Hardy - Weinberg Equilibrium and Random Mating: Glossary
Hardy - Weinberg Equilibrium and Random Mating: Glossary
Hardy - Weinberg Equilibrium and Random Mating: Glossary
individual receives from their mother is independent of the This occurs because q2 is much smaller than 2pq when q is
allele they receive from their father, the probability of ob- close to zero.
serving a particular genotype is found by multiplying maternal The Hardy–Weinberg principle can be generalized to in-
and paternal allele frequencies. Mathematically this involves clude polyploid organisms and genes that have more than two
the binomial expansion: (p þ q)2 ¼ p2 þ 2pq þ q2 (see the segregating alleles. Equilibrium genotype frequencies are
modified Punnett Square in Figure 1 for a graphical repre- found by expanding the multinomial (p1 þ … þ pk)n, where
sentation). Note that there are two ways that an individual can n is the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell and k is the
be an AB heterozygote: they can either inherit an A allele from number of segregating alleles. For example, tetraploid organ-
their mother and a B allele from their father or they can inherit isms (n ¼ 4) with two segregating alleles (k ¼ 2) are expected
a B allele from their mother and an A allele from their father. to have genotype frequencies of: p14 (AAAA), 4p13p2 (AAAB),
Additional insight can be found by considering an empir- 6p12p22 (AABB), 4p1p23 (ABBB), and p4 (BBBB). Similarly,
ical example (Figure 2). Consider a population that initially diploid organisms (n ¼ 2) with three segregating alleles
contains 18 AA homozygotes, 4 AB heterozygotes, and 3 BB (k ¼ 3) are expected to have genotype frequencies of: p12 (AA),
homozygotes. The alleles in the gene pool, 80% are A and 20% p22 (BB), p32 (CC), 2p1p2 (AB), 2p1p3 (AC), and 2p2p3 (BC).
are B. After a single generation of random mating we observe Genotype frequencies sum to one for each of the above
Hardy–Weinberg proportions: 16 AA homozygotes, 8 AB scenarios. Although the Hardy–Weinberg principle can also be
heterozygotes, and 1 BB homozygote. Note that allele fre- generalized to include genes located on sex chromosomes
quencies remain unchanged. (e.g., X chromosomes in humans), it is important to note that
There are a number of evolutionary implications of the it can take multiple generations for genotype frequencies at
Hardy–Weinberg principle. Most importantly, genetic vari- sex-linked loci to reach equilibrium values.
ation is conserved in large, randomly mating populations. A
second implication is that the Hardy–Weinberg principle
allows one to determine the proportion of individuals that are
carriers for a recessive allele. Third, it is important to note that Testing for Hardy–Weinberg Proportions
dominant alleles are not always the most common alleles in a
population. Another implication of the Hardy–Weinberg A Chi-square (χ2) test with one degree of freedom can be used
principle is that rare alleles are more likely to be found in to determine whether a population is at Hardy–Weinberg
heterozygous individuals than in homozygous individuals. equilibrium (Weir, 1996) (see Table 1 for an example). First,
the observed numbers of individuals with each genotype are
counted. These genotype frequencies are then used to obtain
allele frequencies (p and q). The expected numbers of indi-
viduals with each genotype are calculated by multiplying the
total number of individuals sampled by p2, 2pq, and q2. Once
observed and expected genotype counts are known, χ2 statistics
p p2 pq
allele Table 1 Chi-square test of Hardy–Weinberg proportions. Allele
frequency frequencies are p ¼ 0.7 and q ¼ 0.3. The expected number of
individuals with each genotype are calculated by multiplying the total
number of individuals by p2 (AA), 2pq (AB), and q2 (BB). A χ2 of
q pq q2
8.724 with one degree of freedom yields a p-value of 0.00172,
indicating that there is a statistically significant departure from Hardy–
p q Weinberg proportions
72% 64%
16% 32%
can be calculated for each genotype using the equation χ2 ¼ selection present. Selection results in departures from Hardy–
(observed expected)2/expected. These χ2 values are summed, Weinberg proportions whenever genotypic fitnesses are non-
and if the overall χ2 test statistic is greater than 3.84 the null multiplicative (i.e., wAB2 a wAA wBB) (Lachance, 2008). Not
hypothesis that the population is in Hardy–Weinberg equi- surprisingly, overdominance (heterozygote advantage) results
librium can be rejected (p-value o0.05). The power of this in an excess of heterozygotes compared to Hardy–Weinberg
statistical test is directly related to sample size: departures from expectations, and underdominance (heterozygote disadvan-
Hardy–Weinberg proportions are unlikely to be statistically tage) results in an excess of homozygotes. Strong directional
significant if you have genotype frequency data from a small selection, such as when one allele is a recessive lethal, leads to
number of individuals. marked departures from Hardy–Weinberg expectations.
However, weak directional selection has only modest effects
on genotype frequencies, and detecting these effects can re-
Departures from Hardy–Weinberg Proportions quire sample sizes that are larger than 10 000 individuals
(Lachance, 2009). Note that the effects of natural selection
There are a number of reasons why one might fail to observe tend to be locus-specific rather than genome-wide.
Hardy–Weinberg proportions, and these departures from
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium can involve either an excess of Other Causes
homozygotes or an excess of heterozygotes.
Additional population genetic phenomena that can result in
departures from Hardy–Weinberg proportions include genetic
Genotyping Error drift and mutation. In small populations the proportion of
individuals with each genotype often differs from p2, 2pq, and
While it may not be the most interesting scenario from an
q2. The idea here is that sampling effects due to genetic drift
evolutionary perspective, departures from Hardy–Weinberg
yield a slight excess of homozygotes or heterozygotes. These
proportions sometimes occur because of genotyping error.
effects are more pronounced in very small populations. This is
These errors can be due to low quality DNA samples, bio-
akin to what happens when you flip a coin a small number of
chemical artifacts, or human error (Pompanon et al., 2005). For
times and end up with an unequal number of heads and tails.
example, low-coverage DNA sequencing can cause genotypes to
Although mutation can lead to slight departures from Hardy–
be incorrectly inferred. To improve data quality, a common
Weinberg proportions, these departures are difficult to detect.
practice in genome-wide association studies is to filter out any
This is because mutation rates tend to be small (on the order
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that show significant
of 10–8 mutations per base pair per generation in humans).
departures from Hardy–Weinberg proportions (Turner et al.,
Ultimately, departures from Hardy–Weinberg proportions
2011). However, this runs the risk of eliminating SNPs that
reveal the biological complexity of natural populations. By
have departures from Hardy–Weinberg proportions that are due
building upon the foundation of the Hardy–Weinberg prin-
to some other reason than genotyping error.
ciple, generations of population geneticists have been able to
construct more complex models of evolution. These math-
Non-Random Mating and Population Structure ematical models have led to an increased understanding of
how evolutionary forces shape natural patterns of genetic
Non-random mating leads to departures from Hardy–Wein- diversity.
berg proportions. For example, inbreeding and positive as-
sortative mating (where individuals prefer to mate with
phenotypically similar individuals) yield an excess of homo-
See also: Genetic Variation in Populations. Linkage Disequilibrium:
zygotes. By contrast, negative assortative mating (where op-
Population Genetics of Multiple Loci
posites attract and individuals prefer to mate with
phenotypically different individuals) results in excess of het-
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