Monthly Test - October 2021 Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science

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Duration : 2 periods


 Answer all questions.

 Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
 Write your name, class, Registration number in the given places.
 Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
 Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
 Calculators must not be used in this paper.

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

1. A number system is a way to represent numbers. Perform the following number conversions.
Clearly state steps in the given space.
a. Convert the following hexadecimal number into denary.
Working: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Answer: ----------------------------------------------------
( 3 marks)
b. Convert the following binary number into hexadecimal.
Working: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Answer: ----------------------------------------------------
( 3 marks)

c. State two uses of hexadecimal number system.

1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 2 marks)
[ Total = 8 marks]

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

2. a. Convert the following two denary numbers to 8-bit binary numbers.

95 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 2 marks)
b. Carry out the binary addition of the two binary numbers in part (a).

95 =

42 = +

Carry values =

Sum values =

( 2 marks)
c. Shift your result from part b two places left and write the answer in the given cages:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

( 1 mark)
d. Comment on the result of part (c) above.

( 3 marks)
[Total = 8 marks]

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

3. Most computers use two’s complement method to represent negative numbers.

Convert the following negative denary number into binary number in two’s complement format.
Show your working.


[Total = 4 marks]
4. Data and information represent as text, numbers, photo, or music in digital data that can be
manipulated by electronic devices.
a. What is the purpose of introducing Extended ASCII?

( 1 mark)
b. State two benefits of UNICODE?

( 2 marks)

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
c. A video editor gathers sound as pre-recorded sound clips and via microphone for a new
video project for a website. He is using video editing and sound editing software.
i. What is meant by sample rate?
( 1 mark)
ii. State two benefits of larger sample resolution.
1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

( 2 marks)
d. A student has 50 Bitmap images to be stored in a memory stick.

i. What is color depth?

( 1 mark)
ii. State one disadvantage of increasing resolution of a bitmap image.
( 1 mark)
[Total = 8 marks]

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
5. Program Development Life Cycle is a systematic way of developing quality software.
a. Analysis is one of the main stages of program development life cycle. Briefly explain the
tasks carried out during analysis stage.
( 2 marks)
b. Define two component parts exist in any computer system.
1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

( 2 marks)
[ Total = 4 marks]

6. Complete the below mentioned structure diagram using appropriate terms. An employee has a
department and a project assigned. Employee’s personal details also store in the system.

(Department Assigned, External Projects, Projects Assigned, Personal Details, Company


[Total = 3 marks]

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
7. A book publishing company uses a database table, BOOKS, to keep records of the company.

Book Name Author Code Stock Price ($) Published

Sounder William H. Armstrong NB021 YES 12 YES
National Velvet Enid Bagnold NB070 YES 7 NO
The Coral Island R. M. Ballantyne NB124 NO 76 NO
Peter Pan J. M. Barrie NB801 YES 34 YES
The Lost Years of T. A. Barron NB776 NO 9 NO
Animalia Graeme Base NB893 NO 17 YES
Little Women Louisa May Alcott NB070 YES 68 YES
The Brownie and the Louisa May Alcott NB092 YES 22 YES
The Snow Queen Hans Christian Andersen NB010 NO 60 YES
The Emperor's New Hans Christian Andersen NB045 YES 34 YES
Thumbelina Hans Christian Andersen NB027 YES 20 YES

a. State how many fields are shown in this table?

Number of fields
( 1 mark)
b. Which field is suitable to use as primary key in this database table?

( 1 mark)
c. Why do you choose the above part (b) field as the primary key?



( 1 mark)
d. What are the suitable data types for the following fields?

i. Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 1 mark)
ii. Published -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

( 1 mark)
Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
e. List the output that would be given by this query-by-example.

Book Name Author Stock Published

Field: Availability

Show: ✔
=” Hans YES YES


(2 marks)

f. Using the query-by-example grid below, write a query to display the Book name, Author,
Price of published books which are greater than 60$. Print details according to the order of
price from large value to small value.


( 4 marks)
[Total = 11 marks]

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

8. Define the following terms.

a) Bubble Sort
( 2 marks)
b) Linear Search
( 2 marks)

[Total = 4 marks]
[Total of the Paper = 50 marks]

Ref : AP

Grade 9 (Cambridge) Computer Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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