve block catheter and view, the catheter may be too deep into the tissue and may
stimulating nerve block catheter insertion techniques need to be pulled back. One can also use the markings along
the catheter to note the depth of the catheter in the tissue.
• The catheter is prepared, kept in a sterile towel, and placed Doppler color flow is another useful method to determine
on the sterile field. It must be within easy reach of the tissue movement upon injection of agitated D5W through the
operator during the procedure. catheter.
5 Regional Block Catheter Insertion Using Ultrasonography and Stimulating Catheters 67
As previously mentioned, it is always good practice to • Both the catheter-over-needle assembly and the inner
observe the spread of the injectate delivered via the periph- catheter should each be primed with 10 mL of D5W.
eral nerve catheter to visually confirm the position of the • Sterile gel is applied to the skin.
catheter tip. This practice should be employed whether a • Ultrasound probe is used to identify the target nerve.
stimulating catheter is used or not. • Local anesthetic is used to raise a skin wheal at the site of
planned needle entry.
• 21G catheter-over-needle (of the chosen length) can be
5.3.2 Confirming Catheter Tip Location inserted in plane or out of plane.
with Nerve Stimulation • Nerve stimulator at a current of 0.2 mA can be attached to
monitor for the absence of motor response. This will help
• Since the stimulating catheter is to be inserted beyond the to prevent intraneural needle insertion.
tip of the needle, the length of the needle and the exten- • As the tip of the needle is in the desired position, injection
sion tubing should be noted to ensure an accurate stimula- of D5W can be used to ascertain the spread.
tion response elicited by the catheter independent from Hydrodissection with D5W or local anesthetic can be
the needle. used.
• The nerve stimulator should be set at 0.5 mA since a • The needle is removed while the outer catheter remains in
higher current not only causes discomfort to the patient situ.
but can also cause muscle twitches which displace the • The inner catheter is introduced within the outer catheter
probe and the needle. and is Luer-locked in place (Fig. 5.7).
• When the tip of the needle is at the desired position, negative • The spread of the injectate via the inner catheter tip can be
aspiration for blood should be confirmed and a small amount confirmed under ultrasound. This is relatively easy to do
of D5W should be injected. It is important to observe the since the ultrasound probe can be held at all times during
spread of the solution since it provides information on the the catheter insertion (with a single operator) and the
location of the needle tip. If hydrodissection is not observed, inner catheter is inserted the same place as the needle
the needle tip may be in an intravascular position. which has been removed.
• The injection of D5W should amplify the motor response.
• The extension tubing is then removed and the nerve stim-
ulator is disconnected from the Tuohy needle.
• The catheter, with the stimulation port attached to the
nerve stimulator, is inserted through the Tuohy needle. Clinical Pearls
• The catheter should be advanced beyond the tip of the Catheter insertion can be performed using in-plane or
Tuohy needle and the subsequent motor response observed. out-of-plane approach (see Chap. 4) with the nerve
• In order to place the nerve block catheter tip in proximity imaged in a short axis (cross-sectional view) or long
to the nerve, the specific motor response pertaining to the axis (longitudinal view). However, if the nerve is
sensory distribution of the nerve should be observed. imaged in short axis and an in-plane approach is
• It is possible for the catheter to be advanced too far, caus- used, the catheter should not be threaded too far
ing it to coil. This can be seen by an increase in the motor beyond the Tuohy needle tip when using the tradi-
response on further advancement of the catheter. If this is tional catheter insertion technique. Note that this is
noted, the catheter should be pulled back until ideal motor not an issue if the catheter-over-needle approach is
stimulation is achieved. used.
It seems logical to scan the nerve in a long axis and
use an in-plane approach such that the catheter travels
5.3.3 Catheter-Over-Needle Assembly parallel to the nerve. However, it is not always easy to
Insertion scan the nerve in a long axis since the course of the
nerve may not be straight or it may become more
• An appropriate length catheter-over-needle assembly is superficial or deep. Therefore, it is important to apply
the key to success. Therefore, it is useful to perform a pre- the knowledge of anatomy when selecting the most
scan to estimate the distance between skin puncture and appropriate plane to scan the nerve.
the nerve.
68 V.H.Y. Ip and B.C.H. Tsui
5.4 Examples of Common Peripheral long-term positive outcome in a 9-year-old with traumatic
Nerve Catheterization Procedures amputation of the hand [2].
Used in Children
Position Sonoanatomy
Lateral The sciatic nerve at the popliteal region is just medial to the
biceps femoris muscle. Be aware of the popliteal vessels just
Transducer medial and anterior to the sciatic nerve. Scan proximally and
Linear probe (38 mm, 13–6 MHz) distally to identify where the sciatic nerve divides into the
tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve.
Surface Landmark
Greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity Out-of-Plane Approach
Place the transducer just above the knee crease; the sciatic
Sonoanatomy nerve is usually divided at this point. Scan proximally until
Identify the acoustic shadows cast by the greater trochanter the sciatic nerve has just divided. Insert an appropriately
and the ischial tuberosity. The sciatic nerve is in cross sec- sized insulated Tuohy needle (e.g., 5 cm, 18G–20G) perpen-
tion lateral to the long head of the biceps femoris muscle. dicular to the probe and aim to place the needle tip at a point
when the sciatic nerve just split. The catheter can then be
In-Plane Approach advanced 1–3 cm beyond the needle tip, depending on the
Place the transducer with one end on the greater trochanter age and size of the child.
and the other end on the ischial tuberosity. Insert an appro-
priately sized insulated Tuohy needle (e.g., 5 cm, 18G–20G) Motor Response
perpendicular to the probe. Aim to place the needle tip just Plantar flexion or dorsiflexion of the foot
above the sciatic nerve, and advance the catheter 1–3 cm
beyond the needle tip, depending on the age and size of the
child. Clinical Pearl
It is better to direct the catheter cephalad to enable its
Motor Response to Nerve Stimulation proximal placement along the sciatic nerve.
Plantar flexion or dorsiflexion of the foot
Clinical Evidence
Clinical Pearls
There are prospective studies and case reports demonstrat-
The current of the nerve stimulator needs to be
ing the efficacy of continuous popliteal sciatic nerve
increased as the catheter is advanced.
blocks [6–9]. One study also demonstrated reduced
Rotating the Tuohy needle 90° sometimes allows
adverse effects compared to epidural analgesia [10]. A
for better advancement of the catheter.
recent study evaluating the adverse effects of continuous
peripheral nerve block found a significant association of
Clinical Evidence persistent insensate extremity with continuous popliteal
Compared with other blocks, there are more clinical studies nerve block [11]; however, this could be secondary to the
and case reports on continuous subgluteal sciatic nerve volume and concentration of local anesthetic used in this
blocks in children for correction of congenital defects, ortho- confined perineural space. Ilfeld et al. [12] reported a
pedic oncology surgery, osteotomy, and amputation [4, 5]. lower incidence of insensate extremity in adults with a
Each has demonstrated successful results with minimal side lower infusion rate of local anesthetic, such as 4 mL/h of
effects. 0.4 % ropivacaine.
5 Regional Block Catheter Insertion Using Ultrasonography and Stimulating Catheters 71
6.1 Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2 Principles of Pain Assessment in Infants and Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.3 Assessing Pain in Neonates and Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.3.1 The Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3.2 Neonatal Pain Agitation and Sedation Scale (N-PASS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3.3 CRIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3.4 Assessing Postoperative Pain in Infants and Young Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.4 Assessing Pain in Children and Adolescents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.1 Faces Pain Scale-Revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.2 Numeric Rating Scales (NRS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.3 Oucher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.4 Pieces of Hurt/Poker Chip Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.5 Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.6 Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.7 Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 Assessing Postoperative Pain in Critically Ill Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.6 Assessing Postoperative Pain in Children with Cognitive Impairments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.8 Developmental, Familial, and Psychological Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.8.1 Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.8.2 Developmental Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.8.3 Psychological Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.8.4 Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.8.5 Cultural Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.3 Assessing Pain in Neonates Facial Coding System (NFCS) [22] and the Neonatal Infant
and Infants Pain Scale (NIPS) [23] are useful for the assessment of
short-term acute pain involved in medical procedures, such
Neonates and infants under the age of 1 month often as venipunctures, but their usefulness for painful experi-
undergo painful interventions, including surgical proce- ences of longer duration such as postoperative pain is lim-
dures, venipunctures, and heel lances [17]. Assessing pain ited [18]. Tools with demonstrated validity in assessing
in this vulnerable population requires multidimensional postoperative pain in neonates and infants include the
measures, as infants are preverbal and cannot communi- Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP), the Neonatal Pain
cate their pain with words [18]. Recent reviews have shown Agitation and Sedation Scale (N-PASS), and CRIES
that while over 40 tools have been developed for assessing (Table 6.1). These tools will be described below, including
pain in these children, no one tool has been identified as information about their development, content, validation,
ideal [19–21]. Many of the tools such as the Neonatal and reliability.
6.3.1 The Premature Infant Pain Profile and nasolabial furrows. Initial reliability and validity testing
(PIPP) involved procedural pain such as heel lance, circumcision,
and venipuncture. Research on the PIPP has demonstrated
This tool consists of a seven-item, 4-point scale that mea- construct validity of the tool as a measure of prolonged post-
sures behavioral, physiological, and contextual indicators operative pain in premature infants who underwent surgical
[24] (Fig. 6.1). These measures include gestational age, procedures [25].
behavioral state, oxygen saturation, brow bulge, eye squeeze,
Fig. 6.1 Scoring method for the premature infant pain profile (PIPP) (Adapted from Stevens et al. [24]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 79
6.3.2 Neonatal Pain Agitation and Sedation neonatal intensive care unit who had received surgical proce-
Scale (N-PASS) dures [26]. The infants ranged in postnatal age from 0 to
100 days, and gestational age ranged from 23 to 40 weeks.
The N-PASS [26] consists of five indicators that have dem- Convergent validity, assessed by correlation with the PIPP,
onstrated reliability and validity as pain measures in various was 0.83 at high pain scores and 0.61 at low pain scores.
neonatal pain assessment scales (Fig. 6.2). These indicators Inter-rater reliability was high (0.85–0.95). The N-PASS is
are cry/irritability, behavior state, facial expression, extremi- validated up to 3 years of age.
ties/tone, and vital signs. The tool was tested on infants in the
Crying - Chracteristic cry of pain is high pitched.
0 – No cry or cry that is not high-pitched
1 – Cry high pitched but baby is easily consolable
2 – Cry high pitched but baby is inconsolable
Requires O2 for SaO2 <95 % - Babies experiencing pain
manifest decreased oxygenation. Consider other cause of hypoxemia,
e.g., oversedation, atelectasis, pneumothorax)
0 – No oxygen required
1 – <30 % oxygen required
2 – >30 % oxygen required
Increased vital signs (BP* and HR*) - Take BP last as this
may awaken child making other assessments difficult
0 – Both HR and BP unchanged or less than baseline
1 – HR or BP increased but increase in <20 % of baseline
2 – HR or BP is increased >20 % over baseline.
Expression - The facial expression most often associated
with pain is a grimace. A grimace may be characterized by
brow lowering, eyes squeezed shut, deepening naso-labial furrow,
or open lips and mouth.
0 – No grimace present
1 – Grimace alone is present
2 – Grimace and non-cry vocalization grunt is present
Sleepless - Scored based upon the infant’s state
during the hour preceding this recorded score.
0 – Child has been continuously asleep
1 – Child has awakened at frequent intervals
2 – Child has been awake constantly
Total score
Fig. 6.3 CRIES neonatal pain assessment tool. Used with permission
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 81
6.3.4 Assessing Postoperative Pain in Infants testing of the tool involved assessment of children between
and Young Children 2 months and 7 years of age who had undergone surgical
procedures in the postanesthesia care unit. Inter-rater
Although most children over the age of 18 months are verbal, reliability was found to be high using simultaneous indepen-
their ability to communicate pain may still be limited to cry- dent evaluations (r = 0.94). Validity testing has demonstrated
ing or to providing information only about the presence or that FLACC scores decrease with analgesia administration in
absence of pain. Assessing pain in infants and preschool age children under the age of 3 years [30].
children is best accomplished by measures that include
behavioral manifestations of pain. Tools that have shown Parents’ Postoperative Pain Measure
reliability and validity in assessing postoperative pain in (PPPM)
infants and young children include the Faces, Limb, Activity, The Parents’ Postoperative Pain Measure [31] has been vali-
Cry, and Consolability (FLACC) scale for hospital use and dated as a measure for home use in children who are
the Parents’ Postoperative Pain Measure (PPPM) for use at discharged to home following day surgery procedures. This
home [28]. 15-item tool includes cutoff scores which show excellent
sensitivity and specificity (>80 %) in determining clinically FLACC (Faces, Limb, Activity, Cry, meaningful pain scores. The initial validation of this tool was
and Consolability) completed on children ages 7–12 years undergoing proce-
The FLACC [29] has been shown to be a reliable tool for dures which were ranked by experts into three classes –
measuring postoperative pain in young children (Fig. 6.4). highly painful (e.g., tonsillectomies), moderately painful
The acronym FLACC incorporates the different domains of (e.g., sinus surgeries), or little or no pain (e.g., myringoto-
the assessment – Facial expression, Leg movement, Activity mies). Further validation of the PPPM [32] demonstrated
level, Cry, and Consolability. Each domain receives a score that the tool is a reliable valid measure for home use on chil-
between 0 and 2 for a total score of between 0 and 10. Initial dren between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
0 1 2
Occasional grimace or Frequent to constant
No particular
Face frown, withdrawn, quivering chin,
expression or smile
disinterested clenched jaw
Normal position or Kicking, or legs drawn
Legs Uneasy, restless, tense
relaxed up
Crying steadily,
No cry (awake or Moans or whimpers;
Cry screams or sobs,
asleep) occasional complaint
frequent complaints
Reassured by
occasional touching, Difficult to console or
Consolability Content, relaxed
hugging or being talked comfort
to, distractable
Each of the five categories (F) Face; (L) Legs; (A) Activity; (C) Cry; (C) Consolability is scored
from 0-2, which results in a total score between zero and ten.
Fig. 6.4 FLACC pain assessment tool (Based on data from Ref. [29])
82 B.D. Dick et al.
6.4.1 Faces Pain Scale-Revised The Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale [39] is a reliable and
valid tool for assessing pain in children over 3 years of age.
The Faces Pain Scale-Revised [35] has been translated into It is similar to the Faces Pain Scale-Revised in that it consists
more than 40 languages and can be obtained free of charge of a series of six cartoon faces depicting “no hurt” to “hurts
for use in clinical practice. Obviously, it is important when worst.” The child then chooses the face that best describes
using pain assessment tools with young verbal children to his/her pain. Recent research [40, 41] has found that chil-
communicate in a language that they understand whenever dren’s pain ratings are influenced by the pictorial anchors, as
possible. These pictorial scales with accompanying instruc- the “no pain” face has a smile and the “most pain” face has
tions have a series of six faces that the child points to, indi- tears. These findings suggest that the faces in this scale may
cating how much they hurt or how sore they feel. This scale measure pain affect rather than pain intensity.
has strong psychometric properties and is widely used in
research and clinical practice internationally.
6.4.6 Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
6.4.2 Numeric Rating Scales (NRS) The visual analogue scale (VAS) [42], which has several
forms, is composed of a line with the words “no pain” and
Older children are often asked to rate their pain using these “worst” or “most pain” as anchors (Fig. 6.6). The line can be
scales (Fig. 6.5). The NRS is generally composed of an vertical or horizontal. The child is asked to mark a point on
11-point numeric rating scale, with anchors of 0 (No Pain) the line to indicate pain intensity. The VAS has been used
and 10 (Worst Pain Imaginable). A recent publication by von extensively in research studies. It is not as clinically useful as
Baeyer et al. [36] reviewed the use of the numeric rating a tool as it may be difficult to interpret and difficult to include
scale to define age limits for which it would be appropriate in a chart document and requires careful explanation to the
and concluded that the scale is supported for use in children child. Debate continues as to optimal line length and the
over the age of 8 years. choice of anchor words.
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 83
6.4.7 Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario based on the following criteria: 0 is behavior that is the
Pain Scale (CHEOPS) antithesis of pain; 1 is behavior not indicative of pain, and
not the antithesis of pain; 2 is behavior indication of mild or
The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale [43] is moderate pain; and 3 is behavior indicative of severe pain.
a time-sampling behavioral pain scale. It looks for behaviors Therefore, the total score can be from 4 to 13 for each time
related to six items: cry, facial, child verbal, torso, touch, and period sampled. It showed good inter-rater reliability, with
legs. Each behavior listed under each item is given a numeri- average percentage of agreement by patients ranging from
cal score and definition. The numerical scores are assigned 90 to 99.5 %.
6.5 Assessing Postoperative Pain 45] (Fig. 6.7) was developed to assess distress in critically ill
in Critically Ill Children children. In many critically ill children, pain may be a con-
tributor to the distress. The COMFORT scale consists of
Assessing postoperative pain in critically ill children in an behavioral and physiological indicators. The tool requires
intensive care unit requires multidimensional tools. If a criti- extensive training of clinical staff but is one of the few tools
cally ill child is not sedated, a self-report should be obtained validated for use in this population. The modified FLACC
where possible. However, for many of these children, seda- [46] is valid in measuring postoperative pain in intubated
tion is a required part of their care, making valid assessment children. The Cry section is modified to reflect the facial
by self-reporting more difficult. The COMFORT scale [44, expression associated with crying.
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 85
Patient Sticker
Date Time
Fig. 6.7 COMFORT scale for pain assessment in critically ill children (Reprinted from van Dijk et al. [45]. With permission from Wolters Kluwer
86 B.D. Dick et al.
6.6 Assessing Postoperative Pain strated good inter-rater reliability and included cutoff scores
in Children with Cognitive to determine mild or moderate to severe pain. The tool
Impairments requires a 10-min observation of behaviors in six domains –
vocal, social, facial, activity, body and limbs, and physiolog-
Assessing postoperative pain in children with cognitive ical. The FLACC has also shown reliability and validity in
impairments requires the use of multidimensional tools and assessing postoperative pain in children with cognitive
parental input. It can be difficult to determine which behav- impairments. Malviya et al. [48] utilized the FLACC as well
iors are pain related in this population. The Non- as individualized behaviors identified by the parent for each
Communicating Children’s Pain Checklist-Postoperative child in assessing pain postoperatively in children aged
Version (NCCPC-PV) by Breau et al. [47] (Fig. 6.8) demon- 4–19 years with cognitive impairments.
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 87
How ofetn has this child shown these behaviours in the last 10 minutes? Please circle a number for each behaviour. If an
item does not apply to this child (for example, this child cannot reach with his/her hands), then indicate “not applicable”
for that item.
I. Vocal
1. Moaning, whining, whimpering (fairly soft)............................................................. 0 1 2 3 NA
2. Crying (moderately loud)........................................................................................ 0 1 2 3 NA
3. Screaming/yelling (very loud)................................................................................. 0 1 2 3 NA
4. A specific sound or word for pain (e.g., a word, cry or type of laugh).................... 0 1 2 3 NA
II. Social
5. Not cooperating, cranky, irritable, unhappy............................................................ 0 1 2 3 NA
6. Less interaction with others, withdrawn................................................................. 0 1 2 3 NA
7. Seeking comfort or physical closeness................................................................. 0 1 2 3 NA
8. Being difficult to distract, not able to satisfy or pacify............................................ 0 1 2 3 NA
III. Facial
9. A furrowed brow...................................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
10. A change in eyes, including: squinching of eyes, eyes opened wide, eyes frowing 0 1 2 3 NA
11. Turning down of mouth, not smiling...................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
12. Lips puckering up, tight, pouting, or quivering...................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
13. Clenching or grinding teeth, chewing or thrusting tongue out.............................. 0 1 2 3 NA
IV. Activity
14. Not moving, less active, quiet................................................................................ 0 1 2 3 NA
15. Jumping around, agitated, fidgety.......................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
VI. Physiological
22. Shivering............................................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
23. Change in color, pallor.......................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
24. Sweating, perspiring............................................................................................. 0 1 2 3 NA
25. Tears..................................................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
26. Sharp intake of breath, gasping........................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
27. Breath holding....................................................................................................... 0 1 2 3 NA
Fig. 6.8 The Non-Communicating Children’s Pain Checklist-Postoperative Version (NCCPC-PV). Used with permission
88 B.D. Dick et al.
6.7 Summary and the following tables summarize current tools for
assessing pain in children of different age groups.
In summary, there are many tools available for assessing Table 6.1 addresses tools for use in neonates, Table 6.2
postoperative pain in children. Clinicians need to use addresses behavioral tools, and Table 6.3 addresses self-
tools that are reliable, valid, and easy to use. Many of the report tools. Whichever tool is chosen for use, it must be
tools are designed to capture pain intensity, which is only used regularly to effectively manage postoperative pain in
one part of a comprehensive pain assessment. Figure 6.9 children.
Fig. 6.9 Appropriate pain assessment scales for children of different age groups (See text for details)
6.8 Developmental, Familial, as new skills are acquired in cognitive, motor, and social
and Psychological Factors domains, new abilities emerge. Along with these abilities
come unique response tendencies that correspond with a
6.8.1 Age child’s developmental stage. For example, it has been found
that younger children tend to assign higher intensity scores
Historically, some have been tempted to erroneously concep- to pain descriptors than older children [54]. It has also been
tualize children as “mini-adults” when it came to formulat- noted that as cognitive skills such as seriation, classification,
ing practice guidelines. It is now clear that many aspects of matching, and estimation develop, children are able to more
children’s behavior are unique and dissimilar to correspond- reliably produce valid pain scores. The younger a child is,
ing behavior in adults. Age-related developmental changes the greater the tendency that a child will be more egocentric
interact with many factors that influence pain assessment. and concrete and focus excessively on perceptually salient
The effects of age in the context of pain assessment have aspects of a scale [55]. Younger children such as those in the
been increasingly studied over the past 20 years. Some of 3–4-year age range have been found to be more likely to
these effects are clear and some are more subtle. choose endpoints of visual analogue or categorical scales
One of the most obvious and pertinent factors relevant to [56]. It is also important to note that a child’s ability to attend
assessing a child’s pain is the level of the child’s ability to to and complete tasks such as pain ratings is affected by
communicate the experience of pain. While self-report is the stressors [57]. This is particularly pertinent given the stress-
gold standard for pain assessment [49], this is often difficult ful nature of pain. As well, there also appears to be a strong
or impossible for young children or for children with devel- developmental trend with regard to a child’s ability to use
opmental delays. Further, as pain is by nature a subjective words that label one’s emotional state [58]. As a child’s lan-
experience, reporting something as complex as one’s pain guage skills become more sophisticated, his/her ability to
experience is inherently challenging [50]. In addition to pos- provide valid and reliable pain reports also increases.
sible limitations in communicating information about pain
being experienced, what a developing child understands School-Age Children
when questioned about pain or the child’s understanding of As with the previously described age groups, as children in
how to respond using pain assessment tools can be limited or this age category develop, they become increasingly able to
qualitatively different from what the assessing adult under- use language and conceptual thinking to more skillfully pro-
stands. These differences can be a result of a number of fac- vide information related to pain assessment. It is during this
tors including the child’s level of communication developmental stage that children show increasing abilities
sophistication, past pain experiences, and culture. to use many self-report scales. During this stage, children
Furthermore, a child who is ill and/or in pain may have more tend to use more complex conceptualizations and report
difficulty engaging effectively in tasks, particularly if those more abstract and affective aspects of pain [4]. This ability
tasks are complex. can be noted between ages 7 and 10 years, becoming more
established by the age of 11 years [59]. A wider range of
Neonates and Infants self-report measures can be reliably used to obtain valid pain
There is considerable evidence from biological measures measures in this age range.
that newborns and infants experience pain at the same level
of intensity as adults [51]. There is strong evidence from the Adolescence
use of physiological and behavioral measures that infants Adolescents show an increasing ability to describe and focus
show enhanced acute pain responses [52]. It has long been on the psychological and social impact of pain. Adolescents
known that as the number of painful procedures that a neo- generally demonstrate increased cognitive flexibility, abstract
nate or infant experiences increases, there can be a corre- thinking, and a broader vocabulary available to describe their
sponding increase in anticipatory fear reactions related to experiences. They also tend to show increased concern about
cues for an upcoming medical procedure [53]. Obviously, the personal and future relevance of a current pain experi-
given the very limited ability of an infant to communicate, ence as it pertains to disability and disfigurement [4].
physiological, biological, and observational measures must
be relied upon to assess pain in very young children. In many
cases, parents can provide valuable information based on 6.8.2 Developmental Delays
behavioral observations of an infant that can be valid and
reliable estimates of pain and distress. Relevant to the discussion of a child’s ability to report pain
and an observer’s ability to rate a child’s pain is a discussion
Preschoolers on unique challenges that exist when assessing pain in chil-
Preschool age children present with some remarkable dren with developmental delays or other forms of physical or
abilities but also experience considerable challenges in many mental impairment. Individuals with developmental disabili-
cases when trying to rate their pain. As children develop and ties are at risk of having their pain underestimated and under-
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 91
treated due to their difficulties in verbal communication, ful stimulus have been found to be associated with later pain
cognitive impairment, and even motor skill deficits [60]. ratings following a painful episode [72]. A subsequent study
Malviya and colleagues found that few developmentally found that children who expected to have more pain postop-
delayed children with postoperative pain were assessed for eratively tended to report higher pain levels [73]. Of note, it
pain, and those who were assessed tended to receive fewer has also been found that health-care providers can uninten-
doses of analgesic medication [61]. This bias may be rooted tionally affect an individual’s perception of pain by doing
in an incorrect belief that developmentally disabled children such things as communicating personal expectations [74].
experience less pain or have higher pain tolerances [62]. This highlights the importance of the care provider’s
Strong evidence exists that it is more likely that differences approach to pain assessment and management while inter-
in apparent pain tolerance or pain behaviors are a result of acting with a child.
differences in behavioral expression of pain [63]. This is
especially pertinent as children in this population can be Anxiety, Fear of Pain, and Catastrophizing
more likely to experience more frequent and particularly Effective pain assessment includes an understanding of fac-
painful medical procedures due to other physical conditions tors related to procedural and pain-related anxiety and fear.
[64, 65]. Pain-related fear and anxiety are natural and understandable
As is the case with very young children, parents and other consequences of pain and anticipating a painful procedure. It
caregivers who are familiar with a child with developmental is important to understand that it can be difficult for children
disabilities have the potential to provide valuable and valid to separate their reactions to pain from their reactions to fear
estimates of the child’s pain experience. This information and anxiety [18]. However, this should not be used by clini-
may simply not be measurable using existing pain assess- cians as an excuse to deny appropriate analgesia due to a
ment tools available in most hospital settings [64]. However, supposition that reported pain is psychosomatic or merely a
even caregiver reports have been found to be inconsistent manifestation of fear.
and underestimate pain in this population [66, 67]. Anxiety has been established as a factor that can amplify
Fortunately, there is a growing body of research that has one’s pain experience [75]. Tsao and colleagues found that
examined pain measurement in the developmentally dis- anxiety symptoms, anticipatory anxiety, and anxiety sensi-
abled. There is evidence that observers, even those unfamil- tivity accounted for 62 % of the variance when predicting a
iar with a developmentally delayed child, can reliably assess child’s pain response to experimental pain [76]. Another
pain in these children when provided with adequate informa- study also found that pain catastrophizing predicts children’s
tion about the child in conjunction with the use of validated pain ratings for experimental pain [77]. An interesting study
assessment measures [64]. of postoperative pain in adolescents found that preoperative
anxiety and anticipated pain levels predicted postoperative
pain ratings and analgesic use [78]. These studies highlight
6.8.3 Psychological Factors some of the effects of pain-related anxiety and pain catastro-
phizing on pain. They emphasize the impact of anxiety and
fear of pain on a child’s perception of pain and should not be
Expectations misinterpreted to suggest that appropriate analgesia should
Assessing both a child’s and parents’ expectations with not be provided. Perception is reality for anyone experienc-
regard to the anticipated procedure can be a helpful aspect of ing pain, and assessing pain and pain-related anxiety effec-
pain assessment. An important part of understanding a tively enables health-care providers to better understand and
child’s expectations of pain is obtaining a history of the adequately manage pain.
child’s experience with previous painful procedures.
Children who have experienced multiple previous painful Social and Family Factors
procedures, particularly those who have received poor anal- Understanding a child’s family context is an obvious key
gesia during those procedures, are at increased risk of devel- factor in understanding a child’s pain experience [79].
oping higher levels of procedure- and pain-related anxiety Children can be at risk for inaccurate assessment and poor
[68]. This can lead to a vicious cycle where pain and anxiety pain management due to social and family factors. Accurate
amplify each other and thereby lead to heightened pain expe- parental reports can play an important role in a child’s care,
rience and pain behavior. putting a child at risk if those reports are not valid. Potential
The impact of expectations on pain perception has been barriers include a parent’s inability to accurately assess pain,
broadly established [69]. Cheng et al. reported that pain parental fears regarding negative side effects of treatment,
expectation, previous pain experience, and acceptance of and inaccurate beliefs about the risk of addiction to analge-
pain accounted for 55 % of the variance in children’s overall sics [80, 81].
pain levels [70]. It has been found that children are prone to Palermo and Chambers have written an excellent review on
having difficulty in accurately estimating the amount of pain important family variables relevant to pain assessment to take
that they will experience [71]. Expectations related to a pain- into account at the levels of the individual child, dyadic fac-
92 B.D. Dick et al.
tors, and the family itself [13]. Working collaboratively with and gender (psychosocial factors) in children. Several stud-
family members while using validated pain assessment tools ies aimed at measuring relationships between sex and pain
has been found to result in effective pain assessment [47]. reactions have failed to observe any differences between
Schecter and colleagues found that parents’ prediction of boys and girls [90–92]. Other findings suggest that there are
a child’s pain response was the best predictor of distress dur- biological differences in ways males and females react to
ing immunization, highlighting the potential value of paren- pain across the life span. For example, several researchers
tal input during pain assessment [82]. In addition, parents conclude that females have lower pain threshold and toler-
generally expect that their children’s procedural pain be ances than males [93–95]. Sex differences in pain responses
appropriately managed [83] and are therefore often highly in adults have also been attributed to various biological dif-
motivated to assist health-care providers as needed during ferences in pain mechanisms, such as brain chemistry,
pain assessment. metabolism, physical structures, and hormonal variations
affecting pain transmission, pain sensitivity, and pain per-
Biases in Health-Care Providers ception [94, 96]. Unfortunately, these findings are inconsis-
There is a rich collection of literature that clearly demon- tent in the pediatric population [97].
strates humans’ inherent tendency to individual bias. For Further research on this subject has investigated gender-
example, a dated but relevant study found that physicians related differences, including pain behavior and characteris-
were biased to overestimate a child’s cognitive level if the tics influenced by sociocultural factors such as femininity
child is well dressed and does not have dysmorphic features and masculinity [98]. In these studies, females have com-
[84]. There are a number of important issues that are worth monly been found to report more severe levels of pain, more
noting for individuals involved in the medical care of chil- frequent pain, and pain of longer duration than males [96, 99,
dren who experience pain due to disease and/or medical 100]. In addition, girls of various ages have been found to
procedures. rate a greater difference between their ratings of unpleasant-
A primary ongoing issue in pediatric pain assessment and ness of pain and pain intensity scores in comparison to boys,
management is the reluctance of some health-care providers indicating that females may have a greater ability to discrim-
to use analgesics (particularly opioids) to manage pain. inate different pain stimuli [101–103]. When analyzing these
Some of these biases result from misinformation based on findings, it is essential to consider that differences in pain
outdated or biased perceptions [85]. Such biases can lead responses between genders could be attributed to differences
care providers to minimize pain when assessing it and attri- in pain reporting styles. In multiple studies, girls consistently
bute pain to other factors such as anxiety or other psycho- select more words to describe their pain than boys [54],
logical factors. While it has been well established that stress which corresponds with findings suggesting greater verbal
and anxiety can exacerbate pain perception and pain behav- fluency and emotional expressiveness in girls.
ior and impede pain coping [86, 87], a reluctance to use opi- While increased pain reactions and behaviors may be
oids or other analgesics according to established guidelines observed in females, this does not necessarily imply that they
is unethical and inhumane. are experiencing more pain. It is possible that they could
In a survey of physicians across a variety of subspecial- simply be more verbally expressive about their pain than
ties, it was found that pediatricians tended to report a belief males, which can be attributable to psychosocial factors
that pain was experienced at an earlier age than surgeons and [104]. Stereotypically, males in many cultures are expected
family practitioners and were more likely to prescribe anal- to hold back on reporting pain. As a result there may be a
gesics for pain than these other groups [88]. That same study greater social cost to openly express their experience of pain.
also found that physicians tended to rate other subspecialty This may teach boys to minimize pain responses, which in
procedures as more painful than procedures from their own turn can lead society to expect less pain response from them.
specialty. Another research found that physicians were far In some cultures, females are perceived to be weaker and to
more likely to prescribe appropriate analgesics for the same tolerate less pain, which invites them to express their pain
medical problem in older patients compared to toddlers [89]. more freely [105]. In a recent study on sex differences in par-
While these studies highlight physician bias in practice, these ent and child pain ratings, researchers found that, although
biases exist across specialties and disciplines. Awareness of subjects of both genders correspondingly responded to pain
one’s own personal biases must be a priority for all care pro- in the presence of both parents, fathers were inclined to rate
viders when assessing and managing a child’s pain. a higher pain score to their sons than daughters [106], which
illustrates a societal expectation that may falsely contribute
to differences observed in gender reactions to pain. Due to
6.8.4 Gender the inconsistency in the literature, it is important to consider
the many factors that may influence pain responses and the
There have been a number of studies investigating the differ- various ways these can be interpreted when assessing a
ences in pain response related to sex (physiological factors) child’s pain.
6 Pain Assessment in Children Undergoing Regional Anesthesia 93
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tal delays. J Pediatr Psychol. 2000;25:301–8. mediators of the impact of chronic pain on disability. Br J Health
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tal assessment of pain in children with profound special needs. J patient age and physician specialty. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1997;13:
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66. Doherty E, Yanni G, Conroy RM, Bresnihan B. A comparison of 90. Triplett JL, Ameson SW. The use of verbal and tactile comfort to
child and parent ratings of disability and pain in juvenile chronic alleviate distress in young hospitalized children. Res Nurs Health.
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67. Breau LM, Camfield CS, McGrath PJ, Finley GA. The incidence of 91. Owens ME, Todt EH. Pain in infancy: neonatal response to heel
pain in children with severe cognitive impairments. Arch Pediatr lance. Pain. 1984;20:77–86.
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68. Schecter NL, Berde CB, Yaster M. Pain in infants, children, and mental approach to children’s concepts of specific pains. Child Dev.
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93. Fillingim RB. Sex-related influences on pain: a review of mecha- 106. Moon EC, Chambers CT, Larochette A-C, Hayton K, Craig KD,
nisms and clinical implications. Rehab Psychol. 2003;48:165–74. McGrath PJ. Sex differences in parent and child pain ratings
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371–80. 225–30.
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1995;27:235–7. and Hispanic children with cancer. In: Tayler DC, Krane EJ,
96. Unruh AM. Gender variations in clinical pain experience. Pain. editors. Advances in research and therapy, vol. 15. New York:
1996;65:123–67. Raven Press; 1990. p. 43–51.
97. Unruh AM, Campbell MA. Gender variation in children’s pain 108. Bohannon A. Physiological, self-report and behavioral ratings of
experiences. In: McGrath PJ, Finley A, editors. Chronic and recur- pain in 3-to 7-year-old African American and Anglo-American
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p. 199–241. 1995.
98. Myers CD, Riley JL, Robinson ME. Psychosocial contributions to 109. Pfefferbaum B, Adams J, Aceves J. The influence of culture on
sex-correlated differences in pain. Clin J Pain. 2003;19:225–32. pain in Anglo and Hispanic children with cancer. J Am Acad
99. Fillingim RB, Maixner W. Gender differences in the responses to Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1990;29:642–7.
noxious stimuli. Pain Forum. 1995;4:209–21. 110. Gharaibeh M, Abu-Saad H. Cultural validation of pediatric pain
100. Riley JL, Robinson ME, Wise E, Myers CD, Fillingim RB. Sex assessment tools: Jordanian perspective. J Transcult Nurs.
differences in the perception of noxious experimental stimuli: a 2002;13:12–8.
meta analysis. Pain. 1998;74:181–7. 111. Beyer J, Knott C. Construct validity estimation for the African-
101. Zeltzer LK, Fanurik D, LeBaron S. The cold pressor pain para- American and Hispanic versions of the Oucher Scale. J Pediatr
digm in children: feasibility of an intervention model (Part II). Nurs. 1998;13:20–31.
Pain. 1989;37:305–13. 112. Zahr L, Puzantian H, Abboud M, Abdallah A, Shahine
102. Goodenough B, Kampel L, Champion GD, Laubreaux L, Nicholas R. Assessing procedural pain in children with cancer in Beirut,
MK, Ziegler JB, McInerney M. An investigation of the placebo Lebanon. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs. 2006;23:311–20.
effect and age-related factors in the report of needle pain from
venipuncture in children. Pain. 1997;72:383–91.
103. Goodenough B, Thomas W, Champion GD, Perrott D, Taplin JE,
von Baeyer CL, Ziegler JB. Unraveling age effects and sex differ-
ences in needle pain: ratings of sensory intensity and unpleasant- Suggested Reading
ness of venipuncture pain by children and their parents. Pain.
1999;80:179–90. Booker PD. The assessment of pain in children. In: Dalens BJ, editor.
104. Crook J. Women and chronic pain. In: Roy R, Tunks E, editors. Pediatric regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1990.
Chronic pain: psychosocial factors in rehabilitation. Baltimore: p. 71–86.
Williams and Williams; 1982. p. 68–78. Malviya S, Polaner DM, Berde C. Acute pain. In: Cote CJ, Lerman J,
105. Robinson ME, Riley JL, Myers CD, Papas RK, Wise EA, Todres ID, editors. A practice of anesthesia for infants and children.
Waxenberg LB, Fillingim RB. Gender role expectations of pain: 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2009. p. 939–49.
relationship to sex differences in pain. J Pain. 2001;2:251–7.
Pediatric Pharmacological
Considerations 7
Derek Dillane
7.1 Introduction 98
7.2 Structure and Physiochemical Properties 98
7.2.1 Onset of Action, Potency, and Duration 99
7.2.2 Sodium Channel 100
7.2.3 Physiological Considerations 101
7.3 Pharmacokinetics 102
7.3.1 Absorption 102
7.3.2 Absorption from Epidural Space 102
7.3.3 Absorption from Other Routes of Administration 102
7.3.4 Distribution 103
7.3.5 Plasma Protein Binding 103
7.3.6 Hepatic Metabolism 104
7.4 Toxicity 105
7.4.1 Central Nervous System Toxicity 106
7.4.2 Cardiac Toxicity 106
7.4.3 Treatment of Toxicity 107
7.4.4 Prevention of Toxicity 108
7.5 Dosing 108
References 108
Suggested Reading 110
Cocaine (1884)
H3 C N O
HN O Lidocaine (1944)
CH3 Procaine (1905)
H 3C N
H3C N H 3C N N
O O H3 C
H3 C CH3 H 3C CH3
Tetracaine (1930) H3C CH3
Bupivacaine Levobupivacaine Ropivacaine
(1963) (1996) (1996)
Fig. 7.1 Derivation of ester- and amide-class local anesthetics from cocaine. Shown are chemical structures and years in which each drug was
first used
7 Pediatric Pharmacological Considerations 99
7.2.1 Onset of Action, Potency, and Duration membranes. This explains why lidocaine has a faster onset
of action than ropivacaine or bupivacaine. Moderately lipo-
Being weak bases, local anesthetics exist in solution as both philic drugs are most effective clinically due to the drug hav-
ionized (water soluble) and non-ionized (lipid soluble) mol- ing to cross several membranes to reach its target site. At
ecules. Local anesthetics traverse phospholipid membranes physiological pH, a significant fraction of the drug is in a
in their non-ionized form. The degree of drug ionization is non-ionized form and readily crosses the membrane to the
determined by the dissociation constant (pKa) and the pH of cytosolic side of the nerve cell. Excessively lipophilic drugs
the surrounding fluid. The pKa of a molecule represents the remain in the first membrane encountered [6]. For the drug
pH at which 50 % of the molecules exist in a lipid-soluble to effectively block the sodium channel, it must become re-
form and 50 % in a water-soluble form. Local anesthetic ionized on the cytosolic side of the membrane.
molecules with a pKa that approaches physiologic pH have Potency is directly related to lipid solubility which is
a higher concentration of the non-ionized lipid-soluble form. expressed as lipid/water partition coefficient. Drugs with low
As the pKa of a drug increases, a greater proportion exists in lipid solubility need higher concentrations to produce a
the ionized hydrophilic form at physiological pH. Commonly block of similar intensity to that produced by local anesthet-
used local anesthetics have a pKa between 7.8 (lidocaine) ics with higher lipid solubility (e.g., 2 % lidocaine (partition
and 8.1 (ropivacaine and bupivacaine) (Table 7.1). Drugs coefficient 43) vs. 0.5 % bupivacaine (partition coefficient
with a lower pKa (e.g., lidocaine) exist to a greater degree 346)). Duration of action is largely determined by the degree
in a non-ionized form and diffuse more easily across cell of plasma protein binding.
Fig. 7.2 Schematic diagram of a sodium channel in a neuron cell mem- phospholipid membrane in their non-ionized form. Drugs with a low
brane. Left, the deactivated form is impermeable to sodium ions; middle, pKa (e.g., lidocaine) exist to a greater degree in a non-ionized form and
the activated form allows sodium ions to flow into the cell; right, the more readily cross the cell membrane. The drug must become re-ionized
channel is blocked by local anesthetic. Local anesthetics traverse the in the intracellular environment to effectively block the sodium channel
7 Pediatric Pharmacological Considerations 101
7.2.3 Physiological Considerations diameter are blocked before those of larger size with recov-
ery from blockade occurring in the reverse order) [10].
The diameter and degree of myelination of a nerve fiber Clinically, it is more likely that the action of local anesthetic
determines the nature of impulse conduction and the effec- on nerve fibers is multifactorial (e.g., peripheral versus core
tiveness of local anesthetic drugs. There are three major ana- nerve fiber, state of activation of the nerve, length of nerve
tomical categories: myelinated somatic nerves (A fibers), exposed to local anesthetic, and degree of myelination in
myelinated preganglionic autonomic nerves (B fibers), and addition to nerve diameter).
unmyelinated axons (C fibers). The A fibers are subdivided Myelination is not complete before the age of 12 years.
into four groups according to decreasing speed of impulse The relative absence of a myelin sheath coupled with the
conduction and diameter (Table 7.2). The thinnest A fibers, smaller nerve fiber diameter may explain why infants and
the Aδ group, are responsible for pain and cold temperature children are subject to prolonged motor blocks with local
transmission. Aγ fibers are responsible for muscle tone. C anesthetic solutions of lower concentration [4]. In addition,
fibers are thinner than myelinated axons, have a much lower the endoneurium of developing nerves is loose and easily
conduction velocity, and are also responsible for the trans- penetrated by local anesthetic molecules in both directions.
mission of pain signals. Aδ fibers are responsible for fast This may account for both the shorter onset and shorter dura-
pain transmission, whereas C fibers are responsible for sec- tion of effect of local anesthetic action in younger age groups.
ond or slow pain transmission [6]. Differential nerve block- Beyond infancy, the endoneurium contains more connective
ade has been demonstrated in animal studies after tissue, making it more difficult for the local anesthetic to tra-
administration of local anesthetic (i.e., fibers of smaller verse [9].
Pharmacologists and anesthesiologists share a common The main component of the epidural space is fat, which is an
interest in pharmacokinetics, but rather than being con- important determinant of local anesthetic systemic uptake.
cerned with volumes of distribution and total body clear- More lipophilic local anesthetic molecules will be retained to
ance, the pediatric anesthesiologist wants to know how a greater degree by epidural fat leading to subsequent delayed
much local anesthetic can be safely administered to pro- absorption. It has been demonstrated in adults that after a sin-
duce an effective nerve block in a timely fashion. However, gle-shot epidural injection, 30 % of a dose of lidocaine and
these empirical and abstract concepts are not mutually 50 % of a dose of bupivacaine remained in the epidural space
exclusive. for 3 h after injection [12]. The time to maximum peak plasma
Unlike other therapeutic agents administered to infants concentration (Tmax) in infants for lidocaine and bupivacaine is
and children, local anesthetics can be delivered directly to 30 min after caudal or lumbar epidural injection [13].
their site of action. Traditionally, a large volume and high Ropivacaine Tmax is longer in infants than in children and lon-
concentration of local anesthetic has been injected to ensure ger in children compared to adults. In children aged 1–2 years,
adequate anesthesia and analgesia. This was, in part, due to ropivacaine Tmax is 115 min, whereas in children aged
the relatively small number of local anesthetic molecules 5–8 years, ropivacaine Tmax is closer to the adult value of 30
thought to reach the target nerves. The nerve sheath or peri- [14]. The vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine may con-
neurium is a very effective diffusion barrier. A large fraction tribute to its prolonged absorption from the epidural space.
of the delivered agent is absorbed by the surrounding tissue After Tmax has been achieved, the rate of absorption slows
or is removed by the systemic circulation. Direct measure- down significantly so that it becomes longer than that of elimi-
ment in an animal model demonstrates that <2–3 % of an nation, leading to a flip-flop effect in plasma drug concentra-
injected dose enters the target nerve. In addition, more than tion [4]. This continuous, protracted systemic absorption
90 % of an injected dose is taken up by the systemic circula- during the elimination phase, in combination with the buffer-
tion within 30 min of injection [11]. Ultrasound guidance ing effect of plasma protein binding, limits the plasma concen-
may allow for more accurate deposition, necessitating a tration of unbound drug and is protective against toxicity.
smaller volume and dose of local anesthetic.
Neonates and infants present significant pharmacokinetic
peculiarities possibly leading to an increased risk of toxicity. 7.3.3 Absorption from Other Routes
Immature hepatic metabolism and marked differences in of Administration
serum protein binding serve to increase serum concentra-
tions of unbound amide local anesthetic. Absorption rates at different block sites are directly related to
local blood flow and inversely related to local tissue binding
[15]. As a consequence, plasma uptake is faster from the more
7.3.1 Absorption vascular intercostal space or the axilla than from the caudal
space. Vascular uptake of local anesthetic after intercostal
Regional anesthesia in the pediatric population involves the nerve block occurs more rapidly than with any other regional
injection of a relatively large volume of a concentrated technique [16]. Despite recently published epidemiologic data
local anesthetic solution into a compact anatomical space. indicating up to a fivefold increase in the utilization of periph-
The rate of absorption into the bloodstream is a major eral nerve blockade in the pediatric population, specific phar-
determinant of systemic toxicity. This has been studied pre- macokinetic data are lacking [17]. Ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric
dominantly for epidural/caudal anesthesia. Explicit detail nerve blockade is the only peripheral block whose kinetics
on the kinetics of other routes of administration is lacking have been reported with any degree of regularity. Significantly
for this population. What is evident, though, for both cen- higher plasma concentrations of both bupivacaine and ropiva-
tral and peripheral blocks, is the more rapid rate of absorp- caine have been reported in one study following ilioinguinal-
tion from the cephalic parts of the body [4]; for example, a iliohypogastric nerve block as compared to caudal blockade
cervical epidural leads to higher plasma levels of local [18]. Times to peak plasma concentration were much faster for
anesthetic than a caudal epidural. Similarly, absorption both drugs following ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block.
decreases from head to foot for peripheral conduction and The narrow inter-fascial space at this block location may facil-
infiltration blocks due to the relative difference in vascular- itate absorption. This, coupled with greater uptake of local
ity between these areas. anesthetic into epidural fat, may account for the lower plasma
levels seen after caudal injection.
7 Pediatric Pharmacological Considerations 103
Local anesthetics are distributed to the tissues and body fluid Local anesthetics bind tightly to serum proteins, greatly lim-
compartments after systemic absorption to the plasma. Volume iting the free fraction of available drug. This is clinically rel-
of distribution (Vd) is a mathematical expression which depicts evant as it is only the free or unbound fraction that is bioactive
the distribution characteristics of a drug in the body. It is a mea- (i.e., readily available to cross cell membranes to become
sure of the degree to which a drug is delivered by the plasma to active at the sodium channel). Volume of distribution (see
the organs and tissues of the body. Drugs with a small calculated above) is inversely related to protein binding. Drugs which
Vd have a high concentration of drug in the plasma, have a con- are highly protein-bound have limited passage into tissues
comitant low tissue concentration, and are more likely to accu- resulting in a high drug plasma concentration and a low Vd.
mulate to toxic levels. Drugs with a larger Vd are subject to In adults, lidocaine is up to 70 % protein bound while bupi-
slower elimination. Vd is influenced by degree of ionization/ vacaine, levobupivacaine, and ropivacaine are over 90 % pro-
lipophilicity, plasma protein binding, and molecular size [19]. tein bound [19].
Since local anesthetics are weak bases that have dissociation Three principal blood components are involved in local
constants (pKa values) above physiological pH, more than 75 % anesthetic binding: the plasma proteins alpha-1-acid glyco-
of the commonly used amide local anesthetic drugs exist in a protein (AAG), human serum albumin (HSA), and erythro-
hydrophilic ionized form at physiological pH (Table 7.1). cytes. Like most weak bases, local anesthetics bind mainly to
Hence, they are highly water-soluble molecules but are less AAG. AAG has a greater affinity for binding local anesthetic
likely to cross lipid cell membranes. As a result of the delayed by an order of magnitude of 5,000–10,000 compared to albu-
systemic absorption of local anesthetic drugs, it is impossible to min [26]. Capacity for binding is relatively low, however,
calculate a volume of distribution with any accuracy. One study and saturation occurs at clinically relevant concentrations.
found bupivacaine to have a higher Vd in neonates and infants Even though albumin is the most abundant plasma protein
[20], which may be related to the higher fraction of unbound (50–80 times more abundant than AAG), it has a low affinity
drug to plasma protein (see next section). Following adult epi- for amide local anesthetic drugs [4]. By virtue of its enor-
dural anesthesia, ropivacaine appears to have a smaller Vd than mous binding capacity (it is almost unsaturable), together
bupivacaine [21, 22], and indirect evidence points to a similarly with its abundance, the role of HSA becomes significant
reduced Vd in infants. Following single-shot caudal anesthesia, when AAG is saturated.
peak concentration of ropivacaine is higher than bupivacaine AAG concentration is very low at birth (less than 30 % of
[23]. Two further studies have demonstrated that Vd of ropiva- the adult concentration) and progressively increases to adult
caine appears slightly smaller before the age of four [14, 24]. levels during the first year of life [5]. The unbound fraction
Local anesthetic is distributed to organs according to their of local anesthetic is higher during infancy which increases
vascular density. The local anesthetic is taken up within each susceptibility to toxicity. Conversely, a consequence of this
organ according to the tissue-plasma partition coefficient high free drug concentration is a greater hepatic clearance
(Table 7.3). The lungs play an important buffering role by than would be expected with immature hepatic microsomal
taking the full impact of drug-laden venous blood. A variety metabolism.
of investigational techniques, including autoradiography, AAG is a major acute-phase protein, and its concentration
scintillation counts, and tissue assays, confirm the lung’s rapidly increases in the first 24–48 h after surgery. The result-
ability to quickly extract local anesthetic [25], although this ing AAG level in infants remains lower than that which is
buffering action of the lung is saturable. present in children and adults, but the subsequent decrease in
free drug concentration may provide some protection against
Table 7.3 Tissue-blood partition coefficients (lidocaine) toxicity in the early postoperative period. This elevation in
Organ Tissue-plasma λ Tissue-blood λ AAG levels may diminish on the third postoperative day,
Spleen 3.5 – leading to a sudden rise in the unbound fraction, which can
Lung 3.1 5.4 precipitate toxicity. A total cessation or reduction in the infu-
Kidney 2.8 – sion dose of local anesthetic has been recommended in the
Stomach 2.4 – neonatal age group beyond 48 h [9].
Fat 2.0 2.9 Affinity for red blood cells is low and not saturable. This
Brain 1.2 1.7 may be considered as a buffer system when toxic concentra-
Heart 1.0 – tions occur. It is especially relevant in infants with a low
Muscle 0.7 0.9 AAG concentration. It is important to remember that infants
Liver 0.6 2.9 have a physiologic anemia which reduces storage capacity
Skin 0.6 – and favors increased fraction of unbound drug [26].
Bone 0.4–0.9 –
Based on data from de Jong [59]
104 D. Dillane
7.4 Toxicity pediatric population. Early signs of cerebral toxicity are subjec-
tive (dizziness, drowsiness, tinnitus). These will not be related
Local anesthetics have the same toxic effects in infants and chil- by the young or anesthetized child (and most pediatric blocks
dren as those seen in adults. The major toxic effects are on the are performed under anesthesia or heavy sedation). Moreover,
cardiovascular and central nervous systems. In the adult patient, general anesthesia itself raises the cerebral toxicity threshold,
neurologic toxicity occurs at lower concentrations followed by and neuromuscular blockade will preclude the onset of general-
cardiac toxicity at higher concentrations. This is not always true ized tonic-clonic seizures. Consequently, the first manifestation
for bupivacaine, an assumption which may be broadened to of an accidental intravascular injection or rapid absorption may
include the entire spectrum of local anesthetic toxicity in the be cardiovascular collapse (Table 7.4) [9].
7.4.1 Central Nervous System Toxicity quently be followed by ventricular fibrillation. Alternatively,
profound bradycardia may ensue, followed by asystole [4].
Local anesthetics readily cross the blood-brain barrier to dis- Because of their higher heart rate, neonates and infants may
rupt cerebral function. The central toxic response is specifi- be more susceptible to the use-dependent blockade of sodium
cally related to plasma levels of local anesthetic in the central channels produced by bupivacaine. These electrophysiologi-
nervous system (CNS) and their effect on the complex inter- cal effects are compounded by a direct negative inotropic
play between excitatory and inhibitory pathways that facili- effect of local anesthetic drugs. A number of the reported
tate neurotransmission. Initially, there is a generalized fatalities due to cardiovascular toxicity resulting from the
excitatory phase, as manifested by seizure activity. This ini- use of bupivacaine in caudal anesthesia were associated with
tial phase appears to be the result of blocking inhibitory doses in excess of the recommended therapeutic range [38,
pathways in the amygdala which allow excitatory neurons to 39]. Nevertheless, there have been reports of cardiovascular
function unopposed. When levels of local anesthetic in the collapse requiring resuscitation in infants who received cau-
CNS increase further, both inhibitory and excitatory path- dally administered bupivacaine within the recommended
ways (being more resistant to the effects of local anesthetic dose range [40, 41].
toxicity) are inhibited, leading to CNS depression, a reduced The levorotatory isomer (S-) of bupivacaine has less
level of consciousness, and eventually coma. potential for cardiac toxicity than the dextrorotatory one (R+)
The reported incidence of cerebral toxicity is low. Two or racemic mixture of both [25]. This led to the development
large surveys (each greater than 20,000 regional anesthesia of the single stereoisomers levobupivacaine and ropivacaine.
procedures in the pediatric population) indicate that the inci- It has been purported that lidocaine blocks sodium channels
dence of seizures is <0.01–0.05 % [30, 31]. There have been in a “fast-in/fast-out” fashion, whereas bupivacaine blocks
several case reports of children experiencing seizures after a these channels in either a “slow-in/slow-out” manner in low
regional anesthesia procedure, most of which involved con- concentrations or a “fast-in/slow-out” manner at higher con-
tinuous lumbar or caudal epidural anesthesia with bupiva- centrations [42]. Ropivacaine, on the other hand, has been
caine [32–35]. Bupivacaine is associated with seizures at shown to block sodium channels in a “fast-in/medium-out”
blood levels as low as 4.5–5.5 μg/mL. Rather alarmingly on fashion [43]. The dissociation constant (between ligand and
occasion, these toxic blood levels were reached even after receptor) for bupivacaine is almost ten times longer than that
adhering to the recommended therapeutic range [32, 34]. of lidocaine, resulting in a prolonged and near irreversible
Cerebral toxicity is associated with lidocaine, prilocaine, and cardiac depressant effect [42]. There is a positive correlation
mepivacaine at blood levels of 5–10 μg/mL. between local anesthetic lipid solubility and inhibition of car-
diac contractility – further evidence for the clinically relevant
finding that ropivacaine is less toxic than racemic bupivacaine
7.4.2 Cardiac Toxicity [44]. In vitro studies appear to concur with animal studies
which have demonstrated that bupivacaine has the most
The potentially devastating sequelae of cardiovascular toxic- potent myocardial depressant effect, followed by ropivacaine
ity may be the first manifestation of local anesthetic toxicity and lidocaine [45].
in infants and children, although the overall incidence in this The true equipotency ratio between the enantiomeric
population is remarkably low. Several large series of regional agents has been the subject of much conjecture. Results
anesthesia procedures in infants and children report no cases from a number of animal and clinical studies would suggest
of cardiovascular toxicity [32, 35–37]. A prospective study a rank order of potency of ropivacaine < levobupivacaine <
of more than 24,000 regional anesthesia procedures reported bupivacaine [3]. This suggests that any theoretical cardio-
four patients who developed a cardiac arrhythmia, and none protective benefit derived from ropivacaine would be
of these progressed to cardiac arrest or collapse [31]. negated by the clinical need for higher doses due to its lower
For obvious ethical reasons, most available information potency. The difference in potency does not appear to be
on this subject comes from animal studies and case reports. clinically relevant for surgical blocks (both peripheral and
The principal mechanism relates to the blockade of myocar- epidural) when the newer agents are used at concentrations
dial voltage-dependent sodium channels leading to an of 0.5–0.75 %, with the clinical profile of the nerve block
increase in the PR interval and QRS duration, provoking a being similar to that obtained with racemic bupivacaine.
dose-dependent prolongation of conduction time and even- However, the lower potency of ropivacaine becomes rele-
tual depression of spontaneous pacemaker activity. Persistent vant when used for postoperative analgesia with both epi-
sodium channel blockade predisposes to reentrant arrhyth- dural and continuous peripheral nerve blockade. For this
mias. Subtle T-wave changes on the electrocardiogram may application, 0.2 % ropivacaine appears to be as effective as
progress to ventricular arrhythmias, the most malignant 0.125–0.15 % levobupivacaine, which in turn is identical to
being torsades de pointes. These arrhythmias may subse- racemic bupivacaine [3].
7 Pediatric Pharmacological Considerations 107
7.4.4 Prevention of Toxicity • In children over 30 kg, regardless of age, dose should be
reduced to adult dose.
Unintentionally high blood levels of local anesthetic lead • Local anesthetic doses need to be modified in the pres-
to a spectrum of neurological and cardiac complications ence of pathology which affects drug clearance (e.g., liver
with potentially devastating effect. This usually results or cardiac disease).
from unintentional intravascular injection and may be pre-
vented by careful observation of a number of safety steps.
Slow, incremental injection of an appropriate dose of a safe References
agent should be standard practice. The dose should be
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Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009. p. 595–629. 48. Rosenblatt MA, Abel M, Fischer GW, Itzkovich CJ, Eisenkraft
27. Dalens BJ, Mazoit JX. Adverse effects of regional anaesthesia in JB. Successful use of a 20% lipid emulsion to resuscitate a patient
children. Drug Saf. 1998;19:251–68. after a presumed bupivacaine-related cardiac arrest. Anesthesiology.
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82:231–4. 50. Weinberg G, Ripper R, Feinstein DL, Hoffman W. Lipid emulsion
29. Mazoit JX, Baujard C. Paediatric caudal and epidural analgesia. infusion rescues dogs from bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity.
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34. Peutrell JM, Hughes DG. A grand mal convulsion in a child in asso- vous system and cardiac toxicity after local anesthetic intoxication
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35. Wood CE, Goresky GV, Klassen KA, Kuwahara B, Neil infusion in the successful resuscitation of local anesthetic-induced
SG. Complications of continuous epidural infusions for postopera- cardiovascular collapse after supraclavicular brachial plexus block.
tive analgesia in children. Can J Anesth. 1994;41:613–20. Anesth Analg. 2008;106:1578–80.
36. Dalens B, Hasnaoui A. Caudal anesthesia in pediatric surgery: suc- 57. Ludot H, Tharin JY, Belouadah M, Mazoit JX, Malinovsky
cess rate and adverse effects in 750 consecutive patients. Anesth JM. Successful resuscitation after ropivacaine and lidocaine-
Analg. 1989;68:83–9. induced ventricular arrhythmia following posterior lumbar plexus
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1100 pediatric caudal blocks in a teaching hospital. Reg Anesth. 58. Barrington MJ, Kluger R. Ultrasound guidance reduces the risk of
1992;17:119–25. local anesthetic systemic toxicity following peripheral nerve block-
38. McGown RG. Caudal analgesia in children. Five hundred cases ade. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013;38:289–97.
for procedures below the diaphragm. Anaesthesia. 1982;37: 59. de Jong RH, editor. Local anesthetics. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book;
806–18. 1994. p. 165.
110 D. Dillane
Suggested Reading Mather SJ. Biology and pharmacology: some differences. In: Peutrell
JM, Mather SJ, editors. Regional anaesthesia for babies and chil-
dren. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997. p. 33–48.
Ecoffey C. Narcotics and non-narcotic analgesics. In: Dalens BJ, editor.
Murat I. Pharmacology. In: Dalens B, editor. Regional anesthesia in
Pediatric regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press Inc.; 1990.
infants, children, and adolescents. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
p. 127–41.
& Wilkins; 1995. p. 67–125.
Haberer JP, Dalens BJ. Local anesthetics and additives. In: Dalens BJ,
Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
editor. Pediatric regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press Inc.;
Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
1990. p. 91–126.
2013. p. 835–879.
Complications of Regional Anesthesia
in the Pediatric Population 8
Adam M. Dryden and Ban C.H. Tsui
8.1 General Principles 112
8.2 Adverse Events Related to Local Anesthetics 115
8.2.1 Allergic Reactions 115
8.2.2 Systemic Toxic Reactions 115
8.3 Complications Related to Regional Anesthesia Equipment 119
8.3.1 Introduction 119
8.3.2 Adverse Events Caused by Needles 119
8.3.3 Adverse Events Caused by Nerve Stimulators 124
8.3.4 Adverse Events Caused by Ultrasound Probes 124
8.3.5 Summary 124
8.4 Block Complications 125
8.4.1 Introduction 125
8.4.2 Complications of Peripheral Nerve Blocks 125
8.4.3 Complications of Neuraxial Blocks 126
8.4.4 Summary 127
Conclusion 127
References 129
Suggested Reading 131
8.1 General Principles for the procedure being done in the operating room or in a
dedicated block area. Again, the patient must have complete
An adverse event rarely occurs as a result of a single factor cardiopulmonary monitoring throughout all stages of the
(Fig. 8.1). Rather, complications occur as a result of an accu- block. Resuscitation equipment and drugs must be readily
mulation of factors spanning multiple domains. Thus, it is available wherever regional anesthesia is being performed.
critical that all steps be taken to mitigate risk as best as pos- Monitoring by well-trained staff must also be available in the
sible to decrease the likelihood of an adverse event. The most postanesthetic recovery unit. The nursing staff must be
important factors for prevention are the patient, the practitio- familiar with the blocks being performed and know when
ner, the place, the procedure, and, finally, proper consent and who to call for assistance. They must be able to reassure
(Table 8.1). the child who wakes up with inability to move or with numb-
Not all patients are ideal candidates for regional anes- ness from a block placed for postoperative analgesia. Finally,
thesia, and one needs to select their patient carefully staff should be able to recognize an adverse event as early as
(Table 8.2). A complete anesthetic history must be sought possible since early recognition and diagnosis will facilitate
prior to deciding which anesthetic options to offer the the best outcomes for the child.
patient and their family. Patient-specific contraindications The safest and least invasive procedure should be chosen
to regional anesthesia have been covered in other chapters. to accomplish a given task. As a general rule, distal blocks
In short, extra consideration must be given to patients with tend to produce fewer and less severe adverse outcomes than
respiratory difficulties, hemodynamic disturbances, cardiac proximal or central blocks. Regional anesthesia should be
abnormalities, clotting disorders, or preexisting neurologi- induced with as few needle passes as possible. To facilitate
cal conditions prior to offering a regional technique. One this, we always recommend the use of nerve stimulators and
must be prepared to detail the extraordinary risks of per- appropriate ultrasound probes (as detailed in each of the
forming a block in a patient who may have relative contra- block chapters) when possible. There has been much discus-
indications to a particular technique and to communicate sion in the literature attempting to characterize the additional
these risks to the family in a relevant manner. Preexisting level of safety offered by these technological advances,
deficits must be documented prior to undertaking a proce- although there is still insufficient evidence to support this
dure. Careful consideration must be given to the behavioral conclusion [1]. Despite this, block placement based solely
tendencies of a child when regional anesthesia is offered as on landmarks, paresthesia, and loss of resistance is difficult
the sole modality of anesthesia, and the practitioner must to endorse when these technological modalities have revolu-
be prepared to induce general anesthesia at any point should tionized the practice of regional anesthesia [2].
the child become uncooperative during the procedure. Finally, consent should be discussed with the patient and
When an awake block is placed in a pediatric patient, the the parents, and this discussion should be documented.
patient and parents should be given the option of having the Serious complications such as convulsions, cardiac toxicity,
parents present for reassurance and guidance during the spinal cord/nerve injury leading to paralysis or neurologic
procedure. Additionally, patients who are unable to tolerate deficit, pneumothorax, hematoma, infection, cardiac arrest,
a likely adverse event should not be offered a particular and death must be disclosed, although less than half of anes-
procedure (e.g., an interscalene block in a patient with poor thetists routinely disclose these risks prior to a neuraxial or
respiratory reserve). peripheral nerve block [3]. Less serious, but common, adverse
Prior to performing a block, the anesthetist should be effects (e.g., nausea, pruritus, urinary retention) should also
highly skilled in regional technique or be under the direct be disclosed. Pediatric patients should be as involved in the
guidance of a well-trained regional anesthetist. Familiarity discussion and decision as appropriately possible. The steps
with the equipment and the drugs alone are not enough to involved in performing a block must be explained in age-
facilitate a safe block. When performing a block, there are appropriate language; this is especially true should the block
always many possible outcomes, and the practitioner should be performed in an awake child. The decision to accept the
have the requisite skill to anticipate and manage each and risks of a regional anesthesia procedure ultimately lie with the
every one of the outcomes. Anesthetists performing regional parents and the child, and their views must be respected.
anesthesia in a pediatric patient should know how to use the Although time is often extremely limited, establishing good
technology and tools at hand to decrease the chances of an patient rapport is critical. This is especially true should an
adverse outcome. adverse event occur. Litigation often occurs with an adverse
Blocks must be placed in the safest environment possible. event in the setting of poor communication. Should an adverse
The majority of pediatric blocks are placed under general event occur, disclosure should be as immediate, thorough,
anesthesia, and as such the standard monitors must be placed and truthful as possible. The management plan for the com-
prior to the initiation of any block. For those regional tech- plication should be outlined with assurance that the best inter-
niques performed in the awake pediatric patient, we advocate ests of the child are paramount.
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population 113
Technique considerations
• Currently, no evidence of superiority of ultrasound, peripheral nerve stimulation, or
monitoring injection pressures
• Consider a combined approach
Pediatric considerations
• Sedated or anesthetized during block performance
• Need to balance the risk of movement of an uncooperative and moving child with the loss of ability
of the child to report paresthesia
• Many children will not be able to report paresthesia regardless of alertness
• An inability to report and detect early CNS signs of toxicity
• Need to carefully watch cardiac signs of local toxicity
Fig. 8.1 General principles for performing regional anesthesia in pediatric patients
8.2 Adverse Events Related to Local and particular attention should be made to ventilator pres-
Anesthetics sures (in the ventilated child), as bronchospasm can occur
prior to hemodynamic alterations.
8.2.1 Allergic Reactions Management Introduction The management of an allergic reaction should be tailored to
True allergic reactions to local anesthetics are, thankfully, the presentation. For mild local reactions (e.g., pruritus, ery-
rare. The full spectrum of allergic signs and symptoms rang- thema), an antihistamine is often sufficient in children who
ing from skin irritation to anaphylaxis are indeed possible, cannot tolerate the symptoms. When the symptoms remain
though reports are scarce [4, 5]. The likelihood of an allergic mild but become systemic (e.g., nausea, vomiting), then one
reaction is higher with local anesthetics belonging to the should consider the addition of a corticosteroid to systemic
amino-ester class. Reactions to preservatives (e.g., methyl- and complete (i.e., H1 and H2 receptors) antihistamine
paraben, metabisulfite) are also possible [6]. blockade. Finally, true anaphylaxis (e.g., hypotension, bron-
chospasm) should be managed as per Pediatric Advanced Prevention Life Support guidelines with maintenance of a patent airway,
Preventing a de novo allergic reaction is not possible. One supplemental oxygenation, and cardiovascular support, bear-
must, however, ensure that a detailed history is taken from ing in mind that anaphylaxis requires epinephrine (0.01 mg/
the patient and parents detailing previous exposures to local kg s.c. or i.m.) for successful treatment.
anesthetics (e.g., dentist’s appointments, emergency room
visits) and that the chart is reviewed for documented aller-
gies. When a family history of an allergic reaction to a local 8.2.2 Systemic Toxic Reactions
anesthetic is provided, the anesthetist should fully character-
ize the incident, including the offending agent and the conse- Introduction
quence thereof. A positive family history does not preclude As with allergic reactions, severe systemic toxic reactions to
the use of a particular agent but should increase the level of local anesthetics are so exceedingly rare that quantification
vigilance in monitoring for a possible adverse event. of the risks of such a reaction is virtually impossible. In three
One can, however, prevent a mild local reaction from studies that attempted quantification, each with an excess of
transforming into an anaphylactic reaction with careful mon- 20,000 patients, the occurrence of such events was estimated
itoring and early intervention. As the majority of blocks are at less than 0.05 % [7–9]. The specific presentations included
performed in the deeply sedated or anesthetized child, care- in this category include cardiovascular disturbances (both
ful monitoring of the site of injection is required for early electrical and hemodynamic) as well as neural insults (sei-
recognition of local reactions. Continuous cardiopulmonary zures and neurotoxicity).
monitoring is required during the initial stages of a block,
116 A.M. Dryden and B.C.H. Tsui Prevention
The pattern of systemic toxic reactions is no different in chil-
dren than it is in adults, but the presentation can be vastly
different. One of the major reasons for this is that when a
child is heavily sedated or anesthetized, initial irritability and
seizures will not be evident when performing initial blocks.
The first signs may in fact be dysrhythmias, hypotension, or Baseline ECG
even cardiac arrest. The ability to detect inadvertent intravas-
cular injection of local anesthetics is also altered in the pedi-
atric population. Resting heart rates in neonates and infants
are so high that a bolus dose of a local anesthetic with epi-
nephrine does not increase the heart rate to a reliably detect-
able level [10, 11]. Some advocate for vagolysis with atropine
prior to injection of epinephrine containing local anesthetic
to increase the sensitivity of intravascular injection, while Marked increase in T wave height after intravascular
others advocate for the use of isoproterenol [12, 13]. injection of bupivacaine with epinephrine
Monitoring T wave height may also provide an early warn-
ing system for a systemic toxic reaction (Fig. 8.2). Indeed, Fig. 8.2 Representative ECG readings showing normal baseline ECG
(top) and ECG after intravascular injection of local anesthetic (bottom).
detecting an increase in impedance with a nerve stimulator Monitoring T wave height can help warn of systemic local anesthetic
following an injection of D5W prior to the administration of toxicity
a local anesthetic can be used to rule out intravascular injec-
tion [14, 15]. At the very least, one must carefully aspirate
prior to the injection of a local anesthetic and repeat the aspi- Table 8.3 Signs of early accidental intravascular injection during con-
ration after any change in needle position. tinuous local anesthetic infusion
In any event, it is important for the clinician to recognize Early signsa Late signs
the early CNS indicators of inadvertent intravascular injec- • Light-headedness • Muscle twitching
tion, as they may occur during continuous anesthetic infu- • Tinnitus • Drowsiness
sion via peripheral or epidural catheters (Table 8.3). • Blurred vision • Generalized tonic-clonic convulsions
• Perioral numbness
Detection of these signs can be challenging due to communication bar-
riers with pediatric patients
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population 117
the use of blunt needles in regional anesthesia was made by be considered. Patient positioning, surgical trauma, and tour-
Selander et al. [42] in 1977. It was thought that blunt needles niquet application are all possible causes and must be con-
were less likely to penetrate neural structures and that resul- sidered. Neural injury caused by the needle may not
tant intraneural injections would be less likely. Although necessarily be due to laceration, but rather to high-pressure
there are no clinical trials supporting recommendations as to injections which may cause mechanical destruction of the
what type of needle is best for regional anesthesia proce- neural fascicular architecture, damage, and subsequent scar-
dures in any age range, small-gauge, short, blunt needles are ring [45]. As indicated previously in this chapter, the sub-
recommended if possible. The likelihood of neural damage stance being injected is also a potential source of injury.
can also be decreased with low injection pressures. Even if Thus, when a neurologic injury is suspected, a thorough
the needle is placed within the nerve sheath, the majority of history must be taken, a complete physical examination must
trauma may be related to the pressure of injection. Rapid, be performed and documented, and all stages of the operative
high-pressure injections should be avoided. A practical way period scrutinized. Consultation should be sought with neu-
to do this is to aspirate air above the injectate in a syringe and rological specialists to determine the best and quickest way
to monitor the volume of the air during injection using a to achieve a diagnosis. During this time, disclosure to the
compressed air injection technique (CAIT) (Chap. 1, Fig. patient and parents must be timely and thorough. Oftentimes,
1.9). Injection pressure should be decreased if the volume of imaging in the form of an MRI is the primary modality of
air decreases to less than half of its original volume [43]. diagnosis. The anesthesiologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon,
Finally, one would assume that one of the primary modalities and radiologist must work as a team to arrive at a diagnosis
of preventing neural injury would be to use either nerve before permanent injury occurs. Electrodiagnostic tech-
stimulation or ultrasound to rule out intraneural injection. niques (such as nerve conduction studies, electromyography
While we recommend the use of both of these technologies and evoked potentials) can also be useful under the guidance
(as described elsewhere in this book), it remains difficult to of a neurologist. Experience from the adult population sug-
prove that they in fact decrease intraneural injection and neu- gests that should a neurological deficit persist at the time of
ral trauma from needles [37, 44]. Neural damage as a result discharge, most will resolve in 4–6 weeks, and the majority
of peripheral nerve blocks is rare, and as such, demonstrating (>99 %) are resolved within one year. The paucity of reports
the safest approach will prove difficult. from the pediatric literature suggests that permanent periph-
As discussed in Chap. 2, recent literature has suggested eral nerve injury is almost unheard of.
that by measuring differences in electrical impedance of tis-
sues, it may be possible to distinguish between extraneural Table 8.4 Suggested methods/equipment for reducing nerve injuries
and intraneural injection during administration of peripheral when performing regional anesthesia
nerve blocks. This difference in impedance is thought to Methods/equipment for reducing the risk of nerve injuries
relate to the different tissue compositions and water contents • Needle type: small gauge, short beveled
of extraneural and intraneural tissue. However, further • Patient: awake with appropriate level of sedation
research is needed to determine whether this technique can • Nerve stimulation: use accurate nerve stimulators and insulated
be utilized in peripheral nerve blocks in humans as a method nerve needles (current ≥0.2 mA)
to avoid intraneural injection. • Ultrasound: direct visualization of nerves and surrounding
Regardless of the safety record of needles with respect to structures by using high-resolution ultrasound equipment if
the peripheral nerve, when neurological sequelae are present
• Paresthesia: injection should be stopped and needle repositioned if
in a child who has undergone a regional anesthesia proce- persistent
dure, it is the duty of the anesthesiologist to rule out iatro- • High injection pressure: avoid rapid and high-pressure injections
genic neural injury. Neural symptoms can include motor, (pressure <20 psi)
sensory, and autonomic dysfunction in a specific neural ter- • Local anesthetic: avoid high concentrations (i.e., lidocaine 2 % or
ritory. When these symptoms are found, other causes must bupivacaine 0.75 %)
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population 121 Needle Trauma to the Spinal Cord anatomy involved for performance of a particular block.
Spinal cord injury following a peripheral or neuraxial block Even with technological aids, placing needles without the
is a feared complication. In the adult literature, there are prerequisite knowledge is tempting fate. Although difficult
multiple examples of permanent spinal cord injuries follow- to prove from the literature, techniques involving nerve stim-
ing peripheral nerve blocks [46–48]. There are, however, no ulation and ultrasound for monitoring needle tip placement
such case reports in the pediatric literature. In the 2010 are useful tools. As described in other chapters, both tech-
ADARPEF study, complications from over 30,000 regional niques can be used for a variety of peripheral and neuraxial
anesthesia procedures were reported over a 1-year period, procedures and have the potential to decrease the likelihood
and not one permanent spinal cord injury was reported [8]. of a devastating spinal cord injury.
This is in contrast to the reporting of one permanent neuro- Should it occur, there is no specific treatment for primary
logical deficit in a 3-month-old child in a study following needle damage to the spinal cord. When suspected, the initial
over 10,000 epidurals over a 5-year period [49]. step in the management of spinal cord injury is the recogni-
Prevention of needle trauma to the spinal cord is critical. tion and identification of neural dysfunction. It is important
In adults, most cases of permanent neuraxial injury involve to rule out acute and reversible causes of spinal cord injury
deviations from recommended practice. As such, when devi- (Fig. 8.4). This includes nerve compression from hemato-
ating from the standard practice, the anesthetist should con- mas, as they must be identified and dealt with early (within
sider it carefully and document the justification for doing so. 6–8 h) to avoid the development of permanent paraplegia or
One of the key ways of preventing neuraxial injury is to quadriplegia. All causes of neural injury must be investi-
increase the distance of the needle from the spinal cord by gated, including surgical causes (ligation of spinal cord ves-
performing a peripheral block. There are already reports [8] sels during abdominal or thoracic surgery, injury to the
of a large shift away from neuraxial techniques in favor of femoral nerve during pelvic surgery, injury to the lateral
peripheral blocks in pediatric regional anesthesia. One par- cutaneous nerve of the thigh during retraction near the ingui-
ticular institution reported a decrease in the use of neuraxial nal ligament, and fibular head pressure causing neurapraxia
anesthesia in pediatric patients from 97 to 24.9 % of cases of the lateral popliteal nerve), patient positioning, preexist-
over the past 17 years [50]. Although placement of epidurals ing conditions, and the regional anesthesia procedure. As
in anesthetized adults remains controversial [41, 51–53], it with peripheral nerve injuries, neurology and radiology spe-
seems quite clear that this practice is the accepted – and cialists must be consulted immediately and a team approach
safe – standard in the pediatric population. The reason for used to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Each of these special-
this disparity remains unclear. ties has a very useful body of knowledge when dealing with
Knowing the position of the needle tip at all times is key these situations. An emergent MRI is often used to arrive at
to the prevention of spinal cord injury. This begins with a the correct diagnosis, and management is often guided by the
well-studied technique and a detailed understanding of the consultant neurologist and neurosurgeon.
122 A.M. Dryden and B.C.H. Tsui
Does the patient have acceptable
clinical recovery?
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population 123
8.3.3 Adverse Events Caused by Nerve waves have the potential to transfer energy by increasing the
Stimulators rate of vibration of the substrate being examined. In fact, this
is a common therapeutic tool in physiotherapy. At the wave-
Patients undergoing a regional anesthesia procedure can lengths and powers typically used in regional anesthetic
describe the sensation from nerve stimulators in a variety of practice, this effect is negligible and there are no reports of
ways. Words such as “funny,” “tingly,” “tapping,” and some- an ultrasound-induced burn.
times even “pain” are used. Both patients and parents will Ultrasound probes may incite a false sense of security
often ask if the electricity from the nerve stimulator is harm- when placing an unfamiliar block, leading to unnecessary
ful in any way. There are no published reports of any harm risk. We advocate for the use of ultrasound whenever possi-
caused by nerve stimulators in any population. Nerve stimu- ble, but only in the hands of a practitioner who also has the
lators have the ability to malfunction, but there are no requisite anatomic and procedural knowledge coupled with
instances of electricity-induced burns or neurapraxia the experience (or under the guidance of an anesthetist with
reported. Nerve stimulators can therefore be considered a the experience) to place the block in the safest way possible
piece of equipment that only adds to the safety of the regional and to manage potential complications. Ultrasound probes
anesthetic procedure being performed. can also act as a fomite. We recommend following manufac-
turers’ guidelines to sterilize ultrasound probes between
patients and to always cover the ultrasound probe in a sterile
8.3.4 Adverse Events Caused by Ultrasound fashion when placing blocks (see Chap. 4).
thought that PDPH did not occur in the pediatric population lumbar punctures for chemotherapy [88]. A lumbar EBP has
[76]. Possible explanations previously offered included been performed in a 7-year-old child [85]. Furthermore,
lower CSF pressure, lower hydrostatic pressure when there has been one case reported of cervical dural puncture
upright, and differences in the elasticity of the dural matter in treated successfully with a lumbar EBP [89]. A CSF leak of
these different age groups. This, however, has proven untrue. 5 weeks’ duration in a 3-year-old child was quickly and suc-
In fact, the incidence of PDPH in children is quoted between cessfully treated with an EBP after repair was attempted with
2 and 15 % [77]. invasive techniques [90]. When performed successfully, pain
The symptoms of PDPH remain the same in the pediatric dissipates within 10–15 min. This procedure is not without
population. The International Headache Society defines a risk, and side effects such as transient bradycardia, lumbo-
PDPH as a headache occurring within 7 days of a lumbar vertebral syndrome, and facial palsy have been reported
puncture and resolving within 14 days and is worse in the [91–94].
upright position [78]. Other symptoms may include nausea,
vomiting, and various optical and auditory phenomena. The Hypotension
primary difference between the two populations is the ability Hypotension following neuraxial blockade in young pediat-
to verbalize these symptoms. Children may exhibit a wide ric patients is almost unheard of [95]. This is likely due to the
range of behaviors instead of vocalizing and describing their immaturity of the autonomic nervous system and decreased
symptoms. Thus, children should be questioned routinely reliance on sympathetic tone to maintain blood pressure. As
following dural puncture, and caregivers should be provided such, hypotension following neuraxial blockade should
information on possible manifestations of PDPH. prompt the practitioner to consider other such causes, includ-
Prevention of PDPH is possible with knowledge of the ing those related to surgery and other unrecognized bleeding,
factors that influence the incidence of PDPH. In pediatrics, local anesthetic toxicity, anaphylaxis, and total spinal anes-
links have been demonstrated between headaches and needle thesia. In the older adolescent, a decrease in blood pressure
gauge, bevel design, and orientation. The importance of can be seen following a neuraxial block and should be treated
bevel orientation was demonstrated following dural penetra- as it is in adults, with fluids, positioning (Trendelenburg),
tion with an epidural needle and confirmed in a study show- and sympathomimetics.
ing no difference in the incidence of PDPH when comparing
22G and 25G needles, as long as the bevel was oriented ver-
tically [79, 80]. Needle design is also a factor in the develop- 8.4.4 Summary
ment of PDPH; blunt-pointed needles (e.g., Sprotte,
Whitacre) are linked to a reduced incidence of PDPH as Complications from neuraxial blocks in pediatric patients
opposed to sharp, cutting-point needles (e.g., Quincke). This are surprisingly rare, and there are almost no reports of mor-
has been demonstrated in the pediatric population [77]. tality as sequelae. However, the recent ADARPEF study
Initial treatment is to utilize conservative measures such indicates that the complication rate of central blocks is six
as bed rest and oral hydration, despite little evidence to sup- times higher than that of peripheral blocks [8]. Given this
port them. Analgesics (acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti- fact, peripheral blocks must always be considered for anes-
inflammatories) can also be used for symptomatic treatment. thesia. Management of the majority of these complications
Caffeine can also be used and has been shown to be effective remains supportive, and in the event of a space-occupying
in the adult population, although there is some controversy lesion (abscess or hematoma), consultation with neurology
[81, 82]. Autologous epidural blood patching (EBP), intro- and neurosurgical specialists should be considered early.
duced by Gormley in 1960, remains one of the most effective
treatments for PDPH [83]. Success rates for EBPs are Conclusion
approximately 85 % and rise to 98 % after a second patch. It A review of the potential complications of pediatric
has suggested that the blood acts as a sealant, plugging the regional anesthesia is provided. In this relatively under-
hole created by the needle, thus preventing further CSF leak- studied group, new complications will emerge as sample
age. Another possibility is the counterpressure theory sizes increase and more patients are offered regional anes-
whereby the injected blood increases the epidural pressure thesia. In the interim, we must take some of our guidance
increasing CSF pressure. from our adult regional anesthesia colleagues. Fortunately,
EBPs are not commonly reported in the pediatric popula- the practice of regional anesthesia in pediatrics is quite
tion. Case reports have suggested the use of between 3 and safe. Reports of adverse events are few and far between,
8.5 mL, and a small series in adolescents suggested using a and those that do exist are rarely associated with long-
volume of 0.2–0.3 mL/kg [84–87]. A caudal blood patch has term consequences. Every effort must be made to main-
been reported by Kowbel in a 4-year-old child who devel- tain this excellent safety record. We can prevent
oped a subarachnoid cutaneous fistula following repeated complications by carefully selecting our patients, ensur-
128 A.M. Dryden and B.C.H. Tsui
ing that practitioners are well trained, that areas in which by both the patient and caregivers. Management and
blocks are performed are the safest possible, that the saf- assessment must be carried out promptly whenever any
est procedure is chosen, and that proper consent is given complication is suspected (Table 8.6).
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64. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al. Regional anesthesia in 86. Ylonen P, Kokki H. Management of postdural puncture headache
the anticoagulated patient: defining the risks (the second ASRA with epidural blood patch in children. Paediatr Anaesth.
Consensus Conference on Neuraxial Anesthesia and 2002;12:526–9.
Anticoagulation). Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2003;28:172–97. 87. Ylonen P, Kokki H. Epidural blood patch for management of post-
65. Kane RE. Neurologic deficits following epidural or spinal anesthe- dural puncture headache in adolescents. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
sia. Anesth Analg. 1981;60:150–61. 2002;46:794–8.
66. Moen V, Dahlgren N, Irestedt L. Severe neurological complications 88. Kowbel MA, Comfort VK. Caudal epidural blood patch for the
after central neuraxial blockades in Sweden 1990–1999. treatment of a paediatric subarachnoid-cutaneous fistula. Can J
Anesthesiology. 2004;101:950–9. Anesth. 1995;42:625–7.
8 Complications of Regional Anesthesia in the Pediatric Population 131
89. Colonna-Romano P, Linton P. Cervical dural puncture and lumbar Suggested Reading
extradural blood patch. Can J Anesth. 1995;42:1143–4.
90. Sanders JC, Gandhoke R, Moro M. Lumbar epidural blood patch to
Ecoffey C. Pediatric regional anesthesia. In: Gregory GA, Andropoulos
treat a large, symptomatic postsurgical cerebrospinal fluid leak of 5
DB, editors. Gregory’s pediatric anesthesia. 5th ed. Chichester:
weeks duration in a 3-year-old. Anesth Analg. 2004;98:629–31.
Wiley-Blackwell; 2012. p. 439–41.
91. Andrews PJ, Ackerman WE, Juneja M, Cases-Cristobal V, Rigor
Fincuane BT, editor. Complications of regional anesthesia. 2nd ed.
BM. Transient bradycardia associated with extradural blood patch
New York: Springer; 2007.
after inadvertent dural puncture in parturients. Br J Anaesth.
Horlocker TT. Neurologic complications of regional anesthesia. In: Dureja
GP, Madan R, Kaul HL, editors. Regional anaesthesia and pain man-
92. Palmer JH, Wilson DW, Brown CM. Lumbovertebral syndrome
agement: current perspectives. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2000. p. 104–14.
after repeat extradural blood patch. Br J Anaesth. 1997;78:334–6.
Neal J, Rathmell JP, editors. Complications in regional anesthesia and pain
93. Perez M, Olmos M, Garrido FJ. Facial nerve paralysis after epi-
medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013.
dural blood patch. Reg Anesth. 1993;18:196–8.
Pawar DK. Complications of paediatric regional anesthesia. In: Dureja
94. Seeberger MD, Urwyler A. Lumbovertebral syndrome after extra-
GP, Madan R, Kaul HL, editors. Regional anaesthesia and pain man-
dural blood patch. Br J Anaesth. 1992;69:414–6.
agement: current perspectives. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2000. p. 124–6.
95. Murat I, Delleur MM, Esteve C, et al. Continuous extradural anaes-
thesia in children. Clinical and haemodynamic implications. Br J
Anaesth. 1987;59:1441–50.
Part III
Clinical Anatomy
Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck
Glenn Merritt, Anil H. Walji, and Ban C.H. Tsui
9.1 Clinical Anatomy of Trigeminal Nerve 136
9.1.1 Ophthalmic Nerve (V1 Division of the Trigeminal Nerve, Pure Sensory) 138
9.1.2 Maxillary Nerve (V2 Division of the Trigeminal Nerve, Pure Sensory) 140
9.1.3 Mandibular Nerve (V3 Division of the Trigeminal Nerve, Sensory and Motor
to Muscles of Mastication) 142
9.2 Clinical Anatomy of the Cervical Plexus 142
9.3 Clinical Anatomy of Occipital Nerves 145
9.3.1 Lesser Occipital Nerve (C2) 145
9.3.2 Greater Occipital Nerve (C2) 146
9.4 Clinical Anatomy of the Nerve of Arnold 146
Suggested Reading 147
G. Merritt, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Hospital
and Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
A.H. Walji, MD, PhD
Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, USA
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC (*)
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
9.1 Clinical Anatomy of Trigeminal Nerve exiting the skull through the foramen rotundum, the max-
illary nerve courses anteriorly over the pterygopalatine
• The trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V), the largest of the fossa and enters the floor of the orbit through the infraor-
cranial nerves, is fundamentally the sensory nerve of the bital fissure as the infraorbital nerve; the infraorbital
head and supplies sensory innervation to the entire face nerve courses in the infraorbital canal, and descending
all the way from the lambdoidal suture on the vertex of branches include the greater palatine, lesser palatine, and
the skull to the bottom of the chin. Of its three major divi- nasopalatine and superior alveolar nerves. The mandibu-
sions, the ophthalmic and maxillary nerves are purely lar nerve courses into the infratemporal fossa through the
sensory, while the mandibular nerve is a mixed sensory foramen ovale and divides into its two major branches,
and motor nerve, the motor fibers being distributed pri- the lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve. The termi-
marily to the muscles of mastication. In addition, the tri- nal branches of these three divisions, destined for the
geminal nerve acts as a conduit for postganglionic face, namely, the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental
parasympathetic fibers from the ciliary, pterygopalatine, nerves, exit the skull through the supraorbital, infraor-
mandibular, and otic ganglia in the head. The pregangli- bital, and mental foramina, respectively, and usually lie
onic fibers destined for these ganglia arise from the ocu- vertically in-line with each other in the plane of the pupil
lomotor nerve (for the ciliary ganglion), facial nerve (for (neonate, Fig. 9.2a; adolescent, Fig. 9.2b). The greater
the pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia), and palatine, lesser palatine, and nasopalatine nerves exit the
glossopharyngeal nerve (for the otic ganglion). palate through corresponding foramina of the posterior
• The sensory and motor roots of the trigeminal nerve arise aspect of the secondary palate and anterior aspect of the
from the ventral aspect of the base of the pons. Sensory primary palate. Although the terminal branches are the
branches are sent to the large semilunar (trigeminal, semi- nerves that we focus on for many common regional anes-
lunar, or Gasserian) ganglion, which lies in a shallow thesia blocks, it is important to remember that each of the
depression, recess, or cleft in the meningeal layer of dura trigeminal divisions send branches internally to supply
(trigeminal or Meckel’s cave; trigeminal fossa) in the the oral and nasal mucosa as well as the mucosa of the
middle cranial fossa on the dorsal surface of the petrous paranasal sinuses external branches to supply the lateral
temporal bone near its tip or apex. The ganglion’s anterior aspect of the face.
aspect gives rise to three main divisions: the ophthalmic
(V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular (V3) nerves
(Fig. 9.1).
• A smaller motor root lies underneath the main trigeminal
ganglion and supplies motor fibers to the mandibular
nerve. These motor fibers supply mostly the muscles of
mastication, namely, the masseter, temporalis, medial and Ophthalmic n.
a b
Fig. 9.2 Neonate (a) and adolescent (b) skull models depicting three through the supraorbital foramen (SO), infraorbital foramen (IO), and
distinct foramina, through which branches of the trigeminal nerve exit mental foramen (M), respectively
the cranium. The ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular nerves exit
138 G. Merritt et al.
9.1.1 Ophthalmic Nerve (V1 Division • The supratrochlear nerve traverses the orbit along the
of the Trigeminal Nerve, Pure Sensory) same plane as the supraorbital nerve but just medial to it,
passes over the trochlea, and enters the front of the face
• The uppermost ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve via the frontal notch (or just medial to the supraorbital
is a pure sensory nerve and passes through the superior foramen or notch). It then courses superiorly into the fore-
orbital fissure (sphenoidal fissure) into the orbit. head. As it passes through the orbit, the nerve sends a
• The nerve divides into three main branches – lacrimal, branch to join the infratrochlear branch of the nasociliary
frontal, and nasociliary – just prior to entering the orbit nerve. This nerve supplies sensation to the medial part of
through the superior orbital fissure. the upper eyelid, the conjunctiva, and the lower-middle
• The lacrimal nerve is the smallest of the three divisions. It forehead (Fig. 9.4).
enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure and • The nasociliary nerve is the intermediate branch (in
communicates with the zygomaticotemporal branch of terms of size) of the frontal nerve and passes obliquely
the maxillary nerve. It courses through the lateral aspect through the orbit to reach its medial aspect. Its anterior
of the orbit over the lateral rectus muscle. The lacrimal and posterior ethmoidal branches pass through the eth-
nerve then enters the lacrimal gland and innervates it with moidal foramina to enter the cranium. The nerve then
parasympathetic secretomotor fibers (from the zygomati- travels on the upper surface of the cribriform plate of the
cotemporal nerve) and the adjoining conjunctiva with ethmoid bone underneath the dura mater and descends
sensory fibers. The nerve eventually pierces the orbital through a slitlike opening in the crista galli to enter the
septum to innervate the skin of the lateral aspect of the nasal cavity. The nasociliary nerve supplies two internal
upper eyelid, joining with filaments from the facial nerve. nasal branches that innervate the lateral wall of the nasal
• The division’s largest branch, the frontal nerve, courses cavity and the mucous membrane of the front part of the
anteriorly through the orbit along the upper surface of the nasal septum.
levator palpebrae superioris muscle and bifurcates into its • The ethmoidal branches also supply the mucosa lining
terminal sensory branches, the larger supraorbital nerve the ethmoid air cells. The posterior branch leaves the orbit
laterally and the smaller supratrochlear nerve medially. through the posterior ethmoidal foramen and innervates
• The supraorbital nerve courses anteriorly between the the sphenoidal sinus. The nasociliary nerve terminates in
levator palpebrae superioris and the periosteum of the the infratrochlear and anterior ethmoidal branches; the
orbital roof, continues anteromedially towards the troch- former supplies the conjunctiva and skin of the medial
lea, exits the orbit through the supraorbital foramen (or aspect of the upper eyelid, while the latter supplies the
notch in some cases), and finally curves superiorly into anterior and middle ethmoid cells and then sends two
the forehead before branching into its medial and lateral internal branches that innervate the mucous membranes
branches. Anesthesia of the supraorbital nerve blocks the of the front part of the nasal septum and lateral nasal wall.
conjunctiva and skin of the upper eyelid as well as the The anterior ethmoidal branch eventually exits the face as
ipsilateral upper forehead as far back as the lambdoidal the external nasal nerve, which innervates the skin of the
suture (Figs. 9.3 and 9.4). It also supplies sensory fibers to nasal ala and apex of the nose.
the mucous membrane of the frontal air sinuses.
9 Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck 139
9.1.2 Maxillary Nerve (V2 Division maxilla to course under the mucous membrane of the
of the Trigeminal Nerve, Pure Sensory) maxillary sinus which it supplies. The posterior, anterior,
and middle superior alveolar (dental) nerves form the
• The maxillary nerve, like the ophthalmic, also contains superior dental plexus, which innervates the maxillary
purely sensory fibers. It exits the skull through the teeth and gingivae. Together with the infraorbital nerve,
foramen rotundum, courses beneath the skull base anteri- these superior alveolar nerves also supply sensory inner-
orly, and crosses over the upper part of the pterygopala- vation to the mucosa lining the maxillary sinus.
tine (sphenopalatine) fossa (medial to the lateral pterygoid • The palatine nerves (Fig. 9.6), the greater (anterior) and
plate on each side) before entering the orbit through the lesser (middle and posterior), are the terminal sensory
inferior orbital fissure as the infraorbital nerve (Fig. 9.5). endings of the maxillary nerve and emerge as branches
• Suspended from the nerve as it courses over the pterygo- from the pterygopalatine ganglion. The sensory fibers
palatine fossa is the parasympathetic pterygopalatine, or within them pass through the ganglion without synapsing.
more commonly called sphenopalatine ganglion, which They are distributed to the roof of the mouth, the soft pal-
lies within the fossa. Several branches of the maxillary ate, the palatine tonsil, and the mucous membrane lining
nerve appear to arise from the pterygopalatine ganglion; the nasal cavity. The branches descend through the ptery-
however, the nerve fibers within them simply pass through gopalatine (greater palatine) canal and emerge on the hard
the sphenopalatine ganglion without synapsing. Although palate; the anterior branch emerges through the greater
they seem to be branches of the ganglion, they are in real- palatine foramen (Fig. 9.6), while the middle/posterior
ity branches of the maxillary nerve just coursing through branches emerge via a minor/lesser palatine foramen (an
the ganglion and very intimately associated with it. opening behind the greater palatine foramen). The sen-
• During its course through the infraorbital groove and/or sory supply of the greater branch includes the gums and
canal in the floor of the orbit, the maxillary nerve gives off the mucosa and glands of the hard palate; the sensory sup-
two superior alveolar (dental) branches (the middle and ply of the lesser branches includes the uvula, the tonsils,
anterior superior alveolar nerves) that supply the maxil- and the soft palate.
lary teeth and gingivae before terminating as the infraor- • Nasal branches (also arising from the ganglion) enter the
bital nerve, which surfaces onto the face through the nasal cavity through the sphenopalatine foramen to be
infraorbital foramen (Fig. 9.5). distributed in lateral and medial groups to the posterior
• The middle and anterior superior alveolar (dental) nerves aspects of the superior and middle nasal conchae laterally
arise from the main trunk of the nerve as it passes through and the posterior part of the roof of the nasal septum
the infraorbital groove and/or canal, while the posterior medially. The largest of these nerves is the nasopalatine
superior alveolar nerve is given off just before it enters (long sphenopalatine) nerve which courses anteroinferi-
the floor of the orbit. The nerve pierces the infratemporal orly on the nasal septum and then descends through the
surface of the maxilla to run under the mucous membrane incisive foramen in the anterior aspect of the hard palate
of the maxillary sinus, which it supplies. It then breaks up to be distributed to the roof of the mouth (Fig. 9.6).
into small branches to form the posterior part of the • The pharyngeal nerve arises from the posterior aspect of
superior dental plexus to supply the maxillary molars. the pterygopalatine ganglion and courses through the pal-
Branches given off from within the pterygopalatine fossa atovaginal canal to supply the mucosa of the nasopharynx
include the zygomatic nerve to the orbit (with its zygo- just posterior to the opening of the Eustachian (auditory,
maticotemporal and zygomaticofacial branches), the pharyngotympanic) tube.
short sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine) nerves, and the • The terminal infraorbital nerve passes through the infe-
posterior superior alveolar (dental) nerve (Fig. 9.5). rior orbital fissure into the floor of the orbit, where it
• The zygomaticofacial nerve passes along the infero- courses through the infraorbital groove and/or canal
lateral aspect of the orbit and exits through a foramen in (just below the eye and lateral to the nose), and reaches
the zygoma to supply the skin on the cheek. The zygo- the facial surface of the maxilla. It then divides into the
maticofacial nerve merges with nerve fibers from the pal- inferior palpebral nerves (lower eyelid), external and
pebral branches of the maxillary nerve and zygomatic internal nasal nerves (wings or ala of the nose), and
branches from the facial nerve to form a plexus. The zygo- medial and lateral branches of the superior labial nerve
maticotemporal nerve sends a branch to join the lacrimal (upper lip).
nerve, providing parasympathetic, secretomotor innerva- • The infraorbital nerve innervates the lower eyelid and
tion to the lacrimal gland. The posterior superior alveolar upper lip, including the philtrum, the lateral portion of the
nerve also arises high in the pterygopalatine fossa before nasal cavity and the skin of the cheek. Blockade of the
the maxillary nerve enters the infraorbital groove. The infraorbital nerve produces anesthesia of the middle third
nerve then pierces the infratemporal surface of the of the ipsilateral face (Fig. 9.5).
9 Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck 141
Maxillary n. Zygomatic n.
Mandibular n.
Inferior palpebral n.
Infraorbital n.
Nasal n.
Auriculotemporal n.
Superior labial n.
Pterygopalatine fossa
Posterior superior
Inferior alveolar (dental) n. alveolar (dental) n.
Short sphenopalatine
Mylohyoid n. (pterygopalatine) n.
Nasopalatine n.
Anterior and middle
superior alveolar
Greater palatine n.
Greater palatine n.
Posterior superior
Greater palatine alveolar branches
Fig. 9.6 Left side: the greater and foramen
lesser palatine nerves emerge on the
hard palate from the greater and
lesser palatine foramen,
respectively. The nasopalatine nerve
emerges from the incisive foramen. Lesser palatine foramen
Right side: sensory innervation of Lesser palatine n.
the hard palate Lesser palatine n.
142 G. Merritt et al.
9.1.3 Mandibular Nerve (V3 Division 9.2 Clinical Anatomy of the Cervical
of the Trigeminal Nerve, Sensory Plexus
and Motor to Muscles of Mastication)
• These tubercles also serve as the attachment sites for the continue laterally to emerge superficially under the poste-
anterior and middle scalene muscles, which form a compart- rior border (clavicular head) of the sternocleidomastoid
ment for the cervical plexus as well as the brachial plexus muscle at about its midpoint (Erb’s point). The branches,
immediately below. The compartment at this level is less including the lesser occipital nerve, great auricular nerve,
developed than the one formed around the brachial plexus. transverse cervical nerve, and supraclavicular nerves
• The deep muscular branches curl anteriorly around the (medial, intermediate and lateral [posterior] branches),
lateral border of the scalenus anterior and proceed cau- innervate the skin on the anterior and posterior aspects of
dally and medially. Many branches serve the deep ante- the neck and shoulder (Fig. 9.8).
rior neck muscles; other branches include the superior • After arising from the second and third cervical nerve
root of the ansa cervicalis, the trapezius branch of the roots, the great auricular nerve ascends up to the angle of
plexus, and the phrenic nerve. These deep muscular the mandible and gives off anterior and posterior branches
branches also supply the sternocleidomastoid muscle as to supply the skin over the parotid gland and the mastoid
they pass behind it. process (Fig. 9.8).
• The sensory fibers emerge from behind the scalenus ante-
rior muscle but are separate from the motor branches and
nerves to
Geniohyoid &
Thyrohyoid mm
C3 Spinal accesory n.
Transverse (C1 - 5)
cervical n. (C2, 3)
(C1 - 3)
Phrenic n.
(C3 - 5)
Lesser occipital n.
auricular n.
Supraclavicular n.
cervical n.
C1 spinal n.
C1 Atlas
C2 Axis
Spinal n.
in sulcus
C7 spinal n.
Fig. 9.9 Nerve roots of the cervical
plexus emerging from the troughs formed
by the transverse processes, posterior and
lateral to the vertebral artery C7 vertebral body
9 Clinical Anatomy of the Head and Neck 145
9.3 Clinical Anatomy of Occipital Nerves 9.3.1 Lesser Occipital Nerve (C2)
The posterior scalp over the occipital region is innervated by • This nerve arises from the second (sometimes also the third)
sensory fibers of the greater and lesser occipital nerves. anterior cervical ramus and is a superficial (cutaneous)
nerve. It traverses cephalad from the posterior edge of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle towards the top of the head,
where it pierces the deep fascia and ascends the scalp behind
the auricle, dividing into several branches (Fig. 9.10).
nuchal line
Greater occipital n.
Lesser occipital n.
Great auricular n.
posterior branch
146 G. Merritt et al.
9.3.2 Greater Occipital Nerve (C2) 9.4 Clinical Anatomy of the Nerve
of Arnold
• The greater occipital nerve arises from the posterior
ramus of the second cervical spinal nerve as its medial • The Nerve of Arnold is the sensory auricular branch of
branch (the cervical plexus arises from the anterior rami) the vagus nerve. It arises from the jugular (superior) gan-
and travels in a cranial direction, medial to the occipital glion of the vagus nerve. Soon after its origin, it is joined
artery (Fig. 9.10), to reach the skin at a location within the by a filament from the petrous (inferior) ganglion of the
aponeurosis of the trapezius muscle just inferior to the glossopharyngeal nerve, after which it passes behind the
superior nuchal line. At this point, it provides branches internal jugular vein and enters the mastoid canaliculus
medially to supply the head and laterally to supply the on the lateral wall of the jugular fossa. Passing through
skin of the scalp in the area behind the auricle (post- the substance of the temporal bone, it crosses the facial
auricular area). It supplies motor fibers to the semispinalis canal about 4 mm (in adult) above the stylomastoid fora-
capitis muscle. The lateral branch supplies the splenius, men, where it gives off an ascending branch which joins
longissimus, and semispinalis capitis muscles. the facial nerve. The nerve then passes through the tympa-
nomastoid fissure between the mastoid process and the
temporal bone, becomes superficial, and divides into two
branches. One branch joins the posterior auricular nerve,
while the other travels to the skin of the posterior auricu-
lar area and to the posterior wall and floor of the external
acoustic meatus which it supplies with sensory innerva-
tion (Fig. 9.11). The nerve also provides sensory innerva-
tion to the inferior portion of the outer aspect of the
tympanic membrane.
Suggested Reading
Chapter 28: Neck. In: Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed.
London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008. p. 455–62.
Chapter 29: Face and scalp. In: Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy.
40th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008. p. 492–5.
Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus
Anil H. Walji and Ban C.H. Tsui
10.1 Brachial Plexus: Overview 150
10.2 Branches of the Brachial Plexus 153
10.2.1 Branches from the Roots (Ventral Rami) 153
10.2.2 Branches from the Trunks 153
10.2.3 Branches from the Cords 154
10.2.4 Terminal Nerves 154
Suggested Reading 163
10.1 Brachial Plexus: Overview hiatus) before forming the trunks and entering the floor of
the posterior triangle of the neck (supraclavicular fossa). In
The brachial plexus is a spinal nerve plexus in the neck, the posterior triangle, the plexus is covered only by platysma,
shoulder, and axilla that provides innervation to the skin, deep fascia, and skin and is palpable, especially in thin indi-
subcutaneous tissues, and muscles of the entire upper limb viduals. The anterior and middle scalene muscles lie imme-
from the shoulder to the fingers, as well as articular inner- diately anterior and posterior respectively to the plexus in the
vation to the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. It is one of interscalene region, forming the so-called interscalene
the largest somatic plexuses in the body, and its compo- groove or triangle. The plexus at this level consists of upper
nents, namely, the roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and termi- (superior), middle, and lower (inferior) trunks and is enclosed
nal nerves, are arranged proximo-distally in a regional within the interscalene fascial sheath. Most commonly, the
fashion; the roots are paravertebral in location, the trunks upper trunk is formed by the convergence of C5 and C6,
by and large interscalene, the divisions subclavian, the while C7 becomes the middle trunk, and C8 and T1 converge
cords axillary, and the nerves brachial. Surgical anesthesia to make the lower trunk. The trunks are crossed by the exter-
and postoperative analgesia can be achieved from local nal jugular vein, the superficial (transverse) cervical and
anesthetic blockade of the brachial plexus at any point suprascapular arteries (branches of the thyrocervical trunk
along its course. that can function as external collaterals of the subclavian
The interscalene and periclavicular block approaches artery), the inferior belly of the omohyoid, and the supracla-
(e.g., supraclavicular, intersternocleidomastoid, and subcla- vicular nerves as they course inferolaterally.
vian perivascular) target the brachial plexus at the root and At and above the level of the interscalene groove (C6), the
trunk levels, while the infraclavicular, axillary, and periph- plexus lies posterolateral to the internal jugular vein and
eral approaches target the cords and terminal nerves of the common carotid artery. As the plexus emerges between the
brachial plexus. scalene muscles, its proximal part is cephalad to the third
This chapter highlights the clinical anatomy of the bra- part of the subclavian artery and its lower trunk posterior to
chial plexus itself, while the anatomy and distribution of the it. The plexus then courses behind the medial two thirds of
peripheral nerves are discussed at length in a subsequent the clavicle where it is also posterior to the subclavius mus-
chapter (Chap. 14). Chapter 14 also provides an overview cle and suprascapular vessels. Near the midpoint of the clav-
and detailed description of the clinically relevant anatomy of icle, the plexus and the subclavian artery are separated from
the brachial plexus as well as that of the dermatomes, myo- the subclavian vein by the tendinous insertion of the anterior
tomes, osteotomes, and innervation of major joints of the scalene muscle (Fig. 10.2).
upper extremity. Coursing distally, each of the three trunks then branches
The five roots of the brachial plexus arise in a paraverte- into anterior and posterior divisions deep to the clavicle (sub-
bral location from the anterior (primary) rami of C5–T1 spi- clavian location), following which the divisions reunite to
nal nerves and exit from the intervertebral foramina, above form three cords in the axilla (axillary location) and five
the transverse processes of the corresponding cervical verte- major terminal nerves in the upper arm (brachial location)
brae (Fig. 10.1). The plexus may receive variable contribu- (Fig. 10.3). The three cords of the plexus, namely, lateral,
tions from C4 and T2. When C4 makes a large contribution, medial, and posterior, are named for their relationship to the
T1 is reduced, forming a prefixed brachial plexus (C4 to C8); second part of the axillary artery. Within the axilla, the bra-
however, in some cases, the contribution from C5 may be chial plexus is enclosed together with the first part of the
reduced and that from T2 increased, leading to a postfixed axillary artery and axillary vein within the fibrous axillary
plexus (C6 to T2). sheath, a continuation of the prevertebral layer of deep
After exiting the intervertebral foramina, the roots tra- cervical fascia. The major terminal nerves and their branches
verse through the interscalene groove or triangle (scalene can been seen in Fig. 10.4.
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 151
Peripheral Nerve
Nerves T1
Brachial Anterior
artery scalene m.
Ulnar n.
an te
l he
ut s rd
oc Po Co
cu ial
us ed
i an Medial head
Axillary n.
Fig. 10.2 Course of the brachial plexus at the interscalene groove and
under the clavicle
152 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
of the forearm (except 1½),
and has an important
motor distribution in the hand
(thumb muscles and lateral 2 lumbrieals)
and the skin over the lateral palm and
lateral 3½ digits including nail beds
id d le
Upper Subscapular
Root: C5, 6 Radial
Supplies: Subscapularis Root: C5–T1
(motor only) Supplies: all extensor muscles
of arm and forearm
and posterior skin of
C7 Middle An Posterior arm, forearm and hand
Lower Subscapular
nf Root: C5, 6 Axillary
rI Root: C6, 7, 8
rio Supplies: Latissimus
Supplies: Subscapularis Root: C5, 6
oste dorsi (motor only)
and Teres Major Supplies: deltoid and teres minor
P (motor only) and skin over the
C8 Inferior Anterior Inferior Medial
lower part of deltoid
Root: C8, T1
Anterior divisions supply: Medial Pectoral Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm Supplies: 1½ flexors of the
- muscle of the anterior wall of axilla Root: C8, T1 forearm and
Root: C8, T1
- flexor muscles of the limb Supplies: Pectoralis Supplies: Skin (sensory only) supplies majority
T1 - Skin overlying those muscles
Posterior divisions supply:
Major and Minor (motor only) of the intrinsic muscles
in the hand and
- muscles of the posterior wall of the axilla the skin over the palm
Long Thoracic - extensor muscles and medial 1½ digits
Root: C5, 6, 7 - skin overlying those muscles Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
Supplies: Serratus Anterior (motor only) Root: C8, T1
Supplies: Skin (sensory only)
Scalenus anterior
Subclavian artery
Subclavian vein
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 153
10.2 Branches of the Brachial Plexus block. The phrenic nerve arises from the anterior rami of
spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5 (C3, C4 and C5 keep the dia-
From proximal to distal, the plexus is distributed regionally phragm alive!) and normally descends in a superolateral to
and consists of five roots (paravertebral), three trunks (inter- inferomedial direction on the anterior surface of the scale-
scalene), two divisions per trunk (subclavian), three cords nus anterior muscle (subject to anatomic variation) deep to
(axillary), and five major terminal nerves (brachial) the prevertebral fascia, before passing under the clavicle and
(Figs. 10.3 and 10.4). through the superior thoracic aperture into the superior
Branches arising from the roots and trunks of the brachial mediastinum, passing just medial to and in front of the inter-
plexus are generally classified as “supraclavicular” branches, nal thoracic (mammary) artery. Once within the thoracic
while those arising from the cords are referred to as “infra- cavity, both right and left phrenic nerves descend anterior to
clavicular” branches. the pulmonary hila together with the pericardiophrenic ves-
sels (branches of the internal thoracic or mammary vessels)
• Root branches (supraclavicular): in the plane between the fibrous pericardium medially and
– Nerve to longus cervicis muscle (C5–C8) the mediastinal pleura laterally on their way to the dia-
– Nerve to longus colli and scalene muscles (C5–C8) phragm which they pierce to supply. The right phrenic
– Contribution to phrenic nerve (C5) pierces the diaphragm’s central tendon near the caval orifice,
– Dorsal scapular nerve [nerve to rhomboids] (C5) while the left phrenic traverses the muscular portion of the
• Trunk branches (supraclavicular): left hemidiaphragm and lies somewhat more anterior than
– Nerve to subclavius (superior trunk, C5, C6) the right.
– Suprascapular nerve (superior trunk, C5, C6)
– Long thoracic nerve [posterior thoracic nerve] Innervation Motor: diaphragm (the phrenic is the sole motor
supply to the diaphragm)
Sensory: fibrous pericardium, parietal layer of serous
• Cord branches (infraclavicular): pericardium, mediastinal parietal pleura,
– Lateral cord diaphragmatic parietal pleura, and diaphragmatic
• Lateral pectoral nerve (C5–C7); musculocutaneous parietal peritoneum
nerve (C5–C7); lateral root (head) of median nerve
(C5–C6, C7)
– Medial cord Dorsal Scapular Nerve
• Medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1); medial cutaneous Originating from the ventral ramus of C5, this nerve passes
nerve of arm (medial brachial cutaneous nerve, C8, through the scalenus medius and courses behind the levator
T1); medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (medial scapulae before running with the deep branch of the dorsal
antebrachial cutaneous nerve, C8, T1); medial root scapular artery to terminate in the rhomboids, which it
(head) of median nerve (C8, T1); ulnar nerve (C7– supplies.
C8, T1)
– Posterior cord Innervation Motor: rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, levator
scapulae (occasionally)
• Upper subscapular nerve (C5, C6); thoracodorsal
Sensory: none
nerve (C6–C8); lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6);
axillary nerve (C5, C6); radial nerve (C5–C8, T1)
Selective clinically relevant nerves will be described in 10.2.2 Branches from the Trunks
more detail below with respect to their origins, course, and
function as related to clinical practice. Long Thoracic Nerve
This nerve has contributions from the roots of C5–C7.
Contributions from C5 and C6 pierce the scalenus medius
10.2.1 Branches from the Roots (Ventral Rami) and join within or lateral to the muscle; the nerve then
descends dorsal (posterior) to the brachial plexus and first Phrenic Nerve part of the axillary artery. The C7 contribution, when pres-
Strictly speaking, the phrenic nerve is not part of the bra- ent, emerges between the scalenus medius and scalenus ante-
chial plexus; however, due to its close relationship to the rior muscles before joining with the C5 and C6 contributions
plexus, the nerve has to be considered from a clinical per- near the superior border of the serratus anterior muscle. The
spective since it plays an important role and has significant nerve then crosses the superior border of the serratus anterior
clinical implications when performing brachial plexus to reach its lateral surface before descending on the muscle
154 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
to supply each of its digitations and to terminate at its lower Medial Pectoral Nerve
border. Arising from the medial cord, with contributions from C8
and T1, this nerve travels from its origin posterior to the
Innervation Motor: serratus anterior axillary artery and then swings anteriorly between the axil-
Sensory: none lary artery and vein to join with the filament from the lateral
pectoral nerve anterior to the axillary artery. It enters the Nerve to the Subclavius deep surface of the pectoralis minor and supplies it; usually
Small but deserving of mention is the nerve to the subclavius. some branches will travel around the inferior border of the
Arising from where the ventral rami of C5 and C6 join, this pectoralis minor to terminate in the pectoralis major.
small filament travels anterior to the main plexus, passing ante-
rior to the third part of the subclavian artery, and is usually Innervation Motor: pectoralis minor, some to pectoralis major
connected in some capacity to the phrenic nerve before passing Sensory: none
above the subclavian vein to supply the subclavius muscle. Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerves
Innervation Motor – subclavius The upper (superior) subscapular nerve (C5 and C6) arises
Sensory – none from the posterior cord and usually enters the subscapularis
quite high to supply it; frequently it may be double. Suprascapular Nerve The lower (inferior) subscapular nerve (C5 and C6) arises
A large branch of the superior trunk, this nerve arises from the further down, also from the posterior cord, and is the larger
anterior rami of C5 and C6; travels laterally, deep to the trape- of the two nerves. It supplies the inferior portion of the sub-
zius and omohyoid muscles; and enters the supraspinous fossa scapularis and terminates in the teres major which it also
through the suprascapular notch beneath the superior trans- supplies.
verse scapular ligament. Coursing deep to the supraspinatus
and supplying it, the nerve then curves around the lateral bor- Innervation Motor: subscapularis, usually also the teres major
der of the spine of the scapula (spinoglenoid notch) and, with Sensory: none
the supraclavicular artery, reaches the infraspinous fossa,
where it supplies the infraspinatus and provides articular Thoracodorsal Nerve
branches to the capsule of the glenohumeral (shoulder) and Arising from the posterior cord between the subscapular
acromioclavicular joints. A cutaneous branch, though rare, nerves, the thoracodorsal nerve has contributions from C6 to
may pierce the deltoid close to the tip of the acromion and C8. It travels initially with the subscapular artery then with
become superficial to supply the skin of the shoulder and the thoracodorsal artery along the posterior wall of the axilla
upper arm within the region supplied by the axillary nerve. to the deep surface of the latissimus dorsi, which it supplies
before terminating at the muscle’s lower border.
Innervation Motor: supraspinatus, infraspinatus
Sensory: when present, supplies skin on lateral aspect Innervation Motor: latissimus dorsi
of shoulder, proximal third of arm; articular Sensory: none
innervation to shoulder and acromioclavicular joints
respectively. Here, the nerve divides into anterior, poste- upper (superior) lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm, which
rior, and collateral branches. pierces the deep fascia on the lower aspect of the posterior
The anterior branch travels around the surgical neck of border of the deltoid and sends cutaneous branches to the
the humerus with the posterior circumflex humeral vessels, overlying skin. Although this nerve usually supplies the pos-
deep to the deltoid, and as far as the anterior border of this terior aspect of the deltoid, the deltoid can also be supplied
muscle. It supplies the deltoid and also gives off several by the anterior branch. The main trunk of the axillary nerve
small cutaneous branches which travel through the deltoid to supplies an articular branch to the capsule of the shoulder
the skin overlying its lower part on the lateral aspect of the joint just below the subscapularis. The collateral branch to
shoulder. the long head of the triceps arises just prior to the termination
The posterior branch supplies the posterior aspect of the of the posterior cord.
deltoid and teres minor. It usually lies medial to the anterior
branch in the quadrangular space. It travels posteromedially Innervation Motor: deltoid, teres minor, and long head
of the triceps
along the attachment of the lateral head of the triceps, gener-
Sensory: articular innervation to the shoulder joint,
ally inferior to the rim of the glenoid cavity. It then gives a cutaneous innervation to the skin of the shoulder over
branch to the teres minor, which enters the muscle through the lower portion of deltoid and upper portion of the
its inferior surface. The posterior branch also gives rise to the long head of the triceps
Coracobrachialis m.
Biceps brachii m.
Triceps brachii m.
Median n.
Teres major m.
Ulnar n.
Latissimus dorsi m.
156 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Lateral and
Musculocutaneous n. medial cords of
brachial plexus
Median n.
Ulnar n. Medial cutaneous
Axillary n.
nerves of forearm
and arm
Posterior Radial n.
Lateral cutaneous and lower lateral
nerve of forearm cutaneous
nerves of arm
Posterior cutaneous
nerve of forearm
interosseus n.
Palmar (cutaneous)
branch of medican n.
Deep and
Dorsal digital nerves
of ulnar n.
Fig. 10.6 Peripheral nerves of the upper extremity: medial and lateral Showing posterior cord only
Fig. 10.7 Peripheral nerves of the upper extremity: posterior cords
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 157 Median Nerve profundus (which provides tendons to the index (second) and
The median nerve is formed from the lateral and medial middle (third) fingers). The palmar cutaneous branch arises
cords of the brachial plexus via the lateral (C5–C7) and just proximal to the flexor retinaculum (thus, it is usually
medial (C8 and T1) roots of the median nerve respectively spared in carpal tunnel syndrome) and either pierces it or the
(Figs. 10.5, 10.6, 10.8, and 10.9). These roots surround the deep fascia before branching into lateral and medial divisions.
third part of the axillary artery, generally uniting in front of The lateral divisions connect with the lateral cutaneous nerve
it. The median nerve then enters the upper arm lateral to the of the forearm and innervate the thenar skin, while the medial
brachial artery, crossing over the artery anteriorly at the level branches innervate the palmar skin in the center of the palm
of the insertion of the coracobrachialis. From there, it courses and connect with palmar cutaneous branches of the ulnar
down the arm medial to the artery into the cubital fossa, at nerve. It is important to note that many possible communicat-
which point it lies deep to the bicipital aponeurosis and ing branches can exist simultaneously, even from the anterior
superficial to the brachialis, which separates it from the interosseous nerve, which helps to explain anomalous inner-
elbow joint capsule. vation commonly found within the hand.
During its course in the arm, the median nerve gives off The median nerve then passes deep to the flexor retinacu-
vascular vasomotor (sympathetic) branches to the brachial lum, within the carpal tunnel, into the palm, where it divides
artery, articular branches to the elbow, and proximal radio- into five or six branches which are variable in number and
ulnar joints and muscular branches (usually given off proxi- position. The nerve may get compressed in carpal tunnel
mally near the elbow) to the superficial flexor muscles in the syndrome (an entrapment neuropathy) leading to pain, tin-
anterior compartment of the forearm (except flexor carpi gling and numbness along its distribution in the hand, with
ulnaris). It usually sends a branch to the pronator teres a vari- atrophy of the thenar muscles if long-standing. The recurrent
able distance proximal to the elbow. The median nerve then (motor) branch comes off the lateral side of the nerve and
leaves the cubital fossa and courses between the two heads of may be the first palmar branch or a terminal branch unto
the pronator teres to enter the forearm, which it does by pass- itself. The recurrent motor branch is extremely important as
ing underneath a tendinous arch between the radial and it supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence, responsible
humero-ulnar heads of the flexor digitorum superficialis for moving the thumb. Its terminal portion may give a branch
(FDS) muscle. Here it may get compressed between the two to the first dorsal interosseous muscle, which may be its only
heads of pronator teres (pronator syndrome) leading to weak- supply or shared with that from the ulnar nerve. The nerve
ness of wrist and digit flexors and pronation. From there, it continues as the common and proper palmar digital branches,
travels distally adherent to the deep surface of the FDS but providing cutaneous innervation to the first three and a half
superficial to the flexor digitorum profundus muscle. Near the digits anteriorly and the second through fourth digits dor-
wrist it emerges approximately 5 cm proximal to the flexor sally from their tips to the distal interphalangeal joints. In
retinaculum just lateral to the tendons of the flexor digitorum addition, the median nerve also sends motor branches to first,
superficialis and between them and the tendon of flexor carpi second, and occasionally third lumbricals.
radialis. When present, the tendon of palmaris longus lies just
medial to the nerve at the wrist, the median nerve peeking out Innervation Motor (median nerve): pronator teres, flexor carpi
laterally from behind it. radialis, palmaris longus (when present), flexor
digitorum superficialis
In the forearm, the median nerve gives off two branches;
Anterior interosseous nerve: lateral half of flexor
the anterior interosseous nerve and the palmar cutaneous digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus,
branch. The anterior interosseous branch forms posteriorly as pronator quadratus
the nerve traverses between the two heads of the pronator teres Median nerve in the hand: opponens pollicis, abductor
(where it may also be compressed in pronator syndrome) and pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, and lumbricals
travels deep along the anterior aspect of the interosseous mem- (1, 2, and occasionally 3)
brane (hence the name) together with the anterior interosseous Sensory: articular innervation to capsule of elbow
joint, skin on radial side of the wrist anteriorly
artery. It terminates at the level of the pronator quadratus, and palm, palmar surface of the thumb and index
which it supplies, and also innervates the remaining two mus- and middle fingers and radial side of ring finger, skin
cles of the deep anterior compartment of the forearm, namely, distal to DIP joints of thumb, index, middle, and radial
the flexor pollicis longus and the lateral half of flexor digitorum side of ring fingers dorsally. Vascular to brachial artery
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 159
Cephalic vein
Radial n.
Ulnar artery
Median n.
Radial artery
Ulnar n.
radial n. Flexor digitorum
superficialis m.
Flexor carpi
ulnaris m.
FPL Flexor digitorum
profundus m.
Fig. 10.9 Cross section of the
distal forearm showing location of
ulnar nerve with respect to ulnar Interosseous membrane and
artery. FPL flexor pollicis longus related nerves and vessels
muscle Lateral Medial
160 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui Ulnar Nerve pisiform bone and posteromedial to the ulnar artery. The
The ulnar nerve arises from the medial cord of the brachial ulnar nerve then passes under the superficial part of the flexor
plexus from C8 and T1 and an occasional contribution from retinaculum (within Guyon’s canal) with the ulnar artery and
C7 (Figs. 10.6, 10.9, and 10.10). Initially, the nerve courses divides into its superficial and deep terminal branches. The
between the axillary artery and vein and then lies along the ulnar artery lies anterolateral to the nerve at the wrist.
medial aspect of the brachial artery up to the midpoint of the The dorsal branch continues distally and posteriorly
humerus, where it pierces the medial intermuscular septum, beneath the flexor carpi ulnaris before piercing the deep fas-
passes posteriorly, and then descends along the anterior sur- cia and dividing into two, often three dorsal digital branches
face of the medial head of the triceps brachii muscle. It then along the medial aspect of the back of the wrist and hand.
passes behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus (in the The superficial terminal branch supplies the palmaris bre-
condylar groove) where it is very superficial and can be vis and skin on the medial aspect of the palm and divides into
rolled against the bone. If jarred against the epicondyle, two palmar digital nerves; one supplying the medial side of
characteristic tingling sensations result (“funny bone”). It the fifth (little) finger and the other supplying the adjoining
has no branches in the arm. Just beyond the medial epicon- sides of the fifth (little) and fourth (ring) fingers through a
dyle, the nerve enters the forearm between the two heads of common digital nerve.
the flexor carpi ulnaris which it supplies. Here, the nerve lies The deep terminal branch courses with the deep branch of
medial to the elbow joint, superficial to the fibrous joint cap- the ulnar artery as it passes between the abductor digiti min-
sule and the ulnar collateral ligament. The nerve may also imi and flexor digiti minimi, perforating the opponens digiti
get compressed in the osseofibrous tunnel formed by the ten- minimi to follow the deep palmar arch deep to the long flexor
dinous arch connecting the ulnar and humeral heads of the tendons. It supplies the muscles of the hypothenar eminence
flexor carpi ulnaris (cubital tunnel syndrome) leading to controlling the fifth finger, and as it crosses the hand from
numbness and tingling along its distribution in the hand. medial to lateral, it sends branches to the interossei and to the
The nerve then descends through the medial aspect of third and fourth lumbricals. The nerve terminates by supply-
forearm, coursing somewhat anteriorly and coming to lie ing the adductor pollicis, the first palmar interosseous and
deep to and between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digi- flexor pollicis brevis (usually). It sends articular twigs to the
torum superficialis muscles. As it courses through the middle wrist joint capsule and to intercarpal, carpometacarpal, and
of the forearm between these muscles, it approaches the metacarpophalangeal joints. It also sends vasomotor (sympa-
ulnar artery on its lateral aspect; the artery, distant from it in thetic) branches to the ulnar and palmar arteries.
the upper third of the forearm, comes to lie close to the nerve
and just lateral to it in the lower half to two thirds of the fore- Innervation Motor: flexor carpi ulnaris, medial half of flexor
arm (Fig. 10.9). The nerve and artery lie directly anterior to digitorum profundus, lumbricals 3 and 4, opponens
the ulna at the junction of the lower third and upper two digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti
thirds of the forearm (Fig. 10.10). In the forearm, the ulnar minimi, all the interossei, adductor pollicis, flexor
pollicis brevis (usually)
nerve supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris and the medial half of
Sensory: cutaneous innervation to fifth digit
flexor digitorum profundus which provides tendons to the and medial half of fourth, extending to just
ring (fourth) and little (fifth) fingers. Approximately 5 cm proximal to the wrist, both dorsal and ventral.
proximal to the wrist the ulnar nerve gives off its dorsal cuta- Articular branches to wrist joint, intercarpal,
neous branch which continues distally into the hand after carpometacarpal, and interphalangeal joints
Vasomotor: to ulnar and palmar arteries
passing anterior to the flexor retinaculum, just lateral to the
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 161
Median n.
Radial artery
Ulnar n.
Ulnar artery
Flexor carpi
radialis tendon Flexor digitorum
Flexor pollicis muscle and tendon
longus tendon
Flexor carpi
ulnaris tendon
Lateral Medial
162 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui Radial Nerve passing through the supinator muscle between its two heads
The radial nerve is the largest branch of the brachial plexus and supplying it. Emerging from the supinator, the deep
and arises from the posterior cord (C5–C8) (Figs. 10.7 and branch courses between the deep and superficial forearm
10.11). It emerges from the posterior aspect of the plexus and extensors inferiorly, which it supplies (except extensor carpi
lies posterior to the third part of the axillary artery and the radialis longus which is supplied by the main radial nerve).
proximal portion of the brachial artery. The nerve descends At the distal border of the extensor pollicis brevis, the nerve
within the axilla (where it gives rise to the posterior cutane- travels deep to descend along the interosseous membrane
ous nerve of the arm), coursing across the subscapularis and and terminate at the dorsal aspect of the carpus, supplying
the tendons of teres major and latissimus dorsi (it lies on the articular innervation to the wrist and hand.
insertion of this latter muscle). It then passes between the
medial and lateral heads of the triceps brachii muscle through Innervation Motor (main radial nerve): triceps brachii, anconeus,
brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus
the triangular interval together with the profunda brachii
Posterior interosseous nerve: extensor carpi radialis
artery (deep brachial artery), giving rise to the posterior cuta- brevis, supinator, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digiti
neous nerve of the forearm and the lower (inferior) lateral minimi, extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, extensor
cutaneous nerve of the arm. Here, lying posteromedial to the pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus, extensor
profunda brachii artery, it descends obliquely across the pos- pollicis longus
Sensory: skin of posterior arm and forearm, posterior
terior aspect of the humerus along the radial (spiral) groove
hand laterally near the base of the thumb, and the
at the level of the insertion of the deltoid muscle. Here it may dorsal aspect of the index finger and the lateral half
be compressed by badly fitted crutches and plaster casts, pro- of the ring finger up to the distal interphalangeal crease
longed resting of the arm on the back rest of a chair or over Articular: elbow, wrist, distal radio-ulnar, some
the edge of the operating table if the arm is not positioned intercarpal and carpometacarpal joints
correctly. It may also get injured in mid-shaft fractures of the
humerus. Compression of the radial nerve in the radial
groove results in wrist drop due to weakness or paralysis of
wrist and digit extensors (“Saturday night palsy”). The nerve
then reaches the lateral margin of the humerus above the Deltoid muscle
the radial artery and curves around the lateral side of the Triceps Triceps
brachii brachii
radius before eventually piercing the deep fascia dorsally at (long head) (lateral head)
approximately the level of the wrist. From here, it divides
into four or five dorsal digital nerves, often communicating
with posterior and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm. Fig. 10.11 Route of the radial nerve between the medial and lateral
The posterior interosseous nerve travels to the posterior heads of the triceps brachii muscle. The nerve travels deep to the bra-
aspect of the forearm around the lateral aspect of the radius, chial artery and then follows the path of the spiral groove beyond the
deltoid tuberosity
10 Clinical Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus 163
Suggested Reading
Chapter 45. Pectoral girdle and upper limb: overview and surface anat-
omy. In: Standring S, Johnson D, editors. Gray’s anatomy, 40th ed.
London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008. p. 780–90.
Chapter 45. Pectoral girdle, shoulder region and axilla. In: Standring S,
Johnson D, editors. Gray’s anatomy, 40th ed. London: Churchill
Livingstone; 2008. p. 818–22.
Schuenke M, Schulte E, Schumacher U. The brachial plexus. In: Ross
LM, Lamperti ED, editors. Thieme atlas of anatomy: general anat-
omy and musculoskeletal system. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag;
2006. p. 314–27.
Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus
Anil H. Walji and Ban C.H. Tsui
11.1 Lumbar Plexus 166
11.1.1 Branches of the Lumbar Plexus 168
11.1.2 Iliohypogastric Nerve 169
11.1.3 Ilioinguinal Nerve 170
11.1.4 Genitofemoral Nerve 170
11.1.5 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve (Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh) 170
11.1.6 Femoral Nerve 171
11.1.7 Obturator Nerve 173
Suggested Reading 175
11.1 Lumbar Plexus lumbar region, the psoas major has posterior attachments to
the transverse processes and anterior attachments to the lips
The lumbar plexus (Fig. 11.1) lies on the posterior abdomi- of the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, and intervening
nal wall in the retroperitoneum and is formed within the sub- tendinous arches. The lumbar plexus lies between these two
stance of the psoas major muscle from the union of the masses and is thus contained within the “psoas compart-
anterior primary rami of L1–L3 and most of L4 spinal nerves ment” and lies in the same coronal (frontal) plane as the
(Fig. 11.2). In some cases the plexus also receives a small intervertebral foramina.
branch from T12 (termed “pre-fixed” plexus) or a contribu- The nerves of the lumbar plexus are responsible for sup-
tion from L5 (termed “post-fixed” plexus). The first lumbar plying motor innervation to the transversus abdominis and
nerve emerges between the first and second lumbar verte- internal oblique muscles, the cremaster muscle in the male,
brae; the last (L5) emerges between the fifth lumbar vertebra muscles making up the posterior abdominal wall, and mus-
and the base of the sacrum (body of the first sacral vertebra) cles in the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh. In
(Fig. 11.3). The lumbar spinal nerves (anterior rami) usually addition, they provide sensory innervation to the skin of the
lie within the substance of the psoas major muscle immedi- posterolateral gluteal and suprapubic regions, anterior and
ately after exiting the intervertebral foramina (Fig. 11.4). In medial thigh, and the external genitalia.
some cases, the plexus may lie posterior to the muscle. In the
Lumbar plexus
Subcostal n
Iliohypogastric n.
Obturator n. Ilioinguinal n
Genitofemoral n
Femoral n.
Lateral femoral
cutaneous n. Lateral femoral
cutaneous n
Sciatic n.
Saphenous n.
Femoral n
Tibial n. To lumbosacral trunk
perneal n.
Obturator n
Superficial peroneal n.
Lateral femoral
cutaneous n. L4
Femoral n.
Inguinal ligament
Obturator n.
Fig. 11.4 Major branches of the lumbar plexus
Sciatic n.
11.1.1 Branches of the Lumbar Plexus (L2 to L4), psoas minor (L1), and iliacus (L2, L3) muscles as
well as six major terminal nerves, as described below
The plexus gives rise to direct muscular branches which sup- (Figs. 11.4 and 11.5).
ply the quadratus lumborum (T12; L1 to L4), psoas major
Obturator n. and
Saphenous n. anterior and
posterior branches
Lateral femoral
cutaneous n.
11 Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus 169
11.1.3 Ilioinguinal Nerve and passes behind the inguinal ligament before entering the
femoral sheath lateral to the femoral artery. It supplies vaso-
Another branch of the L1 nerve root, the ilioinguinal nerve motor filaments to the femoral artery and then pierces the
(Fig. 11.6), is smaller than the iliohypogastric nerve. The anterior lamina of the femoral sheath and fascia lata (deep
nerve emerges from beneath the lateral border of the upper fascia of the thigh) to supply the skin over the proximal part
part of the psoas major with or just below the iliohypogastric of the femoral triangle, where it terminates.
nerve (the two may arise as a common trunk and split more
distally at a variable distance) and crosses the inferior pole of Innervation Motor: cremaster muscle in males
the kidney obliquely just below the iliohypogastric nerve Sensory: scrotum in males, skin over mons pubis
and labia majora in females, skin of anteromedial
anterior to the quadratus lumborum. It then pierces the trans- thigh/proximal, skin over proximal, lateral aspect
versus abdominis near the anterior aspect of the iliac crest of femoral triangle
and enters the internal oblique, supplying it, after which it Vascular: vasomotor branches to femoral artery
travels through the inguinal canal below the spermatic cord.
The nerve emerges from the canal, lying inferior to the cord,
through the superficial inguinal ring to be distributed to the 11.1.5 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
skin on the proximal medial aspect of the thigh and the exter- (Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh)
nal genitalia. The nerve occasionally joins the iliohypogas-
tric nerve as it enters the transversus abdominis, or it may be This nerve is formed from the posterior branches of L2 and L3
absent altogether, in which case the iliohypogastric nerve anterior rami. The nerve emerges from behind or through the
takes over supply to the associated areas. lateral border of the psoas major muscle and courses subperi-
toneally towards the anterior superior iliac spine, crossing the
Innervation Motor: internal oblique, transversus abdominis iliacus muscle obliquely on its anterior surface under the fas-
Sensory: skin over the pubic symphysis, skin on cia iliaca. As it does so, it supplies the parietal peritoneum
proximal medial thigh, and upper part of scrotum/skin
over the base of the penis (in males) or the mons pubis overlying the iliacus muscle. The nerve then enters the thigh
and lateral aspects of the labia majora (in females) through or below the inguinal ligament, approximately 1 cm
medial to the anterior superior iliac spine (depending on the
size and age of the subject). Here, it may be compressed by
waistbands of tight clothing, tight belts, or abdominal obesity,
11.1.4 Genitofemoral Nerve leading to pain and/or paresthesias along the lateral aspect of
the thigh (meralgia paresthetica). On the right side of the
The genitofemoral nerve, with contributions from the L1 and body, the nerve passes posterolateral to the cecum, and on the
L2 nerve roots, originates within the substance of the psoas left, it traverses behind the lower part of the descending colon.
major muscle. The nerve pierces through the muscle approxi- The nerve then either pierces or lies on top of the sartorius
mately at the level of L3/L4 and travels retroperitoneally along muscle before dividing into its anterior and posterior branches.
the muscle’s anterior surface before dividing into its genital The anterior branch becomes subcutaneous about
and femoral branches at the level of L5 or S1. It can also divide 8–10 cm distal to the anterior superior iliac spine (in the
within the psoas major, emerging as two distinct nerves. average adult) and supplies the skin of the anterolateral thigh
The genital branch crosses the external iliac artery and as far down as the knee. The posterior branch pierces the
enters the inguinal canal through its deep ring and, in males, fascia lata more proximally than the anterior and courses
travels within the spermatic cord where it supplies the cre- posterolaterally to supply the skin over the posterolateral
master muscle; it then courses towards the scrotum to supply aspect of the thigh extending from the greater trochanter to
the scrotal skin. In females, the nerve travels within the mid-thigh, sometimes also including the skin over the gluteal
inguinal canal and follows the round ligament of the uterus region.
to the labia majora. The nerve ends in cutaneous branches to
the skin over the mons pubis and labia majora. The femoral Innervation Motor :none
branch travels along the anterior surface of the lower part of Sensory: skin on anterior and lateral thigh as far as the
knee, skin on posterolateral thigh, sometimes skin
the psoas major, courses lateral to the external iliac artery, over gluteal region
11 Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus 171
11.1.6 Femoral Nerve vastus lateralis, intermedius (including the articularis genu, a
small muscle attaching to the top of the suprapatellar bursa
The femoral nerve, with contributions from the posterior and sometimes fused with the vastus intermedius), and medi-
divisions of L2, L3, and L4 anterior rami, is the largest alis muscles, as well articular innervation to the hip and knee
branch of the lumbar plexus. It descends through the sub- joints. It also gives rise to the saphenous nerve (Fig. 11.9),
stance of the psoas major muscle and emerges from its lower the largest terminal cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve.
lateral border, coursing inferiorly between the psoas major The saphenous nerve arises within the femoral triangle and
medially and the iliacus laterally, deep to the iliac fascia. It travels inferiorly deep to the sartorius muscle within the sub-
then courses downwards behind the inguinal ligament some- sartorial (adductor, Hunter’s) canal to the medial aspect of
what deep and lateral to the femoral artery (Figs. 11.5, 11.7, the knee, where it pierces the fascia lata between the tendons
and 11.8) to enter the femoral triangle in the proximal por- of sartorius and gracilis to become subcutaneous. Here it
tion of the thigh. At the level of the femoral triangle and just supplies the skin of the pre- and peripatellar regions of the
below the inguinal ligament, one can use the mnemonic knee. The nerve then continues inferiorly along the medial
N-A-V-E-L from lateral to medial (nerve-artery-vein-empty aspect of the leg together with the long (great) saphenous
space [femoral canal]-lymphatics) to determine the location vein, supplies the skin along the medial aspect of the leg up
of the various structures therein. Posterior to the inguinal to the ankle, and terminates in two branches; one along the
ligament, the nerve is outside the femoral sheath and sepa- medial aspect of the ankle, and the other passing anterior to
rated from the artery by a portion of the psoas major. While the ankle and along the medial side of the foot ending just
still within the abdomen, the nerve supplies muscular proximal to the big (great) toe; these branches supply the
branches to the iliacus and pectineus muscles, as well as a skin on the medial aspects of the ankle and foot up to the first
small vascular (vasomotor) branch to the proximal part of the metatarsophalangeal (MP) joint. The saphenous nerve has
femoral artery. The nerve to the pectineus usually arises from communicating branches with the lateral, intermediate, and
the medial aspect of the femoral nerve near the inguinal liga- medial cutaneous nerves of the thigh and the prepatellar
ment and runs behind the femoral sheath to enter the muscle plexus.
through its anterior surface. Vascular (vasomotor) branches of the femoral nerve sup-
The femoral nerve divides right after passing beneath the ply the femoral artery and its branches.
inguinal ligament, remaining as a single nerve trunk only for
a short distance. In the proximal thigh, the femoral nerve Innervation Motor: iliacus, pectineus, sartorius, quadriceps
femoris, articularis genu
bifurcates into anterior and posterior divisions around the
Sensory: skin of anterior and medial thigh, pre- and
lateral circumflex femoral artery. The anterior division gives peripatellar skin, skin on medial aspect of lower leg,
rise to the medial and intermediate cutaneous nerves of the medial aspect of ankle and foot up to 1st MP joint.
thigh, supplying the skin on the anteromedial thigh, and pro- Articular innervation to the hip and knee joints
vides motor branches to the sartorius muscle. The posterior Vascular: vasomotor filaments to proximal femoral
artery and its branches
division supplies motor innervation to the rectus femoris and
172 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Femoral n.
Iliopsoas m. artery
Deep femoral
femoris) Spermatic
artery cord
Pectineus m.
femoris m.
Sartorius m.
longus m.
Gracilis m.
Vastus Adductor
medialis m. magnus m.
Fascia lata
Femoral vein
Skin and
Femoral Femoral artery superficial
Femoral n. fascia
Pectineus m.
Fascia iliaca
Fig. 11.8 Cross section at the block location below the inguinal crease.
The femoral nerve lies deep to the fascia lata and fascia iliaca (iliopec-
tineal fascia) and is separated from the artery and vein(s) by the latter
11 Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus 173
11.1.7 Obturator Nerve nus muscle through its anterior surface, supplies it, and then
courses behind the adductor brevis muscle to descend on the
The obturator nerve arises from the anterior divisions of L2, anterior aspect of the adductor magnus muscle (medial to
L3, and L4 anterior rami (Figs. 11.4 and 11.5). The nerve the anterior branch). It supplies the adductor magnus and the
emerges from the medial border of the psoas major muscle at adductor brevis, when the brevis is not innervated by the
the pelvic brim and courses behind the common iliac vessels anterior division. It usually sends an articular branch to
and lateral to the internal iliac vessels. It then descends ante- the knee joint which either perforates through the distal
riorly along the pelvic side wall on the obturator internus portion of the adductor magnus or traverses the adductor hia-
muscle, anterosuperior to the obturator vessels, towards the tus with the femoral artery. It then traverses the adductor
obturator canal, through which it enters the upper part of the canal with the femoral artery (and vein) to enter the popliteal
medial aspect of the thigh. It divides into its anterior and fossa. Here the nerve courses with the popliteal artery (with
posterior branches near the obturator foramen, just lateral to vascular filaments to it) along the back of the knee and termi-
the pubic tubercle. Proximally, these branches are separated nates as an articular branch that pierces the oblique popliteal
by the obturator externus, more distally by the adductor ligament to supply the posterior capsule of the knee joint.
brevis. The posterior branch is not thought to provide any cutaneous
The anterior branch passes into the thigh anterior to the innervation.
obturator externus and descends in front of the adductor bre- The obturator nerve and its branches can be quite variable
vis but behind the pectineus and adductor longus muscles, in their course and distribution; occasionally, a small acces-
alongside the femoral artery, which it may supply with vaso- sory obturator nerve, arising from the anterior rami of L3
motor branches (Figs. 11.5 and 11.9). Near the obturator and L4, may be present, supplying the pectineus and articu-
foramen, it sends an articular branch to the hip joint. As it lar branches to the hip joint.
courses behind the pectineus, it supplies it (often), the
adductor longus, brevis (usually), and gracilis muscles. Its Innervation Motor: obturator externus, adductors longus, brevis,
and magnus, pectineus (usually), and gracilis
terminal cutaneous branches emerge at the lower border of
Sensory: skin on medial distal thigh, articular
adductor longus to supply the skin on the medial aspect of innervation to the hip and knee joints
the thigh. The posterior branch pierces the obturator exter- Vascular: vasomotor to popliteal artery
174 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Branch of
Saphenous n.
femoral n.
Gracilis m.
Adductor magnus m.
Femoral vein
intermedius m. Femoral artery
Obturator n.
Vastus (cutaneous
lateralis m. branch)
Rectus Vastoadductor
femoris m. membrane
medialis m.
Sartorius m.
Saphenous branch
of descending
genicular artery
Saphenous n.
11 Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Plexus 175
Suggested Reading Mahadevan V. Pelvic girdle, gluteal region and thigh. In: Standring S,
editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone;
2008. p. 1382–3.
Borley NR. Posterior abdominal wall and retroperitoneum. In:
Schuenke M, Schulte E, Schumacher U. The nerves of the lumbar
Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London: Churchill
plexus. In: Ross LM, Lamperti ED, editors. Thieme atlas of anat-
Livingstone; 2008. p. 1078–81.
omy: general anatomy and musculoskeletal system. Stuttgart: Georg
Mahadevan V. Pelvic girdle and lower limb: overview and surface anat-
Thieme Verlag; 2006. p. 472–5.
omy. In: Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London:
Churchill Livingstone; 2008. p. 1336–40.
Clinical Anatomy of the Sacral Plexus
Anil H. Walji and Ban C.H. Tsui
12.1 Sacral Plexus 178
12.2 Direct Muscular Branches of the Sacral Plexus 179
12.2.1 Nerve to the Piriformis 179
12.2.2 Nerve to Obturator Internus and Gemellus Superior 179
12.2.3 Nerve to Quadratus Femoris and Gemellus Inferior 179
12.3 Major Terminal Nerves of the Sacral Plexus 179
12.3.1 Superior Gluteal Nerve 179
12.3.2 Inferior Gluteal Nerve 179
12.3.3 Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve 179
12.3.4 Sciatic Nerve 180
12.3.5 Tibial Nerve 182
12.3.6 Common Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve 183
12.3.7 Pudendal Nerve 184
12.3.8 Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves 185
Suggested Reading 185
12.1 Sacral Plexus pudendal vessels course from the greater to the lesser sciatic
foramina, crossing the sacrospinous ligament posteriorly
The sacral plexus (Fig. 12.1) provides innervation to the near its attachment to the ischial spine. As they transit
skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscles of the gluteal region, through the gluteal region on their way into the perineum,
posterior thigh, leg, and foot, as well as articular innervation they lie superficial to the sacrospinous ligament but deep to
to the hip, knee, and ankle joints. The plexus is located the sacrotuberous ligament. Finally, the plexus gives off sev-
within the pelvis and is formed from the fusion of the lumbo- eral direct muscular branches, including nerves to the
sacral trunk (L4 and L5) with the anterior (primary) rami of piriformis, obturator internus, superior and inferior gamelli,
sacral spinal nerves S1 to S3 and part of S4 (Fig. 12.1). The and quadratus femoris muscles.
lumbosacral trunk is formed from the union of a branch of
L4 with the anterior ramus of L5 and courses along the L4
medial border of the psoas major muscle. The trunk passes
over the pelvic brim, crosses anterior to the sacroiliac joint, Lumbosacral trunk
and joins with the anterior ramus of S1. The anterior primary
rami of S1–S3, after exiting through the anterior sacral L5
foramina, join the lumbosacral trunk to form the sciatic
nerve, the largest nerve of the sacral plexus and the widest
Superior gluteal n S1
nerve in the body. The anterior rami of sacral nerves S2 (par- (L4, 5, S1)
tial), S3, and S4 join to form the pudendal nerve, the other
terminal nerve of the plexus. Other branches of the plexus
include the superior and inferior gluteal nerves, posterior Inferior gluteal n
femoral cutaneous nerve, and direct muscular branches. (L5, S1, 2)
These rami lie on the anterior aspect of the piriformis muscle N to quadratus
and converge toward the greater sciatic foramen, through (L4, 5, S1)
which they exit as nerves to enter the gluteal region,
perineum, and posterior thigh. S3
The sacral plexus itself lies anterior to the piriformis and Posterior
cutaneous n.
between it and the endopelvic fascia (thus, it is extraperito- of thigh
neal). Anterior to the plexus are the internal iliac vessels, the N to obturator (S1, 2, 3)
internus S4
ureters, and the sigmoid colon on the left and distal ileal loops (L5, S1, 2) Perforating
on the right. The superior gluteal vessels pass between the cutaneous n.
Sciatic n
(S2 & 3)
lumbosacral trunk (L4, L5) and S1 or between the S1 and S2 S5
roots. The inferior gluteal vessels pass either between the roots
Pudendal n.
of S1 and S2 or between S2 and S3 (the gluteal vessels gener- (S2, 3, 4)
ally follow the course of the sacral nerves in the frontal plane).
The sciatic nerve exits through the greater sciatic foramen
to enter the gluteal region on its way to the posterior com- Fig. 12.1 Schematic diagram of the lumbosacral trunk and the sacral
partment of the thigh. The pudendal nerve and internal
12 Clinical Anatomy of the Sacral Plexus 179
12.2 Direct Muscular Branches 12.3 Major Terminal Nerves of the Sacral
of the Sacral Plexus Plexus
The nerve to the piriformis usually arises from the posterior The superior gluteal nerve is formed from the posterior
branches of S1 and S2 anterior rami (occasionally only S2) (dorsal) branches of L4, L5, and S1 anterior rami. The nerve
and enters the muscle through its anterior surface to leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen above the
supply it. piriformis along with the superior gluteal artery and vein to
enter the gluteal region, where it splits into superior and infe-
rior branches. The superior branch travels with the upper
12.2.2 Nerve to Obturator Internus ramus of the deep branch of the superior gluteal artery to
and Gemellus Superior supply the gluteus medius and sometimes the gluteus mini-
mus. The inferior branch travels with the lower ramus of the
Arising from the anterior branches of L5, S1, and S2 anterior deep branch of the superior gluteal artery across the gluteus
rami, this nerve leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic minimus, supplying it and the gluteus medius and terminat-
foramen below the piriformis, supplies a branch to the ing in the tensor fasciae latae, which it also supplies.
gemellus superior, crosses the ischial spine, re-enters the pel-
vis (perineum) through the lesser sciatic foramen, and sup- Innervation Motor – gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fasciae
plies the obturator internus by piercing it through its pelvic
Sensory – none
As the nerve crosses the lower border of the gluteus maxi- Muscular branches are distributed to the hamstrings
mus, three or four gluteal branches (also known as the inferior (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
clunial nerves) wind around the muscle’s inferior border to sup- muscles) and the hamstring (ischial) part of the adductor
ply the skin over its lower lateral aspect. The perineal branch magnus muscle, mostly through its tibial division (see
supplies the skin on the upper medial aspect of the thigh, crosses below). Articular branches arise from the proximal portion
the ischial tuberosity, pierces the fascia lata, and terminates in of the nerve (sometimes directly from the sacral plexus) and
cutaneous branches to the skin of the scrotum and labia majora. are distributed to the posterior aspect of the hip joint capsule.
Cutaneous branches arise mostly from the tibial and com-
Innervation Motor – none mon peroneal (fibular) divisions and supply the skin on the
Sensory – cutaneous innervation to the gluteal region, posterior and lateral aspects of the leg and lateral and plantar
perineum, back of thigh, and back of proximal leg
aspects of the foot (see below).
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Sartorium m. Femur
Adductor longus m.
Gracilis m.
Adductor brevis m.
Lateral intermuscular
Adductor magnus m.
Sciatic n.
maximus m.
Biceps femoris m.
(long head)
Semitendinosus m.
Sciatic n.
Semimembranosus m.
Popliteal femoris m.
artery (short head)
and vein
Tibial n.
peroneal n.
Gastrocnemuis m.
(medial and lateral heads)
Fig. 12.4 Course and division of the sciatic nerve in the posterior thigh
182 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
12.3.5 Tibial Nerve deep (anterior) to the tendinous arch of the soleus with the
popliteal artery to enter the posterior compartment of the leg,
The tibial (medial popliteal) nerve is the larger of the two through which it continues inferiorly with the posterior tibial
divisions of the sciatic nerve and arises from the anterior vessels. In the leg, the nerve lies deep to the soleus muscle
branches of the anterior rami of the fourth and fifth lumbar and, for most of its course, on the surface of the tibialis pos-
and first to third sacral nerves (L4, L5, S1, S2, and S3). It terior; however, in the lower third of the leg, it comes to lie
splits off from the sciatic generally near the apex (proximal against the posterior surface of the tibial shaft and becomes
aspect) of the popliteal fossa, about two thirds of the way quite superficial, being covered only by the skin and fasciae
down the thigh, although the split may occur anywhere and occasionally overlapped by the flexor hallucis longus. Its
between the piriformis and the popliteal fossa. The nerve surface marking is a vertical line drawn down the midline of
courses inferiorly through the posterior compartment of the the leg from the inferior angle of the popliteal fossa to the
thigh and popliteal fossa to the lower border of the popliteus midpoint between the calcaneal tendon and medial malleo-
muscle, after which it passes deep (anterior) to the tendinous lus. At the medial aspect of the ankle, the relationship of the
arch of the soleus with the popliteal artery to enter the poste- nerve to the posterior tibial vessels and flexor tendons can be
rior compartment of the leg. In the back of the thigh, the remembered by the mnemonic “Tom, Dick And Very Nervous
nerve is overlapped proximally by the semimembranosus Harry,” which stands for, from anterior to posterior, Tibialis
and semitendinosus muscles medially and the biceps femoris posterior, flexor Digitorum longus, posterior tibial Artery
muscle laterally. Within the popliteal fossa, the nerve and Vein, tibial Nerve, and flexor Hallucis longus. The nerve
becomes more superficial, while lower down, near the base terminates between the medial malleolus and the calcaneal
(distal aspect) of the fossa, it is covered by both heads of the tuberosity (heel) deep to the flexor retinaculum, by dividing
gastrocnemius muscle. Within the popliteal fossa, the nerve into its terminal branches – the medial and lateral plantar
courses lateral to the popliteal vessels, becoming superficial nerves.
to them at the level of the knee joint, and crosses to the The medial plantar nerve, the larger terminal branch of
medial side of the popliteal artery near the base of the fossa. the tibial nerve, originates deep to the flexor retinaculum and
Branches given off within the fossa include muscular lies lateral to the medial plantar artery. The nerve travels
branches, articular branches, and the cutaneous sural nerve. deep to the abductor hallucis and then passes between it and
Muscular branches in the popliteal fossa supply the gas- the flexor digitorum brevis before giving off a medial proper
trocnemius, plantaris, soleus and popliteus muscles; in the digital nerve to the big toe (hallux) and dividing into three
leg they supply the soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum common plantar digital nerves. Cutaneous branches pierce
longus and flexor hallucis longus muscls. Articular branches the plantar aponeurosis to supply the skin on the medial
accompany the superior and inferior medial and middle aspect of the sole of the foot. Muscular branches supply the
genicular vessels to supply the posteromedial capsule of the abductor hallucis, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum
knee joint including the oblique popliteal ligament. brevis, and the first lumbrical. Articular twigs supply the tar-
The sural nerve travels inferiorly between the heads of sal and metatarsal joints. The common plantar digital nerves
the gastrocnemius, piercing the deep fascia in the leg proxi- further split into proper digital nerves, supplying the skin on
mally where it is usually joined (the point of union is vari- the adjacent sides of the medial three and a half toes (similar
able) by a sural communicating branch from the common to the distribution of the median nerve in the hand except for
peroneal (fibular) nerve. Some sources term this the lateral the second lumbrical).
sural cutaneous nerve and the main trunk from the tibial the The lateral plantar nerve travels forward and laterally
medial sural cutaneous nerve. From here, the sural nerve from its origin beneath the flexor retinaculum, crossing the
descends subcutaneously close to the small (short) saphe- sole of the foot obliquely and lying medial to the lateral plan-
nous vein, lateral to the calcaneal tendon, toward the space tar artery. The nerve then courses anteriorly toward the base
between the lateral malleolus and the calcaneus. It then trav- of the fifth metatarsal, between the flexor digitorum brevis
els around the lateral malleolus inferiorly and along the lat- and the flexor digitorum accessorius (quadratus plantae), ter-
eral aspect of the foot, ending as the lateral dorsal cutaneous minating between the flexor digitorum brevis and abductor
nerve. The sural nerve supplies cutaneous innervation to the digiti minimi by splitting into its deep and superficial
skin on the posterior and lateral aspects of the distal third of branches. Before dividing, it supplies the flexor digitorum
the leg and the skin on the lateral aspect of the foot up to the accessorius and abductor digiti minimi and gives cutaneous
little toe. It communicates with the posterior femoral cutane- branches that pierce the plantar fascia to supply the skin on
ous nerve in the leg and with the superficial peroneal (fibu- the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot. The superficial
lar) nerve on the dorsum of the foot. branch further divides into two common plantar digital
The tibial nerve leaves the popliteal fossa under cover of nerves which supply the flexor digiti minimi brevis and the
the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and then courses two interossei in the fourth intermetatarsal space as well as
12 Clinical Anatomy of the Sacral Plexus 183
the skin on the plantar aspect of the little toe and lateral half courses inferiorly along the anterior aspect of the lower third
of the fourth toe. The deep branch accompanies the lateral of tibia just lateral to the anterior tibial artery (between the
plantar artery (as it swings medially to form the deep plantar tibialis anterior medially and extensor hallucis longus later-
arch) deep to the long flexor tendons and adductor hallucis, ally) before crossing the ankle under the extensor retinacu-
supplying the latter muscle as well as the second to fourth lum and terminating as medial (cutaneous) and lateral
lumbricals and all the interossei (except those in the fourth (motor) branches. It supplies muscular branches to the tibia-
intermetatarsal space supplied by the superficial branch). Its lis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum
distribution is similar to that of the ulnar nerve in the hand, in longus (including the peroneus tertius) and an articular
that it supplies the majority of the intrinsic muscles of the branch to the capsule of the ankle joint. The medial terminal
foot. branch runs along the dorsum of the foot, lateral to the dor-
salis pedis artery, and connects with the medial branch of the
Innervation Motor – popliteus, gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve, terminating as dorsal
tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and brevis,
flexor hallucis longus and brevis, abductor hallucis, digital nerves to adjacent sides of the hallux (big toe) and
lumbricals, flexor accessorius (quadratus plantae), second toe (first web space). Its interosseous branch supplies
flexor digiti minimi, adductor hallucis, interossei, the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the metatarsophalan-
abductor digiti minimi geal joint of the big toe. The lateral terminal branch crosses
Sensory – cutaneous to skin on posterior and lateral the tarsus obliquely laterally deep to the extensor digitorum
aspects of distal leg and sole of foot. Articular
innervation to knee joint and joints of the foot brevis, which it supplies. Its tiny interosseous branches sup-
ply the second dorsal interosseous muscle and the tarsal and
metatarsophalangeal joints of the middle three toes.
The superficial peroneal (fibular, musculocutaneous)
12.3.6 Common Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve nerve also arises from the common peroneal bifurcation and
descends along the anterior intermuscular septum. At first
The common peroneal (fibular or lateral popliteal) nerve is deep to the peroneus longus, it then courses anteroinferiorly
about half the size of the tibial nerve and arises from the between the peroneal (fibular) muscles (lateral compartment)
posterior branches of the anterior rami of the fourth and fifth and the extensor digitorum longus (anterior compartment) to
lumbar and first and second sacral nerves (L4, L5, S1, and pierce the deep fascia in the leg’s distal third. Here, it becomes
S2). After splitting off from the sciatic nerve (tibial compo- superficial and divides into medial and lateral branches. As it
nent), it descends obliquely along the lateral border of the lies on the intermuscular septum between the lateral and ante-
popliteal fossa toward the fibular head, medial to the biceps rior compartments, it sends muscular branches to the pero-
femoris, and between its tendon and the lateral head of the neus longus and brevis muscles (the peroneus tertius is
gastrocnemius. The nerve winds around the lateral aspect of supplied by the deep peroneal nerve) and cutaneous branches
the fibular neck (where it is very superficial and may easily to the skin on the lateral aspect of the lower leg. The medial
be injured) deep to the peroneus longus muscle and gives off branch (medial dorsal cutaneous nerve) travels anterior to the
articular and cutaneous branches before dividing into its ter- ankle before dividing into two dorsal digital nerves, one sup-
minal superficial and deep peroneal nerves (Fig. 12.5). plying the skin on the medial aspect of the hallux (big, great
Of the three articular branches, two course with the toe) and the other the skin on the adjacent sides of the second
superior and inferior lateral genicular arteries to supply the and third toes (skin on the adjacent sides of the hallux and
posterolateral capsule of the knee joint, while the third second toe is supplied by the deep peroneal nerve). It com-
(recurrent articular nerve) arises a little lower and runs with municates with branches of the saphenous nerve and deep
the anterior recurrent tibial artery to supply the anterolat- peroneal (fibular) nerves. The smaller lateral branch (inter-
eral capsule of the knee joint and the proximal tibiofibular mediate dorsal cutaneous nerve) travels laterally across the
joint. The cutaneous branches, in the form of the sural com- dorsum of the foot and supplies the skin on the lateral aspect
municating nerve (joins with the sural nerve from the tibial of the ankle before terminating as dorsal digital nerves sup-
nerve) and the lateral sural nerve (lateral cutaneous nerve plying the skin on adjacent sides of the third, fourth, and fifth
of the calf), supply the skin on the anterolateral and poste- toes and communicating with the sural nerve.
rior aspects of the proximal leg.
The deep peroneal (fibular, anterior tibial) nerve arises Innervation Motor – tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus,
extensor digitorum longus and brevis,
from the common peroneal division between the fibular neck peroneus longus, brevis and tertius
and the proximal portion of the peroneus longus and passes Sensory – articular innervation to the knee, ankle,
deep to the extensor digitorum longus to descend on the ante- and joints of the foot. Cutaneous to skin on upper
rior aspect of the interosseous membrane, reaching the ante- anterolateral leg and dorsum of foot, dorsum and
rior tibial artery in the upper third of the leg. The nerve then adjacent sides of all toes (except first web space)
184 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
deep transverse perineal muscles, sphincter urethrae, and the Suggested Reading
bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.
The dorsal nerve of the penis (clitoris), the terminal con- Chapter 63: True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum. In: Standring S,
editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone;
tinuation of the pudendal nerve in males, courses forward
2008. p. 1091–2.
above the internal pudendal artery along the medial aspect of Chapter 79: Pelvic girdle and lower limb: overview and surface anat-
the ischiopubic ramus deep to the perineal membrane. It sup- omy. In: Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London:
plies the corpus cavernosum, passes through the hiatus Churchill Livingstone; 2008. p. 1336–40.
Chapter 80: Pelvic girdle, gluteal region and thigh. In: Standring S, edi-
between the anterior aspect of the perineal membrane and
tor. Gray’s anatomy. 40th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2008.
pubic symphysis in company with the dorsal artery of the p. 1384–5.
penis, and traverses through the suspensory ligament to enter Schuenke M, Schulte E, Schumacher U. The nerves of the sacral plexus.
the dorsal surface of the penis. The nerve ends in sensory In: Ross LM, Lamperti ED, editors. Thieme atlas of anatomy: gen-
eral anatomy and musculoskeletal system. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme
branches in the glans penis. The corresponding nerve in
Verlag; 2006. p. 476–83.
females, the dorsal nerve of the clitoris, takes a similar
course and ends in sensory branches in the glans clitoris
although it is much smaller than in males.
13.1 Spinal Nerves and the Vertebral Column 188
13.1.1 Origin of Spinal Nerves 188
13.1.2 Vertebral Column 188
13.2 Development of the Vertebral Column 190
13.2.1 Developmental Anatomy of the Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebral Column (Spine) 191
13.2.2 Developmental Anatomy of the Sacrum 193
13.3 Costovertebral Articulations 194
13.4 Paravertebral Space 196
13.5 Thoracic Spinal Nerves and Intercostal Nerves 196
13.6 Vertebral (Spinal) Canal 201
13.6.1 Vertebral Levels, Spinal Nerve Roots, and Spinal Cord Segments 201
13.6.2 Spinal Nerves Above the Sacrum 202
13.6.3 Termination of the Spinal Cord and Dural Sac 203
13.6.4 CSF Volume 204
Reference 204
Suggested Reading 204
13.1 Spinal Nerves and the Vertebral root ganglia with their peripheral processes passing through
Column the sympathetic trunk via the rami communicantes without
synapsing (without synapsing) and ending in the thoracic
13.1.1 Origin of Spinal Nerves and abdominal viscera.
Soon after exiting the intervertebral (spinal) foramina,
Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and are part of the each spinal nerve in turn divides into a larger ventral and a
peripheral nervous system, along with the cranial and auto- smaller dorsal (primary) ramus (Fig. 13.1). The ventral rami
nomic nerves and their ganglia. Spinal nerves supply somatic course laterally and anteriorly to supply the muscles, subcu-
or body wall structures, in other words, structures derived taneous tissues (superficial fascia), and skin of the neck,
embryologically from somites and somatic mesoderm. They trunk, and upper and lower extremities. The dorsal rami
also supply parietal membranes, namely, the parietal pleura, course posteriorly and supply the paravertebral muscles,
pericardium, and peritoneum, as well as the periosteum. subcutaneous tissues, and skin of the back close to the mid-
There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves − 8 cervical (C1–C8), 12 line. All dorsal rami are arranged and distributed segmen-
thoracic (T1–12), 5 lumbar (L1–L5), 5 sacral (S1–S5), and 1 tally, from C1 all the way down to coccyx 1 (Co1). The only
coccygeal (Co1). These spinal nerves are formed by the ventral rami that are arranged and distributed segmentally
union of the ventral (anterior) and dorsal (posterior) spinal are those of spinal nerves T1–T12. The ventral rami of T1–
roots, each made up of smaller rootlets. The rootlets either T11 are called the intercostal nerves, while the ventral ramus
converge to form the roots as they exit the cord if they are of T12 is the subcostal nerve. The intercostal nerves course
motor (efferent; ventral) or diverge from the roots as they through the 11 intercostal spaces beneath the intercostal ves-
enter the cord if they are sensory (afferent; dorsal). The dor- sels between the innermost and internal intercostal muscles,
sal roots bear sensory ganglia (dorsal root ganglia) contain- while the subcostal nerve runs along the posterior abdominal
ing the cell bodies of somatic and visceral sensory neurons. wall underneath the 12th pair of ribs. Ventral rami not
Each typical spinal nerve is a mixed nerve containing arranged segmentally (C1 to C8 and L1 to Co1) fuse to form
somatic and visceral fibers, both efferent and afferent. The nerve plexuses. Thus, the neck, lower abdomen, pelvis, and
motor (somatic efferent) fibers supply skeletal muscle, extremities are supplied by nerve plexuses (cervical, bra-
while sensory (somatic afferent) fibers innervate skin and chial, lumbar, and sacral plexuses), while the thoracic and
superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissues). The sensory fibers upper three quarters of the abdominal wall are supplied by
also supply receptors in joint capsules and ligaments, fas- the segmentally organized intercostal nerves.
ciae, and skeletal muscle (e.g., muscle spindles and Golgi It is important to realize that the first cervical (C1) nerve
tendon organs). In addition, all spinal nerves contain sym- leaves the spinal cord and courses above the atlas (C1 verte-
pathetic (visceral efferent) fibers for supplying blood ves- bra); hence, the cervical nerves are numbered corresponding
sels, smooth muscle, and glands in the skin and blood to the vertebrae inferior to them (e.g., the C6 nerve exits
vessels in skeletal muscle. The preganglionic sympathetic below C5 and above C6 vertebra; C8 nerve exits below C7
neurons arise from the lateral horn of the spinal gray matter and above T1). From this point on, all the spinal nerves are
(intermediolateral cell column) in the thoracic and upper named corresponding to the vertebral level above. For exam-
two or three lumbar segments and synapse with postgangli- ple, T3 and L4 spinal nerves exit below the T3 and L4 verte-
onic neurons in the sympathetic trunk (chain) at corre- brae, respectively.
sponding levels or track up and down the trunk to be
distributed with spinal nerves at all levels. Some synapse
with the postganglionics at higher or lower levels in the 13.1.2 Vertebral Column
trunk to get into spinal nerves above T1 and below L2/3.
Those destined for the head synapse mostly in the superior This section reviews the developmental anatomy and growth
cervical ganglion. Finally, sacral spinal nerves from cord of the vertebral column (spinal column or spine) and pro-
segments S2, S3, and S4 contain preganglionic parasympa- vides a basis for appreciating the improved visibility ren-
thetic fibers, which leave via the ventral rami of the sacral dered when imaging the spine using ultrasound on the
nerves and are destined for the pelvic viscera via pelvic pediatric patient. It begins with the development of the verte-
plexuses and ganglia. These parasympathetic nerves are brae and vertebral column as a whole, followed by the growth
called the pelvic splanchnic nerves or the nervi erigentes. and curves of the vertebral column and finally a brief descrip-
Visceral afferent fibers, carrying visceral sensation pain tion of the developmental anatomy of the thoracic and lum-
from the viscera, have their cell bodies in the spinal dorsal bar spine and sacrum.
13 Clinical Anatomy of the Trunk and Central Neuraxis 189
Erector spinae
muscle Spinous process Medial and lateral branches
190 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
13.2 Development of the Vertebral processes fuse with those in the centrum to form a
Column cartilaginous model of the vertebra. The spinous and
transverse processes arise from proliferation of chondrifi-
As with most of the other bones of the human body, the cation centers in the vertebral neural arch and lateral pro-
development of the human vertebral column goes through cess, respectively.
three stages: mesenchymal (precartilaginous), chondrifica- 3. Ossification (bony) stage
tion (cartilaginous), and ossification (bony). Ossification of the developing vertebrae commences dur-
ing the embryonic period around the eighth to ninth
1. Mesenchymal (precartilaginous) stage weeks of IUL and is usually complete by the 25th year.
During the fourth week of intrauterine life (IUL), sclero- Three primary ossification centers appear, one for the
tomic mesenchymal cells of the somites (derived from the centrum and one for each half of the vertebral neural arch,
paraxial mesoderm) start to migrate toward the notochord followed by five secondary (epiphyseal) ossification cen-
which represents the primitive axial supporting structure. ters. Centers for the vertebral arches appear classically
At this stage, the developing neural tube, notochord, and first in the upper cervical vertebrae during the ninth to
endoderm of the yolk sac are in close contact and are tenth weeks of IUL and then in successively lower verte-
flanked by the paired dorsal aortae from which the inter- brae, reaching the lumbar vertebrae at around 12 weeks.
segmental arteries branch off and course between the Thus, at birth, each vertebra consists of three bony parts
somites. In the thorax, these intersegmental arteries connected by cartilage. The vertebral neural arches usu-
become the intercostal arteries; in the abdomen, they ally fuse during the first 3–5 years of life, commencing in
become the lumbar arteries. The mesenchymal tissue sur- the lumbar region and progressing cranially. The verte-
rounding the notochord is subdivided by the intersegmen- bral arches articulate with the centrum at the cartilaginous
tal vessels into sclerotomic segments. The mesenchymal neurocentral junctions (joints) or synchondroses, which
cells within the sclerotome become characterized by permit the vertebral arches to grow and the vertebral canal
alternating regions of densely packed and loosely to expand as the spinal cord enlarges. These neurocentral
arranged cells between which an intervertebral fissure junctions disappear when the vertebral arches fuse with
appears. This new segment forms the primitive vertebra the centrum beginning in the cervical region during the
consisting of a dense cranial zone separated by a loose third to sixth years of life. Until puberty, the superior and
caudal zone of cells by the intersegmental vessels. inferior surfaces of the bodies and tips of transverse and
From the dense zone, three processes arise and extend spinous processes are cartilaginous. Five secondary cen-
dorsally, ventrally, and laterally. The dorsal extension is ters of ossification appear at the epiphyses of the vertebra
called the neural process and will form the vertebral neural around puberty: one for the tip of the spinous process, one
arch. The ventral process will form the centrum (vertebral each for the tips of the transverse processes and two annu-
body), while the lateral process is related to the develop- lar ring-like epiphyses, one on the superior and one on the
ment of the vertebral transverse process and the attachment inferior rim of the vertebral body. The vertebral body is
of the ribs. Therefore, the primordia of the definitive verte- thus made up of two annular epiphyses with the mass of
brae are not formed from the mesenchymal cells of one bone in between them which is derived from the centrum.
somite but the recombination of the lesser and more con- It is important to point out that the adult vertebral body is
densed zones of mesenchyme derived from two adjacent not coextensive with the developmental centrum.
somites. The intervertebral fissures fill with mesenchymal Although the centrum will form the majority of the verte-
cells that migrate from the dense zone to form the annulus bral body, in the adult, the body includes parts of the neu-
fibrosus of the intervertebral (IV) disk, whereas the noto- ral arches posterolaterally. These secondary centers fuse
chord and inner cells of the annulus fibrosus degenerate to with the rest of the vertebra around 25 years of age to
form the nucleus pulposus. form the definitive vertebra and the vertebral column. The
2. Chondrification (cartilaginous) stage atlas (C1), axis (C2), C7, sacrum, and coccyx are excep-
During the sixth to seventh weeks of IUL, a pair of chon- tions to this typical ossification pattern.
drification centers appears in each vertebral body fol- The majority of people have 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5
lowed by separate centers in each neural and transverse lumbar, 5 sacral (fused), and usually 4 (3 to 5) coccygeal
processes. The two centers in each vertebral body fuse at (fused) vertebrae; however, about 2–3 % have one fewer or
the end of the embryonic period (~9 weeks of IUL) to one or two additional vertebrae. When this occurs, there may
form a cartilaginous centrum or body. At the same time, be regional compensation (e.g., 11 thoracic and 6 lumbar
the chondrification centers in the neural and transverse
13 Clinical Anatomy of the Trunk and Central Neuraxis 191
vertebrae), so when determining the number of vertebrae, it posture, the center of gravity is at about the level of the
is important to examine the entire vertebral column. xiphoid process and remains above the umbilicus throughout
early childhood. At about 5–6 years, it is just below the
Growth and Curves of the Vertebral Column umbilicus, and at around 13 years, it shifts to the level of the
The increase in length of the vertebral column is determined iliac crest. In the adult, the center of gravity lies at the level
by the growth of its vertebral components. The various of the sacral promontory (the most forward projecting aspect
regions of the column and different parts of the vertebrae of the upper edge of the first sacral vertebra).
have differential rates of growth. The growth of the vertebral
bodies begins in the thoracic and lumbar regions and extends
craniocaudally. The lower part of the column grows faster 13.2.1 Developmental Anatomy
than the upper as a functional prerequisite for providing bet- of the Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebral
ter support. There are two periods of accelerated growth: the Column (Spine)
first between 2 and 7 years of age and the second between 9
and 15 years of age. The curves of the vertebral column • At birth, the vertebrae of the thoracic and lumbar spine
become evident during the third month of IUL life. At first, consist of three bony masses: a centrum anteriorly and
there is only a slight curve, concave anteriorly, followed in two vertebral neural arches posteriorly, united by
the fifth month by the appearance of the sacrovertebral angle. cartilage.
Radiographic studies have shown, however, that 83 % of • Development of the thoracic spine:
fetuses aged between 8 and 23 weeks already possess a cer- – The laminae typically unite in a caudo-cranial
vical curve. (upwards, T12 through T1) fashion, usually by the end
At birth, this embryonic anterior curvature is preserved in of the first or beginning of the second year of life.
the thoracic and sacral regions. These areas of the column, – The centrum (body) fuses with the neural arches (neu-
concave anteriorly, are therefore referred to as the primary rocentral fusion), also in a caudal to cranial manner,
curves. The cervical curve is also present at birth although it generally by the end of the fifth year of life.
becomes more accentuated when the baby starts supporting – The transverse processes are present and prominent at
its head (around 3–4 months of life) and sitting upright birth; however, their tips, like the tips of the transverse
(around 9 months of life). The lumbar curves appear later in processes, remain cartilaginous until puberty.
response to the baby adopting the upright walking posture – The three facets for articulation with the ribs at the
and walking unassisted (around 12 months of life). These are costovertebral and costotransverse joints are present at
termed secondary or compensatory curves since they develop birth.
in response to biomechanical demands placed on the column – The neurocentral and posterior synchondroses are not
and are convex anteriorly. Thus, the adult has four anteropos- fused at birth; the posterior ones fuse within 2–3 months
terior curves: cervical (secondary), thoracic (primary), lum- of postnatal life, and the neurocentral synchondroses
bar (secondary), and sacrococcygeal or pelvic (primary), close after 5–6 years of life.
while the newborn has only three, cervical, thoracic, and • Development of the lumbar spine:
sacral, the latter demarcated by the sacrovertebral angle. – Fusion of the laminae of L1 through L4 occurs during
Between 3 and 9 months of life, the cervical curve becomes the first year of life, with those of L5 fusing by 5 years
more marked in response to the biomechanical demands of age.
placed on it from the baby supporting its head and sitting – Neurocentral fusion is generally complete by age 4.
upright, while after the first year, one sees the appearance of – Transverse processes begin to develop after the first
the lumbar curve in response to the need for supporting the year of life; however, their tips, like the tips of the spi-
baby’s weight. nous processes, are cartilaginous until puberty.
The cervical and lumbar curves in the adult are due mainly – The lumbar secondary compensatory curve (through
to the shapes of the intervertebral disks, while the thoracic intervertebral disk modification) does not begin to
curve is related more to the shapes of the thoracic vertebrae, develop until 6 or 8 months of age when the infant
which have a greater depth posteriorly. During intrauterine begins sitting upright and supporting its weight and
life, the vertebral column represents about three quarters of becomes more apparent after the first year of life when
total body length, whereas at birth, it is reduced to two fifths the infant is able to adopt the upright posture and walk
due to the relatively rapid development of the lumbosacral unassisted.
region and lower extremities. This variation in the propor- • The vertebral canal in young infants is quite small, with
tions of the vertebral column, head, trunk, and extremities the thickness of the epidural space being as little as
causes the center of gravity of the body to shift caudally as 1–2 mm.
the infant grows. In the newborn held in the upright erect
192 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Thick and
horizontal spinous
Fig. 13.3 Spinal column showing the thoracic and lumbar regions
13 Clinical Anatomy of the Trunk and Central Neuraxis 193
13.2.2 Developmental Anatomy of the Sacrum • Sacral vertebrae are oriented vertically until weight bear-
ing around age 1.
• In infancy and childhood, the sacrum is highly variable • Beyond puberty, the sacral hiatus is an inferiorly placed
with respect to its shape and ossification and therefore opening into the caudal epidural space, below the fifth
also its visibility on ultrasound imaging (Fig. 13.4): sacral vertebra and between it and its inferior “horns” or
– Like the lumbar spine, neonatal sacral vertebrae are cornua (this is because the S5 laminae fail to fuse)
composed of two half neural arches posteriorly and a (Fig. 13.4). In young infants, the sacral hiatus is generally
centrum anteriorly. lower, below the fifth sacral vertebra, and since there is
– S1 and S2 vertebrae contain lateral elements that will much less ossification of the sacrum, ultrasound imaging
form the articular surfaces of the sacroiliac joints. in infants is generally rendered easier and generates supe-
– Compared to the lumbar spine, fusion and ossification rior image quality.
are delayed in the sacrum; neurocentral fusion occurs • The posterior sacrococcygeal ligament (membrane) has
between ages 2 and 6, and fusion of the neural arches superficial and deep laminae and covers the sacral hiatus
to form spinous processes continues until age 15. externally; this ligament requires penetration by the nee-
– Ossification is a continual process that carries on until dle for epidural needle entry (see Fig. 13.5).
puberty with ventral fusion of S1–S2 occurring in the
early 20s.
Incomplete fusion
of vertebral bodies
and neural arches Pelvic surface
Complete fusion
with median
sacral crest and Dorsal
2 cornuae (horns) surface
epidural space space
Lateral elements
to form articular
surfaces of sacrum
Fig. 13.4 Posterior view of infant (left) and adolescent (right) sacra, illustrating incomplete fusion of the sacral neural arches. Also shown is the
incorporation of lateral elements which form the articular surfaces to form the sacroiliac joints
194 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Tubercle of rib
Transverse process
Lateral costotransverse ligament
(iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves) can be blocked abdominal wall, they course in the plane between the trans-
for surgical intervention (Fig. 13.7). versus abdominis and internal oblique muscles, which cor-
responds to the plane between the innermost and internal
Initially, the intercostal nerves course through the poste- intercostal muscles in the thorax. The tenth intercostal nerve,
rior aspects of the intercostal spaces, between the intercostal for example, the cutaneous branches of which supply the
membrane and the parietal pleura, and then course laterally periumbilical skin, travels laterally between the transverse
past the angles of their respective ribs between the innermost abdominis and internal oblique muscles; courses anteriorly
and internal intercostal muscles. Laterally, they give off both and then medially around the abdominal wall; pierces the
collateral branches (running adjacent to the nerve within the posterior rectus sheath; pierces through the rectus abdomi-
intercostal space) and lateral cutaneous branches, the latter nis, supplying it; and then pierces the anterior rectus sheath
of which divide into ventral and dorsal rami. The first inter- to become the anterior cutaneous branch (Figs. 13.8, 13.9,
costal nerve branches into two nerves; the first of which and 13.10). Intercostal nerves T7 to T9 and T11 take a simi-
leaves the thorax near the neck of the first rib and contributes lar course through the anterior abdominal wall. They supply
to the brachial plexus, while the second travels a path similar the muscles, skin, and subcutaneous tissues of the anterolat-
to those below it within the intercostal space. The lateral eral abdominal walls, as well as the parietal peritoneum lin-
cutaneous branch of the second intercostal nerve is the inter- ing the abdominal walls. Cutaneous innervation to the
costobrachial nerve, which pierces the second intercostal anterolateral thoracic and abdominal walls by cutaneous
space and crosses the axilla to reach the medial and posterior branches of the intercostal nerves and subcostal nerve is
aspects of the arm where it supplies the skin and subcutane- organized segmentally (Fig. 13.7). Landmark dermatomes
ous tissues. on the anterior thoracic and abdominal walls in the adult are
As the intercostal nerves travel laterally, anteriorly, and the sternal angle (of Louis), T2; nipple, T4; xiphoid process,
then medially to reach the anterior aspect of the thoracic T7; umbilicus, T10; and suprapubic region, L1.
wall, they contact the parietal pleura again before giving off
the anterior cutaneous nerves of the thorax. The first to sixth Innervation: Motor: rectus abdominis; transversus abdominis;
internal and external oblique; innermost, internal,
intercostal nerves (T1–T6) proceed in their intercostal spaces and external intercostals; subcostales; transversus
between the innermost and internal intercostal muscles and thoracis; serratus posterior (superior and inferior);
beneath the intercostal vessels until they approach the ster- and levatores costarum
num where they end as the anterior cutaneous nerves of the Sensory: skin and subcutaneous tissues on anterior
thorax. Intercostal nerves 7 (T7) through 11 (T11) and the and posterior thoracic and abdominal walls, parietal
pleura, parietal peritoneum, skin and subcutaneous
subcostal nerve (T12) continue from their intercostal and tissues on medial and posterior aspects of the arm
subcostal spaces into the anterior abdominal wall, in which (via brachial plexus and intercostobrachial nerve),
they supply and end as the anterior cutaneous nerves of the and peripheral portions of the diaphragm
abdomen (T7–T12). As these nerves enter the anterolateral
198 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Supraclavicular nerves
C5 T3 C5
Intercostal nerves
anterior and
lateral cutaneous branches
T7 C6
T8 T1
C7 T10
T11 C8 Iliohypogastric n.
T12 lateral and
L1 anterior branch
L2 S2
Ilioinguinal nerve
Genitofemoral nerve
L3 L3 Lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve
Medial crural cutaneous
L4 L4 branches of saphenous
branch of femoral nerve
S1 L5 S1 S1 L5 S1
13 Clinical Anatomy of the Trunk and Central Neuraxis 199
abdominis m.
Internal oblique m.
External oblique m.
Iliohypogastric n.
Ilioinguinal n.
Anterior superior
iliac spine (ASIS)
200 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Rectus Linea Rectus sheath
External oblique abdominis m. alba (anterior layer) Superficial fascia
aponeurosis (membranous layer)
Internal oblique
aponeurosis Superficial fascia
Transversus (fatty layer)
abdominis aponeurosis
oblique m. Rectus sheath Parietal
(posterior layer) peritoneum Transversalis
Internal Transversus
oblique m. abdominis m.
Superficial Rectus Linea Rectus sheath
abdominal fascia abdominis alba (anterior layer) Skin
External oblique tissue
aponeurosis Transversus
Internal oblique Internal
aponeurosis oblique
Transversalis fascia and
parietal peritoneum
Transversus abdominis
Fig. 13.9 Transverse view of the abdomen above (a) and below (b) the arcuate line of the abdomen (Douglas’ line)
Abdominal Inferior
Renal fascia
aorta vena cava Lateral abdominal
(anterior layer)
wall muscles
Perirenal fat
L3 vertebral
Psoas body
major m.
Kidney Renal fascia
(posterior layer)
Vertebral dorsi m.
Serratus posterior
Spinuous inferior m.
lumborum m.
13.6 Vertebral (Spinal) Canal From superficial to deep, the three meninges surrounding
the spinal cord are:
In order to safely and proficiently administer a spinal anesthetic
in children, it is crucial to understand the anatomy of the verte- 1. The dura mater (pachymeninx) which is the outermost
bral (spinal) canal, including the level of termination of the spi- fibrous and toughest layer of the meninges. Between the
nal cord and dural sac, the relationship between vertebral levels dura and the walls of the vertebral canal is the spinal epi-
and spinal cord segments, as well as the age-dependent varia- dural space, a real space containing epidural fat within
tion in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This section loose connective tissue, lymphatics, small arterial vessels,
reviews the gross and developmental anatomy of the vertebral and the internal vertebral venous plexus (see below).
column in order to provide a basis for appreciating the improved 2. The arachnoid mater, a much thinner and more delicate,
visibility when imaging the spine in the pediatric patient, fol- mostly translucent spider web-like membrane which lines
lowed by a brief segment explaining the relationship between the inside of the dura and is separated from the next deep
vertebral levels and spinal cord segments. layer, the pia mater, by a real space, the subarachnoid
The spinal cord and its nerve roots lie within the bony space, through which it sends delicate trabeculae down to
central canal of the vertebral column. The vertebral column the pia mater. The spinal subarachnoid space contains
consists of 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the anterior and posterior
(3 to 5) coccygeal vertebrae. The developmental anatomy of spinal vessels. There is a potential subdural space within
the lumbar and sacral regions is of particular relevance to the vertebral canal since the dura and arachnoid are
spinal anesthesia in infants and children. closely applied; however, accidental subdural penetration
may occur during epidural injections.
• The vertebral (spinal) canal is the longitudinal, cylindrical 3. The pia mater, the transparent innermost single-cell lay-
space within the vertebral column created by successive ered membrane tightly adherent to the surface of the spinal
vertebral foramina superimposed upon one another and cord and inseparable from it. The pia mater intimately fol-
extends from C1 vertebra to the bottom of the sacrum lows and dips into all the grooves and fissures on the sur-
(sacral canal). Superiorly, it is continuous with the fora- face of the cord. The arachnoid and pia together are
men magnum which transmits the spinomedullary junc- sometimes referred to as the leptomeninges. Deep to the
tion. The vertebral canal houses the spinal cord with its pia is a thick subpial collagenous layer which is continu-
blood vessels and surrounding meninges; the proximal ous with the collagenous core of the denticulate ligaments.
portions of the spinal nerves within their dural sheaths, The latter, which are flat, triangular fibrous sheets on either
epidural fat, loose connective tissue, lymphatics, and side of the cord between the ventral and dorsal roots anchor
small arterial branches; and the internal vertebral venous the cord via their apices to the inside of the dura mater at
plexus. The latter five structures are found within the epi- regular intervals and provide it with structural support.
dural space, a real space between the dura and the bony
margins of the vertebral canal. Intermediate layer: In addition to the three classically
• The vertebral canal’s anterior border is formed by poste- described layers of meninges surrounding the cord, there is
rior aspects of the vertebral bodies and the posterior lon- an additional so-called intermediate layer of leptomeninges
gitudinal ligament; laterally, it is bordered by the pedicles, found just deep to the arachnoid but superficial to the pia and
while posterolaterally and posteriorly, its boundaries are concentrated mostly around the posterior and anterior
formed by the laminae, the ligamenta flava, and the poste- regions of the cord. This layer is perforated and lacelike in
rior aspects of the vertebral neural arches, respectively. appearance and thickened focally to form the posterior, pos-
• The lumbar segment of the vertebral (spinal) canal has been terolateral, and anterior ligaments of the cord and provide it
described as having a shape similar to that of an hourglass, with additional support to that provided by the denticulate
with narrowing at the third and fourth lumbar levels. This ligaments. Structurally, it is similar to the trabeculae crossing
feature is already present at age 3. Furthermore, the sagittal the cranial subarachnoid space and may play a role in damp-
(anteroposterior) diameter of the vertebral canal does not ening fluid waves in the CSF within the subarachnoid space.
differ significantly between the ages of 3–14 inclusive.
• The major structure within the vertebral canal is the spinal
cord with its blood vessels, its cerebrospinal fluid, and its 13.6.1 Vertebral Levels, Spinal Nerve Roots,
three meningeal coverings. The meninges are three con- and Spinal Cord Segments
centric membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
and providing support and protection to these delicate An appreciation of the clinical anatomy of the spinal cord as
structures. The cranial and spinal meninges are continu- it relates to the vertebral column and the relationship between
ous at the foramen magnum. spinal cord segments and vertebral levels is important for the
202 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
anesthesiologist. Since, due to differential growth rates, the the arachnoid mater. The dural/arachnoid sleeve extends
spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column, the more onto the spinal nerves for a short distance before blending
caudal spinal roots descend almost vertically for varying dis- with the epineurium surrounding the nerves.
tances beyond the termination of the cord (conus medullaris) • The spinal epidural space (Fig. 13.11) is a “real” space
to reach their corresponding intervertebral foramina. As they between the dura mater and the periosteum lining the ver-
do so, they form a divergent bundle of spinal roots resem- tebral (spinal) canal. This space is richly vascularized
bling a horse’s tail, the cauda equina, beyond the conus (internal vertebral venous plexus, small arterial branches,
medullaris and surrounding the filum terminale. This sheaf and lymphatics) and filled with epidural fat and loose con-
of nerve roots is suspended within the cerebrospinal fluid in nective tissue which surrounds the dura mater. It is bor-
an expanded subarachnoid space, the lumbar cistern, the pre- dered posteriorly by the ligamentum flavum (interlaminar
ferred site for performing a lumbar puncture. ligament), laterally by the pedicles, and anteriorly by the
With regard to the relationship between spinal cord seg- posterior longitudinal ligament which lies on posterior
ments and vertebral levels, the following estimation is help- aspects of the vertebral bodies within the vertebral canal.
ful: at the cervical level, the tip of the vertebral spinous • Gray and white rami communicantes (Fig. 13.1) connect
process corresponds to the succeeding spinal cord segment the spinal nerves to the sympathetic trunk (chain) ganglia
(i.e., the tip of the fifth cervical spine is opposite the sixth to allow preganglionic sympathetic fibers leaving the spi-
cervical spinal cord segment). At upper thoracic levels, this nal cord (T1–L2/3) to enter the trunk and leave it again to
difference corresponds to two cord segments (i.e., the tip of be distributed with spinal nerves at all levels.
the third thoracic spine is opposite the fifth thoracic cord seg- • The spinal nerves divide into ventral and dorsal (primary)
ment); in the lower thoracic region, this difference increases rami (Figs. 13.1 and 13.11); the dorsal rami supply the
to three segments (i.e., the tenth thoracic spine is opposite paravertebral muscles and skin near the midline of the
the first lumbar cord segment); the 12th thoracic spine lies back; the ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves form
opposite the first sacral cord segment; thus, there is a pro- the intercostal and subcostal nerves (T1–T12) (Sect. 13.5)
gressively increasing discrepancy between spinal cord seg- which supply the walls of the thorax and abdomen
ments and vertebral levels craniocaudally. (including the parietal pleura and peritoneum). The
The adult spinal cord terminates in most cases at the level remaining ventral rami (C1–T1 and L1–S3) form the cer-
of the intervertebral disk between the first and second lumbar vical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral plexuses, which supply
vertebrae (L1 and L2); however, there is some variation (see the muscles, skin, and subcutaneous tissues of the neck,
also Sect. 13.2.2). The neonatal spinal cord extends to the lower trunk, and extremities.
upper border of the third lumbar vertebra (L3), this level ris-
ing during the first 2 months after birth. There is marked
variation however; the cord may terminate between L1–L3/4 Epidural
Psoas major m. space Dura mater
at birth and between L1–L3 in children between the ages of
3 months to 15 years [1].
13.6.3 Termination of the Spinal Cord site for obtaining a sample of CSF through a lumbar
and Dural Sac puncture.
• Despite the above classical description, a recent study
suggests that the conus medullaris terminates most com-
• The spinal cord occupies the upper two thirds of the ver- monly at the level of the L1–L2 disk space and, in the
tebral canal. It begins at the superior border of the atlas absence of tethering, virtually never ends below the mid-
vertebra (C1) and, in the average adult, ends at the conus body of L2.
medullaris, approximately at the level of the IV disk – The spinal cord and dural sac were traditionally
between the first and second lumbar vertebrae. Its level of thought to terminate at a more caudal level in neonates;
termination varies somewhat between individuals and however, ultrasonography and MRI scans have demon-
with posture, especially vertebral flexion, during which strated that the location of the caudal displacement of
its position rises slightly. It may end as high as T12 or in the conus medullaris in tethered cord syndrome is sim-
some cases as low as the L2–L3 IV disk. There is some ilar in term infants and adults.
correlation between its level of termination and the length – The dural sac in neonates and infants terminates more
of the trunk, especially in females. The spinal cord caudally at the level of S3 as compared to adults in
appears to “decrease” in length significantly throughout whom it ends at S2.
prenatal and antenatal development, with the cord reach-
ing as far down as S1 or 2 in the last few intrauterine
months and as low as L2 or 3 at birth (Fig. 13.12). This
apparent “decrease” is really the result of the greater rate
of growth of the vertebral (spinal) column as compared to
the cord and elongation of the lumbosacral region.
• The dural sac extends beyond this level, to approximately
the second sacral vertebral level (S2); within the sac, the Conus medullaris
nerves forming the cauda equina run vertically from the (end of spinal cord)
14.1 Introduction 206
14.1.1 Dermatomes 206
14.1.2 Myotomes 206
14.1.3 Osteotomes 207
14.2 Innervation of the Upper Extremity 207
14.2.1 Dermatomes and Cutaneous Distribution of the Peripheral Nerves 207
14.2.2 Myotomes 209
14.2.3 Osteotomes 210
14.2.4 Innervation of the Major Joints of the Upper Extremity 211
14.3 Innervation of the Lower Extremity 215
14.3.1 Dermatomes and Cutaneous Distribution of the Peripheral Nerves 215
14.3.2 Myotomes 216
14.3.3 Osteotomes 218
14.3.4 Innervation of the Major Joints 219
Suggested Reading 222
14.1.1 Dermatomes The ventral (motor) roots of the spinal cord provide motor
innervation to the skeletal muscles by providing motor nerve
With the exception of C1 (which does not have a sensory fibers to the spinal nerves. A myotome is a block of skeletal
component), sensory fibers from the dorsal roots of the spi- muscle that is supplied segmentally by the ventral roots of a
nal nerves supply a specific segment or band of skin. This spinal nerve; movements of the extremities and trunk that are
skin segment is termed a dermatome. For example, the created by these myotomes can thus be classified segmen-
C5-T1 spinal nerves provide cutaneous innervation to the tally (see segmental motor responses associated with nerve
upper extremity. There is considerable overlap between con- stimulation). In general, segmental innervation of the mus-
tiguous dermatomes, and adjacent dermatomes are generally cles can be fairly well differentiated. In addition to segmen-
arranged as consecutive horizontal bands on the surface of tal (myotomal) distribution of innervation, there is also
the axial skeleton and more or less vertical projections on the specific muscular distribution that is derived from the termi-
extremities. Anatomical knowledge of the respective derma- nal nerves. Knowledge of this terminal nerve innervation
tomes will help to block the appropriate skin segment during becomes extremely important when blocking the brachial
peripheral nerve blockade. Dermatomes are important par- plexus branches at sites beyond the root level (e.g., during
ticularly for peripheral nerve blockade. Clinically, fairly spe- axillary block, it would be useful to use radial nerve motor
cific areas of regional anesthesia can be achieved based on responses to confirm posterior cord localization). Table 14.1
the cutaneous innervation provided by the terminal nerves in summarizes the origin of each terminal nerve and its objec-
that part of the body. tive movement upon electrical stimulation.
Table 14.1 Upper extremity (brachial plexus terminal motor nerves): origins and motor responses to nerve stimulation
Motion Nerve Cord Division Trunk Root
Arm abduction Suprascapulara Upper C5, C6
Arm abduction Axillary Posterior Posterior Upper C5, C6
Elbow flexion Musculocutaneousb Lateral Posterior Upper C5, C6
Extension (dorsiflexion) of the elbow, wrist, hand, and fingers Radial Posterior Posterior Upper C5, C6
Posterior Middle C7
Latissimus dorsi twitch (shoulder shrug) Thoracodorsal Posterior Posterior Middle C7
Forearm pronation and wrist flexion Median (lateral head) Lateral Anterior Upper C5, C6
Medial Anterior and posterior Middle C7
Anterior Lower C8, T1
Thumb flexion and opposition (flexion middle and ring finger) Median Medial Anterior Lower C8, T1
Thumb flexion and opposition Anterior interosseous Medial Anterior Lower C8, T1
Fifth finger flexion and opposition, ulnar deviation of the wrist Ulnar Medial Anterior Lower C8, T1
The suprascapular nerve may not be blocked during supraclavicular block if the needle is placed at the level of the divisions rather than the trunks.
Also, infraclavicular block will not target the suprascapular nerve since this nerve leaves the plexus at the trunks
The targets of brachial plexus block using the axillary approach are the terminal nerves of the upper extremity and branches at the cord level of
the plexus. The musculocutaneous nerve may not be blocked if the injection fails to spread to the proximal location where it branches
14 Clinical Anatomy of the Dermatomes and Innervation of the Joints 207
Osteotomes refer to specific regions of the bones throughout 14.2.1 Dermatomes and Cutaneous
the extremities that are innerved by the terminal nerves Distribution of the Peripheral Nerves
(rather than by spinal segments as with dermatomes). The (Figs. 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, and 14.4)
innervation of bones can be significantly different from that
of the muscles and skin. A good knowledge of joint innerva-
tion is important for orthopedic surgery as well as other sur- Segmental Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Extremity
gical specialties and neurology. • C3 and 4: upper shoulder region (supraclavicular nerves)
• C5: deltoid and lateral aspect of the arm
• C6: lateral arm, forearm, and thumb
• C7: the hand and middle three fingers
• C8: fifth finger and medial side of both the hand and lower
• T1: medial side of the lower arm and upper forearm
• T2: medial side of the upper arm (intercostobrachial
14.2.2 Myotomes
14.2.3 Osteotomes
14.2.4 Innervation of the Major Joints Table 14.2 outlines the innervation of the joints of the
of the Upper Extremity upper extremity joint innervation and associated motor
responses associated with nerve stimulation during nerve
In general, the nerve supplying a joint also supplies the mus- block procedures.
cles which move the joint and the skin covering the articular
attachments of those muscles (Hilton’s law).
Table 14.2 Innervation of the joints of the upper extremity joint innervation and motor responses associated with nerve stimulation
Joint Nerve Root Motion
Anterior and posterior Suprascapular C5, C6 Arm abduction
Axillary C5, C6 Arm abduction
Anterior Musculocutaneous C5, C6 Elbow flexion
Radial C5–C7 Extension of the elbow, wrist, and fingers
Median C5–T1 Thumb flexion and forearm pronation
Posterior Radial C5–C7 Extension of the elbow, wrist, and fingers
Ulnar C8, T1 Fifth finger flexion and opposition
Wrist Radial (superficial) C5–C7 Extension of the elbow, wrist, and fingers
Median C5–T1 Thumb flexion and forearm pronation
Ulnar C8, T1 Fifth finger flexion and opposition
212 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui Innervation of the Shoulder • Lateral pectoral nerve: articular branches arise mainly
The nerve supply to shoulder joint nerve supply is derived from the lateral pectoral nerve.
from the axillary, suprascapular, and lateral pectoral nerves, – Articular branch travels superior to the coracoid pro-
from branches arising from the posterior cord of the brachial cess to reach the acromioclavicular joint, with its ter-
plexus, possibly the radial nerve. Sympathetic innervation is minal portion supplying the anterosuperior region of
derived directly from the stellate and perhaps from other the shoulder joint capsule, as well as synovial tissue.
lower cervical and/or upper thoracic sympathetic ganglia – Sympathetic fibers which innervate the joint arise from
(Table 14.2). Recommended block(s) is/are shown in both the stellate ganglion and the sympathetic trunk
Fig. 14.9. just superior to the stellate ganglion.
• Fibers descend within the adventitia of the subcla-
• Axillary nerve (articular branch): after leaving the poste- vian and axillary arteries to the point where the
rior cord of the brachial plexus and descending laterally arteries enter the vascular area of the joint.
across the subscapularis muscle, the articular branch of • Fibers anastomose with the branch from the poste-
the axillary nerve innervates mainly the inferior aspect of rior cord of the brachial plexus.
the joint capsule • Fibers also reach the region supplied by the lateral
– A portion of the articular branch innervates the bicipi- pectoral nerve.
tal sulcus and forms anastomoses with fiber bundles • Suprascapular nerve: “upper” articular branch arises from
from the posterior cord. the nerve as it courses through the supraspinous fossa,
– The branch leaves the plexus in proximity to where the runs laterally to supply the periosteum of the coracoid
axillary nerve forms and courses obliquely across the process, the coracoacromial ligament, and the acromio-
subscapularis muscle to reach the bicipital sulcus and clavicular joint, and finally reaches the superior aspect of
inferior and superior aspects of the anterior surface of the shoulder joint capsule.
the joint capsule. – After branching, fibers continue anteriorly to overlap
– Terminal twigs course superiorly from the inferior with the areas supplied by the articular branch of the
aspect of the capsule to reach the anterior and posterior lateral pectoral nerve.
surfaces of the capsule. • Suprascapular nerve: “lower” articular branch leaves the
• Nerve fibers largely penetrate the fibrous layer of nerve before its entrance into the infraspinous fossa and
the capsule, while there is some penetration into the travels laterally to reach the posteroinferior region of the
synovial layer and adjacent portions of the humerus. capsule deep to the infraspinatus and teres minor
• Fibers which reach the posterior capsule join the muscles.
lower articular branch of the suprascapular nerve; – Some fibers run inferiorly to reach the region inner-
those coursing toward the anterior capsular surface vated by the ascending fibers of the articular branch of
jointly innervate this area with the branch from the the axillary nerve.
posterior cord of the plexus.
14 Clinical Anatomy of the Dermatomes and Innervation of the Joints 213
Shoulder Joint
+ superficial
cervical plexus
Elbow Joint
Wrist Joint
Hip Joint + radial
*lumbar plexus + ulnar
+ lateral femoral
+ obturator
+ sciatic
Knee Joint
+ obturator
+ sciatic
Ankle Joint
+ sciatic Innervation of the Elbow Innervation of the Wrist and Hand
The elbow joint is supplied by the musculocutaneous, median, While some joints of the wrist and hand receive sole innerva-
ulnar, and radial nerves; some of the articular branches tion from one nerve, many receive innervation from multiple
course some distance within the upper arm musculature, nerves, generally from those supplying the muscles that
while some are formed close to the elbow joint (Table 14.2; move that particular joint (Table 14.2; Fig. 14.9).
Fig. 14.9).
• Ulnar nerve: it supplies the wrist and hand through
• Musculocutaneous nerve: articular branch arises from the branches from the main nerve as well as through the digi-
nerve to the brachialis muscle. tal nerves.
– After running along the medial aspect of this muscle, – The dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve (before giving off
the nerve dives deep to supply the periosteum of the digital branches) gives off branches which innervate
humerus and reach the anterior aspect of the joint the dorsal aspect of the joint between the triquetrum
capsule. and pisiform, the lunate and hamate, the triquetrum
– Nerve fibers run medially and laterally in the fibrous and hamate, and the hamate and fourth metacarpal.
layer of the capsule; some reach the synovial tissue. – The deep branch of the ulnar nerve supplies the joints
– There may be anastomoses with the median (medially) between the capitate and hamate, the capitate and sec-
and radial (laterally) nerves’ articular branches. ond metacarpal, the capitate and third metacarpal, the
• Median nerve: articular branches generally arise before the hamate and fourth metacarpal, and the hamate and fifth
nerve passes between the heads of the pronator teres muscle metacarpal.
and course somewhat recurrently to innervate the region of • After innervating these joints at the bases of the
capsule near the medial epicondyle of the humerus. metacarpals, long filaments are sent off to reach the
– A small branch of the nerve innervates the anterior metacarpophalangeal joints of the second, third,
capsule after coursing along the medial surface of the and fourth fingers.
brachialis muscle; this branch anastomoses with a twig • The digital nerve branches supply the joint between
of the articular branch of the musculocutaneous nerve. the hamate and fifth metacarpal, the interphalangeal
• Ulnar nerve: articular branches represented mainly by joints of the little finger on both medial and lateral
filaments forming as the nerve passes behind the medial sides, and the metacarpophalangeal joint of the
epicondyle of the humerus. fourth finger.
– Fibers supply the ulnar collateral ligament and reach • The dorsal and palmar digital nerves supply the
the posteromedial region of the capsule; some ramify metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of
in the tissue forming the superior extension of the joint the fifth finger on medial and lateral sides and of the
capsule. medial side of the fourth finger on the medial side.
• Radial nerve • Median nerve: articular supply includes innervation from
– The muscular branch supplying the anconeus muscle, branches from the main nerve as well as through the digi-
formed proximally in the radial groove, runs within the tal nerves and the anterior interosseous nerve.
lateral head of the triceps brachii muscle and provides – Before branching, the nerve supplies the radioscaph-
filaments to the capsule lining the olecranon fossa (and oid joint and the joints between the scaphoid and capi-
perhaps to the posterolateral region of the capsule). tate and between the capitate and trapezoid.
– The ulnar collateral nerve (a branch of the radial nerve) – The digital nerves innervate both sides of all joints of
also provides filaments to the capsule proximal to the the first, second, and third fingers, as well as the lateral
olecranon process. side of the joints of the fourth finger.
– Fibers leaving the nerve after its entrance into the lat- – The anterior interosseous nerve supplies the distal
eral intermuscular septum innervate the anterolateral radioulnar joint and sends branches to the radioscaph-
region of the capsule (and radial collateral and annular oid, radiolunate, and scaphoid-lunate joints.
ligaments). • Radial nerve: superficial branch courses over the back
– As the nerve courses anterior to the elbow joint, a branch of the hand and gives off many branches, including
to the anterior region of the capsule anastomoses with those to the radioscaphoid joint and to joints between
articular fibers from the musculocutaneous nerve. the scaphoid and trapezium, the scaphoid and trapezoid,
14 Clinical Anatomy of the Dermatomes and Innervation of the Joints 215
the trapezium and first metacarpal, the trapezium and 14.3 Innervation of the Lower Extremity
second metacarpal, and the trapezoid and second
metacarpal. 14.3.1 Dermatomes and Cutaneous
– The dorsal digital nerves supply both sides of both Distribution of the Peripheral Nerves
joints of the thumb, both sides of the (Figs. 14.1, 14.2, 14.10, and 14.11)
metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal
joints of the second finger, and the lateral side of the Segmental Sensory Innervation (Dermatomes) of the
metacarpophalangeal joint of the third finger. Lower Limb
– The dorsal digital nerve to the index finger provides a • L1: pelvic region (anterior) and upper medial thigh
branch which runs deep to innervate the first and sec- • L2: upper and lateral aspects of the thigh
ond metacarpals and has recurrent twigs which supply • L3: lower anterior medial aspect of the thigh and knee
many of the carpal joints. • L4: anteromedial aspect of the leg and medial ankle
– The posterior interosseous nerve supplies the back of • L5: anterolateral aspect of the leg, medial aspect of the
the carpus widely on its middle and medial aspects. foot, medial aspect of the distal plantar surface of the foot,
upper surface of the first to second/third toes
Innervation of the radiocarpal joint is provided by the • S1: lateral side of the foot and sole and lateral three toes
anterior interosseous nerve (a branch of the median nerve) • S2: posterior surface of the thigh and leg
and posterior interosseous nerve (a branch of the radial • S3 and 4: the gluteal and perianal (posterior pelvic) region
nerve) interosseous nerves. Additional contributions are
made by the median, radial, and ulnar nerves.
14.3.2 Myotomes
Fig. 14.12 Distribution of muscular innervations by the terminal Fig. 14.13 Distribution of muscular innervations by the terminal
nerves of the lower extremity; anterior view nerves of the lower extremity; posterior view
Table 14.3 Lower extremity (lumbar plexus terminal motor nerves): origin and motor responses associated with nerve stimulation
Motion Nerve Division Root
Adduction and flexion of the thigh Obturator Anterior L2, L3, L4
Patellar twitch and knee extension Femoral (main nerve and its posterior Posterior L2, L3, L4
Thigh adduction only (pectineus) Femoral (anterior branch below inguinal Posterior L2, L3, L4
Table 14.4 Lower extremity (sacral plexus terminal motor nerves): origin and motor responses associated with nerve stimulation
Motion Nerve Root
Anal sphincter Pudendala S2, S3, S4
Gluteal twitch/thigh abduction (gluteus minimus and medius) Superior gluteala L4, L5, S1
Gluteal twitch/thigh extension (gluteus maximus) Inferior glutealb L5, S1, S2
Knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion Tibial (above and below sciatic bifurcation) L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
Ankle dorsiflexion Common peroneal (fibular) L4, L5, S1, S2
Ankle and toe extension Deep peroneal (fibular) L5, S1
Foot eversion (peroneus longus and brevis) Superficial peroneal (fibular) L5, S1
First toe abduction Medial plantar S1, S2
Fifth toe abduction Lateral plantar S1, S2, S3
The pudendal and superior gluteal nerves will not be blocked with sciatic nerve block
Only the posterior gluteal approach to sciatic nerve block will block the inferior gluteal nerve
218 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
14.3.3 Osteotomes
Table 14.5 Innervation of the joints of the lower extremity and motor responses associated with nerve stimulation
Joint Nerve Root Motion
Anterior Femoral (nerve to rectus femoris) L2–L4 Patellar twitch (thigh adduction if posterior division only)
Obturator (anterior division) L2–L4 Thigh adduction
Posterior Sciatic (nerve to quadratus femoris) L4, L5, S1 Gluteal twitch (quadratus femoris)
Anterior Femoral (articular branches) L2–L4 Patellar twitch
Tibial (articular branches) L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 Knee and ankle flexion
Common peroneal (fibular) L4, L5, S1, S2 Ankle dorsiflexion
Obturator L2–L4 Thigh adduction
Posterior Common peroneal (fibular) L4, L5, S1, S2 Ankle dorsiflexion
Tibial L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 Knee and ankle flexion
Ankle Tibial (above and below sciatic bifurcation) L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 Knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion
Common peroneal (fibular) L4, L5, S1, S2 Ankle dorsiflexion
Deep peroneal (fibular) L5, S1 Ankle and toe extension
Superficial peroneal (fibular) L5, S1 Foot eversion (peroneus longus and brevis)
Medial plantar S1, S2 First toe abduction
Lateral plantar S1, S2, S3 Fifth toe abduction
220 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
• Common peroneal (fibular) nerve: articular branch arises – Superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
either from the common peroneal portion of the sciatic • Branches from the common peroneal (fibular) nerve
nerve within the posterior mid-thigh or from the common and supplies the skin on the anterior aspect of the
peroneal (fibular) nerve within the popliteal fossa. ankle
– The branch joins either, or both, the superior or infe- – Sural nerve
rior lateral genicular arteries, is named accordingly, • Branches from the common peroneal (fibular) nerve
and supplies the anterolateral or lateral portions of the and supplies skin on the lateral aspect of the ankle
capsule, respectively. • Deep nerves at the ankle:
– The common peroneal (fibular) nerve supplies the – Deep peroneal (fibular) (L5, S1): lies anterior to the
anterolateral portion of the capsule, the infrapatellar tibia and interosseous membrane and lateral to the
fat pad, and the tibial periosteum. anterior tibial artery and vein at the ankle and is deep
• The anterolateral portion of the capsule is supplied jointly to and between the tendons of the extensor hallucis
by the nerve to vastus medialis and common peroneal longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles, and
(fibular) nerve, with varying contributions depending on beyond the extensor retinaculum, it branches into
the distribution of each nerve. medial and lateral terminal branches.
– The recurrent common peroneal (fibular) nerve sup- • The medial branch passes over the dorsum of the
plies the anterolateral surface of the tibial periosteum, foot and supplies the first web space through two
the tibial tuberosity, the infrapatellar fat pad, and the terminal digital branches.
superior tibiofibular joint. • The lateral branch traverses laterally and terminates
• Obturator nerve: anterior division frequently anastomo- as the second, third, and fourth dorsal interosseous
ses with the articular branch of the saphenous nerve. nerves that supply the tarsal and metatarsophalan-
– The division gives small twigs to the superior medial geal joints of the middle three toes.
genicular artery (naming the terminal fibers as such), – Tibial nerve (often called the posterior tibial nerve)
thus serving the same anteromedial aspect of the cap- (S1–3): on the posterior aspect of the knee joint, it
sule as the saphenous and nerve to vastus medialis, joins the posterior tibial artery and then runs deep until
before terminating by anastomosing with the branches the lower third of the leg, where it emerges at the
of the tibial nerve thus forming the popliteal plexus medial border of the calcaneal tendon (Achilles
and innervating the superior part of the posteromedial tendon).
capsule. • Behind the medial malleolus, it lies beneath several
– Articular branches of the obturator nerve supply the layers of fascia and is separated from the Achilles
superior part of the posteromedial capsule (as a portion tendon only by the tendon of the flexor hallucis lon-
of the popliteal plexus), the anteromedial portion of gus muscle; the nerve is posteromedial to the poste-
the capsule (as the superior medial genicular nerve, rior tibial artery and vein, which in turn are
together with the saphenous nerve), and the infrapatel- posteromedial to the tendons of the flexor digito-
lar fat pad. rum longus and tibialis posterior muscles.
• Just below the medial malleolus, the nerve divides
into the lateral and medial plantar nerves. Innervation of the Ankle (Table 14.5; • The nerve innervates the ankle joint through its
Fig. 14.9) articular branches and, through its cutaneous
branches, the skin over the medial malleolus, the
• Superficial nerves at the ankle: inner aspect of the heel (including the skin over the
– Saphenous nerve Achilles tendon), and the dorsum of the foot
• The longest cutaneous branch from the femoral (through the medial and lateral plantar nerves).
nerve which innervates the medial skin of the ankle
222 A.H. Walji and B.C.H. Tsui
Suggested Reading Gardner E. The innervation of the knee joint. Anat Rec. 1948b;
Garner E. The innervation of the hip joint. Anat Rec. 1948;
Bo WJ, Meschan I, Krueger WA. Basic atlas of cross-sectional anat-
omy: a clinical approach. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1980.
Gray DJ, Gardner E. The innervation of the joints of the wrist and hand.
Ellis H, Feldman S, Harrop-Griffiths W, editors. Anatomy for anaesthe-
Anat Rec. 1965;151:261–6.
tists. 8th ed. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell; 2004.
Lee B. Atlas of surgical and sectional anatomy. Norwalk: Appleton-
Gardner E. The innervation of the elbow joint. Anat Rec.
Century-Crofts; 1983.
Netter FH. Atlas of human anatomy. Summit: CIBA-GEIGY Corp.;
Part IV
Nerve Blocks of the Head and Neck
Trigeminal Nerve Blocks
Glenn Merritt and Ban C.H. Tsui
15.1 Indications 226
15.2 Block Techniques 226
15.2.1 Superficial Transcutaneous Approach to Trigeminal Nerve Blocks:
Supraorbital, Infraorbital, and Mental Nerve Block 226
15.2.2 Intraoral Approach to Trigeminal Nerve Blocks: Infraorbital, Mental,
and Greater Palatine Nerves 233
15.2.3 Deep Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 237
15.3 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 239
15.4 Case Study 239
References 239
Suggested Reading 240
G. Merritt, MD
Department of Anesthesiology,
University of Colorado Hospital and Children’s Hospital Colorado,
13123 East 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC (*)
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Blockade of the trigeminal nerve – the fifth cranial nerve – The most comprehensive blockade of the trigeminal nerve
targets its three major branches (Fig. 9.1), the ophthalmic targets the central ganglion. This block is usually performed
(V1, sensory), the maxillary (V2, sensory), and the mandibu- by neurosurgeons under fluoroscopic guidance to treat dis-
lar (V3, sensory and motor to the muscles of mastication), abling trigeminal neuralgia. Few anesthesiologists perform
and provides anesthesia to the anterior portion of the scalp, this technically difficult block, and it will not be described in
face, and much of the oral cavity. Some common clinical detail here.
uses of trigeminal nerve block include (for a more compre-
hensive list, see Table 15.1):
15.2.1 Superficial Transcutaneous
• Ophthalmic nerve block (V1: supraorbital, Approach to Trigeminal Nerve Blocks:
supratrochlear): Supraorbital, Infraorbital, and Mental
– Frontal craniotomies Nerve Block
– Excision of scalp nevus
• Maxillary nerve block (V2: infraorbital, greater The trigeminal block can be easily performed by injection of
palatine): the three individual terminal superficial branches through a
– Cleft palate surgery (maxillary, greater palatine, lesser landmark-based approach using palpation of their respective
palatine, nasopalatine) foramina (Fig. 15.1). These bony landmarks are usually suf-
– Cleft lip surgery (infraorbital) ficient themselves for routine anesthetic purposes although
– Nasal septum repair (infraorbital) ultrasound imaging may prove useful for locating them in
– Endoscopic sinus surgery (infraorbital) some cases. An additional block of the supratrochlear nerve
– Surgical repair of soft tissue injury of the face (terminal nerve of ophthalmic branch) is required if the field
(infraorbital) of anesthesia is to cross the midline of the forehead.
• Mandibular nerve block (V3: mental)
– Lower lip repair (mental) Patient Positioning unless one is attempting to enter the foramen while
performing the nerve block, this should not affect clin-
• The patient is positioned lying supine. ical practice.
• The patient’s head may be placed to rest on a donut. – The supraorbital nerve enters the facial skeleton
through the supraorbital foramen, which is located in
the midsagittal plane at the level of the pupil. The Landmarks and Surface Anatomy supratrochlear nerve is located medial to the supraor-
bital foramen and can be found closer to the midfacial
• Each nerve is closely associated with a readily palpable sagittal plane (Fig. 15.3a). The supraorbital notch is
foramen. Figure 15.2 illustrates the cross-sectional anat- easily palpated at the medial upper angle of the orbit.
omy of each respective foramen, captured by Visible Palpate the roof of the orbital rim starting from the
Human Visualization Software (VHVS) and MRI. midline. The more medial supratrochlear nerve is
• The nerves are too superficial to visualize well with ultra- located at the upper internal angle of the orbital rim.
sound. However, ultrasound can be used to identify the Eipe et al. [5] describe their point of needle insertion as
foramina by scanning sagittally in the medial to lateral the intersection of a vertical line through the pupil of
direction [1]. The foramina create discontinuity in the the eye and a horizontal line through the ala of the nose
hyperechoic line of the bone. The absence of hyperecho- in their study of twenty children above 12 years of age.
genic bony structure indicates the position of the foramen – The infraorbital notch (Fig. 15.3b) can be palpated
(Fig. 15.3). Using this method, the foramina can be land- easily along the floor of the orbital rim in children but
marked and marked on the skin to facilitate easier identi- can be difficult in the neonate due to the developing
fication of the needle insertion site. Color Doppler can craniofacial skeletal configurations. If the foramen that
also be used to verify the locations of the foramina by exists inferior to the orbital rim cannot be palpated
imaging the blood vessels associated with each foramen; directly, it can be sought by gently probing with a
however, these vessels are small and are often difficult to small-gauge needle or found using surface landmarks
visualize. as a guide. Alternatively, a simple mathematical for-
– All branches of the trigeminal nerve have been reported mula can be utilized (distance from the midline =
to lie in the same sagittal plane on each side of the face 21 mm + 0.5 × age (in years)) [2].
for adolescent and adult patients at a distance of – The mental nerve emerges from the mental foramen
approximately 2.5 cm lateral to the midsagittal line (Fig. 15.3c), which lies inferior to the outer lip at the
passing through the pupil [2]. Some reports indicate level of the first premolar, midway between the upper
that accessory or double foramina may exist [3, 4], but and lower borders of the mandible [6].
228 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 15.2 VHVS and MRI of (a) supraorbital, (b) infraorbital, and (c) mental foramina
15 Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 229
Fig. 15.3 Ultrasound images with color Doppler demonstrating dis- by blue bars in the center panel: “1” represents starting position and “2”
continuity in the hyperechogenic line at the supraorbital (a), infraorbital represents final position over the foramen
(b), and mental (c) foramina. Ultrasound probe positioning is indicated
230 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui Considerations and Needle Insertion the injection and confirm where both the needle and
Technique (Infraorbital Nerve Block) local anesthesia are being placed.
– The intraoral approach has been reported to be less
• Generally, short, 25G–30G hypodermic needles will be painful for the patient [7]. In our opinion, the ability to
suitable for these blocks, provided that one is not trying to supervise accurate needle placement and exact area of
enter the foramen directly since this may require a larger local anesthetic placement may be limited to the indi-
needle for accurate placement. Longer needles are essen- vidual performing the block, particularly in small
tial for: infants with cleft lip and palate defects.
– Intraoral approaches to the infraorbital nerve in older • Before the needle is introduced, the location and anatomic
children and adolescents (the infraorbital foramen may characteristics of the infraorbital foramen and the course
be located 2–3 cm away from the gingival sulcus) of the exiting nerve branches should be studied.
– Suprazygomatic maxillary nerve blocks in children of Understanding the shape and course of the foramen will
any age (depth of the pterygopalatine fossa from the help the practitioner decide how best to enter or, in most
superior junction of the zygoma and posterior orbital cases, avoid entering the foramen.
rim has been reported to be approximately 4 cm even – The infraorbital nerve travels from the foramen rotun-
in infants and young children) dum through the infraorbital canal and exits the facial
– Any approach to the pterygopalatine fossa from intra- skeleton through the infraorbital foramen. When
or extraoral routes in children of all ages examining the skull in the anterior plane, the infraor-
• Most exiting foramina communicate directly with the bital canal runs in a nasal-to-temporal direction; this
inferior orbital fissure. Thus, when using techniques that directional information will help to plan entry or
require injection of local anesthetic into the foramen avoidance of the foramen.
itself, orbital contents may be injured inadvertently if one – If one plans on entering the foramen, then a nasal-
is not conscious of the depths and anatomic characteris- temporal needle direction is recommended. For novice
tics of the various canals where the nerves exit the facial practitioners, a temporal-nasal needle direction will
skeleton. make it impossible to enter the canal. Any sagittally
• Intraforaminal approaches are popular in many countries, directed needle risks entering the foramen and should
but they have been reported to result in a higher incidence be avoided.
of paresthesia. Careful attention to injection pressure is – In infants, the infraorbital foramen will lie at the level
critically important if the needle has entered the infraor- of the nasal ala. The needle insertion point and loca-
bital canal itself. When placing the needle in these small tion of the infraorbital foramen have been reported to
foramina, the injection pressure must not be excessive, be at the midpoint of a line drawn from the lateral
thereby minimizing trauma to the nerve. Intraforaminal orbital rim to the lateral corner of the mouth [8]. Due
approaches are not recommended for beginners since the to the development of the craniofacial skeleton, a bet-
basic approaches, when performed correctly, will provide ter surface landmark in older children is the intersec-
excellent anesthesia and eliminate any risk of major tion of a line drawn from the lateral orbital canthus to
complications. the nasal ala and another line passing sagittally through
• When determining the optimal technique for infraorbital the medial edge (limbus) of the iris [9]. The foramen
nerve block, the choice of an extraoral percutaneous route represents the initial point at which the infraorbital
or an intraoral route (see below) must be made. While nerve starts to branch into its peripheral divisions.
many practitioners advocate one technique over the other, • The branches of the infraorbital nerve include the inferior
either approach is appropriate, provided that the practitio- palpebral, external nasal, internal nasal, and superior
ner understands the benefits and limitations of the various labial branch (which has a medial and lateral division).
approaches: Only 40 % of the time do the nerves exit as separate
– The extraoral percutaneous approach is relatively sim- branches [10]; the other 60 % of the time, the nerves exit
ple, and a supervisor and surgical team can visualize as a network. Regardless, it is critical to remember that all
15 Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 231
the nerves travel in a lateral-to-medial direction toward • Many authors describe backing the needle off the bone at
the nasal ala. Successful nerve blockade is achieved when this point. This is unnecessary but can be done if desired
the local anesthesia spread matches these branching pat- to decrease the risk of nerve injury. After aspiration of the
terns. By understanding this principle, one can use visual- syringe, inject enough local anesthetic to ensure spread to
ization to determine when an adequate dose is achieved. the nasal ala rim, thereby covering all nerve branching
patterns. If local anesthetic tracks in any other direction,
the block may not be accurate, and the needle should be Needle Insertion Techniques: repositioned.
Infraorbital Nerve and Branches
Advanced Approaches
• Mark the skin with landmarks: the easiest landmark to • Advanced extraoral approaches include modifying the
identify in almost all ages is a point at the intersection of above technique and using a needle insertion point
a line passing through the orbit at the vertical level of the either at the infraorbital rim in the area of the infraor-
limbic sagittal line and a line drawn from the lateral edge bital notch itself or entry of the infraorbital foramen
of the orbit to the nasal ala rim. At this point, the infraor- directly. These superiorly based techniques are best
bital foramen may be palpated. performed in older children or adolescents undergoing
• Mark the foramen’s location, and place the index finger of awake surgery and allow the block to be performed rel-
the hand contralateral to the side to be blocked on the atively rapidly using small volumes of local anesthetic.
superior aspect of the eyelid of the side to be blocked This approach can be performed with a smaller volume
(e.g., left index finger on the child’s right eyelid). This of a more concentrated local anesthetic solution and
will enable the practitioner to hold the syringe like a pen- may work at volumes of 0.25–1 mL per side to achieve
cil and perform accurate needle placement. Injection with adequate anesthesia. By moving the needle to the area
the non-dominant hand requires practice but is worth the immediately below the foramen, the needle tip can be
effort to improve accuracy. placed directly under the fascia surrounding the infraor-
• With the free hand’s index finger, the patient’s eye can be bital nerve as it exits the foramen while using the max-
examined for abnormalities and to confirm that stage 2 illa as a backstop. When done accurately, local
anesthesia is not present. Following this, place the index anesthetic will be injected at the under-surface of the
finger below the orbit in the area of the infraorbital notch. foramen, providing consistent and reliable anesthesia.
Take care not to push the eye as this may cause a brady- An added benefit is that a gentle and quick injection can
cardiac response. gain a scared awake child’s confidence.
• Lowering the eyelid and placing the finger on the inferior • Entering the infraorbital foramen is another advanced
orbital rim can prevent local anesthetic from spreading in technique and is best performed if one remembers to
a superior direction, which is not necessary unless block- change the needle direction to nasal-temporal. The fora-
ade of the inferior palpebral branch is needed for surgery. men is located 7–8 mm below the orbital rim in adults
This will also help to prevent spread of local anesthetic to and older children. When entering from a percutaneous
the loose soft tissues of the eye, which may lead to bruis- nasal ala approach, a longer needle may be required.
ing and a black eye. Zide [11] suggests to place the needle in the center of an
• The needle is inserted in a temporal-to-nasal direction, imaginary triangle formed by the nasal labial fold, the
directly superior and lateral to the marked infraorbital nasal ala fold, and the foramen. Using this technique,
foramen. Entering a small distance away from this mark block success was 100 % in adults when 1 mL local
will help ensure needle contact with the bone in the area of anesthetic was placed directly in the foramen, and no
the foramen itself. The goal is to not enter the infraorbital cases of nerve injury were found. To date, no studies
foramen directly but to place the needle in proximity to the have been done in pediatric patients using this
infraorbital foramen when contact with the maxilla occurs. technique.
232 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui Landmarks and Surface Anatomy represents the level at which the greater palatine nerve
exits the foramen and can be located consistently at this
• Infraorbital foramen: intraorally, locate the subsulcal level. When palpating the medial bone edge, care must be
groove at the level of the canine or first premolar taken to recognize the correct structures. Moving the fin-
(Fig. 15.5). ger randomly posterior risks palpating the hook of the
• Mental foramen: the buccal mucosa of the first premolar hamulus rather than the true medial edge of the bone,
is identified (Fig. 15.6). which represents the level of the greater palatine foramen.
• Greater palatine foramen: in the intact palate, locate the Palpation of the hamulus will be too posterior, and injec-
greater palatine foramen medial and anterior to the first tion here will result in ineffective anesthesia. To correct
premolar in infants (Fig. 15.7) and second molar in ado- this, the finger should be moved toward the lateral edge of
lescents. The nerve runs anterior to the foramen on the the palate, and a depression or groove will be felt, repre-
floor of the hard palate. In a patient with cleft palate, senting the foramen. This is the exit for the nerve and vas-
locate the greater palatine foramen by palpating the cular pedicle that accompanies the nerve and supplies
medial edge of the cleft palate. The end of the hard palate blood supply to the palatal tissues.
Fig. 15.5 Surface anatomy and needle insertion for intraoral infraor- Fig. 15.7 Surface anatomy and needle direction for greater palatine
bital nerve block nerve block
Fig. 15.6 Surface anatomy and needle direction for intraoral mental
nerve block
15 Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 235 Needle Insertion Technique both the practitioner and surgeon to have a full view of
needle placement and prevent injury to the vascular
• Intraoral infraorbital nerve: evert the upper lip and, using pedicle.
a ≥45° angle, insert a 23G–27G needle into the buccal – After locating the greater palatine foramen, the injec-
mucosa in the subsulcal groove (Fig. 15.5). A longer nee- tion is performed in a cross-mouth technique, which
dle is needed to reach the level of the foramen. External will allow everyone involved in the operation to view
palpation at the foramen will help to prevent the needle needle insertion and local anesthetic spread.
from entering the globe of the eye. – Use of epinephrine as an adjunct is critical so that the
– Lateral needle placement or local anesthetic spread blanching of mucosa can help determine optimum
risks partial blockade. Placing local anesthetic too far local anesthetic spread.
laterally on the maxilla may result in blockade of the – Performing the injection at the beginning of surgery
middle or anterior superior alveolar nerves; in this allows local anesthetic spread to be followed without
case, only dental – not surgical – anesthesia may be any confusion from the surgical injection, which is
achieved. typically performed for palate hemostasis and dissec-
– Inaccurate needle direction may make location of the tion of soft tissues. Ideally, the injection is performed
foramen difficult since the needle is traveling in a sag- in a gentle, single-shot technique without hunting for
ittal or nasal-to-temporal direction from the buccal the foramen directly.
sulcus. – Ideally, the needle will contact the bone of the palate
• Mental nerve: Evert the lower lip and insert a 25G–27G in a periforaminal location. Typically, 0.5–1 mL local
needle into the buccal mucosa between the canine and the anesthesia is injected. Spread in the hard palate only
first premolar (Fig. 15.6). indicates successful injection; if the soft palate tissues
• Greater palatine nerve: for patients with an intact palate, begin to dissect, then the needle may be too far poste-
insert a 25G–27G needle into the mucosa anterior to the rior and may need to be repositioned slightly
greater palatine foramen (Fig. 15.7). For cleft palate anterior.
repairs, several separate blocks will be needed since the – After the greater palatine nerve is surrounded by local
greater palatine nerve is only one of the nerves that anesthetic, the needle is inserted in a posterior direc-
innervate the cleft palate. The nasopalatine nerve, which tion about 3–5 mm posterior from the original injec-
is a terminal branch of the maxillary nerve, innervates tion position. The soft tissues that make up the soft
the anterior or primary palate and the front four teeth palate pedicle are expanded by an additional 0.5–1 mL
and will need to be blocked separately. The soft palate, of local anesthetic. The lesser palatine foramen is too
which is supplied by the lesser palatine nerve and a difficult to locate clinically since it is very lateral on
plexus of nerves that arise from the glossopharyngeal the palate and extremely small (Fig. 15.8). Since a
plexus in the oral cavity, also requires a separate plexus of nerves innervates the soft palate, spreading
injection. the local anesthetic through the soft palate tissues will
– When blocking these nerves, it is critical that the ensure posterior spread to reach the lesser palatine
mouth be opened as widely as possible with the assis- foramen. Medial spread will help anesthetize the glos-
tance of some type of mouth retractor such as a sopharyngeal components and help to ensure complete
Dingman retractor. Having a wide open view allows palate anesthesia.
236 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui
• The last nerve to block for palate anesthesia is the naso- to inject on both anterior surfaces of the palate to per-
palatine nerve (Fig. 15.8). It exits the nasopalatine fora- form so-called partial palatal injections, which will
men, which is located under the nasopalatine papilla in the anesthetize the anterior palate.
front of the hard palate. The foramen is the entrance to a – In some palate repairs, the vomer will also be used for
canal that travels in the direction of the tooth roots at a 45° the repair; additional local anesthesia should be placed
angle. here to ensure complete anesthesia of the surgical
– A 25G–27G needle may be placed in this foramen; area.
however, it is not uncommon to encounter difficulty
entering the foramen, and some force may be required
upon injection to ensure local anesthetic spread Local Anesthetic Application
through the foramen. After aspiration, the appropriate local anesthetic dose (e.g.,
– If the cleft palate extends through the foramen, any 1–2 mL of 0.5–1 % lidocaine, or 0.5–1 mL of 0.125–0.25 %
injected local anesthesia will drip into the nasal vault bupivacaine, or 0.2 % ropivacaine with epinephrine
and will not be effective. In this situation, it is possible 1:200,000) is slowly injected after aspiration.
Fig. 15.8 Surface anatomy and needle direction for nasopalatine nerve
15 Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 237
15.2.3 Deep Trigeminal Nerve Blocks formed by a lateral approach to enter the sphenopalatine
fissure. This can be achieved by approaching either
Deep trigeminal nerve blocks are not commonly performed above or below the zygomatic arch. Novice practitio-
in the pediatric population; however, it is worth discussing ners should exercise caution with this block since
the suprazygomatic maxillary nerve block, which has accurate needle placement requires insertion 3–4 cm
recently become popular for cleft palate repairs. These deep into the skull base in a blind fashion. The recom-
blocks have not been commonly performed, even in the adult mended insertion point is at the junction of the supe-
population, most likely because of the deep insertion required rior zygoma and posterior orbit. The needle is inserted
to perform accurate nerve blockade and the potential perpendicularly to contact the greater wing of the
for harm. sphenoid at a depth of 2 cm. After bony contact, the
needle is redirected 9° inferior and 20° anterior in the
• Deep trigeminal blocks are required when the superficial direction of the plane of the philtrum and is advanced
block of the infraorbital nerve does not produce adequate 3–4 cm further to enter the pterygopalatine fossa
anesthesia or when complete maxillary or mandibular (Fig. 15.9). A dose of 0.15 mL/kg is recommended
anesthesia is required. after negative aspiration. The block is then repeated on
• Maxillary nerve block (often but not completely accu- the opposite side for complete maxillary nerve
rately referred to as sphenopalatine block) can be per- anesthesia.
1 2
3 4
Fig. 15.9 Surface anatomy and needle direction for maxillary nerve block. (1) The needle is inserted perpendicularly to contact sphenoid; (2) the
needle is redirected 9° inferior and then (3) 20° anterior; (4) the needle/syringe can hold its own position once the needle has entered the pterygo-
palatine fossa
238 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui
The mandibular nerve can be blocked at the point where it should be advanced no further than the depth of the ptery-
leaves the cranium through the foramen ovale. The block can goid plate. While no pediatric studies exist to recommend
be done with an intraoral or extraoral approach through the accurate dosing, 1–3 mL of local anesthetic should
intercondylar mandibular notch. achieve adequate anesthesia since the needle is close to
the foramen ovale and skull base.
• When using an extraoral approach, place the needle
through the notch in a perpendicular fashion, and contact Due to the depth of these blocks (see Figs. 15.10 and
the pterygoid plate. Measure the depth and move the nee- 15.11), they should be performed by practitioners with
dle posterior to walk off the pterygoid plate. The needle related and adequate experience.
Fig. 15.10 VHVS and MRI images capturing the maxillary nerve during its course through the infraorbital groove and canal. This will be the
location of a maxillary nerve block
Fig. 15.11 VHVS and MRI of the mandibular nerve showing its position posterior to the maxillary nerve yet remaining medial to lateral ptery-
goid plate
15 Trigeminal Nerve Blocks 239
It has been reported that failure to achieve full anesthesia Greater Palatine Nerve Block (Provided by S. Suresh)
using traditional blocks of the trigeminal nerve is in the
region of 22 % [15]. In pediatric patients, one reason for this A 5-month-old female infant, 6.5 kg in weight, with a
may be that landmarks used to perform superficial trigeminal past medical history of cleft lip and cleft palate and
nerve blocks (particularly infraorbital) are absent or difficult mother with cleft lip, presented for cleft palate surgery.
to palpate in the neonate. Facial foramina can be localized Hemoglobin was measured at 9.8 g%. No preadmis-
accurately and reliably using ultrasound [1, 16], and this may sion medications were given. A greater palatine nerve
provide an opportunity to improve success in these blocks. block was administered; briefly, the mouth gag was
Tsui [1] described an ultrasound approach to locate the placed by the surgeon, after which the greater palatine
supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental foramina (see above). foramen was identified in the hard palate (this usually
Identification of each foramen can be achieved using a high- corresponds to the second molar in an older patient
resolution, short-footprint linear transducer; a disruption in with dentition), and 0.5 mL 0.25 % bupivacaine was
the continuity of the bone will appear as scanning proceeds injected with a 27G needle into the area anterior to the
in a medial-to-lateral direction at the level of the foramina greater palatine foramen bilaterally (cf. Fig. 15.7).
(Fig. 15.3). Color Doppler will prove useful to locate the Duration of surgery was 2 h, 35 min; block duration
respective artery within the foramen. was 8–10 h. No ultrasound imaging considerations
The effectiveness of trigeminal nerve block has been dem- were necessary, and no additional opioid was needed
onstrated in various studies. Ahuja et al. [17] showed a sig- in recovery. Patient outcome was excellent and resulted
nificant improvement in pain score in the infraorbital block in early discharge from PACU.
group compared to normal saline infiltration in children
scheduled for cleft lip repair. A double-blinded, randomized
study also demonstrated a significant reduction in analgesia
requirement and pain score in children who had an infraor-
bital nerve block compared to the conventional peri-incisional References
infiltration by the surgeon [18]. Recently, Mesnil et al. [19]
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240 G. Merritt and B.C.H. Tsui
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2008;18:909–11. Paediatr Dent. 2010;20:43–9.
14. Suresh S, Wagner AM. Scalp excisions: getting “ahead” of pain. 21. Sola C, Raux O, Savath L, Macq C, Capdevila X, Dadure
Pediatr Dermatol. 2001;18:74–6. C. Ultrasound guidance characteristics and efficiency of suprazy-
15. Pascal J, Charier D, Perret D, Navez M, Auboyer C, Molliex gomatic maxillary nerve blocks in infants: a descriptive prospective
S. Peripheral blocks of trigeminal nerve for facial soft-tissue sur- study. Pediatr Anesth. 2012;22:841–6.
gery: learning from failures. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2005;22:480–2.
16. Hannan L, Reader A, Nist R, Beck M, Meyers WJ. The use of ultra-
sound for guiding needle placement for inferior alveolar nerve
blocks. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
Suggested Reading
17. Ahuja S, Datta A, Krishna A, Bhattacharya A. Infra-orbital nerve Belvis D, Voronov P, Suresh S. Head and neck blocks in children. Tech
block for relief of postoperative pain following cleft lip surgery in Reg Anesth Pain Manag. 2007;11(4):208–14.
infants. Anaesthesia. 1994;49:441–4. Dalens B. Blocks of the head, neck, and face. In: Dalens B, editor.
18. Prabhu KP, Wig J, Grewal S. Bilateral infraorbital nerve block is Regional anesthesia in infants, children, and adolescents.
superior to peri-incisional infiltration for analgesia after repair of Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1995. p. 398–401.
cleft lip. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 1999;33:83–7. Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
19. Mesnil M, Dadure C, Captier G, Raux O, Rochette A, Canaud N, Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
Sauter M, Capdevila X. A new approach for peri-operative analge- 2013. p. 835–79.
sia of cleft palate repair in infants: the bilateral suprazygomatic Suresh S, Voronov P. Head and neck blocks in infants, children, adoles-
maxillary nerve block. Pediatr Anesth. 2010;20:343–9. cents. Pediatr Anesth. 2012;22:81–7.
Cervical Plexus Blocks
Ban C.H. Tsui
16.1 Indications for Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
16.1.1 Indications for Superficial Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
16.1.2 Indications for Combined Superficial and Deep Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
16.2 Classic (Deep) Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
16.2.1 Patient Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
16.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
16.2.3 Needle Insertion Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
16.2.4 Nerve Localization and Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
16.2.5 Current Literature for Deep Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
16.3 Ultrasound-Guided Superficial Cervical Plexus Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
16.3.1 Patient Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
16.3.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
16.3.3 Scanning Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
16.3.4 Sonographic Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
16.3.5 Needle Insertion Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
16.3.6 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
16.3.7 Current Literature for Superficial Cervical Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
16.4 Great Auricular Nerve Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
16.4.1 Patient Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
16.4.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
16.4.3 Needle Insertion Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
16.4.4 Nerve Localization and Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
16.4.5 Current Literature for Great Auricular Nerve Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
16.5 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
16.1 Indications for Cervical Plexus Block 16.2 Classic (Deep) Cervical Plexus Block
16.1.1 Indications for Superficial Cervical This block is not commonly used in young children. In addi-
Plexus Block tion to the depth of the block, it also has the potential for
inadvertent phrenic nerve blockade, especially in young chil-
dren, which may compromise their respiratory function. For
• Carotid endarterectomy (with a deep cervical plexus this reason, bilateral deep cervical plexus block is considered
block or infiltration) contraindicated. Furthermore, the proximity of the deep cer-
• Surgical excision of lesions in the neck or “cape region” vical plexus to the vertebral and carotid arteries increases the
of the shoulder risks of inadvertent vascular puncture and systemic absorp-
• Surgical fixation of fractured clavicle tion of local anesthetic (Fig. 16.1). A risk of spinal anesthe-
• To facilitate tunneling of interscalene brachial plexus sia is also present; therefore, high volumes of local anesthetic
catheters and as an adjunct to this block for total shoulder and high injection pressure should be avoided.
C1 spinal n.
C5 Transverse
C7 spinal n.
• Landmarks include the posterior edge of the sternocleido- • Three injections using a 22G–24G needle at the level of
mastoid muscle, the caudal portion of the mastoid process C2–C4 perpendicular to the horizontal plane and advanced
(see Clinical Pearls), the angle of the jaw, and the trans- slightly caudally and posteriorly (it is very important to
verse processes of cervical vertebrae C2–C5. avoid inadvertent intrathecal or epidural injection into the
• If no transverse processes can be palpated, the transverse vertebral artery). The needle will typically contact the
process of C6 can be located at the level of the cricoid posterior tubercle of the transverse process (Fig. 16.1),
cartilage. A line is drawn from the mastoid process along upon which, the needle is withdrawn slightly, and the
the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the transverse process local anesthetic is injected after negative aspiration.
Fig. 16.2 Patient positioning and surface landmarks for a deep cervi-
cal plexus block. SCM sternocleidomastoid muscle
244 B.C.H. Tsui
16.2.4 Nerve Localization and Local the groove between the longus capitis and scalenus
Anesthetic Application medius.
– After confirming contact with the transverse process, the
• A nerve stimulator attached to an insulated needle can be needle is withdrawn slightly and a syringe is connected.
used to localize the mixed spinal nerves. Correct position – The dose of local anesthetic should be considered
of the needle tip is confirmed when current intensity of carefully, especially when multiple injections are per-
0.5 mA elicits a local neck muscle response [1]. formed. A dilute solution (0.5–1.0 % lidocaine [maxi-
• Concurrent use of ultrasound guidance is recom- mum dose 7 mg/kg] or 0.125–0.25 % bupivacaine
mended to improve safety and efficacy of this block. [maximum dose 2 mg/kg]) with epinephrine (1:200,000
The ultrasound image with corresponding MRI and or 1:400,000) to detect inadvertent intravenous injec-
VHVS images is shown in Figs. 16.3 and 16.4, where tion should be used. Generally, 1–3 mL of the solution
a selective deep cervical plexus block is performed in is used at each injection site.
Fig. 16.3 VHVS and MRI images of the deep cervical plexus
Clinical Pearls are possible if the needle is advanced too far medi-
• At birth, the mastoid process only represents a small ally into the vertebral foramen. This is more likely in
portion of the temporal bone. The mastoid width and the cervical region because of the longer dural
depth increases rapidly up to the age of 7 years with sleeves that accompany these nerve branches.
no apparent gender dimorphism. The maximum size Careful monitoring of the patient should continue for
is apparent between years 11 and 19. This should be 60 min after the block has been performed.
considered when palpating the attachment of the ster- • Phrenic nerve palsy leading to hemidiaphragmatic
nocleidomastoid muscle as a landmark for these paresis is a common occurrence with this block; there-
blocks. fore, care must be taken in young children. Bilateral
• The deep block may be performed by single injection blocks are not recommended. Minimizing the volume
at C3 or C4 as originally described by Winnie or by a of local anesthetic may limit blockade of the phrenic
standard three-injection technique. nerve.
• There are several life-threatening complications that • Other well-described side effects include Horner’s
may arise from deep cervical plexus block. A cau- syndrome (if the superior cervical or cervicothoracic
dally directed needle is imperative; otherwise, injec- ganglion is blocked), stellate ganglion block, and
tion into the vertebral artery (Fig. 16.5) may occur, hoarseness due to recurrent laryngeal nerve block.
potentially leading to convulsions, unconsciousness, • The authors did not recommend performing the deep
and blindness. Subarachnoid or epidural injections cervical plexus block unless it is strongly indicated.
Fig. 16.5 Ultrasound image highlighting the close proximity of the vertebral artery to the deep cervical plexus
246 B.C.H. Tsui
16.2.5 Current Literature for Deep Cervical between the sternocleidomastoid and levator of the scap-
Plexus Block ula muscles; after which, the needle was advanced to a
position between the levator of the scapula and cervical
Zeidan described a nerve stimulator-guided deep cervical transverse process, where another injection of 15 mL ropi-
plexus block for carotid endarterectomy [1]. The transverse vacaine 0.75 % was done. All blocks were successful with
process is identified 1 cm posterior to the posterior border of no need for supplementary analgesics in the 24 h post-
the sternocleidomastoid. With a block needle connected to a block period. Obviously, this dosage is too high for the
nerve stimulator, the needle is inserted perpendicular to the pediatric population.
skin, aiming slightly caudal at C2 level to elicit neck muscle There have been reports of successful cervical plexus
contraction at a current intensity of 0.5 mA. Excellent results blocks to provide surgical anesthesia for lymph node biopsy
were reported with this technique; however, there was no and excision of thyroid nodules in adolescents using a single
description of the specific type of muscle response elicited to injection at the level of C3 [3]. When reviewing the literature
confirm correct placement of the needle versus direct muscle describing ultrasound imaging techniques of deep cervical
contraction from the stimulating needle itself. Data on pedi- block in adults, the two most useful sonographic landmarks
atric patients are lacking. appear to be the groove between the longus capitis and sca-
A recent case series by Perisanidis et al. [2] assessed lenus medius [4] and the sulcus between the anterior and
combined deep and intermediate cervical plexus block for posterior tubercles of the transverse processes and posterior
oral and maxillofacial surgery in adults. Under ultrasound to the vertebral artery [5, 6].
guidance, the authors injected 15 mL ropivacaine 0.75 %
16 Cervical Plexus Blocks 247
16.3 Ultrasound-Guided Superficial nerve, and the supraclavicular nerve (Fig. 16.6). These are all
Cervical Plexus Block branches from the anterior primary rami of the C1–C4 nerve
roots. Superficial cervical plexus block provides anesthesia
This block aims to anesthetize the four branches of the super- to the ipsilateral occipital region, some of the ear, the ante-
ficial cervical plexus, namely, the lesser occipital nerve, the rior and posterior triangles of the neck, and the upper back,
great auricular nerve, the anterior or transverse cervical shoulder, and upper pectoral regions.
Lesser occipital n.
auricular n.
Supraclavicular n.
cervical n.
• The patient may be supine with the head turned 45° to the
opposite side or lateral decubitus with the side to be
blocked uppermost. Alternatively, the patient may be
more comfortable with the head of the bed raised to 30°
with the head turned or semilateral.
16.3.3 Scanning Technique • The target for injection is the fascial plane between the
superficial cervical fascia on the deep surface of the ster-
• A linear (6–15 MHz) transducer is placed in a transverse nocleidomastoid muscle and the deep cervical fascia on
location at the midpoint of the posterior border of the ster- the superficial surface of the anterior and middle scalene
nocleidomastoid muscle. muscles (Figs. 16.8, 16.9, and 16.10).
• The required depth is usually 2–4 cm for adolescents. • The interscalene brachial plexus lies deep to the deep cer-
• Identify the fascial plane between the superficial cervical vical fascia at this point.
fascia, which invests the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and • The phrenic nerve can be difficult to visualize and lies
the deep cervical fascia, which invests the scalene mus- deep cervical fascia on the surface of the anterior scalene
cles, deep cervical muscles, and the phrenic nerve. muscle.
• The carotid sheath containing the carotid artery, internal
jugular vein, and vagus nerve may also be visible deeper
16.3.4 Sonographic Appearance in the image.
Cervical fascia
Common Pretracheal layer
carotid artery Superficial layer
Prevertebral layer
Internal jugular vein
Carotid sheath
Sternocleidomastoid m.
Vagus n.
C6 vertebra Scalene muscles
Sympathetic trunk
Brachial plexus
Levator scapulae m.
Superficial and
deep layers of
nuchal fascia
Fig. 16.9 VHVS and MRI images of the superficial cervical plexus
16.3.5 Needle Insertion Technique (Fig. 16.11) the needle, especially the tip, due to the superficial nature
of the block and the flat angle of the needle.
• An injection of 1 mL lidocaine at the block needle • A “pop” may be felt as the needle penetrates the superfi-
insertion site will aid patient comfort when performed cial cervical fascia.
awake. • The tip of the needle should be just below and 0.5 cm
• Use a 2–3 cm, 22–27G bevel-tipped nerve block needle. medial to the middle of the posterior border of the sterno-
• An in-plane (IP) approach from lateral to medial should cleidomastoid muscle and deep to the superficial cervical
allow continuous visualization of the complete length of fascia during local anesthetic injection.
• Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior Blocking the great auricular nerve can provide postoperative
to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and analgesia facilitating early discharge or omitting the need for
confirm needle tip localization. hospital admissions. This is a superficial block, and ultra-
• 0.1–0.2 mL/kg of local anesthetic (e.g., 0.25 % bupiva- sound is not usually indicated. However, risks such as intra-
caine) should provide adequate spread. vascular injection, hematoma, and injecting too far into the
• Correct needle position will separate the sternocleido- deep cervical plexus or vascular structures should be
mastoid and scalene muscles as well as ensure spreading recognized.
of local anesthetic superiorly and inferiorly.
• After some space has been created by hydrodissection, Indications This is a branch of the superficial cervical
the needle can be advanced slightly medially to enhance plexus (Fig. 16.6) providing sensory innervations to the
the local anesthetic spread. pinna and the postauricular region. Common indications of
• If intramuscular injection into the sternocleidomastoid or great auricular nerve block include:
scalene muscles occurs, the needle will need to be reposi-
tioned into the correct plane. • Tympanomastoid surgery
• Cochlear implant
• Craniotomies
16.3.7 Current Literature for Superficial • Otoplasty (with lesser occipital nerve)
Cervical Block
Less common indications:
There is a paucity of evidence on the use of superficial cervi-
cal plexus blocks in children. Brownlow et al. [6] reported • Brachial cleft cyst excision
the use of a superficial cervical plexus block combined with • Thyroidectomy
mild sedation in a child with an anterior mediastinal mass • Parathyroidectomy
who successfully underwent a diagnostic cervical node • Clavicular fracture reduction
biopsy. • Thyroplasty
16.4.2 Landmarks and Surface external jugular vein may cross the neck at the point in
Anatomy (Fig. 16.12) which the cervical plexus wraps around the belly of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. Landmarks include the cri-
• The cricoid cartilage (C6) is identified, and a line is drawn coid cartilage (level of C6), the posterior border of the
from it to the posterior border of the sternal head of ster- sternocleidomastoid muscle, and in some children, the
nocleidomastoid muscle (Fig. 16.6). In some patients, the external jugular vein.
Fig. 16.12 Patient positioning and surface landmarks for great auricu-
lar nerve blocks. SCM sternocleidomastoid muscle
254 B.C.H. Tsui
• Using an acute angle to facilitate a superficial subcutane- 1. Zeidan A, Hayek F. Correspondence: nerve stimulator-guided cervi-
cal plexus block for carotid endarterectomy. Anesthesia. 2007;62:
ous insertion, a 27G needle is advanced cephalad along
the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. 2. Perisanidis C, Saranteas T, Kostopanagiotou G. Ultrasound-guided
combined intermediate and deep cervical plexus nerve block for
regional anesthesia in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2013;42:29945724.
16.4.4 Nerve Localization and Local 3. Tobias JD. Cervical plexus block in adolescents. J Clin Anesth.
Anesthetic Application 1999;11:606–8.
4. Soeding P, Eizenberg N. Review article: anatomical considerations
• After negative aspiration, local anesthetic (e.g., 2–3 mL for ultrasound guidance for regional anesthesia of the neck and
upper limb. Can J Anesth. 2009;56:518–33.
of 0.25 % bupivacaine with 1:200,000 of epinephrine) is
5. Sandeman DJ, Griffiths MJ, Lennox AF. Ultrasound guided deep
injected in incremental doses to form a small subcutane- cervical plexus block. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2006;34:240–4.
ous wheal. 6. Brownlow RC, Berman J, Brown Jr RE. Superficial cervical block
for cervical node biopsy in a child with a large mediastinal mass. J
Ark Med Soc. 1994;90:378–9.
7. Suresh S, Barcelona SL, Young NM, et al. Postoperative pain relief
16.4.5 Current Literature for Great Auricular in children undergoing tympanomastoid surgery: is a regional block
Nerve Block better than opioids? Anesth Analg. 2002;94:859–62.
8. Suresh S, Barcelona SL, Young NM, et al. Does a preemptive block
of the great auricular nerve improve postoperative analgesia in chil-
Two randomized, double-blinded studies have demonstrated
dren undergoing tympanomastoid surgery? Anesth Analg. 2004;98:
that the great auricular nerve block provides the same degree 330–3.
of pain relief as intravenous morphine with lower incidence
of vomiting [7, 8]. However, the use of this block as a pre-
emptive analgesic measure did not show any benefit in terms
of quality or duration of postoperative analgesia in children Suggested Reading
undergoing tympanomastoid surgery [8].
Belvis D, Voronov P, Suresh S. Head and neck blocks in children. Tech
Reg Anesth Pain Manag. 2007;11(4):208–14.
Clinical Pearls Dalens B. Blocks of nerves supplying the head and neck. In: Dalens B,
editor. Pediatric regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC; 1990.
• Care should be taken to avoid intravascular injec- p. 465–8.
tion and deep cervical nerve block. Dalens B. Blocks of the head, face, and neck. In: Dalens B, editor.
Regional anesthesia in infants, children, and adolescents.
• There is also a potential for phrenic nerve blockade.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1995. p. 440–5.
Suresh S, Voronov P. Head and neck blocks in infants, children,
adolescents. Pediatr Anesth. 2012;22(1):81–7.
17.1 Indications 256
17.2 Block Techniques 256
17.2.1 Patient Positioning 256
17.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy 258
17.2.3 Needle Insertion Technique 258
17.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application 259
17.3 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 259
17.4 Case Study 259
References 259
Suggested Reading 259
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Anesthetizing the greater occipital nerve provides analgesia The greater occipital nerve lies medial to the occipital artery
for: which forms a reference point [1] for both ultrasound guid-
ance (not shown here) and the landmark technique when per-
• Occipital craniotomy forming these blocks (Figs. 17.1 and 17.2). Since the nerve
• Shunt revision can be relatively easily located medially to the palpable
• Diagnosis and treatment of occipital neuralgia and cervi- occipital artery along the superior nuchal line, a simple land-
cogenic headaches. mark approach with careful and frequent aspiration between
injections is often sufficient. However, an ultrasound-guided
Combined lesser occipital and great auricular nerve approach has been described [2].
blocks are indicated for postoperative analgesia for:
nuchal line
Greater occipital n.
Lesser occipital n.
Great auricular n.
(posterior branch)
Fig. 17.2 VHVS and MRI images capturing the expected location of the greater occipital nerve
258 B.C.H. Tsui
• Greater occipital nerve: The nerve is typically located lat- • A short, fine intradermal needle (e.g., 2–3 cm, 25G–27G)
eral (1–2 cm) and inferior (1–2 cm) to the external occipi- is introduced with a slight cranial angulation at each mark
tal protuberance. In adults, it is found one-third of the to the depth of the skull itself. Generally, the greater
distance from the external occipital protuberance to the occipital nerve is the primary target, but if more anterior
mastoid process [1], which will typically locate the lateral anesthesia of the scalp is required, the lesser occipital
border of the insertion of the erector muscles of the neck. nerve branches are also blocked by advancing the needle
Alternatively, the nerve can be located directly medial to subcutaneously from this point in an anterior direction
the easily palpated occipital artery. toward the mastoid process.
• Lesser occipital nerve: This nerve is located lateral to the
greater occipital nerve (approximately 2.5 cm in adoles-
cent patients), along the inferior nuchal line.
Fig. 17.4 Surface anatomy and needle insertion for greater occipital
nerve block
Fig. 17.3 Surface landmarks for greater and lesser occipital nerve
blocks. SCM sternocleidomastoid muscle
Fig. 17.5 Surface anatomy and needle direction for lesser occipital
nerve block
17 Occipital Nerve Blocks 259
• After slight withdrawal after bone contact, local anes- Occipital Nerve Block (Provided by A. Sawardekar)
thetic is injected (e.g., 0.5–1 mL of 0.5–1 % lidocaine for A previously healthy 34-month-old boy, 16 kg in weight,
diagnostic procedures or 2–3 mL of 0.125–0.25 % bupi- presented to the emergency room with new onset of
vacaine with epinephrine 1:400,000 for therapeutic pro- headache and blurred vision. A CT scan and MRI of the
cedures) after aspiration. brain revealed a posterior fossa tumor. A posterior fossa
• A fanlike injection can be used, with gentle massage of craniotomy and tumor resection (glioma) was sched-
the area to allow adequate spread of local anesthetic. uled. A bilateral occipital nerve block was administered
• For lesser occipital nerve anesthesia, a band of anesthetic using a landmark approach with 22G needle and 3 mL
solution can be deposited along the line between skin 0.25 % bupivacaine injected into each side. Duration of
entry and the mastoid process using 2–3 mL of local the surgery was 280 min, and block duration was 12 h.
anesthetic. No additional analgesics were needed. The patient
received two additional doses of oral acetaminophen
during the 24-h period following surgery.
Clinical Pearl
Complications with this technique are rare. Care must
be taken not to advance the needle anteriorly under the
skull, as the foramen magnum might be entered unin-
tentionally with a long needle. Local hematoma may 1. Becser N, Bovim G, Sjaastad O. Extracranial nerves in the posterior
be produced with superficial injection, but this is only part of the head. Anatomic variations and their possible clinical sig-
a temporary problem. nificance. Spine. 1998;23:1435–41.
2. Greher M, Moriggl B, Curatolo M, et al. Sonographic visualization
and ultrasound-guided blockade of the greater occipital nerve: a
comparison of two selective techniques confirmed by anatomical
dissection. Br J Anaesth. 2010;104:637–42.
18.1 Indications 262
18.2 Block Technique 262
18.2.1 Patient Positioning 262
18.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy 262
18.2.3 Needle Insertion Technique 263
18.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application 263
18.3 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 263
18.4 Case Study 264
Reference 264
Suggested Reading 264
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Blockade of the nerve of Arnold can be used in children • Supine with the head turned to the contralateral side.
undergoing myringotomy and tube placement, tympanos-
tomy, and paper patch myringoplasty.
Since the nerve can be easy to block at the tragus of the ear • The tragus of the ear is identified and pulled forward.
and the injection is superficial in nature, a simple landmark-
based approach is commonly used and is described here.
Fig. 18.1 VHVS and MRI images of the expected location of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve (nerve of Arnold)
Fig. 18.3 Surface anatomy and needle direction for nerve of Arnold
264 B.C.H. Tsui
19.1 Indications 268
19.2 Surface Anatomy 268
19.2.1 Patient Positioning 268
19.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique 269
19.3.1 Needle Insertion 270
19.3.2 Current Application and Appropriate Responses 271
19.3.3 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses 272
19.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 273
19.4.1 Preparing the Site 275
19.4.2 Scanning Technique 275
19.4.3 Sonographic Appearance 277
19.4.4 Needle Insertion 278
19.5 Local Anesthetic Application 279
19.5.1 Clinical Pearls: Interscalene Block 279
19.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 279
19.7 Case Study 280
References 281
Suggested Reading 281
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
The interscalene approach to brachial plexus blockade tar- 19.2.1 Patient Positioning
gets the roots and proximal trunks of the plexus between the
anterior and middle scalene muscles at the level of the sixth The patient lies supine with the head rotated approximately
cervical vertebra (C6) (see Figs. 10.1 and 10.2) and provides 45° to the nonoperative side after general anesthesia has
anesthesia to the upper arm including the shoulder. While the been induced. Surface landmarks include:
interscalene approach may fail to anesthetize the distal roots
of the plexus, it consistently anesthetizes the axillary and • Clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle:
musculocutaneous nerves, which are frequently missed – The lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
when performing an axillary block. marks the location of the anterior scalene muscle. This
portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle can be
Indications accentuated by asking the child to reach in the direc-
tion of the ipsilateral knee before induction of general
• Shoulder and humerus surgery
• Interscalene groove:
– The groove is located between the anterior and middle
scalene muscles approximately 1 cm above the separa-
tion of the sternal and clavicular heads of the sterno-
cleidomastoid muscle. The anterior scalene muscle
lies immediately behind the lateral border of the cla-
vicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the
level of the cricoid cartilage (C6). The groove is made
more pronounced by asking older children to raise the
head or take a deep breath while awake.
• Chassaignac’s tubercle:
– The anterior tubercle on the C6 vertebra is located at
the intersection of the interscalene groove with the
transverse plane of the cricoid cartilage. This landmark
is more applicable in adolescents (whose vertebrae are
better developed).
Fig. 19.1 Patient positioning and surface landmarks for interscalene
brachial plexus block When using the interscalene approach, the point of needle
insertion is at the level of C6 within the interscalene groove.
For the parascalene approach, a line is drawn between the
midpoint of the clavicle and the transverse process of C6.
The needle insertion site is two-thirds of the way down this
line, near the external jugular vein.
19 Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block 269
Table 19.1 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use during nerve stimulation at the interscalene level
Correct response to nerve stimulation
Twitches elicited from the upper and middle trunks (pectoralis, deltoid, biceps brachii muscles) and middle and lower trunks (triceps,
forearm or hand muscles) with current intensity of at least 0.4 mA (0.1–0.3 ms) verify stimulation of the brachial plexus
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitch from electrical stimulation
Neck (anterior scalene or sternocleidomastoid)
Explanation: needle usually anteromedial to plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a 10–20° more posterior angle
Diaphragm (phrenic nerve)
Explanation: needle plane is too anterior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a 15° more posterior angle
Scapula (thoracodorsal nerve to serratus anterior muscle)
Explanation: needle tip is too posterior and deep to brachial plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a more anterior plane
Trapezius (accessory nerve)
Explanation: needle tip too posterior to plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a more anterior plane
Bone contact
Needle stops a depth of 1–2 cm (transverse process of cervical vertebrae or first rib), without twitches
Explanation: needle shaft angle is too posterior and touching anterior tubercles
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a 15° more anterior angle
Vascular puncture
Most commonly carotid artery puncture; seen as arterial blood aspiration
Explanation: needle angle and tip anterior to plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely for pressure treatment and reinsert tip 1–2 cm posterior
Alternative explanation: vertebral artery puncture. Especially a risk in OOP technique or when there is difficulty with needle tip
visualization in either plane
Needle adjustment: needle tip is too medial, must be withdrawn and reinserted laterally
270 B.C.H. Tsui
19.3.1 Needle Insertion angle relative to the skin surface and directed medially,
posteriorly, and caudally.
A flowchart illustrating the needle insertion site and proce- • In children, the compact arrangement of anatomical struc-
dures is shown in Fig. 19.2. tures within the neck may warrant a modified, angled needle
insertion (as compared to the perpendicular orientation
• A 22G–25G, 30–35 mm (depending on the age and size often used in adults) in order to prevent inadvertent puncture
of the child), short-beveled needle is inserted at an acute of the vertebral artery or epidural/subarachnoid space [1].
Arterial Blood
Transverse Process Contacted
Anterior Scalene
Sternocleidomastoid Diaphragm Serratus Anterior Trapezius
(Direct Stimulation) (Phrenic n.) (Thoracodorsal n.) (Accessory n.)
Needle is anterior-medial Needle plane is anterior Needle plane is posterior Needle is posterior to
to plexus to plexus and plexus plexus
Reinsert and angle Reinsert and angle Reinsert in a more Reinsert and angle
slightly posteriorly slightly posteriorly anterior plane slightly anteriorly
Fig. 19.4 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during interscalene block
19 Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block 273
Ultrasound Technique
Brachial Plexus Block
Fig. 19.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures in the brachial plexus. (b) Ultrasound image of the brachial plexus at the intersca-
lene groove
Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an • The probe is positioned in a coronal oblique plane at the
antiseptic solution. midpoint to medial aspect of the upper border of the
Prepare the ultrasound probe surface by applying a sterile clavicle.
adhesive dressing to it prior to needling as discussed in Chap. 4. • The pulsating subclavian artery becomes visible. (The
probe may have to be moved laterally while maintaining
contact with the clavicle.) Doppler ultrasound can greatly
19.4.2 Scanning Technique assist with identification of this structure.
• The probe is adjusted to place the subclavian artery in the
A high-frequency (10–5 MHz) hockey stick or linear trans- center of the image. The brachial plexus (trunks/divi-
ducer (13–6 MHz) is recommended to delineate the complex sions) can be seen in short axis as a tightly enclosed clus-
arrangements of the superficial structures in this region. ter (i.e., a honeycomb-like arrangement), superior and
lateral to the subclavian artery.
• The use of color Doppler ultrasound can be of great assis- • The image can be optimized by tilting the probe anteri-
tance to confirm the location of the carotid artery and orly or posteriorly.
internal jugular vein (for the cricoid cartilage approach) • The scanning angle is maintained as the plexus is traced
or the subclavian artery (for the traceback approach). in a cephalad direction along the interscalene groove to
the level of the cricoid cartilage (C6) to reveal a trans-
Two scanning techniques for interscalene brachial plexus verse view of the neural structures located deep to the
imaging are described below: sternocleidomastoid muscle between the anterior and
middle scalene muscles. Cricoid Cartilage Approach
19.4.3 Sonographic Appearance posterolaterally, the middle and posterior scalene mus-
cles appear as a single mass.
• At the level of the cricoid cartilage and deep to the sterno- – In a sagittal oblique section, brachial plexus roots
cleidomastoid muscle: and/or trunks are visualized most commonly as three
– The common carotid artery is the pulsatile structure (this number varies depending on the scan level) round
which appears circular while the internal jugular vein, or oval-shaped hypoechoic structures, sometimes with
superior and lateral to the artery, appears flatter in internal punctate echoes.
shape and is easily compressible; both are anechoic – Scanning proximally and distally to capture a view of
structures. the most distal structures (C8/T1 roots or lower trunk)
– The nerve/plexus structures are located posterolateral is useful since it will improve the chance of providing
to the vessels. blockade of the entire plexus.
• At the interscalene groove in the short-axis view – If the ultrasound field of view is large:
(Fig. 19.6): • The hypoechoic C6 transverse process may be seen
– If using a traceback approach, the cluster or “honey- with an acoustic shadow effect beyond the level of
comb” image will become multiple distinct round or the common carotid artery and directly medial to
oval hypoechoic structures as the probe is traced the middle scalene muscle (if visible at this high
cephalad. position in the neck).
– The sternocleidomastoid muscle is triangular and • The vertebral artery and vein may be seen deep to
superficial overlying the internal jugular vein and com- the plexus and anterior to the C6 transverse process.
mon carotid artery. The structures are clearly discern- Occasionally, the vertebral vessels may only be
ible; the anechoic vessels appear dark and the artery seen at the C7 level, as they are located inside the
appears pulsatile. transverse process at and above C6.
– Lateral to the vessels and posterior to the sternocleido-
mastoid muscle lies the anterior scalene muscle. More
278 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 19.8 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided intersca- Fig. 19.9 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided
lene block. Blue rectangle indicates ultrasound probe footprint interscalene block. Blue rectangle indicates ultrasound probe footprint
19 Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block 279
20.1 Indications 284
20.2 Surface Anatomy 284
20.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique 285
20.3.1 Needle Insertion 286
20.3.2 Current Application and Appropriate Responses 287
20.3.3 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses 288
20.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 288
20.4.1 Scanning Technique 290
20.4.2 Sonographic Appearance 291
20.4.3 Needle Insertion 292
20.5 Local Anesthetic Application 292
20.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 293
20.7 Case Study 294
References 295
Suggested Reading 295
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
The supraclavicular approach to brachial plexus blockade The patient is positioned supine with the head turned approx-
targets the trunks and/or divisions of the brachial plexus imately 45° to the contralateral side after general anesthesia
where they lay cephaloposterior to the subclavian artery has been induced. The operative arm extends down the
above the mid-clavicle and first rib (see Figs. 10.1 and 10.2). patient’s side, parallel to the body. If necessary, the arm can
be pulled down gently towards the knee. A comfortable ergo-
Indications nomic position should be planned to improve block perfor-
• Hand, forearm, and elbow surgery mance. The block may be completed while positioned lateral
to the side to be blocked at the level of the upper arm or at the
head of the table looking towards the patient’s feet. Surface
landmarks include:
20.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique pneumothorax and vascular puncture during supraclavicu-
(Tables 14.1 and 20.1) lar blockade, the authors strongly recommend an
ultrasound-guided approach. See “Ultrasound-Guided
Nerve stimulation responses can be useful to minimize the Technique” below for a description of anatomical land-
risk of intraneural injection and to confirm proximity of mark identification, patient positioning, and needle inser-
the needle to the target trunk. Because of the high risk of tion technique.
Table 20.1 Responses and needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation at the supraclavicular level
Correct response to nerve stimulation
The correct responses are similar to those observed when using the interscalene approach. At this location, the brachial plexus is starting to
divide from trunks into anterior and posterior divisions. Twitches of pectoralis, deltoid, biceps (upper trunk), triceps (upper/middle trunk),
forearm (upper/middle trunk), and hand (lower trunk) muscles with current intensity of 0.4 mA (0.1–0.3 ms) are acceptable. Distal responses
(hand or wrist flexion or extension) are best to confirm needle placement within the fascia
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitch from electrical stimulation
Diaphragm (phrenic nerve)
Explanation: unlikely as the needle plane is too anterior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to the subcutaneous tissue and reinsert in a 15° more posterior angle
Vascular puncture
Subclavian artery puncture: indicated with arterial blood withdrawal
Explanation: needle tip is deep to the plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely for pressure treatment and reinsert carefully while observing the needle tip at all times using
in-plane approach
Bone contact
Needle stops at a depth of 3 cm (first rib)
Explanation: needle is inserted too deep and well beyond the plexus. However, this scenario is unlikely with ultrasound guidance, unless
tip of the needle is not visualized (needle not properly aligned with the ultrasound beam)
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert
Pleural contact
Needle tip seen beyond the white line (first rib) and a pocket is observed to form beyond the bright line
Explanation: needle is inserted too deep, traversed the plexus and subclavian artery, and has entered the pleural space. However, it is
unlikely with US-guided technique
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert if there is a strong clinical indication
286 B.C.H. Tsui
20.3.1 Needle Insertion weight, the depth of insertion increases 3 mm until the child
reaches 50 kg. After that, advance 1 mm for every 10 kg
Depth of insertion depends on age and weight of the patient. increase in weight. The maximum depth should not exceed
It is a nonlinear relationship, i.e., for a 10 kg child, the depth 35 mm (see Table 20.2).
of insertion is about 10 mm. For every 10 kg increase in
20.3.2 Current Application and Appropriate • As the trunks of the brachial plexus begin to divide at
Responses this block location, twitches of the pectoralis deltoid,
biceps (upper trunk), triceps (upper/middle trunk),
Figure 20.2 illustrates the procedure for employing nerve forearm (upper middle trunk), and hand (lower trunk)
stimulation techniques for supraclavicular nerve block. muscles may be elicited, depending on the needle
• An initial current of 0.8 mA (2 Hz, 0.1–0.3 ms) is suffi- • Obtaining a distal response in the hand or wrist indicates
cient for stimulation of the plexus. After obtaining the optimal needle placement for a successful block.
appropriate motor response, the current is reduced to aim • In children, the spread of anesthetic solution may be
for a threshold current of 0.4 mA (0.1–0.2 ms). Motor greater than for adults since the fascia is less adherent to
response cessation at currents greater than 0.4 mA or less the nerve trunks. This increases the likelihood of a suc-
than or equal to 0.2 mA indicates that the needle may cessful block with any motor response.
either be too distant from the nerve or may have breached
the epineurium, respectively.
Needle plane is
anterior to plexus
Position probe in
coronal oblique
Reinsert and angle
slightly posteriorly
Place probe in
lateral upper
Upper or middle trunks: Border of clavicle
• Pectoralis
• Deltoid
• Biceps brachii
Scan medially
Lower trunks: Rotate or tilt as
• Triceps necessary
• Forearm
• Hand
Identify subclavian
artery and center
Aspirate and Inject view
local anesthetic
Fig. 20.3 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to
Identify plexus
nerve stimulation during supraclavicular brachial plexus block
(“Cluster of
Fig. 20.5 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures in the brachial plexus at a supraclavicular section. (b) Ultrasound image of the
brachial plexus at the supraclavicular level
290 B.C.H. Tsui
20.4.1 Scanning Technique • Generally, the nerve structures are most visible when the
angle of incidence is 90° to the ultrasound beam.
The required depth of penetration is usually less than 1 cm • Failure to maintain either good skin-probe contact or a
for children and 1–2 cm for teenagers. 90° beam-to-nerve incidence angle can result in an anisot-
ropy effect and alter the appearance of the plexus (see
• The major challenge with ultrasound imaging in this Chap. 3).
region is the presence of a bony prominence (clavicle) • The probe is first placed in a coronal oblique plane at the
and curved soft tissue contour that can interfere with lateral end of the upper border of the clavicle. It is then
imaging of the brachial plexus in short-axis view. moved medially until an image of the subclavian artery
• Typically, a high-frequency hockey stick probe is used for appears on screen. The subclavian artery is characterized
small children. A curved array probe with a small foot- by its pulsatile property and can be confirmed with color
print is extremely useful in compact areas and for patients Doppler (Fig. 20.5b). Some dorsal and ventral rotation of
in whom the brachial plexus is at a greater depth (older the probe may be necessary to improve image clarity.
and/or obese children). The small footprint allows unre- This scanning technique is illustrated in Fig. 20.6.
strained needle movement around the probe, and the low • With the subclavian artery in the middle of the screen, the
to moderate frequency improves visualization of deeper plexus can be viewed superior and lateral to the artery
structures. above the first rib.
20.4.2 Sonographic Appearance • The fascicular linings/sheaths of the brachial plexus trunks
are hyperechoic, outlining the “grape-like” structures.
Figure 20.5b illustrates the sonographic anatomy of a young • The first rib lies deep to the artery and appears as a hyper-
child. Table 20.3 summarizes imaging considerations in the echoic linear structure with a hypoechoic bony shadow
pediatric population. underneath.
• The lung pleura appear as a hyperechoic line accompa-
• The subclavian artery is anechoic, hypodense, pulsatile, nied by a hyperechoic shadow due to air artifacts
and round; its identity can be confirmed by color Doppler. underneath.
• The trunks/divisions of the brachial plexus can be found • Inferomedial to the smaller subclavian artery is the
superior and lateral to the subclavian artery in the ultra- anechoic, oval-to-round subclavian vein; the anterior sca-
sound image plane. They appear as a cluster of at least lene muscle lies between the artery and vein.
three (more as the probe is traced distally) hypoechoic
structures similar to a “bunch of grapes.”
20.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- of general anesthesia for humeral osteotomy and pinning.
Guided Approaches This approach facilitated postoperative testing of the periph-
eral nerves prior to injection of local anesthetic (5 mL of
Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block has been described 0.25 % bupivacaine) for postoperative analgesia.
primarily in the adult literature, although there have been A unique case of bilateral supraclavicular block com-
several reports published in the pediatric literature. Using a bined with caudal anesthesia was described by Vermeylen
technique similar to the one described for adults, De Jose et al. [4]. In this case, a 2-year-old boy required amputation
Maria and colleagues randomized 80 children to receive of all four extremities following pneumococcal sepsis. After
supraclavicular or infraclavicular brachial plexus blocks administering the caudal block, ultrasound-guided supracla-
[1]. Supraclavicular blocks used a needle (short beveled, vicular blocks were performed on each side using 2.5 mL
22G–25G, 35–50 mm) aligned IP to a high-frequency probe ropivacaine (5 mg/mL) per side. The ability to visualize
placed in the coronal oblique plane once the brachial plexus spread of the local anesthetic allowed the authors to use a
trunks/divisions (forming a cluster of hypoechoic nodules) minimal dose, avoiding toxicity. Postoperative pain relief
were visualized lateral to the subclavian artery (hypoechoic was excellent.
and pulsatile) and close to the underlying first rib (hyper- Yang et al. [5] described a series of four cases in which
echoic and curvilinear). The authors directed the needle from pediatric patients received supraclavicular brachial plexus
lateral to medial in order to approach the plexus lateral to blocks for upper extremity surgery. In all cases, the block
the artery and prevent direct contact of the plexus. A lin- was successful and provided adequate anesthesia and analge-
ear probe with a 35 mm footprint was used, although other sia. Two of the patients received perineural catheters to man-
smaller footprint linear or curvilinear probes may be appro- age postoperative pain; no adverse events involving the
priate for some cases due to the reduced contact area and catheters were reported.
array characteristics [2]. Visualization of the needle tip and its relation to the
In the report described above, De Jose Maria et al. [1] plexus should reduce associated complications and increase
compared the success rate, complications, and block perfor- significantly the use of supraclavicular block. Indeed, the
mance times of the blocks in children scheduled for upper rapid onset of this block offers the most reliable blockade of
limb surgery. Light general anesthesia was provided to all the brachial plexus for analgesia and anesthesia of the entire
patients. In addition to the above outcomes, the block dura- upper extremity, to the degree that it is referred to as a “spi-
tion and volumes of ropivacaine 0.5 % used were recorded nal for the upper extremity” at our facility.
for the supraclavicular approach. Both block approaches
were effective (with failure defined as any amount of supple-
mental analgesia required during surgery or within the first Clinical Pearls: Supraclavicular Block
4 h after the block), and neither was associated with compli- • If anesthesia of the lower trunk is needed for hand
cations. Patients requiring supplemental analgesia intraop- surgery, it is advisable to inject local anesthetic
eratively had block failure of the radial (one with immediately next to the inferior portion of the nerve
infraclavicular block) and ulnar (two from both groups) cluster, close to the first rib.
nerves. Two patients receiving infraclavicular block had • Some experts recommend deferring this block until
accidental puncture of their axillary artery. The supraclavic- the operator reaches reasonable competency in
ular block was faster to perform (9 versus 13 min; 95 % con- other ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. In practice,
fidence interval for this difference was 2–6 min and was we often find it easier to perform a low interscalene
statistically significant). The sensory and motor blocks using block instead of a true supraclavicular block, with a
the supraclavicular approach lasted 6.5 and 5 h, respectively. similar clinical result.
Approximately 6 mL of ropivacaine was used. • The risk of pneumothorax may be reduced by
Steinfeldt et al. [3] described a case where a supraclavicu- avoiding overinflation of the lung or by temporarily
lar brachial plexus AngiocathTM (BD Medical, Sandy, UT, reducing positive pressure ventilation if the patient
USA) was inserted under ultrasound guidance. This proce- is intubated.
dure was performed in a 7-year-old child prior to emergence
294 B.C.H. Tsui
21.1 Indications 300
21.2 Surface Anatomy 300
21.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique 301
21.3.1 Needle Insertion 301
21.3.2 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses 303
21.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 304
21.4.1 Preparing the Site 306
21.4.2 Scanning Technique 306
21.4.3 Sonographic Appearance 306
21.4.4 Needle Insertion 307
21.5 Local Anesthetic Application 308
21.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 308
21.7 Case Study 309
References 310
Suggested Reading 310
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Infraclavicular nerve blocks target the cords of the brachial Preferably, the patient is positioned supine with a pillow
plexus where they surround the axillary artery (see Fig. under the shoulder. The arm is adducted and the elbow flexed
10.1). These blocks are suitable for upper arm, elbow, fore- at 90° with the hand resting on the abdomen. If the patient is
arm, and hand surgery. Blocks in awake or mildly sedated awake, the arm may rest at the patient’s side if this will avoid
children have been described, although the practice of under- discomfort. Surface landmarks include:
taking this block once the child is anesthetized is more
common. • Cephalad
– Clavicle
Indications • Medially
• Surgery of the upper arm including the proximal humerus, – Sternal notch and sternoclavicular joint
elbow, forearm, and hand. – Medial end of the clavicle
• Laterally
– Anterior aspect of the acromion: palpate the clavicle
and move laterally to the acromioclavicular joint. The
acromion can be differentiated from the humerus
through passive movement of the arm.
– Coracoid process: medial and inferior to the acromio-
clavicular joint, which can be palpated just medial to
the head of the humerus.
21.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique subcutaneous tissue and reinsert. See Table 21.1 for
(Table 14.1) responses and recommended needle adjustments when
using nerve stimulation for infraclavicular block.
21.3.1 Needle Insertion (Figs. 21.2 and 21.3) • Blood aspiration indicates axillary artery/vein puncture.
If this occurs, carefully reinsert the needle after complete
• Clean the skin with antiseptic solution, and drape the withdrawal.
patient to ensure sterility. • An initial current of 0.8 mA (frequency 2 Hz, pulse width
• Infiltrate the skin with local anesthetic (e.g., 0.5 mL of 0.1 msec) is sufficient for stimulation of the plexus. The
1 % lidocaine). current is then reduced to aim for a threshold current of
• The point of needle insertion depends on the age of the 0.4 mA while maintaining the appropriate motor response.
patient, but is approximately 0.5–1 cm inferior to the cor- • A distal motor response of hand or wrist flexion or exten-
acoid process. sion is ideal.
• Insert a 30–50 mm, 21–24G insulated needle in a vertical • Ultrasound guidance will help reduce the incidence of
direction while applying nerve stimulation. both bone contact and vessel puncture.
• If the needle encounters a bone (rib), the needle has been
placed too deep to the plexus. Withdraw the needle to the
Nerve stimulation
Brachial plexus block
Brachial plexus block
Infraclavicular approach
Infraclavicular technique
Table 21.1 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use during nerve stimulation at the infraclavicular location
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Distal responses (hand or wrist flexion or extension) are best for surgery of the elbow and below
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Pectoralis (adduction of arm)
Explanation: needle tip is too shallow
Needle adjustment: advance needle deeper
Deltoid (axillary nerve stimulation)
Explanation: needle tip is too inferior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert slightly more superiorly
Biceps (musculocutaneous nerve)
Explanation: needle tip is too superior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert slightly more inferiorly
Vascular puncture
Cephalic vein (seen as blood withdrawal when needle appears to be placed superficially)
Explanation: cephalic vein is superficial to the plexus and the subclavian artery and vein
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle and redirect carefully while observing the needle tip at all times using in-plane approach
Subclavian or axillary artery/vein puncture (seen as blood aspiration)a
Explanation: artery and vein are next to the plexus
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely for pressure treatment and reinsert carefully while observing the needle tip at all times
using in-plane approach; if the blood is venous, the needle tip is likely too caudal
Bone contact
Needle stops at rib
Explanation: needle is inserted too deep and has passed the plexus and subclavian artery. However, it is unlikely with ultrasound-guided
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert
Pleural – more risk with medial locations of needle insertion
Needle observed to pass beyond the white line (rib), with a pocket forming
Explanation: needle is inserted too deep, has passed the plexus and subclavian artery, and is entering into the pleural space. However, it
is unlikely with US-guided technique
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and reinsert
Subclavian vessels when needle insertion is at a more medial location; axillary vessels when block is performed at a more lateral location
21 Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block 303
Needle is still
Needle is inferior to Needle is superior
Needle is too deep superficial to
plexus to plexus
Distal responses:
• Hand or wrist flexion
or extension
Fig. 21.4 Flowchart of
modifications to inappropriate
responses to nerve stimulation Aspirate and inject
during infraclavicular brachial local anesthetic
plexus block
304 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 21.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures in the tion. (c) Ultrasound image of the brachial plexus at the infraclavicular
brachial plexus at an infraclavicular section. (b) Ultrasound image of level at a medial scanning location
the brachial plexus at the infraclavicular level at a lateral scanning loca-
306 B.C.H. Tsui
21.4.1 Preparing the Site • The coracoid process is the most cephalad structure and
appears hypoechoic with an associated hypoechoic bony
Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an shadow.
antiseptic solution. A sterile adhesive dressing should be • The pectoralis major and minor muscles are separated by
applied to the ultrasound probe prior to needling. a hyperechoic lining, which is the perimysium.
• The pectoralis minor muscle is superficial to the axillary
neurovascular bundle. Within this bundle the large axil-
21.4.2 Scanning Technique (Fig. 21.5) lary vein lies medial and caudad to the artery and the
cords of the plexus surround the artery (lateral cord ceph-
A small footprint linear array transducer (7–13 MHz fre- alad, posterior cord deep, and medial cord caudad).
quency) will provide good visualization in young children. A • The lateral and posterior cords of the plexus are often
curved array transducer (7–4 MHz frequency) will provide a readily visualized as hyperechoic oval structures.
wider field of view and improved definition to allow better • The medial cord may not be readily identified because it
imaging of the neurovascular structures in older or larger lies between the axillary artery and vein and can some-
children when the plexus is found at a depth >4 cm. times be posterior or even slightly cephalad to the axillary
The required depth of penetration is usually within artery.
2–3 cm at a lateral location inferior to the coracoid process. • The pleura will appear as a hypoechoic cavity outlined by
This can be shallower or deeper depending on the size of the a sloping hyperechoic line and is often located in very
pectoralis muscle layers. close proximity to the neurovascular structures.
Below and slightly medial to the coracoid process, posi- • The deep aspect of the image may show an underlying rib
tion the probe in a parasagittal plane, and move the probe (2nd or 3rd).
medially and laterally to capture the best possible short axis
view of the nerve structures and axillary vessels. The artery In the parasagittal plane at a more medial location – the
is often the first identifiable structure. midpoint of the line between anterior acromion and jugular
When the neurovascular structures are poorly visualized, notch (Fig. 21.6c):
the probe can be directed medially towards the midpoint of
the clavicle. At this level, the cords can be found posterolat- • The cords of the plexus are seen as round hypoechoic
eral to the subclavian artery. It is important to identify the nodules, lying cephalad and lateral to the subclavian
pleural cavity and maintain it within view throughout the artery.
procedure especially with a more medial block approach. • The subclavian vein lies anteromedial, and the cephalic
As vascular puncture and pneumothorax are the most vein lies superficial to subclavian artery. The veins may
likely complications of this block, it is advisable to use color be hard to visualize or may appear irregularly shaped and
Doppler to identify the axillary artery and vein and the less hypoechoic than the artery.
cephalic vein, particularly if the neural structure is in doubt. • The pleural cavity is found inferior and posterior to the
hyperechoic first rib. The pleural cavity may appear
hyperechoic due to an air artifact.
21.4.3 Sonographic Appearance • Because the plexus and vessels are superficial and imme-
diately anterior to the pleura, it is important to maintain a
In the parasagittal plane at the lateral coracoid infraclavicu- good view of the pleura and needle tip throughout the
lar region (immediately medial and inferior to the coracoid procedure.
process), using a linear probe (Fig. 21.6b):
21 Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block 307
21.4.4 Needle Insertion posterior cord. Local anesthetic infiltration at this point
will often create a U-shaped spread around the axillary
• A 30–50 mm, 21G–24G insulated needle should be used artery. However, pulling the needle tip back and complet-
if performing nerve stimulation. Both in-plane (IP) and ing a second injection anterior to the axillary artery will
out-of-plane (OOP) approaches are appropriate for usually ensure a good distribution of local anesthetic sur-
ultrasound-guided infraclavicular block. If a more medial rounding all three cords.
block location is used, an IP technique is preferable. This • For an OOP approach (Fig. 21.8), insert the needle at the
will allow the needle tip to be tracked continually to help midpoint of the probe, angling it from medial to lateral.
avoid pleural puncture. Conversely, OOP needling has a The distance from the probe that the needle is inserted
reduced needle path length which may reduce the discom- will depend on the insertion angle of the needle and the
fort if the block is being performed on a conscious child. distance from the probe to the target structure. We recom-
• When using an IP approach (Fig. 21.7), introduce the mend using a 45° angle of insertion so that the insertion
block needle cephalad to the probe and advance it cau- point of the needle will be the same distance from the
dally at approximately a 45–60° angle to the skin. At the probe as the depth of the plexus, forming a right-angled
lateral block location, after passing through the pectoral triangle with the plexus, probe, and needle insertion point.
muscles, the needle will first contact the lateral cord. It is Additionally, the use of an incremental needling tech-
best to advance the needle deeper so that it is posterior to nique, such as the “walk down” approach, will enable
the axillary artery and therefore able to contact the careful tracking of the needle tip position.
21.5 Local Anesthetic Application in any of the patients. There was no difference in the VAS
30 min after the block or during surgery.
We recommend using nerve stimulation for confirmation De Jose Maria et al. [3] recently compared the efficacy
prior to local anesthetic injection. Injecting an initial test of ultrasound-guided infraclavicular and supraclavicular
dose of D5W is recommended prior to local anesthetic appli- blocks. For the infraclavicular block, these authors placed
cation to visualize the spread and confirm nerve localization. the probe below the clavicle, either parallel to the clavicle
For an infraclavicular block, 0.5 mL/kg of 0.2–0.5 % rop- or using a slightly parasagittal plane, depending on the vis-
ivacaine or 0.25–0.5 % bupivacaine can be used, although in ibility of the plexus. A medium frequency probe (thus
very small children, the concentration may need to be allowing greater visualization of deeper structures) was
adjusted to obtain an adequate volume to achieve the block used in some of the older children in order to improve the
(minimum of 5 mL). visibility of the pleura and vessels. In contrast to Marhofer
A hypoechoic fluid collection is often observed, accentu- et al. [1], the needle was placed immediately cephalad to
ating the imaging of adjacent nerve structures. the probe and the probe was held in a transverse orienta-
Local anesthetic deposited posterior to the axillary artery tion, therefore effectively using an OOP approach. Both
with cephalad and caudad spreading seems to result in con- groups used a fairly steep angle of needle insertion. The
sistent surgical anesthesia in the hand when performing the needle was redirected when necessary to ensure the cords
block in the lateral position. If local anesthetic does not sur- were adequately surrounded by local anesthetic solution,
round all the cords, stop halfway through and reposition the and the spread of local anesthetic was monitored during
needle prior to applying the remaining injectate. If a circum- performance of the block.
ferential spread is not achieved despite repositioning, con- It is important to note that there is a great deal of indi-
sider pulling the needle tip back and completing a second vidual anatomical variation in the location of the cords
injection anterior to the axillary artery as described above. around the artery. At this location, the nerve structures appear
hyperechoic, rather than hypoechoic as seen in a more ceph-
alad position, probably due to an increase in the number of
21.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- fascicles and amount of hyperechoic connective tissue. The
Guided Approaches cervical pleura is situated closest to the brachial plexus cords
at medial locations within the infraclavicular fossa; thus,
Marhofer et al. [1] described their use of ultrasound-guided when performing an infraclavicular block on children, a more
lateral infraclavicular block for surgical anesthesia in chil- lateral puncture site is recommended. Ultrasound imaging
dren. The patients were placed supine with their arm offers visualization of the related anatomy and the approach-
adducted, elbow flexed, and forearm placed on their abdo- ing needle. This is particularly useful in children to help avoid
men. A linear probe was placed transversely below the clav- multiple punctures and because some anatomical landmarks
icle to capture an image of the brachial plexus. The authors (i.e., the coracoid process) are underdeveloped, making land-
reported successful visualization of the plexus in all 40 mark-based techniques difficult in children. Similar to the
patients studied. The needle was inserted OOP, 1 cm from supraclavicular approach, an IP needle alignment may pro-
the inferior aspect of the probe, and directed slightly crani- vide superior outcomes with this block, since viewing the
ally towards the lateral border of the plexus. Local anesthetic needle tip and shaft at all times will help to ensure that the
spread was viewed surrounding the plexus. Compared to the vessels and cervical pleura are not punctured.
conventional nerve stimulation technique, the authors found The advantages of continuous infusions using an infracla-
ultrasound to be superior in terms of (1) visual analogue vicular approach over an axillary or supraclavicular approach
scores (VAS) during block performance, (2) sensory onset in children and adults have been described in the literature.
times (mean onset times were 9 versus 15 min), (3) longer Advantages cited include the ease of placing, stabilizing, and
duration of sensory block (384 versus 310 min), and (4) bet- securing a catheter that passes through major and minor pec-
ter sensory and motor block scores 10 min after block inser- toralis muscles [4, 5].
tion in patients that were assessed. Ultrasound guidance also Loland et al. [6] reported the successful use of brachial
improves success rates for infraclavicular block in pediatric plexus perineural infusion when caring for pediatric patients
patients, as demonstrated in a recent clinical trial comparing following near-amputation of the dominant hand. An
two groups of patients receiving either an ultrasound-guided ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus catheter
block or a nerve stimulation-guided block [2]. was installed in the recovery room after reconstructive sur-
The faster onset and longer duration of the blocks has gery, and a continuous infusion of 0.2 % ropivacaine was
been attributed to ultrasound aiding in more accurate deposi- maintained for 24 days. The authors concluded that in pedi-
tion of the local anesthetic to the brachial plexus. At 30 min, atric upper extremity limb salvage, perineural local anes-
all blocks, whether placed by ultrasound or nerve stimula- thetic infusion prolonged the benefits of brachial plexus
tion, were successful, and general anesthesia was not required blockade further into the postoperative period.
21 Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block 309
22.1 Indications ....................................................................................................................................... 312
22.2 Surface Anatomy............................................................................................................................. 312
22.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique ......................................................................................................... 312
22.3.1 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses .......................................................................... 314
22.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique....................................................................................................... 315
22.4.1 Preparing the Site ................................................................................................................ 315
22.4.2 Scanning Technique ............................................................................................................ 317
22.4.3 Sonographic Appearance .................................................................................................... 317
22.4.4 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 318
22.5 Local Anesthetic Application ......................................................................................................... 319
22.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches .............................................................. 319
22.7 Case Study ....................................................................................................................................... 320
References ................................................................................................................................................... 320
Suggested Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 320
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 22.1 Patient positioning and surface landmarks for axillary block
of the brachial plexus
22 Axillary Block of the Brachial Plexus 313
Strongly recommend
Concurrent use of nerve
Stimulation and
ultrasound guidance Use 0.8 mA at 2 Hz initially
approach Needle too deep Distal motor response of
hand is ideal
Wrist flexion or extension
Advance Through is acceptable
artery Reinsert needle
Angled inferiorly
or slightly
Aspirate and inject
2/3 of the local Aspirate and inject
anesthetic local anesthetic
Withdraw until Fig. 22.3 Flowchart of the procedure for employing nerve stimulation
anterior to artery techniques for axillary brachial plexus block
Maintain pressure
for hemostasis
Fig. 22.2 Flowchart of procedures and needle insertion site for axil-
lary brachial plexus block
314 B.C.H. Tsui
Table 22.1 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for 22.3.1 Modifications to Inappropriate
nerve stimulation-guided axillary brachial plexus block Responses
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Hand twitch with approximately 0.4 mA (median, radial or ulnar See Fig. 22.4
For a higher success rate, multiple injections at each nerve are
Median nerve (C5–C8, T1; flexion of middle, index fingers, Common responses to nerve
and thumb and pronation and flexion of wrist), ulnar nerve Stimulation during axillary
(C7–8,T1; flexion of ring and little fingers and ulnar deviation block
of wrist), radial nerve (C5–8, T1; extension of fingers and
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Upper arm (local twitches from biceps or triceps) Biceps Triceps
(local stimulation) (local stimulation)
Explanation: needle angle is too superior or inferior
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and redirect
Vascular puncture
Needle is superior Needle is inferior to
Axillary artery with arterial blood in tubing to desired plane desired plane
Explanation: needle in lumen of axillary artery
Needle adjustment: inject 2/3 of the local anesthetic posterior
to the artery and 1/3 anterior to the artery
Axillary venous blood in tubing
Reinsert inferiorly Reinsert superiorly
Explanation: needle in lumen of axillary vein
Needle adjustment: redirect slightly more laterally or superiorly
Paresthesia without motor response
Needle has contacted brachial plexus
Explanation: stimulator, needle, or electrode malfunctioning Inject at each nerve for
Needle adjustment: none if typical distribution of paresthesia higher success rate
(inject); reinsert if atypical
Bone contact Median nerve (CS-8, T1)
Humerus (2–3 cm deep) •Flexion- middle, index
Explanation: needle has advanced beyond plexus, too deep fingers, thumb and wrist
Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and • Pronation-wrist
reinsert with an angle 20–30° more superior or inferior Ulnar nerve (C7 -8, T1)
•Flexion- ring, little
•Ulnar deviation -wrist
Radial nerve (CS-8, T1)
•Extension- fingers,
Fig. 22.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures in the brachial plexus at the axilla. (b) Ultrasound image of the brachial plexus at
the axilla
22 Axillary Block of the Brachial Plexus 317
• The patient is positioned with the arm abducted at 80–90°, • In a transverse cross section, using a high-frequency,
externally rotated and flexed at the elbow. small footprint (“hockey stick”) probe (Fig. 22.6b), cora-
• High-frequency (10–15 MHz) linear probes are generally cobrachialis muscles are seen on the right superior aspect.
recommended for imaging as the nerves are found super- The deeper teres major muscle is seen inferior to the neu-
ficially (1–2 cm) below the skin. rovascular bundle.
• Small footprint probes are most useful for young or small • The anechoic and circular axillary artery lies in the mid-
children. dle and is adjacent to both the biceps and coracobrachialis
• The probe is positioned in a transverse plane perpendicu- muscles.
lar to the axis of the humerus at the level of the bicipital • The compressible anechoic axillary vein (two may be
sulcus and over the location of the palpable axillary artery. present) lies superficial (although there are many vari-
This should offer a transverse or short-axis view of the ants) between the median and ulnar nerves.
neurovascular bundle (Fig. 22.6b). • The axillary artery runs deep to the vein and is surrounded
• An initial scan should identify the axillary artery and by the nerves.
vein. Subsequent adjustments should be made to view all • The nerves appear round to oval in short axis with a
the terminal nerves. honeycomb-like appearance of hypoechoic neutral struc-
• Distal scanning along the course of each nerve is sug- tures surrounded by hyperechoic connective tissue (epi-
gested to accurately identify each terminal nerve: neurium) rims.
– The radial nerve starts its course posterior to the axil- • The median nerve is often located superior to the artery,
lary artery and travels deeper to the posterior aspect of lying between the artery and biceps brachii muscle.
the humerus towards the radial groove of the humerus • The ulnar nerve is usually located inferior and superficial
(adjacent to the deltoid tuberosity). to the artery.
– The median nerve lies superior (lateral in the image) to • The radial nerve lies deep/posterior to the artery at the
the axillary artery in the axilla. The nerve, while mov- midline.
ing to the medial aspect, follows closely the axillary/ • Clockwise around the axillary artery, the nerves are
brachial artery towards the cubital fossa. arranged median, ulnar, and radial, but there are many
– The ulnar nerve lies medial and inferior (superficial variations.
and medial in the image) to the axillary artery in the • The musculocutaneous nerve is commonly located in the
axilla and travels medially in the arm to reach the ulnar hyperechoic plane between the biceps and coracobrachia-
nerve sulcus behind the medial epicondyle of the lis muscles (see above) and varies significantly in its
humerus. appearance: proximally, it may appear round-oval, and
• Color Doppler should be used to confirm the location of distally, it may be triangular. Occasionally, it may also
the artery and is able to distinguish the artery from small appear flat.
nerves that appear to be pulsating on ultrasound.
• The most proximal location at the apex of the axilla may
be the best for viewing all the terminal branches of the
brachial plexus.
318 B.C.H. Tsui
22.4.4 Needle Insertion direction (Fig. 22.8). The block needle is initially
directed posteriorly and deep to the median nerve and
While a single-injection technique has been shown to be suc- axillary artery to locate the radial nerve. We recom-
cessful in children (perhaps due to minimal septae within the mend the initial injection of local anesthetic at this
sheath), the use of ultrasound may improve success if injections location to minimize distortion of the image from the
are performed after the needle is directed towards each nerve. spread of hypoechoic local anesthetic solution. Next,
The technique used will depend on the state of the patient (level retract the needle and inject local anesthetic around the
of sedation and comfort) and visibility of the nerves. median nerve, followed by injection around the ulnar
nerve which is most superficial. It is important to note
• Use a 30–50 mm, 22–24G insulated needle if using nerve that the relative location of the nerves can be variable.
stimulation. • For intercostobrachial and medial cutaneous nerve blocks,
• Both in-plane (IP) and out-of-plane (OOP) needle subcutaneous injections should be performed on the
approaches can be used for axillary block. medial surface of the upper arm all the way from the
• An OOP approach is similar to the traditional blind proce- biceps brachii to the triceps brachii muscles.
dure with the needle distal and perpendicular to the probe • For musculocutaneous nerve blocks, often the best
placed in transverse axis to the nerves (Fig. 22.7). Place results will be from infraclavicular blockade; however,
the needle 1 cm from the probe at a 30–45° angle from the the nerve may also be blocked in a separate injection
skin and align the needle insertion site with the neurovas- during the axillary approach, either above the artery
cular bundle target. into the body of the coracobrachialis (with elbow flex-
• The IP approach involves inserting the needle at an ion as nerve stimulation response) or at a mid-humeral
acute angle (20–30°) to the skin in a superior-to-inferior location.
Fig. 22.7 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided axil- Fig. 22.8 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided axillary
lary brachial plexus block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint brachial plexus block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
22 Axillary Block of the Brachial Plexus 319
22.5 Local Anesthetic Application nerves, in that order, with 3 mL mepivacaine 1 % and 2 mL
bupivacaine 0.18 % using a 24G SonoPlex NanoLine needle.
• Tracing the nerves distally or proximally along their General anesthesia was not given, and pain control was
known path may be adequate in some cases to identify the effective during and after surgery.
individual nerve branch (see “Scanning”). Nevertheless, it Boschin et al. [3] performed bilateral axillary brachial
is recommended to identify each nerve separately through plexus block in a 3-year-old who presented for surgery to
the use of electrical stimulation to improve block repair pseudosyndactyly of all fingers. Both hands were
performance. repaired during the same surgery, and the axillary blocks
• Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior were administered before each side was operated on. Blocks
to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and were performed under ultrasound guidance; a 24G needle
confirm nerve localization. was inserted using an in-plane approach, and 7.5 mL ropiva-
• The dose of local anesthetic is 0.2–0.3 mL/kg 0.25–0.5 % caine 0.25 % was injected in each side. There were no issues
bupivacaine, ropivacaine, or levobupivacaine. For the with pain control following surgery.
musculocutaneous nerve, inject 0.5–1 mL of local anes- A recent study by Elnour et al. [4] compared ultrasound-
thetic solution deep to the fascia. and nerve stimulation-guided axillary block in patients
• A proper injection is indicated by fluid spread completely undergoing forearm and hand surgery. They demonstrated
around the nerve structure and nerve movement away higher (but not significantly) block success, shorter block
from the needle tip. Improper injection (e.g., injection performance time, and increased block duration in the ultra-
outside the sheath) is indicated by a partial asymmetrical sound group.
fluid expansion not immediately adjacent to the nerve Three expert reviews have been recently published which
structure. describe axillary block as performed by the respective authors
• Nerve visualization often becomes more difficult after [5–7]. This block should be performed with a similar tech-
local anesthetic injection. nique to that used in adults, using IP needle alignment with a
high-frequency probe placed transversely to the humerus and
using multiple injections to surround all the terminal nerves
22.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- of the plexus. Multiple punctures may be necessary to anes-
Guided Approaches thetize all the relevant nerves for many surgical procedures
(i.e., brachial cutaneous, medial antebrachial, and possibly
In adults, while multiple-injection techniques seem to be musculocutaneous nerves will require separate blockade).
superior to those using single or double injections, the suc-
cess rate of axillary block using single-injection technique in
children seems to be similar to that of the multiple-injection
technique. Nevertheless, rates of success are still moderate at Clinical Pearls: Axillary Block
70–80 % [1], and to ensure adequate circumferential spread • Place a hockey stick probe or a linear small foot-
of local anesthetic around each of the individual nerves, mul- print probe in the axilla as proximal as possible.
tiple injections and needle redirections are commonly • The needle is directed from superior to inferior
required. Various strategies have been used to improve suc- using an in-plane approach.
cess rates (e.g., pressure applied distally and/or transarterial • The structures are superficial and can usually be
approaches to more effectively block the posterior cord), easily identified. The radial nerve is occasionally
although they appear to have limited benefits in children. challenging to locate.
Two case reports describe the use of axillary block for • Color Doppler can be used to recognize the vascu-
anesthesia for pseudosyndactyly repair in recessive dystro- lar structures.
phic epidermolysis bullosa patients. Englbrecht et al. [2] • Local anesthetic should be injected to surround
administered an ultrasound-guided axillary block by target- each of the terminal nerves.
ing each of the ulnar, median, radial, and musculocutaneous
320 B.C.H. Tsui
23.1 Median Nerve Block 322
23.1.1 Surface Anatomy 322
23.1.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique 323
23.1.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 323
23.1.4 Local Anesthetic Application 324
23.1.5 Case Study 325
23.2 Radial Nerve Block 326
23.2.1 Surface Anatomy 326
23.2.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique 327
23.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 327
23.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application 330
23.2.5 Case Study 330
23.3 Ulnar Nerve Block 330
23.3.1 Surface Anatomy 331
23.3.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique 332
23.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 332
23.3.4 Local Anesthetic Application 334
23.3.5 Case Study 334
23.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 334
Reference 334
Suggested Reading 334
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
23.1 Median Nerve Block • The median nerve supplies the thenar muscles, the lateral
two lumbricals, and all the muscles in the anterior com-
• The median nerve innervates muscles which produce partment of the forearm except the flexor carpi ulnaris and
flexion and opposition of the thumb, middle, and index the medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus, which
fingers, as well as pronation and flexion of the wrist. The are supplied by the ulnar nerve.
nerve carries fibers from all roots and trunks of the bra-
chial plexus.
• At the level of the axilla, the nerve initially lies superior to
the axillary artery and then descends along the medial 23.1.1 Surface Anatomy (Fig. 23.1)
aspect of the arm, lateral to the brachial artery (continua-
tion of the axillary artery). It then crosses the artery, usu- The patient is placed supine with the arm abducted slightly,
ally anteriorly, at the midpoint of the humerus at the the elbow flexed approximately 30°, and the forearm resting
insertion of the coracobrachialis muscle. on an arm board. Surface landmarks include:
• The nerve crosses the elbow, lying medially on the bra-
chialis muscle and just medial to the brachial artery and • Medial
vein (all of these medial to the biceps brachii tendon). The – Medial epicondyle of the humerus
cross-sectional view at the antecubital fossa seen in Fig. • Lateral
10.8 illustrates its relationship to the artery, vein, and – Brachial artery pulse: immediately medial to the biceps
adjacent musculature. brachii tendon.
• Passing deep to the bicipital aponeurosis and median – Biceps brachii tendon: lateral to the brachial artery and
cubital vein, the nerve divides between the two heads of median nerve, it may be best palpated with slight
the pronator teres muscle, giving off the anterior interos- elbow flexion.
seous nerve, which supplies the flexor pollicis longus and
pronator quadratus muscles and the lateral half of the
flexor digitorum profundus muscle.
• Distal to the antecubital fossa, cutaneous sensory branches
emerge and supply the palm, the palmar aspects of the
first three digits, and the lateral half of the fourth digit
(there may be some variation in overlap of cutaneous
innervation from the ulnar nerve of the medial one and a
half digits).
• At the most distal skin crease of the wrist, the median
nerve lies near the midline, passes deep to the flexor
retinaculum, and divides into medial and lateral
• Through its innervation of the lateral two lumbricals, it
mediates flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints and
extension of the interphalangeal joints of digits two and
Fig. 23.1 Surface anatomy and landmarks for median nerve block
23 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Upper Extremity 323
Fig. 23.2 (a) VHVS and MRI images at the antecubital fossa. (b) Ultrasound image of the median nerve at the antecubital fossa
324 B.C.H. Tsui
• The radial nerve innervates muscles which produce exten- The patient is placed supine with the arm abducted slightly,
sion (dorsiflexion) of the wrist and digits. The nerve car- the elbow flexed approximately 30°, and the forearm resting
ries fibers from the upper and middle trunks, the posterior on an arm board. Surface landmarks include:
division, and the posterior cord of the brachial plexus and
emerges from the posterior aspect of the plexus. • Deltoid tuberosity: internal rotation of the arm accentu-
• The nerve’s origin lies posterior to the second and third ates the posterior deltoid region and enables the deltoid
parts of the axillary artery, and it descends within the muscle to be traced to its point of insertion on the tuberos-
axilla across the subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus ity. The spiral groove lies just distal to the tuberosity.
dorsi muscles (the nerve lies on the insertion of this latter • Lateral epicondyle of the humerus: palpate from proximal
muscle). to distal along the lateral aspect of the humerus toward the
• It then passes between the medial and lateral heads of the elbow, and feel the curvature of the lateral supracondylar
triceps brachii muscle and descends obliquely across the crest proximal to the epicondyle.
posterior aspect of the humerus along the spiral (radial) • Biceps brachii muscle: palpate the lateral border of the
groove at the level of the deltoid muscle insertion (Fig. distal muscle belly. The radial nerve lies deep and lateral
10.11). It travels posterior and medial to the deep brachial to this portion of the muscle.
artery of the arm at this location.
• The nerve reaches the lateral margin of the humerus above
the elbow before crossing over the lateral epicondyle and
entering the anterior compartment of the arm in a deep
groove between the brachialis and brachioradialis mus-
cles proximally and the extensor carpi radialis longus
muscle distally.
• In front of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, the nerve
divides and continues as the superficial radial (sensory)
and the deep posterior interosseous (motor) nerves.
• The radial nerve supplies the posterior compartments of
the arm and forearm, including the skin and subcutane-
ous tissues. It also supplies the skin on the posterior
aspect of the hand laterally near the base of the thumb
and the dorsal aspect of the index finger and the lateral
half of the ring finger up to the distal interphalangeal
Fig. 23.6 Surface anatomy and landmarks for radial nerve block
23 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Upper Extremity 327
23.2.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique the brachioradialis muscle. Locate the round radial nerve
before its division to deep and superficial branches. To
• The nerves are all superficially located at the elbow, and a confirm the nerve’s identity, it can be traced distally to
short needle (3–4 cm) with a short bevel should be used and past the elbow, where the branches appear as two
for all blocks. adjacent hyperechoic “bubbles.”
• Complete elbow extension should be avoided to reduce • Alternatively, the nerve can be traced proximally to where
the chance of elbow joint penetration. it descends obliquely across the posterior aspect of the
• The point of puncture is on a line joining the epicondyles, humerus along the spiral (radial) groove at the level of the
at the location between the biceps brachii tendon and the deltoid insertion. The nerve lies posteromedial to the deep
brachioradialis muscle. Insert the needle using a 30–60° brachial artery at the posterior humeral location. Color
angle horizontally, directed cephalad. Doppler can be valuable in localizing the nerve (Fig. 23.7).
• Needle contact to the humerus indicates that the needle is • It may be useful to first locate the nerve at the posterior
too deep, while deep insertion without bone contact indi- humeral location with subsequent tracing laterally and
cates that the needle has passed the anterior aspect of the anterior to the elbow location.
arm, lateral to the humerus, without contacting the nerve.
• Twitches will appear on the radial aspect of the operative
hand; extension (dorsiflexion) of the wrist and digits is the Sonographic Appearance
specific motor response. • The nerve lies sandwiched between the brachialis and
brachioradialis muscles, near the lateral curvature of the
rectangular-appearing humerus.
23.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique • Above the elbow, the nerve is usually oval-round, while at
its point of division, it becomes flattened, containing two Scanning Technique hypoechoic areas.
• High-frequency (10–15 MHz) probes should be used in • At the posterior humeral location, the deep brachial artery
children due to the short distance from the skin to the nerve. (of similar size to the nerve) lies anterolateral to the oval
• Place the probe in the axial plane at the lateral aspect of nerve; both appear to rest on the oval-shaped humerus
the distal upper arm (1–2 cm above the elbow joint at the (Fig. 23.7b).
level of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus), lateral • Note that most experts prefer to place the block at a more
to the biceps tendon, and medial to the upper aspect of distal location (i.e., antecubital) (Figs. 23.7c & d).
328 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 23.7 (a) VHVS and MRI images of the location of the radial nerve at the level of the humerus. (b) Ultrasound image of the location of the radial
nerve at the humerus. The dashed arrow indicates that the probe is moved distally from this position to the antecubital fossa. (c) VHVS and MRI images
of the location of the radial nerve at the level of the antecubital fossa. (d) Ultrasound image of the radial nerve at the block location (antecubital fossa)
23 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Upper Extremity 329 Needle Insertion (e.g., 1 cm) from the probe in order to view the needle tip
• An OOP technique for needle insertion is a good approach once the needle has reached the nerve.
due to the short distance to the nerve (Fig. 23.8). • For the IP approach, on the posterior aspect of the mid-
Alternatively, an IP technique (see below) using an upper arm, slide the probe caudally looking for the hyper-
anterior-to-posterior approach will provide constant visu- echoic nerve that will eventually run anteriorly along the
alization of the needle shaft and tip and may help avoid distal part of the humerus. Move the image of the nerve
puncture of the deep brachial artery which may be adja- to the most lateral edge of the screen during IP advance-
cent to the radial nerve. However, an IP technique may ment. The needle is inserted in plane with the ultrasound
cause more discomfort in an awake patient. transducer in a lateral-to-medial or medial-to-lateral
• For the OOP approach, position the nerve at the center of direction (Fig. 23.9). The needle shaft and tip should be
the ultrasound screen, and insert the needle in cross visualized in real time as it tracks toward the radial nerve.
section to the transversely placed probe in a cephalad Injecting local anesthetic anteriorly and posteriorly to the
direction. Place the needle initially at a small distance nerve may be required to completely surround the nerve.
Fig. 23.8 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided Fig. 23.9 In-plane needling approach for ultrasound-guided radial
radial nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
330 B.C.H. Tsui
• The radial nerve can be blocked using a 30–40 mm nee- • In the forearm, the ulnar nerve innervates muscles that
dle, insulated if using nerve stimulation, with 2–3 mL of produce flexion of the ring (fourth) and little (fifth) fingers
0.5 % ropivacaine. and ulnar deviation of the wrist. The ulnar nerve is the
• Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior continuation of the medial cord from the anterior division
to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and of the lower trunk of the brachial plexus.
confirm nerve localization. This may not be necessary • Initially, the nerve courses between the axillary artery and
using the IP technique with good needle tip visualization vein and then along the medial aspect of the brachial
(see Chap. 4 box on test dose with D5W prior to local artery to the midpoint of the humerus before passing pos-
anesthetic injection). teriorly and following the anterior surface of the medial
• Aim to spread approximately 2–3 mL of local anesthetic head of the triceps brachii muscle (Fig. 10.6).
(e.g., ropivacaine 0.25–0.5 %) around the nerve in a circu- • It then passes behind the medial epicondyle of the
lar fashion in order to avoid nerve contact but obtain a humerus (in the condylar groove), divides between the
complete block. humeral and ulnar heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris mus-
• The local anesthetic injection will appear as an expansion cle, and lies on the medial aspect of the elbow joint.
of hypoechogenicity surrounding the nerve. • During its descent through the forearm, the nerve courses
anteriorly, coming to lie deep to and between the flexor
carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles,
23.2.5 Case Study approaching the ulnar artery near the midline of the fore-
arm at its midpoint (Fig. 10.9). The nerve and artery lie
See Sect. 23.1.5 for details on nerve block procedure. Figure directly anterior to the ulna at the junction of the lower
23.10 shows the radial nerve block with a medial-to-lateral third and upper two thirds of the forearm.
approach.. • At the wrist, the nerve crosses superficial to the flexor
retinaculum immediately lateral to the pisiform bone
(medial to the hook of the hamate bone) and divides into
superficial and deep branches; the ulnar artery lies antero-
lateral to the nerve at the wrist.
• The nerve supplies all the intrinsic muscles of the hand
except those supplied by the median nerve (i.e., all the
interossei, the medial two lumbricals, the hypothenar
muscles, the adductor pollicis, and the deep head of flexor
pollicis brevis).
• Through its innervation of the interossei and medial two
lumbricals, the nerve mediates flexion of the metacarpo-
phalangeal joints and extension of the interphalangeal
joints of digits four and five.
• Dorsal and palmar cutaneous branches of the nerve branch
5–10 cm proximal to the wrist and generally supply the
medial half of the fourth and the entire fifth digit (there
may be some variation in overlap with the cutaneous
Fig. 23.10 Ultrasound-guided radial nerve block (see median nerve branches of the median nerve supplying the lateral three
Case Study (Sect. 23.1.5) for details) and a half digits).
23 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Upper Extremity 331
• The ulnar nerve is located superficially at the elbow as it Refer to Fig. 23.12 for the VHVS and ultrasound anatomy of
passes through the condylar groove. this region, respectively.
• With the arm flexed at the elbow, a short-beveled nee-
dle (3–5 cm) should be inserted 1–3 cm distal to and in Scanning Technique
line with the condylar groove. Alternatively, the block The aim is to view the ulnar nerve in short axis as it
may be completed 2–3 cm proximal to the condylar approaches the ulnar artery:
• Insert the needle in the direction of the ulnar groove using • Place the probe above the ulna and belly of the flexor
a 45° angle directed proximally and medially. carpi ulnaris muscle, on the anterior surface of the fore-
• Twitches will appear in the ulnar aspect of the hand – arm, rather than medially to contact the bone. Scan down-
motor responses are flexion of the ring and little fingers ward slowly until the pulsatile artery and nerve are viewed
and ulnar deviation of the wrist. adjacent to each other (Doppler may be valuable here).
• Blood withdrawal on aspiration suggests ulnar artery • Confirm the identity of the nerve by dynamically scan-
puncture. In this case, the needle should be reinserted ning proximally and distally to confirm that it is separate
after pressure treatment; contact with the ulna indicates from the artery proximally and that it converges to join
that the needle is too deep. the artery at the mid-forearm distally (Fig. 23.12b).
• The block location will be where the nerve and artery are
viewed in the same image but remain at sufficient distance
apart to avoid arterial puncture during needle insertion.
Fig. 23.12 (a) VHVS and MRI images of the ulnar nerve in the forearm. (b) Ultrasound image of the ulnar nerve in the forearm
23 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Upper Extremity 333
23.3.4 Local Anesthetic Application visualization of both nerves in one image. Following this,
0.2 mL/kg per nerve of levobupivacaine 0.25 % was injected
• The ulnar nerve can be blocked using a 3–5 cm needle, under ultrasound and nerve stimulation guidance.
insulated if using nerve stimulation, with 1–3 mL of Postoperative pain control was excellent with no need for
0.25–0.5 % ropivacaine or bupivacaine. opioid analgesics.
• Performing a test dose with D5W to visualize the spread
and confirm nerve localization is recommended prior to
local anesthetic application.
• Aim to spread approximately 1–3 mL of local anesthetic
around the nerve in a circular fashion in order to avoid 1. Mottard N, James I, Duflo F. Interest of ultrasound guidance for
nerve contact but obtain a complete block. ulnar and median nerve block in the mid forearm in children. Ann
• The local anesthetic injection will appear as an expansion Fr Anesth Reanim. 2010;29:406–7.
of hypoechogenicity surrounding the nerve.
Suggested Reading
23.3.5 Case Study
Dalens BJ. Distal conduction blocks. In: Dalens BJ, editor. Pediatric
regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1990. p. 261–5.
In the adult population, ulnar nerve block is typically per-
Karmakar MK, Kwok WH. Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. In:
formed as a rescue block in cases of insufficient anesthesia. Cote CJ, Lerman J, Todres ID, editors. A practice of anesthesia for
Blockade of the ulnar nerve is performed rarely as a sole infants and children. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2009.
block in the pediatric population. p. 926–8.
Mather SJ. Upper limb blocks. In: Peutrell JM, Mather SJ, editors.
Regional anaesthesia for babies and children. Oxford: Oxford
University Press; 1997. p. 105–8.
23.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound- Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
Guided Approaches Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
2013. p. 835–879.
Tsui BC. Selective terminal nerve blocks of the upper extremity. In:
A recent letter describes ultrasound-guided blockade of the Tsui BC, editor. Atlas of ultrasound and nerve stimulation-guided
median and ulnar nerves in children aged 6 and 20 months regional anesthesia. New York: Springer; 2007. p. 109–36.
for syndactyly repair [1]. Pre-procedural scanning allowed
Part VII
Nerve Blocks of the Lumbar Plexus
Posterior Lumbar Plexus Block
Karen R. Boretsky and Ban C.H. Tsui
24.1 Indications ....................................................................................................................................... 338
24.2 Surface Anatomy............................................................................................................................. 338
24.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique ......................................................................................................... 339
24.3.1 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 339
24.3.2 Current Application and Appropriate Responses ............................................................... 340
24.3.3 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses .......................................................................... 340
24.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique....................................................................................................... 342
24.4.1 Scanning Technique ............................................................................................................ 344
24.4.2 Sonographic Appearance .................................................................................................... 346
24.4.3 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 350
24.5 Local Anesthetic Application ......................................................................................................... 351
24.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches .............................................................. 352
24.7 Case Study ....................................................................................................................................... 352
References ................................................................................................................................................... 353
Suggested Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 353
K.R. Boretsky, MD
Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine,
Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital,
Boston, MA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC (*)
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 24.1 Surface anatomy and landmarks for posterior lumbar plexus
24 Posterior Lumbar Plexus Block 339
The authors recommend combining nerve stimulation with Lumbar plexus block
ultrasound guidance for lumbar plexus blocks as the nerve
roots/plexus can be difficult to visualize, especially for older
Reccommend use of nerve
A flowchart illustrating the needle insertion site and proce- Position: lateral
dures is shown in Fig. 24.2. decubitus, operative side
up, hips and knees flexed
Figure 24.3 illustrates the procedure for employing nerve An algorithm of modifications to inappropriate responses to
stimulation techniques for lumbar plexus block. nerve stimulation is shown in Fig. 24.4.
• Initially, set the nerve stimulator to apply 1–2 mA current Table 24.2 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use
(2 Hz), and aim to elicit motor twitches of the quadriceps with nerve stimulation during lumbar plexus blocks
muscle at a current intensity threshold of 0.5 mA. See Correct response from nerve stimulation
Table 14.3 for expected motor responses during nerve Quadriceps muscle twitch (palpable or visual) at 0.5–1.0 mA
stimulation. intensity
Other common responses and needle adjustment
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Paraspinal (local twitch from direct stimulation)
Explanation: needle tip too superficial
Nerve stimulation
lumbar plexus block Needle adjustment: advance needle tip
Hamstring (roots of sciatic nerve)
Explanation: needle inserted too caudally
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert 3–5 cm
Thigh flexion (quite deep; psoas major muscle stimulation)
Use 2 mA at 2 Hz initially
Explanation: needle tip too deep (close to peritoneal cavity)
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle and follow protocol
Bone contact
Transverse process
Reduce current to 0.5 mA Explanation: close placement; angle slightly off
as plexus is localized Needle adjustment: withdraw to subcutaneous tissue and
reinsert with an angle of 5° more cranially or caudally
No response despite deep placement
Past transverse process and lumbar plexus
Stimulation at less Other response to Explanation: needle tip too deep
than 0.5 mA nerve stimulation Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert
according to protocol
Withdraw needle
Continue to Reinsert slightly Redirect as
and reassess
advance needle cranially appropriate
Quadriceps m. Twitch
Fig. 24.4 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during lumbar plexus blocks
342 K.R. Boretsky and B.C.H. Tsui
Scan medial to
Scan cranially to L4- lateral
L5 interspace
Capture view of
Rotate probe 90° to a lateral border of
transverse plane transverse process
Fig. 24.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures in the lumbar plexus region. (b) Ultrasound image of major anatomical
structures in the lumbar plexus region. Blue rectangle indicates position of ultrasound probe
344 K.R. Boretsky and B.C.H. Tsui
24.4.1 Scanning Technique process (the latter immediately above the intercristal
line) to capture an overview of the vertebrae. The more
Traditionally, the approach for the lumbar plexus block has superficial position of the L3/L4 interspace may allow
been at the L4–L5 level to avoid renal hematoma or other for better resolution of the structures.
complications at the level of the kidney (L2–L3). This low – Rotate the probe to the longitudinal plane and scan lat-
approach often results in absence of analgesia in the ilioin- erally from midline, capturing firstly the lamina, artic-
guinal/iliohypogastric nerves and occasionally the lateral ular, and then transverse processes as the probe is
femoral cutaneous nerve. In the future, ultrasound visualiza- moved laterally.
tion of the kidneys and vascular structures may allow needle – The cephalad end of the probe, positioned in the longi-
insertion at a more cephalad level (L1–L4) to provide more tudinal plane parallel to the spine, will be over the tip of
consistent blockade of these nerves. It must be noted that the the transverse processes of L2 or L3 (according to the
lower pole of the kidney can reach down even to the L4–L5 experience and judgment of the operator), viewing the
level in young children and infants (Fig. 24.6a). transverse processes of L2/3/4 or L3/4/5, respectively;
the transverse processes and the acoustic shadows cast
• In infants and young children: should be between the psoas muscle seen through the
– Place a 6–13 MHz “hockey stick” transducer in the acoustic window between the transverse processes.
posterior longitudinal (parasagittal) plane just lateral • Infants, children, and adolescents: alternate approach:
to the spinous processes, starting at a caudal level, to – Using a landmark-based technique or pre-scanning
view the hyperechoic line and corresponding bony with ultrasound, identify and mark the L3 spinous
shadowing from the cephalad portion of the sacrum. process.
– Identify the first transverse process (L5) and place the – Place a 2–6 MHz curved array probe (curvilinear) in
probe at the L4/L5 interspace. The L3/L4 interspace the transverse plane in the midaxillary line at the iden-
may allow higher resolution in some children. tified L3 level; this is usually immediately cephalad to
– Rotate the probe 90° to capture a transverse axis view the iliac crest. A curvilinear probe is preferred even for
(Fig. 24.7) in order to visualize (from medial to lateral) small infants due to the wide angle of visibility it pro-
the spinous process, the erector spinae muscles, and vides for deep, critical structures.
the quadratus lumborum muscle. Use these landmarks – This view positions the probe perpendicular to the
to identify the plexus within the deeper psoas major spine and allows the transverse process to be viewed
muscle. on end and exposes the psoas muscle in a position
– Alternate between the transverse and longitudinal immediately (anatomic) anterior to the transverse pro-
views to delineate the plexus. cess. (The psoas muscle is no longer hidden by/in the
• In adolescents and children with large amounts of subcu- acoustic shadow of the transverse process.)
taneous tissue: – Other landmarks that can be verified and identified
– Place a 5–8 MHz curved array probe (curvilinear) in include the vertebral body, the kidney, the erector spi-
the transverse plane at the level of the L4 or L5 spinous nae, and the quadratus lumborum. See Fig. 24.8.
Fig. 24.7 Transverse ultrasound view (from medial to lateral) of the spinous process, the erector spinae muscles, and the quadratus lumborum
muscle of infants and young children. Blue rectangle indicates position of ultrasound probe
24 Posterior Lumbar Plexus Block 345
Fig. 24.8 Ultrasound image showing subcutaneous landmarks in a transverse view at L3. Blue rectangle indicates position of ultrasound probe
346 K.R. Boretsky and B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 24.9 (a) VHVS and MRI images of lumbar transverse processes. (b) Ultrasound image of lumbar transverse processes. Blue rectangle indi-
cates position of ultrasound probe
348 K.R. Boretsky and B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 24.10 (a) VHVS and MRI images of lumbar articular processes. (b) Ultrasound image of lumbar articular processes. Blue rectangle indicates
position of ultrasound probe
24 Posterior Lumbar Plexus Block 349
Fig. 24.11 (a) VHVS and MRI images of lumbar spinous processes. (b) Ultrasound image of lumbar spinous processes. Blue rectangle indicates
position of ultrasound probe
Fig. 24.12 Transverse ultrasound view at the midaxillary line showing landmark structures. Blue rectangle indicates position of ultrasound probe
350 K.R. Boretsky and B.C.H. Tsui
Ultrasound Considerations
Fig. 24.13 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided lumbar
• The hypoechoic spread of local anesthetic to the posterior
plexus block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint portion of the psoas major muscle may be visible.
Kirchmair et al. [2] report viewing a “flow-like” pattern
within the psoas compartment.
• It will be difficult to view any spread of the local anes-
thetic in larger patients where the resolution is poor.
Clinical Pearl
• Continuous lumbar plexus catheters provide good
analgesia for periacetabular osteotomy, triple
Bernese osteotomy, open reduction internal fixation
of the hip, femoral osteotomy, and high amputa-
tions in children as young as 8 months old.
The lumbar plexus was primarily detected at the level of L3/ Lumbar Plexus Block (Contributed by K. Boretsky)
L4 and, to a lesser extent, L4/L5 in children older than A 6-year-old female, 22 kg, presenting with progres-
8 years old in one study using ultrasound [3]. The lumbar sive hip pain was diagnosed with developmental dys-
plexus was superficial enough for the use of a high-frequency plasia of the hip. She was scheduled for left femoral
hockey stick transducer at L4/L5 in patients under the age of derotational osteotomy. After induction of general
2 years. anesthesia, the patient was placed in the right lateral
Sonographic visualization of the lumbar paravertebral position for placement of a left lumbar plexus perineu-
region in children has been described in several studies. ral catheter. The L3–L4 spinous processes were pal-
Using a HDI 5000 ultrasound system (ATL/Philips, Bothell, pated at the intercristal line and marked. A curvilinear
WA) with a curved array probe (5–8 MHz, ATL/Philips), transducer (2–6 MHz) placed in a transverse orienta-
Kirchmair et al. [2] placed the probe in longitudinal and tion in the midaxillary line at the top of the iliac crest
transverse planes to view the lumbar plexus and measure the was used to identify the L3 transverse process, which
skin-to-plexus distance. The skin-to-plexus distances were appeared as a prominent hyperechoic fingerlike pro-
significantly correlated with the weight of the child (r = 0.68 jection (see Fig. 24.8). An 18G, 10 cm insulated block
at L3/4 and 0.64 at L4/5) (Table 24.1). Another study [4] needle was inserted 4 cm lateral to the midline and in
demonstrated a strong correlation between PSIS-intercristal plane with the transducer. The needle was advanced
line distance and lumbar plexus depth in 350 individuals until the tip was located in the posterior-medial quad-
aged 1 month to 24 years (mean age 10.4 ± 5.2 years). This is rant of the psoas muscle. Nerve stimulation of the
a particularly valuable tool to determine lumbar plexus depth quadriceps femoris confirmed placement near the
since it varies with age. lumbar plexus. Eleven milliliters (0.5 mL/kg with a
maximum of 30 mL) of ropivacaine 0.2 % was bolused
through the needle in 5 mL increments, and a 20G
Clinical Pearl single-orifice catheter was inserted 3 cm beyond the
• The lumbar plexus is situated deeply within the needle tip. An infusion of ropivacaine 0.1 % at
psoas muscle and is more visible in young children. 5.5 mL/h (0.25 mL/kg) was run throughout the case.
This is due to the greater contrast between the At the end of the case, ketorolac 11 mg IV was admin-
hypoechoic muscle tissue and the hyperechoic con- istered, and acetaminophen 330 mg po was given in
nective tissue of the nerve structures compared with PACU. The ropivacaine infusion and the ketorolac and
older children and adults [2]. acetaminophen were administered around the clock
• The needle tip and local anesthetic spread are chal- until postoperative day 2, when the patient was
lenging to visualize adequately for this block, even switched to oral oxycodone. Maximum NRS was
in young children. 3/10, and the patient was comfortable throughout her
• Nerve stimulation, needle puncture direction (rela- hospitalization.
tively lateral and cranial [5, 6]), and regular aspira-
tion during injection are techniques that will
increase the safety of lumbar plexus block.
• There must be a risk-benefit analysis when deciding
to use this block; although it will be the most suitable
block for achieving anesthesia of the entire lumbar
plexus, selective blocks of the separate nerves at
more peripheral sites or a caudal block may be more
appropriate depending on the procedure.
24 Posterior Lumbar Plexus Block 353
25.1 Femoral Nerve Block ...................................................................................................................... 356
25.1.1 Indications ........................................................................................................................... 356
25.1.2 Surface Anatomy ................................................................................................................ 356
25.1.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique.............................................................................................. 357
25.1.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique ............................................................................................ 359
25.1.5 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 363
25.1.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches ....................................................... 363
25.1.7 Case Study .......................................................................................................................... 364
25.2 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block ..................................................................................... 365
25.2.1 Indications ........................................................................................................................... 365
25.2.2 Surface Anatomy ................................................................................................................ 365
25.2.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique.............................................................................................. 365
25.2.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique ............................................................................................ 366
25.2.5 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 368
25.2.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches ....................................................... 368
25.2.7 Case Study .......................................................................................................................... 369
25.3 Obturator Nerve Block ................................................................................................................... 369
25.3.1 Indications ........................................................................................................................... 369
25.3.2 Surface Anatomy ................................................................................................................ 370
25.3.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique.............................................................................................. 370
25.3.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique ............................................................................................ 371
25.3.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches ....................................................... 373
25.3.6 Case Study .......................................................................................................................... 373
25.4 Saphenous Nerve Block .................................................................................................................. 374
25.4.1 Indications ........................................................................................................................... 374
25.4.2 Surface Anatomy ................................................................................................................ 374
25.4.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique.............................................................................................. 375
25.4.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique ............................................................................................ 375
25.4.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches ....................................................... 378
25.4.6 Case Study .......................................................................................................................... 378
References ................................................................................................................................................... 379
Suggested Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 379
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
25.1.1 Indications The patient lies supine with the legs extended and the hip
slightly externally rotated after general anesthesia has been
Femoral nerve block provides surgical anesthesia and, pri- induced. Surface landmarks include:
marily, postoperative analgesia in the anterior thigh and
knee. Combined with a sciatic nerve block, complete anes- • Inguinal ligament:
thesia below the mid-thigh can be achieved. – Attached medially to the pubic tubercle (approximately
0.5–1 cm from midline on upper pubis border, depend-
Indications ing on the age and size of the child) and laterally to the
• Pain relief and muscle relaxation for femoral fractures, to anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).
facilitate transport, physical exams, and clinical and • Femoral/inguinal crease:
radiological procedures in relation to the fractures. – Natural oblique skin fold parallel and 0.5–1 cm distal
• For mid-shaft fractures, this block is the best indication to the inguinal ligament (depending on the age and size
for sole femoral nerve anesthesia. Fractures in the upper of the child); the femoral artery is most superficial
and lower femoral shaft will benefit from complementary here.
sciatic and obturator nerve blocks, respectively. • Femoral artery pulse:
• Quadriceps tendon repair. – The femoral artery lies at the “mid-inguinal point,” at
• Knee surgery (in combination with sciatic nerve block). the junction between the medial third and lateral two
• Anesthesia during muscle biopsy and skin grafting proce- thirds of the inguinal ligament, although it is most
dures. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve will also need superficial at the femoral crease.
to be blocked for surgical anesthesia if the lateral aspect – Located medial to the nerve.
of the thigh is within the surgical field. The needle is inserted at the inguinal crease: approxi-
mately 0.5–1 cm lateral to the femoral artery and approxi-
mately 0.5–1 cm below the inguinal ligament, depending on
the age and weight of the child. Ultrasound guidance may
identify a more optimal needle insertion site.
Fig. 25.1 Surface anatomy and landmarks for femoral nerve blocks
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 357
25.1.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique • As the needle advances, loss-of-resistance “pops” may be
felt upon penetration of the fascia lata and iliaca, although Needle Insertion penetration of the fascia iliaca may sometimes be difficult
A flowchart illustrating the needle insertion site and proce- to feel. These “pops” may be more pronounced if using a
dures is shown in Fig. 25.2. lateral needle puncture point (see “Clinical Pearls”
• Insert a 35–50 mm, 22G short-beveled, insulated needle • In the case of femoral arterial puncture, compress the
using an angle of approximately 30–45° in a cephalad artery for 5–10 min to prevent hematoma formation.
direction. Repeat the procedure in a more lateral direction with
• Aspirate the needle frequently since the femoral artery is care.
situated close to the nerve.
Withdraw needle,
apply pressure for Needle too deep
Reinsert laterally landmark
Reduce current to 0.5 mA Table 25.1 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use
as Nerve is localized with nerve stimulation during femoral nerve block
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Stimulation at less Other response to
The most reliable response is a visible or palpable ipsilateral femoral
than 0.4 mA Nerve stimulation muscle twitch (patella twitch) at 0.3–0.5 mA current, which
indicates that one is stimulating the posterior division of the nerve. If
twitches of the sartorius muscle occur, the needle may be outside the
nerve sheath, and one may be stimulating the proximal branch which
Withdraw needle See Fig 25.4 supplies the sartorius muscle
until stimulation
Other common responses and needle adjustments
disappears at
< 0.4 mA Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Iliopsoas or pectineus (direct stimulation of muscle)
Explanation: too superior or deep needle tip placement
Patella twitch Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert
Sartorius (branches of femoral nerve to sartorius)
Explanation: needle tip too anteromedial to main femoral
Aspirate and inject nerve trunk
local Anesthetic Needle adjustment: redirect needle laterally and advance
1–3 mm deeper
Fig. 25.3 Flowchart of procedure for employing nerve stimulation Bone contact
techniques for femoral nerve blocks Hip or superior ramus of pubic bone
Explanation: needle tip too deep
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to subcutaneous tissue
and reinsert
No response
Explanation: needle tip often too medial or lateral
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert after
checking landmarks
Vascular puncture
Femoral artery or vein
Explanation: needle tip too medial
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 359
Identify femoral
Fig. 25.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures surrounding the femoral nerve. (b) Ultrasound image of major anatomical
structures surrounding the femoral nerve
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 361
Fig. 25.7 (a) VHVS and MRI images of the profunda femoris artery. (b) Ultrasound image with color Doppler used to localize the profunda
femoris artery
362 B.C.H. Tsui Sonographic Appearance • For an OOP approach, the needle will be inserted caudad
• Short-axis plane below inguinal crease (Fig. 25.6b): to the probe in one of the following ways:
– The nerve lies lateral and deep to the large, circular, – After identifying the nerve, center the screen on the
and anechoic femoral artery. needle target area (just lateral to the nerve). At a dis-
– The fascia lata (most superficial) and iliaca (immedi- tance from the probe that is equal to the depth of the
ately adjacent to the nerve, separating the nerve from target area, insert the needle caudad to the probe at a
the artery) are superficial to the femoral nerve and 45° angle to the skin, and advance the needle until the
often appear bright and longitudinally angled. The fas- tip is visualized at the target location. The hypoechoic
cia may be better identified in contrast to the spread of a test dose of D5W is helpful to locate the
hypoechoic injectate after injection. needle tip.
– The femoral nerve often appears oval shaped, although – An OOP “walk down” approach with incremental,
it may be triangular and of variable size due to incon- stepwise angulation of the needle will provide imme-
sistencies in diameter throughout its course. For exam- diate localization of the needle tip as a bright dot,
ple, early division above the inguinal ligament can allowing the tip to be followed to the required depth.
increase the transverse diameter of the nerve. • Try to localize the needle tip beneath the fascia iliaca.
– The iliopsoas muscle may be seen deep to the nerve.
Fig. 25.8 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided femoral Fig. 25.9 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided fem-
nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint oral nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 363
25.1.5 Local Anesthetic Application and patella and open lateral release of the knee. After induc-
tion of general anesthesia, a linear transducer revealed a
• Inject 0.2–0.5 mL/kg of 0.25 % bupivacaine or 0.2 % nerve-like structure lateral to the femoral artery; stimulation
ropivacaine without exceeding the recommended toxic of this structure resulted in a motor response of the sartorius
dose of local anesthetic (2 mg/kg for bupivacaine and muscle. Stimulation of another hyperechoic structure poste-
3–4 mg/kg for ropivacaine without epinephrine). rior to the iliacus muscle elicited contraction of quadriceps
• Oberndorfer et al. [1] showed that a lower volume of local femoris muscle. Twenty milliliters of 0.2 % ropivacaine was
anesthetic is required when using ultrasound-guided tech- then injected through a stimulating nerve catheter.
nique as compared to the nerve stimulator approach in A recent case study [5] demonstrated the value of a femo-
children between the ages of 1 and 8 (0.2 mL/kg versus ral nerve block for rapid analgesia in an emergency setting: a
0.3 mL/kg of 0.5 % levobupivacaine). 3-month-old infant presented with a subtrochanteric femoral
• Farid et al. [2] described the use of 0.5 mL/kg of 0.2 % neck fracture due to non-accidental trauma. The patient
ropivacaine to a maximum volume of 40 mL in patients received one dose of morphine and two doses of fentanyl
aged 8–16 years (without US). prior to the block. Ultrasound was placed 1 cm distal to the
• Sethuraman et al. [3] used 0.2 mL/kg 0.5 % bupivacaine inguinal ligament of the limb in question, allowing visualiza-
with the total dose not exceeding 1–1.5 mg/kg in their tion of the femoral nerve and surrounding structures. Under
cohort of patients <10 years old undergoing muscle ultrasound guidance, a 27G needle was inserted in-plane and
biopsy (without ultrasound). used to inject 2 mL 0.25 % bupivacaine (1.25 mg/kg) to sur-
• Perform intermittent injection with interval aspiration. round the nerve. After 15 min, pain control was sufficient to
• If a sciatic nerve block will be administered in addition to place a Pavlik harness on the patient; only one dose of anal-
the femoral block, use less (e.g., two thirds) of the local gesic was required in the 18 h following the block.
anesthetic solution in order to avoid local anesthetic In a recent letter, Miller [6] described combined
toxicity. ultrasound-guided femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve block for pediatric patients undergoing surgical repair
Ultrasound Considerations of femur fractures. The femoral nerve was blocked first using
• Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior a 50 mm, 22G needle inserted in-plane in a lateral-to-medial
to local anesthetic application to visualize the hypoechoic direction, followed by injection of ropivacaine 0.2 % (0.2–
spread and confirm nerve localization. 0.5 mL/kg; max. volume 20 mL). The needle was withdrawn,
• Local anesthetic spread can be seen as an expanding and the ultrasound transducer was moved laterally along the
hypoechoic area; it should occur beneath the fascia iliaca inguinal ligament until its lateral aspect is in contact with the
and should surround the nerve. ASIS; the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and local anes-
• The solution may displace the nerve medially toward or thetic from the previous injection was visualized. The same
laterally away from the artery, depending on the needle needle was inserted in-plane so that the needle tip was placed
approach. between the fascia lata and the fascia iliaca. Ropivacaine
0.2 % (0.05–0.2 mL/kg; max. volume 6 mL) was injected
and observed to surround the lateral femoral cutaneous
25.1.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- nerve.
Guided Approaches Miller also provided the first report of ultrasound-guided
fascia iliaca compartment block in pediatric patients [7].
Oberndorfer et al. [1] compared ultrasound guidance to With the ultrasound probe positioned in the long axis and
nerve stimulator technique for sciatic and femoral nerve located mid-point over the inguinal ligament, lateral to the
blocks in a randomized study of 46 children. The primary border of the middle and lateral third of the ligament, the
outcome of the study was the duration of the nerve blockade. ilium, iliacus muscle, and fascia can be visualized. A
The study showed that ultrasound-guided blocks lasted lon- 100 mm, 21G or 50 mm, 22G needle was inserted in-plane
ger (508 vs. 335 min) and that a lower volume of local anes- approximately 1–2 cm below the inguinal ligament, directed
thetic (0.2 mL/kg vs. 0.3 mL/kg of levobupivacaine 0.5 %) cephalad, and advanced until the tip was just below the fascia
was required for an adequate analgesia compared to the iliaca and in the iliacus muscle. An appropriate volume of
nerve stimulator technique. ropivacaine 0.2 % was injected in this area achieving block-
Gurnaney et al. [4] reported a combined use of ultrasound ade of the femoral, obturator, and lateral femoral cutaneous
and nerve stimulation in the placement of a femoral perineu- nerves. Pain control was excellent in all three cases, with no
ral catheter in a pediatric patient with variant anatomy. requirement for narcotics in the recovery unit.
A 15-year-old presented to the operating room for an Ponde et al. [8] performed a randomized clinical trial to
arthroscopic chondroplasty of medial and lateral condyles examine success rates of combined femoral and sciatic block
364 B.C.H. Tsui
for pediatric patients suffering from arthrogryposis multi- 25.1.7 Case Study
plex congenital who were undergoing foot surgery. The
results demonstrated significantly higher block success rates
using ultrasound guidance compared to guidance by nerve Case Study: Femoral Nerve Block (Contributed
stimulation alone. Interestingly, post-surgery analgesia dura- by S. Suresh)
tion was extended by an hour in the ultrasound group, An 8-year-old male, 34.2 kg, with no past medical or
although the clinical significance of this finding is minimal. relevant family history was presented for physeal-
sparing left knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruc-
tion with autogenous iliotibial band and lateral
Clinical Pearls meniscus repair based on MRI of the left knee without
• Although there is no direct evidence to prove that contrast. The patient received an in-plane, ultrasound-
ultrasound can reduce the risk of inadvertent vessel guided femoral nerve block with a 50 mm 20G needle
puncture, this has been the case in our experience. (10 mL 0.25 % bupivacaine) (see Fig. 25.10), followed
Prevention of intraneural local anesthetic injection by placement of a perineural catheter. Duration of sur-
or direct intravascular puncture may not be possible gery was 2 h, 53 min. Postoperative analgesia report-
in all cases (as in situations where the needle tip is ing was 0/10 (verbal) immediately following surgery
not clearly seen and the nerve may not be visible). and 7/10 (verbal) 30 min after surgery. Postoperatively,
However, precise placement of local anesthetic, the patient received a morphine injection (2 mg) and a
enabled by ultrasound imaging, may lessen the fre- continuous infusion of bupivacaine 0.1 % solution.
quency of injecting large volumes of local anes-
thetic to ensure adequate spread, as is often the case
when using blind techniques.
• Our preference is to use an IP technique, which
offers the ability to visualize the needle tip and the
needle shaft as it advances beneath the fascia iliaca.
25.2 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous iliaca plays a key role in identifying the appropriate nerve
Nerve Block localization.
25.2.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique • The nerve should appear approximately 0.5–1 cm medial
and inferior to the ASIS, depending on the age and size of
Major anatomical structures surrounding the lateral femoral the child.
cutaneous nerve as captured by MRI and VHVS images • It can be difficult to identify this small nerve since it is
are shown with the corresponding ultrasound image in interposed between the fascia lata and iliaca.
Fig. 25.11a. • The nerve lies very superficial to the skin surface.
Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an
antiseptic solution. Prepare the ultrasound probe surface by Sonographic Appearance (Fig. 25.11b)
applying a sterile adhesive dressing to it prior to needling as • The fascia lata (most superficial) and iliaca (immediately
discussed in Chap. 4. adjacent to the nerve) may be seen superficial to the sarto-
rius muscle and often appear bright and longitudinally Scanning Technique angled.
• A 5–10 MHz hockey stick transducer can be used for • The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve often appears oval
most children and will allow good axial resolution of the shaped and hyperechoic and can be better identified after
nerve. injection of D5W or local anesthetic, which will surround
• Position the probe on the inguinal crease and scan proxi- the hyperechoic nerve with contrasting hypoechoic
mally until the lateral end of transducer lies over the ASIS. injectate.
Fig. 25.11 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures surrounding the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. (b) Ultrasound image of
major anatomical structures surrounding the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 367 Needle Insertion – Where possible, position the nerve in the middle of the
• Insert a 35 mm, 22G–25G needle IP (Fig. 25.12) or OOP screen, or visualize the fascia lata and fascia iliaca
(Fig. 25.13) to the transverse probe at the location identi- medial to the ASIS and inferior to the inguinal liga-
fied by ultrasound. ment. Aim the needle in between the fascial planes,
• For an IP approach: just inferior and medial to the ASIS.
– Insert the needle in either a lateral-to-medial or medial- – An OOP “walk down” approach with incremental,
to-lateral direction. stepwise angulation of the needle will provide
– Localize the needle tip beneath the fascia lata or just immediate localization of the needle tip as a bright
medial and inferior to the ASIS. dot; the needle tip can be followed to the required
• For an OOP approach, insert the needle approximately depth.
1 cm caudad to the probe and at a 45° angle to the skin.
Fig. 25.12 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided lateral Fig. 25.13 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint femoral cutaneous nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
368 B.C.H. Tsui
25.3.1 Indications
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block (Contributed
by S. Suresh) • Prevent obturator reflex during transurethral bladder
A 4-year-old female, 19.7 kg, was scheduled for mus- tumor resections.
cle and skin biopsy and venous port insertion. The • Treatment of pain in the hip area.
patient had previously undergone a bilateral MRI of • Adductor spasm (as seen in multiple sclerosis patients).
the lower extremities without contrast and a frontal • Diagnostic tool for hip mobility.
fluoroscopic spot radiograph. Preadmission medica- • Knee surgery: improved analgesia has been shown when
tions included folic acid (1 mg tablet), Benadryl obturator nerve blockade is used in addition to femoral
6.25 mg, and Prilosec 10 mg. An ultrasound-guided block [11].
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block was indicated,
which was performed with a 27G needle and 3 mL
0.25 % bupivacaine (see Fig. 25.14). Surgery lasted
1 h, 38 min; block duration was 12 h.
25.3.2 Surface Anatomy (Fig. 25.15) The needle puncture site is located approximately
0.5–1 cm (depending on the age and size of the child) beneath
The patient is positioned with the hip externally rotated and the inguinal ligament and equidistant laterally to the pubic
the knee slightly flexed to permit maximum exposure of the tubercle.
medial thigh.
The obturator nerve traverses the inguinal ligament medi-
ally and lies approximately 0.5–1 cm lateral to the pubic 25.3.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique
tubercle and 0.5–1 cm below the inguinal ligament (depend-
ing on the age and size of the child). Since the obturator nerve branches early after its descent
from the obturator canal, blocking this nerve before it
• Pubic tubercle: the tubercle lies approximately 1 cm lat- branches within the obturator canal near the superior pubic
eral to the midline. ramus is often indicated for blind techniques. However, in a
• ASIS: palpate this landmark by following the iliac crests small proportion of children, the obturator nerve divides
to their most anterior edge. either before or far from the obturator canal.
• Inguinal ligament: the ligament is attached medially to
the pubic tubercle and laterally to the anterior superior Needle Insertion
iliac spine.
• Landmarks include: • Insert a 35–50 mm, 22G–25G insulated needle 0.5–1 cm
– Femoral/inguinal crease: a natural oblique skinfold caudad to the inguinal ligament and 0.5–1 cm lateral to
parallel and 0.5–1 cm distal to the inguinal ligament. the pubic tubercle, almost perpendicular to the skin, using
– Adductor longus muscle: the tendon of adductor lon- a slight (15°) lateral direction.
gus forms the medial border of the upper part of the • If contact with the pubic ramus occurs, “walk” the needle
thigh. The anterior division of the obturator nerve lies caudally off the pubic ramus and then advance the
immediately deep to the adductor longus muscle. needle.
Clinical Pearls
• Aspiration is essential when injecting near the
unbranched obturator nerve, as the obturator artery
lies adjacent to the nerve. Hemorrhage involving
this artery can be life-threatening [12].
Fig. 25.16 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures surrounding the anterior and posterior obturator nerves. (b) Ultrasound
image of major anatomical structures surrounding the anterior and posterior obturator nerves
372 B.C.H. Tsui
25.4.1 Indications After general anesthesia has been induced, the patient is
placed supine with the hip slightly externally rotated and the
The saphenous nerve is a sensory nerve providing cutaneous knee slightly flexed. Surface landmarks include:
innervation to the medial side of the thigh and foot. A saphe-
nous nerve block is a useful adjunct to a sciatic nerve block • Femoral triangle
when complete sensory blockade of the lower leg and foot is – Formed by the inguinal ligament superiorly, sartorius
desired (e.g., following major foot and ankle surgery). laterally, and adductor longus medially.
• Vastus medialis
Indications – Part of the quadriceps muscle group. It is a prominent
• Surgical procedures of the medial aspect of the lower leg muscle on the medial side of the lower half of the
and ankle (in combination with sciatic nerve block). thigh.
• Tibial tuberosity
– Bony prominence on the anteromedial aspect of the
tibia and inferior to the patella. Useful when perform-
ing subcutaneous landmark-based block
The needle puncture site is located approximately distal
one third of the thigh above the medial aspect of the knee.
Fig. 25.20 (a) VHVS and MRI images showing the saphenous nerve just above the medial aspect of the patella. (b) Ultrasound image showing
the saphenous nerve just above the medial aspect of the patella
25 Terminal Nerve Blocks of the Lower Extremity 377
26.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
26.2 Posterior Gluteal (Labat) Sciatic Nerve Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
26.2.1 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
26.2.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
26.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
26.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
26.3 Infragluteal/Subgluteal Sciatic Nerve Block Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
26.3.1 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
26.3.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
26.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
26.3.4 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
26.4 Anterior Sciatic Nerve Block Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
26.4.1 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
26.4.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
26.4.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
26.4.4 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
26.5 Popliteal or Mid-Thigh Sciatic Nerve Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
26.5.1 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
26.5.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
26.5.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
26.5.4 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
26.5.5 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
26.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
Fig. 26.2 Surface landmarks for posterior gluteal sciatic nerve block
26.2.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique described above and advanced in the direction of the
The approach described here is a modification of the • The sciatic nerve may be reached at a variable depth,
landmark-based approach described by Winnie [1] with sim- depending on the child’s size and adiposity, but the depth
plified landmarks and is typically easier to perform than the may be approximated as about 1 mm per kg of weight
lateral or anterior approach [2]. (especially between 20 and 40 kg) with relatively less
Nerve stimulation in conjunction with ultrasound guid- depth for younger children and greater depth for older
ance is recommended for enhanced nerve localization using children [2].
a posterior approach due to the depth of the sciatic nerve in • If there is bony contact, the needle may either be touching
the gluteal region. the iliac bone or the ischial spine. In these cases, the
needle tip has been placed too cephalad or too medial, Needle Insertion respectively, or the needle is too deep.
A flowchart illustrating the needle insertion site and proce- • The inferior gluteal and internal pudendal vessels are at
dures is shown in Fig. 26.3. risk for puncture if the needle is directed too medially.
Sciatic block
posterior gluteal approach
Strongly recommend
concurrent use of nerve
stimulation and
ultrasound guidance
Position:lateral decubitus
with flexion at knees and
Site:Labat’s approach
(see Fig. 26.2)
Needle insertion:
perpendicular to skin Current Application and Appropriate success of complete block than plantar flexion. Foot
Responses eversion indicates stimulation of the superficial peroneal
Figure 26.4 illustrates the procedure for employing nerve nerves only and is associated with incomplete block [3].
stimulation techniques for lumbar plexus block. • See Table 14.4 for expected motor responses during nerve
• Initially, set the nerve stimulator to apply a current of
1–1.5 mA (2 Hz, 0.1–0.2 ms), and aim to elicit motor
twitches at a current intensity threshold of 0.4 mA (0.1– Clinical Pearl
0.2 ms) once the nerve is localized. Motor response cessa- A double-injection technique has been used for proxi-
tion at currents less than 0.2 mA indicates that the needle mal and popliteal sciatic nerve blocks in order to accu-
is probably at an intraneural location. rately localize the two components of the sciatic nerve
• Visible or palpable twitches of the hamstring, calf and thus provide greater block success (with shorter
muscles, foot, or toes verify stimulation of the sciatic latency) and allow lower total doses of local anesthetic.
nerve. However, this may increase the potential risk of nee-
• Inversion of the foot or plantar flexion is sought, with dling trauma.
inversion producing a more rapid onset and increased
Nerve stimulation
sciatic block
posterior gluteal approach
Use 1 mA at 2 Hz initially
Twitches of hamstring,
calf, foot or toes
foot inversion is ideal
Table 26.1 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation during sciatic nerve block (posterior gluteal approach)
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Visible or palpable twitches in any of the hamstring or calf muscles, foot, or toes, at 0.2–0.5 mA. Up to 1.0 mA may be required in some
patients (diabetic, peripheral vascular disease, sepsis)
Other common responses and needle adjustment
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Gluteus maximus (local twitch from direct stimulation)
Explanation: needle tip too superficial
Needle adjustment: advance needle tip
Deep muscle layer (local twitch of inferior or superior gemellus, obturator internus, or quadratus femoris muscles)
Explanation: needle advanced too deep and beyond the nerve
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to the skin and redirect slightly medially or laterally
Vascular puncture
Inferior gluteal or internal pudendal vessels puncture
Explanation: needle tip placed too medially
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to skin and reinsert more laterally
Bone contact
Iliac bone (close to gluteus insertion)
Explanation: needle tip too superior
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert according to protocol (check landmarks)
Ischial spine
Explanation: needle inserted at too medial position or angled in a medial direction
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert in a more lateral direction
388 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Sciatic nerve
• Hamstring
• Calf muscles
• Foot muscles
• Toes
Fig. 26.5 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during posterior gluteal sciatic nerve block
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 389
26.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique The ischial tuberosity is very thin in children under 1 year of
age and may be more difficult to palpate or view sonographi-
For a summary of ultrasound guidance techniques for poste- cally [4]. Laterally, the medial aspect of the greater trochan-
rior gluteal sciatic nerve blocks, see Fig. 26.6. ter will appear largely hypoechoic, although its size will
Major anatomical structures of the sciatic nerve in the depend on the age of the child, and it will only become
gluteal region as captured by MRI and VHVS images are highly recognizable at 6–8 years of age [5]. The femoral con-
shown with the corresponding ultrasound image in Fig. 26.7a. dyles are cartilaginous between the first and third years of
Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an life and do not ossify and develop their distinctive shape with
antiseptic solution. Prepare the ultrasound probe surface by visible sonographic appearance until 7–9 years of age; there-
applying a sterile adhesive dressing to it prior to needling as fore, the borders of the femur may not be as hyperechoic in
discussed in Chap. 4. young children.
There are some differences between adults and children
in terms of their anatomical landmarks and sonoanatomy.
Ultrasound technique
sciatic block
posterior gluteal approach
Position probe in a
slightly oblique
transverse plane
Place probe in
gluteal region over
ischial bone
Identify widest
portion of ischial
bone, with ischial
spine medially and
bony shadowing of
femur laterally
Identify inferior
gluteal artery and
adjacent sciatic
nerve between two
bony landmarks
Fig. 26.7 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures surrounding the sciatic nerve in the posterior gluteal region. (b) Ultrasound image
of the posterior gluteal sciatic nerve block location
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 391
• The choice of ultrasound probe for this block will depend • Ensure negative aspiration of blood prior to injection of
on the size of the patient. For young children, a high- local anesthetic.
frequency linear probe (10–5 MHz) can be used, although • Dalens et al. [2] described the use of four anesthetic solu-
in older or larger patients, a curved, lower-frequency tions, each with 1:200,000 epinephrine (15 patients in
(5–2 MHz) probe may be required for increased depth of each group): (1) 1 % lidocaine, (2) 0.5 % bupivacaine, (3)
penetration. a mixture of equal volumes of 0.5 % bupivacaine and 1 %
• The probe is moved cephalad and caudad in the gluteal lidocaine, and (4) a mixture of equal volumes of 0.5 %
region to examine the ischial bone (a hyperechoic line bupivacaine and 1 % etidocaine. The local anesthetic
with bony shadowing). Locate the widest portion of this solution was administered on a weight basis: 0.5 mL/kg in
bone that includes the ischial spine in the medial aspect. patients weighing less than 20 kg and 10 mL plus 0.25 mL/
• The gluteus maximus muscle will be visible superficial kg of patient’s weight exceeding 20 kg, up to 25 mL max-
and posterior to the sciatic nerve. imum injected volumes.
• Alternatively, the sciatic nerve can be first located in the • Small amounts of local anesthetic (0.3–0.5 mL/kg of
subgluteal region at approximately the midpoint between 0.5 % bupivacaine for single limb blocks and 0.3 mL/kg
the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity and traced 0.25 % bupivacaine per side for bilateral blocks) have also
proximally. proven effective [6–8].
• Identification of the internal pudendal artery and vein • Ivani et al. [9] suggested a bolus dose of 0.4–0.6 mL/kg
adjacent to the ischial spine, as well as the inferior gluteal of 0.2 % ropivacaine for postoperative analgesia and a
artery immediately adjacent to the sciatic nerve, may be higher concentration of 0.5 % ropivacaine if intraopera-
facilitated with color Doppler. tive pain control is required. They also described the
use of clonidine 2 μg/kg in their local anesthetic Sonographic Appearance mixture.
• The same group also suggested that ropivacaine and
• The sciatic nerve is hyperechoic and often appears wide levobupivacaine are probably the best choice for longer
and flat in short axis (Fig. 26.7b). operations when pain is more intense and long-lasting
• Overlying the sciatic nerve is the distinctive gluteus maxi- [10].
mus, which has a “starry night” pattern, and the inner • Due to the anatomy of the nerves in children (smaller
muscle layers (superior and inferior gemellus muscles diameter and shorter distance between the nodes of
and quadratus femoris muscle) are often indistinct. Ranvier), larger volumes with lower concentrations are
key to obtaining effective analgesia [11]. Needle Insertion • We recommend the use of ropivacaine 0.2 %, bupivacaine
0.25 %, or levobupivacaine 0.25 %, with a volume of
• Both in-plane (IP) and out-of-plane (OOP) approaches 0.25–0.5 mL/kg.
are appropriate for ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block • As a guideline, lower concentrations should be used in
using the posterior gluteal approach. children below the age of 6 years. Based on clinical
• OOP approach (Fig. 26.8): the needle is inserted inferior experience, 6–12 h of analgesia can be expected [12].
to the probe in a cephalo-anterior direction. Since the • The dose of local anesthetic should not exceed the
nerve is deep at the gluteal region, needle insertion at a maximum toxic dose.
steep angle immediately next the transducer may increase
the visibility of the needle tip. Ultrasound Considerations
• IP approach (Fig. 26.9): the needle may be advanced in a • Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior
lateral-to-medial direction, penetrating the gluteus maxi- to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and
mus muscle prior to reaching the sciatic nerve above the confirm nerve localization. Deposit the local anesthetic
ischial bone. solution over and around the sciatic nerve.
392 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 26.8 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided pos- Fig. 26.9 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided posterior
terior gluteal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe gluteal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 393
In contrast to the Labat/gluteal sciatic nerve block, the infra- The needle is inserted at the midpoint of a line drawn
gluteal/subgluteal approach targets the sciatic nerve at a between the greater trochanter and the ischial tuberosity at
more superficial location. the level of the gluteal crease (Figs. 26.10 and 26.11).
Bony contact
Needle Needle
deep and deep and
lateral medial Current Application and Appropriate • Visible or palpable twitches of the hamstring or calf
Responses muscles, foot, or toes verify stimulation of the sciatic
Figure 26.13 illustrates the procedure for employing nerve nerve.
stimulation techniques for subgluteal sciatic nerve block. • Twitches in the foot indicate stimulation of the tibial and
common peroneal nerves rather than the proximal
• Applying an initial current of 1–1.5 mA (2 Hz, 0.1– branches of the sciatic nerve and suggest optimal needle
0.2 ms) is sufficient for stimulation of the sciatic nerve. placement. Ideally, inversion of the foot, which is indic-
After obtaining the appropriate motor response, the cur- ative of tibial nerve stimulation, is sought [3].
rent is reduced to aim for a threshold current of 0.4 mA • See Table 14.4 for expected motor responses during nerve
(0.1–0.2 ms). Motor response cessation at currents less stimulation.
than 0.2 mA indicates that the needle is probably in an
intraneural location.
Nerve stimulation
sciatic block
subgluteal approach
Use 1 mA at 2 Hz initially
Twitches of hamstring,
calf, foot or toes
foot inversion is ideal
Table 26.2 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation during sciatic nerve block (subgluteal approach)
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Twitches (visible or palpable) in any of the hamstring or calf muscles, foot, or toes, at 0.2–0.5 mA. Up to 1.0 mA may be required in some
patients (diabetic, peripheral vascular disease, sepsis)
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Gluteus maximus (local twitch from direct stimulation)
Explanation: needle tip too superficial
Needle adjustment: advance needle tip
Bone contact
Iliac bone (close to gluteus insertion)
Explanation: needle tip too superior
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert according to protocol (check landmarks)
Ischial or hip joint
Explanation: needle missed the plane of the sciatic nerve and the tip is placed too far medially (ischial) or laterally (hip)
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert with a 5–10° angle adjustment
No response despite deep placement
Deep (10 cm) but no response; it is likely that the needle has been placed in the greater sciatic notch
Explanation: needle tip too inferior and medial
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert slightly superiorly
Sciatic nerve
• Hamstring
• Calf muscles
• Foot muscles
• Toes
Fig. 26.14 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during subgluteal sciatic nerve block
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 397
For a summary of ultrasound guidance techniques in subglu- • A high-frequency (10–5 MHz) linear probe is appropriate
teal sciatic nerve blocks, see Fig. 26.15. for most children. Larger children and adolescents may
Major anatomical structures surrounding the sciatic nerve require the use of a curved, low-frequency (5–2 MHz)
using a subgluteal approach as captured by MRI and VHVS probe.
images are shown with the corresponding ultrasound image • Position the probe to obtain a short-axis view of the sci-
in Fig. 26.16. atic nerve, usually between the ischial tuberosity and the
Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an greater trochanter of the femur.
antiseptic solution. Prepare the ultrasound probe surface by • Tilt and/or rotate the probe to optimize the ultrasound
applying a sterile adhesive dressing to it prior to needling as image of the sciatic nerve.
discussed in Chap. 4. • If the sciatic nerve is hard to localize at the subgluteal
region, it can be traced proximally from the bifurcation
point at or near the apex of the popliteal fossa
Ultrasound technique
sciatic block
subgluteal approach
Position probe to
obtain short axis
view of sciatic n.
Place probe
between ischial
tuberosity and
greater trochanter
Tilt or rotate to
obtain clear view
hyperechoic and
often elliptical
sciatic nerve
between two bony
Fig. 26.16 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures surrounding the sciatic nerve in the subgluteal region. (b) Ultrasound image of
the subgluteal sciatic nerve block location
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 399
Fig. 26.17 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided Fig. 26.18 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided subglu-
subgluteal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint teal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
400 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
26.4 Anterior Sciatic Nerve Block from the sciatic nerve to facilitate easy nerve access
Approach (Fig. 26.20). Surface landmarks include:
Compared to the posterior approach, the anterior approach • Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
is more difficult to perform due to the requirement of • Pubic tubercle
deeper needle insertion. In adults, it is a viable and impor- • Greater trochanter
tant alternative when the patient must be kept in a supine • Lesser trochanter
position. • Femoral crease
Three lines are drawn: (1) between the ASIS and the
26.4.1 Surface Anatomy pubic tubercle (inguinal ligament); (2) from the greater tro-
chanter towards the inner thigh, parallel to the inguinal liga-
The patient is placed in the supine position with the hip and ment; and (3) perpendicular to the first line, beginning at the
knee slightly flexed and the hip externally rotated. junction of its medial one-third and lateral two-thirds. The
Alternatively, the leg can be kept straight with slight internal needle insertion site is approximately at the intersection of
rotation. These approaches move the lesser trochanter away the latter two lines (Fig. 26.21).
Fig. 26.20 Skeletal model illustrating the appearance of the lesser trochanter with neutral, internal, and external rotation of the hip
402 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Nerve stimulation
Sciatic nerve block
sciatic nerve block
anterior approach
anterior approach
Twitches in toes,
“Walk off” bone medially foot, or calf
and cephalad
Table 26.3 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation during sciatic nerve block (anterior approach)
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Twitches obtained (visible or palpable) from the calf, foot, or toe muscles at 0.2–0.5 mA current. Twitches of the quadriceps muscles will
likely occur during advancement
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Quadriceps (patella twitch):
Explanation: needle placement too superficial
Needle adjustment: continue to advance the needle
Iliopsoas or pectineus (local twitch at femoral crease area):
Explanation: needle tip placement is too superior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert more inferiorly
Hamstrings (branches of the sciatic nerve or direct stimulation of muscles)
Explanation: needle possibly too inferior and caudally directed, although often this is not specific
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert in a slightly more medial or lateral direction (5–10° in transverse plane)
Bone contact
Femur (usually lesser trochanter)
Explanation: needle tip directed too laterally or excessive lateral rotation of the femur
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle 2–3 cm and internally rotate the leg, then continue; if this fails withdraw the needle to the
subcutaneous tissue and reinsert it in a more medial direction
No response despite deep placement
Deep needle advancement but no response
Explanation: needle tip is often too medial
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert at a slightly more lateral position
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 405
Sciatic nerve
• Calf muscles
• Foot muscles
• Toes
Fig. 26.24 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during anterior sciatic nerve block
406 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Preferred approach
Capture view of
hyperechoic sciatic
nerve medial to
Rotrate probe 90˚ to a
longitudinal axis
Fig. 26.26 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures sur- nerve block location. (c) Ultrasound image showing a longitudinal view
rounding the sciatic nerve in the anterior aspect of the upper thigh. The of the sciatic nerve during the anterior approach. The nerve appears as
white box depicts ultrasound scanning from a lateral-to-medial direc- a hyperechoic “cable” when turning the transducer 90° relative to the
tion to improve visualization. (b) Ultrasound image of anterior sciatic transverse view
408 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
• When using a probe positioned in transverse axis to the Fig. 26.27 Needling technique for anterior sciatic nerve block using
an in-plane needle approach with a transverse view. Blue rectangle indi-
nerve, an IP approach (Fig. 26.27) involves advancing the cates probe footprint
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 409
Fig. 26.28 Needling technique for anterior sciatic nerve block using Fig. 26.29 Needling technique for anterior sciatic nerve block using
an out-of-plane approach with a transverse view. Blue rectangle indi- an in-plane approach with a longitudinal view. Blue rectangle indicates
cates probe footprint probe footprint
410 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
26.5 Popliteal or Mid-Thigh Sciatic • Inferior triangle of the popliteal fossa: located below the
Nerve Block popliteal crease and bordered by the gastrocnemius; this
triangle is an inversion of the superior triangle.
Blocking the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa is a relatively
easy procedure, making it desirable for blocks at or below Typically, the point of needle insertion is within the
the knee. Due to the variable and oftentimes proximal divi- superior triangle of the popliteal fossa at the lower third of
sion of the sciatic nerve, a landmark-based approach to the the triangle, immediately medial to the biceps femoris ten-
popliteal block may result in blockade of the distinct (poste- don. This point will be lateral to the popliteal artery. The
rior) tibial or common peroneal nerves, rather than the com- knee can be flexed for palpation of the tendons, allowing
mon sciatic nerve. It is useful to place the needle proximal in the boundaries of the popliteal fossa to be marked. If the
the popliteal fossa in attempt to locate the sciatic nerve [14]. tendons are indistinguishable, it may be possible to palpate
Table 26.1 describes methods for locating the common sci- the apex of the triangle, where the muscle bellies of the
atic nerve when performing this block using the landmark/ semitendinosus (medial) and biceps femoris (lateral) mus-
blind technique. With the use of ultrasound, it is possible to cles join. Otherwise, tightening the posterior thigh muscu-
locate the bifurcation of the sciatic nerve, thus enabling lature by applying slight passive extension of the knee with
blockade of both branches at the popliteal fossa. the hip flexed may also be helpful for landmark identifica-
tion [15].
Indications The distance from the popliteal fold to the point of needle
• Foot and ankle surgery insertion can also be defined relative to patient weight. If the
• Other procedures involving the tibia and fibula, for exam- weight of the patient <10 kg, the distance from the popliteal
ple, amputation below the knee fold to the point of insertion is 1 cm. If the patient’s weight
is 10–20 kg, the point of insertion is 2 cm, 20–30 kg is 3 cm,
etc. [7].
26.5.1 Surface Anatomy
The patient may be placed in the lateral position with the Clinical Pearl
knee extended as much as possible or in the prone position. A lateral approach to the sciatic nerve at the popliteal
A supine position can be modified by elevating the child’s fossa may also be used. With this approach, the patient
leg with the hip and knee flexed. If nerve stimulation will be is positioned supine, and the leg and hip do not need to
used, the ankle should be extended off the end of the table. be flexed. The needle is inserted at a posterior angle
Surface landmarks include: (30° from the horizontal) at the junction of the tendon
of the biceps femoris and the vastus lateralis muscles.
• Superior triangle of the popliteal fossa: formed by the One drawback may be the need for double injection to
popliteal crease (base), biceps femoris tendon (lateral), block both divisions of the sciatic nerve [16].
and semimembranosus and semitendinosus tendons
(medial) (Fig. 26.30).
Fig. 26.30 Surface anatomy of the superior triangle of the popliteal fossa
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 411 Current Application and Appropriate • There is no clear influence of age and depth of needle
Responses insertion on the elicitation of motor responses [17].
Figure 26.32 illustrates the procedure for employing nerve Obtaining a tibial nerve response (plantar flexion or foot
stimulation techniques for the sciatic nerve block. inversion) may be preferable to a common peroneal nerve
response (dorsiflexion or foot eversion), since local anes-
• Using an initial current of 1 mA, advance the needle until thetic injected around the common peroneal nerve may
a motor response is elicited in the foot and/or toes. Adjust not reach the tibial nerve.
the needle depth to obtain a minimal motor response at a • One study found that foot inversion was the best predictor
current of approximately 0.4 mA. Motor response cessa- of complete sensory blockade of the foot [19].
tion at currents less than 0.2 mA indicates that the needle • See Table 14.4 for expected motor responses during nerve
is probably in an intraneural location. stimulation.
Nerve stimulation
popliteal sciatic
nerve block
Use 1 mA at 2 Hz initially
Dorisflexion, plantar
flexion, eversion or
inversion of foot
Table 26.4 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation during sciatic nerve block (posterior popliteal
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Twitches (visible or palpable) in the foot or toes with 0.3–0.5 mA current. Either a common peroneal (fibular) or tibial nerve response may
result and both indicate correct needle positioning even slightly below the sciatic nerve bifurcation as the large volume of local anesthetic will
spread within the sheath. The common peroneal (fibular) response is ankle dorsiflexion and eversion; the tibia is ankle plantar flexion and
inversion. If eliciting a response is difficult in this current range, 0.7 mA may be used reliably with a tibial nerve response
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Biceps femoris (local twitch)
Explanation: needle placement too lateral
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert slightly more medial
Semimembranosus or semitendinosus (local twitch)
Explanation: needle placement too medial
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert slightly more laterally
Calf muscles without foot or toe movement (muscular branches of sciatic nerve)
Explanation: needle probably too superficial
Needle adjustment: continue advancement
Bone contact
Explanation: needle tip advanced too deeply
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle to look for response at more superficial location; withdraw if not seen
Vascular puncture
Popliteal artery or vein
Explanation: needle tip too medial
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert at slightly more lateral position
Table 26.5 Responses and recommended needle adjustments for use with nerve stimulation during sciatic nerve block (lateral popliteal approach)
Correct response from nerve stimulation
Twitches (visible or palpable) in the foot or toes at 0.3–0.5 mA current
It is common to encounter a biceps femoris twitch at a location superficial to the sciatic nerve. Once this ceases, proceed slowly and the sciatic
response should be detected at about 2 cm beyond this location
With this approach, it is common to stimulate the common peroneal portion (i.e., dorsiflexion) of the sciatic nerve first
Other common responses and needle adjustments
Muscle twitches from electrical stimulation
Biceps femoris (local twitch)
Explanation: needle placement too superficial
Needle adjustment: advance needle slowly, approximately 2 cm
Vastus lateralis (local twitch)
Explanation: needle placement too anterior
Needle adjustment: withdraw needle completely and reinsert slightly more posterior
Calf muscles without foot or toe movement (muscular branches of sciatic nerve)
Explanation: needle probably too superficial
Needle adjustment: continue advancement
Vascular puncture
Popliteal artery or vein
Explanation: needle tip too deep and anterior
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert posteriorly with less depth
Bone contact
Explanation: needle tip too anterior and deep
Needle adjustment: withdraw completely and reinsert at slightly more posterior location
414 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Continue to
Reinsert medially Reinsert laterally Reassess landmark
Fig. 26.33 Flowchart of modifications to inappropriate responses to nerve stimulation during popliteal sciatic nerve block
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 415
26.5.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface with an
antiseptic solution. Prepare the ultrasound probe surface by
For a summary of ultrasound guidance techniques in popli- applying a sterile adhesive dressing to it prior to needling as
teal sciatic nerve blocks, see Fig. 26.34. discussed in Chap. 4.
Major anatomical structures surrounding the branches of The bifurcation point of the sciatic nerve varies widely
the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa as captured by MRI between individuals (Table 26.6); thus, ultrasound imaging
and VHVS images are shown with the corresponding ultra- is highly valuable for accurate nerve localization. Placing the
sound image in Fig. 26.35. The schematic drawing in needle in close proximity to the nerve will maximize block
Fig. 26.36 depicts a posterior view showing the position of success with the need for minimal dosages of local
the sciatic nerve in the mid-thigh (prior to bifurcation) and anesthetic.
associated landmarks.
Ultrasound technique
popliteal sciatic
nerve block
Position probe
Place probe in
popliteal crease
Fig. 26.35 (a) VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures surrounding the branches of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal fossa. (b) Ultrasound
image of the popliteal sciatic nerve block location
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 417
artery Femur
Femoral vein medialis m.
Adductor Vastus
magnus m. lateralis m.
Biceps femoris m.
Adductor brevis m.
(short head)
Semitendinosus m.
Deep artery
Sciatic n. of the thigh
Deep vein
of the thigh
Fig. 26.36 Posterior view of the thigh showing position of the sciatic nerve and major muscles and vessels
Table 26.6 Location of needle insertion for popliteal sciatic nerve block and position of sciatic nerve bifurcation
• A general guideline for determining the needle insertion distance is 1 cm from the popliteal crease for every 10 kg of the patient [7]
• Another method to determine a needle insertion point prior to sciatic nerve bifurcation is to use a ratio of femoral shaft lengths between
children (according to their age) and adults. This method assumes that the bifurcation is approximately 10 cm above the popliteal crease in
adults; the ratio is factored to this length of 10 cm to determine the needle location in the child [20]. Although Berniere et al. demonstrated
successful blocks using this method, block success and motor responses associated with either the tibial or common peroneal nerves were
used as endpoints. There was no verification using imaging
• Using MRI, Suresh et al. [21] found that the position of the sciatic nerve bifurcation correlated to age (R2 = 0.73) and created a formula
[27 + 4 × age (years) mm] to determine the point of bifurcation in children
• Ultrasound imaging has shown that, in the posterior thigh, the bifurcation point is highly variable (32–76 cm) [22]. This finding suggests
that ultrasound may be a superior method for performing the block when it is desirable to locate the sciatic nerve
418 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
• A linear or hockey stick, high-frequency (10–5 MHz) • At the level of the popliteal crease, the tibial and common
probe is commonly used for scanning the sciatic nerve peroneal nerves lie superficial and lateral to the popliteal
transversely in the popliteal fossa. A distal-to-proximal vessels. Both nerves appear round to oval and hyper-
traceback approach (Fig. 26.37a) can effectively locate echoic (Fig. 26.37a).
the sciatic nerve in the posterior popliteal fossa at the • The hyperechoic border of the femur (condyles) may be
bifurcation point. visible.
• At the popliteal crease, a transversely positioned probe • As the probe is moved more proximally, the common
captures the tibial and common peroneal nerves, with peroneal nerve appears to move towards the tibial nerve,
both nerves located posterior and superficial to the popli- merging to form the sciatic nerve.
teal vessels. Doppler can be valuable to visualize the pop- • More proximal in the thigh, the lip-shaped, hypoechoic
liteal vessels (see Fig. 26.37b). biceps femoris muscle lies superficial to the round hyper-
• As the probe is moved proximally from the crease, the echoic sciatic nerve (Fig. 26.37b).
tibial and common peroneal nerves approach each other
and finally join to form the sciatic nerve (Fig. 26.37b).
Fig. 26.37 Ultrasound image showing the distal-to-proximal scanning common peroneal and tibial nerves. (b) Ultrasound probe is moved
technique to locate the bifurcation of the sciatic nerve at the popliteal proximal to view the sciatic nerve. Doppler ultrasound highlights the
fossa. (a) Ultrasound probe is placed distally to visualize the separate popliteal vessels
26 Sciatic and Popliteal Nerve Blocks 419
Ultrasound Consideration
26.5.4 Local Anesthetic Application • The onset of anesthesia is more rapid if there is circumfer-
ential spread around both branches of the sciatic nerve.
• Ensure negative aspiration of the blood prior to injection Injection at the bifurcation or multiple injections may be
of local anesthetic. required for complete circumferential spread.
Fig. 26.38 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided Fig. 26.39 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided popli-
popliteal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint teal sciatic nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
420 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
Sciatic Nerve Block (Lateral Popliteal Approach) tibial nerve block with 20 mL 0.25 % bupivacaine in the
(Contributed by S. Suresh) popliteal fossa was used (Fig. 26.40). Pain control in
A 16-year-old male, 81.8 kg in weight, was diagnosed recovery was reported as 0/10 at PACU admission and
with a left knee ACL tear and left knee lateral meniscus 2/10 at PACU discharge. Postoperative analgesia
tear based on knee X-rays and MR with contrast. included morphine 2 mg injection, acetaminophen tab-
Preadmission medications included docusate (Colace) let 650 mg, hydrocodone-acetaminophen (Norco)
100 mg and hydrocodone-acetaminophen (Norco) 10 mg, and 400 mL/h 0.1 % bupivacaine (continuous
5–325 mg. Surgery lasted 3 h and 28 min and involved a nerve block).
left knee ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon auto- Note: This patient also received a femoral nerve block
graft and partial meniscectomy. An ultrasound-guided and femoral nerve catheter.
26.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- of ultrasound techniques alone in sciatic nerve block in
Guided Approaches infants and toddlers [8, 27].
There is a paucity of literature on ultrasound-guided pop-
The first published case of sciatic nerve blockade under liteal nerve blocks in children. Nonetheless, popliteal
ultrasound in a child was in 2003 by Gray and colleagues approaches to the sciatic nerve have been used successfully
[23]. Several case reports have described ultrasound guid- in infants and children undergoing surgery of the ankle and
ance during continuous sciatic/popliteal blocks in chil- foot [7, 15, 20, 33, 34]. Blind techniques using either loss of
dren [18, 24–26], and Ponde et al. [27] showed that resistance or nerve stimulation (including surface nerve
successful continuous sciatic blocks can be achieved mapping [35]) have typically been used for sciatic nerve
when placing catheters under ultrasound guidance alone. localization in the posterior thigh. In an imaging study,
For sciatic (subgluteal and popliteal) and femoral nerve Schwemmer et al. [22] found that there was high variability
blocks in children, Oberndorfer et al. [7] found that ultra- (32–76 mm) in the point of sciatic nerve division in the
sound guidance prolongs the duration of sensory block popliteal fossa in children. These authors’ results indicate, in
(mean of 508 min vs. 335 min) compared to the nerve contrast to age-dependent formulas, that there was no consis-
stimulation technique, while allowing for reduced vol- tent age-related distance in their sample of patients, which is
umes of local anesthetic. A recent randomized controlled not surprising given the range of body habitus in children
study compared ultrasound- and nerve stimulation-guided today. Direct visualization may be the key to accurate local-
approaches to femoro-sciatic block in patients with arthro- ization on a case-by-case basis. Miller [36] described an
gryposis multiplex congenita. The results showed that alternative approach to ultrasound-guided popliteal sciatic
block success and duration of analgesia were increased block using the biceps femoris muscle, rather than the popli-
significantly in the ultrasound group. van Geffen et al. teal artery, as a landmark. The ultrasound transducer is
compared proximal, subgluteal, and distal approaches to placed distal to the bifurcation with the lateral aspect of the
sciatic nerve block and demonstrated that good pain con- transducer medial to the biceps femoris muscle. The com-
trol and good visualization of the sciatic nerve can be mon peroneal nerve may or may not be visible; however,
achieved using each technique. moving the transducer cephalad along the medial aspect of
A parasacral approach to sciatic nerve block has been the biceps femoris reveals the tibial nerve, whose path can be
used in adults and has been reported to block the entirety of traced back to the bifurcation point. This approach allows the
the sacral plexus at the exit of the greater sciatic notch [28– block to be performed with the patient in a prone or “near-
31]. A recent case series by Dillow et al. [32] studied the prone” position.
parasacral approach in pediatric patients undergoing lower Using nerve stimulation, elicitation of foot inversion has
limb surgery; both ultrasound and nerve stimulation were been shown to be the best predictor of complete sciatic nerve
used, and 0.5 mL/kg ropivacaine 0.2 % was injected. In all blockade [19]; however, Ponde et al. [8] demonstrated, in a
cases using the parasacral approach, block success was case series of infants and toddlers scheduled for congenital
100 %. Pain control was excellent, and mean block duration talipes equinovarus or vertical talus repair, that the success
was 17.3 ± 5.4 h. These results demonstrate that the parasa- rate of ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve block was unaffected
cral approach is effective for children as well as adults. by the ability to elicit a motor response with nerve stimula-
Ultrasound imaging may increase the use of the anterior tion. Nevertheless, it is our opinion that nerve stimulation,
approach to the sciatic nerve, which would be favorable when combined with ultrasound imaging, can both confirm
because the patient can remain in the supine position. the location of the nerve and act as an adjunct to monitoring,
Ultrasound guidance may also aid in the precise placement thus preventing intraneural injury. Therefore, we strongly
of local anesthetic around the sciatic (or other) nerve. This recommend the concurrent use of ultrasound and nerve stim-
concept has been promoted by two recent studies on the use ulation wherever possible.
422 H.Y.Z. Ting and B.C.H. Tsui
References 22. Schwemmer U, Markus CK, Greim CA, et al. Sonographic imaging
of the sciatic nerve and its division in the popliteal fossa in children.
Pediatr Anesth. 2004;14:1005–8.
1. Winnie AP. Regional anesthesia. Surg Clin North Am. 1975;55:
23. Gray AT, Collins AB, Schafhalter-Zoppoth I. Sciatic nerve block in
a child: a sonographic approach. Anesth Analg. 2003;97:1300–2.
2. Dalens B, Tanguy A, Vanneuville G. Sciatic nerve blocks in chil-
24. van Geffen GJ, Gielen M. Ultrasound-guided subgluteal sciatic
dren: comparison of the posterior, anterior, and lateral approaches
nerve blocks with stimulating catheters in children: a descriptive
in 180 pediatric patients. Anesth Analg. 1990;70:131–7.
study. Anesth Analg. 2006;103:328–33.
3. Sukhani R, Candido KD, Doty Jr R, et al. Infragluteal-parabiceps
25. van Geffen GJ, Scheuer M, Muller A, et al. Ultrasound-guided
sciatic nerve block: an evaluation of a novel approach using a
bilateral continuous sciatic nerve blocks with stimulating catheters
single-injection technique. Anesth Analg. 2003;96:868–73.
for postoperative pain relief after bilateral lower limb amputations.
4. Scheuer L, Black S, Christie A. The pelvic girdle. In: Scheuer L,
Anaesthesia. 2006;61:1204–7.
editor. Developmental juvenile osteology. London: Academic;
26. van Geffen GJ, McCartney CJ, Gielen M, Chan VW. Ultrasound
2000. p. 341–73.
as the only nerve localization technique for peripheral nerve block.
5. Scheuer L. The lower extremity. In: Scheuer L, editor.
J Clin Anesth. 2007;19:381–5.
Developmental juvenile osteology. London: Academic; 2000.
27. Ponde VC, Desai AP, Shah DM, Johari AN. Feasibility and efficacy
p. 374–467.
of placement of continuous sciatic perineural catheters solely under
6. Bosenberg AT. Lower limb nerve blocks in children using
ultrasound guidance in children: a descriptive study. Pediatr Anesth.
unsheathed needles and a nerve stimulator. Anaesthesia. 1995;50:
28. Ben-Ari AY, Joshi R, Uskova A, Chelly JE. Ultrasound localization
7. Oberndorfer U, Marhofer P, Bosenberg A, et al. Ultrasonographic
of the sacral plexus using a parasacral approach. Anesth Analg.
guidance for sciatic and femoral nerve blocks in children. Br J
Anaesth. 2007;98:797–801.
29. Bendtsen TF, Lonnqvist PA, Jepsen KV, et al. Preliminary results of
8. Ponde VC, Desai AP, Dhir S. Ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve
a new ultrasound-guided approach to block the sacral plexus: the
block in infants and toddlers produces successful anesthesia regard-
parasacral parallel shift. Br J Anaesth. 2011;107:278–80.
less of the motor response. Pediatr Anesth. 2010;20:633–7.
30. Ripart J, Cuvillon P, Nouvellon E, et al. Parasacral approach to
9. Ivani G, Tonetti F. Postoperative analgesia in infants and children:
block the sciatic nerve: a 400-case survey. Reg Anesth Pain Med.
new developments. Minerva Anestesiol. 2004;70:399–403.
10. Ivani G, DeNegri P, Conio A, et al. Comparison of racemic
31. Taha AM. A simple and successful sonographic technique to iden-
bupivacaine, ropivacaine, and levo-bupivacaine for pediatric caudal
tify the sciatic nerve in the parasacral area. Can J Anesth. 2012;59:
anesthesia: effects on postoperative analgesia and motor block. Reg
Anesth Pain Med. 2002;27:157–61.
32. Dillow JM, Rosett RL, Petersen TR, et al. Ultrasound-guided para-
11. Bosenberg AT, Ivani G. Regional anaesthesia – children are
sacral approach to the sciatic nerve block in children. Pediatr
different. Pediatr Anesth. 1998;8:447–50.
Anesth. 2013;23:1042–7.
12. Eck JB, Ross AK. Paediatric regional anaesthesia – what makes a
33. Dadure C, Bringuier S, Nicolas F, et al. Continuous epidural block
difference? Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2002;16:159–74.
versus continuous popliteal nerve block for postoperative pain
13. Tsui BC, Ozelsel TJ. Ultrasound-guided anterior sciatic nerve
relief after major podiatric surgery in children: a prospective, com-
block using a longitudinal approach: “expanding the view”. Reg
parative randomized study. Anesth Analg. 2006;102:744–9.
Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:275–6.
34. Konrad C, Johr M. Blockade of the sciatic nerve in the popliteal
14. Singelyn FJ, Gouverneur JM, Gribomont BF. Popliteal sciatic nerve
fossa: a system for standardization in children. Anesth Analg.
block aided by a nerve stimulator: a reliable technique for foot and
ankle surgery. Reg Anesth. 1991;16:278–81.
35. Bosenberg AT, Raw R, Boezaart AP. Surface mapping of peripheral
15. Tobias JD, Mencio GA. Popliteal fossa block for postoperative
nerves in children with a nerve stimulator. Pediatr Anesth. 2002;12:
analgesia after foot surgery in infants and children. J Pediatr
Orthop. 1999;19:511–4.
36. Miller BR. The biceps femoris muscle as a landmark for perform-
16. Zetlaoui PJ, Bouaziz H. Lateral approach to the sciatic nerve in the
ing the popliteal sciatic nerve block using ultrasound guidance in
popliteal fossa. Anesth Analg. 1998;87:79–82.
pediatric patients. Pediatr Anesth. 2010;20:960–1.
17. Kempthorne PM, Brown TC. Nerve blocks around the knee in chil-
dren. Anaesth Intensive Care. 1984;12:14–7.
18. van Geffen GJ, Bruhn J, Gielen M. Ultrasound-guided continuous
sciatic nerve blocks in two children with venous malformations in
the lower limb. Can J Anesth. 2007;54:952–3. Suggested Reading
19. Benzon HT, Kim C, Benzon HP, et al. Correlation between evoked
motor response of the sciatic nerve and sensory blockade. Karmakar MK, Kwok WH. Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia.
Anesthesiology. 1997;87:547–52. In: Cote CJ, Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB
20. Berniere J, Schrayer S, Piana F, et al. A new formula of age-related Saunders; 2013. p. 880–908.
anatomical landmarks for blockade of the sciatic nerve in the pop- Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
liteal fossa in children using the posterior approach. Pediatr Anesth. Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
2008;18:602–5. 2013. p. 835–79.
21. Suresh S, Simion C, Wyers M, et al. Anatomical location of the Tsui BC. Sciatic and popliteal blocks. In: Tsui BC, editor. Atlas of
bifurcation of the sciatic nerve in the posterior thigh in infants and ultrasound and nerve stimulation-guided regional anesthesia.
children: a formula derived from MRI imaging for nerve localiza- New York: Springer; 2007. p. 171–203.
tion. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007;32:351–3.
Part IX
Nerve Blocks at the Ankle
Ankle Blocks
Ban C.H. Tsui
27.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
27.2 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
27.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
27.3.1 Needle Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
27.3.2 Current Application and Appropriate Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
27.3.3 Modifications to Inappropriate Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
27.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
27.4.1 Scanning Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
27.4.2 Sonographic Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
27.4.3 Needle Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
27.5 Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
27.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
27.7 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 27.1 Surface anatomy and landmarks for posterior tibial nerve Fig. 27.2 Surface anatomy and landmarks for deep peroneal nerve
block block
27 Ankle Blocks 427
27.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique artery (whichever is used) and inject into the deep planes
below the fascia.
The posterior tibial nerve and the peroneal nerve are the only • Sural nerve: Insert the needle perpendicular to the skin
motor nerves at the ankle. Table 14.5 summarizes motor between the lateral malleolus and the calcaneus.
responses associated with nerve stimulation.
27.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique • Posterior tibial nerve: The probe is positioned in trans-
verse (short) axis to the nerve just posterior and inferior to
Ultrasound imaging may be suitable for visualizing the the medial malleolus. Alternatively, the nerve can be
deep nerves (posterior tibial and deep peroneal). Imaging identified in the distal quarter of the lower leg above the
at the medial aspect of the ankle will enable the block to medial malleolus (Fig. 27.3).
be localized to the posterior tibial nerve prior to its divi- – Color Doppler is helpful to localize the nerve at the
sion into the medial and lateral plantar nerves. Imaging above locations since in each one the nerve lies poste-
for the deep peroneal block may be helpful in children rior and deep to the posterior tibial artery (Fig. 27.4).
since the voluntary extension of the toe, to localize the The nerve should be localized before it branches into
extensor hallucis tendon, will not be possible in anesthe- the medial and lateral plantar nerves.
tized patients. • Deep peroneal nerve: The probe is placed in transverse
(short) axis to the nerve at the anterior surface of the ankle
joint. Alternatively, the nerve can also be found in the dis-
27.4.1 Scanning Technique tal quarter of the lower leg above the ankle joint (Fig. 27.5).
However, the nerve itself can be difficult to see, and only
• High-frequency, short footprint probes (e.g., SLA the artery can be consistently located.
6–13 MHz, 25 mm footprint hockey stick probe, – Color Doppler can be used at both locations to illumi-
MicroMaxx, SonoSite, Bothell, WA) are used for these nate the anterior tibial artery lying medial to the nerve
blocks. (Fig. 27.4).
Fig. 27.3 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures surrounding the tibial nerve. (b) Ultrasound image of major anatomical
structures surrounding the tibial nerve
27 Ankle Blocks 429
Extensor hallucis
longus tendon Anterior tibial artery
Deep peroneal n.
Tibialis anterior
tendon Extensor digitorum
longus tendon
Calcaneal (Achilles)
tibial vein
artery Posterior
tibial n.
Fig. 27.5 (a) VHVS and MRI images of major anatomical structures surrounding the deep peroneal nerve. (b) Ultrasound image of major ana-
tomical structures surrounding the deep peroneal nerve
27 Ankle Blocks 431
• Posterior tibial nerve: The hypoechoic circular posterior • Posterior tibial nerve: A 3.5–5 cm needle is inserted using
tibial vein lies immediately posterior to the artery; the vein either an OOP approach (Fig. 27.6) with the needle cau-
may be compressed and not apparent on the screen. Posterior dal or an IP approach (Fig. 27.7) with the needle posterior
to the artery, the nerve appears slightly more hyperechoic to the transversely positioned probe.
than the surrounding tissues and looks like a condensed • Deep peroneal nerve: An OOP approach (Fig. 27.8) will
“honeycomb-appearing” structure [2] (Fig. 27.3b). be most suitable here since the tendons lie on either side
• Deep peroneal nerve: If seen, the nerve appears as a small of the nerve, although an IP approach can also be
cluster of hyperechoic fascicular-appearing fibers immedi- employed (Fig. 27.9). A 3.5–5 cm needle is inserted OOP
ately lateral to the artery, with both the nerve and artery adja- and caudal to the transversely positioned small footprint
cent to the well-demarcated distal end of the tibia (Fig. 27.5b). probe.
Fig. 27.6 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided pos- Fig. 27.7 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided posterior
terior tibial nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint tibial nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
432 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 27.8 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided deep Fig. 27.9 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided deep
peroneal nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint peroneal nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
27 Ankle Blocks 433
27.5 Local Anesthetic Application ankle, ultrasound improved the onset of the block without
improving the overall block quality [5].
• The total amount of local anesthetic should be monitored
and will depend on the size of the child. 0.1 mL/kg of
0.25 % bupivacaine or 0.2 % ropivacaine may be given, 27.7 Case Study
but generally, a small volume, such as 1–3 mL, is suffi-
cient without overexerting pressure in the perineural Ankle blocks can be useful if popliteal sciatic nerve block is
space. contraindicated. Since popliteal sciatic blocks can be per-
• A volume of 1–3 mL is adequate for an isolated block of formed easily and reliably under ultrasound with a single
the saphenous nerve. injection, ankle blocks – which usually require multiple
• For the posterior tibial nerve, a fan-shaped injection of injections – are now often administered by the surgeon for
1–3 mL can be performed in the triangle formed by the supplementary analgesia following surgery.
artery, the Achilles tendon, and the tibia.
• Epinephrine should not be added to the anesthetic
solution. References
1. Carpenter EB. Role of nerve blocks in the foot and ankle in cerebral
palsy: therapeutic and diagnostic. Foot Ankle. 1983;4:164–6.
Clinical Pearls 2. Silvestri E, Martinoli C, Derchi LE, Bertolotto M, Chiaramondia M,
• For both nerves, injection of 1–3 mL (depending on Rosenberg I. Echotexture of peripheral nerves: correlation between
the age and size of the child) of local anesthetic US and histologic findings and criteria to differentiate tendons.
Radiology. 1995;197:291–6.
solution near the nerve will anesthetize the nerve.
3. Redborg KE, Antonakakis, Beach M, Chinn C, Sites B. Ultrasound
Care should be taken to avoid the nearby vessels; it improves the success rate of a tibial nerve block at the ankle. Reg
is important to perform aspiration prior to Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:256–60.
injection. 4. Redborg KE, Sites BD, Chinn CD, Gallagher JD, Ball PA,
Antonakakis JG, Beach ML. Ultrasound improves the success rate
• Due to the limited and compact space at the ankle,
of a sural nerve block at the ankle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2009;34:
OOP needling approaches are easier to perform 24–8.
than IP approaches, although IP or OOP needling 5. Antonakakis JG, Scalzo DC, Jorgenson AS, Figg KK, Ting P, Zuo
may be possible if the probe is moved proximally Z, Sites BD. Ultrasound does not improve the success rate of a deep
peroneal nerve block at the ankle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010;35:
3–4 cm cephalad to the ankle.
• Ankle blocks can be very stimulating; therefore,
adequate depth of anesthesia is required.
• Placing a bolster under the foot improves access for
ankle block. Suggested Reading
Dalens B. Complementary and distal blocks of the extremities. In:
Dalens B, editor. Regional anesthesia in infants, children, and ado-
lescents. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1995.
27.6 Current Literature in Ultrasound- p. 384–8.
Guided Approaches Dalens BJ. Distal conduction blocks. In: Dalens BJ, editor. Pediatric
regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Inc; 1990. p. 340–4.
Peutrell JM, Mather SJ. Regional anaesthesia for babies and children.
There is limited evidence documenting the use of ultrasound
Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997. p. 174–84.
in ankle blocks in children. Nonetheless, ultrasound has been Tsui BC. Ankle blocks. In: Tsui BC, editor. Atlas of ultrasound and
shown to improve success in posterior tibial and sural nerve nerve stimulation-guided regional anesthesia. New York: Springer;
blocks in adults [3, 4]. For deep peroneal nerve block at the 2007. p. 205–13.
Part X
Nerve Blocks at the Trunk
Paravertebral Blocks
Heather Yizhen Z. Ting, Karen R. Boretsky,
and Ban C.H. Tsui
28.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
28.2 Clinical Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
28.3 Block Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
28.3.1 Landmark-Based Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
28.3.2 Nerve Stimulation Technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
28.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
28.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
28.5 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy proportionally smaller pelvis, and the sacrum is located
more cephalad relative to the iliac crests; in neonates and
Thoracic Paravertebral Block infants, the intercristal line crosses the midline of the ver-
tebral column at the L4–L5 or L5–S1 interspace [3, 4]).
• Spinous processes: Locate T7 at the tips of the scapulae A vertical line intersecting the posterior superior iliac
(Fig. 28.1a). Look for scoliosis, which may require further spine (S2 level) is drawn (Fig. 28.1b).
study of the anatomy of the spinal column with ultrasound. • Transverse processes: The transverse processes of the
• Transverse processes: At T1, the transverse process is lumbar spine are long and slender and are located directly
located directly lateral to its corresponding spinous pro- lateral to their corresponding spinous process. The infe-
cess. Subsequent transverse processes are extended to rior borders of the relevant transverse processes are
increasingly cephalad locations (i.e., the T7 transverse pro- marked on the skin, and a line is drawn through these
cess is lateral to T6 spinous process) due to the increasingly marks.
inferior angulation of the spinous processes. The inferior
borders of the relevant transverse processes are marked on The distance between the spinous process and the corre-
the skin, and a line is drawn through these marks. sponding transverse process is variable, depending on the
patient’s age. At the thoracic level, the needle puncture site is
Lumbar Paravertebral Block lateral to the spinous process but may be 1 cm or larger
(2.5 cm) (Fig. 28.1a). For the lumbar levels, the puncture site
• Spinous processes: Typically, the spinous process of L4 is is also 1–2.5 cm lateral to the corresponding spinous process
at the level of the iliac crests (neonates and infants have a (Fig. 28.2).
a b
Fig. 28.1 (a) Surface anatomy for thoracic paravertebral block. (b) Skeletal model showing the L4 transverse process and posterior superior iliac
spine (PSIS) landmarks Needle Insertion process (SP-PVS distance) since they correlate with the
patient’s body weight:
Thoracic Paravertebral Block 1. S − PVS depth ( mm ) = 0.48 × body weight ( kg ) + 18.7
2. SP − PVS distance ( mm ) = 0.12 × body weight ( kg ) + 10.2
• After aseptic skin preparation and patient sedation, local
anesthetic skin wheals are raised at the marked transverse Lumbar Paravertebral Block
• If using nerve stimulation, an insulated needle (5–8 cm, • After aseptic skin preparation and patient sedation, local
22G needles are used, depending on the size of the child) is anesthetic skin wheals are raised at the marked transverse
introduced through the skin wheal in the sagittal plane and processes.
directed slightly cephalad to contact the transverse process • If using nerve stimulation, an insulated needle (5–8 cm,
or, sometimes, likely the costotransverse ligament. 22G needles are used, depending on the size of the child)
• Gentle cephalad or caudad exploration may be required to is introduced through the skin wheal in the sagittal plane,
identify the bone. penetrating the fascia surrounding the quadratus lumbo-
• The depth of the transverse process should be carefully rum muscle to contact the transverse process.
noted on the needle shaft. • Gentle cephalad or caudad exploration may be required to
• The needle is now withdrawn from the transverse process to identify the bone.
the skin level and reinserted 10° superiorly (to target the • The depth of the transverse process should be noted on
spinal nerve corresponding to the spinous process) or inferi- the needle shaft.
orly (corresponding to the vertebral level below the spinous • The needle is now withdrawn from the transverse process
process) and slightly deeper (usually up to a maximum of to the skin level and reinserted 10° superiorly (to target
1 cm) than the previously marked point of bone contact. the spinal nerve corresponding to the spinous process) or
• The needle should be angled slightly medially to avoid inferiorly (corresponding to the vertebral level below the
causing pneumothorax. There will be a subtle “give” at the spinous process) and slightly deeper (up to a maximum of
midpoint between these landmarks (spinous and transverse 1 cm) than the previously marked point of bone contact,
processes), indicating entrance into the paravertebral space. sliding off the superior or inferior edge of the transverse
• For the loss-of-resistance technique, an epidural set con- process.
taining an 18G–22G (the latter for children under 6 months • There will be a subtle “give” at the midpoint between
of age) Tuohy needle with a syringe is used. After walking these landmarks (spinous and transverse processes), indi-
off the transverse processes, a “pop” or loss of resistance cating entrance into the paravertebral space.
to air or D5W may be felt when entering the paravertebral • For the loss-of-resistance technique, an epidural set con-
space through the costotransverse ligament. taining an 18G–22G (the latter for children under
• Lonnqvist et al. [1] reported calculations using computed 6 months of age) Tuohy needle with a syringe is used.
tomography for determining both the depth of the para- After walking off the transverse processes, a “pop” or loss
vertebral space from the skin (S-PVS depth) and the lat- of resistance to air or D5W may be felt when entering the
eral distance of the paravertebral space from the spinous paravertebral space through the ligament.
28 Paravertebral Blocks 441
28.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique paravertebral blocks is now used widely for both single-shot
blocks and catheter insertion [6, 7]. Ultrasound guidance can
Traditionally, ultrasound imaging has been used prior to (i.e., be used to help identify the paravertebral space and needle
“pre-procedural,” “supported,” or “off-line” imaging) rather placement and to monitor the spread of the local anesthetic.
than during (i.e., “real-time” or “on-line” imaging) block per- The MRI images in Figs. 28.3, 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, 28.7, and
formance to identify the deep bony landmarks, including the 28.8 correlate to the ultrasound images in these figures, allow-
articular and transverse processes. Real-time imaging for ing the reader to better understand the anatomy of the region.
Fig. 28.3 (a) VHVS and MRI images of transverse section at T9–10. (b) Ultrasound images of transverse section at T9–10
28 Paravertebral Blocks 443
Fig. 28.4 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal section at the midline showing the spinous process of T9 and T10. (b) Ultrasound images
of longitudinal section at the midline showing the spinous process of T9 and T10
444 H.Y.Z. Ting et al.
Fig. 28.5 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal section at the midline showing the laminae of T9 and T10. (b) Ultrasound images of longi-
tudinal section at the midline showing the laminae of T9 and T10
28 Paravertebral Blocks 445
Fig. 28.6 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal section at the images of longitudinal section at the midline showing the articular pro-
midline showing the articular processes of T9 and T10. (b) Ultrasound cesses of T9 and T10
446 H.Y.Z. Ting et al.
Fig. 28.7 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal section at the midline showing the transverse processes of T9 and T10. (b) Ultrasound
images of longitudinal section at the midline showing the transverse processes of T9 and T10
28 Paravertebral Blocks 447
Fig. 28.8 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal section lateral to the midline showing the ninth and tenth ribs and the underlying pleural
space. (b) Ultrasound images of longitudinal section lateral to the midline showing the ninth and tenth ribs and the underlying pleural space
448 H.Y.Z. Ting et al. Scanning Technique • Moving laterally, the transverse processes appear (Fig. 28.7)
and look similar to the articular processes. The transverse
• Position a linear high-frequency (10–12 MHz) probe in processes will disappear from view when the probe is moved
the transverse plane in the midline to capture an overview beyond their tips, which can help distinguish them from the
of the vertebrae (Fig. 28.3). The vertebral laminae and articular processes and mark the lateral block location.
processes will be viewed, allowing the lateral distance to • Beyond the transverse processes in the thoracic region,
the transverse processes to be marked. the rib heads appear as long shadows within hyperechoic
• To obtain a more accurate localization (lateral distance borders deep to the linear hyperechoic muscle fibers of
and depth) of the transverse processes, rotate the probe to the paravertebral muscles (Fig. 28.8).
the longitudinal plane, and scan in a medial-to-lateral • The paravertebral space lies deep to the transverse pro-
direction. Starting at the spinous processes (Fig. 28.4), the cesses between the intercostal muscle and parietal pleura
scan will capture (in sequence) the lamina (Fig. 28.5), (Fig. 28.7), and the pleura can often be identified as a
articular (Fig. 28.6) and transverse processes (Fig. 28.7), bright hyperechoic line under the ribs (Fig. 28.8).
and, in the thoracic spine, the ribs (Fig. 28.8). • At the lumbar spine, the relatively bulky erector spinae
• To locate the desired segment at the lumbar spine, place muscles appear highly linear and overlay the vertebrae
the probe in the longitudinal plane at the lateral distance and spinal nerves during the scan.
of the transverse processes and shift the probe caudally • Deep to the medial aspect of the transverse processes, the
to capture the cephalad aspect of the sacrum. The trans- lumbar nerve roots may be seen between the hypoechoic
verse processes can then be counted during a cephalad shadows of the bones, as hypoechoic parallel bands inter-
scan. spersed with the hyperechoic striations of the related con-
nective tissue.
• In the lumbar paravertebral space, the lumbar plexus lies Sonographic Appearance in the “psoas compartment” bordered by the psoas major
anteriorly and quadratus lumborum posteriorly (Figs.
• The initial transverse scan will show a hyperechoic out- 11.4 and 24.6a).
line of the vertebral spinous and transverse processes, the
lamina, and, in the thoracic spine, associated rib
(Fig. 28.3).
• The midline image in the longitudinal plane will capture Clinical Pearl
the spinous processes (Fig. 28.4). Lumbar plexus vs. lumbar paravertebral block:
• During the lateral scan with the probe placed longitudi- Lumbar plexus block, also known as the psoas
nally to the spine, the laminae will appear first as largely sheath block, is performed by injecting local anesthetic
overlapping linear structures (Fig. 28.5). within the psoas sheath and into the psoas muscle. The
• The articular processes in long-axis appear as multiple lumbar paravertebral block, which is also known as
“lumps” just lateral to the spinous processes and laminae psoas compartment block, involves injection of local
and are short, rectangular structures with hyperechoic anesthetic posterior to the psoas sheath, between the
lines with underlying hypoechoic bony shadowing psoas muscle and quadratus lumborum.
(Fig. 28.6).
28 Paravertebral Blocks 449
Fig. 28.9 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided paraver- Fig. 28.10 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided
tebral block at T9–10. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint paravertebral block at T9–10. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
450 H.Y.Z. Ting et al. Alternate Scanning Technique: • If the rib is seen articulating with the transverse pro-
Transverse Approach cess and the pleura is not visualized, slide the probe
The miniscule distance between transverse processes and the caudal or cephalad a few millimeters until the pleura
resultant steep angle of the needle required to access the and transverse process are visualized with no over-
paravertebral space makes a parasagittal approach difficult in shadowing rib.
very small patients. A transverse (lateral-to-medial) approach • When visible, the internal intercostal membrane (IICM)
allows continuous visualization of the advancing needle and, (the lateral continuation of the costotransverse ligament)
providing that the needle is never advanced blindly, is a safe is identified as a linear hyperechoic structure connecting
alternate technique. the edge of the internal intercostal muscle to the lower
edge of the transverse process.
• The appropriate thoracic level is identified using surface • The paravertebral space is located in the triangle formed
landmarks or ultrasound pre-scanning and marked (see by the anatomic anterior surface of the transverse pro-
parasagittal approach). cess and IICM, the anatomic posterior surface of the
• Place a high-frequency linear transducer in a transverse parietal pleura, and the lateral surface of the vertebral
orientation over the spinous process corresponding to the body.
dermatomal level to be blocked. The spinous process is • The needle is introduced with the bevel toward and in-
identified as a hyperechoic inverted V-shape with an plane with the probe, several centimeters from the lateral
acoustic shadow beneath. edge of the probe. The needle is advanced at an angle
• Slide the probe lateral and rotate to a slightly oblique ori- from lateral to medial until the needle tip penetrates the
entation following the direction of the rib (lateral probe IICM and passes into the paravertebral space immediately
edge slightly caudal) until the tip of the transverse process underneath the transverse process.
is visualized as a characteristic thumb shape (Fig. 28.11). • Correct positioning within the paravertebral space can be
Locate the transverse process in the center of the screen. confirmed by real-time ultrasound visualization of ante-
The pleura is seen just lateral and deep to the transverse rior displacement of the pleura following injection of a
process. small amount of sterile saline or D5W.
Fig. 28.11 Transverse view of transverse process and surrounding anatomy for medial-to-lateral approach for paravertebral block, IC intercostal
muscles; TP transverse process
28 Paravertebral Blocks 451 Local Anesthetic Application • In young patients, the hypoechoic spread of local anes-
thetic can be seen as it displaces the parietal pleura ante-
• Local anesthetic spread will be difficult to view in most riorly during thoracic paravertebral block. During lumbar
patients if using real-time ultrasound guidance during this paravertebral block, local anesthetic spread can be seen
block. The overlying bones largely reflect the US beam posterior to the psoas major muscle.
and obstruct visibility of the paravertebral space. The • Chest X-ray following injection of omnipaque contrast
spread may be captured in young patients (generally dye (0.25 mL/kg) in a 6-month-old infant shows the
<2–3 years), since their neural arches have yet to fuse anterior-posterior spread of injectate across eight derma-
with the vertebral bodies (centrums), allowing the ultra- tomes following ultrasound-guided injection into the
sound beam to better penetrate to the paravertebral space. paravertebral space (Fig. 28.12).
29.1 Clinical Anatomy ............................................................................................................................ 456
29.1.1 Intercostal Nerves ............................................................................................................... 456
29.1.2 Costovertebral Articulations ............................................................................................... 456
29.2 Landmark-Based Technique .......................................................................................................... 456
29.2.1 Patient Positioning .............................................................................................................. 456
29.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy ....................................................................................... 457
29.2.3 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 457
29.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 458
29.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique ......................................................................................................... 458
29.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique .......................................................................................................... 458
29.4.1 Scanning Technique ............................................................................................................ 459
29.4.2 Sonographic Appearance .................................................................................................... 459
29.4.3 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 460
29.4.4 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 460
29.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches .............................................................. 460
29.6 Case Study ....................................................................................................................................... 461
References ................................................................................................................................................... 461
Suggested Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 461
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
29.1 Clinical Anatomy umbilical area, travels laterally between the transversus
abdominis and the internal oblique muscles and then courses
29.1.1 Intercostal Nerves between the rectus sheath and the posterior wall of the rec-
tus abdominis muscle (see Chap. 30). Within each intercos-
Figure 13.10 illustrates a transverse section of the hemitho- tal groove, the nerve runs inferior to the intercostal artery,
rax. Thoracic spinal nerves emerge from the intervertebral with the vein located uppermost.
(spinal) foramina, between the superior and inferior articula-
tions of the vertebral bodies and ribs. The spinal nerves
divide to supply paraspinal muscles and skin of the back 29.1.2 Costovertebral Articulations
(dorsal ramus) and the intercostal spaces (ventral ramus).
The ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves form 11 pairs The ribs articulate with the vertebral column through two
of intercostal nerves (T1–T11) for the 11 intercostal spaces synovial joints (Fig. 13.6). The costovertebral joint is formed
(the ventral rami of T1 split into two and the larger branch by the head of the rib articulating with the demifacets on the
serves as the brachial plexus) and the subcostal nerve (T12), adjacent thoracic vertebral bodies and the corresponding
which courses below the 12th rib. The nerves relay and intervertebral disk of the upper vertebral joint. The costo-
receive information with the ganglia of the paravertebral transverse joint is formed by the articular facets on the tuber-
sympathetic chain through gray and white rami communi- cles of the ribs articulating with the transverse processes of
cantes. The intercostal nerves give off cutaneous branches at the thoracic vertebrae. Ultrasound imaging may help deter-
the anterior and lateral aspects of the thoracic wall. mine the needle puncture point for intercostal nerve block by
Initially, the intercostal nerves run along the dorsal aspect marking the location of the costotransverse joint.
of the intercostal space, between the intercostal membrane
and the parietal pleura. From here, they course laterally past
the angle of the rib, pierce the internal intercostal mem- 29.2 Landmark-Based Technique
brane, and run between the internal and middle intercostal
muscles (also referred to as the innermost and internal inter- 29.2.1 Patient Positioning
costal muscles, respectively). Laterally, the nerves give off
both collateral (running adjacent to the nerve within the • For unilateral intercostal nerve block, the patient is usu-
intercostal space) and lateral cutaneous branches, the latter ally placed in the lateral decubitus position with the upper
dividing into ventral and dorsal branches. Rather than arm resting on a support.
branching, the second intercostal nerve supplies the inter- • For bilateral blockade, the patient may be placed in the
costobrachial nerve, which innervates the axillary region. prone position or (if conscious) asked to sit. Their arms
As they travel anteriorly, the nerves again contact the pari- are draped over the edge of the stretcher or operating table
etal pleura before dividing into the anterior cutaneous nerves so that the scapula falls away laterally from the midline.
of the thorax. The tenth intercostal nerve, supplying the • For anterior blocks, the patient may be supine or sitting.
29 Intercostal Nerve Blocks 457
Fig. 29.1 Surface anatomy and needle insertion points for intercostal
nerve block
458 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 29.2 (a) VHVS and MRI images of sagittal section showing the intercostal space. (b) Ultrasound images of sagittal section showing the
intercostal space
29 Intercostal Nerve Blocks 459
29.4.1 Scanning Technique • When using the M-mode to visualize the intercostal
space, the typical “seashore sign” illustrating the position
• At each level, place a high-frequency probe perpendicular of the pleura and lung tissue can be better appreciated
to the ribs at the appropriate position (mid-axillary line or (Fig. 29.3).
scapular line or immediately medial to the scapular line) • The muscles appear hypoechoic with a pennate pattern.
to capture an image of the cephalad and caudal rib and the • The neurovascular space can be difficult to visualize, but
underlying pleura. the vascular bundle can be made more obvious with color
Fig. 29.3 Ultrasound image showing the intercostal space in M-mode. “seashore sign” indicates normal lung sliding. Blue rectangle indicates
The linear pattern is tissue superficial to the pleura (arrowhead). The ultrasound probe footprint
granular or “sandy” appearance below the pleura is lung tissue; this
460 B.C.H. Tsui
• Insert a short-beveled, 22G–24G needle using an OOP • Inject 0.5–1 mL of local anesthetic solution into each
alignment to the probe (Fig. 29.4). level, and view the spread between the middle and inter-
• Apply color Doppler to help confirm the location of the nal intercostal muscles in the vicinity of the neurovascular
intercostal blood vessels. space.
• Position the needle immediately inferior to the cephalad • The spread will appear as a small expansion of
rib and inferior to the artery. hypoechogenicity.
• For the IP technique, the needle is inserted caudad to the
ultrasound probe which is placed in a parasagittal plane.
The needle is aimed at the inferior part of the rib, where 29.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-
the neurovascular bundle is situated: between the inner- Guided Approaches
most intercostal membrane and internal intercostal mus-
cle (Fig. 29.5). Local anesthetic absorption for intercostal block is the high-
est of all peripheral blocks due to the area’s abundant vascu-
larity. Peak plasma concentration of bupivacaine 0.5 %
occurs between 5 and 15 min in children; [2] thus, addition
of epinephrine can help slow the systemic absorption.
A retrospective review was performed by Shelly and Park
on liver transplant patients who received intercostal blocks
[3]. This study showed that children who received intercostal
block had much lower opioid requirements than those not
receiving intercostal blocks. A prospective study of 20 chil-
dren (5–12 years) who received intercostal block for thora-
cotomy also showed improved pain control compared to
those maintained on opioids alone [4].
30.1 Rectus Sheath Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
30.1.1 Clinical Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
30.1.2 Landmark-Based Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
30.1.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
30.1.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
30.1.5 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
30.2 Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
30.2.1 Clinical Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
30.2.2 Landmark-Based Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
30.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
30.2.4 Catheter Placement Under Direct Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
30.2.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
30.2.6 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
30.1 Rectus Sheath Block • The posterior wall of the sheath is not attached to muscle,
and the area between the rectus abdominis muscle and
30.1.1 Clinical Anatomy sheath can be separated for the block.
• The nerve’s anterior cutaneous branch, formed as it
• The anterior abdominal wall is innervated by the inferior crosses the rectus muscle, supplies the skin of the umbili-
seven thoracic nerves (T6–T12) and one lumbar nerve cal area.
(L1). These nerves travel laterally between the transver- • The rectus sheath block aims to place local anesthetic
sus abdominis and the internal oblique muscles and then, between the posterior aspect of the rectus sheath and the
at the level of the linea semilunaris (or lateral edge of the rectus abdominis muscle. The posterior wall of the sheath
rectus abdominis muscle), penetrates the rectus sheath to is not attached to the muscle and thus can be separated dur-
travel between the posterior wall of the rectus sheath and ing the block injection (i.e., represents a potential space).
the rectus abdominis muscle. From there, the nerves pen-
etrate anteriorly through the rectus muscle to innervate
the skin. 30.1.2 Landmark-Based Technique
• The rectus sheath is formed by the aponeuroses of the lat-
eral three abdominal muscles and encloses the rectus Patient Positioning
abdominis muscle (Fig. 13.9). Bilateral sheaths are joined
at the linea alba above the arcuate line. The arcuate line is • A supine position is most appropriate for this block.
the horizontal line separating the lower limit of the poste-
rior layer of the rectus sheath, which is derived from the
posterior layer of the internal oblique aponeurosis and the Landmarks and Surface Anatomy (Fig. 30.1)
transversus abdominal aponeurosis.
• The arcuate line also marks the point where the inferior • Umbilicus
epigastric vessels are separated by the posterior fascia of • Linea semilunaris: the lateral edge of the rectus abdomi-
the rectus abdominis. nal muscle
• After marking the external layer of the rectus sheath on • For children up to 7 years of age, 0.2 mL/kg 0.2 % ropiva-
both sides of the abdomen, insert a short-bevel needle at caine is adequate.
the point where the outer border of the rectus sheath • For older children, 0.2–0.3 mL/kg 0.5 % levobupivacaine
intersects a horizontal line at the level of the should be used.
• Advance the needle 60° to the skin toward the umbilicus
until a loss of resistance and a “pop” is felt, indicating 30.1.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique
puncture of the anterior rectus sheath.
• After injection of local anesthetic on one side, repeat the Subcutaneous structures of the rectus sheath at the level of
above steps for the other side. L3–L4 are depicted in the MRI and corresponding ultra-
sound images in Fig. 30.2.
Fig. 30.2 (a) VHVS and MRI images of the abdominal wall, showing the rectus abdominal muscle and the rectus sheath. (b) Ultrasound image
of the abdominal wall, showing the rectus abdominal muscle and the rectus sheath
466 B.J. Dicken and B.C.H. Tsui Scanning Technique • The peritoneum is seen behind the posterior rectus sheath.
• The muscles of the lateral abdominal wall (external
• Multiple injections are required for a successful rectus sheath oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis,
block. A typical approach is injection of local anesthetic on from superficial to deep) are seen lateral to the rectus
either side of the midline at the upper and lower ends of the muscle.
excision for a total of four needle insertion points. • The internal oblique muscle is on the same plane as the
• A linear (6–15 MHz) transducer is placed in a transverse rectus muscle, and they are separated by the aponeurosis
location on the anterior abdominal wall lateral to the pro- of the internal oblique.
posed incision site. • The target nerves are not visible. They course between
• The required depth for penetration is usually 2–4 cm but internal oblique and transversus abdominis before piercing
varies with the depth of the subcutaneous layer. the posterior rectus sheath to traverse the belly of the rectus
• The target for injection is the lateral gutter between the Ultrasonographic Appearance (Fig. 30.2b) posterior rectus sheath and the rectus muscle.
• The inferior epigastric vessels run through the rectus
• At the midline, the hyperechoic linea alba is seen between muscle. They may be seen if the Doppler function is uti-
the belly of the rectus muscle on either side. The most lized (Fig. 30.3). It is important to avoid puncturing or
superficial layer is subcutaneous fat. injecting local anesthetic into these vessels. Needle Insertion rectus muscle and thereby avoids the inferior epigas-
tric vessels.
• Depending on subcutaneous fat depth, use a 4–10 cm, • Needle tip position may be confirmed by injection of
22G needle. 1–2 mL D5W.
• An in-plane (IP) approach is used (Fig. 30.4).
• Intermittent injection with D5W is recommended to con- Local Anesthetic Application
firm needle tip position.
• The needle is inserted from lateral to medial. To avoid • Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior
puncturing the inferior epigastric vessels, a lateral to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and
needle insertion point is chosen. The needle is directed confirm needle tip localization.
through the external and internal oblique muscles • Inject 0.2 mL/kg 0.2 % ropivacaine, 0.25 % bupivacaine,
into the lateral gutter of the rectus muscle directly or 0.5 % bupivacaine on each side.
superficial to the posterior rectus sheath. Using this • The local anesthetic should be seen to spread between the
approach, the needle does not enter the belly of the posterior rectus sheath and the rectus muscle.
30.1.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound- guide needle placement, suggesting that improved accuracy
Guided Approaches leads to more successful blocks.
For rectus sheath block, the probe is placed over the linea Umbilical Nerve Block
semilunaris (at the lateral aspect of the rectus abdominis For umbilical hernia repair, an umbilical nerve block can be
muscle) at a level beneath the umbilicus, and the lateral edge performed. The scanning field of view should be increased to
of the rectus muscle is positioned at the edge of the screen. include the medial aspect of the lateral abdominal muscles
The posterior wall of the sheath may be poorly defined at and the region where their aponeuroses join to form the
locations caudad to the umbilicus (i.e., below the arcuate rectus sheath. Laterally, the lateral abdominal muscles may
line) [1]. The peritoneum appears thick with a hyperechoic be delineated with oblique hyperechoic lines separating
border beneath the muscles. them. The external oblique abdominal muscle lies outermost,
Willschke et al. described their approach for ultrasound- overlying the internal oblique abdominal and transversus
guided rectus sheath block in the clinical portion of their abdominis muscles. The thick rectus abdominis muscle can
two-part study evaluating the sonoanatomy and clinical fea- be identified medially, as can the rectus sheath, formed by
sibility of this block [2]. They stated that their injection site the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle and
was situated at the location where an optimal view of the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. The inter-
posterior sheath was obtained. A short-beveled needle (e.g., costal nerve(s) will likely not be visualized by ultrasound
22G, 40 mm with facet tip) was inserted using an out-of- imaging. The nerves are small and run longitudinally, thus
plane approach at the inferior edge of a linear hockey stick tangential, to the probe [1]. The hyperechoic and linear
probe, using an angle most suitable for the depth of the appearance of the nerves will closely resemble the aponeuro-
sheath. The needle tip was placed just between the posterior sis of the musculature in this region.
rectus sheath and the posterior aspect of the rectus abdomi- De Jose Maria et al. [1] have described their approach to
nis muscle. After negative aspiration (for epigastric vessel an ultrasound-guided umbilical nerve block. The probe
puncture), local anesthetic solution was injected; expansion (10 MHz frequency) was placed where a line between the
of the space between the sheath and posterior aspect of the tenth intercostal space and the umbilicus intersects the rectus
rectus muscle denoted proper placement of the needle. abdominis muscle. They rotated the probe between trans-
The median depth of the posterior sheath in 30 children was verse and longitudinal planes in order to obtain a good view
8.0 mm (range 5–13.8); moreover, there was poor correlation clearly delineating the musculature and rectus sheath. The
between the depth of the posterior rectus sheath and weight, longitudinal plane was used during the block, and the ideal
height, or body surface area [3]. With the sheath’s proximity to position of the probe was that which best captured the forma-
the peritoneum and without the possibility of reliable estima- tion of the rectus sheath, by the aponeuroses of the transver-
tions or calculations of optimal needle depth, ultrasound imag- sus abdominis and internal oblique abdominal muscles. The
ing during the block is especially useful. It is also important to needle was inserted using an in-plane approach to place the
note that the posterior wall of the sheath is poorly defined tip close to the lateral edge of the rectus muscle and between
below the arcuate line [1]. Placing the needle more lateral, and the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles. The local anes-
thus potentially avoiding puncture into the peritoneum, the thetic spread was observed behind the rectus abdominis mus-
umbilical nerve block targets the region lateral to the sheath cle and under the internal oblique abdominal muscle.
where the nerves exit from their course between the transversus
abdominis and internal oblique abdominal muscles. Outcome Evaluation for Blocks at
Two recent studies compared ultrasound-guided rectus the Anterior Trunk
sheath block to the traditional method of local anesthetic Earlier reports of the rectus sheath block, using “blind” tech-
infiltration for pain control during umbilical hernia repair. niques, describe successful blocks as performed in small
Both demonstrated a reduction in consumption of postopera- numbers of patients [8, 9]. Using ultrasound guidance for
tive opioid and non-opioid analgesia in the rectus sheath rectus sheath blocks in 20 children, Willschke et al. reported
block group [4, 5]. Gurnaney et al. [5] showed no difference a 100 % success rate for intra- and postoperative analgesia
in time to rescue analgesia between the groups, and (until time to discharge at 4 h), using (predetermined vol-
Dingeman et al. [4] showed that postoperative pain scores umes in their study) lower doses of local anesthetics (i.e.,
were lower with the ultrasound-guided block. These studies’ levobupivacaine 0.25 % 0.1 mL/kg versus bupivacaine 0.5 %
findings are supported by a case series of ultrasound-guided 0.2 mL/kg) than previously described when using “blind”
rectus sheath block for umbilical hernia repair which showed technique with the same injection protocol [3, 9]. Similar
that patients receiving the block consumed less opioid anal- doses of local anesthetic have been used for the umbilical
gesia in the post-op recovery unit [6]. These results also con- nerve block as those for the ultrasound-guided rectus sheath
trast those of a prior study [7] that did not use ultrasound to block (i.e., bupivacaine 0.25 % 0.1 mL/kg) [1].
30 Rectus Sheath and Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Blocks 469
Rectus Sheath Block (Provided By A. Spencer) 0.5 mL was injected into the aponeurosis adjoining the
A 4-year-old girl, 16 kg, presented for same-day repair of rectus abdominis muscle to the external and internal
epigastric hernia. The patient underwent a general anes- oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. Block dura-
thetic combined with an ultrasound-guided periumbilical tion was 6–12 h; time of surgery was 1 h 10 min.
nerve block in line with the umbilicus (correlating with Acetaminophen 15 mg/kg po liquid was administered
thoracic tenth dermatome level). A 22G 40 mm, B-beveled preoperatively, and ketorolac 0.3 mg/kg was given peri-
needle was inserted in-plane, and 3.5 mL ropivacaine operatively; no morphine was given during the case. The
0.25 % with epinephrine was deposited bilaterally below patient was comfortable in recovery 30 and 60 min post-
the rectus abdominis muscle and posterior fascia (equiva- op. No additional analgesia was required in the recovery
lent to 0.2 mL/kg per side) (Fig. 30.5). An additional room or on the day surgery ward prior to going home.
• The sensory innervation of the abdominal wall is derived • The patient may be supine or lateral.
from anterior divisions of the thoracolumbar nerves • When performing the block on an awake patient, it may
(T6–L1). be convenient to use a lateral position, which will increase
• T6–T11 begin as intercostal nerves; T12 is the subcostal exposure to the posterior axillary line and permit a more
nerve; L1 is the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve. posterior approach.
• The thoracolumbar nerve roots exit the space that is bor-
dered between the latissimus dorsi posteriorly and the Landmarks and Surface Anatomy
transversus abdominis anteriorly, within the “lumbar tri-
angle of Petit.” • Iliac crest
• There are often extensive anastomoses involving the seg- • Costal margin
mental nerves that emerge from the costal margin, such • Triangle of Petit:
that they rapidly lose their segmental origin [10]. – A weakness in the lateral abdominal wall that can be
• The intercostal nerves, subcostal nerves, and the first lum- palpated when performing a landmark technique. Its
bar nerves run in a neurovascular plane known as the base is the iliac crest, and it is bordered anteriorly by
transversus abdominis plane (TAP) (Fig. 13.9). the external oblique muscle and posteriorly by latissi-
• The TAP is situated between the internal oblique and mus dorsi (Fig. 30.6).
transversus abdominis muscles; the plane allows adequate
spread of local anesthetic. Needle Insertion • The above steps can be repeated for the other side of the
• A blunt needle is recommended to facilitate easier detec-
tion of loss of resistance as the needle penetrates the Local Anesthetic Application
external and internal oblique muscles.
• Insert the needle through the triangle of Petit, just anterior • For each side, 0.2–0.3 mL/kg of 0.25 % bupivacaine or
to the point at which the latissimus dorsi attaches to the 0.2 % ropivacaine can be used.
external lip of the iliac crest, until the needle contacts the • Total dose of either drug should not exceed 3 mg/kg.
iliac crest. A “pop” may be felt as the needle passes
through the external oblique muscle.
• The needle can then be “walked off” the iliac crest until 30.2.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique
an obvious “pop” is felt as the needle punctures the inter-
nal oblique muscle. The needle is now in the plane The abdominal wall with the associated musculature and rec-
between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis tus sheath is depicted in the MRI and corresponding ultra-
muscles where the local anesthetic is to be injected. sound images in Fig. 30.7.
Fig. 30.7 (a) VHVS and MRI images showing the three layers of the lateral abdominal muscles. (b) Ultrasound image showing the three layers
of the lateral abdominal muscles
472 B.J. Dicken and B.C.H. Tsui Scanning Technique • The transversalis fascia lies deep to the transversus
abdominis muscle. The peritoneum is adherent to the
• A linear (6–15 MHz) transducer is placed in a transverse transversalis fascia. The peritoneal cavity and intestines
location on the midaxillary line between the iliac crest lie beneath this fascia.
and the costal margin.
• A curved probe may be used in obese patients, but the Needle Insertion
resultant image may be more challenging to interpret.
• The required depth for penetration is usually 2–4 cm but • Depending on skin-to-TAP distance, use a 5- to 10 cm,
varies with the depth of the subcutaneous layer. 22G needle.
• The individual muscle layers may be difficult to identify; • Most commonly, an in-plane (IP) approach (Fig. 30.8) is
however, the internal oblique muscle is always the widest, used. The out-of-plane (OOP) approach (Fig. 30.9) is
and it is important to identify the superficial subcutaneous rarely used since it is difficult to visualize the needle tip
layer. due to the target depth. Intermittent injection with D5W is
recommended to confirm needle tip position in this Ultrasonographic Appearance instance.
• For an IP approach, the needle is inserted 3–4 cm from the
• The nerves might not be visible; the target for injection is medial aspect of the probe and typically directed in a
the fascial plane (TAP) which the nerves traverse. medial-to-lateral fashion at anterior axillary line, although
• Three muscle layers can be seen, above which lies the some experts have also used a lateral-to-medial approach.
subcutaneous fat (not to be mistaken for a muscle layer) This insertion point permits greater visibility as the nee-
and below which lies the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, dle is more parallel to the transducer. Because of the tar-
and loops of intestine (Fig. 30.7b). get depth, an insertion point close to the transducer
• The most superficial layer is subcutaneous fat. This has a surface would necessitate a steeper angle of approach and
mostly hypoechoic appearance with occasional hyper- poor needle visibility.
echoic striations running through it. – A distinct “pop” may be felt as the needle penetrates
• The muscle layers from superficial to deep are external the fascial planes. The needle tip position may be con-
oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis mus- firmed by injection of 1–2 mL of D5W.
cles. They have a much greater hyperechogenic appear- • For the OOP approach, the ultrasound probe is placed in
ance than the superficial subcutaneous layer. the same location as for the IP technique. The needle is
• The internal oblique muscle is the widest layer, and the then inserted in a cephalad-to-caudad direction. Due to
transversus abdominis muscle is the thinnest. the depth of the transverse abdominis plane, using a
• Each muscle layer is separated by a distinct hyperechoic “walk-down” approach (see Chap. 4) is essential to avoid
fascial plane. The TAP separates the internal oblique from intraperitoneal needle insertion.
the transversus abdominis muscle.
Fig. 30.8 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided transver- Fig. 30.9 Out-of-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided trans-
sus abdominis plane block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint versus abdominis plane block. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint
30 Rectus Sheath and Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Blocks 473 Local Anesthetic Application cutaneously through the abdominal wall cephalad to the
incision at the lateral border of the transversus abdominis
• Performing a test dose with D5W is recommended prior muscle.
to local anesthetic application to visualize the spread and • The catheter is inserted in a medial-to-lateral direction,
confirm needle tip localization. and the catheter tip is positioned at the most lateral point
• 0.2–0.3 mL/kg of local anesthetic, (e.g., 0.2 % ropivacaine of the incision.
or 0.25 % bupivacaine) is injected per side. • After full closure of the incision in three separate layers
• The correct response to injection is longitudinal spread of (transversus abdominis, internal oblique, external
the hypoechoic-appearing local anesthetic within the oblique), the catheter is affixed to the skin.
TAP. Injection with the internal oblique or transversus • Both unilateral and bilateral TAP catheters may be placed
abdominis muscles requires repositioning of the needle. using this technique.
• The advantages of this approach include:
– Familiarity of the surgeon with the anatomy of the
30.2.4 Catheter Placement Under Direct abdominal wall musculature enables accuracy in cath-
Visualization (Fig. 30.10) eter placement and positioning.
– Removes the ambiguity of whether the fascial plane
An alternative to landmark- and ultrasound-guided place- between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis
ment of a TAP catheter(s) is placement under direct vision by muscles has been penetrated, [10] as is sometimes the
the surgeon at the end of the procedure: case with landmark- and ultrasound-guided approaches.
– Reduces significantly the risk of iatrogenic damage
• Following closure of the transversus abdominis and rec- caused by advancement of the needle using blind or
tus abdominis muscle layers, the catheter is inserted per- ultrasound-guided approaches.
30.2.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound- Simpson et al. [21] described a case in which ultrasound-
Guided Approaches guided TAP block was administered for chronic pain associ-
ated with anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
Mai et al. [11] recently published a comprehensive review of (ANCES) in a 13-year-old patient. Bilateral TAP blocks
the use of TAP block in the pediatric population, including were performed with a 22G needle inserted in-plane; 20 mL
history, complications, and outcomes of published reports. bupivacaine 0.25 % with 1:400,000 epinephrine was injected.
Laghari et al. were first to describe an approach to perform- Patient pain scores improved, and after 6 weeks, another set
ing an ultrasound-guided TAP block in children [12]. In a of TAP blocks was administered, extending pain relief for
9-year-old girl, these authors used an out-of-plane needle another month.
alignment to a linear probe placed in the flank above the iliac More recently, Sandeman et al. [22] showed that patients
crest. The needle (21G, 50 mm insulated) was placed approx- receiving ultrasound-guided TAP block for laparoscopic
imately 2 cm above the highest point of the iliac crest and appendectomy reported reduced postoperative pain scores
directed cranially using a shallow angle. The needle was compared to patients not receiving a block. However, this
advanced until its tip was viewed in the TAP, thus between study did not find a significant difference in time to first anal-
the transverse and internal oblique abdominal muscles. Local gesia after surgery or opioid consumption. These results con-
anesthetic was injected incrementally, and the spread was trast those obtained by Elshaikh et al. and Sahin et al. [23,
observed within the plane. No intraoperative analgesia was 24] which demonstrated significant reductions in pain scores
required, and excellent pain scores (0/10) were recorded and perioperative opioid consumption, as well as an increase
soon after the open appendectomy. A simple technique for in time to first analgesia, in patients receiving ultrasound-
placement of the TAP block in infants and children has since guided TAP blocks versus a control group which received
been described with a step-by-step approach to performing systemic opioids for pain control. As an added benefit, the
this block in infants and children [13]. TAP group experienced less incidence of vomiting compared
Fredrickson et al. [14] have described their early experi- to the opioid group.
ence with TAP block under ultrasound guidance. They An observational study by Palmer et al. [25] studied the
placed a linear probe in the axial plane above the iliac crest, multilevel block properties of ultrasound-guided TAP block.
or at a location where the three lateral abdominal muscle Although pediatric guidelines have recommended TAP block
layers were most evident on the ultrasound screen. An in- for upper and lower abdominal surgeries [13], Palmer et al.
plane needle alignment was used, with the needle (a short found that only a quarter of patients experienced upper
22G spinal needle) directed from anterior to posterior to abdominal block extension. No significant correlation was
allow the needle to be viewed along its axis. Upon viewing found between dermatomal spread and local anesthetic dose,
the needle tip in the TAP, the local anesthetic was injected volume, or concentration.
while observing the spread within the plane. The blocks Recently, the Pediatric Regional Anesthesia Network
were successful, with the exception of those patients who queried their database to provide information on complica-
required intraoperative opioid supplementation due to sper- tions, including puncture of vasculature/peritoneum/organs,
matic cord manipulation (genitofemoral nerve). Following pulmonary and/or neurological symptoms, hematoma, and
this report, the successful use of ultrasound-guided TAP infection, following TAP block [26]. A total of 1994 cases
blocks in neonates was demonstrated [15–17]. A recent were assessed, of which, only two had complications. More
audit of the use of ultrasound-guided TAP blocks, both uni- concerning was the finding that a relatively wide range of
lateral and bilateral and for various surgeries, confirms the doses (0.47–2.29 mg bupivacaine equivalents per kg) were
block’s efficacy in controlling postoperative pain in neo- used, with around 7 % of patients receiving potentially toxic
nates and infants [18]. doses. This survey reveals that, while TAP blocks have a
Taylor et al. [19] published a report of two cases in which relatively low incidence of complications in pediatric
TAP catheters were installed under ultrasound guidance in patients, care should be taken in determining dosing, with
children with a history of significant spina bifida. Both chil- attention paid to avoiding delivery of a potentially toxic
dren underwent appendicovesicostomy and received bilat- dose.
eral TAP catheters through which a continuous infusion of The TAP block provides analgesia to the abdominal wall,
bupivacaine was delivered. Pain control was excellent for through blockade of the lower thoracic and first lumbar
both patients, and neither required supplementary analgesics spinal nerves at the lateral aspect of the abdomen prior to
during the postoperative period. A later case series described their course between the transversus abdominis and internal
the use of TAP catheters installed under ultrasound guidance oblique abdominal muscles. In adults, there may be reliance
in low-weight (<15 kg) children in whom epidural anesthesia on palpating the “lumbar triangle of Petit” at the base of
was contraindicated [20]. In these cases, all blocks were suc- which lies the internal oblique muscle [27]. Because there is
cessful, with no adverse events reported. no distinctly palpable triangle of Petit in children (or one
30 Rectus Sheath and Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Blocks 475
only enabling sensation of a tiny hole), ultrasound may be coagulation abnormalities. Since this block includes block-
especially valuable for determining the point of needle punc- ade of the first lumbar nerve root, it may substitute the ilioin-
ture during this block. Indications for the TAP block include guinal/iliohypogastric block in cases when the region
postoperative pain control following abdominal surgery anterior and medial to the ASIS offers suboptimal imaging;
including colostomy and laparotomy especially when a cen- the muscles in this region are apparently prone to anisotropy
tral neuraxial block is contraindicated as in children with (i.e., artifactual images produced due to the beam penetra-
spinal dysraphism (neural tube defect) or in children with tion angle in relation to the muscles) [14].
Transversus Abdominis Plane Block (Provided By S. Suresh) was performed using a 27G needle with an in-plane
A male toddler, 35 months old and weighing 13.5 kg, pre- approach (see Fig. 30.11). Eight milliliters 0.25 % bupi-
sented for laparoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion. The vacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine was injected.
patient had a history of cystic fibrosis without mention of Duration of surgery was 1 h, and block duration was 6 h.
meconium ileus and failure to thrive and had previously At 45 min post-op, the patient reported 5/10 for pain on
undergone an X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract. An the FLACC scale. A 7 mg injection of ketorolac (Toradol)
ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block was given 1 h post-op.
31.1 Clinical Anatomy ............................................................................................................................ 478
31.2 Landmark-Based Technique (Fascial “Click” Method) .............................................................. 478
31.2.1 Patient Positioning .............................................................................................................. 478
31.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy ....................................................................................... 478
31.2.3 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 478
31.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 479
31.3 Nerve Stimulation Technique ......................................................................................................... 479
31.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique....................................................................................................... 479
31.4.1 Scanning Technique ............................................................................................................ 480
31.4.2 Ultrasonographic Appearance ............................................................................................. 480
31.4.3 Needle Insertion .................................................................................................................. 480
31.4.4 Local Anesthetic Application ............................................................................................. 481
31.5 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches .............................................................. 481
31.6 Case Study ....................................................................................................................................... 482
References ................................................................................................................................................... 483
Suggested Reading ..................................................................................................................................... 483
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
• The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves are both There are several recommendations for determining the
extensions of the anterior rami of the L1 segmental nerve puncture point for needle insertion. Different sites may also
(Figs. 11.2 and 11.4). necessitate variation in needle puncture angle. Low success
• The nerves represent the most inferior spinal level of the rates may be attributed to anatomic variability or the needle
segmental innervation of the body wall. Below L1, the puncture being too medial [1].
anterior rami contribute to the lumbar and sacral plexuses
to supply the lower limb, buttocks, and perianal region. • The traditional puncture site places the needle above the
• Both nerves pass laterally on the quadratus lumborum ASIS at a point one-fourth, or sometimes one-third, of the
muscle where they pierce the transversus abdominis to way from the lateral aspect of a line between the ASIS and
enter the transversus abdominis plane (TAP) between the the umbilicus (Fig. 31.1); however, as Van Shoor et al. [1]
transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles. suggested, this point may be too medial for most patients and
• The iliohypogastric nerve continues within the TAP plane instead recommend that the puncture point be just 2.5 mm
to segmentally supply the suprapubic skin, subcutaneous from the ASIS on the above mentioned line (Fig. 31.1).
tissue, and muscles of the lower abdominal wall (Fig. • Alternatively, the puncture site is considered at a point one
13.8). It also gives a lateral cutaneous branch which fingerbreadth (of the patient) medial and inferior to the ASIS
leaves the TAP at the iliac crest to supply the skin over the (the lower range for infants and young children) [2, 3].
upper buttock behind where the T12 subcostal nerve pro- • In a study of ultrasonographic imaging during ilioingui-
vides cutaneous supply. nal block, the ilioinguinal nerve was situated between 5
• The ilioinguinal nerve passes anteriorly in the TAP until it and 11.3 mm from the ASIS, depending on the weight of
pierces the internal oblique at the superficial inguinal ring the child, although there was no significant correlation
to lie on the spermatic cord or round ligament. It supplies between weight and this distance [4].
the ipsilateral penile base, hemiscrotum, and a small area • Any one of these points may be suitable, although in general,
of medial thigh below the inguinal ligament. there is much variation in the nerves’ locations, and ultra-
sound guidance is recommended for optimizing localization.
• A 3–4 cm, short-beveled or facet tipped, 22G–27G needle
31.2 Landmark-Based Technique is inserted at a 45° angle to the midline at the puncture
(Fascial “Click” Method) point (2.5 mm along the line between the ASIS and the
umbilicus) until the characteristic “click” is detected after
31.2.1 Patient Positioning internal oblique muscle penetration.
• However, the author prefers to insert the needle perpen-
• The block is most easily performed with the patient dicularly at only one patient’s fingerbreadth medial to the
supine. ASIS; this technique should reduce the risk of inadvertent
bowel perforation.
• Although two “clicks” may be experienced upon crossing
31.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy the external and internal oblique muscles, one “click” is
often detected. In many patients, the external oblique mus-
• Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS): follow the iliac crest cle has already turned into an aponeurosis at this level.
anteriorly to lateral abdomen and palpate the prominent
• Umbilicus
• Ensure negative aspiration prior to injecting local Nerve stimulation is not commonly performed for ilioingui-
anesthetic. nal nerve blocks.
• Inject local anesthetic (typically 0.3–0.5 mL/kg of 0.25 %
levobupivacaine or 0.5 % bupivacaine when using “blind”
technique) after detecting the fascial “click” upon pene- 31.4 Ultrasound-Guided Technique
tration of the internal oblique muscle. A fanlike injection
pattern, with both cephalad (toward the umbilicus) and The ilioinguinal nerve and surrounding musculature are
caudad (toward the groin) directions, has been described. depicted in the MRI and corresponding ultrasound images in
• Alternatively, this author prefers to maintain the needle Fig. 31.2. Prepare the needle insertion site and skin surface
perpendicular to the skin while injecting one-third of the with antiseptic solution. Prepare the ultrasound probe surface
local anesthetic injection upon feeling the second “click” by applying a sterile adhesive dressing to it prior to needling
(internal oblique fascia), withdrawing the needle slightly as discussed in Chap. 4.
and injecting another one-third above this layer, and then
withdrawing slightly again and injecting the remaining
one-third above the first “click” (external oblique fascia).
• An initial injection of some of the local anesthetic may be
performed subcutaneously prior to advancing the needle
to the intermuscular plane.
• Upon withdrawal of the needle, an additional 0.5–1 mL is
deposited subcutaneously to ensure blockade of the ilio-
hypogastric nerve.
Fig. 31.2 (a) VHVS and MRI images showing the ilioinguinal nerve and surrounding musculature. (b) Ultrasound images showing the ilioingui-
nal nerve and surrounding musculature
480 B.C.H. Tsui
• A linear (6–15 MHz) transducer is placed in an oblique • Needle length will depend upon the adiposity of the
location parallel to a line connecting the ASIS to the patient. A 5–10 cm, short-beveled 22G needle or an 18G
umbilicus. Tuohy needle should be utilized.
• A curved probe may be used in obese patients, but the • Either an in-plane (IP) (Fig. 31.3) or out-of-plane (OOP)
muscle and fascial layers will likely be more difficult to (Fig. 31.4) approach may be utilized. However, if the tar-
appreciate. get is deep, the needle tip will be difficult visualize in an
• The required depth for penetration is usually 1–4 cm but OOP approach. Intermittent injection with D5W is rec-
varies with the depth of the subcutaneous layer. ommended to confirm needle tip position in this instance.
• The layers of the abdominal wall and underlying muscles, • For an IP approach, the needle is inserted at a shallow
as well as bone and target nerves, should be able to be angle at the lateral end of the probe. The planes are often
identified in children. very shallow so that the needle is more parallel to the
• This angle of insertion has the advantage that if the needle
31.4.2 Ultrasonographic Appearance inadvertently passes too deep, then either the iliacus mus-
cle or ilium will likely be contacted and not the bowel.
• The layers of the abdominal wall should be visible, • A distinct “pop” will usually be felt on passage through
namely: skin, adipose tissue, external and internal oblique the fascial planes, as well as distinct “tenting” of the tis-
and transversus abdominis, peritoneum, and underlying sues on imaging. Needle tip position may be confirmed by
bowel. The iliacus muscle and the ilium will be visible injection of 1–2 mL of D5W.
deeper to the working depth. • For the OOP approach, the ultrasound probe is placed in
• The external oblique may in 50 % of patients be aponeu- an oblique position along a line joining the ASIS and
rotic in this location [4]. umbilicus. The needle should be inserted equidistant to
• If the spermatic cord or round ligament is visible, then the the depth of the target nerve caudad or cephalad to the
probe is too medial and distal. probe at a 45° angle, such that the needle tip can be visu-
• The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves are usually in alized as it approaches the nerve.
proximity to each other.
• The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves will be visible
in children either between the external oblique and inter-
nal oblique or between the internal oblique and transversus
abdominis muscle. The nerves are likely to much more
difficult to appreciate in adults but may become more vis-
ible by using some fluid as contrast.
• Color flow Doppler may assist in identifying the neuro-
vascular bundle; however, it is often too small to
• The endpoint for the block is to surround the identified
ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves with local anes-
thetic. Alternatively, if the nerves are not visible, for
example, in adults or obese children, place local anes-
thetic in the TAP plane as well as the plane between the
internal and external oblique muscles.
Fig. 31.3 In-plane needling technique for ultrasound-guided ilioingui-
nal/iliohypogastric nerve block. Blue rectangle indicates probe
31 Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerve Blocks 481
Fredrickson et al. [8] recently tested the theory that 31.6 Case Study
ultrasound-guided TAP block could be used in place of the
more common ultrasound-guided ilioinguinal block for pain
control following pediatric inguinal surgery. The authors Ilioinguinal Nerve Block (Provided by S. Suresh)
found that reporting of pain and oral analgesic intake was A 7-year-old female, 20 kg, with no past medical his-
higher in the TAP group, suggesting that ilioinguinal blocks tory or relevant family history was presented for right
provide superior pain control for this procedure. However, inguinal hernia repair. An ilioinguinal block was per-
ultrasound image quality was deemed better for the TAP formed under ultrasound guidance. Ten mL 0.125 %
blocks, and needle time under the skin was significantly bupivacaine (epinephrine 1:200,000) was injected with
greater for the ilioinguinal block group. Ultrasound-guided a 22G needle (Fig. 31.5). Duration of the block was
ilioinguinal blocks can also be given to enhance postopera- 6–12 h; surgery lasted 54 min. Pain control in recovery
tive pain relief in children who receive caudal block for groin was reported at 0/10 (verbal) 1 h following the opera-
surgeries, particularly inguinal hernia repair. tion. Postoperative analgesia included acetaminophen
(Tylenol), 240 mg orally (every 6 h as needed), and
hydrocodone-acetaminophen 3–200 mg orally (every
6 h as needed).
References 7. Hong JY, Kim WO, Koo BN, et al. The relative position of ilioingui-
nal and iliohypogastric nerves in different age groups of pediatric
patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54:566–70.
1. van Schoor AN, Boon JM, Bosenberg AT, et al. Anatomical consid-
8. Fredrickson MJ, Paine C, Hamill J. Improved analgesia with the
erations of the pediatric ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block.
ilioinguinal block compared to the transversus abdominis plane
Pediatr Anesth. 2005;15:371–7.
block after pediatric inguinal surgery: a prospective randomized
2. Schulte-Steinberg O. Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block.
trial. Pediatr Anesth. 2010;20:1022–7.
In: Saint-Maurice C, Schulte-Steinberg O, Armitage EN, editors.
Regional anesthesia in children. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange; 1990.
p. 156.
3. Sethna NF, Berde CB. Pediatric regional anesthesia. In: Gregory
GA, editor. Pediatric anesthesia. New York: Churchill Livingston; Suggested Reading
1989. p. 647–78.
4. Willschke H, Marhofer P, Bosenberg A, et al. Ultrasonography for Dalens BJ. Blocks of nerves of the trunk. In: Dalens BJ, editor. Pediatric
ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in children. Br J Anaesth. regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1990. p. 476–9.
2005;95:226–30. Karmakar MK, Kwok WH. Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia.
5. Willschke H, Bosenberg A, Marhofer P, et al. Ultrasonographic- In: Cote CJ, Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB
guided ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block in pediatric anesthe- Saunders; 2013. p. 880–908.
sia: what is the optimal volume? Anesth Analg. 2006;102:1680–4. Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
6. Weintraud M, Lundblad M, Kettner SC, et al. Ultrasound versus Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
landmark-based technique for ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve 2013. p. 835–79.
blockade in children: the implications on plasma levels of ropiva-
caine. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:1488–92.
Penile Blocks
Heather Yizhen Z. Ting, Peter D. Metcalfe,
and Ban C.H. Tsui
32.1 Clinical Anatomy 486
32.2 Landmark-Based Technique (Subpubic Approach) 488
32.2.1 Patient Positioning 488
32.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy 488
32.2.3 Needle Insertion 488
32.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application 488
32.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique 489
32.3.1 Scanning Technique 489
32.3.2 Ultrasonographic Appearance 489
32.3.3 Needle Insertion 490
32.3.4 Local Anesthetic Application 490
32.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches 491
32.5 Case Study 491
References 492
Suggested Reading 492
32.1 Clinical Anatomy • From the base of the penis, the dorsal nerves divide sev-
eral times and encircle the shaft of the penis before reach-
• The penis is supplied mainly by the two dorsal nerves of ing the glans penis.
the penis, although there is some contribution to the base • The two dorsal nerves are usually blocked separately due
of the penis from the perineal, genitofemoral, and ilioin- to an often present anteroposterior septum (fundiform
guinal nerves. ligament) at the level of the suspensory ligament of the
• The pudendal nerves (S2-S4) originate from the sacral penis, which divides the subpubic space into two
plexus (Figure 12.1). At the distal pudendal canal where they compartments.
run into ischial fossa, the pudendal nerves give off the infe- • Two fascia envelop the penis; the superficial fascia of the
rior hemorrhoidal nerve and then divide into two terminal penis, a continuation from the superficial fascia of the
branches: (1) the perineal nerve which supplies the perineal abdomen, and the deep layer (Buck’s fascia), surrounding
muscles and scrotum, and (2) the dorsal nerve of the penis. all three cavernous bodies, and which is continuous with
• The dorsal nerves (terminal branches of pudendal nerve; Scarpa’s fascia.
S2-S4) enter the subpubic space, pass under the pubic • The subpubic space is bordered anteriorly by the skin,
bone, and then lie deep in the suspensory ligament of the subcutaneous tissue, the superficial fascia, and deep
penis. The dorsal nerves then accompany the dorsal arter- (Scarpa’s) fascia of the abdomen. It is also bounded crani-
ies of the penis bilaterally, in contact with the corpus cav- ally by the pubis and caudally by the crura of corpora
ernosum, encased by Buck’s fascia (Figs. 32.1 and 32.2). cavernosa.
Superficial dorsal
Skin penile vein
Deep dorsal
penile vein
Superficial fascia
Deep penile
Deep (Buck’s)
fascia continuous
with penile
Urethra ligament
Fig. 32.1 Transverse section Corpus
of penis spongiosum
32 Penile Blocks 487
Fig. 32.2 VHVS and MRI images of anatomical structures surrounding the dorsal nerve of the penis; (a) anterior view, (b) sagittal view, (c)
transverse view
488 H.Y.Z. Ting et al.
32.2 Landmark-Based Technique • The dorsal penile block provides good analgesia, but
(Subpubic Approach) may not block the ventral penis sufficiently, especially
the frenulum. A ring block around the base of the penis
32.2.1 Patient Positioning [1] can ensure more effective coverage, especially when
used in combination with the dorsal penile block. Ring
• The patient lies in the supine position. block has been shown to be more effective than dorsal
penile block or topical anesthetic for circumcision in
neonates [2].
32.2.2 Landmarks and Surface Anatomy • The ring block can be performed with the same cutaneous
puncture site as the dorsal block. The needle can be
• Pubic symphysis fanned out subcutaneously to the 3 and 9 o’clock position
• Inferior border of the pubic rami and then repositioned to these positions to administer sub-
cutaneous local anesthetic through the 6 o’clock/scrotal
area (see Fig. 32.4).
32.2.3 Needle Insertion – The ring block may interfere with hypospadias surgery
or circumcision if done preoperatively; therefore, com-
• Two marks are made on the lateral side of the pubic sym- munication with the urologist is important to ensure
physis, just below each pubic ramus (0.5 cm for babies that the tissue planes are not disrupted.
and 1 cm for older boys).
• With the penis held downward, the needle is inserted at
the puncture site in a slight medial and caudal direction 32.2.4 Local Anesthetic Application
(10–15° to the vertical axis in both directions).
• A “pop” is felt as the needle penetrates Scarpa’s fascia, • Bupivacaine 0.25–0.5 % is the local anesthetic of choice
approximately 8–30 mm below the skin (depth does not cor- for penile block, although lidocaine is also effective. For
relate with patient age or weight). A “pop” may also be felt each side, 0.1 mL/kg is injected up to a maximum of 5 mL
as the needle passes through the superficial fascia (Fig. 32.3). per side. Blocks will last, on average, 5–12 h.
• Short-beveled 23G needles, 30 mm in length, are gener- • Epinephrine is absolutely contraindicated since the dorsal
ally used for penile block. arteries of the penis are terminal arteries.
Symphysis pubis
Scarpa’s fascia
Suspensory ligament
continuous with
Scarpa’s fascia
Corpus cavernosum
Corpus spongiosum
2. Needle positioned
at 3 o’clock and
9 o’clock 32.3.2 Ultrasonographic Appearance (Fig. 32.5)
Fig. 32.5 Ultrasound image of the subpubic space for dorsal penile block
• As described above, the needle is inserted once on either • As described above, 0.1 mL/kg bupivacaine 0.25–0.5 %
side of the fundiform ligament (i.e., once on each side of on each side is sufficient to provide adequate surgical
the probe) to the depth of the subpubic space, deep to anesthesia and postoperative analgesia.
Scarpa’s fascia. Ultrasound imaging will reveal the spread
of local anesthetic in the subpubic space as a hypoechoic
triangular area.
32 Penile Blocks 491
References 5. Sandeman DJ, Reiner D, Dilley AV, Bennett MH, Kelly KJ. A retro-
spective audit of three different regional anaesthetic techniques for
circumcision in children. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2010;38:519–24.
1. Broadman LM, Hannallah RS, Belman AB, Elder PT, Ruttimann U,
Epstein BS. Post-circumcision analgesia—a prospective evaluation
of subcutaneous ring block of the penis. Anesthesiology. 1987;67:
2. Lander J, Brady-Fryer B, Metcalfe JB, Nazarali S, Muttitt Suggested Reading
S. Comparison of ring block, dorsal penile nerve block, and topical
anesthesia for neonatal circumcision: a randomized controlled trial. Dalens BJ. Blocks of nerves of the trunk. In: Dalens BJ, editor. Pediatric
JAMA. 1997;278:2157–62. regional anesthesia. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1990. p. 457–64.
3. Sandeman DJ, Dilley AV. Ultrasound guided dorsal penile nerve Peutrell JM. Penile block. In: Peutrell JM, Mather SJ, editors. Regional
block in children. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2007;35:266–9. anaesthesia for babies and children. Oxford: Oxford University
4. Faraoni D, Gilbeau A, Lingier P, Barvais L, Engelman E, Press; 1997. p. 130–40.
Hennart D. Does ultrasound guidance improve the efficacy of Suresh S, Polaner DM, Cote CJ. Regional Anesthesia. In: Cote CJ,
dorsal penile nerve block in children? Pediatr Anesth. 2010; Lerman J, Anderson BJ, Eds. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
20:931–6. 2013. p. 835–79.
Part XI
Neuraxial Blockade
Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia
Ban C.H. Tsui
33.1 Epidural Anesthesia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
33.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
33.1.2 Patient Positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
33.1.3 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
33.1.4 Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
33.1.5 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
33.1.6 Electrocardiograph (ECG) Monitoring Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
33.1.7 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
33.1.8 Needle Insertion Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
33.1.9 Catheter Insertion and Confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
33.1.10 Case Study: Lumbar Epidural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
33.2 Caudal Anesthesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
33.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
33.2.2 Patient Positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
33.2.3 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
33.2.4 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
33.2.5 Ultrasound-Guided Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
33.2.6 Case Study: Caudal Epidural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
33.3 Advancing a Catheter to the Lumbar or Thoracic Area from a Caudal Insertion Site . . . . . . 520
33.3.1 Epidural Stimulation Guidance Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
33.3.2 Local Anesthetic Application (“Test”) to Confirm Avoidance
of Intravascular Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
33.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
33.3.4 Scanning Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
33.3.5 Sonographic Appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
33.3.6 Catheter Insertion and Local Anesthetic Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
33.3.7 Case Study: Thoracic Epidural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
33.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
B.C.H. Tsui, Dip Eng, BSc (Math), B Pharm, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,
Stollery Children’s Hospital/University of Alberta Hospital,
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building, Edmonton,
AB T6G 2G3, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
33.1 Epidural Anesthesia The distance of catheter threading will determine which
technique to use for continuous blocks. The epidural stimu-
33.1.1 Introduction lation test is useful when catheters are threaded at a distance
into the epidural space but has only moderate application
Epidural needle placement may fail for several reasons, during direct placement of the catheter. In these cases, loss of
including anatomical variability (e.g., limited interlaminar resistance to saline will accurately determine epidural place-
space, ossified or calcified ligamentum flavum, enlarged facet ment, and ultrasound guidance can be helpful. Nevertheless,
joints, or rotated vertebrae), faulty identification of the mid- the epidural stimulation test is useful in warning against
line (e.g., obesity, scoliosis), and poor patient compliance or unintentional intrathecal or intravascular local anesthetic
cooperation. In children, these issues may not be significant, injection.
but because the patients are usually under general anesthesia,
the absence of any possible sensory warning of intrathecal or Indications
spinal cord placement adds inherent risks to the procedure. Usually provides postoperative analgesia but occasionally
Both epidural stimulation and ultrasound may be useful as provides surgical anesthesia for:
adjuncts to other tests, such as loss of resistance to saline, for • Lower limb surgery
identifying needle entry into the epidural space. The epidural • Pelvic and urological surgery
stimulation test may be especially beneficial to warn of a nee- • Abdominal surgery
dle misplaced in the subdural or intrathecal spaces or if the • Thoracic surgery
needle is abutting a nerve root. The main benefit of ultrasound
imaging is the ability to gauge the depth and direction to the
epidural space prior to the procedure, which can help refine the 33.1.2 Patient Positioning
point of needle puncture and angle of needle insertion. One
may visualize the disruption caused by the injection of fluid Position an anesthetized patient in the lateral position;
into the epidural space when using the loss-of-resistance tech- awake patients can be sitting up.
nique in the lumbar region in pediatric patients, but this obser-
vation is limited in the more compact thoracic spine (Fig. 33.1).
Lumbar (Fig. 33.2) and thoracic (Fig. 33.3) spine: Direct Lumbar Approach
• Spinous Processes* • Perform the lumbar epidural puncture with the patient in
– In the midline, palpate the spinous processes; a line the lateral position.
drawn between the tips of the scapulae will run through • Locate iliac crests of pelvic and use this landmark to iden-
the T7 vertebrae. tify the spine of L4.
– In the lumbar region, L4 is at level of the iliac crests, • Resistance to air or saline can be used to identify the lum-
and S1 is on horizontal line drawn between the two bar epidural space, although both have their own advan-
posterior superior iliac spines. tages and disadvantages.
• Transverse processes – Air embolism (if needle accidently punctures a vein)
– These lie lateral to the midline in varying distances, and pneumoencephalocele are rare but potential risks
depending on the age of the child. when using loss of resistance (LOR) to air.
* The neural arches, forming the spinous processes, are not – Occasionally, the loss of resistance to saline may be
completely fused until the end of the first year (except at equivocal.
L5, where they fuse significantly later), so it is common – When using LOR to saline, use a small amount of
to palpate two separate bony landmarks in infants. saline to avoid diluting the local anesthetic.
– The hanging drop technique can be used to identify the
epidural space although this method is more suited to
patients in the sitting position (i.e., not well suited for
sedated pediatric patients).
• The skin to epidural space can be estimated as 1 mm/kg or
[10 + (age in years ×2)] mm.
• Midline approach is typically used (Fig. 33.4), and para-
median approach is generally not needed or recommended
unless abnormal anatomical landmarks are encountered
or suspected in the lumbar region.
• When abnormal anatomical landmarks are encountered, a
careful survey of the patient’s spinal anatomy using ultra-
sound is strongly recommended to allow:
– Identification of the midline
– Measurement of epidural (ligamentum flavum) and
dural space depth
Fig. 33.2 Surface anatomy of the lumbar spine – Prediction of the best path (projection and angulation)
that the needle should take to reach the epidural space Direct Thoracic Approach ensure that the needle tip is in the midline when it enters
In the pediatric population, continuous thoracic epidural anes- the epidural space.
thesia is used only for major surgery. Placement of a thoracic • Compared to the lumbar region, the spinal canal at the
epidural requires a high skill level and can be a challenging level of T10–T12 is slightly superficial due to short spi-
procedure to perform. In children over the age of 6–12 months, nous processes.
the effectiveness of ultrasound guidance for thoracic epidural • Choose a needle that is appropriate for the size of the
placement is limited since the bony anatomy of the region child; for children ≤12 kg, a 5 cm, 19G Tuohy needle is
restricts and obstructs ultrasound visualization of the epidural suitable, while an 18G version can be used for larger chil-
space. Therefore, anesthesiologists continue to rely on a tactile dren. Also available is a thin-walled, 18G needle that
approach with either a loss of resistance method or a hanging allows a 20G catheter to be inserted through; an advantage
drop technique, both of which result in challenging needle of this needle is that when the needle is inserted with ceph-
insertion due to the angle required to access the thoracic epi- alad angulation, the bevel is parallel to the epidural space,
dural space. A median or paramedian approach can be used; reducing the risk of dural puncture by the needle tip.
however, each approach can be difficult and even dangerous if • Similar to lumbar epidural, resistance to air or saline can
the patient is uncooperative. This procedure is therefore typi- be used to identify the thoracic epidural space. In children
cally performed with the patient asleep. On rare occasions and 1 year or older, the ligamentum flavum provides adequate
for selective cases (i.e., mature teenager), it is occasionally resistance, and the negative pressure of the thoracic epi-
possible to insert a thoracic epidural in an awake patient. dural space can be identified easily.
• For infants and young children, small 3 or 5 mL syringes General Approaches can be used; for older patients, use a 5–10 mL syringe. Paramedian Approach Note: As shown in Fig. 33.6, steps 2 and 3 must be per-
Most anesthesiologists find the paramedian approach to be formed separately, as the epidural space may be missed if the
the most effective technique for thoracic epidural placement. needle is “walked off” diagonally (i.e., medial and cephalad
This technique involves the following steps (Fig. 33.5): angulation at the same time).
This procedure can be difficult to master. Accurate place-
1. Insert the epidural needle 0.5–2 cm (e.g., one to two fin- ment of the needle requires fine motor skills, which are best
gerbreadths distance) lateral to the spinous process of the learned through hands-on practice. Training may be aided by a
vertebra. Note: Use the patient’s finger as measurement of phantom model that reproduces the anatomy necessary to learn
the distance lateral to the spinous process. and practice the paramedian approach to thoracic epidurals.
2. Advance the needle perpendicular to the skin until it con-
tacts the lamina.
3. Redirect the needle approximately 15° medially to “walk 33.1.5 Nerve Stimulation Technique
off” the lamina.
4. Angle the needle cephalad, and continue the “walk off” Electrical stimulation has been used in epidural anesthesia
technique to locate the epidural space. and for peripheral nerve blocks for many years. The epidural
Fig. 33.5 Paramedian approach for thoracic epidural placement in a Fig. 33.6 Common mistakes: with simultaneous medial and cephalad
spine model. (Top) Insert needle lateral to spinous process and perpen- angulation, the epidural space may be missed as the needle is “walked
dicular to the skin to contact the lamina. (Middle) Redirect the needle off” diagonally onto the spinous process or lamina of the spinal level
approximately 15° medially to “walk off” the lamina. (Bottom) Angulate above
the needle cephalad while maintaining needle 15° medially, and con-
tinue to “walk off” to reach the epidural space
500 B.C.H. Tsui
Table 33.1 Catheter location determined by motor response and current threshold during the epidural stimulation test
Catheter location Motor response Currenta
Subcutaneous None N/A
Subdural Bilateral (many segments) <1 mA
Subarachnoid Unilateral or bilateral <1 mA
Epidural space
Against nerve root Unilateral <1 mA
Non-intravascular Unilateral or bilateral 1–15 mA (threshold current increases after local anesthetic injection)
Intravascular Unilateral or bilateral 1–15 mA (no change in threshold current after local anesthetic injected)
Needle placement at the caudal and lumbar spine adheres well to these criteria, although placement at thoracic spinal levels may necessitate higher
upper limits (up to 17 mA has been shown). The lower threshold applies to both catheter and needle placement
stimulation test (Tsui test) was developed to confirm epidural metal-containing epidural catheter using an electrode
catheter placement, applying similar principles to those of adaptor such as the Johans ECG adaptor (Fig. 2.9a).
peripheral nerve blockade (i.e., using electrical pulses and the • Prime the catheter and adaptor with sterile normal saline
current versus nerve-distance relationship). This test has (0.2–1 mL).
demonstrated 80–100 % positive prediction for epidural cath- • Attach the cathode lead of the nerve stimulator directly to
eter placement. It has also been shown to be effective to guide the cable of the stimulating catheter or metal hub of the
catheters to within two segmental levels (with radiologic con- adaptor and the grounding anode lead to an electrode on
firmation), which can assist smooth placement to appropriate the patient’s body surface.
levels and allow adjustments in the event of catheter migra- • Set the nerve stimulator to a low frequency and pulse
tion, kinking, or coiling. In addition to confirming and guid- width (2 Hz; 0.2 ms).
ing epidural catheter placement, this test has been shown to • Carefully and slowly increase the current intensity until
be useful for detecting intrathecal, subdural, or intravascular motor activity begins.
catheter placement. • The characteristics of the various responses are compared in
Table 33.1. Catheter location is identified, and the required Needle Confirmation adjustments are made depending to location indicated.
The procedure is performed along with standard mechanical
tests (e.g., loss of resistance to saline or air) for determining Mechanism of the Test
epidural needle placement:
• Needle or catheter placement is confirmed by stimulating
• After sterile preparation, the nerve stimulator is attached the spinal nerve roots (not spinal cord) with an electrically
to an 18G insulated Tuohy needle (see Fig. 1.3). conducting catheter that conducts a low-amplitude elec-
• The current is applied after skin puncture and during trical current through normal saline.
advancement; the epidural stimulation test is used together • An appropriate motor response (1–10 mA; Table 33.1)
with detection of a “pop” or loss of resistance to saline. confirms accurate placement of the epidural catheter tip,
• The threshold current range for determining correct needle defined as 1–2 cm from the nerve roots (see Fig. 2.8).
placement is similar for the lumbar or caudal routes, but • Responses observed with a significantly lower threshold
the higher limit of 10 mA may be extended for thoracic current (<1 mA), especially if substantially diffuse or
placement (mean of 11.1 mA and up to 17 mA) [1, 2]. bilateral, may warn of catheter placement in the intrathe-
• The test may provide further confirmation during direct cal or subdural space (i.e., contacting highly conductive
epidurals, with the added benefit of warning that a needle CSF) or in close proximity to a nerve root.
is entering lumbar epidural space if the current is set • The segmental level of the catheter tip may be predicted
above 6 mA [3]. However, this technique has not been based on the progressive nature of the motor twitches as
applied widely in clinical practice except in the study the catheter is advanced (i.e., lower limbs followed by
environment. intercostals and then upper limbs).
• A local anesthetic test dose helps confirm epidural versus
intravascular location. If the catheter is localized in the epi- Catheter Confirmation dural space, the motor threshold current should increase after
injection of local anesthetic. Unintentional injection into the
• The same procedure as described above for an insulated systemic circulation (i.e., removing local anesthetic from the
needle applies, with the exception that the nerve stimula- vicinity of the nerve) will allow subsequent motor stimula-
tor is connected to an epidural stimulating catheter or a tion at the same current.
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 501
When Used for Needle Placement in the intrathecal or intravascular space. In pediatric patients,
• Insulated needles seem to provide lower electrical thresh- aspiration alone may fail to detect up to 86 % of intravascular
old current required for this test. entry of epidural needles or catheters [5]. The threshold cur-
• The upper limit of the threshold current designating a rent for a motor response during catheter and needle place-
positive test using needles is different depending on the ment with the electrical stimulation test may help predict
level of needle placement (caudal = mean 3.7 mA; [4] intrathecal placement. Intravascular placement may be
lumbar = mean 3.84 mA; thoracic = mean 11.1 mA; intra- detected with the electrical stimulation test in conjunction
thecal = mean 0.77 mA). with a local anesthetic test dose.
• The higher threshold currents that may be seen with direct
thoracic level needle insertion may be related to the mini- Intrathecal
mal depth of needle penetration that is inherently used for • When a needle/catheter is situated properly within the
caution at this level. epidural space, a current greater than 1 mA should be
required to elicit muscle twitches.
• Using insulated needles, currents to elicit a motor response Considerations for Test Performance in the epidural space (3.84 ± 0.99 mA and 5.2 ± 2.4 mA)
and Interpretation are much higher than that for the intrathecal space
(0.77 ± 0.32 mA and 0.6 ± 0.3 mA).
• Since local muscle contraction in the trunk region can be • If any motor response is detected with a current less than
confused with epidural stimulation, it is recommended to 1 mA, intrathecal catheter or needle placement should be
place the anode lead on the upper extremity for lumbar suspected.
epidurals and the lower extremity for thoracic epidurals.
• The 1–10 mA test criteria should be used as a guideline
only. Epidural stimulation may occur outside this range. Intravascular
The reason we recommend this range is that it is easy to • Repeated injections of local anesthetic into a properly
remember. In addition: placed epidural catheter result in impairment of nerve
– It is important to begin using the lowest current to allow conduction and require a gradual increase in the ampli-
detection of intrathecal placement or nerve root prox- tude of electrical current to produce a positive motor
imity; the lower limit of 1 mA applies to all situations. response.
– Some cases will require stimulation upwards of • If the local anesthetic is inadvertently injected into the
17 mA, particularly when using insulated needles in intravascular space (i.e., systemic circulation, thereby
the thoracic region. reducing the concentration in the vicinity of the nerves),
– The best predictor of epidural placement is a combina- the threshold will remain the same instead of incremen-
tion of the threshold current level and the distribution tally increasing with repeated application.
of elicited motor responses (i.e., correlation with • Caution is required when extrapolating the intravascular
approximate segmental location) since subcutaneous information because this application has only been tested
placement would not elicit such predictive and seg- in a few adult obstetric patients and never in the pediatric
mental responses. population.
• An epinephrine test dose (0.5 μg/kg) should still be
administered to identify inadvertent intravascular place- Detecting Intrathecal and Intravascular ment by observing specific ECG changes (i.e., >25 %
Catheter and Needle Placement increase in T-wave or ST segment changes irrespective of
(Table 33.1) chosen lead).
Aspiration should always be performed prior to local anes- • When using a the test dose in combination with the epi-
thetic injection. However, the inability to aspirate blood or dural stimulation test, one can confidently rule out the risk
CSF does not indicate that an epidural needle/catheter is not of accidental intravascular or intrathecal injection.
502 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 33.7 ECG monitoring technique for thoracic epidural catheter placement via advancement from lumbar or caudal levels
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 503
• As the epidural tip advances toward the thoracic region, with the ultrasound device. Second, real-time or “online”
the amplitude of the QRS complex increases as the imaging can be used during epidural procedures to observe
recording electrode comes closer to the heart and becomes needle puncture, catheter placement, and local anesthetic
more parallel to the cardiac electrical impulse. application (each of these actions is improved through direct
• As the catheter tip passes the target level, the amplitude of visualization of movement or by indirect means). There are
QRS should match the amplitude of the reference surface some challenges with using ultrasound in neuraxial proce-
electrode. dures, but it has demonstrable benefits for infants and neo-
nates and may have some efficacy (e.g., reduced needle
attempts and visibility of the sacral hiatus for caudal blocks)
Limitations with older pediatric patients.
The ECG technique cannot warn of a catheter placed in the Generally, the lower lumbar region has the highest visibil-
intrathecal or intravascular space. In addition, this tech- ity (i.e., ultrasound “window”), as it is less compact than the
nique may not be suitable when threading catheters a short more cephalad high-lumbar and thoracic levels. In pediatric
distance, as ECG changes may be too subtle to observe. patients, the ratio of visible to nonvisible segments to be 2:1
at the sacral, 1:1 at the lumbar, and 1:2 at the thoracic levels.
Visibility of neuraxial structures in the lumbar and thoracic
regions is best in patients 3 months of age and under, with
33.1.7 Ultrasound-Guided Technique age-dependent decreases in quality thereafter. As shown in
Fig. 33.8, there will be variation in the structures that are vis-
Generally, two approaches can be used for applying ultra- ible in different planes of ultrasound scanning as illustrated
sound imaging for epidural procedures. First, an “ultrasound- in the skeleton model (i.e., paramedian longitudinal scanning
supported” approach employs a pre-procedural scan to will visualize the dura mater better than median longitudi-
identify the puncture site, depth of epidural space, and ideal nal), and different techniques may require separate planes,
needle trajectory. These procedures require multiple “still although many approaches will require two or more planes
images” in different planes to capture accurate measurement for comprehensive assessment.
504 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 33.8 Possible ultrasound views using a pediatric skeleton model. views. (Bottom) For the thoracic region, an epidural window cannot be
(Top) For the lumbar region, an ultrasound epidural window (i.e., no seen easily and only with a paramedian view
bone obstruction) can be obtained with both transverse and paramedian
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 505
Fig. 33.9 (a) VHVS and MRI images of transverse plane at the lumbar spine. (b) Sonographic appearance of transverse plane at the lumbar spine
506 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 33.10 (a) VHVS and MRI images of transverse plane at the thoracic spine. (b) Sonographic appearance of transverse plane at the thoracic spine
• Figures 33.11 and 33.12 show the MRI anatomical struc- will provide the best ultrasound window with reasonably
ture and ultrasound appearance in the midline and para- good visibility of the dura mater for surrogate marking of
median longitudinal plane at the lumbar and thoracic the puncture site and loss of resistance depth (see below
spine, respectively. The longitudinal paramedian plane for explanation).
Fig. 33.11 (a) VHVS and MRI images of midline longitudinal plane longitudinal plane at the lumbar spine. (d) Sonographic appearance of
at the lumbar spine. (b) Sonographic appearance of midline longitudi- paramedian longitudinal plane at the lumbar spine
nal plane at the lumbar spine. (c) VHVS and MRI images of paramedian
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 507
508 B.C.H. Tsui
Fig. 33.12 (a) VHVS and MRI images of midline longitudinal plane longitudinal plane at the thoracic spine. (d) Sonographic appearance of
at the thoracic spine. (b) Sonographic appearance of midline longitudi- paramedian longitudinal plane at the thoracic spine
nal plane at the thoracic spine. (c) VHVS and MRI images of paramedian
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 509
Fig. 33.13 Transverse and longitudinal ultrasound images at the high-lumbar (a) and sacral (b) levels in a 12-month-old infant. Note that there is
more visibility in the infant spine due to the lack of calcification and fusion of the posterior elements of the canal
510 B.C.H. Tsui
Lumbar spine of a 10-year-old: vertebral bodies being the deepest structure, with the
potential for viewing intrathecal structures. Imaging
Transverse axis (Fig. 33.9b): of needle trajectory is limited except for indication of
• The center of the screen contains the circular subdural lateralization.
space within the vertebral (spinal) canal, with the • Median longitudinal/sagittal imaging depicts the spi-
internal anechoic CSF and hypoechoic intrathecal nous processes and interspinous space quite clearly.
nerve roots (not viewed in Fig. 33.9) surrounded by a Needle trajectory can be controlled through this
thin circular layer of hyperechoic dura. approach
• Superficially, it is possible to view the linear layer of • In young patients, there is a good “soft tissue window,”
hyperechoic subcutaneous tissue and inverted V-shape and the usually bilayered dura mater is clearly visual-
of the pedicles and spinous processes. ized, while the ligamentum flavum, intrathecal space,
Paramedian longitudinal axis (Fig. 33.11d) spinal cord, nerve roots, and fibers (including the
• The image contains an alternating dark (dorsal shad- cauda equina) all have intermediate but identifiable
owing from bone) and bright (ultrasound “window”) echogenicity.
pattern (mainly intervertebral spaces). • Paramedian longitudinal imaging can be used, allowing
• If seen, the conus medullaris and cauda equina have a greatest visibility of the dura mater. There is less
hyperechoic and almost fibrillar appearance. interference from ossification with this approach, allow-
• Hypoechoic CSF lies adjacent to the spinal nerve roots ing enhanced image quality and more visibility of the
and within the linear hyperechoic dura mater. interspace.
• The ligamentum flavum may be seen on the dorsal aspect • In the paramedian longitudinal view (Fig. 33.11d), the
of the dura and would also mark the epidural space. lamina and facet joints are visible, rather than the spinous
processes (as seen more clearly with median longitudinal
Thoracic spine of a 10-year-old: viewing).
• A remaining challenge with the paramedian longitudinal
Transverse viewing (Fig. 33.10b): technique is the tangential (OOP; short-axis) relation of
• The “starry night” appearance of the paravertebral mus- the needle (midline) and probe (paramedian), which only
cles is evident on either side of the hypoechoic matter enables clear needle tip visibility and limits accurate
(shadowing) from the long and thin spinous process. angular positioning control of the shaft.
• A wide scanning transverse view is often large enough
to visualize the articular and transverse processes.
• In patients older than a few months, the central “win- Indirect Imaging
dow” of the spinal canal viewed in the lumbar and sacral
spine is not nearly as well depicted in the thoracic region • Continuous visualization of needle tip penetration and
due to the compact nature of the bony elements. catheter advancement is sometimes difficult due to the
• Generally, the hyperechoic meninges are not delin- ultrasound beam reflecting off bony structures.
eated, and the position of the dura is estimated at best. • Needle punctures are often made visible by movements of
Paramedian longitudinal viewing (Fig. 33.12d) the needle tip and displacement of the surrounding
• Appears similar to that seen at the lumbar spine, except tissue.
the spinal cord appears hypoechoic with the surround- • Occasionally, widening of the epidural space and ventral
ing dura appearing as a thin hyperechoic line between movement of the dura mater can be seen upon saline
shadows from the overlaying spinous processes. injection.
• The ligamentum flavum may be seen and the epidural • Catheter advancement is generally visualized indirectly
space determined to some extent. by the spread of injectate and movement of the dura in the
vicinity of the catheter tip.
• This method limits the ability to reassess the catheter
Direct Imaging position post-procedure.
• It has been reported that the use of metal-coiled catheters,
• Transverse imaging shows the spinous processes with which appear bright with striated features, may help, but
shadowing in the midline, the facet joints laterally, and the our experience shows that this effect is limited.
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 511
33.1.8 Needle Insertion Technique • Depth of the epidural space = slightly more shadow
than skin-to-dural distance
Pre-procedural (ultrasound-supported) measurements: – If the lamina but not the dura is seen:
• Depth of the epidural space = slightly deeper than
• Use short- and long-axis scanning with a paramedian skin-to-lamina distance
probe alignment. • Determination of the ideal puncture location and trajec-
• Ultrasound can be used to assess neuraxial anatomy and, tory can be performed.
depending on visibility, measure various distances in the • Pre-procedural assessments can be performed prior to
vertebral (spinal) canal, including those from skin and real-time ultrasound guidance or in isolation before pro-
bone to dural, epidural, and intrathecal spaces. ceeding with a standard loss-of-resistance technique.
• Ultrasound-guided determination of epidural space depth
and depth to loss of resistance may be beneficial with Real-time guidance
good correlation between ultrasound-measured and clini-
cal loss of resistance depth. • The value of dynamic ultrasound guidance in the thoracic region
– This can be useful to assess the vertebral column (transverse may be limited in patients older than a few months of age.
and longitudinal views) and to estimate the epidural space • The puncture is typically made with a midline approach at
(i.e., anticipated loss of resistance depths) (Fig. 33.14). the required segment, and the probe is best aligned longi-
– If the dura is seen: tudinally along the paramedian plane.
Fig. 33.14 (a) Estimation of epidural depth based on transverse plane images at the thoracic spine. (b) Estimation of epidural depth based on
longitudinal plane images at the thoracic spine
512 B.C.H. Tsui
• The needle shaft and probe beam are OOP, and only the detect LOR (e.g., Episure AutoDetect Syringe, Indigo
needle tip may be seen. Orb, CA, USA) to free a hand to manipulate the ultra-
• The loss-of-resistance technique is still required and may sound probe.
be aided by directly visualizing the needle penetrating the • When performing ultrasound-guided epidural placements
ligamentum flavum, particularly in the lumbar spine. in infants (<10 kg), a 20G needle should be used.
However, confirmation of epidural space localization will • After epidural space confirmation, injection of the local
generally occur by visualizing a test dose of local anes- anesthetic solution will be visualized with a caudal and
thetic and the subsequent dural movement it causes. cephalad spread.
– For ultrasound guidance during epidural anesthesia, an
assistant will often be needed to perform the imaging,
which allows the anesthesiologist to use both hands to
perform the LOR (Fig. 33.15). Otherwise, the anesthe- 33.1.9 Catheter Insertion and Confirmation
siologist will need to utilize an automotive device to
Fig. 33.16 Transverse and longitudinal views of an epidural catheter at the lumbar spine in a 14-month-old child
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 513
Lumbar Epidural (Provided by A. Spencer) A 5 cm, 20G Tuohy needle was inserted, and a
A 2-month-old female, 3.3 kg, was scheduled to 24G multilumen epidural catheter was threaded into
undergo a reversal of stoma and mucous fistula. The the epidural space (Fig. 33.17). An initial test dose of
child had previously undergone a laparotomy due to 0.3 mL lidocaine 1 % with epinephrine 1:200,000 was
meconium ileus; following this surgery, the patient injected, followed by an initial bolus of 2.5 mL ropiva-
remained intubated for 3 weeks due to difficulty caine 0.25 %. Two 1 mL boluses of ropivacaine 0.25 %
with ventilation and sedation. The patient was also were given intraoperatively. Postoperatively, a contin-
diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hyper- uous infusion of 1 mL/h ropivacaine 0.08 % (0.23 mg/
tension during this period. A lumbar epidural with kg/h) was ordered. Pain control was supplemented
insertion at the L2–L3 level was administered under with acetaminophen 40 mg q6h per rectum for 2 days.
ultrasound guidance. A pre-procedural ultrasound The patient was comfortable in recovery. Upon
scan was performed to obtain a paramedian, longi- being moved to the surgical ward, a low-dose morphine
tudinal view of neuraxial structures, including the infusion at 10 μg/kg/h was started since the patient
sacral, lumbar, and lower thoracic levels; the depth seemed irritable and hungry but was NPO. Acute pain
from skin to dura; and the location of the tip of the service followed the patient for 48 h, at which time the
conus medullaris. epidural was discontinued and removed.
Fig. 33.18 Caudal blockade involves needle/catheter entry at the usually felt (upper right). The ease of intravenous cannula advancement
sacral hiatus and through the posterior sacrococcygeal ligament (upper and local anesthetic injection is also used to confirm caudal epidural
left). As the needle enters the sacral canal and epidural space, a “pop” is space localization
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 515
Fig. 33.19 Patient positioning and surface landmarks for caudal block
516 B.C.H. Tsui Scanning Technique • Linear probes are advantageous in most patients, although
curvilinear array transducers with lower frequencies may be
• Begin with a short-axis transverse probe (5–12 MHz lin- beneficial with older and/or obese patients. Smaller footprint
ear) orientation at the level of the fifth sacral vertebra to (hockey stick) probes are more appropriate in smaller patients.
identify landmarks. The sacral cornua (bilateral horns of • After entry into the caudal epidural space, the probe can
sacrum), dorsal surface of the sacrum and posterior sacro- be rotated from a longitudinal to a transverse orientation
coccygeal ligament, and sacral hiatus may be visualized to locate the needle in short axis (as a dot) between the
(Fig. 33.20). sacrococcygeal ligament and the pelvic (ventral) surface
• Upon skin puncture, rotate the probe 90° for long-axis of the sacrum (i.e., caudal epidural space).
(longitudinal) viewing between the two cornua • For young infants (best results in patients over 1 year old),
(Fig. 33.21), which may allow IP imaging of the needle the probe (7–12 MHz linear) can be placed over the mid-
trajectory toward the entrance to the sacrococcygeal liga- sacral level (S2–S3) due to the limited ossification of the
ment; beyond this barrier, the characteristic “pop” can be sacral vertebrae (see Fig. 33.13). A long-axis view will
used to confirm needle placement within the caudal epi- allow clear visibility of the needle trajectory through the
dural space. caudal entrance into the epidural space.
Fig. 33.20 (a) VHVS and MRI images of transverse plane of the caudal space. (b) Transverse/short-axis image captured by a linear probe at the
level of the sacral hiatus in a 10-year-old patient
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 517
Fig. 33.21 (a) VHVS and MRI images of longitudinal plane of the caudal space. (b) Longitudinal/long-axis image captured by a linear probe
placed between the sacral cornua of a 10-year-old patient
518 B.C.H. Tsui Sonographic Appearance between the sacrococcygeal ligament and sacral bone
(with the caudal epidural space cephalad and beneath
• Short-axis view at sacral hiatus (Fig. 33.20b): the dorsal surface of the sacrum).
– Superficially, the two sacral cornua are seen as hyper- – The needle may appear as a hyperechoic and linear
echoic inverted U-shaped structures beneath the vari- structure outside the epidural space. The needle is not
ably echogenic linear subcutaneous tissue. visible within the epidural space due to the beam
– Deep and between the cornua are two hyperechoic reflection from the dorsum of the sacrum (not shown).
bands indicating the posterior sacrococcygeal mem-
brane (first) and the dorsal side of the pelvic surface
(“base”) of the sacrum; the hypoechoic space between Caudal vs. Intrathecal Injection
these is the sacral hiatus.
– Deep to the cornua and bands, the image may show • When performing caudal blocks, there is a risk of dural
lateral darkening and a medial hypoechogenic epidural puncture leading to accidental intrathecal injection.
space; this will be variable. Effects of intrathecal injection range from headache to
– The needle can be seen as a hyperechoic dot within the total spinal blockade.
sacral hiatus following sacrococcygeal membrane • Several methods, including the “whoosh” and “swoosh”
puncture (not shown). tests, electrical stimulation, and imaging, have been used
• Long-axis view at sacral hiatus (Fig. 33.21b): to guide needle placement and help ensure a caudal
– The sacrococcygeal ligament appears broad, hyper- location.
echoic, and linear and is slanted at a caudal angle. • It was recently shown that color flow Doppler ultrasound
– The dorsal surface of the sacrum appears hyperechoic can predict with high sensitivity and specificity whether
deep and cephalad to the membrane. injection is occurring in the caudal or intrathecal space; a
– The dorsal side of the ventral (pelvic) surface of the clear signal is obtained with caudal injection, whereas
sacrum appears dark at the bottom of the image, with a intrathecal injection produces no detectable signal
moderately hypoechogenic space – the sacral hiatus – (Fig. 33.22). Needle Insertion and Local Anesthetic • Advance the needle until a “pop” is felt, signifying caudal
Application epidural space entrance.
In pediatric patients, caudal anesthesia follows general anes- • The reduced fusion and calcification of the dorsal sacrum
thesia in most cases. in infants may allow visibility of the needle tip beyond the
For patients older than 1 year, position the probe at the ligament and within the epidural space.
sacral hiatus. For infants, place it at S2–S3. • Rotate the probe to the short axis to confirm needle loca-
tion (a bright dot in the epidural space) and inject the local
• Insert a 22G needle perpendicular to the skin and in the anesthetic.
midline at the sacral hiatus. • Local anesthetic may be seen directly as an expansion of
• With the probe placed longitudinally, the needle can be hypoechogenicity and indirectly through dural movement.
seen in long axis as it advances to and penetrates the
sacrococcygeal ligament.
33.2.6 Case Study: Caudal Epidural
Caudal Epidural (Provided by S. Suresh) (Fig. 33.23). Duration of surgery was 2 h; block dura-
A 9-month-old boy, 11 kg, was scheduled for a caudal tion was 4–6 h. No pain was reported in recovery (0 on
block for hypospadias repair. The block was performed FLACC scale). Postoperative analgesia consisted of a
under ultrasound guidance with a 22G needle and 6 mg injection of ketorolac (Toradol).
10 mL 0.25 % bupivacaine with epinephrine 1:200,000
Advancing catheters from the sacral (or low lumbar) epidural Procedure
space to lumbar or thoracic levels has the advantage of reduc- • Estimate the length necessary to thread a 20G styletted
ing the risk of direct spinal cord trauma (especially as there epidural stimulating catheter or metal-containing epidural
will be no sensory warning in anesthetized pediatric patients) catheter the required distance (Fig. 2.10).
and may be technically easier in patients with prior spinal • Adjust the stylet to a point within the distal end of the
surgery at higher levels. Confirmation of both proper catheter epidural catheter to obtain the desired stiffness.
placement in the epidural space and monitoring the catheter’s • After sterile preparation, insert an 18G IV catheter, using
cephalad advancement is important, and both ultrasound and similar technique to that of the single-shot approach into
electrical epidural stimulations may be beneficial because of the caudal epidural space; correct placement will be char-
the dynamic nature of these techniques. The epidural stimula- acterized by the typical “give” or “pop” upon penetration
tion test can provide a warning of intrathecal, and possibly of the sacrococcygeal ligament (Fig. 33.18).
intravascular, needle or catheter placement. • Use the electrode adaptor to connect a nerve stimulator to
This is most successful in patients under 1 year of age since the epidural catheter.
after this age, the lumbar curve becomes more pronounced, • Prime the stimulating catheter and adaptor with sterile
preventing easy advancement of epidural catheters from the normal saline (1–2 mL).
caudal space. However, with specialized styletted catheters and • Attach the cathode lead of the nerve stimulator to the
using the epidural stimulation test to guide positioning, caudal metal hub of the adaptor and the grounding anode lead to
catheter advancement is now possible in older children. an electrode on the patient’s body.
Nerve stimulator
• Set the nerve stimulator to a low frequency and pulse 33.3.2 Local Anesthetic Application (“Test”)
width (2 Hz; 0.2 ms). to Confirm Avoidance of Intravascular
• For continuous caudal anesthesia, advance the catheter a Placement
few millimeters and gradually apply current to the cathe-
ter until motor activity or a twitch response of the anal
sphincter (S2–S4) is visible. • After aspirating to rule out intrathecal placement, inject a
• For threading to lumbar or thoracic levels, advance the test dose of local anesthetic (0.1 mL/kg lidocaine 1 %
catheter while gradually applying current. with 1:200,000 epinephrine) to confirm catheter place-
• Follow progressive motor responses (from lower limbs ment and to ensure it is not intravascular.
and lumbar (back) to intercostals to thoracic and upper • If catheter placement is correct, the current threshold
limbs) through cranial advancement until desired level is should increase, and the motor response should cease
reached. upon local anesthetic injection.
• Minor resistance encountered during catheter threading • If the catheter tip is within the intravascular space, the
can be overcome by injecting normal saline through the local anesthetic will disperse systemically, and the motor
catheter and/or simple flexion or extension of the patient’s response will remain the same with repeated injections of
vertebral column. local anesthetic.
• Inject a test dose of local anesthetic to rule out intravascu- • Once intravascular placement is ruled out, the catheter
lar placement. can be affixed to the skin as described above.
• Compare the total characteristics of the response to
Table 33.1 to determine catheter placement and make any
required adjustments. 33.3.3 Ultrasound-Guided Technique
• If the catheter does not reach the desired level, it can be
pulled back and reinserted. This technique is most suitable for young infants
• Once optimally positioned, withdraw the 18G intrave- (0–6 months) since, due to incomplete ossification of the ver-
nous catheter and the stylet. tebrae, the catheter tip and a greater number of anatomical
• Affix the catheter immediately cephalad to the site of structures are more easily visualized. The thoracic spine pro-
insertion with several layers of occlusive dressing vides less of an “ultrasound window” due to its smaller size
(Fig. 33.25). and overlapping spinous processes.
Thoracic Epidural (Provided by B. Tsui) reached the desired location (with confirmation by nerve
An 8-month-old child underwent open Nissen fundopli- stimulation), it was secured as shown in Fig. 33.25. Real-
cation surgery. After induction of general anesthesia time ultrasound imaging was performed during catheter
without muscle relaxation, the child was placed in a lat- advancement. A transverse view at L3/L4 (Fig. 33.26a)
eral position. Under strict sterile conditions, an epidural and paramedian longitudinal view (Fig. 33.26b) were
catheter was introduced via the caudal space using simi- obtained at the midthoracic level; the dura mater and epi-
lar technique to that shown in Figs. 33.18 and 33.24. dural catheter can be easily appreciated in these images.
Using nerve stimulation guidance, the catheter was The infant was wakened up without any signs of discom-
advanced into the thoracic space. Once the catheter fort and was discharged to the ward postoperatively.
Fig. 33.26 Ultrasound-guided thoracic epidural catheter placement via caudal insertion. Transverse (a) and paramedian longitudinal (b)
views are shown. Blue rectangle indicates probe footprint (See Case Study for details)
524 B.C.H. Tsui
33.4 Current Literature in Ultrasound- blockade. Lundblad et al. [10] used ultrasound imaging to
Guided Approaches show a significant inverse relationship with regard to age,
weight, and height and maximum cranial spread after caudal
There is a relative abundance of recent literature covering blockade. Triffterer et al. [11] assessed local anesthetic injec-
topics in ultrasound-guided techniques in pediatric practice. tion speed (0.5 mL/s vs. 0.25 mL/s) during ultrasound-guided
Most studies have compared ultrasound guidance to tradi- caudal block and found no significant difference in level of
tional non-ultrasound methods; an important outcome that cranial spread or distance of spread relative to the conus
this comparison addressed is needling time. For thoracic epi- medullaris in the epidural space. Ueda et al. [12] were able to
durals, Tachibana et al. [7] found a significantly shorter nee- demonstrate that transesophageal echocardiography could
dling time in the ultrasound group compared to the control be used to visualize both catheter position and local anes-
group (median 100 (77–116) vs. 165 (130–206) s) when thetic spread in three dimensions for thoracic epidural
ultrasound prescanning was used. Nevertheless, one consid- blocks. Finally, in a prospective observational study of chil-
eration when ultrasound is used is the time taken to do the dren undergoing a surgical procedure or ongoing chemother-
scan in the first place; in the Tachibana study, the scan to visu- apy regime, Tsui et al. [13] found that color flow Doppler
alize neuraxial structure took, in most cases, over 2 min to ultrasound could be used to successfully distinguish epidural
perform. In certain circumstances, this may unnecessarily injection from intrathecal injection.
extend the overall needling time. In another study of block Ultrasound has also been used to provide more informa-
performance time, Wang et al. [8] compared ultrasound- tion on subcutaneous neuraxial structures. Koo et al. [14]
guided caudal block by sacral hiatus injection to traditional used ultrasound to examine movement of the dural sac
sacral canal injection and reported a significantly shorter time depending on patient positioning; they observed significant
for the ultrasound group (145 ± 23 vs. 164 ± 31 s), but did not cephalad shifts in dural sac position in the lateral flexed posi-
comment on the time taken to perform the scan itself. Thus, tion versus a neutral position. The same group used ultra-
ultrasound prescanning shortens actual needling time but will sound to determine the prevalence of spinal dysraphism in
in all likelihood extend the overall block procedure time. children with urogenital anomalies [15]. Children suspected
Success of neuraxial blocks under ultrasound guidance is of spinal cord tethering showed a lower level of conus medul-
another outcome that has been studied. Wang et al. [8] found laris and thicker filum terminale when compared to the nor-
that, although the overall success rate of caudal block was mal group. Kim et al. [16] used information obtained from
similar between groups whose blocks were performed under ultrasound scanning of the sacral hiatus to show that the tra-
ultrasound guidance or using LOR (92.8 % vs. 95.7 %), suc- ditional equiangular triangle method of identifying the sacral
cess rates for the first puncture were significantly higher with hiatus may not be reliable. Using ultrasound to estimate
ultrasound (92.8 % vs. 50 %). Similarly, Tachibana et al. [7] depth of structures, Tachibana et al. [7] showed a significant
showed that the number of epidural puncture attempts was correlation between needle depth and ultrasound estimation
reduced when ultrasound prescanning was done, and those of the skin-dura distance, while Shin et al. [9] revealed sig-
performing the blocks reported significantly more difficulty nificant differences in depth of the sacral space at S2–3 when
without a prescan. Shin et al. [9] compared two ultrasound- compared to the sacral hiatus.
guided caudal block approaches – one involving the com- With regard to block quality, Willschke et al. [17] retro-
monly used sacral hiatus and the other involving the S2–3 spectively described the performance of ultrasound-guided
interspace. The first epidural puncture attempt success rate thoracic epidural blocks for 20 infants with hypertrophic
was significantly higher with the latter approach despite a pylorus stenosis. Ultrasound-guided single-shot epidural
similar overall success rate between the two approaches. blocks provided sufficient analgesia in all infants following
Several recent studies have assessed direct visualization surgery and were associated with stable heart rate and oxy-
of local anesthesia spread using ultrasound during neuraxial gen saturation intraoperatively.
33 Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia 525
34.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
34.2 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
34.2.1 Clinical Use and Special Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
34.2.2 Contraindications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
34.3 Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
34.3.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
34.3.2 Patient Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
34.3.3 Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
34.3.4 Sonographic Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
34.3.5 Nerve Stimulation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
34.4 Equipment and Spinal Needle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
34.4.1 Needles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
34.5 Local Anesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
34.5.1 Adjuvants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
34.6 Assessment of the Block Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
34.7 Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
34.8 Current Literature in Ultrasound-Guided Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
34.9 Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
In 1885, James Leonard Corning administered the first spi- • Despite the use of spinal anesthesia for multiple pro-
nal anesthetic published in a peer-reviewed medical journal cedures in pediatric anesthesia, it is usually restricted
[1]. It was not until 1901 that the use of spinal anesthesia in to infants, particularly premature infants with a his-
children was reported [2], and in 1909, Gray published the tory of apneas and bradycardias and chronic lung dis-
first pediatric case series [3]. Despite early pediatric suc- ease who would otherwise have received a general
cesses and effective use of the technique in adults, it was not anesthetic or awake caudal block with high-dose local
until the 1980s that the technique was resurrected for pedi- anesthetic [10].
atric use by Abajian [4], who showed that spinal anesthesia • Some key advantages of a spinal anesthetic include:
could be used to mitigate the perioperative risks commonly – Decreased use of sedatives and opioids and avoidance
associated with general anesthesia in the high-risk ex- of airway manipulation
premature neonate presenting for inguinal hernia repair. – Quick onset
Today, spinal anesthesia continues to be most commonly – Favorable surgical conditions with complete sensory
used in neonates and infants when risk is increased with a and motor block
general anesthetic. – Rapid postoperative recovery
It is important to be aware of some key age-dependent • The technique is not limited to the premature population
neuraxial anatomical differences between adult and pediatric and has been used extensively in healthy and at-risk pedi-
patients with regard to spinal anesthesia, including: atric patients of all ages for a variety of surgical proce-
dures including general, orthopedic, urological, spine,
• Conus medullaris: In early neonatal and infancy period, and cardiac surgery [11].
the spinal cord has been reported to extend to the L2–L3
level, whereas the conus ends at the L1–L2 level at 1 year
of age and T12–L2 in adults [5] (Fig. 13.12). 34.2.1 Clinical Use and Special Concerns
• Dural sac: The dural sac of neonates and infants termi-
nates more caudad at a level of S3 compared to adults at a Spinal anesthesia is commonly used for lower abdominal,
level of S1. urological, and lower limb surgery. There are important con-
• Subarachnoid space: The subarachnoid space is found at siderations prior to proceeding with a spinal anesthetic:
a much reduced depth in the pediatric patient. Compared
to adults, there is a relationship between weight or body • Coagulation status: Clinical history is insufficient to
surface area and the depth to the subarachnoid space, detect coagulation abnormalities in neonates and
especially in neonates and infants. Estimates of this depth infants aged less than 1 year. Coagulation status in the
increase from 10 to 15 mm at birth to 20 mm (3 years), ex-premature neonate is recommended prior to pro-
25 mm (5 years), and over 30 mm (10 years). In addition, ceeding with a spinal anesthetic. Coagulation tests,
the spinal canal space is also narrower, especially in the including prothrombin time (PT/INR), activated partial
younger pediatric patient [6–8]. thromboplastic time (APTT), and platelet counts,
• Volume and distribution of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): The should be compared against age-specific reference
total volume of CSF in infants has been estimated at ranges. See “Suggested Reading” for additional infor-
4 mL/kg vs. 2 mL/kg in adults, and there is a greater pro- mation [12, 13].
portion of this volume in the spinal canal compared to • Length of surgery: Although dependent on the local anes-
adults. These are significant differences which may help thetic and use of adjuvants, as a sole single-injection
explain the shorter duration of action of spinal anesthetics technique, a spinal will last up to a maximum of approxi-
in infants despite a larger local anesthetic dose [9]. mately 90 min. If surgery time is expected to take more
34 Spinal Anesthesia 529
than 60–75 min, there is risk of needing additional seda- 34.3 Technique
tion or general anesthetic. An alternate anesthetic plan
should always be readily available. 34.3.1 Preparation
• Patient position during surgery: Immediately following
postspinal injection, it is necessary to avoid raising the • Due to the limited duration of the spinal anesthetic, it is
legs or trunk above the level of the head as this can cause necessary to have good communication with the surgical
a high anesthetic block. staff and for the team to be readied to begin surgery once
the spinal is complete.
• Skin topicalization using 4 % tetracaine (amethocaine;
34.2.2 Contraindications Ametop®, AnGel®) 30 min prior to the procedure or eutec-
tic mixture of local anesthetic cream of lidocaine and pri-
• Contraindications include patient or parent refusal, locaine (EMLA) 1 h prior to the procedure can offer some
presence or suspicion of coagulopathy, infection (local local anesthesia for both intravenous access and spinal
or systemic), hypovolemia, and raised intracranial access. The topical gel or cream may be covered using a
pressure. 3M Tegaderm® dressing. Depending on the anesthetic
• Relative contraindications specific to spinal anesthesia goal and age of the child, a premedication may be used in
include anatomical abnormality of the spine, the presence addition to skin topicalization.
of degeneration of or diseases affecting the central ner- • We recommend intravenous access prior to completing
vous system, and the presence of ventriculoperitoneal the spinal anesthetic. Several reasons include:
shunts or intrathecal catheters. 1. The possibility of delaying the surgical start after spi-
nal anesthesia due to unforeseen difficulties obtaining
vascular access.
2. Venous access allows premedication with atropine
(10 μg/kg) prior to completing the spinal.
3. Acute complications following the spinal without
immediate vascular access (e.g., high spinal, profound
apnea) may be more challenging to manage.
530 A.O. Spencer et al.
• Following intravenous access and premedication with Important surface anatomy landmarks that should be identi-
atropine (10 μg/kg), the patient is placed in a lateral decu- fied prior to sonographic assessment of the spine include:
bitus or sitting position based on the anesthesiologist’s
preference. The lateral position may help to create a more • Spinous processes to ascertain midline and to assess for
optimal flexed position in an awake infant or in an older abnormal spine curvature: Due to delayed fusion in neo-
child who has received sedation. nates and infants, these may be palpable as two adjacent
• In the lateral position (Fig. 34.1), a trained assistant flexes bony landmarks.
the patient’s legs at the knees and hips while the neck and • Iliac crests: An imaginary line between the anterior iliac
shoulders are gently flexed forward with careful attention crests, commonly known as the intercristal (or Truffier’s)
to maintain a patent airway, especially in neonates and line, will cross the L5–S1 interspace in neonates and infants
infants. The flexed fetal position facilitates palpation of less than 1 year old and L4–L5 in older children (Fig. 34.2).
bony landmarks and increases the accessible area between • Shoulders: Ensure that the left shoulder is not rotated for-
spinous processes. ward and that both shoulders remain square to the bed.
• An alternative position for infants is to have an assistant This will help ensure effective upper trunk flexion and
hold the patient in a sitting position with the hips flexed alignment of the thoracic and lumbar spine, which may
and the head flexed forward. Cooperative adolescent help with eventual dural puncture success.
patients can assume this sitting position themselves with
a trained assistant facing them for support. The advantage Optimal positioning cannot be overemphasized and, once
of the sitting position is to increase the CSF pressure in established, the Tegaderm® dressing should be removed and
the lumbar region and improve CSF flow through the spi- the residual gel wiped off. Prior to the spinal attempt, a sono-
nal needle. graphic assessment of the lumbar spine should be completed.
Fig. 34.1 Lateral positioning of patient for spinal anesthesia Fig. 34.2 Surface anatomy for pediatric spinal anesthesia. White and
black lines indicate positions of iliac crests and intercristal line for neo-
nates and children over 1 year old, respectively
34 Spinal Anesthesia 531
34.3.4 Sonographic Assessment which in neonates and infants can be narrow (6–8 mm)
[6]. If significant pressure is used with the probe dur-
• Sonographic assessment for spinal anesthesia is similar to ing the sonographic assessment, the estimated depth
that for lumbar epidural anesthesia (see Fig. 33.11). High- may be erroneous.
frequency (10–13 Hz) probes produce excellent resolu- • Recently, it was demonstrated that real-time color flow
tion in small children and infants; however, in adolescents, Doppler ultrasound can be used to distinguish epidural
the depth of neuraxial structures may necessitate a lower- injection from intrathecal injection (i.e., epidural injec-
frequency probe such as a curvilinear 2–6 MHz probe to tion produces a positive signal; intrathecal produces no
gain adequate signal penetration. signal) (see Fig. 33.22) [14].
• A wider footprint linear-array transducer (10–13 MHz)
allows for an excellent median or paramedian longi-
tudinal view. Occasionally, a paramedian longitudinal Clinical Pearls
view provides better detail, but this usually adds little to • Ultrasound may be useful for pre-scanning.
a median view in neonates and infants that are less than • Spinal anesthesia may be completed under real-
6 months of age. time ultrasound guidance, but the merit of this
• Expect the sonoanatomy to be excellent (>80 %) in chil- approach is uncertain and may increase the risk of
dren under 3 months of age, but it will gradually decline contamination due to the required extra equipment
in quality to approximately 30–40 % by 9 months of age. and personnel.
• There are significant benefits to completing a transverse
and median or paramedian view of the lumbar spine prior
to performing the spinal anesthetic. This allows one to:
– Identify the lumbar and sacral levels prior to dural 34.3.5 Nerve Stimulation Technique
– Delineate the spinous processes and ideal needle The use of nerve stimulation to assist for spinal anesthesia in
trajectory. pediatric patients is not a common practice and therefore will
– Identify the conus medullaris to be confident that dural not be described. However, the electrical epidural stimula-
puncture is below the termination of the cord. tion test can assist in distinguishing the epidural space
– Estimate the depth to the subarachnoid space; the dis- (>1 mA) from the intrathecal space (<1 mA) when using an
tance between skin and the dura can be estimated, insulated needle (see Chap. 2) [15].
532 A.O. Spencer et al.
34.4 Equipment and Spinal Needle nal needle. The type of needle has not been shown to have
an effect on success or postspinal complications in the
• Similar to all regional anesthetic blocks, there should be pediatric population [16, 17]. However, a smaller needle
strict adherence to aseptic technique. size could reduce the risk of post-dural puncture headache
• An absorbent pad should be placed between the warming which is difficult to assess in this population.
blanket and the patient prior to the spinal anesthetic. • Various types of spinal needles are available in pediatric
Following the successful injection of the spinal anes- sizes. Our approach is to use a 2.5 cm, 25G pencil-point
thetic, the patient will occasionally have a bowel move- needle (Pencan® Paed, B.Braun, Melsungen, Germany) and,
ment; an absorbent pad may be used to soak up these if not successful, a 3.8 cm, 22G Quincke spinal needle. An
liquids that may otherwise inadvertently cool the patient introducer is not necessary in neonates and young infants.
over the course of the procedure. • In children, the ligamentum flavum is soft, and a distinc-
• Once in position for the spinal, the skin should be prepped tive “pop” may not be appreciated when the dura is
with a 2 % chlorhexidine gluconate and 70 % isopropyl punctured.
alcohol solution and allowed to dry. • It is important to remove the stylet intermittently and
• A sterile clear plastic drape should be used, and a spinal examine for CSF flow. Initial CSF may be slightly blood
needle and syringe containing the spinal anesthetic should tinged; ensure continued flow of clear fluid prior to injec-
be readily available. tion of the anesthetic.
• Ensure comfortable ergonomics for both the anesthesiol- • In neonates and young infants, use a 1 mL syringe (tuber-
ogist and the assistant holding the patient. We suggest that culin syringe with clear gradations) to inject the drug
the anesthesiologist sit for stability and improved dexter- slowly. A good rule of thumb is to inject over a 15–20 s
ity when attempting a spinal on an awake younger pediat- period while avoiding the barbotage method as it may
ric patient in lateral decubitus position. result in unacceptably high levels of motor blockade.
• If no topical gel or cream is used, infiltrate the skin with • Once the subarachnoid block is performed, avoid elevat-
lidocaine 1 % using a 27G–30G needle prior to using the ing the legs or lower trunk. This will help to prevent ceph-
spinal needle. alad spread of local anesthetic and is especially important
during the application of the return pad which is typically
fixed to the backs of neonates and young infants.
34.4.1 Needles
• Many drugs have been used for pediatric spinal anesthesia • Clonidine (1 μg/kg) added to bupivacaine (1 mg/kg) has
in variable doses for various surgical procedures. These been used in spinal anesthesia in neonates and infants
drugs have been used as sole agents and also in combina- weighing 5 kg or less and provides almost twice the dura-
tion with sedation and general anesthesia. Intrathecal tion of spinal anesthesia when compared to local anes-
agents used in the pediatric population include bupiva- thetic alone [18]. Raising the intrathecal clonidine dose to
caine, tetracaine, lidocaine, ropivacaine, and levobupiva- 2 μg/kg provided no added benefit with propensity for
caine; adjuvants include morphine, fentanyl, clonidine, transient drops in blood pressures intraoperatively and
epinephrine, neostigmine, and dextrose. increased sedation in the postoperative period in this age
• The commonly used local anesthetics for pediatric spinal group.
anesthesia include bupivacaine and tetracaine. Generally, • The use of intravenous caffeine (5–10 mg/kg) has been
a dose of 0.4–1 mg/kg of tetracaine or bupivacaine for shown to prevent potential apnea in the postoperative
spinal anesthesia will offer favorable surgical anesthesia. period, especially if clonidine is used in the spinal anes-
Higher doses per kg are preferred in the pediatric popula- thetic solution [18, 19].
tion, but the risk of a total spinal is rare as long as the • An epinephrine washout of a tuberculin syringe may be
procedure is carried out diligently. At our institution, the preferred to a standard dose of intrathecal epinephrine
drug of choice is preservative-free plain bupivacaine (e.g., 0.01 mL/kg of 1:100,000 diluted epinephrine) for
0.5 %. In neonates and infants weighing 5 kg or less, extending spinal block duration.
preservative-free plain bupivacaine 0.5 %, 1 mg/kg • When compared to a eubaric solution, hyperbaric solution
(0.2 mL/kg) is an effective dose that will provide 60 min with dextrose does not seem to alter the duration of the
of surgical anesthesia for inguinal hernia repair. spinal block in children.
Unfortunately, data for children outside the neonatal and
infant stages are limited. As a general guide, the follow- See Table 34.1 for a summary of suggested local anesthet-
ing suggested doses may be used: ics and adjuvants.
– 0.3–0.5 mg/kg bupivacaine 0.5 % for children 2 months
to 12 years of age Table 34.1 Dosages of local anesthetics and additives for spinal
– 0.3–0.4 mg/kg hyperbaric tetracaine in children aged anesthesia
12 weeks to 2 years Local anesthetic solution
– 0.2–0.3 mg/kg hyperbaric tetracaine in older children Bupivacaine 0.3–1 mg/kg
of >2 years Tetracaine 0.4–1 mg/kg
Epinephrine washout
Clonidine 1 μg/kg
Morphine 5 μg/kg for postoperative analgesia in
general pediatric procedures (e.g.,
scoliosis repair)
10 μg/kg for cardiac surgical patients
who will be ventilated postoperatively
534 A.O. Spencer et al.
• Assessment of the sensory and motor block can be chal- • The most common complications include multiple
lenging, especially in neonates, small children, and attempts, sensory and motor block failure requiring sup-
sedated patients. plemental anesthetic, and surgical procedure outlasting
• In infants, response to cold stimuli (e.g., ice wrapped in a the block.
glove or an alcohol swab) can be used. • Other less common complications include bleeding and
• A Bromage score (see Table 34.2) [20], which is the gold hematoma, infection, allergic reaction, local anesthetic
standard, can usually be obtained for children greater than toxicity, cardiovascular complications, and nerve injury.
2 years of age. The risk of methemoglobinemia is present with the use of
• If a rapidly rising level of blockade is noted, the patient tetracaine.
may be placed in reverse Trendelenburg position to pre- • Although possible complications include post-dural
vent further cephalad spread of local anesthetic. puncture headache and transient radicular symptoms,
these are less commonly reported in children.
34.8 Current Literature in Ultrasound- value in identifying neuraxial structures and verifying the
Guided Approaches presence of anatomic abnormalities if they are present. Koo
et al. [21] demonstrated that ultrasound could be used on
There is limited literature regarding the use of ultrasound for children with urogenital abnormalities to identify occult spi-
spinal anesthesia in the pediatric population, as the landmark nal dysraphism. Further discussion of the use of pre-
technique has traditionally been used with success in chil- procedural ultrasound scanning for neuraxial blocks is found
dren. However, as discussed above, ultrasound has potential in a review by Chin and Perlas [22].
536 A.O. Spencer et al.
Axillary artery, 69, 154, 306, 307, 312, 317, 326, 330 cords, 150, 153, 154
Axillary block roots (ventral rami), 150, 153
case study, 320 supraclavicular, 153
indications, 312 terminal nerves, 150, 152, 154–162
local anesthetic application, 319 trunks, 153–154
nerve stimulation technique components, 150
modifications to inappropriate responses, 314 innervation, 150
needle insertion site, 312, 313 interscalene and periclavicular block approaches, 150
procedure, 312, 313 schematic diagram, 150, 152
responses and needle adjustments, 312, 314 terminal nerves
patient positioning/surface anatomy, 312 axillary nerve, 154–156
ultrasound-guided technique lateral cutaneous nerve, forearm, 157
anatomical structure, 315, 316 medial cutaneous nerve, arm, 157
flowchart, 315 medial cutaneous nerve, forearm, 157
literature, 319 median nerve, 158–159
needle insertion technique, 318 musculocutaneous nerve, 157
preparing needle insertion site, 315 radial nerve, 162
scanning technique, 317 ulnar nerve, 160–161
sonographic appearance, 317 Breau, L.M., 86, 88
Axillary nerve, 154–156 Broadband transducers, 28
Axillary vein, 69, 150, 157, 306, 312 Bromage scale, spinal block assessment, 534
Brownlow, R.C., 252
Buck’s fascia, 486
B Bupivacaine, 98, 99, 102–107, 279, 308, 319, 351, 363, 368,
Bacterial infection, 126 373, 378, 391, 433, 458, 460
Baker, C., 89 Bupivacaine-induced cardiac toxicity, 107
Baloukov, A., 75–93 Byrne, K.P.A., 11–23
Berniere, J., 417
Beyer, J., 89
Biceps brachii muscle, 317, 326 C
Bicipital aponeurosis, 158, 322 Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, 221, 426, 427, 433
Bigeleisen, P.E., 14 Calcaneal tuberosity, 182
Bilateral axillary brachial plexus block, 319 Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUT), 39
Bilateral paravertebral catheter, 452 Cardiovascular toxicity, 105, 106, 117–118
Bildner, J., 77 Catheter-over-needle assembly, 63–64, 67–68
Blind technique, 368, 370, 410, 421, 468, 479 Catheters
Block techniques, 226–238 advancement, 63
arnold nerve blocks case study, 523
landmarks and surface anatomy, 262 catheter insertion and local anesthetic application, 522
local anesthetic application, 263 epidural stimulation guidance technique, 520–521
needle insertion technique, 263 local anesthetic application, 521
patient positioning, 262 non-stimulating, 60
occipital nerve blocks perineural, 12, 39, 60, 293
greater occipital nerve location, 256, 257 scanning technique, 521
landmarks and surface anatomy, 258 securing, 68
local anesthetic application, 259 sonographic appearance, 522
needle insertion technique, 258 stimulating, 60–62
patient positioning, 256 ultrasound-guided technique, 521
paravertebral blocks Cathode, 13
landmark-based technique, 438–441 Caudal anesthesia
nerve stimulation technique, 441 case study, 519
ultrasound-guided technique, 442–451 nerve stimulation technique, 515
trigeminal nerve blocks patient positioning, 515
intraoral approach, 233–238 surface anatomy, 515
superficial transcutaneous approach, 226–233 ultrasound-guided block
Blunt needle, 6 caudal vs. intrathecal injection, 518
Bone, 37 needle insertion and local anesthetic application, 519
Boretsky, K.R., 337–352, 437–452 needle insertion site, 515
Boschin, M., 319 scanning technique, 516–517
Brachial artery, 157, 158, 160, 162, 317, 322–324, 330 sonographic appearance, 518
Brachialis muscle, 214, 322 Caudal epidural space, 193, 194, 515, 516, 519, 522
Brachial plexus Caudal needle placement, 514, 521
anatomy of, 151 Caudal vs. intrathecal injection, 518
branches Central nervous system toxicity, 105, 106
Index 541
Musculocutaneous nerve, 153, 157, 183, 214, 268, 312, 317, 319 Needling technique, 52–56
Musculocutaneous nerve blocks, 318 Negative electrode, 13, 14
Myelination, 101, 117 Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS), 77
Myotomes Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS), 77
clinical anatomy, 206 Neonatal pain agitation and sedation scale
lower extremity, 216–217 (N-PASS), 79
upper extremity, 209 Neonatal spinal cord, 202
Neonats, pain assessment
biological factors, 90
N multidimensional measures requirement, 77
Nasociliary nerve, 138 NFCS and NIPS tool, 77
Near field, 31 postoperative pain, 79, 80
Needle Nerve(s)
adjustments, 269, 285, 302, 340, 387, 396, 404, 405 femoral, 171, 172, 220
alignment, 308 gemellus inferior, 179
echogenic, 8 gemellus superior, 179
gauges, 7 obturator, 173–174, 220, 221
length, 7 to obturator internus, 179
placement perineal, 184–185
caudal, 514, 521 piriformis, 179
confirm, 17, 516 quadratus femoris, 179
intraneural, 14, 16 radial, 162, 214–215
selection for block location, 38 saphenous, 221
tip design, 6–7 sciatic, 180–181
trajectory, 237 spinal, 118, 201–202
hand-eye coordination, 51 and tendons, ultrasonographic appearance of, 36
visibility of needles, 49–50 terminal (see Terminal nerves)
trauma tibial nerve, 182–183, 220, 221
peripheral nerve, 119–120 ulnar, 160–161, 214, 317, 330
pleura, 123 Nerve of Arnold. See Arnold nerve blocks
spinal cord, 121–122 Nerve stimulation technique
Needle insertion technique anterior sciatic nerve block approach, 403–405
anterior sciatic nerve block approach, 409 axillary block, 312–314
arnold nerve blocks, 263 deep peroneal nerve block, 427
axillary block, 318 epidural anesthesia
deep cervical plexus block, 243 catheter confirmation, 500
deep peroneal nerve block, 431, 432 intrathecal and intravascular catheter and needle
epidural anesthesia, 511–512 placement, 501
femoral nerve block, 362 needle confirmation, 500
great auricular nerve blocks, 254 test mechanism, 500–501
greater occipital nerve block, 258 test performance and interpretation, 501
greater palatine nerve, 234–236 femoral nerve block, 357–359
infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 307 infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 301–303
infragluteal/subgluteal sciatic nerve blocks, 399 infragluteal/subgluteal sciatic blocks, 394–396
infraorbital nerve block, 230–231 intercostal nerve blocks, 458
interscalene brachial plexus block, 270, 278 interscalene brachial plexus block, 269–272
intraoral infraorbital nerve, 234, 235 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 365
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block, 367 median nerve block, 323
lesser occipital nerve block, 258 obturator nerve block, 370–371
lumbar paravertebral block, 440 paravertebral blocks, 441
median nerve block, 324 popliteal/mid-thigh sciatic nerve block, 411–414
mental nerve, 232, 234, 235 posterior gluteal (labat) sciatic nerve block,
obturator nerve block, 372 385–388
paravertebral block, 449 posterior lumbar plexus block, 339–341
penile block, 490 posterior tibial nerve block, 427
popliteal/mid-thigh sciatic nerve block, 419 radial nerve block, 327
posterior gluteal sciatic nerve blocks, 391, 392 saphenous nerve block, 375
posterior lumbar plexus block, 350–351 supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 285–288
posterior tibial nerve block, 431, 432 ulnar nerve block, 332
radial nerve block, 329 Nerve stimulators, 9, 21–22
rectus sheath block, 467 Nervi erigentes, 185, 188
saphenous nerve block, 377 Nervous system toxicity, 117
superficial cervical plexus block, 251 Neuraxial nerve blocks/catheters, 9
supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 292 Noga, M.L., 25–39, 41–56
thoracic paravertebral block, 440 Non-Communicating Children’s Pain Checklist-Postoperative
transcutaneous supraorbital nerve block, 232 Version (NCCPC-PV), 86–87
ulnar nerve block, 333 Numeric rating scales (NRS), 82, 83
Index 547
O Oucher, 82
Oberndorfer, U., 363, 421 pieces of hurt/poker chip scale, 82
Obturator nerve, 173–174, 220, 221 visual analogue scale, 82, 83
Obturator nerve block Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale, 82
case study, 373 Pajunk® SonoLong Curl, 60, 61
indications, 369 Pajunk® StimuLong Sono, 62
landmarks, 370 Pajunk® StimuLong Sono-Tsui Set, 62
local anesthetic application, 373 Palmer, G.M., 474
nerve stimulation technique, 370–371 Pande, R., 123
patient positioning/surface anatomy, 370 Paramedian approach, thoracic epidural
ultrasound-guided technique, 371–372 placement, 499
anatomical structures, 371 Paramedian longitudinal technique, 510
needle insertion technique, 372 Parasacral approach, 421
scanning technique, 372 Parasagittal plane, 306
sonographic appearance, 371, 372 Parascalene approach, 268
studies, 373 Parasympathetic fibers, 136, 188
Occipital nerve anatomy, 256 Paravenous approach, 375, 378
Occipital nerve blocks Paravertebral blocks
block techniques case study, 452
greater occipital nerve location, clinical anatomy, 438
256, 257 indications, 438
landmarks and surface anatomy, 258 landmark-based technique
local anesthetic application, 259 landmarks and surface anatomy, 439
needle insertion technique, 258 local anesthetic application, 441
patient positioning, 256 needle insertion technique, 440
case study, 259 patient positioning, 438
indications, 256 nerve stimulation technique, 441
studies in ultrasound-guided approaches, 259 ultrasound-guided technique
Occulusive dressing, 68, 128, 521 local anesthetic application, 451
OOP. See Out-of-plane (OOP) needling technique needle insertion technique, 449
Ophthalmic nerve (V1 division), 138–139 scanning technique, 442–448
Osteotomes sonographic appearance, 442–448
clinical anatomy, 207 studies, 452
lower extremity, 218 transverse approach, 450
upper extremity, 210 VHVS and MRI imaging, 442–447
Oucher, 82 Paravertebral space, 196, 438, 441, 448, 450–452
Out-of-plane (OOP) needling technique, 54–56, 278, 292, 307, Parents’ postoperative pain measure (PPPM), 81
318, 324, 329, 333, 351, 362, 367, 391, 392, 399, 409, Paresis, 125
432, 449, 460, 472, 480, 481 Paresthesia, 4, 23, 60, 112, 119, 125, 170, 279,
365, 375
Park, G.R., 460
P Partial palatal injections, 236
Pain assessment Patient positioning
adolescents, 82–83 ankle blocks, 426
age-related developmental changes, 90 anterior sciatic nerve block approach, 401
appropriate pain assessment scales, 88 axillary block, 312
behavioral pain assessment tools, 88 caudal anesthesia, 515
developmental disabilities, 90–91 epidural anesthesia, 496
medical history, 76 femoral nerve block, 356
pain-related stress responses, 76 great auricular nerve blocks, 252
parental responses, 76 ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve blocks, 478
poor, 76 infraclavicular brachial plexus block, 300
postoperative pain (see Postoperative pain) intraoral approach, 233
principles, 76 paravertebral blocks, 438
psychological factors popliteal/mid-thigh sciatic nerve block, 410
anxiety, 91 posterior lumbar plexus block, 338
biases in health-care providers, 92 radial nerve block, 326
cultural factors, 93 rectus sheath block, 464
expectations, 91 supraclavicular brachial plexus block, 284
fear of pain and catastrophizing, 91 transversus abdominis plane block, 470
gender-related differences, 92 ulnar nerve block, 331
social and family factors, 91–92 Pectoralis major muscles, 69, 154, 306, 312
self-reporting pain assessment tools, 89 Pectoralis minor muscles, 69, 154, 306
CHEOPS, 83 Pediatric Initiative on Methods, Measurement,
faces pain scale-revised, 82 and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials
numeric rating scales, 82, 83 (Ped-IMMPACT), 82
548 Index
V Walji, A.H., 135–146, 149–162, 165–174, 177–185,
van der Wal, M., 374 187–221
van Geffen, G.J., 421 Wang, I.Z., 524
Van Shoor, A.N., 478 Weight-dependent depth of needle insertion, 286
Variable pulse width, 22 Willschke, H., 468, 481, 524
Vascular puncture, 125, 242, 285, 292, 306 Winnie, A.P., 385
Vascular structure, 37 Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale, 82
Vasopressin, 107 Wong, D., 89
Veins, 37 Wrist, 213–215
axillary, 69, 150, 157, 306, 312
basilic, 157
cephalic, 157, 306 Y
external jugular, 150, 153, 253, 268 Yang, C.W., 293, 452
femoral, 372, 377
internal jugular, 142, 146, 150, 249, 275, 277
posterior tibial, 431 Z
subclavian, 150, 154, 291, 306 Zeidan, A., 246
Vermeylen, K., 293 Zide, B.M., 231
Verrier, M.J., 75–93 Zygomatic facial nerve, 140