Outcome Target Rubrics For Volleyball

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Name: ___________________ Grade: __________ Per.

_____ A or B Day

Overall Outcome Target Rubrics for P.E.


1. BE PRECISE for Middle School Volleyball

Target Not Yet MS ES

Demonstrates skills Student attempts to Serve, forearm pass and set are Student consistently demonstrates legal
with precision perform skills or legal, in bounds and playable, and and effective overhand serve (does not
student can show some critical elements of good have to be from the service line) forearm
perform very few technique. pass and set showing most critical
elements of a elements of good technique. Moderates
serve, forearm pass force to keep ball in play (in bounds with
and set receivable passes) in practice and game

Precisely uses P.E Student Attempts to precisely demonstrate Precisely demonstrates (rotation, knowing
vocabulary and rules consistently does (rotation, knowing when to when to volley/contact ball and no errors)
not know any of volley/contact ball) and and communicates P.E terms and rules
the following communicate P.E terms and rules verbally with no assistance or reminders
including where to verbally while on the court.
be on the court,
does not know when
to rotate, commits
errors or is not
aware of basic
violations including
service line error,
contacting ball
incorrectly like
hitting the ball twice
in a row, recognition
of boundaries of
court, and or
touching the net

1. BE PRECISE for High School Volleyball

Target Not Yet MS ES

Demonstrates skills Student attempts Student performs offensive skills Student consistently demonstrates legal
with precision skills but are (serving, spiking, setting, forearm and effective offensive skills (overhand
consistently passing) that are legal and usually and or proper form of an underhand serve,
ineffective effective, contributing to team forearm pass, set, spike, dig) in game play.
success, and ability to sustain a
rally or score points.

Precisely uses P.E Student Attempts to precisely demonstrate Precisely demonstrates (rotation, knowing
vocabulary and rules consistently does (rotation, knowing when to when to volley/contact ball and no errors)
not know any of the volley/contact ball) and and communicates P.E terms and rules
following including communicate P.E terms and rules verbally with no assistance or reminders
where to be on the verbally while on the court.
court, does not know
when to rotate,
commits errors or is
not aware of basic
violations including
service line error,
contacting ball
incorrectly like
hitting the ball twice
in a row, recognition
of boundaries of
court, and or
touching the net

Target Not Yet MS ES

Participates positively Consistently affects their classmates in a Consistently works Student also consistently
and effectively in a negative manner including: encouraging with classmates in acts as a leader by
range of collaborative inappropriate behavior, excluding classmates for both practice and encouraging others to
discussions, activities invalid reasons, disagreeing/arguing with game situations in a participate,sharing strategies
and projects officials during practices/games, etc. positive manner. and offering guidance.

Demonstrate Student is consistently disrespectful towards Student is respectful Student is a consistent model
respectful behavior peers, teachers, and surroundings. (Includes towards peers, of respect towards their
towards peers, frequent reminders of staying in the classroom, teachers, and peers, teacher, and
teacher, and placing cell phones away, touching other surroundings. surroundings.
surroundings. people/equipment, etc.)

Target MS ES

Participates during Student is on task during activities. Student is independently and consistently on task during
activities. activities.
Prepares for and Student is consistently present in class Students are seldom absent/late for PE and are always in
attends class. with appropriate clothing. appropriate clothing.

Develops and clarifies goals and makes Creates a specific SMART goal with at Creates a specific SMART goal with
plans for how to achieve them least one strategy to improve three strategies to improve

Target MS ES

Students will describe and Student will be able to describe and Student will be able to describe and
demonstrate appropriate skills. demonstrate skills on assessment demonstrate skills on assessment with
a score of over 90%

5. DISCERN for Middle School Volleyball

Target Not Yet MS ES

Student is able to Students stand still or Student applies effective offensive Student consistently demonstrates
discern strategies for move slowly in the and defensive skills in a game offensive skills (sending ball to
game situations game. They may situation without directions from opponent’s spaces, passing to
appear uncertain as teacher, sometimes contributing to teammates) and effective defensive
to how to react to the team’s success skills (on-court positioning, ready
teammates or position, calling for the ball) in practice
opponents in the and game situations. Student can
game. Relies on contribute to student managed games
assistance from and positive experiences for all.
teacher or students to

5. DISCERN for High School Volleyball

Target Not Yet MS ES

Student is able to Students stand still or Defensive skills are legal and Student uses effective defensive skills
discern strategies for move slowly in the effective, contributing to sustained (receiving serve, quickly returning to
game situations game. They may rallies and limiting their opponent’s good court positioning, ready position,
appear uncertain as ability to score points. Student effective communication with team
to how to react to contributes to the team’s success in members)
teammates or the game. Student anticipates the moves of an
opponents in the opponent on both offense and defense.
game. Relies on Student consistently applies effective
assistance from 3-hit offense, deception, variety,
teacher or students to placement and pace of skills) and
participate defensive strategies (team
communication, court positioning,
returning to ready position) without
hesitation while also assessing
opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.


Growth Glow

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