Appsc Computer Programmer Written Result 2021 Viva Voce Is Fixed On 26 November 2021

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Arunachal Pradesh
Public Service Commission

No.PS0-R[A) I71. /201e Datr:c1 ltanagilr, the 29th Oclobcr 2021

Qesult llotification
[)n t5g b;rsis ol pr-.rfbrntancc in thc Written Uxarnination conductcr-1 by the
Arunachal Praclesh Public Sr:r'vicc Conrtrissiolt, Itartagar on 16th and 17th April 2021 for the
recruitmept to the post of Conrputcr Programmer ttnder Arunachatl Pradesh In[ormation
Commission (AplC), Govl. of'Arunachal P[adcsh, thc candidates bcaringthe lol]owing Rollnumber
have been for-rpcl to bc cligiblc hrr Pcrsonality'l'cst/Vlva-voce. Thc date lor Personality Test/Viva-
Voce shall be on 26th November 2OZ'l'.

The list is rtot in ordcr ol nlcrit,

Sl. No Roll No.
1 t00026
2 100036
3 100061

NB:'l'hc rcsult notil'rc:ttion is also avarlablc on thc Conlmission's official website

[Dr. Jayarfa Kumarl.aY), IAS

No.PSC-R(A) /1112019 Dated ltanagar, the 29th October 2021

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1.'l'he ltitnagcr, Hastern Scntinel, w,ith a r'(-.clucst to publish thc' not.ificatiorl and sLrbmit thc
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2.'lhe ntapager, F,cho of Arunachal, with a reqLrest to ptrblish the noti{ication and sLrbmitthe
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3. The ltanagcr, The Arunachal Times, with a rccluest to prrblish thc notification and submit
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.'J' t ."'
( D, ;;r,i[fi{,T,ffi?]flav),

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