The Ultimate Guide To Trade Show Marketing by The Image Shoppe
The Ultimate Guide To Trade Show Marketing by The Image Shoppe
The Ultimate Guide To Trade Show Marketing by The Image Shoppe
Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-35
Are they worth it?
First thing’s first—are trade shows even worth all that time, effort and
money? Take a look below and you may be convinced.
500k 120m $
150b 34%
events people industry events
per year attend worth have 1k+
per year attendees
-LinkedIn (estimated)
of large show organizers
of large show organizers
plan to increase digital plan to increase the use
marketing. of social media.
Optimistic Hopeful
44 %
43 % Cautious
11% 2%
March 2017, as assessed by
marketers and exhibitors.
2. Ineffective staffing
4. Late/poor planning
Well, we’re here to tell ya that defining your strategy is just about the
best place to get started. Don’t fall into the trap of going into the big
day without any defined objectives or goals for why you’re choosing to
participate in the first place!
Ready to define a trade show strategy that will set you up for success, but
not sure where to begin? Read on—we’ll help you out.
Five reasons to exhibit
at a trade show
Before you commit to participating in a trade show, it’s helpful to know whether or not
your participation is actually the best route to go to achieve your desired goals.
1. S
coping out the competition. Trade shows provide an opportunity to
see what other industry professionals (and the competition) are doing,
as well as to learn about new trends, products and services in your
Make connections with clients, customers and industry folks.
Getting precious face time with your clients, customers and peers
allows for collaboration and the chance to develop new ideas or ways
to grow your channel, product or service.
Become visible in your space. Exhibiting at trade shows is a great
way to establish your company in your industry—great for new
businesses and those looking to grow! You’ll be noticed not only by
potential customers, but by industry movers and shakers, as well.
Make sales. Crazy, we know—but you can even sell at some trade
$$$•• •• ••
shows! At the very least, you can grow a market of folks interested in
your product or service offering.
Have FUN! Meeting new people and seeing colleagues year after
year is definitely worth it professionally, but also serves as a source of
motivation and excitement for you and your team to reach new heights
in your business.
Define your goals. What is the primary goal you want to accomplish
by participating in this trade show? What are your secondary goals?
Define these to start and build your strategy from there.
Scope out other trade shows. A great way to get ready for your
own show is to attend other shows. Take note of booth designs you
like and don’t like, the type and amount of information companies
provide, and how participants interact with each booth/company. No
need to completely reinvent the wheel—attending a couple shows in
advance will help spark ideas for your booth, strategy and materials.
3. P
romote your show attendance before the show. Use appropriate
marketing channels such as email, direct mail or phone calls to
promote the upcoming trade show to your current clientele, vendors
and employees.
Seek additional exposure (if applicable). If you’re planning on
exhibiting at a big-time show, seeking additional exposure could help in
spreading the word of your participation beyond your local community.
This additional exposure can be achieved through traditional media or
industry-specific editors. Make sure you have a media kit put together
and prep representatives to speak to the press!
6. S
taffing properly. Now that you’re ready to roll with a great booth
space, design, materials, and promotion, you want to ensure you staff
the show with the right personalities. The last thing you want is to be
stuck with show staffers who won’t talk to attendees, who don’t know
the material, or who can’t get excited about the event. Make sure
the employees working your booth are well-briefed on products and
services, are excited about the opportunities at the show and have
outgoing personalities.
Be ready to capture contact info. Make it easy and make it a
priority. Marketing to people you connected with at the show can
close a sales cycle faster and offer a great opportunity to create
personalized offers and communications to those you have met and
engaged with at shows.
Go in with an open mind. Plan to meet fellow exhibitors and
approach even the competition with the mindset that there is always
something to learn. Don’t give up any trade secrets of course, but it
doesn’t hurt to keep an open mind and do some networking!
9. F
ollow up. Don’t leave the job half done and sit on those contacts
after the show. Hit them up as soon as you return (and regularly) by
email, direct mail or phone. Depending on your industry, one good
client can make up for a whole years’ worth of trade shows!
The obvious choice is to go where your customers are. Easy, right? Well, maybe… but there
are so many trade shows out there; some are industry-specific, while others are audience-
specific. Others are private shows for only a select group or groups.
Your industry will dictate your options, but here are some points to consider when deciding
which trade show(s) to attend:
2. F
ind out where your competition attends. Do some research about
the different trade shows and other events your competitors attend.
Chances are, you should probably be there, as well!
3. A
sk experienced professionals for advice. Talk to some of your
strategic partners: Marketing agencies, suppliers, vendors, or clients
about their experiences.
Determine the show(s) whose audiences will provide the best
ROI. Weigh a show’s attending audiences by potential ROI based
on audience size, show retention, reputation, costs, operation
challenges, and most importantly—your strategic objectives. Choose
to attend the show(s) that present the best opportunity to achieve
your company’s goals.
1. V
enue cost or booth rental space. This is an obvious cost, and
$ will vary depending on the trade show venue and/or the size of your
booth rental space.
Marketing and promotional materials. You’ll most definitely need
marketing and promotional materials both before and after the
trade show.
Human Resources. You will have to staff your booth, get your
employees and/or sales team to and from the show, and likely
foot some (or all of) the bill for them. Ensure you’re clear on what
expenses you’ll cover during the show and which expenses are your
employees’ responsibility.
5. Travel and shipping fees. Gas money and shipping fees add up
fast! Make sure to account for these expenses in your budget.
2. B
ooth space and amenities. Does your booth space have power? Is
it carpeted? Are certain items provided for you like extension cords,
tables, monitors, etc.?
Potential improvements. Ask yourself if and how you can improve
your booth space. If improvements are possible, who is allowed to
make improvements? Ask the venue if they have staff on-site to make
requested changes, or if you and your team are allowed to make
improvements yourself or hire a third-party company. The show may
be held in a venue with a union, so you will need to understand and
abide by union rules for who can and cannot perform specific tasks.
Review floor plans and traffic patterns. How does the room flow?
Where is your booth located in relation to the event space’s entrances
and exits? Do you have the option to choose your booth location,
or will it be assigned to you? It’s important to take these things into
consideration when planning the finer details of your exhibition.
Read your show contract carefully. Be sure you fully understand
the terms, rules, payments, and how space is assigned before
signing the contract from the venue. Don’t hesitate to ask questions!
Understand guidelines and limitations. What will the venue allow
you to do both inside and outside your booth? What promotional
materials and decorations are off limits? Make sure big investments
like helium balloons or large props are allowed before you purchase.
The best way to be trade-show ready is to walk through the process from
beginning to end, both in the planning stages and then again once you’re
actually on site. Whether you’re planning solo or with a committee, sit
down and chronologically document each step from beginning to end.
Identify any holes in your initial plan or new challenges that may arise.
Note these and continue on to the end of the show.
• Not too quiet, but not too loud—somewhere right in the middle
• Make sure your giveaway is valuable to attendees and relevant to your business.
• D
on’t be too pushy with attendees. No guilting anyone into taking your giveaway,
especially if they didn’t interact with your booth!
• T
hink outside the box. Pens, bottle openers and notebooks are so overdone—go for
something unique. Consider giving away a sample of your product(s) or the finished
good as a result of incorporating your products.
• C
onsider reserving a more valuable giveaway to potential business leads and
have a smaller, more affordable giveaway for passersby.
• Y
our giveaway doesn’t have to be a tangible item. For instance, you can organize a
contest for a chance to win one or two really nice prizes or services, with the winner to
be chosen at a later date.*
*The upside to a contest? An opportunity to collect contact information, more customer touch points, and more
interest from participants to keep in contact with your company!
• T
reat your space like a retail environment. If you can, use signs to mark your location
and inform guests of your presence from various distances.
• E
ngage participants up close and from a distance. Optimally, you want to engage
users from as far as 25 feet and as close as within 4-6 feet from your booth. Remember
that larger venues require larger signs to be visible, so be sure to incorporate a sizable
logo, an optional tagline, and place the banner as high up as you can.
• K
eep copy short and to the point. Write copy for your signage that meets your goals,
draws attendees into the space, and is easily readable from the edge of the booth. Be
sure it conveys your big idea in as few words as possible. It can be helpful to ensure
your copy answers this question and provides a call to action: Why should someone stop
at our booth?
• ptimize legibility. Remember to keep critical copy on your displays above waist-level. It
is very difficult to read below table heights with people walking and standing in the space.
For distances between 6–25 feet, make sure signage is printed at an optimal font size and
hung at an angle visible from multiple points in the room.
• eep extra costs in mind. Some venues allow signs to be hung from ceilings, but
understand there may be additional costs. Obviously, the bigger your banner or sign, the
more it’ll cost to produce and potentially hang! If nothing else, try to hang your signage as
high as you can by utilizing either your backdrop or the pipe and drape at the venue.
1. S
tick to shipping dates and travel procedures. Make sure you
allow plenty of time for all shipments to arrive in a timely manner—
and that each shipment is sent to the proper address!
Be mindful of delays. Take into consideration holidays, weekends,
construction, weather, or any other details that could interfere with
travel time and/or shipments. Plan accordingly.
1. Arrive early. Be there as early as you can and get your booth set up
and operational. If you need help from an electrician, show committee
members or have any other last-minute needs, you’re far more likely
to get served if you’re one of the first emergencies. Asking for any
intervention hours or minutes before a show starts is a sure way to
get no help.
Create a Trade Show Toolbox. A designated Trade Show Toolbox
can be a lifesaver for your setup crew to get a backdrop to stand up,
or during the show when something falls down, or even at tear-down
when all you want to do is get out of there as quickly as possible.
Recruit more help than you think you’ll need. It’s always better
to have more help than you need during setup than to try doing
everything yourself. Ask some folks in advance to be part of your fill-
in setup crew just in case you need to fill a few holes.
Make sure everything is fully functioning. Does everything that
needs power have it? Are all your marketing materials laid out? Are
laptops, tablets, monitors, and other technology working properly?
Test all of these things twice before the show opens.
Refer to the worksheets at the end of this guide to ensure setup runs smoothly!
Examine your current booth setup. Take a picture of your booth
and examine it as a show-goer. What will the experience be?
Would moving any tables, displays or equipment create a better
engagement area? Would a sign hanging another foot higher or
lower create better viewing angles for guests? Are your non-display
materials stowed away carefully, out of sight from the public? Make
changes as you see fit to improve the experience.
2. T
ake a walk through the entire venue. If traffic is different or another
booth is blocking your layout, change it. Be flexible and roll with it.
While planning and strategy is great, you can never account for every
variable or possible outcome, so don’t be afraid to make decisions on
the fly.
At the end of the day, trade shows are really just like any other event—you’ll spend lots of
time strategizing and planning beforehand and then before you know it, the day of the show
arrives, and just like that—the show has ended. Time to tear down already?!
While trade shows can indeed be a whirlwind (especially your first show), through proper
planning and customer follow-up, your presence can make a true impact on your bottom line.
Use the free Show Worksheets we’ve created for you at the end of this guide to help you with
the planning process for your upcoming trade show. They’ll help keep you right on track and
ensure everything is accounted for!
• Event Brief
• Event Planner
Name of Show
Date(s) ___________________________________
Show Location/Address
Basic Timeline
12-6 Mo. Out (tasks)
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Shipping details:
• Storage Available at Facility? [Y] / [N] | Name/Number of Contact ____________________________
Booth Description
a) Personnel/Shifts
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Lists (continued):
b) Inventory Needed
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
List Owner: ____________________________________________________________________________
Booth Floor Plan (Above View & Elevation) Drawing Area - 1ft grid on center
(Most booths are 10x10 but sometimes 20x10 or bigger with pipe and drape 8’ tall)
Above View
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Elevation View
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Other Adhesives
__ Gator clips __ Safety pins __ Zip ties __ Staple gun __ Stapler __ Super Glue
__ Glue gun __ 25ft of Velcro
__ Slot-head screwdriver __ Phillips-head screwdriver __ Small hammer __ Needle nose pliers
__ Box knife __ Clamps __ Nails __ Screws __ Extension cords
__ Box of new pens __ Scissors __ Wide and fine point Sharpies in three colors
List Owner: ____________________________________________________________________________
__ Small sewing kit __ Stain remover/cover