Reaction Time Lab Report: Name: Archisman Nath Teacher: Mr. David Hill Class: SNC2D0

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Name: Archisman Nath

Teacher: Mr. David Hill
Class: SNC2D0
Section I – Introduction

I.I – Question
Why/how do all parts of the nervous system work together to transmit a signal/impulse
along a nerve initiating a reflex or reaction, and why/how does this help us understand the
difference between a reflex and a reaction?

I.II – Purpose
This lab report aims to explain reaction times and the function/application of the nervous system
on reaction times based on data collected through visual and auditory methods of testing. It aims
to research the process of how exactly they are initiated/generated in the nervous system. This
report has been written for explaining the parts and functions of the nervous system, how a
signal/impulse is transmitted over a nerve and the difference between a reaction and reflex. This
report will try and hopefully answer the question asked and find that if age increases then the
reaction time will increase, based on details written in the hypothesis, data found on the class
data sheet, and general research from different sources.

Section II – Hypothesis

If age is increased, then the reaction time will increase because research shows that age is a
major factor that plays a key role in determining the reaction time. Other factors such as age,
gender, physical fitness, fatigue, distraction, alcohol, personality type, and whether the stimulus
is auditory or visual. Our nervous system executes a series of processes which in turn causes a
reaction, and a stimulus (starting point) is a trigger for executing those processes. Our nervous
system is composed of our Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System
(PNS). Our central nervous system consists of neurons which are nerve cells, there are many
other parts, but the most important one is the neuron. As electrical charges flow across the
membranes of each brain cell, the neuron pathway shows. The impulse travels along with the
nerve cells due to ions flowing across the membrane. The impulse reaches a synapse when it
reaches the end of one neuron (the axon). The gap between neurons is known as a synapse. As
age increases, the axons start deteriorating which causes a delay in synapse initiation, and as
nerve cells degenerate due to mitosis and cell replication slowing, reactions times tend to
increase because the impulse to reach an axon and cause a reaction increase as well. The timing
of electrical charges travelling along with nerve cells is slow as well because the membranes of
the brain cells deteriorate. All of these in turn cause slower reaction times, and this happens due
to age increase. In this investigation, we will see if our hypothesis proves to be correct, by
analyzing different ages and their reaction times, and testing to see whether age increase plays a
major factor in determining the reaction time increase. We can also predict that one stimulus may
have less reaction time than the other (auditory or visual).
Section III – Lab Design

III.I – Materials
- Desktop Computer/Laptop
- 2 Websites for Visual/Auditory Stimulus (
- Computer mouse
- Laptop keyboard, or any sort of peripheral keyboard input device
- Search engine and browser of choice
- Google Sheets to record data

- (

III.II – Detailed Procedure

1. The computer was turned on by pressing the power button
2. The computer mouse was used to open the browser of choice by clicking
3. The keyboard was used and websites were typed on the search address bar
For Visual Stimulus
1. The mouse was clicked on the first screen which initiated the program
2. When the screen was a green mouse was used to click which recorded the reaction time
3. Step 2 was repeated until the average was shown on the screen
4. Google excel spreadsheet site was opened on a new tab
5. A new entry was recorded with the name, age, and time of the student

For Auditory Stimulus

1. The mouse was clicked on the first screen which initiated the program
2. When noise was heard space bar on the keyboard or mouse was pressed to record
reaction time
3. Step 2 was repeated until the average was shown on the screen
4. Google excel spreadsheet site was opened on a new tab
5. A new entry was recorded with the name, age, and time of the student
III.III – Variables
Independent variable – “Age”
Dependent variable – “Reaction time in milliseconds”

Control Variables:
- Gender
- physical fitness
- fatigue
- distraction
- alcohol
- personality type
- stimulus type
- temperature
- computer screen framerate in fps (Frames per second)

Section IV – Results (For Archisman’s Family)

IV.I – Observations

Qualitative Observations
• As age increases, reaction times seemed to increase substantially
• Other stimuli might have different reaction times, sometimes slower than their older-aged
• Gender difference had some effect on the reaction times, as it seemed was slower than
male counterparts
• Archisman’s brother had the fastest reaction time at 160.2 milliseconds for visual
• Archisman had the fastest reaction time at 118 milliseconds for auditory stimulus
• The average visual reaction time was 235.05 milliseconds
• The average auditory reaction time was 198.45 milliseconds
• The total average reaction time including visual and auditory was 216.75 milliseconds
Quantitative Observations

Experiment #1


1 Archisman 15 Male 200 118
2 Archisman's Dad 53 Male 280 220
3 Archisman's Mom 45 Female 300 235.6
4 Archisman's Brother 9 Male 160.2 220.2

Average - V 235.05 ms
Average - A 198.45 ms

Average Total 216.75 ms

Experiment #2


1 Archisman 15 Male 240 140
2 Archisman's Dad 53 Male 290 200
3 Archisman's Mom 45 Female 269.3 220
4 Archisman's Brother 9 Male 200 116.6

Average - V 249.825
Average - A 169.15

Average Total 209.4875

Experiment #3


1 Archisman 15 Male 230 159
2 Archisman's Dad 53 Male 300 190.2
3 Archisman's Mom 45 Female 246 210
4 Archisman's Brother 9 Male 190 140

Average - V 241.5
Average - A 174.8

Average Total 208.15

IV.II – Sample Calculations

Experiment #1:
Average Visual Reaction Time = (200 + 280 + 300 + 160.2) / 4
Average Visual Reaction Time = 235.05 milliseconds

Average Auditory Reaction Time = (118 + 220 + 235.6 + 220.2) / 4

Average Auditory Reaction Time = 198.45 milliseconds

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = (235.05 + 198.45) / 2

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = 216.75

Experiment #2
Average Visual Reaction Time = (240 + 290 + 269.3 + 200) / 4
Average Visual Reaction Time = 249.825 milliseconds

Average Auditory Reaction Time = (140 + 200 + 220 + 116.6) / 4

Average Auditory Reaction Time = 169.15 milliseconds

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = (249.825 + 169.15) / 2

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = 209.4875

Experiment #3

Average Visual Reaction Time = (230 + 300 + 246 + 190) / 4

Average Visual Reaction Time = 241.5 milliseconds

Average Auditory Reaction Time = (159 + 190.2 + 210 + 140) / 4

Average Auditory Reaction Time = 174.8 milliseconds

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = (241.5 + 174.8) / 2

Average Total Reaction (Auditory and Visual) = 208.15 milliseconds

IV.III – Graphs

Fig.1 - Visual stimulus reaction speeds in milliseconds (ms) compared to age. As age was
increased, visual stimulus reaction speeds increased as well, as shown from the scatter plot and
Fig.2 - Auditory stimulus reaction speeds in milliseconds (ms) compared to age. As age was
increased, auditory stimulus reaction speeds had a steady increase as shown on the graph.

Fig.1 - Visual stimulus reaction speeds in milliseconds (ms) compared to age. As age was
increased, visual stimulus reaction speeds increased as well, as shown from the scatter plot and
trendline. Experiment #2 showed a different slope of trendline as from Experiment #1, but the
trendline was both positive.
Fig. 2 – Auditory stimulus reaction time increase compared to age. Experiment #2 has a more
increased positive slope than Experiment #1.

Fig. 1 – Visual stimulus reaction time compared to increase in age. The graph shows the
trendline is increasing positively and the graph is relatively like Experiment #1.
Fig. 2 – Auditory stimulus reaction time compared to increase in age. The graph shows the
trendline is increasing positively and the graph is relatively like Experiment #2.

V – Discussion

V.I – Analysis
The trends were positive for
all 3 experiments as shown by the
corresponding graphs. The results
were separated into two sections,
visual and auditory. As the age was
the independent variable, it did not
change in any graph, but as the
reaction time (visual and auditory)
was dependent, it depended on the
age, so it changed graph to graph. The
visual and auditory reaction time both
seem to increase for each, and every
graph based on age. This is due to the
impulse/signal transmission becoming
slower as age increases. The nervous
system is composed of the CNS (Central Nervous System) and Peripheral Nervous System
(PNS). The CNS is the main control center where decisions are made, and the PNS serves as the
communication route between the CNS and nerves. The CNS branches off into the Spinal Cord,
Brain stem, and Brain. The PNS branches off into the Autonomic NS, and the Somatic NS. The
Autonomic NS branches off into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic NS. A description of each
is given in the image. Reaction Time is defined as the time interval between the application of a
stimulus and initiation of a response to it. Stimulus is a change in the internal or external
environment, causing a response. Information in the form of nerve impulses has to travel from
the sense organ along nerves to the central nervous system (i.e. the brain or spinal cord) where it
is processed. Then a message must be conveyed to the muscles before they respond. It takes
about 14-16 hundredths of a second to respond to an acoustic stimulus (excluding the time it
takes for the sound to reach the ear), and 16-18 hundredths of a second to respond to optical
stimuli. Reaction times can be improved by training, but even well-trained, elite sprinters cannot
respond physiologically in less than 10 hundredths of a second without anticipating the signal; in
electronically timed competitions, any starts quicker than this are regarded as false starts.
They are protected and surrounded by glial cells which function as scaffolding or glue.

Glial Cell Types:

- Provide support, nutrition, insulation and help with the signal transmission in the nervous

- Types of glial cells in CNS and PNS – make up half of the mass of the brain with glial
cells outnumbering the neurons from 10: 1

1. ASTROCYTES (support and regulate ions) – star-shaped - anchor neurons to their
blood supply - most abundant and versatile glial cells governing the exchange of
materials between neurons and capillaries

2. MICROGLIAL CELLS (defend) – smaller thorny looking – provide immune defense

against invading microorganisms in the brain and spinal cord.

3. EPENDYMAL CELLS (line cavities) – create and secrete and circulate cerebrospinal
fluid which fills cavities and cushions organs

4. OLIGODENDROCYTES (wrap and insulate forming myelin sheath) – they produce

an insulating barrier called the myelin sheath.

1. SATTELITE CELLS (surround neuron cell bodies) – They work similarly to

astrocyte cells in the CNS but they surround and support neuron cell bodies in the

2. SCHWANN CELLS (insulate and help form myelin sheath) – They are similar to the
oligodendrocytes in the CNS – and they produce an insulating barrier called the
myelin sheath to protect PNS nerve cells.

Neuron cells do most of the heavy lifting and glial cells provide support and are the backbone for
SIZES. Tiny to VERY BIG – they are not identical and can be classified into different categories


1. Longest lived cells in the body (in the brain’s cerebral cortex – the neurons live long as
you do).

2. Neurons are irreplaceable (most neurons are amitotic meaning they take on their given
roles in the nervous and do not change their role – they lose their ability to divide – no

3. They have a huge appetite (crazy high metabolic rate – steady and abundant supply of
glucose and oxygen is required) – about 25% of all calories consumed per day - the brain
takes it.


SOMA – Cell body –
neuron’s life support.
Contains all cell organelles
that a normal cell has.
DENDRITES – branch-
like things protruding from
the soma – they are
listeners – they pick up
messages, news, gossip
from other cells and
convey that information to
the cell body (soma).
long extension of the
neuron or commonly called the TAIL of the neuron – can be super short to running a full meter
Here are three basic classes of neurons: afferent neurons, efferent neurons and interneurons. Also
called sensory neurons, afferent neurons transmit sensory signals to the central nervous system
from receptors in the body. Efferent neurons, also known as motor neurons, transmit signals
from the central nervous system to effectors in the body such as muscles and glands.
Interneurons form complex networks within the central nervous system to integrate information
received from afferent neurons and to direct bodily function through efferent neurons. The
neuroglia, also known as glial cells, act as "helper" cells in the nervous system. Since neurons are
highly specialized cells that are essential for the body to function and rarely reproduce, the
neuroglia is vital for maintaining a functioning nervous system.

To initiate a reaction, there is a cycle, first sensory neurons (afferent neurons) take the response
and convert it to a series of electrochemical signals that travel through nerves (fibers of nerve
cells) that are covered in a myelin sheath. This sheath provides insulation and is made of glial
cells, which are supporting cells in the nervous system. The myelin sheath is responsible for
faster response times, and as this sheath degrades, the reaction time is slower as well. This
naturally occurs through age. Two things can occur which differentiate a reaction from a reflex.
A reflex is an involuntary action that is unconscious, but to initiate that reflex chemical reactions
have to happen between nerve cells to send that nerve impulse to move that specific body part. A
reaction is a voluntary action that is known and conscious beforehand. Neurons can be unipolar,
multipolar, or bipolar.

When a person responds to stimuli, the total reaction time can be decomposed into a
sequence of components.

1. Mental Processing Time

This is the time it takes to perceive that a signal has occurred and to decide upon a response. This
can be further separated into four substages:

Sensation: the time it takes to detect a sensory input from an object.

Perception/recognition: the time needed to recognize the meaning of the sensation.
Situational awareness: the time needed to recognize and understand the scene.
Response selection and programming: the time necessary to decide which and what response to
make and to mentally program the movement.

2. Movement Time

Once a response is decided, the responder must perform the muscle movement.
More complex movements require a longer time.

Here is a complete staged process of how a reaction or reflex works – using the
auditory and optical stimulus methods
Which way an impulse travels through a neuron concerning the brain and spinal cord

1. SENSORY NEURONS (AFFERENT NEURONS) – Transmit impulse from sensory

2. MOTOR NEURONS (EFFERENT NEURONS) – Impulse moves from the CNS to the
rest of the body. MOSTLY MULTIPOLAR
3. INTERNEURONS – (association neurons) – LIVE IN THE CNS – impulse moves
between sensory and motor neurons. (LINK BETWEEN SENSORY AND MOTOR

COMPLETE REVIEW WITH Visual Auditory Stimulus Example


STAGE 2. Signal/impulse travels through an axon wrapped in Schwann cells because it is in the
PNS – and travels through the spinal cord into interneurons.


DECISION WAS MADE. It skips the brain and deflects right off the spinal cord.
If the latter occurs – then other interneurons will pass the information on to the brain through your
spinal cord and then the brain will recognize that as a sound or an image and then it will take a
conscious decision and process will start – telling neurons to split the signal and either tell the
brain to act upon the situation in many different ways.
V.II – Evaluation
Results were analyzed and discussed thoroughly with the scientific basis of how the nervous
system works, and all questions were thoroughly answered with detail on how a signal is
transmitted and what the difference between a reflex and a reaction is. The procedure worked very
well and was successful in proving and determining how age will affect reaction times, this was
done through the extensive thorough analysis of graph results and found the answer that if age
does increase, then reaction time increases indeed. The procedure was written out that allowed for
accurate descriptions and accurate findings of data. Procedure created detailed graphs that allowed
for a very well laid out visual representation of the increase in reaction times, that supported the
hypothesis’s point. Some random sources of error include repetition in reaction times (auditory
and visual), this might or might not have affected our analysis and results in discussion.
Suggestions for the next steps include bringing more data for different age ranges to better support
our point.

VI – Conclusion
In summary, the discussion, analysis, graphs, and lab results served as a basis for the hypothesis
point as age increases reaction time increases as well for different stimuli. It has been recorded
that different factor might influence different reaction times, but age plays a major factor in
determining the reaction time due to degeneration and degradation of nerves and nerve cells in the
body, as a normal part of ageing. This might be slower or faster for some individuals. Graphs and
results have proven through a positive trendline for all graphs recorded that age increases certainly
does increase reaction time and proved that the hypothesis is written was correct and predictable.
Some new questions that have arisen are what would have happened if there were more data
involved, would the trendline go up or down still? This lab report can be connected to many other
applicative situations such as determining a medicine that calls to stop the degeneration of nerves
or nerve cells or conducting research on maybe other species to see if results have the same results
on other animals. All in all, this lab report aimed to discuss, analyze, identify, and conduct a
detailed investigation and research on the nervous system, the difference between a reflex and a
reaction, and how the nervous system works to send an impulse or signal. The hypothesis recorded,
predicted, and proved that age increases, certainly does increase reaction times for both stimuli.

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