Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG What To Roll: Melee Attacks !
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG What To Roll: Melee Attacks !
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG What To Roll: Melee Attacks !
Keep in mind that all rolls/checks could additionally be modified by circumstances (e.g., Attack Roll modifiers, Morale Check
modifiers, ebb and flow of magic), Luck or class-specific abilities (e.g., Thief’s Backstab, Spellburn, Mercurial Magic effects).
Ranged Attacks!
Warrior, Dwarf Action Die + Deed Die + Agility Modifier + Specific Weapon (Luck Modifier) Defender’s AC
All Other Classes Action Die** + Attack Bonus + Agility Modifier Defender’s AC
Warrior 1d20 (or 1d16 if using a 2-handed weapon) + Agility Modifier + Class Level --
All Other Classes 1d20 (or 1d16 if using a 2-handed weapon) + Agility Modifier --
Critical Hits
All Classes Crit Die (per Class Level) + Luck Modifier Table (82-86)
All Classes*** Fumble Die (per Armor worn) + Reverse of Luck Modifier Table (80)
Spell Checks
Cleric Action Die + Personality Modifier + Caster Level Spell Table
Wizard† Action Die + Intelligence Modifier + Caster Level Spell Table
Elf† Action Die + Intelligence Modifier + Caster Level + Favored Spell (Luck Modifier) Spell Table
Thief (scrolls only) † Cast From Scroll Die + Intelligence Modifier Spell Table
All Other Classes (scrolls only) † 1d10 Spell Table
Class-related Checks
Turn Unholy Action Die + Personality Modifier + Caster Level + Luck Modifier Table (97)
Lay on Hands Action Die + Personality Modifier + Caster Level Alignment (31)
Divine Aid Action Die + Personality Modifier + Caster Level DC (358)
Deity Disapproval xd4 + Reverse of Luck Modifier (x = Spell Check value) Table (122-123)
Thieving Skills & Halfling Stealth† Action Die + Thieving Skill Modifier DC
Corruption# 1d10 – Spell Level + Luck Modifier Table (116-119)
Mercurial Magic 1d100 + (Luck Modifier x 10 ) Table (112-115)
Learning a New Spell 1d20 + Intelligence Modifier + Caster Level DC 10 + Spell Level
Skill Checks
Trained† 1d20 + Relevant Ability Modifier DC
Untrained† 1d10 + Relevant Ability Modifier DC
Remain Mounted (Trained)† 1d20 + Agility Modifier DC 10
Remain Mounted (Untrained)† 1d10 + Agility Modifier DC 10
Miscellaneous Checks
Luck Check 1d20 Under Luck Ability
Saving Throw 1d20 + Ability Modifier DC or Spell Check
Concentration Check 1d20 + Will Modifier DC 11
Morale Check 1d20 + Will Modifier DC 11
* Charging characters add +2 to this result and lower their Armor Class by -2 until their next turn.
** A Wizard can only use his second Action Die to cast a spell. This is an unofficial, unauthorized
*** Warriors and Dwarfs may burn a point of Luck to avoid rolling on the Fumble Table. reference document intended for use
# Wizards may burn a point of Luck to avoid rolling on the Corruption Table. with the Dungeon Crawl Classics
RPG by Goodman Games. For more
† Physical activities and the casting of Wizard spells are subject to Armor Check penalties.
information regarding the DCC RPG,
‡ Does not require an Action Die and can be performed in addition to his base Action Dice. please visit http://www.goodman-
! Attacks made with an untrained weapon suffer -1 die to the Action Die. games.com.
^ Numbers in parenthesis refer to the page number(s) of relevant tables in the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook.
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG What to Roll reference sheet by Matthias Weeks (www.basementsanddrakes.com)
v1.3 – 08.0412