Gillette India LTD.: Product Profile
Gillette India LTD.: Product Profile
Gillette India LTD.: Product Profile
SIMMC, Pune.
No. Contents Page No.
1 Introduction 3
Methodology & Objectives
2 Introduction of the 4
company & Product
3 Business Profile 5
4 Product Details 6
5 Industry Analysis 6
6 Gillette’s Strategy in India 7
7 Share Holding Pattern 8
8 Product Details 9
9 Product life cycle 11
10 Satisfaction Index 13
11 Sales 13
12 Financial Analysis 14
13 Profit & Loss Analysis 15
14 Strategic Priorities 19
15 SWOT Analysis 20
16 Competitors Analysis 24
17 R&D 29
18 Future Plan 30
19 Conclusion & Learning 31
Market audit survey.
Survey of consumer behavior.
Compiling of the data obtained.
Analyzing the required data.
Conducting a detailed study.
Preparing the report.
To understand customer’s life style habits.
To gain greater insight of market behaviours.
To assess customer-purchasing habits.
To understand how to position new products.
To identify the best way to reach the customer.
Introduction of the Company & Product
Gillette was incorporated on 9th February 1984 at Rajasthan, house of
Poddar enterprise(HOPE) and Gillette company, U.S.A promoted it.
Gillette has been a leading brand in men’s grooming industry in India and
across the globe. Gillette with its wide range of products caters to the premium
segment of the men’s grooming market.
Gillette is a brand of Procter & Gamble currently used for safety razors,
among other personal hygiene products. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, it is one
of several brands originally owned by The Gillette Company, a leading global
supplier of products under various brands, which was acquired by P&G in 2005.
Their slogan is, "The Best a Man Can Get". The original Gillette Company was
founded by King C. Gillette in 1901 as a safety razor manufacturer.
On October 1, 2005, Procter & Gamble finalized its purchase of The Gillette
Company. As a result of this merger, the Gillette Company no longer exists. Its last
day of market trading - symbol G on the New York Stock Exchange - was
September 30, 2005. The merger created the world's largest personal care and
household products company. In addition to Gillette, the company marketed under
Braun, Duracell and Oral-B, among others, which have also been maintained by
The Gillette Company's assets were initially incorporated into a P&G unit
known internally as "Global Gillette". In July 2007, Global Gillette was dissolved
and incorporated into Procter & Gamble's other two main divisions, Procter &
Gamble Beauty and Procter & Gamble Household Care.
Some of the renowned popular razors from Gillette used in India include:
Company manufacturers stainless steel razor blades. Gillette India has a wider
portfolio of core businesses of shaving products sold under Gillette, 7’O clock and
Wilkinson brands, battery and flashlights business and oral care products(Oral B)).
Company has a strong presence in shaving razor blades market. Blades
manufactured by the Company were of two types, the premium 7 O’clock, Ejtek
Super Platinum and the stainless brand 7 O’clock Ejtek Super Stainless. Company
took over Sharp edge Ltd., by acquiring the entire share capital of that company.
Company also merged Duracell (India) Pvt. Ltd. and Wilkinson Sword India Ltd.
with the company.
Due to increased awareness and rising income levels, the industry is expected to
undergo a major shift from traditional double-edged razors segment to twin and
triple blades razors segment. Razor blade market has tripled from Rs 2 billion in
1986 to Rs 6 billion in 2006. In value terms, in 2003, double-edged blades
comprised 78%, systems 15% and disposables 7%. As per AC Nielsen/ORG's
estimates, the domestic shaving preparations market in 2003 was pegged at Rs 1.5
billion. Within the industry, cosmetics and personal care industry has been growing
at an average rate of 20 per cent for the last few years. However, current
consumption is still below many countries in Asia which shows that there are
further growth opportunities. In 2004, market size of men's personal care segment
is estimated at approximately Rs 750 crores, with Gillette having the largest market
Thus, the industry is growing at a decent rate but still is at an infant stage and this
offers great opportunities to players like Gillette and Colgate Palmolive to expand
their customer base to include higher number of lower middle class people and
thereby increase their revenues and profitability.
There has been a great shift in the shareholding pattern of the company since its
entry into Indian market in 1984. Gillette entered India through a joint venture as a
minority shareholder. Its share increased to around 75% in 2002. In 2006, almost
88% of the company was owned by the promoters (foreign and Indian). Out of the
remaining 12%, 10% is owned by non-institutional investors and thus, only 2% lies
in the hands of institutional investors.
Product Details
First to include ingredients like Aloe vera and Vitamin E in its gels and
Sensitive Skin
Formulated with aloe to gently soothe, this Anti-Friction gel enhances razor glide
for a close, smooth, comfortable shave and delivers the protection and comfort you
need for healthy looking skin.
Sensitive Skin
Gillette Foam Sensitive Skin has a thick, extra rich, creamy lather for a close,
comfortable shave. Contains special lubricants to help protect sensitive skin.
Spreads easily, rinses clean, leaving skin feeling soft and smooth.
Product Life Cycle
A new product progresses through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth,
maturity, and decline. This sequence is known as the product life cycle and is
associated with changes in the marketing situation, thus impacting the marketing
strategy and the marketing mix.
The product revenue and profits can be plotted as a function of the life-cycle stages as
shown in the graph below:
Introduction Stage
In the introduction stage, the firm seeks to build product awareness and develop a
market for the product.
Growth Stage
In the growth stage, the brabd ge getting popularity and market share is continuously
Product quality is maintained and additional features and support services may
be added.
Pricing is maintained as the firm enjoys increasing demand with little
Distribution channels are added as demand increases and customers accept
the product.
Promotion is aimed at a broader audience.
Maturity Stage
The primary objective at this point is to defend market share while maximizing profit.
Decline Stage
As the product demand is continuously growing the decline stage has not yet came but
if it does then marketing mix decicions and new technology will be introduced.
Satisfaction Index
A questionnaire was prepared and a group of 100 people were asked various
questions regarding the products. According to that survey following index was
Gillette India's sales jumped 106 per cent to Rs 516.80 crores after the
addition of new businesses from the merged companies. But operating profit
margins of the merged entity has dropped to 12.9 per cent in 2000, from 19.3 per
cent in 1999. As a result, Gillette India's operating profits rose by a lower 38 per
cent to Rs 67.16 crores. This suggests that the merging companies have far lower
levels of profitability than Gillette India. Gillette India Ltd announced 36.6 per cent
higher net profit at Rs 61.22 crores for the 12 months ended December 31, 2004
on 9.73 per cent growth in sales at Rs 446.57 crores.
Since its entry into India market in 1984, Gillette has been following a strategy of
inorganic growth by acquiring domestic companies in oral care, battery, blades
and razors and stationery business. The company witnessed tremendous growth
during the later half of 1990s. Net sales increased from Rs 107 crores in 1997 to
Rs 477 crores in 2000 representing a growth rate (CAGR) of 45 %. Similarly, CAGR
for net profits over the same period was over 50%. However, operating margin
declined from 19.8% in 1997 to 14.0% in 2000. This further declined to less than
1% in the year 2001. Further, negative sales growth and increased expenses led to
a net loss of Rs 28 crores in 2001. This poor financial performance forced the
company to undertake a major restructuring program. Over the next 2 years,
Gillette concentrated on reducing overheads and better working capital
management to increase profitability. As a result of its restructuring program, the
company reported net profit of Rs 44.82 crores in 2003. Since then, company has
been growing at a steady rate which has resulted in increased valuation of the
The company is also focusing on exploring ways to capture the expanding oral
care segment in the near future. Oral care segment contributed approximately
13% of company’s revenues in 2006 as against only 7% a year ago.
Net sales of the company grew at a CAGR of 45% during the period 1997-
2000. After that there was a downfall in the company and for the first time, Gillette
India ended the year with a net loss of around Rs 28 crores. This was primarily due
to significant increase in employee cost and other miscellaneous expenses. In 2001,
revenues declined to Rs 453 crores from Rs 477 crores a year earlier. Revenue
figures further reduced by around 18% in 2002 to approximately Rs 385 crores.
Although due to IIM Indore Group 6 Section B
restructuring, the damage was controlled to some extent in 2003, yet there
was a further fall of 3% in the revenue figures. Since it‟s restructuring in 2003,
company has recorded double digit growth rate in revenues. However, the
growth rate was moderate in 2005 as compared to the figures in 2004.
Chart showing Revenue growth over last 5 years
The market capitalization of the company has increased from Rs 845 crores in
2001 to Rs 2695 crores in 2007.
In the future, Gillette still needs to concentrate on its two major sub segments for
regular cash flows. However, the new product in the shavings cream market can
also become tomorrow s breadwinner for the company. Oral Care business has
shown volatile performance over the years and thereby, has led to irregular cash
flows. Gillette’s portable power business has been facing stiff competition from
the alkaline batteries in the market. This division grew by only 4% in terms of
revenues in the year 2005-06. And in fact, there was decline in the profit figures
from this division by approximately 60%. The company can consider divesting this
segment to direct its investments to Oral Care and the new shavings cream
Gillette’s portfolio contains well establish brands such as Gillette and Braun,
oral-B line and Duracell. It eases the introduction of new products, as consumers
are already well acquired with the names and more receptive to promises of
improved user experiences. The strength and quality image of these brands
allows the company to charge higher process and achieve high margins.
The company’s product are well known with a reputation of quality are also
market leader in their perspective segment.
Gillette profitability is highly reliant on the performance of its razors and blades
business. A substantial portion of its revenues come from this sector. Any
downturn in the sector or in Gillette’s competitive position within it could have a
serious negative effect on the company.
Gillette is known for constantly introducing new products in the market with
better technology and performance. This new product launches will help the
company to gain competitive advantage over its competitors.
Cable television has penetrated into the smallest of Indian towns and has taken
with it awareness of latest lifestyle trends and trends.
Gillette has been increasing the price of its razors and blades at an average rate of
around 4% per year over the last ten years. This price increase will help the
company to accumulate more profits from the present level of sales.
Gillette ability to sustain a price premium and earn an attractive return on its
extensive investment three-blade platform is threatened by the numerous
imitators of the mach3/mach3 turbo franchise, including disposables and private
label systems and even including Gillette’s own three-blade disposable. This
numerous imitations are threat to the company in the long term as they are going
to reduce the sales of the original products.
Gillette pricing power is being further eroded by channel migration and increasing
consumer resistance to paying significantly higher prices for innovation. Pricing
power is hey to revenue growth in a mature category especially when Gillette’s
strategy has historically been to drive revenue growth per consumer and not
volume growth.
Gillette faces intense competition in most markets. Its products compete with
widely advertised, well known, branded products, as well as private label
products, which typically are sold at lower prices. The company’s survival depends
upon its ability to adopt itself in this kind of competitive environment.
The Price of each of these products is mentioned with size of the pack in the table below
Hindustan Lever Limited is the biggest player in the Indian FMCG market. It has
two brands in the shaving cream segment. Axe and Denim.
HLL has extended its brand „Axe‟ which is a success in the deodorant market to
the shaving creams.
The Axe shaving cream has very good awareness scores among the consumers. It
comes in various fragrances, colors and its packaging also has many variants.
Denim is another shaving cream from the house of HLL. This is almost in the same
segent as that of Axe in terms of price and product attributes.
The pricing of shaving products by HLL for both Axe and Denim is almost same.
It is also very similar to that of Old Spice shaving cream. But HLL does not have
any product in the gel or foam category to compete brands like Old Spice and
Godrej is the domestic brand of shaving cream for Indian market. Recently Godrej
has invested heavily for the expansion in this market.
The shaving cream from Godrej is among the lowest priced shaving cream in the
market. It is targeting the price sensitive customer in the Indian market. But the
quality of the product is satisfactory in spite of its near about half the price than its
Although, variants are few in terms of size, fragrance and packaging, it is still in
the shopping list of many consumers.
Godrej is a domestic brand of shaving cream and now it is looking to expand in
the global.
S3:Investing heavily in
Advertisement and Promotion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
market share
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
gillette compe titor
Research & Development
Packaging & Looks
The company will change its current packaging and looks to suit the new
requirements of customers as to attract them within the upcoming
Extensive research is being carried out for the betterment of current
Future Plans
• High Branding/Quality - Premium Price
While making this product profile I understood what all problems the
company faces while introducing a product into the market and what all steps
they take to overcome those problems. Different types of strategies are adopted
by the companies to make their product successful in the market i.e. the new
product introduction and market testing, their financial arrangements, their
marketing strategy, their research and development operations etc. what are the
main benefits of a product and also how the quality standard of a product is to be
maintained so as to keep the companies goodwill in the market.From the product
profile I learned how to design a product and provide a good service. By the
product profile ,I got the complete information about a particular product,its
features and even deficiencies. It was a real learning process where I was able to
explore my theoretical knowledge in analyzing and studying the detailed process
of developing and introducing the product in the market.