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LCS 1st Lab Manual

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1 Modeling of first order systems and response analysis 2

Experiment 1
Modeling of first order systems and
response analysis

The objective of this lab is to grasp the important role of mathematical
models of physical systems in the design and analysis of control systems. We
will learn how MATLAB helps in solving such models.

The system whose input-output equation is a first order differential equation
is called first order system. First order systems are mass-less systems, which
means that they do not exhibit the property of inertia. First order systems
by themselves do not overshoot or oscillate. Example of fist order system

ˆ RC or RL electrical network

ˆ Thermometer

ˆ Radioactive decay

ˆ Mixing process

ˆ Pressure system

ˆ Filling tank with level control response to set-point changes

Figure 1.1: Step response consisting of transient and steady state response

Let the the output of the system is y(t) related to the input r(t) by a
differential equation of the form
+ ay = br (1.1)
Where the input term forms the driving function of the equation, a and b
are the constants of the equation.
Laplace transforming the Eq.1.1, we have
sY (s) − y(0−) + aY (s) = bR(s)

bR(s) y(0−)
Y (s) = +
|s {z
+ a} |s {z
+ a}
Zero−state−component Zero−input−component

The zero-state component is the result of a driving function R(s) with

zero initial conditions where as zero-input component is the result of only
non zero initial conditions with no driving function or input.
Neglecting zero input component, corresponding transfer function be-

Y (s) b
G(s) = = (1.2)
R(s) s+a
where a and b in Eq. 1.2 are the system parameters which depends on
the physical characteristics of the system under consideration. In standard
form, first order system is given by the transfer function:
G(s) = (1.3)
τs + 1
where K is the steady state value or gain and τ is the system time con-
stant. Expressing equation 1.2 in standard form, we can obtain relationship

between the system parameters a and b, and the standard first order system
parameters, K and τ :
For a step input r(t) = u(t) or we can say R(s) = 1/s, output becomes
as following
Y (s) = (1.4)
s(s + a)
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of Eq. 1.4 and assuming b = a, the
step response is given by

y(t) = cf (t) + cn (t) = 1 − e−at (1.5)

The forced response cf (t) = 1 is generated by the Input pole at the
origin while the System pole at a generates the natural response cn (t) =
−e−at . The plot of Eq. 1.5 is shown in Fig.1.2 The significance of the
parameter a is that, it is the only parameter which is required to describe
the Transient response which is defined as:
A transient response or natural response is the response of a
system to a change from an equilibrium. and it is illustrated as
curved form in Fig. 1.1
Substitution of t = 1/a in Eq. 1.5 results as:

c(t) = 1 − 0.37 = 0.63 (1.6)

Time Constant
It can be described as the time for e−at to decay to 37% of its initial value.
Referring to Eq. 1.6 it can also be defines as the time taken by the step
response to rise to 63% of its final value as shown in Fig. 1.2. Hence l/a is
the time constant of the step response. The reciprocal of the time constant
a has units of (1/s) or frequency. Thus we can call the parameter a is the
exponential frequency
Since the derivative of e−at is —a when t = 0, a is the initial rate of change
of the exponential at t = 0. Thus, the time constant can be considered as
transient response specification for a first order system, since it is related to
the speed at which the system responds to a step input.

Figure 1.2: First-order system

Rise Time, Tr
Rise time is defined as the time for the waveform to go from 10% to 90% of
its final value.

Settling Time, Ts
Settling time is defined as the time for the response to reach, and stay within,
2% of its final value.

Lab Tasks
1. For a series RC circuit with E(t) as a DC source applied to this circuit

ˆ Taking voltage across capacitor as an output, derive its transfer

ˆ Compute the unit step response for R = 2KΩ and C = 0.01F
using MATLAB
ˆ Repeat the simulation by taking C = 0.01F and R = 5KΩ

2. Construct a first order transfer function in Matlab, i.e.,

G(s) =
s + 1/τ

ˆ Take your Roll number as the value of both k and τ and obtain
the step response.
ˆ Now apply ramp as an input to the same system and see what
ˆ Why it is not following the ramp exactly?
ˆ Apply sinusoid as an input and observe the response

Figure 1.3: The DC Motor Speed Control Block Diagram

3. The block diagrams shown in Figure 1.3 is a model of simple DC motor

for speed control application. Input V(s) is the desired speed in voltage,
and the output is ω(s) is the actual speed. Tachogenerator position sen-
sor converts the actual speed to corresponding voltage. The amplifier
A, is used to control the speed response of the motor.

ˆ Derive the transfer function of the above system as a standard

first order system describe in equation 1.2
ˆ Compare the transfer function you obtained, with equation 1.3
and state the expression for the system’s steady state value K and
the time constant τ
ˆ Develop MATLAB codes to simulate the system step response for
default parameters as, Motor field resistance R = 10Ω, Motor field
inductance L = 10H, Gears ratio N = 0.5, Amplifier gain A = 10,
Sensor gain H = 0.1
NOTE: The codes should be written in parameterized form, that
is, declare variables for each system parameter in the transfer func-
tion expression.

ˆ Present the MATLAB Codes with plots in the respective spaces
given below
ˆ Determine the Step Response Performance parameters in the table

Time Constant Rise time Settling time Steady state error

Response data

Table 1.1: Step Response Performance parameters

ˆ Provide performance analysis report (minimum 50 words)

ˆ Repeat step response with ONLY the motor field resistance is

reduced to Your Roll No.
ˆ Show the system Step response plots for all three cases (10% of
Roll No. W, 100% of Roll No and 200% of Roll No) on same
graph or use sub-plots for comparative view: Present the MAT-
LAB Codes with plots in the respective spaces given below by
indicating values of R in title of step response

ˆ Determine the Step Response Performance parameters in the table

Time Constant Rise time Settling time Steady state error

R = 10% ∗ RollN o
R = 100% ∗ RollN o
R = 200% ∗ RollN o

Table 1.2: Step Response Performance parameters for various values of R

ˆ Summary of Effect of Motor field resistance R on the system per-

formance (minimum 50 words)

ˆ Repeat the step response analysis with ONLY the motor field
inductance is reduced to Your Roll No (mH)
ˆ Show the system Step response plots for all three cases (Half of
Roll No(mH), Roll No(mH), and Double of Roll No(mH), ) on
same graph or use sub-plots for comparative view: Present the
MATLAB Codes with plots in the respective spaces given below
by indicating values of L in title of step response.

ˆ Determine the Step Response Performance parameters in the table

Time Constant Rise time Settling time Steady state error

L = 1/2 ∗ RollN o.(mH)
L = RollN o.(mH)
L = 2 ∗ RollN o.(mH)

Table 1.3: Step Response Performance parameters for various values of L

ˆ Summary of Effect of Motor field inductance, L on the system

performance (minimum 50 words)

ˆ Complete the following table 1.4 to present the effect of the system
parameter changes on both the first order standard parameters
and step response performance

Sr. No. System parameters Effect on K and τ Effect on speed & steady state accuracy
1 R
2 L

Table 1.4: System parameter changes on 1st order system standard parame-

ˆ Summary of the system parameter changes on the first order sys-

tem standard parameters and response performance (minimum
150 words)

Student’s Comments

Lesson Learnt


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