Effectiveness The Use of Audio Visual Media in Teaching Islamic Religious Education
Effectiveness The Use of Audio Visual Media in Teaching Islamic Religious Education
Effectiveness The Use of Audio Visual Media in Teaching Islamic Religious Education
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 82
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 83
6 Ibid., 271.
5 Abdul kadir, Dasar- Dasar Pendidikan 7 Mel Silberman, Active Learning (101
(Cet. 2; Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2014), Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif), (Yogyakarta:
270. Yappendis,2002), 3.
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International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 84
words outcomes.
Various types of learning media, The possibility of low learning
such as worksheets, textbooks, and motivation can also be influenced by the
modules, have been commonly used. In use of teacher center learning methods
addition, now also developing that tend to be monotonous so that some
audiovisual media such as video students do not pay attention to the
learning, Macromedia, and PowerPoint, teacher teaching when the lesson is
to those who utilize the internet network taking place. The lack of use of
for e-learning. Audiovisual media often instructional media as a tool in
used in SMP Negeri 1 Palu is film and conveying subject matter content causes
video because the media can be played low learning interest. Therefore, in
with the help of hardware and software. overcoming these problems, the learning
Live video or images, are images process requires the help of audiovisual
in a frame where frame by frame is media because audiovisual media is one
projected through the projector lens of the right media to help in overcoming
mechanically so that the screen looks teacher difficulties in explaining
alive. These media are generally used for material that is abstract and requires
entertainment, documentation, and direct examples.
education purposes. Videos and films In the learning process, a strategy
used in the classroom are learning for students' learning should be taken in
videos, not merely as entertainment. the form of using audiovisual based
Videos and films are naturally used in learning media. Through audiovisual
the classroom because they provide facts media, it is expected that the senses of
and answer problems and be able to sight and hearing play a full role in
understand the material to be learned. capturing all learning information. It can
Based on preliminary also learn students so that concentration
observations of research in SMP Negeri in the learning process is more focused
1 Palu, using audiovisual media and strives to achieve maximum results.
increases motivation and learning
outcomes of Islamic religious education. 2. Literature Review
The author found that in the learning
process of PAI when using audiovisual 2.1 Learning Media Concepts
media, students tend to be enthusiastic The word media comes from
about following it because they can see Latin and is a plural form of the word
examples of what they are learning "medium," which means "intermediary"
directly and can add to their experience that is the intermediary source of the
in learning. Therefore, researchers are message (a source) with the recipient of
very interested in conducting research in the message (a receiver). 8 In Arabic, the
these locations with the aim to find out word media (wasaa ila) means an
what audiovisual media is used and intermediary or delivery message from
how the effectiveness of audiovisual
media is related to student learning 8
Rusman, Belajar dan Pembelajaran
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International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 85
the sender to the recipient of the can convey messages and can stimulate
message.9 Gerlach and Ely say that the students to learn. 13
media, when understood in broad Heinich in Ahmad Syahid put
outline, are humans, material, or events forward the term medium as an
that establish conditions that enable intermediary that delivers information
students to obtain knowledge, skills, or between source and receiver. Television,
attitudes.10 In this sense, teachers, films, photographs, radio, radio
textbooks, and the school environment recordings, projected images, printed
are media. More specifically, the notion materials, and the like are
of media in the teaching and learning communication media. If the media
process tends to be interpreted as carries messages or information that
graphic, photographic, or electronic aims to learn or contain learning
tools for capturing, processing, and purposes, then the media is called
rearranging visual or verbal learning media.14
information. 11 From the limitations that have
Many restrictions are given by been submitted by experts regarding the
experts about the media. Among those media, it can be concluded that the
stated by the Association of Education notion of media in learning is all forms
and Communication Technology of communication tools. That can be
(AECT) in America, limiting media as all used to convey information from
forms and channels that people use to sources of students who aim to stimulate
channel messages/information. 12 The them to participate in learning activities.
same was stated by Briggs, who stated
that the media are all physical forms that 2.2 Understanding Learning Media
Learning media is a messenger
technology that can be used for learning
purposes. What is meant here is the
person/teacher, materials, tools, or
9 Ahmad Syahid, Rancangan Pembelajaran
events that can create conditions that
Model Elaborasi (Cet.2; Jember, Sains, 2008), 160-
161. enable students to receive knowledge,
10 Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran skills, and attitude changes.
(Cet. 17; Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2014), 3. According to Miarso, learning
11 Evita, E., Syahid, A., & Nurdin, N.
media is everything that is used to
(2019). Understanding Students’ Learning
channel messages and can stimulate
Outcomes Differences Through the Application
of the Market Place Activity Type of Cooperative thoughts, feelings, attention, and the
Learning Model and the Application of willingness of students to encourage the
Conventional Learning Models International
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 1(1), 67-
12 Arief S Sadiman, Media
Pendidikan:Pengertian, Pengertian, dan 13 Hamzah B Uno, Profesi Kependidikan
Pemanfaatanya (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo (Cet. 10; Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2014), 114.
Persada, 2007), 6 . 14Syahid, Rancangan Pembelajaran, 161.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 86
learning process that is intentional, 2. Visual media is media that only relies
purposeful, and controlled. 15 on the sense of sight. This visual
This learning media is one media that displays still images such
component of learning that has a very as film strips (film frames) photos,
important role in supporting success in pictures or paintings, and prints. And
the learning process. So the conclusion is there are also visual media that
learning media are things that can be display moving images or symbols
used to convey messages or information such as silent films, cartoons, and so
in the teaching and learning process to on.
stimulate the attention and interest of 3. Audio-visual media are media that
students in learning. The use of have sound elements and picture
instructional media in the teaching and elements with various variations. 16
learning process can arouse new desires According to Yudhi Munadi the
and interests, generate motivation and media in the learning process can be
stimulation of learning activities, and grouped into four major groups, namely:
even bring psychological influences on 1. Visual media are media that involve
students. the sense of sight. Through this
media, the learning experience
2.3 Types of Learning Media experienced by students is very
Learning media have many types dependent on their ability to see.
and kinds, from the simplest and 2. Audio media is the message to be
cheapest to the most sophisticated and conveyed poured into auditive
expensive. Some of them can be made by symbols, both verbal (into
teachers themselves, and factories words/spoken language) and non-
produce some. Some are already verbal.
available in the environment for 3. Audio-visual media is a media
immediate use, and some are channeling messages by utilizing the
deliberately designed. The main sense of hearing and sight.
characteristics of the media are three 4. Multimedia is a media that can
main elements, which are: sound, visual, involve many senses and organs
and motion. during the learning process. 17
Judging from this type of learning media
can be divided into:
2.4 Learning Media Functions
1. Auditive media only rely on the
Learning media has a very
power of sound alone, such as
strategic function in learning. That is
cassette recorders and audio dishes.
because many students do not
This media is suitable for people who
are deaf or have a hearing loss
16 Abuddin Nata, Perspektif Islam Tentang
15 Rusman, Deni Kurniawan dan Cepi Strategi Pembelajaran (Cet. 3; Jakarta: Kencana,
Riyana, Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi 2014), 300.
dan komunikasi (Cet. 3; Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo 17 Yudi Munadi, Media Pembelajaran
understand the subject matter delivered of media learning must pay attention
by teachers or the formation of to the signs of learning media
competencies given to students due to mechanisms.
the absence or lack of optimal learning 6. Reducing the occurrence of verbalism.
media empowerment in the teaching In learning verbalism, it often occurs
process. The functions of media in
because what is explained or
learning include:
explained by teachers is more
1. As a tool in the learning process.
abstract, or there is no form. There are
Learning media is a tool that can
clarify, facilitate, accelerate the no real illustrations or examples, so
delivery of messages or learning students can only say but do not
materials to students so that the core understand the shape, form, or
of the whole lesson material can be characteristics of objects. Thus
conveyed to students. learning media can function as an
2. As a component of the learning effective tool in clarifying the message
subsystem. Learning is a system in delivered.
which has sub-components, including 7. Overcoming the limitations of space,
components of learning media. Thus, time, energy, and sense power. It
the media is a subcomponent that can often happens in learning to explain
determine the success of the process
learning objects that are very broad,
and learning outcomes.
large, or narrow, small, or dangerous,
3. As a director in learning. One
so they need tools to explain and get
function of the learning media is to
closer to the object in question. 18
direct the message or material to be
delivered, or what competencies will The use of media at the learning
be developed for students to have. orientation stage will greatly help the
4. As a game or to motivate and give effectiveness of the learning process and
attention. Learning media can delivery of messages or content at the
increase student attention and time. In addition to arousing students'
motivation in learning because motivation and interest, learning media
learning media can accommodate all can also help students improve
student skills in learning. Learning understanding, present data attractively
media can provide understanding and reliably, facilitate data
assistance to students who lack the interpretation, and condense
ability to hear, see, or lack information.
concentration in learning.
5. Improve learning outcomes and 2.5 Definition of Audio Visual Media
processes. In quality and quantity of At the beginning of the history of
instructional media greatly learning, the media is only a tool used
contributes to the results and the
learning process. Therefore, in the use 18
Rusman, Pembelajaran Berbasis
Teknologi, 176.
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Edukatif (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1997), 97. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009), 224.
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several things, including the learning Every teacher in Palu 1 they get
objectives to be achieved, the learning professional guidance and other
methods to be used, and the availability competencies with an activity called the
of tools to be used. From the results of teacher's deliberations (MGMP), both in
the informant's explanation above, it can the environment of the Palu SMP 1
be seen that the audiovisual learning teachers themselves, as well as at the city
media, however good and sophisticated. level and even at the national level. It is
But cannot be utilized maximally, the honed and developed so that it becomes
audiovisual learning media cannot help a professional teacher in preparing
improve the quality of student learning subject matter that will be presented to
outcomes, meaning it is very ineffective. students.38
That is why the preparation of subject This is reinforced based on the
matter is getting more attention because results of observations by researchers at
if it is made interestingly, then the the research location as follows:
interests and motivations of students in Each current period is usually the
responding or listening to the material beginning of the year PAI subject
are more optimal. teachers in the city of Palu get
Audiovisual media that is used professional development in the theme
must have its meaning for Islamic of ICT-based learning in developing and
teachers who use it so that the teacher using learning media because PAI
can help the students process the teachers must master technology
educational messages they convey. This because technology has entered
is consistent with the results of an everyday life by which teachers,
interview with one of the Islamic especially PAI teachers, cannot be biased
religion teachers. avoid from technology-based media
Every teacher in Palu 1 they get learning.39
professional guidance and other Based on the results of the
competencies with an activity called the interview above, the researcher
teacher's deliberations (MGMP), both in concludes that teachers at SMP Negeri 1
the environment of the Palu SMP 1 Palu already have good competence in
teachers themselves, as well as at the city their respective fields. Both in the
level and even at the national level. It is preparation or in terms of designing
honed and developed so that it becomes learning and intended in using models,
a professional teacher in preparing strategies, and teaching methods that are
subject matter that will be presented to appropriate to the material to be taught
students. 66Audio visual media that is to students. As explained by the head of
used must have its own meaning for the SMP Negeri 1, every year, teachers
Islamic teachers who use it to help his
students, process the educational 38
Hardi, Kepala SMP Negeri 1 Palu,
messages they convey. It is consistent “wawancara” di Ruang Kepsek pada tanggal 28
with the results of an interview with one Juli 2017.
Lihat Transkrip Dokumen, No 01,
of the Islamic religion teachers.
Tentang Tenaga Pendidik, h,122.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 93
who are at SMP 1 Palu are given process. The media such as videos about
guidance and training to become education, animation film screenings,
qualified professional using computer or laptop aids that are
educators/teachers. presented through infocus highlighted
The use of audiovisual media in in front of the writing pad or classroom
Islamic religious education learning will wall. So that students as a whole can
attract more students' attention, students clearly see the material being taught.
will easily understand learning As the results of interviews with
materials, teaching methods will be PAI teachers who stated that the media
more varied, and students will do more that I often use in teaching is like
learning activities. Even the use of playing educational videos related to the
audio-visual media can improve the material that I will teach that day. Such
quality of the process and learning as videos of faith, in the end, videos
achievement, from concrete thinking to about filial piety to parents, and other
abstract thinking. 40 videos related to the material.
The explanation from the Based on the results of the
interview results above illustrates that interview above, it can be seen that the
the audiovisual media in the learning media that are often used by Islamic
process does not only have an additional religious teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Palu
function, but the audiovisual media has are like video-education, as well as
its function as a tool to realize an media by using Microsoft PowerPoint to
effective learning situation. This means explain the material to be taught to
that audiovisual media is one of the students.
most important elements in the learning This is consistent with the
process that must be developed by every observations of researchers in the field,
teacher. The use of audiovisual media which show that the way teachers use
can improve the quality of the learning instructional media in the teaching and
process so that students' achievement or learning process is very skilled so that it
learning outcomes can increase. is quite effective in delivering Islamic
Through computer media, a teacher can religious education subject matter. As
present messages or material through for the media such as videos about
the senses of hearing and vision so that education, the screening of animated
it can help teachers accelerate the films, using a computer, or a laptop's
learning process and help students in help that are presented through infocus
their efforts to understand the subject highlighted in front of the writing board
matter presented by the teacher. or classroom wall.
The audiovisual media that is often The tendency of learning with
used by Islamic religious teachers in integrated computer media emphasizes
SMP Negeri 1 Palu in the learning the integration of various competencies
to be achieved with the learning
Emi Indra, Guru Pendidikan Agama
experience through vision, hearing, and
Islam SMP Negeri 1 Palu, “wawancara” di
movement that can facilitate the
Ruang Guru pada tanggal 17 Juli 2017.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 94
the students so that the religious teachers and students in carrying out the
messages can be experienced by the process of teaching and learning
students wholeheartedly and activities. At the time of the learning
convincingly. process, the effectiveness of a learning
Provide the same stimulus, media can be seen from the level of
experience, and observation to students student activities. The higher the
at the same time. Using the right learning activities of students, the higher
audiovisual media will provide the same the chances of learning success. Learning
quality stimulants to students so that the activities can be realized because of the
messages and learning material high motivation of students. Motivation
delivered by the teacher will be shared is an abstract thing. Therefore the
simultaneously throughout the class actualization of participants' learning
unless there are among students who are motivation is learning activities.
not well equipped with five senses. The rapid development of science
Media integration is essential in and technology lately has had a positive
integrating aspects and skills that must impact on the world of education,
be learned. To attract students' interest especially in SMP Negeri 1 Palu. In the
in learning a program or material must process of learning, this school uses IT-
have artistic value and aesthetic value. based learning that uses computer
The tendency of learning with a media and LCD projectors as one of the
computer or laptop program emphasizes learning media. Current technological
the integration of various competencies advances encourage educators or
to be achieved with the learning teachers to be more innovative in
experience through the sense of sight, learning. In order not to be out of date,
and the movement of animation. There SMP Negeri 1 Palu chose computer
are several reasons for using computer media as a medium of learning
or laptop media as a result of the technology.
Researcher's interview with Islamic
religion teachers: b. Attract the attention and interest of
As learning media, among others, students in learning
direct experience, can motivate,
Audiovisual media is very
broader interaction, can enhance
effective in attracting attention and
authentic learning, not focused on
interest in the learning process of
one learning source, provide the
students. This is because the look is
global understanding and can
interesting and not boring. Students at
increase the focus of student
the junior high level, really like moving
learning, so expect learning will
images/animations and have the power
be more effective and efficient. 74
of sophisticated technology. This was
Based on the results of the
confirmed by the statement of the
interview above, it can be seen that the
Islamic religion teacher at SMP Negeri 1
computer or laptop media, especially
Palu in the following interview:
audiovisual media, is very helpful for
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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 99
Students at the junior high level And can encourage the desire of
really like things related to students to know more and in-depth
technology. This also applies to about the material or messages
students in SMP Negeri 1 Palu. conveyed by the teacher or educator.
They really like it when the Besides, audiovisual media can also
learning process is using avoid misunderstanding between
computer media or using students with one another, as well as to
audiovisual media that is the material or messages conveyed by
interesting because they can the teacher. This is confirmed by the
follow the explanations of the results of an interview with Ms. Emi
material given by the teacher in Indra as a religion teacher at SMP
the form of audio and visual Negeri 1 Palu as follows:
simultaneously. 46 The media or aids in learning are
said to be effective if the media can
From the explanation above, it
communicate the material or the
can be seen that the use of computers contents of the material. Teaching
and audiovisual media in the learning messages that will be delivered by
process is very effective in attracting the the source or teacher to the target to
attention and interests of students. be achieved in this case are
Audiovisual media is also very helpful students. Audiovisual media can
in dealing with students who are lazy also manipulate an object or data as
and easily bored in attending Islamic needed. In addition, the cost factor
religious education lessons due to less must also be considered because
varied teaching methods. the cost must be assessed with the
results to be achieved by the use of
c. Facilitate the delivery of abstract the media itself. The availability of
material (theory) facilities such as electricity, the
In addition to generating state of the classroom, the time
motivation and interest of students, required, and its effect. Then the
learning media (audiovisual) can also more learning objectives that can be
help students improve understanding, assisted with a learning media, the
present data attractively and reliably, better (effective) the media is. 47
facilitate interpretation of data, and Based on the explanation above, it
condense information. can be seen that the effectiveness of a
Audiovisual media has an media can provide quality learning. By
important role in facilitating students to still paying attention to the availability
absorb or accept material that has been of facilities such as electricity, the state
delivered by the teacher or educator, of the classroom, the time required, and
especially material that is still abstract. the effect it has. As for learning by using
Islam SMP Negeri 1 Palu, “wawancara” di Islam SMP Negeri 1 Palu, “wawancara” di
Ruang Guru pada tanggal 17 Juli 2017. Ruang Guru pada tanggal 17 Juli 2017.
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
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International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 100
Meithy Ningsih, wakasek sarana dan
prasarana SMP Negeri 1 Palu, “wawancara” di
Ruang wakasek pada tanggal 24 Juli 2017.
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International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 101
Islam SMP Negeri 1 Palu, “wawancara” di “wawancara” di Ruang Kelas, tanggal 25 Juli
Ruang Guru pada tanggal 17 Juli 2017. 2017.
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International Jurnal of Compemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 102
realistic, and this can affect the students uncomfortable in the classroom
absorption of students with the material and want the lesson to finish quickly.
presented. Students do not only know This results in students not being
the basic concepts but through computer motivated to learn and the impact they
media, students can find out the do not understand the material that has
concrete real fiber reality. been delivered by the teacher. This is
The use of computer media has a different after using a computer as a
positive impact on teacher psychology. source of media. Because media is quite
Cognitively the teacher gets a lot of interesting with varied slides so that
information about the progress of the they are motivated to follow the learning
development of instructional technology and are more focused and more active,
media. The affective aspect of it is the not only are the students more
teacher feels calm when conveying comfortable in the classroom. But also,
subject matter using a computer that is the classroom's atmosphere is more
not overshadowed by the lack of time. conducive; this affects their absorption
Besides that, psychomotor teachers are with the material being taught.
increasingly skilled in choosing and Based on the results of
designing appropriate learning media observations and interviews conducted
design material to be delivered. With by researchers, it can be described some
this positive impact, computer media is of the effectiveness of the use of
effectively used as a learning medium. audiovisual in the system, including the
Various advantages possessed by following:
computer media, are inseparable from a. The learning atmosphere becomes
shortcomings, while the shortcomings of conducive and active
computer media are limited funds, to b. The absorption of learning material
buy or procure a set of computers is higher
complete with software and hard fixes, c. Students are more active in learning
not a small amount of funds must be d. Learners are more motivated in
spent. It makes many schools do not learning
have a set of computers and LCD. e. Students are more focused on
Besides the limitations of the technical following the learning process
and theoretical teachers on technology, f. The teacher becomes more skilled in
so that the media is less developed, in choosing and designing learning
addition to the computer media does not media.
function when the electricity is g. Simplify the process of delivering
extinguished, so that requires teachers to PAI learning materials
find and make learning media as a Based on what the researcher has
substitute for LCD media. found, it can conclude that the role of
Before using LCD media, instructional media is very important in
students state that PAI learning seems the learning process, including the
boring, especially since students must audiovisual media itself, which is able to
listen to the teacher's lecture, making make the learning atmosphere become
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 105